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Thank you! –Ann
missed greatly by the many generations of family and friends privileged to call him “Uncle Hank!” –Duane Sadvary INBOX ArtPublisherDirector Associate Art SocialDirectorDirectorofMediaContributorsIntern Paula Rochon Mackarey Lisa Kalaha Ragnacci Peter Salerno Mary ElizabethKaylaBenChristineJoyceFanningFredaBinnerHaikes Account Representative Linette l_manley@happeningsmagazinepa.comManley(570)878-5009 or Subscribe for Home Delivery Read our digital issue for free at www.HappeningsPA.com $18/12 issues On the Cover: The face of Recovery: James “Stretch” Johnson. Photo by Michael Straub, Nay Aug Park, Scranton. Published Monthly. Also read at HappeningsPA.com ©2022 HAPPENINGS MAGAZINE All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any process except with written permission. Happenings Magazine published since 1969 Phone: (570) 587-3532 “Uncle Hank”Cordy 4 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
Call 570-587-3532 or info@happeningspa.comE-mail Dear Happenings, Happenings Magazine is a beautifully designed magazine, with topics that echo NEPA’s strengths. You have built it into an expected positive resource of which we can all be proud. Diane Farnan Vietz Dear Happenings, I very much enjoyed reading the June issue of Happenings! I loved your topic on age; maybe I’m appreciating it more as I get older. I was glad to read you’ll have more on this topic in the future too! Happy summer! –Erika A. Bruckner Project Manager and Writer –Clarks Summit University Dear Happenings, Gorgeous, gorgeous issue on lakes. Impressive indeed (July 2022)!!
Jan KeenKeenLake Camping Dear Happenings, Hello I was so thrilled to see our little Skye (the rescue Yorkie) in your Happenings magazine (July 2022). I have been reading it online since the pandemic but I would now like to get a copy for myself and my mother-in-law (she’s very proud of her). Marie Polednak Clifford Township Dear Happenings, Thank you for your July 2021 article about William Henry “Hank” Cordy. It is with much sadness that I must report that Hank passed away on June 24, 2022 at the age of 102! He was sharp of mind and spirit to the end. He will be

contents SEPTEMBER 2022 10 The Road to Recovery: “Stretch” Johnson 24 Hawley Harvest Hoedown 32 Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Cela’s Story 44 Grandparents GrandchildrenRaisingConference 78 Meet Dr. Damon: A Fun Pediatrician September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 5

30 20 22 Hard SugarCider,RunSept. County170th1-4SullivanFair,Sept. 1-4 Wyoming County Fair, Sept. 1-5 19 Players Club,ConklinFoundation,HomesMethodistUnitedGolf NY Barbra ScrantonNorth,TheaterTribute,Streisandat 13 242318 169 21 12 28 29 17th Noon-5Festival,WyalusingAnnualWine276 7 10th Annual Monroeton Rodeo Nicholson Bridge Day, Tom Bell Field, Nicholson 4 526 8 11 14 25 St. Ann Maronite Church FestivalLebanese 15 17 Old Carter Barn Sept. LiveEvery Wednesday1-7Music Northern Pocono Chamber Arts & Craft Fest, Bingham Park, AlwaysHawleyAbba, Theater at North, PAScrantonFiberFestival Sept. 10-11 Har ford Fairgrounds- New Milford 10 Shadows of the 60s, Theater at North, Scranton sunday monday september ARC Family Fun Fall WaldorfFestival,Park Dietrich Theater, Fall Film Festival Sept. 2121October23-13FilmsinDays National Women's Health & Fitness Month National Recovery Month National Yoga Awareness Month National Childhood Cancer National Ovarian Cancer Month National Preparedness Month National Honey Month KeyPieLimeDay Scranton Recovery Walk 2022 “The Hall”, Scranton

Drs. Frantz and Langan are excited to welcome Kristen to our multi-speciality team at PHDI. Kristen is a dual-certified specialist in Periodontology and Prosthodontics. She brings a high level of training and will help fulfill our practice mission of building and maintaining esthetic functional, long lasting smiles.At PHDI we are honored by the confidence and trust that our referringdoctors• and patients place in our team. PHDI offers the highest level of comprehensive oral care from a multi-specialty• team working in one facility with the latest in digital technology. Creating long lasting functional aesthetic smiles for our patients is atthe• core of it all. Welcome Dr. Kristen Frantz To Our PHDI Team 1039 O’Neill Hwy Dunmore, PA, 18512 P: 570-344-3344 711 Church St. Honesdale, PA 18431 P: www.periohealthpros.com570-253-3210

n sharp contrast to last month’s “lite” cover story about sandwiches, our Sep tember cover article gives insight into the “heavy” topic of addiction and recovery. The road to recovery is rough, paved with many compli cated twists and turns, and congested with many travelers who lose their way before reaching their destination. And, even for many who would appear to have achieved recovery, there remains the very likely pos sibility of getting lost once again on the foggy road of life. Until this issue, Happenings had never inter viewed someone like “Stretch” Johnson. Born into an upstate New York family, where gang ster and small town criminal activity was a way of life, it’s not surprising to see how he landed his first prison sentence at age 17. He was a product of his environment, born with out privilege or entitlement. It took nearly 30 With Love, Paula Paula Mackarey, 1994-PresentPublisher years of living a life of being a violent person and addict, but today with 26 years of recovery under his belt, his main goal is to help others, by providing hope and inspiration. Becoming comfortable with who we are and finding peaceful moments seems to be a perva sive theme in society for many of us who are tired of the divisive and stressful culture we wit ness. Like addiction, obstacles like health chal lenges do not discriminate as to who is affected. Wealth, race, political party, sexual orientation… no one is exempt. Our culture breeds a drive to find a physical or emotional high and an expec tation that we should always be “having a blast,” when really calmness and peace is less volatile and secure. In another article on page 34, the quote, “Happiness is found in peace not pleasure,” provides insight into this context. September is a great month to find peace, per haps with new routines and taking advantage of the late summer-early fall season. It’s a time to set goals for the remaining quarter of 2022. May each September morning bring you new inspi ration and peace.
DearI Readers, 8 HappeningsPA.com September 2022

Photo by Michael Straub
James “Stretch”
who truly recovered “If you want to see a
Johnson has been in recovery for over 26 years. He began his road to recovery on January 27, 1997. He was incarcerated at many points in his life totaling nearly 25 years behind bars. He speaks about his life’s journey to provide hope and inspiration to others.
10 HappeningsPA.com September 2022

He grew up in upstate New York and had five sisters and two brothers. His was a dysfunctional family, he said, particularly since his father was a "small town gangster,” and his mother was an alcoholic. “She was very much in love with my father and would stick with him even though he abused her and would leave her from time to time. At one time my father owned bars and she would work as a waitress. Because she drank heavily it was my eldest sister who would take care of us kids. We were poor because both of my par ents drank a lot. At one time in later years when I had ‘done a gig’ my mother asked me for $5,000 from it. She was A used to the criminal way of life as well.” James was known as "Stretch” by those closest to him. "I hated my father and ran with that. He used to beat our asses bad. "I grew up wanting to be a gangster, and quite fit tingly, became a criminal. I knew there was a God but I didn’t want to believe it and I felt I had no use for Him. Nothing mattered to me. When I was repeatedly sent to prison, I would just get drunk and high so it didn’t matter to me where I Stretchwas.”
A of Recovery as told by James “Stretch” Johnson to Happenings Magazine.
served time in jail multiple times for burgla ries and assaults. “I went for the first time at age 17 for assaulting a police officer. I got out at age 19 but within 30 days I was from a drug addiction” miracle, see someone t 71, James Johnson is retired. He enjoys speaking to groups and keeping healthy by going to the gym. back in for punching a bartender. I was a very violent kids,heorbutinSomewhenthreemarriageshipanmarried”HewithenjoysfromNow,tion,hereleasedprison.moreAltogether,person.”heservedthan25yearsinWhenhewasforhisfinaltimeworkedinconstrucbuildingbridges.heisinrecoverydrugabuseandbeinginvolvedtheRecoveryBank.saidhewas“officiallythreetimesbutadditionalfirstrelationwasacommonlawwhichproducedchildren.“Imethershewasadancer.”ofhischildrenweretroublewiththelaw“somemadeitoutOKhaveturnedaround,”said.“Outofmysevensomehavefound

12 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
Stretch as a young child with three of his sisters Stretch with his family when living in Illinois
“One would be very surprised at who is at the recovery meetings, all walks of professional life, leaders in the community, religious life.” is studying to become a minister and one does very well for herself in business. I was never a father to them but I believe they have forgiven me because they now see that I was under the influence of addictions that had controlled me.”
onwerepolice“The70s.andthebackcrimestowhichindoin60seasyusand in some cases they were involved as well. So Pennsylvania was very attractive for us. We would break into safes and pharmacies; at the time there weren’t a lot of alarm systems.” This is when Stretch said he got involved with her oin. He met his third wife when he was 32 years old and she was 17. “She always went for the bad boys,” he said. “Although she was from a very good and rather privileged home, she got involved with drugs at a young age and we met when I sold her drugs on school prop erty in Scranton. “ This third wife developed mul tiple sclerosis and was not able to move from her neck down. She died in 2021 before she had recovered from addiction. Stretch and this wife had two Becausesons.both of them were on drugs and Stretch
Stretch originally came to Pennsylvania when he was 16 years old. His brothers-in-law invited him to “do some burgla ries with them.” Penn sylvania had a reputation being a statenice

wasgrowingthin.“Iwenttoprisonforpossessionofheroin.IalwayslikedtothinkthatIwasatoughguy,that I could han dle a lot of physical pain. But all of a sudden, I couldn’t think of the future. I couldn’t stand the present. I said to God, ‘I am not asking for anything but peace.’ As I said it, bang. It happened. God listened. “My first step was admitting that I was a drug addict and that I needed help. For the first time in prison, a guy asked me if I wanted some drugs, and I said ‘no, I don’t want any.’ I heard the people from Alcoholics Anonymous talk. Many had been in my shoes. But now they ‘shined.’ They talked about God; about living life sober. I had a hearing before a parole board and I got out. I was free but I had to learn how to go to work and be responsible. It wasn’t easy because it was not a life I had ever known. There were lots of trials and tribulations. But I continued going to meet ings. I had been an addict for over 50 years. But I knew that if I slipped back with just one sip or shot everything would go back was in prison for large periods of time, his wife’s parents raised their two boys. “The kids had a good life and went to college all because of their grandpar ents. They have a lot of good memories and Whengratitude.Iwas drinking and drugging I was a piece of s***. Until I recovered I didn’t know the difference between right and wrong. While in prison, I had to go to addiction meetings and I went, not so much because I wanted to break my addiction, but because I knew the parole board would look favorably upon it. I really wasn’t going to be healed from addiction. After many of my prison sentences I came home sober but I was not in recovery. There is a big difference.”
September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 13
In 1997 he had a break through. The criminal life Stretch with grandchildren in Upstate New York

14 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
They love me. They know I am clean and sober now and I wasn’t before and that is why I wasn’t there for them. They have wit nessed the change in me. I look in the mirror now and I like myself. Prior to that, I didn’t like myself. Now people respect me. If you don’t really want it (recovery), it ain’t gonna happen. No matter what the courts do... the person has to want it for them selves. Sometimes people will go to recovery just to avoid Addictionjail."
knows no bound aries. “One would be very surprised at who is at the recovery meetings, all walks of professional life, leaders in the community, religious life. I want people to know that you can change. It takes time. I had such low self esteem. I was respected as a drug dealer because I was a great customer. Now I’m respected for far differ ent reasons. I have so much confidence now. Addiction is a disease. The 12-step pro gram will play a big, big part in your recovery. If you want to see miracles, see someone who truly recovers from a drug addiction.” H Christine Fanning to what it was. I personally knew that I needed God.
The fourth step in the 12-step program is about forgiving those who harmed you; those who you are blaming for the things that went wrong in your life. To me this was one of the most important steps. Instead of blaming my father, I realized that he had done the best he could with the knowledge and resources that he had. The course of the rest of my life would be depend ent on me and me alone. For me, it got better at that fourth step.” Today, Stretch said he wakes up with a feeling of gratitude. “I like the per son that I see in the mirror, for the first time in my life. I speak at prisons and I tell people my story. I’m grate ful every day that I am not sharing my morning cof fee with more than 2,000 inmates. I was on the highway to failure but my life turned around. My life is great now. All my kids talk to me. “
I want people to know that you can change. It takes time.”
Stretch in prison, with visitation from his two sisters and nephew

September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 15 120 Wyoming Ave. Scranton recoverybank.org 570.880.7901 supporting the path to Recovery l Peer-Driven Recovery Support Center l Recovery Coaching and Peer Connections l Workshops and Social Events l Recovery and Life Skills Seminars l Family Education and Support l Support Meetings and Fun Activities

ecovery from any addiction is least.toandchallengingastrugglesaythe
While in addiction, a person is not typically the healthiest in the aspects of fitness and nutrition. It has been found that people who have a healthy diet and exercise regularly are less likely to struggle with addiction and related mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Once you start eating right, you start to feel better overall. You have more energy, less “gut junk” and an overall better mood. Good nutrition and exer cise contribute to a healthy lifestyle and sense of well-being. Start ing an exercise and healthy nutrition plan requires every day. A schedule and following a plan holds a per planexerciseable.accountsonAncan be a variety of gettingyogatakingingsport,playingincludingthingsajoinagym,aclass,a personal trainer, running and even just going outside to walk in nature. R accountability to oneself and possibly a partner or trainer. It theonepatternsleepgoodery.innecessityalsowhichdisciplinerequires,with,helpsandisarecovAisofmostimportant com ponents of wellness. Exer cise aids in sleeping better. Exercise releases endorphins and dopa mine which give a euphoric feeling resulting in a natural high. Most treatment plans for addiction include finding some sort of exercise routine
16 HappeningsPA.com September 2022

I have personally trained and coached clients who have struggled with add iction (alcohol, drugs, food) and are in recovery. It sometimes takes a while for someone to take the step to begin a fitness and nutrition plan if they are fresh in recovery. It seems overwhelming to take on too much. You may need to try a few things before you find the right fit. I highly encour age anyone in this strug gle to reach out and at least set a time every day to go for a walk. Strength training and yoga can give you that next level. I have never heard anyone say they were sorry they started exercising and eating right. It is a winclientsMywin! tell me their per sonal training work out sessions are such an important part of their day and help their body and mind. This is a very positive way to replace unhealthy behavior with a natural high!
Jackie Kerekes is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist. She trains one-on-one clients and does small group training. She has taught a variety of classes including kickboxing, fat burn pilates, spin, barre, strength train ing, Bosu bootcamps, TRX, and POUND. Additionally, she designed a class named F.I.T. Factor (Functional Interval Training).
H Jackie Kerekes

HHP partners with hospitals and retailers to create solutions that effectively align incentives, optimize consumer experiences, maximize financial per formance and reduce vacancy rates. HHP works with a broad range of facility types including hos pitals, medical schools, cancer centers, medical office buildings and outpatient centers. Visit geisinger.org/cancercare.
Each year, more than 40 million American adults will experience a serious Mental Health condition – Less than half will seek treatment due to stigma and discrimination. It's time to end the stigma! If you or someone you know needs support, please dial 211. Help is just a phone call away.
Mental Health & Developmental Services 111 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 200 Wilkes-Barre, PA • www.luzernecounty.org/mhds570-825-9441
18 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
The gift shop, located to the right of the Goodness Bar, is designed to support the patient's journey by providing specialty cancer products and a place of refuge for patients and caregivers alike.
Hydra Health to open at Henry Cancer Center
The specialty boutique will bring everyday care essentials to the cancer center
Whether it’s everyday essentials, personal care items, apparel, nourishing snacks and refresh ments, or specialty cancer care items, there is something for everyone available through Hydra Health. There are also work-friendly nooks in the lounge, a beauty bar, fitness area and a respite room for meditation and rest.
Luzerne-Wyoming Counties
n partnership with Health Hospitality Part ners (HHP), the Frank M. and Dorothea Henry Cancer Center at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center will open a new Hydra Health gift shop in the lobby.

The Wright Center for Com munity Health cannot claim to have a perfect solution for “sandwich generation” moms and other busy women, but it does offer many services and special qualities that can make it appealing to anyone who is striving to bal ance his or her own wellness with other life priorities.
“We constantly strive to improve every patient’s health outcomes, through our inclu sive, whole-person care approach,” said Tiffany Jas kulski, chief operating officer of The Wright Center for Com munity Health. “Our aim is to eliminate or reduce common barriers that patients might face when trying to get to their doctor’s appointments such as access to transportation and health insurance coverage. To meet their individual needs, we offer resources that can help with these important issues.
20 HappeningsPA.com September 2022 oo many women neglect their own health focusedthey’rebecauselaser-oncaring for others, or say they simply can’t find the time.
The Wright Center improves access to affordable, code,regardlesswhole-personhigh-quality,healthservicesofapatient’szipinsurancestatusor
For working women, like myself, The Wright Center staffs
The Wright Center’s primary care practices in Northeast Pennsylvania offer integrated services, meaning patients often have the convenience of going to a single site to access physical, dental and behavioral health care, all under onePatientsroof. do not need to get tied up on the phone to schedule a visit. Simply go mynValleyWrightbusinessvisitpatientsthetheappointmentnight,atTheWrightCenter.org,toanytimeofdayorandmakeanusingpatientportalorsmartbot,Neo.Toaccommodatewhoprefertooutsideoftypicalhours,TheCenter’sMidPracticeinJerisopenweekdays into the evening, as well as on Saturdays and Sundays. Simi larly, the Kingston Practice is open six days a week, includ ing Saturdays. Find the loca tions in Lackawanna, Luzerne or Wayne counties nearest you
Women: Prioritizing your own health is smart, not selfish
Amanda Turoni, a board-certified registered nurse practitioner, addresses a patient’s needs at the North Pocono Practice in Cov ington Township.
its larger clinics to offer even ing, weekend and even holiday hours to accommodate busy schedules.”

Family medicine physician Simin Nasr, M.D. joins The Wright Center Board-certified family medicine physician Dr. Simin Nasr has joined The Wright Centers for Community Health and Graduate Medical Educa tion. In addition to her clinical duties, Nasr will serve as a family medicine physician faculty member for The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education. Nasr will work alongside resident physicians to teach and foster their medical training as they work as communitybased physicians within The Wright Center. Born and raised in Iran, she is a graduate of the Belarusian State Medical University in Minsk, Belarus. She completed an obstetrics and gynecology residency at Gilan University of Medical Sciences in Iran, then stayed in her native country for several years while providing OB-GY services in both community-based and hospital settings. Nasr is treating patients of all ages and precepting resident physicians who are providing primary and preventive care at The Wright Center at 501 S. Washington Ave., offeredScranton.earlier this year. The initiative allowed existing patients to receive pelvic exams, breast cancer screen ings and cervical cancer
The Wright Center accepts almost all insurances, including Medicaid, Medicare and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), plus private plans. Not insured? Our enroll ment assisters can help to edu cate you about the options and the sign-up process. No patient will be turned away from The Wright Center due to an inability to pay. With a slid ing-fee discount program available, The Wright Center ensures high-quality health care is affordable and acces sible for everyone.
www.TheWrightCenter.org.visit H
● The Wright Center’s Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care program was established in 2020 to help meet the indi vidualized needs of both the patient and the caregiver. Caregivers, for instance, can learn best approaches for improving safety in the home, encouraging routine bathing and decreasing patient agita tion. Medication manage ment and a caregiver support group also are available.
● To spare women, and all patients, from the needless suffering associated with pre ventable illness and many of today’s leading causes of death (such as heart attacks, strokes and certain cancers), The Wright Center increasing ly is focusing on preventive care. That’s why the organiza tion launched its Lifestyle Medicine and Obesity Medi cine programs, and why it employs dieticians, coun selors and other profes sionals who can help patients adopt a personalized care plan to avoid or manage chronic diseases.
The Wright Center’s familyfriendly practices deliver care to support patients through out the entire life span, from pediatrics to geriatrics. Patients are encouraged to make The Wright Center a medical home, a place for patients and family members to return to regularly each year, or more often if needed, to receive care by a trusted provider.
● Patients can access a range of women’s health services, from well visits to bone den sity testing to birth control. Among the care offered: pre ventive cancer screenings, ageappropriate immunizations, Pap smears and HPV testing, STI testing and treatment and hormonal testing. The Wright Center repeatedly has added a new service or adapted its existing operation to give patients the care and support needed. A special catch-up clinic for women who might have fallen behind on their regularly scheduled health care screenings during the COVID-19 pandemic was
by tions.TheWrightCenter.org/locavisiting
“Wescreenings.offered this program to ensure that every one of our patients could catch up on these potentially life-saving screenings,” said Dr. Supriana Bhandol, a resident physician in The Wright Center for Grad uate Medical Education’s Family Medicine Residency.

AScranton, Pennsylvania, native is serving in the U.S. Navy as part of the nation’s nuclear deterrence mission at Strategic Communications Wing One (STRATCOMMWING ONE). Its TACAMO (“Take Charge and Move Out”) mission provides airborne communication links to nuclear missile units of U.S. Strategic Command.
“My favorite thing about my job is getting to help people,” said O'Malley. "I also like that there is always something new to work
ONE employs over 1,300 active-duty sailors and 100 contractors to provide maintenance, security, operations, administration, training and logistic support for the Boeing E-6 Mercury aircraft Servingfleet.inthe Navy means O'Malley is part of a team that is taking on new importance in America’s focus on rebuilding military readiness, strength ening alliances and reforming business practices in support of the National Defense O'MalleyStrategy.andthe sailors they serve with have many opportunities to achieve accomplishments during their military service. “I am most proud of accomplishing the things that seemed impossible at first but somehow worked out,” said O'Malley. H
The Navy's presence aboard an Air Force base in the middle of America is a central location that allows for the deployment of aircraft to both coasts and the Gulf of Mex ico at a moment’s notice. This quick response is key to the success of the nuclear deterrence mission.
O'Malley uses skills and values like those found in Scranton to succeed in the Navy.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Joseph O'Malley III, a 2012 Scranton High School
22 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
"The work ethic I developed from my home town has been instrumental to my success in the Navy,” said O’Malley.
The Navy command consists of a Wing staff, the Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, and three Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadrons: The "Ironmen" of VQ 3, the "Shadows" of VQ 4 and the “Roughnecks” of VQ 7. O'Malley serves as an aviation electri cian's mate with VQ 4.
nativeScrantonsupportsU.S.Navy’s“TakeChargeandMoveOut”mission HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
and 2015 Lackawanna College graduate, joined the Navy six years ago. “I joined the Navy to learn a trade and obtain skills to build my resume while progressing in my military career,” said O'Malley.

What does it mean to be a designated Primary Stroke Center? It means Geisinger Community Medical Center meets standards that support better outcomes for stroke care including: • A dedicated stroke-focused program • Medical professionals trained in stroke care • Individualized care to meet each patient’s needs What does that mean to you, your parents, your grandparents or that nice neighbor down the street? Everything. Request a free stroke symptom magnet at geisinger.org/strokecare we’rehappen,strokesWhenready. Safety A mask is still required when you come to Geisinger. Thanks for protecting our patients. Learn more: geisinger.org/safe

HawleyT Harvest Hoedown
Kick off the fall season in downtown Hawley, PA. The Downtown Hawley Partnership (DHP) invites you to two full days of Fall Festival Fun, October 1 and 2.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
VIPpre-concertBrothers.FeinbergBandertMiklos,include:Musicalhouse.panyRitztimegoodatTheComPlayactsMarkRobMabeandTheTheeventwill include music by The Lost Ramblers and Uncle Jake & The 18 Wheel Gang along with food and fun. A live performance stage has also been added this year with craftspeople demonstrating talents. Enjoy live music and learn how to line dance or how to clog, Followone.wantdown;celebratewillOriginaldownsignatureandyourorspecialenjoytavernstaurantspatingbest.toCrawlThestyle.AppalachianFallBeerpromisesbeoneoftheVisitparticilocalresandandaHoedowncocktailmocktail.FillgamecardreceiveafreeHoepintglass.drinkshelpyouHoeyoudon’ttomissthisthe
iffany thatteeHoedownHawleyHoffmann,Harvestcommit-membersaysthisyear’s event will include some In addition to shopping, kids’ activities, a petting zoo, scarecrow cos tume contest, live music, the Fall Beer Crawl, horse and wagon rides, craft vendors, bluegrass concert and deli cious local foods, the PA Pro fessional OrganizationLumberjackwillhost a lum berjack competition in Bing ham Park. The lumberjacks and lumberjills will compete and showcase skills in the standing block and under hand chop, springboard, crosscut, bow saw, chainsaw, log roll and axe throw.
Attendees can watch and cheer on the contestants. The DHP is also partnering with Pocono Cornhole for a great Saturday afternoon. Pocono Cornhole will bring the boards and the competi tion, but guests should bring their own bags to throw. (No corn filled bags, please.) Cost is $50/team; event will include two divisions for all skill levels; six games guaran teed, four Round Robin games for seeding followed by a double elimination bracket. Over $2500 in cash prizes is guaranteed! Find a partner and sign up on Face book (Hawley Harvest Har vest Hoedown Cornhole TheTournament).Saturday night Bluegrass Concert musicians promise a foot stomp ing
October 1 & 2 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vendors, live music, kids' activities, a petting zoo, food, cornhole and a horse and wagon. Free admission. Hawleyharvesthoedown.com.
Corn Hole Tournament, October 1 Bring your own bags and partner with a chance to win over $2500 in prizes at Bingham Park, Main Ave, Haw ley. Register online for $50. Bluegrass Concert, October 1 at 7:30 p.m Come to the Ritz Company Playhouse at 512 Keystone Street. The pre-concert party includes food and fun. Follow the Downtown Hawley Partnership, Hawley Harvest Hoedown on social media or visit www.visithawleypa.com for vendor applications and event updates or call 570-2264064. H
24 HappeningsPA.com September 2022

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While the Luhrs family name has synonymously stood has
as the local momand-pop hardware store, when you ask them what
made their stores a staple in Pike County they will tell you that it is their employees. “Our managers and employees are who create the personal rela ValueLuhrsTrue 26 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
n 1964, the Luhrs family purchased a local hardware store located in the old Bloom Gar den building in Milford, PA from the well-known Hoey family. While the loca tion of the hardware store has changed over the years, the Luhrs and all things hardware. Third generation hardware store owners, Doug and Penney Luhrs ofland,TruefollowedinIndependenceopenedTrueValueDingmansFerryin1995,byRoundhouseValue,inNewfound1997,thereopeningMilfordTrueValuein2013andtheI Dingmans Ferry Greentown HawleyMilford

The employees are everready and adaptable and have remained so during years of growth and tran sition, snowstorms, heat waves, Penneycustomers.vateemployeesicationtomersandfocuschanges.lockdownspandemicandsoftwareTheirprimaryremainsonthecareservicethatthecusreceive.ThededandloyaltyofthearewhatcultiwonderfulandloyalandDoughave
From the managers who have grown with the com pany over the years, to the teens who get their first taste of customer servicecentered work, the success of all four Luhrs True Value locations rests with them,” say the Luhrs family.
What’s next for Luhrs True Value? Be on the lookout for some exciting new things happening in their Dingmans Ferry loca tion…and did somebody say new location? Stay tuned! H Doug and Penney Luhrs
The Luhrs family has been able to enjoy longstanding success in the Pike County area due to employees, the cultivation of relationships with won derful customers and their commitment to providing the best quality goods to the community they love.
"From the managers who have grown with the company over the years, to the teens who get their first taste of customer service-centered work, the success of all four Luhrs True Value locations rest with them"
September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 27
deep roots in Pike theseeingoverandrunningWhilemunity.theportingandfriendsingdren,grandchilwithplayingdren,inghome,atingyearshavewhereCountytheyspentcrearaischilmaksupcomday-to-day opera tions in all four locations, they remain dedicated to giving back to as many local community organi zations as possible each year and enjoy attending many fundraisers.
tionships with the cus tomers who shop in our stores. They are the ones who go above and bey ond when someone needs to find something. They are the ones with smiles in place to give customers a great experience.

Visit Vangorders.com or stop by one of its three welcoming showrooms soon for your shopping adventure.
For more than 85 years, Van Gorders’ Furni ture has been serving families in the Lake Wallenpaupack area with quality home décor that reflects the beauty and nature of the lake region.
Unlike the big box stores, all three of Van Gorders’ showrooms, in Milford, Honesdale and at Lake Wal lenpaupack, feature a unique mix of lodge-style fur nishings that truly bring the outdoors inside.
H BEAUTIFUL LAKE WALLENPAUPACK Route 6 • 570-226-9726 HISTORIC DOWNTOWN HONESDALE Church & 6th Sts. • 570-253-1860 CHARMING MILFORD Route 2001 (Water St.) • VanGorders.com570-296-9610 Van Gorders’ Furniture: In Stock and Ready for Delivery
Right now, Van Gorders' Furniture has abundant inventory on items for every room of your home, which means you can beat long lead times and receive deliveries in days or weeks.
In addition to the finest American-made rustic home furnishings found in every Van Gorders showroom, shoppers will find a large selection of quality name brands of the latest furniture styles. Stop by for a power browse to experience hundreds of items (including rustic specialities) for every room of your home including, the bedroom, dining and living room, home office and kitchen.
Each Van Gorders’ showroom features a Sealy Mat tress Gallery where customers can experience the newest Sealy Posturepedic and Stearns & Foster mattresses. The historic Honesdale location also offers a La-Z Boy Comfort Studio with hundreds of recliners and sofas of all styles and sizes.

much you can borrow when purchasing a home. This is how to submit a bid quickly and effectively.
Do a Down Payment. According to the National Association of Realtors, down payments for first-time home buyers generally range between 6-7% on average. Offering a larger down payment can help reduce your monthly payments, eliminate the need for private mortgage insurance and provide more equity in your home from the start. Before purchasing a home, open a savings account with your local community bank and keep adding to it.
Be Realistic. Make a list of necessities in a future home and prioritize those items. Know your monthly income and create a budget including how much you spend on rent, utilities, entertainment, clothing, food, transportation and additional costs for a new house. You’ll have monthly mortgage payments, but don’t forget about home owners’ insurance, private mortgage insurance, utilities costs and any home-owner’s association dues.
5 Tips For Homebuyers
O 30 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
Research Your Market. When you know your budget and have pre-qualified with your bank, work with your realtor to research what the homes in your area have sold for in the past six months. In real estate, this is referred to as com parable sales. This will help to decide how much to offer when you find a home and make sure you don’t overpay for a house. For information visit wayne.bank/personal/https://home-loans/. Wayne Bank is an Equal Housing Lender. Loans are subject to Wayne Bank’s credit approval. Certain restric tions apply. Ask for details. NMLS #462082. H
“ The median sales price was $428,700, a 16% increase over the prior year.” wning a home is the tingdream.AmericanRepresen-stability,independence and an investment in your future, a home will be your most valuable asset. However, people across the country are struggling to purchase a home. Issues like low inventory of houses on the market, supply chain challenges and soaring prices are to blame. According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, the median sales price for singlefamily homes in the first quarter of 2022 was $428,700, a 16% increase over the prior year. Additionally, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates multiple times this year, with additional increases expected. What can homebuyers do to counteract these challenges? Follow these tips from mortgage experts at Wayne Bank. Get Pre-Qualified. As soon as you decide to start looking for a house, reach out to your bank lender to get pre-qualified. Pre-qualification will help you to understand how 1.
5. 3. 4.
Fix Financial Flaws. Maxing out credit cards or falling behind on other loan payments can create issues when applying for a mortgage loan. Keep tabs on spending habits and pay down debt to qualify for a better inter est rate. You should also check your credit report before apply ing for a mortgage loan to better understand your current credit position and help detect any inaccurate information. Credit reporting agencies must provide one free report annually.

Melissa and Alec Sewatsky met in May 2017 and married in June 2019. Melissa is employed as a pharmaceutical marketing
Cela Sewatsky passed away on April 22, 2022, when she was 17 months old after being diagnosed with cancer four months earlier. She died two days after her sister Lena was born. Cela had a malig nant rhabdoid tumor of the kidney that spread to her lungs. This rare childhood cancer typically starts in the kidneys but can occur in other soft tissues or the brain. The average age of diagnosis is 15 months with a survival rate of 23.2%.
November 11, 2020. It was one of the best days of the couple’s lives. Baby sister Lena was born two days prior to Cela’s passing, on April 20, 2022. “It was a true gift and miracle that our girls got to meet,” the couple said.
The couple said that Cela was one of the most charis matic and happy babies they had ever met. “She loved her family, her pets, nature, her toys and most of all, her favorite show... Bluey. She’d wake us up in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning to watch it. She had a great sense of humor and a multitude of different laughs. We were very family oriented so we did a lot together. (Prior to her diagnosis, we were staying home because of the pandemic) Making pizza
September is AwarenessChildhoodCancerMonth
Baby sister, Lena, was born two days prior to Cela’s passing on April 20, 2022.
20 HappeningsPA.com September 2021September 2022

September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 33
together was a favorite family activity that had a goal of trying to get it in the oven before Cela ate all of the cheese! Some of her most notable characteristics were her fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes. ”A final gift that she gave her family was showing how great of a big sister she was. Moments after Lena was born, Cela was seen gently stroking her new sister’s hand and head. It was one of the last times she was conscious, as if she held on just long enough to welcome her sister Cela became ill shortly after her first birthday. We noticed different and progressing symptoms over the course of a month. She had become very clingy, no weight gain since 9 months of age, dis tended belly button, a period of blood in her urine, and, finally, a lump in her abdomen. The couple took Cela to the ER for urine cul tures and repeatedly con tacted the pediatrician. Their concerns were theonthesymptoms.”recognizingaren’trare,pediatric“Unfortunately,dismissed.sincecancerissooftendoctorswellversedintheearlyFinally,coupleinsistedhavingCelaseen,daybeforeNewYear’s Eve. When the doctor saw her that day, she was immediately referred for an ultrasound that confirmed a tumor.
Further testing was conducted on the genetics and revealed that it had the SMARCB1 dele tion, further confirming it was a rhabdoid. Cela, thankfully, did not have the SMARCB1 genetic deletion, meaning it was not genetic. Rather, it was a sponta neous event. The couple also secured second opinions from Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and Memorial Sloan Ket
Cela was immediately trans ferred to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). A biopsy confirmed that the tumor was a malignant rhabdoid in the kid ney. Further scans showed that it had metastasized to her lungs.
tering (MSK) in NYC. Cela’s parents were initially told that she would need routine scans (PET, MRI, ultra sound, CAT), nine months of intense chemother apy, radiation and surgery to remove both her right kidney and the tumor. After two rounds of chemotherapy, the tumor shrank enough to have surgery. However, the tumors in her lungs had stopped responding to chemotherapy and began growing again. Cela’s prognosis was severely hindered by the fact that she stopped respond ing to chemo.
The average age of diagnosis is 15 months with a survival rate of 23.2%.

Surgery to remove the tumor and right kidney was scheduled for March 2, 2022, but sadly there were too many tumors in her lungs to remove. Next, Cela was enrolled in a clinical trial using immunotherapy drugs. Unfor tunately, the immunotherapy drugs did not work. The tumors in Cela’s lungs were rapidly growing and there was even a new growth where the original tumor was removed. Throughout this process, the couple was highly focused on Cela’s quality of life “At no point did we want her to be in pain or suffer. When we learned that her tumors were still growing and that medicat ions likely wouldn’t stop it, we decided alongside a medical team that we would stop treat ments, start palliative care and keep her as comfortable as pos sible,” the couple said. “One of the sadder things that we have learned throughout this process was that there isn’t a ton of innovation in the chemother apy drugs used for treatment. We were told that some of the che motherapy drugs were the same ones being used since the 1960s.
much solace as he can through nature, meditation and a cancer blog (celas_crew_cancerblog on Instagram), and he is pursuing a safe form of psychedelic therapy.
Thereported.couple says that “we grieve for her in some way, shape or form every day. It’s not just the loss and the memories that are tough to process. We are both still learning how to move forward every day with out her. Pool days aren’t the same, mornings aren’t the same, nothing is the same. Our home carries a much quieter tune. It was only four months from dia gnosis to passing, so we weren’t able to process anything during that time. All of our focus and energy was spent on Cela and her wellbeing. We were both actively involved in counseling prior, and continued with it through her illness, followed by
“Without the support of our family andwefriends,never
34 HappeningsPA.com
Pediatric cancer is grossly under funded and the type of cancer that Cela had was so rare (only 20-25 cases in the U.S. per year) that there is even less funding,” the couple

been able to focus all of our energy on Cela. The incredible amount of giving, whether it was through GoFundMe, food certificates, gas cards, meals being sent to the house or con stant uplifting texts and messages, was what kept us going. Everyone who was involved in any way officially became part of ‘Cela’s Crew.’”
The couple advises other parents to “not be afraid to advocate for your child. You are their voice and representative. We real ized daily that we endured possibly the worst personal experi ence you can have in life. An incredible amount of stress, sadness, bargaining and anger occurred. It is more important than ever to know how to take care of yourself so you can be there for others. That comes in the form of self-compassion, taking time for yourself, not seeking out short-term fixes or distractions, and making the most of the moments you do have. We remind ourselves to 'Be Here Now.’ We put our phones away and we cherished all the time we had with Cela. Reaching out and venting to trusted friends and family helps more than you know. It allows you to let other people help carry the burden. We’ve learned the power of perspective, but even more so that perspective is a choice. We are both on our personal journies to find what is really important.”
September 2022
Alec is pursuing a more meaningful career trying to help others. “Time is a gift and we don’t intend to work our lives away for financial gain or security. We’re not trying to compare our lives with others. We’ve cut down on phone time and other daily distractions keeping us from the present moment. One of the quotes that have been help ing us since Cela’s passing is 'happiness is found in peace, not pleasure.' Just as the pandemic reminded everyone of the need to slow down, Cela reaffirmed it. We enjoy walks, fires, time with friends and family, enjoying nature and adoring Lena. Awareness of working on mind, body and spirit health is high on our list. Cela gave us a new scale to weigh life’s problems; admittedly, a lot of them don’t carry the same weight. In her eulogy, Alec mentioned that Cela was their teacher. ‘We were blessed to have the time we did with her and we both aspire to touch people as much as she did. We are still in the early stages of creating a foundation in her honor to start to help others.'”
“One of the quotes that have been helping us since Cela’s passing is ‘happiness is found in peace, not pleasure.’”

By 3 years Enjoys pretending with toys and adults Easily picks up very small objects Uses three word
By 6 months
•sentences Watch ME Grow! 36 September 2022
Starts to say several words, makes noises as if talking Rolls a ball, does things they see others do Takes off some clothes, puts things in a box Uses a cup, spoon and kicks a ball
By 1 year Rolls a ball, looks for dropped toys Likes to play with a toy, can use a cup with help Sits up, creeps or crawls, pulls up to stand Says and understands a few words Starts to stand alone
Early intervention (EI) in Penn sylvania consists of services and supports designed to help families with children who have developmental delays or disabilities. EI services can include information about how children develop, parent or caregiver education, family supports and developmental and instructional therapies that assist in child development.
Starting to run and • climb chairs
By 4 years Tells little stories Understand concept of some numand colors Speaks in longer phrases/
By 2 years Speaks several words together Feeds self with spoon and drinks from cup Points to body parts when asked Kicks a ball, walks up and down stairs Likes to hear stories, play for short time
By 18 months
Early intervention builds upon the natural learning that occurs in the first few years. It is a process that promotes collaboration among parents, service providers and others who are involved with Look at the skills with your child’s age and if you have concerns about development contact early intervention. This is only a brief list of devel opmental stages not a com plete list of milestones.
Every child grows and learns new skills at his or her own pace. Children can vary in skills and development. You know your child better than anyone else. If you have concerns about your child’s development, early interven tion can help.
Knows familiar faces, smiles, makes cooing sounds Lifts head, begins to roll over, holds toy briefly Likes to watch their own hands and looks at things around them Wants to try new foods, seems excited about being fed Can bring both hands to center, plays with toes, holds head up and rolls

• Dresses and feeds self • Gets along and plays with • other children By 5 years • Matches spoken words with pictures • Follows directions that have two steps • Speaks clearly and can be understood • by others in the family • Recognizes and copies some shapes • and letters • Counts to ten Every child grows and learns new things at his or her own pace. You know your child better than anyone else. If you have any concerns about your child’s development WE CAN HELP! Luzerne-Wyoming Counties Early Intervention Program Who is eligible for EI? Infants, toddlers and pre school children who have special needs due to a devel opmental delay or disability are eligible to receive early intervention services. Where do children and families receive supports and services? Services may be provided during the child’s daily activ ities at home or in the com munity, at child care centers, preschools, playgroups and Head Start programs. Local Early Intervention Program Children Birth through 2 Years Luzerne-Wyoming Counties Early Intervention Program Phone 570-831-7224 or 1-800-816-1880 Children 3 to Kindergarten Age The Hazleton Area School District 570-826-0850 or 570-454-1870 Early Intervention in Pennsylvania Statewide CONNECT Line: Linking families to early interven tion services and support. 1-800-692-7288 | www.connectpa.net H September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 37

children-a safe place to go. Everything the Y does is in service of making sure people and communities thrive based on the belief that absolutely everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. and responsibility.social
T YMCAs of NEPA 40 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
Believing that positive, lasting per sonal and social change can only come about when everyone works together to invest in the kids, health and neighbors of the com munity is at the core of its immense pride in working to strengthen communities to help each member to be their best best. The Y provides a place to play, to learn, to be healthy, to eat well and to give back. Parents can find childcare, young adults-job training, seniors-a way to connect and By bringing together people from different back grounds, perspectives and generations, the Y ensures that everyone has access to the opportunities, relation ships and resources nec essary to learn, grow and thrive. Today, the Y engages more than 10,000 neigh borhoods across the U.S. as the nation’s leading non profit committed to help ing people communities.andThe Y’s con tributions are both farreaching and intimate — from influencing the nation’s culture during times of profound social change to the individual support provided to people in need.

From summer day and overnight camp, chronic disease pre vention, and youth sports and enrichment programs to group exercise classes, early childhood education, and programs designed to combat the achievement gap, the Northeastern Penn sylvania YMCAs make a pro found impact on the lives of the individuals and families served. Collectively, the Y’s serve thousands of individ the region through mem berships, programs and Theevents.Yis a charity turning no one away for an inability to pay. The Y believes all fam ilies deserve the chance to grow stronger together through a family member ship; all children deserve the chance to attend an early childhood education pro gram, allowing them to enter kindergarten ready to succeed; all adults suffering from chronic health con ditions deserve the chance to participate in a chronic disease prevention and management program; and all youth deserve the chance to experience summer Thecamp.Yis more than a gym. It’s a cause. H
Wilkes-BarreLocations Family YMCA 40 W. Northampton Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 (570) 823-2191 www.wvymca.org Greater Pittston YMCA 10 N. Main Street Pittston, PA 18640 (570) 655-2255 www.wvymca.org Greater Scranton YMCA 706 N. Blakely Street Dunmore, PA 18512 (570) 342-8115 www.greaterscrantonymca.org Greater Carbondale YMCA 82 N. Main Street Carbondale, PA 18407 282-2210 www.greatercarbondaleymca.org(570) Wayne County YMCA 105 Park Street Honesdale, PA 18431 (570) 253-2083 www.wcymca.com September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 41
The Greater Wyoming Valley Area (which includes the WilkesBarre Family YMCA, Greater Pittston YMCA, Greater Scran ton YMCA, thingYMCA)andCarbondaleGreaterYMCAWayneCountyoffersomeforeveryone.
Join in!

42 HappeningsPA.com September 2022 BA Data Science • BS Education: General Science (7-12) MS Education: Professional Practice • Supply Chain Management* Certified Financial Planning* NEW $ 2 34 5AREAS OF STUDY JOIN US FOR OUR OPEN HOUSE EVENTS! October 8, and November 12 *Also available in an accelerated format

September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 43
To earn the title of CSO, a recommended minimum two years of clinical practice with documenta tion of 2,000 hours of practice experience in the oncology care setting is required, in addition to passing a standard ized exam. The Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) offers Board Certification as a Specialist in Oncology Nutrition for select registered dietitians who meet the criteria. Mary initially earned the CSO certification when the first exam was given in 2008. Today she is one of only 42 registered dietitians in Pennsylvania to have obtained it; there are 857 in the entire U.S. Mary Klem is pictured with Lily, her certified ther apy dog, who is regularly on duty with her. H
Mary Klem, nutritionist at Northeast Radiation Oncology Centers in Dunmore, recently recertified as a CSO: Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition. It makes for a lot of initials behind Mary’s name: M.S., R.D., CSO LDN, and what that means is that cancer patients benefit greatly from seeing her! When people are trying to juggle life with a cancer diagnosis, their first thought may not be about their diet. However, following a healthful nutrition plan during and after cancer treatment is impor tant to help patients maintain their strength.
Why is a CSO Important for Cancer Patients?

15th Annual Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Conference • October 21, 2022 T
Howard J. Grossman, Chair of the Coali tion noted, “We are pleased to return to a live conference and to bring more information to GRG families across this region. Support groups for GRG families will also be present. We hope to reach over 200 attendees as we had in 2018 and 2019, and reach both new and past attendees. Last year, we had a virtual conference due to the pandemic.” Registration for the event will open shortly.
To register please visit: grgnepa.org or call Howard Grossman for more information at: 570-262-3443 at The Woodlands Inn 1073 Highway 315, Wilkes-Barre PA To ensure that families and community organizations obtain basic knowledge of available community resources. To explore core issues and concerns of grand families.
he NEPA Intergenerational Coalition announced that the 15th Annual Grand parents Raising Grandchildren (GRG) Conference will be held October 21, 2022 at the Woodlands from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The keynote will be presented by Luzerne County Judge Jennifer Rogers. The Pennsylvania Secre tary of Aging, Robert Torres will speak along with many others, including a legal panel of attorneys. Over 40 resource tables will also be featured.
44 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
Intergenerational Coalition presents: 15th Annual "Generations of Love" Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Conference
Friday, October 21, 2022 • 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Objectives:

Contact Lauren: 570-592-8638 • Find us on Facebook! rocknrollgymnastics.com Group Classes Monday – Saturday Ages 18 months to 16-years-old Private Lessons CompetitionAvailableTeam USA Gymnastics Certified Coaches Ask about Birthday Parties and Summer Camps! HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 106 South Lehigh Street, Shavertown, PA COVIDPracticesSafetyinPlace September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 45 The counties of Luzerne, Wyoming, Lackawanna and Susquehanna have part nered to create the Northeast Behavioral Health Care Consortium. NBHCC is a regionally focused, non-profit, Behavioral Health Organization serving medical assistance recipients. Our mission is to provide enhanced access to high quality, fiscally responsible, recovery oriented Behavioral Health Services. These positive outcomes will be accomplished through an intense, ongoing dialogue including consumers, families, providers and all other stakeholders. Northeast Behavioral Health Care Consortium 72 Glenmaura National Blvd. Moosic, PA • 570-344-2005 • www.nbhcc.org

Impacting WellnessThrough Yoga 46
replacements at the onset of 40 drove my passion to serve adults and aging athletes with movement limitations and other health conditions. Since opening Yoga with Joy in 2018 I’ve focused on becoming as knowledgeable as I can be, teaching science-informed practices blended with yoga’s traditional Throughapproachesphilosophicalforliving.”herstudentship with Yoga Medicine, Joy pursues an acute understanding of anat omy, physiology and common pathologies of orthopedic and nervous system dysfunction through the lens of yoga. Also a licensed massage therapist, Joy utilizes combinationone-on-onegroupself-care,monthlyRechargedents,seriesmentJoy’sizedteleapproachescomplementarywithprivatecliendesiringspecific,customyogaandmassagetherapy.focused,short-commitformatfiveclassyogaareahitwithherstuandherRestorativepractice,offeringadoseofinformativehighlightin-personclasses.Solution-focusedsessionsfeatureaofcustomizedyogaand oga’s awarenesslevels,wellnesspracticeslife-alteringimpactonmanydrivingand enhancing well-being and can be potentially viable therapeutic intervention for people with chronic health concerns and movement limitations.
As a yoga teacher training to work alongside health care providers through worldrenowned program Yoga Medicine, Joy Zazzera’s learned experience and approach offer adults and aging athletes specific solu tions for movement, mind

September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 47
“Developing a confident yoga practice is much easier when you feel safe and heard, have a customized plan to follow and understand its purpose. I offer relief by equipping adults with tools that are easy to self-apply in realtime for symptom management, including therapeutic modes of yoga poses, meditation, breathing techniques and self-myofascial release. You can’t always have your yoga teacher or mas sage therapist with you; adults in my care movement, relaxation and improving mindset and feel empowered to apply insight from their time with me, to teach themselves how to reach restorative states as routine self-care.” For more information, see doyogawithjoy.com H
massage therapy, tailored for work ing specifically with athletic recov ery, orthopedic changes, golden-agers, chronic health con dition management, as after-care following physical therapeutic rehabilitation, and for integrating yoga into one’s personal longterm health care plan.
“Developing a confident yoga practice is much easier when you feel safe and heard, have a customized plan to follow understandanditspurpose.
Adding a few, specific yoga prac tices from a well-trained teacher, done as daily habit, may help modify patterns of disease and limitation in the body.

www.endlessmountains.org • 800-769-8999 Opening Night 21films21indays! Call 570-836-1022 x3 for tickets dietrichtheater.comor 60 E. Tioga St. • Tunkhannock, PA Funded in part by the EndlessTaxCountyWyomingRoomFundandMountainVisitorsBureau Gala Tickets $40 in advance $45 at the door Fri., Sept. 23 through Thursday, October 13 Friday, September 23 Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Call 570-836-1022 x3 for tickets. Come out to the Dietrich’s Opening Night Gala. Bring your friends and enjoy food, two films, beer, wine, desExperien ce Autumn i n the En dless Moun ta ins of Northeastern PA!

www.endlessmountains.org • 800-769-8999 Held at the House at 297 East Main Street,Laceyville,Pa Funded in part by the Endless Mountains Visitors Bureau and Wyoming County Room Tax OldestAnnualHouse-LaceyvilleFancyFair September 24 & 25 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 570-869-1679 HandmadeCraftsglasswareQuality Items for sale • Soup & purchaselunchSandwichfor Visit sullivancountypachamber.com for more information start and end location. Tour scenic Sullivan County while clue collecting, searching and snapping photos all on wheels. Sullivan County Fairgrounds, 4430 Rte 154 • Forksville, PA October 8 and 9 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Admission $8 Sat. - $7 Sun. Children 10 & under FREE October 15 Call 272-212-0123 for More Information Presented by the: Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce 202 South Turnpike St. Dushore, PA 272-212-0123 Crafts, Food, Quilt Show and Sale, Art Expo, Kids Activities with a scavenger hunt, Carving Auction (both days) Live Entertainment on the outdoor stage Sat. Leo & K.G. with Family Tradition & Sun. Country Express 41st Lumberjack/ChainsawAnnualCarvingCompetition NEW ScavengerEVENT!Hunt“onwheels” VendorAvailableSpots October 29 12-52022p.m.

The event is a great opportunity for homeschool students and others to immerse themselves in history. Enjoy a fun-filled day at the Pennsylvania Heritage Festival. Admission is free. H
The Heritage Village buildings include: inns and office buildings, a barbershop, a one room school house, a car riage house full of buggies, sleighs and wagons, a children’s C house. A tour guide will discuss each building’s history. Check out the village gardens maintained by the Heritage Garden Club. Throughout the village volunteers will demonstrate skills of yesteryear. A Civil War encampment, a host of hands-on activi ties and a touch of traditional fall activities and foods will also delight visitors.
September 17 and 18 on the grounds of the Heritage Village and Farm Museum, Alparon Park, Troy, PA.
On September 17, John Moore aka Susquehanna Jack will pro vide presentations about the Three Sisters Garden and Frances Slocum, a Wilkes-Barre child abducted by Indians during the American Revolutionary War. A puppet show and hunting/fishing skills demonstrations will also be included.
njoy a fun family-oriented day at the annual Pennsylvania Heritage Festival
The festival is a step back in time with living history demonstrations, exhibits and tours of the village’s historic buildings. This year marks the 200th Anniversary of the Gregory Inn, known better to locals as the Mitchell House, built in 1822 as a stage coach stop for weary travelers.
Heritage Festival • September 17 and 18
The Native American Exhibit and related demon strations highlight the lifestyle of the local Native Americans.

H NEPA Pet Expo October 15
The NEPA Pet Expo aims to educate and entertain the general public on the topics related to animal welfare including pet safety and pet first aid and shed light on the important work that local animal shelters and res cues carry out across Northeastern Pennsylvania. This event will feature various vendors showcasing pet products and information on local resources available. The micro-chip clinic for pets is made possible by the NEPA Rescue Vet. Additionally, the NEPA Pet Expo also aims to educate the public on the work of the NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative.
he first-ever NEPA Pet Expo will take place at the Viewmont Mall, Dickson City on October 15 from 11-5. With over 40 vendors, the event is hosted by the NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative. The expo will feature a mix of fun and edu cational events including vendors showcasing pet products and informational booths on pet care and pet first aid, adoptable animals, information high lighting the work of local shelters and rescues, guest speakers on various animal welfare topics, a microchip clinic for pets with the NEPA Rescue Vet, pet portraits and more! There will be a handful of shelters and rescues participating as vendors who may feature adoptable animals at the NEPA Pet Expo.
The NEPA Pet Expo is a project of the NEPA Animal 26th Annual T
shelters, rescues, advocates and sanctuaries in the region who have come together to advance various causes in animal welfare and to increase the collective resources available to these agencies. The NEPA Pet Expo is grateful for the support of the Viewmont Mall to house the 2022 NEPA Pet Expo. The Scranton Area Community Foundation serves as the convener of the NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative.

Join us for an performance!unforgettable Sharon won the national Fox TV competition “Performing As” and made it to the finals of the ABC hit show “The Next Best SharonThing.”hasperformed for Access Hollywood, Extra, Entertainment Tonight and Family Feud. She has been in People Magazine and TV Guide as one of the best impersonators in the world. Sharon sold out 32 shows dur ing a six week engagement on the West End of London. She has also toured Australia, Canada, Holland, Belgium and Asia. H
Sharon began her career in Los Angeles where she began anduncannynightclubs.theatresStreisandsingingindinnerandcabaretHerresemblancevocalabilityto sing Streisand started her career as a “Legends in Concert” performer. She then continued performing for “Stars in Concert.”
Sharon headlined her own show “Barbra and Frank, The Concert that Never Was” which was voted Best of Las Vegas in 2008 and ran for six years on the Las Vegas Streisand,sonatingtimeDuringStrip.herimper
haron Owens is Barbra Streisand! Enjoy an unforgettable per formance on October 15 at 7 p.m. at The Theater at North.
Sharon Owens has been recre ating the sound and style of Barbra Streisand for over three decades!
Sharon Owens
Sharon Owens is Barbra Streisand! She has been recreating the sound and style of the incomparable Streisand with her incredible voice for over three decades!
Tribute to Barbra Streisand
52 HappeningsPA.com September 2022

While some members have served for decades, such as John Cognetti who has been a director since 1988, other faces are newer to the group. When Fidelity Bank acquired the former Merchants Bank in 2020, the directors knew it would HelenBeth G. Vilcek, a com mercial property manage ment company owner, and Richard M. Hotchkiss, an entrepreneur well-versed in family-owned business, joined Fidelity Bank’s Board of Directors then.
“As leaders in their commu nities, both HelenBeth and Richard are well-known, wellrespected professionals in the Lehigh Valley,” notes Brian Cali, Chairman of the Board of Directors. “Not only do they bring their values, heritage and insights about the people in the Lehigh Valley and Slate Belt, but also their rich experience in real estate, construction and finance that provides valu able knowledge we would otherwise not have.”
what it means to be part of the fabric of a commu nity. With over 360 years of combined business experience, each mem ber has played an inte gral role in the region’s business landscape. From law and insurance, to education, finance and real estate, the depth and breadth of board mem bers’ business acumen has served the company well since its founding in “The1902.bank’s strategic approach is to deliver value to clients through successful PresidentDanielmanagement,”relationshipsaysJ.Santaniello,&CEO. sional level, we’ve been able to demonstrate our value, creating financial suc cess for all our stakeholders – bankers, clients, share holders and the community Totoo.”achieve success, a board of directors must include a variety of perspectives, skills, ages, genders and ethnicities. This parlays into effective decision-making and helps ensure future growth of an organization.
Fidelity Bank Board of Directors
F Dallas Interior 54 HappeningsPA.com September 2022

September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 55
Banking is an ever-chang ing industry, now more so than ever with rapidly changing technology playing a pivotal role. Banks such as Fidelity must be proactive in attracting and retaining talent both inside and out side the boardroom that will help guide the compa ny and help meet its strate gic and operating needs.
Fidelity supports dozens of nonprofit organizations, groups and educational institutions through charita ble giving. In 2021 alone, Fidelity Bank provided over $1.8 million. Additionally, its Volunteer Time Off Program or VTO, allows bankers to donate their time to causes they believe in during work hours while still being paid.
“Every board member has the same knowledge about his or her own community.” bank can feel good about working with a financial institution that invests in the community as Fidelity Bank does. Part of the deci sions about those invest ments stems from the knowledge the board of directors has about the local community. “I grew up in Pennsylvania,NortheasternIbuilt my law practice here, and as such, have a knowledge and appreciation for the values held by those who live and do business in the commu nities we serve,” said Brian J. Cali, Chairman of the Board. “I think it’s fair to say every board member has the same knowledge about his or her own community, which helps us have empa thy and understanding for our clients, where they’ve been and what they hope to accomplish in the future.”
Over 3,137 hours were given to local LehighLuzerne,throughoutorganizationsLackawanna,Northamptonandcountieslastyear.
Brian J. Cali
H Pittston Interior
By adding individuals with diverse professional back grounds and experiences, Fidelity Bank ensures new views, perspectives and approaches to problem solving. By recruiting these individuals, it is making a conscious effort to make sure the culture in the boardroom facilitates the exchange and considera tion of varied perspectives. Those who choose to do business with a community

Located in New York’s Hudson ColumbiaValley,County can be as relaxing or stimulating as one desires. There is culture, his tory, recreation, antiques and unique boutiques, farm markets and u pick orchards, bike trails, fishing holes and even a zip line adventure park. For art lovers, galleries, studios and an open air sculpture garden showcase artists' works from around the world. The archi tectural masterpiece, Olana, the home of Hudson River School artist, Frederic Church, and President Martin Van Buren National Historic Site, anchor Columbia County's many heritage sites. Miles of country roads take you through expansive breathtak ing vistas where one can leave the city behind and embrace the countryside either by car or bike. Along the way, stop and visit one of the many tasting rooms on the Scenic Sips Trail. Meander across the Hudson take in the beauty of the Hudson River, along with the Catskill Mountains. Year round theater performanc es, concerts and seasonal summer stock musicals and dance offer entertainment for all ages. Come and enjoy from dawn to dusk or just sit back and relax, you decide. H
Columbia County Tourism

58 September 2022
St. Ann Maronite Church Lebanese
26th Annual he Annual Lebanese Festival will be held September 18 at Saint Ann Maronite Church in West Scranton.
Sunday Sept. 18, Noon- 7 p.m. Authentic Lebanese Food & Pastry, Gift Baskets, 50/50 Raffle, Souvenirs 1320 Price Street West Scranton, PA 27th Annual
"Preparing for the festival is a lot of hard work, but there's still time for fun and laughter,” says Reverend Anton Youssef (Father Tony). “We all come together for this occasion.” The event will run Sunday from noon to 7 p.m. Call (570) 344-2129. H
Celebrating many decades of Lebanese culture, the festival features deli cious cuisine such as tabbouleh, hummus, grape leaves, spinach pies, pastries, kibbeh and other Lebanese cuisine. The festival brings together generations of parishioners and community members to connect and learn more about the rich heritage of Lebanese T culture in Scranton, which originated more than 100 years ago when a large group of Lebanese families settled in the area in 1903.

Backyard Broadcasting Chartwell Hotels Energy Aviation FoxEQT 56 HighmarkHighGeisingerWOLFSteelStructures Lamar Outdoor Advertising StallionSheetzLycomingOil Field Services Weis WilliamsportWilliamsMarketsSun-Gazette Sponsored by: September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 59

60 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
The Scranton Area Community Foundation has been a member of the NEPA Blue Zones Exploratory Committee, supporting local improvements in infrastructure so that healthy choices are easy choices. VIM is a non-profit that fosters community and quality of life in the Lackawanna Valley. VIM President Gus Fahey can be reached at 570-346-0600 or gus@valleyinmotion.org. VIM’s website is at www.valleyinmotion.org. H
Scranton Area Community Foundation Supports Community Well-Being in Connell Park www.lackawannadermatology.com
• FREE Cosmetic Consultation ($75.00 Value!) Are you bothered by DEEP LINES, WRINKLES, or CREASES around your nose, mouth or eyes? Do you want FULLER or more SHAPELY LIPS or CHEEKS? We use cosmetic fillers including the RHA line, Juvederm, Restylane, Belotero, Radiesse, Voluma, Volbella, and Vollure to safely and effectively treat all of your facial cosmetic concerns. Scranton Professional Arts Building 327 N. Washington Ave., Suite 200, Scranton (570) 961-5522 Pierce Medical Building 440 Pierce Street, Kingston (570) 287-1122 Gregg A. Severs, DO • Peter E. Boor, MD Lackawanna Valley DERMATOLOGYASSOCIATES Call to schedule your consultation T
he Scranton Area Community Foundation awarded Valley In Motion (VIM) a 2021 Innovative Impact grant of $12,500 to improve health and wellness in the Connell Park area of Scranton. This Community Well-Being work strengthens the environ ment in which people interact with their health, including increased access to recre ation, fresh foods and support services. With this grant, VIM is conducting communi ty engagement with residents of Valley View, Sky View and Hilltop residential develop ments, identifying their top health priorities and beginning to implement their preferred solutions. VIM is working with a dozen partners to support residents’ priorities.

Water Damage? 1-877-DRY-U-NOWMold?1-877-379-8669Due to broken or frozen pipes, sewage backup, wet basement, leaks, damp crawlspace... EmergencyHour24Response CALL NOW Local WaterCertifiedDamageSpecialists EMERGENCY WATER REMOVAL Certified mold remediation Basement CrawlspaceWaterproofingwaterproofingMoisturecontrolDryitnowandstopthedamage!WEBILLYOURINSURANCEDIRECT! www.integracleanpa.com • email: integraclean @gmail.com 62 HappeningsPA.com September 2022 www.visitbradfordcounty.com • 570-265-TOUR • Follow us on Facebook PennsylvaniaBradford County www.visitbradfordcounty.com • 570-265-TOUR • Follow us on Facebook Experience

Scranton Dickson City Follow on Facebook @ Rita’s of Dickson City/Rita’s of Scranton September Hours Monday-Friday 2 p.m.- 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Noon-8 p.m. Closing for the season October 2

and digital banking will allow us to meet our customers where they are by providing that sweet spot of convenient digital tools and mean ingful side-by-side personal inter Thoseactions.”who are less comfortable with the latest technologies and who may be feeling anxious about these changes can put their con cerns aside, according to McCann, who notes that bankers also will be available to spend time helping customers understand the digital tools available to them, within and outside of the branch. At a time when both physical facilities and digital tools are critical to banking customers, a new way forward is Learnemerging.more by visiting www.pnc.com. H feedback and insights gleaned from its customers. Between May 2022 and the end of 2026, more than 60% of its 2,600 branches nationwide will convert to a new format. Basic financial transac tions will begin to be completed using automated or self-service solutions, such as ATMs and video banking, freeing bankers’ time to hold more in-depth conversations and truly engage with customers in offering financial advice, expertise and solutions to help them meet their financial goals.
“We remain committed to making a positive difference for our cus tomers and communities and to helping all move forward finan cially,” says Kevin McCann, retail growth and innovation executive for PNC. “We believe the balance we will strike between physical consumers conduct basic financial transactions has changed substantial ly throughout the past decade, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the trend toward digital banking. However, brick-and-mortar bank branches continue to play an essential role for many consumers when it comes to important consumers’downchangesexpertsconversations.financialIndustrysaymorearecomingthepiketomeetevolvingneeds and to provide the right mix of digital tools and experiences, with more personalized human interactions at brick-and-mortar bank locations.
Leading the charge in implement ing some of these changes is one of the largest diversified financial services institutions in the United States, PNC, which is embarking on a multi-year conversion of its retail branch network in response to
64 HappeningsPA.com September 2022
The Evolution of Banking at LocalYourBranch
“At a time when both physical facilities and digital tools are critical to banking customers, a new way forward is emerging.”

We present to you,We present to you, Bella Faccias Chocolates & Gifts Boutique has expanded and now offers a variety of fresh homemade baked goods, dessert & cookie platters, coffee, tea, frozen hot chocolate, and more. Come visit us right next to our chocolate boutique. September Hours: TuesdaySaturdayFridaySunday 10:30 am - 5:00 pm 10:30 am - 3:00 pm 8:30 am - 12:00 pm510 S. Main Street - Old Forge 570-343-8777 66 HappeningsPA.com September 2022 Elegant Accommodations! For wedding parties, family reunions or get togethers. Call us to discuss plans! Beautiful restored and decorated 1912 home for overnight Accommodationsrentals for up to 10 Perfect for family get togethers or office parties with overnight rentals 570-319-9992 • thewaverly1912mansion.comhamiltonsj45@gmail.com

Brian PhotographyJordanMaggieandMaguire,Denike
Weddings 2022

Brian proposed in July of 2020 outside of the Art Museum in Philadelphia with a solitaire radiant cut ring on a rose gold band. The wed ding ceremony was at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Scranton on May 28, 2022. The couple had a bagpiper at the conclusion of ceremony to exit the church, a nod to their Irish heritage. The reception was held at The Scranton Cultural Center, with “dress to impress” themed attire. Maggie herself wore three dresses throughout the day, one for the ceremony, one for dinner and one for danc ing. Her seamstress also made Brian a cus tom pocket square from the fabric of all three dresses. The couple hired a fashion sketch artist, Dallas Shaw, to live sketch their guests’ outfits throughout the reception as favors. Maggie and Brian were thrilled to be sur rounded by so many families and friends since the Covid-19 pandemic. Maggie’s grandfather, former Scranton mayor Jimmy Connors, offered the blessing at dinner. Maggie also loved celebrating with her bridal party on the trolley that rode around downtown Scranton.
aggie Hemphill met her future husband, Brian Maguire, in 8th grade at South Scranton Intermediate School. Maggie, daughter of Liz and Matt Hemphill, graduated from Scranton High School, the University of Scranton and later the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University with a Doctor of Medicine. She is currently working as a resident physician specializing in anesthesi ology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Brian Maguire, son of Mike and Erin Maguire, graduated from Scranton High School, University of Scranton and the Beasley School of Law at Temple University with a Juris Doctorate. He is currently working as an assistant district attorney for the City of Philadelphia.
68 September 2022

“When we arrived at the reception, no one wanted to get off the trolley!” she recalled.
Photos: JordanPhotographyDenike
The couple provided this advice to future couples: "Do a first look of your reception space together as a couple! It’s a perfect way to take it all in and appreciate the little details before the party starts. Planning tip-
They played music and popped champagne.
Maggie and Brian honeymooned in Hawaii.

The couple knew each other through mutual friends but officially met at the bar one night in 2019. Tyler asked for her number and they dated for two years. Tyler had been living and working in Indiana for the last seven years and Rebecca officially moved out there at the beginning of 2021 to start their lives together. They recently bought their first home and are soaking up every second with their adorable puppy Buddy.
September 2022
The wedding and reception were held at the Banks Waterfront in Pittston, PA. The outdoor ceremony overlooked the Susquehanna River, followed by the reception inside. The reception included drone footage from the day, which included live editing. As the guests were entering the venue for the reception, clips were already playing from the couple’s first look, ceremony and cocktail hour. The guests talked about the videos all night.
The couple spent 10 days in Greece
Tyler proposed in June of 2021 when the couple was visiting New Hampshire for Rebecca’s cousin’s wedding. They were on a walk at Prescott Park in Portsmouth when Tyler popped the question on a beautiful pier that overlooked the water with Rebecca's dream
ebecca Fiorillo and Tyler Hughes were married on July 15, 2022. Rebecca, daughter of Neil and Karen Fiorillo, graduated from Abington Heights High School and later Misericordia University with a bachelor's in psychology and a doctorate in physical therapy. She currently works as a physical therapist at St. Francis Hospital in Indianapolis. Tyler, son of Judy and TJ Hughes, graduated from West Side High School and later SUNY Cortland with a bachelor’s in sports management. He is currently an NFL scout for the Indianapolis Colts.

“Don’t be afraid to break traditions and do things how you want them to be done. It is your day. Although the process could be stressful at times, try to not sweat the small stuff, as people will never remember/notice.” H –Elizabeth Haikes
for their honeymoon. They went to Santorini and Mykonos and had the most relaxing time. The couple provided this advice to future couples:

Of course a comprehensive description of the bride’s gown and the bridesmaid’s dresses along with the bride’s going away outfit would be published in the bridal section of the local newspaper. These days, social customs have changed. Many married couples have been living together prior to marriage, so the wedding reception is focused on the celebration rather than on the rite of passage.
The Honeymoon
“Whereas the white wedding dress traditionally symbolized a young woman's purity, the going away outfit represented her new status as a young married woman. It was stylish, respectable and suitable for trav eling.” (louisaameliajane.au)
Thankfully, some things never go out of style, including the 16th Century word, honeymoon, and its mean ing, paraphrased thusly: a month-long (hence, moon) sweet time (honey) spent together after a marriage. By the 18th Century, the word honeymoon began to refer to a deliberate vacation spent together after the wedding. The first usage appears in a collection of German folk stories by Johann Karl August Musäus, translated by Thomas Beddoes, according to the Oxford English diction ary: “The new-married couple spent their honey-moon in Augspurg, in mutual happiness and innocent enjoyments, like the first human pair in the garden of TheEden.”firstnative-English usage appeared in 1804 and was published in London and written by Maria Edgeworth: "Mr. and Mrs. Ludgate went down in the hoy (Nautical: a small coaster vessel) to Margate, to spend their honeymoon in style.” (insider) In the 20th Century much was made about the betrothed couple's plans for their honeymoon and the bride’s “going away outfit.” It used to be “de rigueur'' that the bride would change out of her wedding gown and into an outfit suitable for traveling. The bride and groom would bid goodbye to their guests, the bride would throw the bouquet to a lucky hopeful, and the bride and groom would drive off on their honeymoon.
Rebecca and Tyler Hughes honeymoonedin Greece,visiting Santorini and Mykonos. 74
H –Christine Fanning

Country Inns and B&Bs KEUKA LAKESIDE INN Hammondsport’s exclusive lakefront accommodations on the shores of Keuka Lake. This Inn offers 17 comfort able rooms and spectacular views with an on-site boat launch and docking available. Find us on Facebook and at 24 Water St., Hammondsport, NY 14840. (607) www.keukalakesideinn.com569-2600, ThePlayhouseShawnee Musicals, Dramas, Comedies, Children's Shows. Call us at 570-421-5093 or go to our website theshawneeplayhouse.comat for more information on shows, dates and times. September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 77

Dr. Damon chose to become an osteopathic physician because its foundation is constructed of a holistic or "whole person" approach to medicine. Both osteopathic doctors (DO) and allopathic doctors (MD) are physi cians. Osteopathic physicians learn the same core requirements learned in allopathic medical schools. Both are licensed to pre scribe medications to patients applied. I was grateful to get my foot in the door. It certainly helped me get into medical school.”
The home should be a safe place, free of negativity where children can feel good about themselves, Dr. Damon said. “There are many factors that go into creating a healthy home for children. It starts with the parents and their actions. It is important for par ents to show children how to treat other people by being respectful. The adults in the home should exemplify respect and kindness toward one anoth er and toward the children. It is crucial to spend quality time together as a family. It can be easy to get caught up with the day and forget to take time out for one another. Also everyone has a love language. Certainly it may take time to figure out what your child's love language may be. Giving them affection is nec essary and honoring their love when needed, however DOs also learn the osteopathic manipula tive techniques (of the body’s muscle tissues and bones) and osteopathic principles in treating patients as well. “Among the many things we learn is that the body is a unit. The unit being the mind, body and spirit,” Dr. Damon said. His first “real job” as an adult was as a research technician at Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP). “I was 22 years old and fresh out of college. I‘m thankful because it gave me an opportunity to spread my wings with my career. Everyone who held that position went to med ical school. My takeaway from that time was hard work pays off. Obtaining that position was competitive. I was told by HR that more than 700 people had
His main concern about the children of this gener ation is the loss of face-toface social interaction.
“Social media and technol ogy has such a grand influence starting as early as the toddler years. It’s not unusual to see family members on their phone or tablet at the dinner table. I think it’s crucial for children to interact with one another, talk to and play with one another. It’s so important for parents to reinforce social interac tion as it is decisive for a child’s development.”
Larryl likeable.andreallymytaughtHowever,literallythereupwithtryside.growingofDamonresidentially-raisedforisditions.ofationnizations,schoolingoutpatientbornseesPediatricHealthCommunityMemorialtricianworksDamon,LeighD.O.asapediaatWayneCenters(WMCHC)Services.Hepatientsfromnewto18yearsoldforcareinclud-well-childvisits,physicals,immu-medicalevalu-andthetreatmentchronicandacuteconWayneMemorialthehospitalofchoiceruralfamiliesandtheDr.hasthebenefitcaringforchildrenupinthecoun“Ienjoyinteractingpatients’families.Igrewinsuburbanareaswhereweresomanyresourcesanofficeaway.workingherehasmetodigdeeperwithinmedicalknowledgeandtolearnabouttheregionwhatresourcesareavailIthinkthatthepatientsthatI’malittlespunky.”
This pediatrician is fully aware that families face diverse challenges 78 HappeningsPA.com September 2022

Dr. Damon commented on the risks of electronic nicotine devices (ENDs) for kids, teens and young adults. Bottom line: They are not safe. “As time pro gresses and with continued research we have learned that they are harmful to the body. I’ve had pediatric patients in the Intensive Care Unit requiring a ventilator simply because they used ENDS. The use of e-liquid flavorings (popcorn, cotton candy, strawberry etc.) often appeal to the youth. When speaking with my patients, I am glad to hear they are learning about the harm of ENDS in school. I do feel there is still the thought that ENDS are a safer option than cig arettes. In reality they are just as harmful and are a gateway to using nicotine products. I do fear in the next 15-20 years, we may see a rise in young adults with pulmonary issues secondary to their use of ENDS.” H –Christine Fanning language can build a sense of appreciation and safety for the child. It also teaches them how to approach a healthy relation ship with family and friends and a romantic relationship in their future.
to have a positive influence on Afterthem.”hisbusy days catering to his young patients Dr. Damon finds music therapeutic. “I love music. I grew up in the church so I love to sing gospel. I also sing jazz and R&B. Some of my favorite artists are Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Jill Scott, Ledisi, Jazmine Sullivan, India Arie, JMoss, Tonex and so many more.” He also relaxes with drawing, writing poetry and spending quality time with friends and Dr.family.Damon has office hours at both the Sterling Pediatric Center in Lake Ariel and Pike
“We live in an age where information is readily available to all of us. With the glut of information there is also so much mis information,” Dr. Damon said. “In regard to vaccines, more people have grown resistant, especially since Covid. It is alarm ing that some decisions made on not vaccinating one’s child are based on myths and false information rather than facts. I think as providers we need to be open to understanding why one may not want to vaccinate one’s child. However, we must be sure to educate and guide families to the appropriate resources to help assist them with making well-informed decisions.”
“It’s so important for parents to reinforce social interaction as it is decisive for a child’s development.”
September 2022 79
Dr. Damon says he was inspired, at 11, by his own physician to become a pediatrician. “She was an African American woman with a wonderful bedside manner who made me feel special. I loved her demeanor and after I met her I aspired to become a doctor. I have always loved children and feel this career allows me
Center in Lords Valley. He joined WMCHC in August of 2020. He earned his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed his pediatric residency at Goryeb Children’s Hospital/Atlantic Health in Morristown, New Jersey. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Albright College in Reading where he graduated Summa Cum Laude.

Matt is a Scranton native, born and bred in its Green Ridge section. A fine example of the Scranton Public School system, he began his education at Robert Morris Elementary, continuing to East Scranton Middle School (which proved to be serendipi tous) and becoming a member of the first graduating class of the newly built Scranton High School in 1995. “I had a great group of friends who chose to attend Scranton High. Although I did well on entrance exams of private schools, I decided to stay with my friends.” Matt took several honors and AP classes at Scranton High and had a great experience playing football. Following high school, he was accepted at Franklin and Marshall College where he graduated with a double major (history and business administration.) Upon the advice of his mother, Judy Fedor, a retired Dunmore teacher and current piano instructor, he decided to attend law school. “I didn’t have a burning desire to be a lawyer at the time, but my mother knew that if I didn’t continue my education right away, I probably wouldn’t go back. Law school seemed like a smart choice,” he recalls. Once again, friends heading to New York City influenced his decision. Matt was accepted to Hofstra University Law School, where his activities included a National Trial Law competition. New York City provided great cultural and business oppor tunities as he lived in Queens and Manhattan and lived life in all five boroughs.
Scranton attorney Matt Slocum, age 45, has an interesting perspective on the “age and wisdom” theories. Marking 20 years since passing the bar, he reflects on the law experience that he acquired during the past two decades while consid ering, with great anticipation, future opportunities. “I’m a lifelong learner. I look at my parents who are going strong well into their 70s and am excited about future opportunities,” Matt commented.
But, Matt’s story remains a Scranton success story. On a Labor Day Weekend visit back to Scranton following his first year of law school, Matt was at the (former) Farley’s Restaurant
80 HappeningsPA.com September 2022

September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 81
Famed attorney James E. Beasley, for whom Temple University School of Law is named, encouraged Matt to return to school for an additional degree, a Masters of Laws (LL.M) in Trial Advocacy, which he received from Temple in 2005. “This experience was one of the best that I could have received nationally. The school provided trial experi ence with jurors, expert wit nesses, judges, etc. everything that expertly prepared me for Aftercourt.”significant national experience, Matt and Arianne returned to Scranton where they knew they would want to raise their children surrounded by family, lakes and the out door experiences that they cherish. After working with Judge Trish Corbett (Lackawanna County’s first female judge) and larger regional law firms, Matt knew that his personality and business background would lead him to become an entrepreneur and open his own practice. So Matt opened the Slocum Firm in 2009, with a legal pad and lap top on his dining room table. He had great experience, but how would he market himself? When he came to Scranton, the bigger established firms were blasting ads on television and billboards. Matt didn’t have the budget for big campaigns, so he decided to do what not many other law firms were doing at the time: website marketing. He knew that his tech knowledge could help him raise awareness of his expertise with personal injury and trial law. It worked well.
Today Matt and the Slocum Firm’s history of successfully trying cases on behalf of those who most need their rights protected is undeni able. Matt places an emphasis on seeking out cases where the
when his eye caught the sight of a middle school classmate, Arianne Naismith who would later become his wife and law Mattpartner.received his Juris Doctor degree in 2002 and realized that his passion for trial law could not be denied. “It was an itch that had been scratched,” he quipped. He real ized that to be successful in trial law was different than in previous generations. “I knew it would be harder to get the immedi ate trial law experience that I sought. The courts were and are even more so today, clogged; as time goes by fewer and fewer cases go to trial.” He went to work at one of the nation’s largest trial law firms in Philadelphia, Saltz, Mongeluzzi & Bendesky.

protection of clients’ rights has a compounding impact, not just on the individual but on the sur rounding community. Evident of this goal, he was appointed to the Tronox Tort Claim Trust Advisory Committee where he oversees the distribution of $5.15 billion dol lars in damages to the citizens of the region. He considers himself most successful when he signifi cantly changes people’s lives for the Mattbetter.maybe a great example of an older generation of lawyers meeting the new. “Our office doesn’t look like a traditional law firm with bookcases and staff attorneys dressed in suits; it resembles more of a tech office… and unless I’m in court, you’ll likely see me in jeans.” But his passion for wanting to be the best in his field is more than old school. It’s a successful merger of the best of two generations of practicing law. Personal When he is not practicing law, you can find Matt with his wife and kids, Madeline and Levi, in the great outdoors. On their 45-acre playground in the country they call home, the Slocums ice skate in the winter and hike in the summer. Matt and his family enjoy camping at Salt Springs State Park in Susquehanna County. The Slocums also enjoy spending time with family at Lake Winola, Lake Wallenpaupack and Tyler Hill, Pennsylvania. H
82 HappeningsPA.com September 2022 Your Personal Injury Lawyers in Your Time of Need 600 Jefferson Ave • Scranton, PA P: 570-209-7376 •Email: Matt@TheSlocumFirm.comF: 570-614-2147

Facility-based long-term care services include: board and care homes, assisted living facilities, nursing homes and continuing care retirement communities. Some facilities have only housing and housekeeping, but many also provide personal care and med ical services. Many facilities offer special programs for people with
Assisted living is for people who need help with daily care, but not as much help as a nursing home provides. Assisted living facilities range in size from as few as 25 residents to 120 or more.
Typically, a few “levels of care” are offered, with residents paying more for higher levels of care.
Safe Living in Senior Years
84 September 2022
Residential care facilities, or group homes, are small private facilities, usually with 20 or fewer residents. Residents receive per sonal care and meals and have staff available around the clock.
Remember that health and safety is the number one concern when considering when it is time to join a residential facility.
Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.
Assisted living residents usually live in their own apartments or rooms and share common areas. They have access to many includingservices,meals,assistancewithpersonalcare,helpwithmedications,housekeepingandlaundry,24-hoursupervision, security/on-site staff and recre ational Nursingactivities.homes,also called skilled nursing facilities, provide a wide range of health and personal care services. Their services focus on medical care more than most assisted living facilities. These services typically include nursing care, 24-hour supervision, three meals a day and assistance with everyday activities. Rehabilitation services, such as physical, occupational and speech therapy, are also Continuingavailable.careretirement com munities (CCRCs), also called life care communities, offer different levels of service in one location. Many of them offer independent housing (houses or apartments), assisted living and skilled nursing care all on one campus. Health care services and recreation programs are also provided. In a CCRC, where you live depends on the level of service you need.
At some point, support from family, friends and local programs may not be enough for safe senior living. Those requiring help full-time might move to a residential facility that provides many or all of the long-term care services needed.

September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 85 270 Pierce Street, Suite 101 Kingston, 570-288-1013PA Mary Erwine - RN, MSN President

CLOSE TO ALL THE AMENITIES 230 Lackawanna Avenue • Olyphant, PA 570-489-4756 Rent based on 30% of your income. Includes all utilities except cable and telephone. NowAcceptingApplications McDade-Chichilla Apartments CLOSE TO ALL THE AMENITIES 145 Church Street • Montrose, PA 570-278-3849 62 or older, handicapped or disabled. Rent based on 30% of your income. Includes all utilities except cable and telephone. NowAcceptingApplications Montrose Square Apartments 100 86 HappeningsPA.com September 2022

Hills Golf Club
The longest hole is hole 5, with 605 yards. The hardest hole is hole 9 and it is the number one handicap hole with 404 yards. Summit Hills course is con venient and challenging with competitive rates. The property showcases magnif icent panoramic views of the endless mountains. Daily golfers of all levels are able to enjoy the course, as well as join leagues and Dantournaments.Kelleherwas intro duced to golf at a young age. Golf is a passion for all generations of the Kelleher family. Dan Kelleher was educated in Business at the University of Scranton and has worked his whole career in golf including with the City of Dallas, Texas. His con tinuing education includes ongoing seminars and licensing as a Class A Golf Course Superintendent. H
September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 87 Send a photo of your child in their spookiest, silliest costume for possible inclusion in the October 2022 issue. Email Entries www.HappeningsPA.comUploadinfo@happeningspa.comto:entriesat:
Calling All Boys & Ghouls! Show Us Your Halloween Costume!
All Septemberreceivedmustentriesbeby9.
ummit Hills was founded by the late Attorney Daniel and Anne Kelleher. The Kelleher family built, owned and operated the course for over 34 years.
Summit Hills Golf Club

John Pillar has been the DirectorPGAofGolfatTheCoun-try Club at Woodloch Springs since its opening in 1992. He manages the golf oper ation for the 450-acre resi dential community and made it his number one responsibility to ensure excellence at Woodloch.
Pros on the Course
he Country Club at Woodloch Springs in the MountainsPoconochallenges golfers of all levels. It’s a familyfriendly course, dedicated to growing the game of golf, and features a 16-acre teaching facility for lessons tailored to players’ individ ual needs. Woodloch’s sig nature warm hospitality ensures that players leave with excellent memories of the course, facility, food & beverage, staff and service. Additionally, Countrythe ducesandorganizesClubprocor porate golf outings, charity tournaments, programs and clinics. The 14th hole is the longest. It’s the signature gorge hole with a 577-yard dog leg left and a 220-yard carry over "Hells Gate Gorge" which is carved from the rugged mountain side by rushing water 200 feet below. Hole 3 is the hardest, which is 558 yards long with separate layups.
Kyle Tasselmyer is the Head Golf Professional at The Country Club at Woodloch Springs. He was born and raised locally in Honesdale. Upon graduating high school, Kyle pursued golf as his career. Kyle graduat ed in August of 2013 from the Professional Golf Management program at Penn State University. H
TheT Country Club at Woodloch SpringsThe Country Club at Woodloch Springs
John is District 2 Director of PGA of America.

Challenging nine hole golf and teaching facility in Scott Twp. Home of “A Swing for Life” Golf Academy featuring Teaching Professional Scotty McAlarney, a “Top 100” W.G.T.F. Instructor. Fun for the whole family! Minutes from Clarks Summit, Rt. 81, Scranton and the valley area. Great membership!
18 hole championship golf course masterfully carved out of the rolling hills and meadows of the Endless Mountains. A relaxing natural habitat to play golf at its best. Golf our mature links. Dining in our in-house restaurant, The Hedge. 570-836-5108 www.stonehedge-golf.com
Celebrating over 25 years, Woodloch’s spectacular 18-hole championship golf course winds its challenging way over 6,579 yards of fern-carpeted forests, lush wetlands and broad upland meadows. Four sets of tees on every hole so all levels can be accommodated. 4.5 STARS - Golf Digest’s Best Places to Play. Outside tee-times can be made up to four days in advance. 570-685-8102.
Public 19 hole course, challenging back 10 holes. Renovated clubhouse and bar. Casual dining with beautiful views of our front 9. Golf card accepted. Golf leagues and tournaments welcome. Voted Best Public Golf Course in Times Tribune Readers Choice. FB and Instagram: @shgolfcourse. Sandy Banks Rd., Greenfield Twp. 570-254-4653 (http://www.sleepyhollowgolfcourse.com/)

Scotty serves as president of the Scott Greens Golf Club Corporation. H
SGGC also has a USGA course rating and a handi cap system available for both members and public golfers. Hole 9 is their sig nature and hardest hole. Hole 1 is their longest hole with 380 yards. The course has new sand traps with a finer grade sand and links-style fescue eyebrows. The speed on the greens generally run 810 on a Stimpeter. Defined fairways and rough areas make play very manage able. SGGC also features a natural grass nine-hole putting course and has an indoor hitting center, allowing golf academy stu dents and the public to keep their game fresh all year round.
Greens Golf ClubScott Greens Golf Club
“A Swing for Life” Golf Academy located at SGGC welcomes children and adults throughout the year, offering clinics, work shops and memberships. The ASFL golf academy is led by Top 100 W.G.T.F. Golf Teaching Professional Scott McAlarney . In addi tion, Scotty has five ASFL Certified assistant instruc tors teaching junior and adult programs to begin ners to experienced levels. He gives over 1,000 les sons per year through year-round instruction.
90 or over 15 years, Scott Greens Golf Club has provided a golf whereexperiencebothmembers and area golfers can enjoy the game in a fami ly-friendly envi ronment.

KEEN LAKE CAMPING AND COTTAGE RESORT Find your “ahhh moments!” Swim! Fish! Camp! Glamp! Visit our family-owned resort on a 90-acre lake. Breathe fresh air. Restore your soul. It’s always a good time to gather at the lake! 155 Keen Lake Rd., Waymart. 570-488-6161 camping@keenlake.com LEDGEDALE CAMPGROUND & MARINA Located on beautiful Lake Wallenpaupack. We offer seasonal and daily sites, kayak rentals and have a camp store. We also have a boat launch and picnic area with view of the lake! 153 Ledgedale Road, Greentown, PA 570-689-2181, wwwledgedalerecarea.com SHORE FOREST CAMPGROUND Campers call it their “happy place.” Perfect for a weekend getaway. Pool is heated, fish are jumping and the kids are having fun. See why everyone says SFC is their favorite local campground. Rt. 11 in Hop Bottom. shoreforest@gmail.com.Shoreforestcampground.com,570-289-4666 WHERE TO CAMP 91

Now 2 locations. Lake paddling with hourly rentals of kayaks, canoes, pedal boats, SUP’s, and Jon boats, no reservations required. Mt. Olivet Rd., Wyoming, Pa. at Frances Slocum State Park. Also at 119 Krafty Rd. Falls, Pa., Susquehanna River offers daily, weekly, and overnight kayak, canoe & tube rentals with camping. Join one of our events or take your own trip, reservations required. Www.kayak the river.com or follow us on FB. Frances Slocum: (570) 687-0172 Susquehanna River: (570) 388-6107
LAHEY FAMILY FUN PARK New top of the line arcade, a new fleet of bumper boats and all new go-karts! Putt through waterfalls on the massive 36 hole mini-golf course, speed under bridges on the 1/4 mile go-kart track, hit balls in the multi-speed batting cages or splash around on the bumper boats. So many ways to have a blast! 570-586-5699 LaheyFunPark.com
Offering go-karts, water slides, laser tag, mini-golf, bumper boats, batting cages and more. Fun for the whole family! Our snack bar features family favorites and Hershey’s hand-dipped ice cream. Open daily midJuly–Labor Day and weekends Spring and Fall. Route 6 Hawley. www.costasfamilyfunpark.com570-226-8585.
Take a scenic boat tour on one of our passenger pon toon boats or rent a pontoon boat, kayak or stand up paddle board (SUP). For rates, times and reservations visit our website. Open daily. Located at the Lake Wallenpaupack Observation Dike, 2487 Route 6, Hawley PA. Call 570-226-3293 or visit www.wallenpaupackboattour.com
A small family-run farm bringing the freshest and best tasting homemade ice cream and milk to the people of Northeast PA. We grow the crops that our cows like to eat, since happy cows are productive cows. Milk is bottled and ice cream made on the farm and delivered to our stores daily. Manning Road, Dalton. www.manningfarm.com570-563-1702

Kasey resides with the Lane family of Moscow. Kasey loves people and treats. Ludo is a standard poodle who loves to visit the neighbors for his expected treats. He dislikes rain and doesn’t allow people to yell at each other; he will growl and bark until you stop yelling. At bedtime at the Cahill residence of Saylorsburg, he will bark at bedtime until his family goes to bed.
Dublin is the cat who believes he is a dog! When he isn't lounging in the sun, or looking for belly rubs, he's eating. He's super affectionate and a living stuffed animal, says the Bastek family of Nicholson. Kirby is a best friend who doesn't want to be bothered when he is on his time, says the Chimento family. 94 September
Dublin KaseyLudo
Kirby Kia Marley Mae ho is the cutest of them all?
Marley Mae is super affectionate, amazing with chil dren and absolutely adores other animals. She resides with the Whelan family in Scranton.
Kia loves to go to work with her dad every day. She is happiest greeting new people and is a joy to the Julian family of Moscow.

Mr. Reggie Moo of the Scaduto household in the Hideout loves to run and jump all around the house and adores snacks.
Shelby, a wacky pointer-beagle mix was adopted from an animal shelter. When rescued she was full of anxiety. Hip dys plasia, neurological problems and a canine form of PTSD were discovered. She is now the most joyful, grateful, loving, happy-go-lucky dog that that the Ferrey family of Weatherly has ever had.
Russell is a gentle giant who loves a good snuggle. He is at his happiest out side soaking in the sun and fetching his ball but will greet you with a high five and a smile and even pose for any pic tures- just give him a prop, says the Forsette family of Scranton. Tucker, says the Ryan family of Forest City, is very intelligent and loving. He is a little skeptical of strangers but loves walks with his mom and tagging along on adventures.
Tucker Skye Boat started life as a feral cat, first living under the deck of the Rayburn household in Scranton. She likes living inside, especially in the snowy, cold wintertime.
RussellMr. Reggie Moo
The votes are in... August’s Pet of the Month
is Wally Congratulations! Vote for your favoriteSeptember pet at Thewww.HappeningsMagazinePA.com!winnerreceivesaHappeningsbandana!
Pumpkin Shelby Skye Boat Pumpkin is a sassy, unique calico pro tégée who was found alone in the alley way. She has since become plump and fearless! She loves going in the stroller for walks and dislikes pillows that look like her. She lives in the Caputo household in Taylor.
HappeningsPA.com 95

Increase oven temp to 450°F. Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla until fluffy (about 5 minutes) scraping sides of bowl as necessary. It’s important that cream cheese comes to room temperature before beating. Add eggs one at a time, beating until just combined (do not overbeat, this will cause cracks). Pour cheesecake into crust. Bake following instructions.
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup sour cream
With Key Lime Curd Topping
2 cups graham crumbs (12-14 full sheet graham crackers)
2 large eggs
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup sugar
Topping Instructions: Whip the cream and skim milk powder to a soft peak. Stir in the sugar and vanilla and spread this over cheesecake, leaving two inches of the lime curd visible around the outside. Top the cream with blueberries and chill until serving. Buon Appetito!
2 tbsp sugar
3 eggs Lime Curd
1/2 cup – 1 cup fresh blueberries, for garnish Tartness meets sweet in this creamy rich cheesecake. The tangy key lime curd is layered onto the cheesecake and the dessert is topped with whipped cream and blueberries. A luscious refreshing dessert to make this a September to remember! Invite some friends over and savor the last moments of summer outside.
Compliments of JoAnn Marianelli Finnerty/ Bella ChocolatesPersonalizedFaccias& Gifts
Whisk the whole eggs, egg yolks, sugar, lime zest and juice in a metal bowl. Whisk in the butter and sour cream and place the bowl over a waterbath (pot of gently simmer ing water), whisking often, until the lime curd has thickened, about 10 minutes. Strain the curd and spread this gently over cooled cheesecake. Once fully cooled to room temperature, chill the cheesecake for at least 6 hours (do not cover with plastic wrap). Remove from refrigerator and carefully run butter knife around the sides of pan to loosen the edges. Unlatch and remove cheesecake from springform pan.
2 large egg yolks
Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix crust ingredients until well combined. Press graham cracker crumbs tightly into bottom and along sides of a 9” springform pan to prevent crumbling when cutting cheesecake. Bake for 8 minutes. Let cool to room temperature.
1 tbsp finely grated lime zest 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
Lime curd Instructions:
Baking Instructions:
24 ounces cream cheese softened
1 cup sugar
Bake for 15 minutes at 450 °F. Without opening oven door, reduce oven temperature to 225 °F and bake for 1 hour and 5-15 minutes until the center is almost set and sides are puffed and light golden brown. Try not to open the oven door to avoid improper baking and cracks on top of cake, however lime curd will cover cracked top. Remove cheesecake from oven and allow to cool until it reaches room temperature (approximately 1 to 2 hours).
1/2 cup unsalted butter, cut into pieces
1 tbsp instant skim milk powder
2/3 cup butter melted Cheesecake
1 cup whipping cream

northernlightespresso.comdaily!M-F8a.m.to6p.m.S9a.m. to 6 p.m. 536 Biden Street, Scranton (formerly Spruce St.) Pettinato’s Restaurant Try our grilled salmon in Asian sauce. Take out and delivery. Mon.-Sat. 4-8 p.m., Sun. 4-7 p.m. 78 Dundaff St., Carbondale. 570-282-5860. Sibio’s Restaurant Our fettuccine Alfredo is a customer favorite! Lunch and dinner regular hours, full menu with specials. 1240 Quincy Ave., Dunmore. 570-346-3172.Sibiosrestaurant.com
Savory Maza Shish barak special on Wednesdays this season! Indulge in fresh, homemade vegetarian and meat meals, plus daily Mon.-Thurs.specials.11a.m.-7 p.m., Fri. and Sat. 11 a.m.-8 p.m. 200 N. Main St., savorymaza.comScranton.570-969-2666. Stirna’s Our Stirnaburger is full 1/4 lb. top choice ground beef with tomato, bacon and American or Swiss on a semi-hard roll. Wed.-Sat. 4 p.m.9 p.m. 120 W. Market St. Scranton. On/off premise catering daily. 570-961-9681. H
Dining Call restaurant our signature dishes, such as Chicken Abbiocco, manicotti or blackened salmon. BYOB. Text Abbiocco to 51660 to receive our texts every Wednesday or see weekly specials. Tues-Thurs. 11 a.m.-8 p.m. and Fri. and Sat. 11 a.m.-9 p.m., 639 N. Blvd., Clarks Summit. www.abbiocco.net 570-319-9633. Coney Island Lunch Try our Texas Wiener with mustard, onions and chili sauce!
ahead, consult website and Facebook pages of each individual
for updated information. Abbiocco Try
Tues.-Sun.11 a.m.-3 p.m. 515 Lackawanna Ave., bywww.Texas-wiener.com.Scranton.DeliveryDoorDash!570-961-9004.
around the Region Note! All hours are subject to change without notice.
September 2022 HappeningsPA.com 97 Northern Light Espresso Bar and Café Downtown Scranton’s original Espresso Bar. Celebrating 20 years! Enjoy locally roasted brewed coffee, Espresso, Tea and more. Grab and go for breakfast and lunch! Fresh baked goods

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John Mackarey, LUTCF, RICP® Agent, New York Life Insurance Company Registered Representative offering securities through NYLIFESecurities LLC (Member FINRA/SIPC), A Licensed Insurance Agency. 220 Penn Avenue, Suite 100 Scranton, PA 18503 Phone: 570-340-1320 Email: John@JohnMackarey.com