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Resources Available in the ISRC Library about Executive Functioning Executive Functioning is a relatively new and somewhat controversial term being used within the educational and mental health communities. Executive Functioning refers to a person's ability to manage or regulate a collection of basic cognitive and emotional processes. This includes planning, initiation, organization, and execution of tasks as well as the ability to cope with transitions or regulate emotional responses. Students experiencing general Executive Functioning difficulties often struggle academically with work-completion, organization, and motivation for any task which is perceived as difficult, frustrating, or simply unappealing. Title ADHD in Adolescents: Diagnosis and Treatment
Author Arthur L. Robin
Format Book
ADHD and the Nature of Self-Control
Russell A. Barkley
Summary This highly practical guide presents an empirically based "nuts-and-bolts" approach to understanding, diagnosing, and treating ADHD in adolescents. Balancing research and theory with detailed case examples, Arthur Robin takes readers through each step of his structured intervention program. This far-reaching work from renowned scientist-practitioner Russell A. Barkley provides a radical shift of perspective on ADHD. The volume synthesizes neuropsychological research and theory on the executive functions, illuminating how normally functioning individuals are able to bring behavior under the control of time and orient their actions toward the future.
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: a Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment
Russell A. Barkley
Executive Function in (none) Education: From Theory to Practice
Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents: a Practical Guide to Assessment and Intervention
Peg Dawson
Hunter and his Amazing Remote control: a Fun, Hands-On Way to Teach Self-Control to ADD/ADHD Children
Lori Copeland
Promoting Executive Function in the Classroom
Lynn Meltzer
This handbook presents extensive knowledge on the nature, diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of ADHD. Provided are authoritative guidelines for understanding and managing the challenges ADHD poses to children, adolescents, and adults in a range of settings. This uniquely integrative book brings together research on executive function processes from leaders in education, neuroscience, and psychology. It focuses on how to apply current knowledge to assessment and instruction with diverse learners, including typically developing children and those with learning difficulties and developmental disabilities. Concise and practitioner friendly, this bestselling guide has helped put executive skills on the map for schoolbased clinicians and educators. The book explains how these critical cognitive processes develop and why they play such a key role in children's behavior and school performance. Unique, cognitive-behavioral approach to teaching self-control to children whether or not they have ADD or ADHD. Using the buttons on their "amazing" remote controls, children learn how to improve self-monitoring, impulse control, and self-confidence. Accessible and practical, this book helps teachers incorporate executive function processes—such as planning, organizing, prioritizing, and selfchecking—into the classroom curriculum. Chapters provide effective strategies for optimizing what K–12 students learn by improving how they learn.
Smart but Scattered: the Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential
Peg Dawson
Source for Development Gail J. Richard of Executive Functions
Taking Charge of ADHD: the Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents
Russell A. Barkley
Working with Individuals (none) with ADHD
The latest research in child development shows that many kids who have the brain and heart to succeed lack or lag behind in crucial “executive skills”--the fundamental habits of mind required for getting organized, staying focused, and controlling impulses and emotions. Learn easy-to-follow steps to identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses, use activities and techniques proven to boost specific skills, and problem-solve daily routines. Learn the characteristics of executive function in children – how they present, how to assess them, and how to treat them in children with a wide array of developmental communication disorders. Topics covered include understanding ADHD, how to be a successful executive parent, managing life with ADHD at home and at school, and medications for ADHD Presentation by ISRC director Cheri Sinnott on the various aspects of ADHD, including difficulty with executive functioning. Topics include types of ADHD, Hyperactivity, Impulsivity, Inattentiveness, Poor Self-Regulation, Language impairment, Programming vs. Punishment, Accommodations, Executive Functions, and 5 Keys to Successful Management of ADHD.
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