3 minute read
For the Love of Cannabis...
from Munkey Biz Issue 15
How to Have an Elevated Valentine's Day
By Jamie Partida
February is the month for expressing love, and I want to know: what is your love language? Is it expressing love through physical touch, performing acts of service, or receiving and giving thoughtful gifts? Or, do you prefer hearing your loved one whisper a few words of affirmation as a confirmation of their adoration? In other words, how do you like to be loved and show love? As human beings we have a strong need for receiving and giving love, as it is essential to our overall well being. Love also comes in many forms, from a pet, significant other, children, parents, friends, and most importantly, ourselves. Oscar Wilde said it beautifully “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance” and knowing how to love ourselves and each other is part of the human condition. Coupled with Cannabis, love can be even more gratifying.
What better way to show your loved ones you care than by being the one who always rolls up during the smoke sesh, if performing acts of service is your language. Or maybe baking some infused brownies is more your thing as a way of telling your people you love them. As a person who loves to give and receive gifts as an expression of love, maybe gifting a new edible to try or a pre-roll is the best way to do it. The more opportunities we have to show love, increase our opportunities to receive love and in turn creates a happier environment all around. We sometimes get caught up in the routine of life and forget to love ourselves, which is why it is also important to share that same expression of love with yourself for a harmonious life. Each time we do a solo sesh we are showing ourselves love by taking the time to relax and sit back with our own thoughts. For a mood-elevating love sesh (what I’m calling every smoke sesh from now on), I recommend a higher CBD:THC ratio strain, with Girl Scout Cookies and Pineapple Express being some of my favorites. When paired with a few of your favorite things, such as music, movies, candles, video games- whatever your flavor, everything is love.

During these tough times, it is important that we spread love every chance we get. Love is what makes the world a better place when everyone feels it. The month of February reminds us to express love with candy hearts, balloons and teddy bears, but we can always share that same sentiment throughout the year. Showing strangers love isn’t a deed that goes unnoticed, and there are opportunities to do so everyday. By being able to give back to the community, tipping your servers and delivery guys generously when you can, or donating to a cause or charity, we are expressing love in an efficient manner. Culture Club is a community based smoke shop that delivers all your smoking essentials with love in every package. Every time you stock up on papers, lighters, hemp wick, or buy a new bong, Culture Club dedicates hours of volunteer service to the communities that have been affected by systemic racism enforced by the war on drugs. Our commitment is to provide a service to the community while burning the stigma surrounding cannabis use, and that is how we express love in the best way we know how.
A group of Harvard researchers spent 75 years researching the key component to leading a fulfilling life, and after all that time they concluded that it is always love. Love is what makes us feel happy and fulfilled when we have it, and love can also make us feel safe and protected. According to George Valliant who was one of the researchers, there are two pillars of happiness “One is love... the other is finding a way of coping with life that does not push love away.” This February and beyond, remember to love yourself first, and share the love you wish to receive, in order to lead a more fulfilled life.