The Magazine for Alumni & Friends of Harcum College ✯ WINTER 2009
2008 Alumni Weekend
President’s Reception
Nursing Fifth Anniversary
Annual Fund
Harcum Highlights
Message from the President Dear Friends, Welcome to the current issue of Patches.There’s lots of excitement in this issue as we continue to attract more people to the College and launch several new initiatives.This is at a time when it is most difficult to chart a strong and stable course with the degree of economic uncertainty that we all are facing. Harcum is no exception. In fact, small colleges have more challenging times. I have been running a tight ship since arriving at Harcum a year and a half ago.We remain dependent on tuition and the generosity of our benefactors.We also depend on leveraging our endowment fund as part of our financial process. While we have money managers that outperform the stock market, we have still taken a very heavy hit. The most important part of our strategy going forward, is to increase revenues by adding programs designed to attract and serve new populations.Toward that end we have added programs in Human Services, Histology, and a track in International Business. A new program in Pharmacy is in the works along with the re-introduction of Occupational Therapy.We are also adding a part-time track to our existing Physical Therapy program. We continue to extend our reach beyond the Main Line, by directing greater emphasis to our online curricula. Students can now attain Business and Human Services degrees entirely online. An online General Studies degree will soon be available. Our leadership Development Program is offered at offsite locations and we will be adding more programming to benefit underserved populations. In short, we are in several new markets. In every case our guiding tenet is that our programs will lead to quality jobs after two years of study. New methods of offering programs in new alliances with other colleges and organizations are constantly being developed. As the cost of college rises and economic challenges increase, your support will help the next generation get a Harcum education. As I close, I would also like to draw your attention to the articles and photos related to Reunion Weekend. We had a great turn out at the events.To those receiving our prestigious alumni awards presented during the weekend, I would like to add my congratulations to you. Special thanks to Susan Zises Green who made our student lounge a huge success through her generosity. As we begin 2009, I’d like to wish you all good health, prosperity and peace. Best regards,
Jon Jay DeTemple, Ph.D.
Contents 2 .......President’s Reception 4 .......Alumni Reunion Weekend 6 .......Dental CEU 7 .......Nursing 8 .......Athletics 9 .......Golf Tournament 10 ....Harcum Highlights 12 ....Annual Fund 14 ....Alumni Spotlight
15 ....Regional Alumni Events 16 ....Class Notes 22 ....Honor Roll of Donors
CONTRIBUTORS Susan Friedland, Editor Director of Foundations & Special Gifts 610.526.6002 sfriedland@harcum.edu Amy Shumoski Associate Editor 610.520.3593 ashumoski@harcum.edu Carol Greenwood Administrative Assistant 610.526.6060 cgreenwood@harcum.edu Andy Back Director of Public Relations 610.526.6027 aback@harcum.edu PHOTOGRAPHY Kevin Nash of KSN Images Alumni Reunion Weekend Photos DESIGN AcquireVisual.com ............................................ For comments, questions or opinions, contact:
14 EDITORIAL GUIDELINES The Office of College Advancement publishes Patches. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. The comments and opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of Harcum College. The editorial board reserves the right to edit and select content for Patches that adheres to Harcum’s commitment to maintaining the high standard of integrity that has always been characteristic of Harcum College. Harcum College is an equal opportunity institution and, as such, does not discriminate in its educational and employment practices with regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, sexual orientation, applicable veteran status, or any other legally protected classification.
Office of College Advancement Bedford Hall 750 Montgomery Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 610.526.6060
President’s Reception Dr. Jon Jay and Karen DeTemple hosted 130 guests at the annual President’s Reception on Friday evening, October 17, 2008. Harcum College alumni, friends, faculty and staff enjoyed cocktails and hors d’oeuvres while viewing art works for sale by the late Martin Zipin, a Harcum professor for 38 years, and paintings by Susan Schary. Proceeds will benefit The Little Theatre project. Susan Zises Green ’64 was recognized for her generous contribution that funded the construction of the Student Lounge designed in 2007 by Harcum interior design students.
Leslie Mickles, assistant professor of nursing (left) and Angela Carboni, assistant to the director of nursing discuss the Zipin exhibit.
Dr. Jon Jay DeTemple looks on as Susan Zises Green accepts a “take-home” replica of the plaque that appears on the wall outside of the Student Lounge
From left: Dennis Marlo, trustee; Susan Narducci; and Vincent Gaitley, dean of continuing education admire a Susan Schary painting.
From left: Susan Schary; Bette Zipin and daughter Tina; Henry Klein, former Harcum president and trustee
Harcum College’s Kevin Marlo Golf Classic supporters: From left: Denis Boyle, board of trustees chairman; Tom Giamoni, trustee; Jerry Vigdor of Mayer Hoffman McCann PC; Dennis Marlo, trustee; Bryan Denney of Firstrust Bank
From left: Susan Zises Green ’64; Heidi Techner, interior design program director; and Jacqueline Dickman ’07, one of the designers of the Student Lounge.
Dental Hygiene students welcomed and registered guests. From left: Andrea Campitelli, Ashley Kepler (background), Tina Rutkowski. Faculty member Rosemary Herman R.D.H., M.Ed. (front)
Christine Marlo ’00 (left) 2007 Outstanding Young Alum recipient and Tracy Johnson ’04, 2008 Young Alum recipient, both Harcum National Alumni Board members
Ed Collins of Sodexo with his wife Lisa viewing the Student Lounge
Dr. George Thornton, dean of student life with his wife Carolyn
Susan Schary, former Harcum faculty member, and the evening’s featured artist.
The party took place in the library rotunda.
Alumnae Honored at 2008 Reunion Luncheon Josephine Jones Cobb Holt
usan Zeller-Kent ’72, co-vice chair and secretary of the National Alumni Board welcomed everyone to the 2008 Reunion Luncheon. Remarks by Marian C. Slater, Ph.D., R.N., director of the nursing program, extolled the successes achieved on this anniversary of “Five Years of Nursing.” Gina M. Manno, ’05 was the recipient of the nursing alumnus award. Cynthia Cisick Canevari ’90, National Alumni Board member and chair of the alumni awards committee, presented five awards to accomplished Harcum alumni who were recognized for their professional and personal accomplishments. In a “going green” effort, a donation has been made in honor of these exceptional women to plant a tree on campus.The award selection committee gifted each recipient with an Ellwood Cypress in a hand-painted pot as a personal keepsake.
Tracy Johnson Class of 2004 Outstanding Young Alumnus “I’m not sure if Tracy supported Harcum’s mission or if Harcum supported Tracy’s – regardless, the college relationship withTracy is synergetic,” said Cindy Caneveri ’90, NAB awards committee chair.While attending Harcum and even after graduation, Tracy’s high energy and enthusiasm helped Harcum’s program flourish and grow.
to their medical appointments and served as a docent at the restored homestead of Dr. George Cabell (who was a friend of Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson); she was a BrownieTroop leader and served as her PTA president.“I’m exhausted and in awe,” said Cindy as she presented the award.
Lynda Wolf Brotemarkle Class of 1967 Service to the Association Lynda Wolf Brotemarkle’s dedication to this college must be in the genes. Lynda’s mother, Betty was a 1941 graduate of Harcum and helped establish an alumni association. As one of the founding members of
Suzanne Fleisher Roberts Class of 1941
Dorothea “Dossie” Cavallucci
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dorothea Cavallucci Class of 1980 and 1993
Suzanne Roberts’ achievements are endless. From the bright lights of the stage to the small screen with her television program “Seeking Solutions with Suzanne,” to her unwavering public service, Ms. Roberts’ grace, intelligence and love of learning made her the perfect choice for the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Outstanding Alumnus Award
Lynda Wolf Brotemarkle
the National Alumni Board, Lynda was cochairman from 2005-2006. Lynda spearheaded the Heritage Project that involves improvements to the older buildings on campus. Unfortunately, she was unable to attend the luncheon, so we were very pleased to welcome her sister Charlotte Mark in her stead to accept the award.
What our past president, the late Dr. Charles Trout had to say about Dossie, continues to ring true.“Dossie’s commitment to this institution and to her students is exemplary.While leading her program and supporting her students, she has also participated on numerous committees and served as a faculty senate officer. She holds her students as a priority and she also supports colleagues in their collective effort toward success for all Harcum enrollees.”
Josephine Jones Cobb Holt Class of 1938 Community Service Award
Suzanne Roberts
“Jiggie” served on Lynchburg’s Junior League, UnitedWay of CentralVirginia, Holy Cross Catholic Church,Adult Care Center of Central Virginia, Interfaith Outreach Association, she assisted a Somali Bantu family to settle inVirginia, drove cancer patients
Susan Zeller-Kent welcomed attendees and introduced the program.
The Charles H. Trout Nursing Alumnus Award The Charles H.Trout Nursing Alumnus Award recognizes a graduate of the Nursing Program for outstanding clinical expertise, professional development, leadership in Nursing and service to the profession.
Gina M. Manno, ’05 Gina M. Manno, RN, ATCN graduated from the Nursing Program in May 2005, a member of the first graduating class and immediately began working as a level I staff nurse in the Neuro-Trauma Surgical Intensive Care Unit at the University of Pennsylvania (HUP). She is currently a clinical level II staff nurse in the Emergency Department at HUP. She served on the shared governance council and was elected to serve as the representative of her unit during the process in which the hospital achieved magnet status.
Additionally, she serves on the professional development committee, precepts new nurses, provides educational opportunities for emergency department staff members, teaches invasive neurological monitoring in RN Skills Day and lectures on neurolog ic emergencies in the Emergency Nurses Course at HUP and the Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. Gina has achieved several accreditations including NIH Stroke Certification, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Certification and Advanced Trauma Care Certification. She maintains active memberships in the Emergency Nurses Association andThe American Association of Critical Care Nurses. She is completing the RN-BSN program at Widener University School of Nursing and plans to pursue a Master’s Degree in Emergency/ Critical Care Nursing.
Marian Slater, R.N., Ph.D., director of the nursing program details five years of accomplishment.
Ruth Ann Parry ’83 is pinned as a Silver Bear Society member by Suzie Zeller-Kent who in turn, was also pinned.
Cindy Canevari presented the alumni awards.
More than 60 luncheon guests enjoyed a delicious buffet.
Charlotte Mark accepts the Service to the Association Award for her sister Lynda Wolf Brotemarkle ’67 who was unable to attend.
The Dental Hygiene Program’s Events for Reunion Weekend
Lillian Caperila, R.D.H., M.Ed. an educator in advanced dental hygiene practice skills, presented a course on Enamel Therapy, generously supported by an educational grant through Premier Dental Products Company, Plymouth Meeting, PA. The Dental CEU program is hosted annually for Harcum dental hygiene alumni, faculty, staff, and members of the local dental community. Each attendee received two professional credits for the class. Current dental hygiene students held table clinics in the library.
Jennifer Mann ‘05 (left) registers for the CEU with Jean ByrnesZiegler, R.D.H., M.S., director of the dental hygiene program and faculty member Jan Greenlee, R.D.H., M.S. (right).
Sam Cimino, D.D.S., a member of the Harcum board of trustees, was a driving force in establishing the Dental Hygiene Program. He has served on the Dental Advisory Board since the program’s inception. We very much appreciate his continuous support.
Members of Sigma Phi Alpha dental hygiene honor society
DENTAL EXPO SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 2009 6 CEU Credits Contact the Continuing Studies office for more information: 610-526-6083
Lil Caperila
Students Jill Buch (left) and Jennifer Horgan discussing their display at the dental table clinics held in the library.
Dental hygienists learn about trends in the management of caries.
SEALANT SATURDAY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2009 9:00am – Noon Free for any child 7-14 years old. Each child will receive an oral exam, sealants, oral hygiene instructions and fluoride treatment. Appointments required. Contact Harcum Dental Clinic at 610-526-6113.We NEED licensed dental hygiene alumni to volunteer to supervise the current dental hygiene students! Call Theresa Simms, clinic manager: 610-526-6015
By Marian Slater, R.N., Ph.D., director
arcum College admitted its first class of 40 nursing students in the Fall of 2003. Five years later, the Fall 2008 enrollment has grown to 184 students, a remarkable increase. Dr. Charles H.Trout, the 10th president of Harcum College, recognized the growing need for registered nurses. He quickly obtained approval from the Board of Trustees and set the wheels in motion to begin a nursing program. In 2003, Harcum College received approval from the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing for an Associate Degree Nursing Program, and students were recruited to the first nursing class. The demand for an accelerated format for second degree students desiring a career change prompted the addition of another nursing track, STARS (Special Track AccelRated Students) Nursing. In the Spring of 2004, the first class of STARS Nursing was admitted. A year later, an 18 month EVENING Nursing track was established enabling non-traditional students to complete the nursing curriculum in an evening format. A major goal of the Nursing Program was to obtain an initial accreditation from the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission.The Nursing Program received accreditation in March 2007. From one fulltime faculty in 2003, the nursing faculty has grown to seven full-time faculty, in addition to the director.
At the start up of the program, the Nursing Simulation Laboratory was established through the generosity of Harcum College trustee and past National Alumni Board president Marcia Huntsman ’78. During the last 5 years, the laboratory was
“Our journey has started, but is far from over.” expanded to include a simulator suite occupied by Sim-Man, purchased in 2005, and other equipment. A separate learning resource center housing computer equipment and software is now adjacent to the original laboratory. Recently, state of the art simulators in women’s and children’s health and other lab equipment have been made available through grant funding and will be installed in the simulation suite. Procurement of funds for a simulation operating room suite and pediatric acute care unit are currently underway.
Furthering our commitment to life-long learning and career development for graduates, several articulations have been obtained with area nursing programs which offer the RN-BSN. Our graduates have many excellent opportunities to achieve the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and are encouraged to do so. The Nursing Program has accomplished a great deal in five years. But the biggest accomplishment is the alumni who are chosen for employment in all clinical settings. Our new graduates transition to the role of registered nurse, performing well in their orientations, graduate residencies, or internships. Many of our graduates are hired directly into specialty areas such as pediatrics, maternal/child health, perioperative, critical care, mental health, medical-surgical, home healthcare because of the quality and quantity of clinical education they receive from our program. The Harcum College Nursing Program remains committed to graduating nurses who deliver holistic, humanistic, safe and effective, culturally competent, scientifically based and ethically driven care to diverse populations in varied clinical settings. Our journey has started, but is far from over.
Celebrating Five Years of the Nursing Program at Harcum College
Gina M. Manno, ’05 (right) receives a congratulatory hug from Mrs. Katherine Trout (center) after receiving the Charles H. Trout Nursing Alumnus Award presented by Marian Slater (left) at the Reunion Weekend Luncheon on October 18, 2008.
On Wednesday, November 12, 2008 the Harcum College men’s basketball team played their first official game as a NCAA Division I team. Facing a double-digit deficit with 10 minutes remaining in the second half, the Bears rallied for a thrilling 97-90 overtime victory over visiting Hagerstown (Maryland) Community College. Men’s basketball had an open practice, Saturday morning of Reunion Weekend
The theme of the 2008 women’s volleyball team was “Invictus Animus” – Unconquerable Spirit.
Alumni Lady Bears take on the 2008 Lady Bears at a scrimmage game played on Saturday, October 18 during Reunion Weekend. Alumni won!
Go to page 24 to see the full schedules for Men’s and Women’s Basketball.
Monday, June 22, 2009 at the Llanerch Country Club As the cold, dark days of winter approach, we can set our sights to summertime fun and sport by marking our new 2009 calendars for the 10th annual Kevin Marlo Golf Classic. Now in its 10th anniversary year, the Golf Classic supports scholarships for Harcum students in the allied health science fields. These scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated academic achievement and a dedication to community service. For information on sponsorships, participating or volunteering, please contact Carol Greenwood, 610-526-6060; cgreenwood@harcum.edu “I am very grateful for receiving the Kevin D. Marlo Scholarship.The award has helped to defray some of my tuition, and to that I am thankful. I also enjoyed volunteering at the Kevin D. Marlo golf tournament this past summer. ” —Angela Williford, Radiology Technology ’10
2008 Kevin Marlo Scholarship recipients were, from left to right: Alison Fresne ’10, Angela Williford ’10, Jamila Shamshudin ’10 (missing from photo Naomi Weston ’10).
Hospitality Sponsors Armstrong, Doyle, Carroll, Inc. Aqua Pennsylvania High, Swartz, Roberts & Seidel, LLP Smith Barney – Charles Collings
Hole Sponsors
Many thanks to Firstrust Bank and Main Line Health for their generous support in 2008
Gold Sponsors Main Line Health Tustin Mechanical Services
President’s Club Sponsor David M. Banet & Associates
1915 Club Sponsor The Woodring-Roberts Group
Charles H. Trout Club Sponsors The Bryn Mawr Trust Company Katherine Taylor Trout
Hole-In-One Sponsor Land Rover-Jaguar Main Line
Beneficial Bank Bob Lopes CBIZ/Mayer Hoffman McCann, P.C. Collegiate Enterprise Solutions Christopher Lutz Concordville Dental Associates – Dr. Sam Cimino Denis Boyle Dr. Jon Jay DeTemple Edith Armstrong Toor ’50 Geoff Harrington Harcum College Board of Trustees Hirtle, Callaghan & Co. Joseph & Elizabeth Blaston Konica Minolta Business Solutions Malvern Federal Savings Bank Montgomery Chiropractic & NonSurgical Solutions Paychex Rad Hastings Smith Barney – Charles Collings Sodexho Campus Services Sovereign Bank Susan and Jack Thompson The Marlo Family The Rittenhouse Foundation
Untuck Design Studio Vince Gaitley, Dean VoIP Networks
Shirt Sponsor National City Bank
Flower Sponsor Albrecht’s
Special Contributors Debbi Kirshner Don Biron Edward L. Woehling, DDS Enrico Leone Joe Duffy John Sturgeon John Zoller Mike McNamara Owen Murphy Raymond Rodgers Peter Strickler Applebee’s Cigar, Cigar’s Flannigan’s Boathouse FoodSource Geiger Brothers General Warren Inne Gullifty’s Longhorn Steakhouse Hardware Plus II, Inc. Haverford Trust Kildare’s Irish Pub Mr. Bottle Beverage New York Painter’s Supply Co. Ninety Nine Restaurant Ruby’s Diner Savona
Sheraton University City Sola Standard Offset Printing Tango Bistro W.B. Mason Yangming Yeats Pub Zwahlen’s Ice Cream & Chocolate Co. 92.5 WXTU Philadelphia Country Station 96.5 Wired
Committee Members Andy Back Denis Boyle Dr. Jon Jay DeTemple Vince Gaitley Carol Greenwood Geoff Harrington Andrea Lieberman Christine Marlo Dennis Marlo
Committee Chairman Tom Giamoni
Volunteers Kristen Burke ’10 Dossie Cavallucci ’80 Susan Friedland Linsley Gentile Ginny Greenwood Mary Harcum ’81 Nathan Leshchinsky Amy Shumoski Angela Williford ’10 Erin Wooley
Save the Date!
New at Harcum
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education, the College’s accrediting body, accepted the College’s most recent monitoring report without questions or any need for a site visit. Middle States reviews institutional accreditations at least every five years. Harcum’s next self-study evaluation for Middle States will be held in 2015-16.
For the Fall 2008 semester, new and returning Harcum students found new programs, new student activities, new staff and faculty, refurbished student lounges in Pennswood and Klein Halls, and the newly-redesigned and refurbished “green” Student Lounge.
Grants and Special Gifts • A three-year Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry workforce development grant of $173,000 was received this past summer for the Nursing Program in support of salaries and equipment. • The Philadelphia Higher Education Fund awarded $74,000 for nursing scholarships with an additional $5,000 from Independence Blue Cross. • The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development awarded two, three-year $20,000 contracts for the Dental Hygiene Program; the first to be expended by July 2009 and the other by July 2010.The funds will be used to underwrite the salary of an outreach coordinator for the Cohen Dental Clinic and clinic supplies. • The Scholler Foundation awarded $27, 260 to the Clinic for the purchase of two dental operatories. Five of the “chairs” are currently malfunctioning and funding is being sought for three more chairs. • Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh contributed $5,000 toward the purchase of clinic supplies. • More than 450 patients per year receive dental hygiene care at significantly reduced cost at the Cohen Dental Clinic by Harcum students. • Three leadership gifts have been made to The Little Theatre Project; two from alumni and one from a trustee.TheTheatre will be named in memory of actor Kevin D. Marlo, son of trustee Dennis Marlo, who made the lead gift. Giving opportunities forThe Little Theatre are listed on the inside back cover.
Academics Responding to the growing demand,Harcum will offer expanded online courses in Spring 2009 that will enable students to complete their degrees through distance education.New programs begun in Fall 2008 include Histotechnology and Human Services. Students can now attain Business and Human Services degrees entirely online. An online General Studies degree will soon be available. Our leadership Development Program is offered at offsite locations.The new International Business program offers an introduction to the fundamental principles and practices of global economics. Harcum is also offering a new, parttime option for its popular Physical Therapist Assistant Program, the only one in the region. New programs in Pharmacy Technology and Occupational Therapy Assistant have also been approved and will soon be launched. • Histotechnology (HT)- Histotechnicians play a critical role in preparing biopsy specimens for microscopic examination by a pathologist.Employment opportunities include hospitals,reference labs,clinics,research facilities and private practices.“The continued growth of the laboratory science profession is producing an increased demand for educated and motivated laboratory professionals.Today,there are more jobs for histotechnicians in the Philadelphia region and beyond than educated people to fill those jobs,” according to Professor Donna Broderick, Program Director for the Histotechnician and the Medical LaboratoryTechnician Programs.
• The Human Services profession is dedicated to providing services that enhance the quality of life to individuals and families in need of assistance. Students learn a wide range of interventions and skills that can be adapted to specific populations in different service settings: residential treatment facilities, correctional facilities, group homes, halfway houses, youth services agencies, mental health facilities, and substance abuse treatment programs. Home healthcare, a key part of human services, was recently listed as one of the “Eight Top Fields with Major Job Growth” by Yahoo! hotjobs, as projected by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. • The International Business option in the Business Administration Program will offer a global context to the basic principles of business, developing student skills for entry-level management positions or to transfer to a four-year institution. • Harcum’s PhysicalTherapist Assistant (PTA) Program will offer a part time PTA degree option for students beginning in January, 2009.“Harcum is the only college in the Philadelphia metropolitan region with a PTA program, and the part-time option gives our program substantial room to grow,” said Jacqueline Klaczak Kopack, MPT, Assistant Professor and Program Director of the PhysicalTherapist Assistant program. PTA was also recently listed as one of the “EightTop Fields with Major Job Growth” byYahoo! hotjobs, as projected by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. • The Harcum College RadiologicTechnology Program has met all requirements and has been recommended for a full three-year accreditation award from the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). RadiologicTechnologists, or radiographers, use their knowledge of anatomy, physiology, positioning and radiation to obtain high quality diagnostic images of the human body. Demonstrating the high quality of Harcum students in the field, two radiologic technology majors at Harcum shared a first place victory in the 2008 Technibowl competition sponsored byThe Philadelphia Society of RadiologicTechnologists.This highly selective contest included twenty college and universities and approximately six hundred radiologic technology students from the Philadelphia.
Beginning in the fall of 2009, Harcum College will offer a new program in the fast-growing field of occupational therapy. Students can earn an Associate’s Degree in Occupational Therapy Assisting in only two years. Program courses will be taught in a one day per week workshop format; general education courses are available in traditional weekday or evening format.There is an optional international component and study abroad experience. COTAs are certified, licensed professionals.The occupational therapy assistant program has applied for accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Once accreditation of the program has been obtained, Harcum’s OTA graduates will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). Successful candidates will be Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants (COTAs), and can apply for a license to practice.
Harcum, Neumann Sign Dual Enrollment Agreement On September 17, 2008 Neumann College President Rosalie Mirenda and Harcum President Jon Jay DeTemple signed a dual enrollment agreement on the Neumann campus in Aston, PA. The agreement allows Harcum students who are admitted to either an Associate in Arts (A.A.) or Associate of Science (A.S.) degree program at Harcum to, at the same time, be admitted to Neumann. Upon graduation from Harcum, students will be able to continue on in their specified undergraduate degree program at Neumann College.To maintain eligibility, students must have a minimum 2.0 grade point average (GPA), enroll at Neumann within a year of graduation and agree not to attend another college after Harcum prior to entering Neumann.
Harcum graduates who qualify can also be admitted to one of six designated accelerated baccalaureate degree program options that are sponsored by the Division of Continuing Adult and Professional Studies at Neumann. Under the agreement, Neumann will provide scholarships ranging from $4,500 to $10,000 to fulltime resident and commuter students (only), with scholarship amounts based on their cumulative GPA while at Harcum.
New Harcum Faces Welcome to Dr. Jim McCarty,Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and to John Hayden,VicePresident for Finance and Operations. Long-time faculty member Dr. GeorgeThornton, was appointed Dean of Student Life.
Athletics An energized women’s volleyball team welcomed their new coach Carrie Bourgo. Last season’s highly-ranked men’s basketball team competed for the first time this past November in NJCAA Division I.
Harcum’s Shaun Madary Receives PT Award Shaun Madary,BA,PTA,DCE,Assistant Program Director and Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education in Harcum College’s Physical Therapist Assistant Program, recently received an award at the annual Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Conference in Harrisburg, PA. On October 25, 2008, Madary received the Steven Kolumban Award for outstanding achievement in clinical practice, community service, and personal commitment to Physical Therapy. In memory of the late Steven Kolumban, the award is given to honor an individual who gives to the profession and the community as Steven Kolumban did, and to someone who is “selfless of their time, their energy and their love.”
Harcum Announces New Occupational Therapy Assisting Program
The Harcum Opportunity Fund
ozy, intimate Harcum College, nestled in the heart of the scenic Main Line, provides students with strong academic programming geared toward in-demand careers. Graduates are prepared for well-paid employment and many continue their education for advanced degrees. Our high faculty-to-student ratios ensure personalized attention. Our two residence halls offer a campus living experience.We’re affiliated with distinguished clinical sites for our health sciences programs and all of our degrees have national accreditations. Maintaining state-of-the-art laboratories and technology requires constant upgrades. Our facilities need continual maintenance. Competition with the many universities located in the immediate vicinity for wellqualified, first-rate faculty is challenging. Forty-five percent of current Harcum students are enrolled in nursing, veterinary technology and dental hygiene; total allied health enrollment is nearly 75% of the entire Harcum student population.The clinical facilities are costly to equip and operate: nursing simulation labs, EEG machines for the
radiology technology program and the 16chair Cohen Dental Clinic, to name a few examples. All programs need hardware and software and the latest in computer and interactive teaching technology. In a difficult economy with shrinking credit and limited student aid we don’t want our tuition to skyrocket in order to keep pace.We rely on contributions from the greater Harcum constituency to ensure the vitality and improvement of the entire institution. Harcum alumni, parents and friends provide vital support resulting in meaningful opportunities for students. From Bryn Mawr to Japan, they invest in the College’s programs and students with their generous contributions. Every gift matters.Your gift and commitment to the Harcum Opportunity Fund makes an immediate difference to all aspects of the Harcum educational experience. Please, make your gift today: Cash, Check, Credit Card— use the enclosed envelope or give online at MyHarcum.com Thank you!
From left to right: Daniela Schmidt, Kerstin Potter (Program Director, Harcum), Caren Nasahl, Melanie Duerr, and Hannah Winterhoff.
Alumni Spotlight Harcum Alumni Reunion in Freiburg, Germany August 2008
On a beautiful summer day, on August 3rd 2008, several Harcum Alums assembled in an outdoor cafe in Freiburg, Germany, to reminisce about their days at Harcum College.All students are enrolled at Freiburg University of Education and are participants in an exchange program which enables them to spend one semester at Harcum College. In exchange, Freiburg U. of E. hosts six Harcum students in Germany for two weeks in December for a living abroad experience. The program is now entering its 6th year and is very popular with both German and US students.
From left: Ashley Hoxworth, Margaret Stanley, and Chantal Livingston Class of 2009
Jamie Konsol: Harcum’s Longest-Distance Learner Is an education worth driving 736 miles a week to get to class? Jamie Konsol of Hermitage, PA thinks so. Jamie is a life-long resident of the small town nor th of Pittsburgh, and every Friday, rain or shine since June, she leaves her 6-year daughter Alyssa with her parents or ex-husband, gets in her car, and heads east. Five and a half hours and several mountain ranges later, she arrives at Harcum’s campus where she is enrolled in the expanded functions dental assisting (EFDA) program. After a good night’s sleep in one of Pennswood’s dormitory rooms, available to her for the remainder of her semester at Harcum, she heads for the Cohen Dental Center where she is greeted personally by Theresa Groody,Associate Dean and Director of the EFDA Program.After a full Saturday of training, she is on the road and back home in Hermitage by the evening. “I just love this program,” Jamie says.“I couldn’t find a comparable program anywhere in the western part of the state that had hours convenient for me and offered what Harcum’s EFDA program offers.And the people here have been great.”
Dental Hygiene Students Receive Awards On Friday, November 7th, three senior Harcum dental hygiene students, Margaret Stanley, Ashley Hoxworth and Chantal Livingston took the 2nd place award for Table Clinic Presentation at the Keystone Dental Hygiene Conference-Pennsylvania Dental Hygienists’ Association Annual Session in Pittsburgh. Their topic was “Going Green in Dental Hygiene.” A n d re a C a m p i t e l l i a n d C a m i l l e DelGrippo also presented their research project, “Mouthguards, Use Em or Lose Em.” Andrea and Camille were acknowledged for their professionalism and received outstanding evaluations. Jamie Konsol
Operation Stand Down Written by Harcum senior dental hygiene students Cornelia Ille, Christine Huston, Katrina Mantel, Holly Kirner, Jill Leister, Robin Diablo, Jill Buch and Chantal Livingston. On Friday, September 5th, as a part of a community service project organized by Karen Naylor for Preventive Oral Health III, a group of eight students from the Dental Hygiene Program were privileged to participate in the Operation Stand Down, an annual outreach event designed to provide quality healthcare services to homeless veterans. Operation Stand Down attracted nearly 120 homeless military veterans from around the Philadelphia region and 250 volunteers helped provide them with assistance. We were proud and privileged to represent Harcum College in such important event.We arrived at the Veteran Medical Center in the morning, were given an orientation about what was going to happen, and headed to the campsite.We were welcomed with a friendly traditional military lunch and started working right away.We saw a lot of
people in need, and being able to help them provided us with a feeling of great fulfillment. We felt rewarded in our efforts.We screened around 100 patients over a period of 4 hours. A team from Veteran Medical Center was at the site with us and provided a great deal of knowledge and experience that we learned from. Operation Stand Down was a good experience in so many aspects. It brought us teamwork, enhanced our clinical experience and gave us an opportunity to give back to the community.We would not hesitate for a second to sign up for such an event in the years to come.
On July 16-19, 2008 alums from the DE, MD, DC, VA regions met for four days in Rehoboth Beach. The women enjoyed relaxing on the beach, shopping, dining, and staying up late reminiscing. Cynthia Canevari, ‘90, welcomed everyone to her home for a luncheon of specially prepared healthy, organic fare.
Regional Events
Pictured from left to right are Harcum senior dental hygiene students Holly Kirner, Jill Buch, Jill Leister, Robin DiGalbo, Christine Huston, Cornelia Ille and Chantal Livingston. Back Row: Willa Pearson ’83, Jessie Smail ’47, Cynthia Canevari ’90, Geoff Harrington, Amy Shumoski. Front Row: Marcia Huntsman ’78, Linda Ogus-Blum ’64, Mary Harcum ’81, Angela Williford ‘10
Jane Roberts ’36 in St. Petersburg, FL proud to be a member of the Harcum Alumni Association.
Carol (left) and Merrie on the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica, CA.
V I R G I N I A ( S N Y D E R ) H U M B E RT I was called by Geoff Harrington to thank me for a generous gift to the Little Theatre for one of the seven windows-(House Lights.) The gift resulted from having read the story in Patches. “I wanted to do something for Harcum. I have good memories and a nice feeling about Harcum.” I was a small town girl and Harcum opened up a “whole other world” for me. In addition, my son has written a few plays and is involved with theatre and has introduced me to drama. When asking about the size of the theatre after renovations, I was told it would be limited in size and would seat about 75, just as it did before. I remember once that two famous movie stars came to speak at the College on separate occasions, although I do not recall their names. They stayed at the hotel that was on Montgomery Avenue across from the Church. They were important actors and very well-known. I remember going to get their autographs. It was very exciting.
Barbara (Louser) Farrell
Margaret (Lesser) Wachstein
At this stage in my life (having raised two daughters) and sung in many different places in the earlier days, I find myself still performing. However, in a far different manner, I am now a professional model. I did not seek this particular role, let’s just say the opportunity came to me and I pursued it after my husband passed away. Six years later I was remarried to a classmate from Pennsylvania, having become re-acquainted at our 50th class reunion in Hershey. The agencies which represented me also met him and now we model as a team! We have an interesting story and people ask us if we’re retired; we answer, “No, we’re re-WIRED”!
I am a retired teacher of 37 years. I live in New Jersey with my husband and we are currently awaiting the arrival of our first granddaughter at the end of October 2008. I have a son who is a college graduate currently looking for a job as a police officer. My other daughter graduated from Rutgers last year and is working as an assistant in a marketing company. I keep busy with my family and friends and I enjoy reading, the beach and being retired.
1954 Helen (Sheeley) Skinner I am delighted to hear that the Little Theatre is being refurbished. I enjoyed my time at Harcum. My days were filled with classes such as Ballet and Fencing. I was also captain of the golf team. The food was fabulousespecially the desserts and we would get to have breakfast with the big shots. There was also full maid service in the dorms and they would change linens every morning and clean up after you. I want to say that Florence Alrick was very influential to me during my time at Harcum. I went on to receive my Ph.D. and I currently reside in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.
1963 Carol (Rosenberg) Ross & Merrie (Kristol Forstein) “We always have a great time when we reunite. The opportunity to stay connected has been made so much easier through the use of the Internet.”-M. Forstein
1966 Gail (Lotstein) Rubenstein I have had an amazing life. I have lived in Rhode Island since 1971. I am divorced with two terrific sons and one grandson. I have worked in hospitality for over 30 years including 18 with Hasbro Toy Company as Director of travel, meetings and employee service. I am currently with the Convention and Visitors Bureau in Providence. I have been fortunate to travel all over the world for business and pleasure. I have met extraordinary people and have had the best adventures. The day I retire, there will be a moving truck in front of my house and I will be moving back to somewhere in New Jersey.
Barbara (Louser) Farrell and husband Walter
1972 Heather Rodale I am vice president of leadership development for Rodale, Inc. in Emmaus, PA. As a volunteer I am president of Friends of the Lehigh University Libraries, a trustee of the Allentown Art Museum and a board member of the Allentown Symphony and The Wellness Community of the Greater Lehigh Valley. In 1999 I sponsored a three generation Kosovo refugee family of 12 who resettled to the United States. I continue to work with them in meeting their educational and medical needs. In 2007 I was awarded the Community Service award from the Harcum College Alumni Association during the Reunion Luncheon.
Gail (Schachter) Siegel
Nancy (Blick) Dobson
After I left Harcum I went on to a 4 year program at Adelphi and graduated with an Elementary Education degree. It is now 35 years later and I own a Freight Brokerage Company in RI with my husband. We’ve been doing that since 1985 and my 2 daughters (25 and 28) work in the business with us.
Although I did not end up in the fashion industry after attending Harcum College, I’m sure I use much of what I learned there and apply it to my current work. After Harcum, I married and moved to Wyoming….not exactly the fashion capital of the world! After having a child, I decided that being a stay at home mom was the priority in my life….with many rewards I might add! Although taking care of my family was my priority, I did find time to nurture my creative side by taking classes in design and anything having to do with fabric. While taking a class at a local college, I discovered my passion for surface design and text arts.
I have been creating textile art ever since! Now that my children are grown, I spend more time creating and selling art. As far as learning design and techniques, Harcum laid a wonderful foundation for me. I’m sure I could have gone on to a successful fashion career from what I learned there, but sometimes fate has other plans for one’s life….and I am enjoying the journey. My hope is to continue creating textile art that gives people a sense of joy and peace.
Harcum Needs your Help! Can you help us identify any of the women in this photograph? If so, please contact 610-526-6060 or alumni@harcum.edu.
Elizabeth (Fritz) Hedrick
Gigi Gaulin
I recently participated in a research project funded by Disney’s Animal Kingdom at Kruger National Park in South Africa. The study evaluated the effect of stress in white rhinos during confinement periods before translocation to other wildlife reserves in South Africa. I also assisted the veterinary staff at Kruger teaching proper laboratory techniques for research studies. In May, I was awarded a $1000 Disney VountEARS grant for the SPCA of Central Florida to recognize efforts in several volunteer programs at the shelter. I also received The President’s Service Award, a national Points of Light acknowledgement given for outstanding community service.
I live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I practice holistic veterinary medicine on dogs and cats part-time and the other time I make metal sculpture. I am not married, no kids, just my dog. www.thenaturalanimal.com, drgigi@comcast.net.
1982 Jeanne (Lawler) Frank Things are busy at my company, Options In Time, I am grateful for that, given the tough economy. My husband and I recently traveled to China to finalize our second adoption, a 15 month old baby girl. Things went very well on the trip. Our daughters name is Analei and she is great. She is from the Hubei Province in China.
1983 Ann Foanio I work for First National Bank of Chester County in Pennsylvania. I was recently named as manager of the Bradford Plaza branch in West Chester. Previously I was member services manager of Diamond Credit Union in Wyomissing, Pa. I also worked for Susquehanna Patriot Bank, Berks County
Bank and Sovereign Bank. In my new role I will be supervising employees at the office and I will be responsible for customer service and strengthening client relationships.
1986 Juli (Ellis) Burke Life is good. I have two fabulous kids. They are ten years apart in age but it keeps life interesting. I am still living in Lancaster County. My job keeps me rocking! I work for an entertainment company and we manage a local rock band, drummer Chris Jordan of two separate bands and Pamela Moore of Queensryche. We also do public relations for CC DeVille of the band Poison. We also help out friends of ours who are in the band FreakShow. Those friends include Markus Allen Christopher of M!SS CRAZY, Jeff LaBar of CINDERELLA, Tony Franklin of THE FIRM and Frankie Banali of QUIET RIOT. I also book and help out a dear friend of mine, Joe Taylor. If you want to keep in contact with me, the best way is through my MySpace page, just type in my name juliburke.
1991 Holly (Hammel) Kilgore I just started working this past September at a local church preschool and I love it. I work Tuesday through Friday and I have a wonderful boss and staff. Both of my daughters are in school full time. Taylor, my oldest will be in the 5th grade and Kaitlin will be starting 1st. We currently live in Mechanicsville, VA outside of Richmond. We love it here. hkilgore1220@comcast.net.
Purchase a polo shirt for $30. Proceeds benefit Harcum’s Annual Fund. Contact 610-526-6060 or alumni@harcum.edu.
Can you help us identify any of the women in this photograph? If so, please contact 610-526-6060 or alumni@harcum.edu.
Kathleen Caicco
Christine L. (Bogia) Ellsworth
Christine Howard
I am recently engaged to Michael Meckley. Our wedding is planned for October 2008. I am currently employed as a retail buyer for Country Cupboard in Lewisburg, PA.
I am happily married as of October 1, 2005 with two children (through marriage) and living in New Castle, Delaware with 4 dogs and mother (now widowed). Career took off slowly with a few jobs that let me use my skills a little bit. I am now successfully working, minutes from home, happily using all of my skills for marketing, desktop publishing and customer service. I have recently taken some time out of my busy schedule to reconnect with some friendships from the past, which has brought me back to Harcum College. My two years there as a commuter hold the best memories that I look back on. The crew of Heather, Jamie and myself along with many others allowed me to grow over those two years to become the person I am today. I am looking forward to catching up with old friends again.
In the summer of 1998 I went to London, England for a year and attended the London College of Fashion. While in London I did a three month internship with British fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, which was awesome!! After returning home, I worked in retail for a few years then decided to return to school to receive my BS in Fashion Marketing from Immaculata University. During that time, I had also run an on-line clothing boutique from 1999-2007. It is currently on hold for the time being. After graduating from Immaculata, I worked as an Assistant Buyer for the Deb Shops, Inc. in NE Philadelphia for two years. Currently I am working as a Clothing Analyst for the Vanity Fair Corporation in Reading, Pennsylvania and I LOVE it!! Over the years I have also spent a lot of time traveling all over Europe and Asia (Japan and most recently China in October 2007). I hope to visit many more places in the future. I love to travel!
1994 Matthew Duras I joined the Army after earning my associates degree from Harcum College and my bachelor’s degree from Widener University. I wanted to serve my country. Before joining the Army I worked as a paralegal for DuPont and the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services. I also worked as a fire marshal at a truck assembly plant and planned on using that experience when I went to the Army. Instead, my recruiter recommended that I join as a paralegal due to my educational background. I have always been the type of person who likes to help people. The Army has helped me reach that goal. I am an avid NASCAR fan and had the opportunity to walk on “Pit Road” at Texas Motor Speedway as part of a Veterans Day ceremony. “It was like Christmas morning.” I was also invited to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at a Lakewood (NJ) Blue Claws professional baseball game on May 5, 2008. Seeing my Army combat uniform seemed to spark patriotism in the fans. A number of people thanked me, and a father and daughter shook my hand.
1997 Dana DiVenti I am living in Exton, PA and working at Sunrise of Paoli as a medication care manager. In addition, I am also certified as a Home Health Aide. On October 20, 2008 I got married to a wonderful man named Jim. I am definitely going to pursue the healthcare field. Life is great. d_maziarz@yahoo.com.
Kelly (Fromm) Mitchell Does anyone know how to contact Karen Stocker? She was the director of student activities from ’96 until I ‘m not sure when. I would love to get into contact with her to catch up. Please email me at FrommWares@aol.com. Thanks!
Harcum Needs your Help!
2003 Erica Williams I was married October 18, 2008 to John Brosnan and I currently work for Dental Health Care Associates.
JA N E ( S TA R K ) P E R L E Y Junior Class of 1938, passed away on July 22, 2008 in Napa, California just shy of her 90th birthday. Born in Findlay, OH to a military family, Jane was educated at The Tatnall School for Girls in Wilmington, DE and Harcum Junior College in Bryn Mawr, PA. In June of 1941 she married Reuben “Chip” Perley, Jr. a career naval officer. Together they had two daughters, Winifred and Susan. After living in various Army and Navy posts all over the United States, Jane and Chip settled in Riverside, California after his retirement. They had been married for 48 years when he passed away in 1989. Jane was a devoted homemaker, wife and mother and she enjoyed collecting antiques and restoring heirloom furniture. Jane is survived by her daughters, four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Words of condolences may be left at www.rpfsc.com. G R AC E ( S C H R O E D E R ) L U T TO N Class of early 1940s Passed away on March 10, 2008 in Riverside, California. Grace was born in Philadelphia and raised in St. David’s, Pennsylvania. She attended Agnes Irwin School in 1943 and took music and secretarial courses at Harcum. In 1941, the day before Grace turned 16, the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred. Less than one year later, Grace was chosen to christen a new destroyer named for her father, the USS Schroeder. Grace became the church secretary for Wayne Presbyterian Church where she met her future husband, Robert Lutton. In 1950 she and Robert were married at Old St. David’s Church. After Robert’s death in 1968 she moved the family west to California. She returned to St. David’s to care for her mother in 1978 where she remained until 1997. Grace again returned to the west to be near her children. She is survived by three children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
DEUBRE ANN (ROPER) C R E N S H AW Class of 1944 passed away January 8, 2008. Deubre was a General Studies graduate. D O R OT H Y N. H E L M A N Class of 1955 passed away October 28, 2005. Dorothy was a General Studies graduate. J E N N Y ( Z I M N Y ) BU S H M A N Class of 1944 passed away February 2, 2007. Jenny was a Retail Merchandising graduate. She lived on campus in Bedford Hall from 1942-1944. Jenny was living in Wisconsin at the time of her passing. M A R I O N ( M C C R O RY ) G I L L I L A N D Class of 1939 passed away in the summer of 2008 in Jacksonville, Florida. Marion was a Theater and Dramatic Arts major while attending Harcum. She is survived by three children and one grandchild. BA R BA R A ( F R I C K ) M O RT I M E R Class of early 1940s passed away on March 10, 2008 at the age of 84. Barbara was a long time resident of Riverside, Connecticut. She was born in Evanston, Illinois on January 3, 1924 and was raised in Manhattan and Bronxville, New York. During World War II she was trained and served as a nurse’s aid at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan. She was married in 1944. WINIFRED (LEEDOM) DOBOS Class of early 1940s passed away May 28, 2008 in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania at the age of 85. Winifred was married to William Dobos for 32 years and they had one son William. She was a longtime member of Grace Epiphany Church of Mount Airy and attended the Church of the Advent in Hatboro.
C AT H E R I N E ( N A S H ) K E N T Class of 1970 passed away on May 26, 2008 at the age of 86. Catherine a longtime resident of Scottsdale, Arizona was born in Coatesville, Pennsylvania. She graduated from Harcum with an associate’s degree and went on to Temple University where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in education. She also received two master’s degrees in Math and Reading. She was a teacher in the Philadelphia school district for many years. She moved to Arizona after retirement. She was preceded in death by her husband of 55 years, Stephen. Catherine is survived by her three children, two grandchildren and two sisters. C A R O L A N N E M E RY Class of mid ’60s passed away at the age of 66 on June 27, 2008 in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Carol Ann was a life long Norristown resident. She graduated from Norristown High School and Harcum College where she was a Dean’s List student. She enjoyed sewing, crafts and painting. Proud of her Celtic heritage, Carol Ann assisted her late husband with his duties as Secretary of the local Ancient Order of Hibernia and attended the county’s Scottish and Irish Festival. She is survived by her sister, three children and two grandchildren. V I O L E T RU T H ( H E R Z F E L D ) J O N E S Class of late ’60s passed away on July 2, 2008 at her home in Exton, Pennsylvania at the age of 78. Violet was born in Philadelphia and went to school in the area graduating in 1949. She went on to attend Graduate Hospital were she became a licensed practical nurse in 1953. Violet also received her teaching certificate from Harcum and went on to teach for twenty years at Main Line Project Learning, Gladwyne Elementary, Penn Valley and Wayne Elementary. She retired from the Radnor school district in 1995. Before teaching, Violet worked at the University of Pennsylvania hospital as a practical nurse then as a private-duty nurse. Violet is survived by her five children, ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren
L I N DA DA R L E N E VAU G H A N Class of 1980s passed away at the age of 44 on April 19, 2008. Linda was born in Falls Church, Virginia on January 28, 1964 and moved to Malvern, Pennsylvania at two years of age. She graduated from Great Valley High School and attended Harcum to pursue Equine Studies. Linda loved horses and most of her life was spent riding and caring for them. She was also a fabulous cook and baker and had a great gift for gardening. Linda leaves behind her mother, sister and both grandmothers. JA N E ( H I L S O N ) H OY Class of 1944 passed away on March 18, 2008 in Oneonta, New York at the age of 84. Jane was born October 18, 1923 in Bovina Center, New York. After graduating from Delaware Academy in 1942, she went on to earn her degree from Harcum in Early Childhood Education. She was married to William Hoy for 47 years until his death in 1991. Jane was a dedicated Sunday school teacher and was employed for many years as a Teaching Assistant in the South Kortright School district. She loved nothing more than spending time with her family and daily coffee hours with her close friends. Jane is survived by one of her daughters, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Shontae Monique Peterson
S H O N TA E M O N I Q U E P E T E R S O N Class of 2008 was tragically killed July 6, 2008 at the age of 21. Shontae was a graduate of Coatesville High School and most recently a graduate of Harcum’s Interior Design Program, an accomplishment of which she was extremely proud. She was a member of the College’s student leadership team C.O.R.E as well as a well respected student leader for Student Support Services and a Residential Advisor. Shontae was very fashionable and enjoyed shopping, abstract art design and reading. Shontae is survived by her parents, brother and grandparents. O K S A N A ( K E RU S E N KO ) M C G U R K Class of 2006 was killed in a plane crash on June 20, 2008 in Cape May County, New Jersey. Her husband Dennis, an Atlantic City police officer, was also killed in the crash. They were an adventurous couple and especially loved to fly. Oksana was 34 years old and a graduate of Harcum’s Dental Hygiene Program as was her sister Natalya. They were featured in the spring 2006 issue of Patches for their work at the 2005 Dental Hygiene Table Clinics. Oksana was also a 1992 graduate of Vineland High School. She is survived by both of her parents, one brother and three sisters.
A L F R E D B. P E TO N Y Former Trustee passed away at the age of 82. Alfred grew up in Atlantic City, New Jersey. He graduated from Holy Spirit High School. Alfred served in the Navy during World War II in Hawaii. After being discharged he earned his Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Villanova University. In 1950 Alfred joined Harry F. Ortlip Company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He became president of the company in 1975. In 1980 he bought the company and moved it to Bryn Mawr where it remained for the next 25 years until it was sold in 1995. Alfred is survived by his wife Marion, four of his five daughters, fifteen grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. JA N E ( K R A N T Z ) JA M I S O N Class of 1947 died peacefully Sunday, November 9, 2008. She was born January 22, 1927, in Latrobe. Prior to her marriage, she was a sales associate at Royer's in Greensburg. Survivors include her devoted husband of 54 years, her children, grandchildren and her sister. Jane was a member of Baldwin Community United Methodist Church for more than 50 years and had been a Sunday school teacher and a member of the Women's Society. She was a former Cub and Girl Scout leader, a past president of the former Overlook Acres Women’s Club and a member of AARP Whitehall Chapter 2050.
N A N C Y ( S H A E F F ) S AY L O R Class of early ’50s passed away at the age of 75 on April 10, 2008 at Lehigh Valley Hospital. Nancy was born in Norristown, Pennsylvania and graduated from Norristown High School. She went on to Harcum and received an associate’s degree in interior design. Nancy enjoyed local history, canning, sewing, reading and counted cross stitch. She was also a charter member of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harleysville. Nancy is survived by her husband Paul, three children and four grandchildren.
Harcum Gifts Honor Roll Gifts received July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 President’s Circle
Maud L. Marren Society
Gifts of $10,000 or more
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Faculty & Staff
Anonymous Susan Zises Green ’64
Susan Price ’65
William Chafe Wendell Ehinger Robert Lopes Ione Strauss Katherine Trout
Edward D’Alessio Timothy Ely Vincent Gaitley John Hayden Heidi Techner Madeleine Wrightson
Corporations Firstrust Bank Independence Blue Cross Main Line Health System Tustin Mechanical Services
Foundations Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Memorial Foundation Pennsylvania Higher Education Foundation
Friends Edward Gadsby
Government Department of Community & Economic Development. Montgomery County Workforce Investment Board
Trustees Samuel Cimino Marvin Levitties Dennis Marlo Hilary Strauss
Philip & Esther Klein Society Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Alumni Virginia Humbert ’49
Corporations Federal Home Loan of Pittsburgh
Foundations Wachovia Foundation
Friends John Gerner
Trustees Marcia Huntsman ’ 78 Heather Rodale ’ 72
Corporations David M. Banet & Associates, Inc. Main Line Health Laboratories Inc
Foundations ACE INA Foundation AICUP Foundation for Independent Higher Education
Trustees Beatrice Blackman ’55 Denis Boyle Nancy Brown Alexander Klein
Martin Zipin Society Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Alumni Sandi Feinberg ’64 Laurie Forbes ’ 71 Carole O’Connell ’56 Elizabeth Werth ’68
Corporations Aqua Pennsylvania Bryn Mawr Trust Company CBIZ/Mayer Hoffman McCann, P.C. Center City Film & Video Hirtle, Callaghan & Company Konica-Minolta Business Solutions, Inc. Miller, Cook, & Associates Paychex, Inc. Procter & Gamble Fund SmithBarney Sodexo Campus Services Sovereign Bank Capital Markets Woodring-Roberts Corporation
Faculty & Staff Jon Jay DeTemple Geoffrey Harrington
Foundations Provincial Foundation The Rittenhouse Foundation
Trustees Denise Armbrister Thomas Giamoni Arthur Klein Mary Ann Oaks ’52 Karin Takiff
Katherine B. O’Neil Society Gifts of $250 to $999
Alumni Edith Armstrong-Toor ’50 Kathryna Barone ’52 Cynthia Canevari ’90 Marie Denney ’47 Alice Dorrance ’74 Carol Fanning ’58 Jeanne Frank ’82 Abigail Greene ’55 Betty Haas ’42 Mary Harcum ’81 Susan Henry ’80 Debra Kirshner ’76 Linda LoBianco ’71 Christine Marlo ’00 Linda Ogus-Blum ’64 Jacqueline O’Neil ’56 Kathryn Unger ’64 Nancy Urbach ’63 Deborah Widger ’77 Lynda Wolf-Brotemarkle ’67
Corporations Armstrong, Doyle & Carroll, Inc. Beneficial Savings Bank Collegiate Enterprise Solutions, LLC FBA, Inc. Haverford Trust High Swartz, LLP Jackson Cross Partners Julian Krinsky Summer Camps Malvern Federal Savings Bank Montgomery Chiropractic P&G Fund Untuck LLC VOIP Networks
Friends Anonymous Donald Biron Joseph Blaston Neil Brayton Joseph Duffy Enrico Leone Christopher Lutz Owen Murphy Natalie Packel Peter T. Strickler John Sturgeon John Thompson
Trustees Michael Buongiorno
Purple & White Club Gifts of $100 to $249
Alumni Margaret Ball ’72 Betty Boyko ’41 Fran Caso ’66 Silvia Chapkovich ’81 Josephine DiSanto ’80 Susan Doebling ’92 Karen Duktig ’80 Lena Mae Dulling ’45 Cynthia Gaut ’77 Alix Greenblat ’69 Pamela Hamilton ’79 Ann Hunnicutt ’50 Marlene Inman ’68 Deborah Johnson ’85 Amy Kirshner ’78 Laura Lafferty ’67 Sharon Lee ’01 Patricia Lehman’00 Marilyn Lewis ’50 Ann Lockwood ’44 Justine McCabe ’93 Donald McMullin ’96 Virginia Nahas ’66 Karen Naylor ’92 Mary Jo Schimaneck ’73
Corporations Standard Offset Printing Company
Faculty & Staff Robert Cohn Nicola DiFronzo-Heitzer Nikolay Karpalo Therese Kennedy Carol Linfoot Jo-Anne Perkinson Kerstin Potter Raymond Rodgers
Friends Anonymous Elaine Butakis Ann Coleman Contemporary Cabinet & Closet Systems Design Concepts Plus Gerson Rosenbloom Alfred Taylor Ed Woehling
Harcum Spirit Club
Gifts of $50 to $99
Gifts of $5 to $49
Susan Arnholt ’87 Louise Becke ’47 Elizabeth Bisbing ’89 Rebecca Booth ’88 Susan Bullitt ’78 Katherine Carr ’43 Shirley Carroll ’60 Dossi Cavallucci ’80 Diane Church ’90 Marianna Flowers ’52 Virginia Huntzinger ’56 Donna Karfunkle ’63 Michele Kelley ’04 Allison Koch ’86 Diane Kosik ’72 Patricia Levin ’53 Helene Levin ’62 William Lynne ’00 Lisa Maginnis ’86 Jane Maytin ’59 Kathleen McCoy ’44 Kathleen McKeown ’99 Diane Middlekauff ’79 Marolee Pollock ’59 Justine Robinson ’43 Lila Suna ’68 Debra Zafiropoulos ’86 Melissa Zielinski ’99
Jane Anderson ’81 Karen Arehart ’92 Nancy Bazrod ’61 Kathryn Clagett ’77 Karen Crowell ’57 Christine Daniels ’73 Mary Jo DiPalma ’80 Carol Durnan ’80 Deborah Evans ’74 Phyllis Feinert ’59 Merrie Forstein ’63 Judith Gallons ’91 Heidi Guess ’90 Mary Hannigan ’99 Tanisha Herbert ’01 Cindy Hoffman ’81 Jennifer Knecht ’91 Clarinda Koenig ’90 Constance Lagerman ’40 Jane Lucrezi ’79 Margaret Mahoney ’40 Christopher Mammola ’07 Beatrice Margavage ’48 Barbara Mather ’70 Michelle Matthews ’84 Antoanela Mihaita ’04 Tracey Moore ’00 Cynthia Muller ’76 Ruth Ann Parry ’83 Eileen Pitel ’63 Annet Reigel ’81 Carol Rich ’64 Leslie Scardaci ’75 Johanna Schleyer ’74 Dianne Sherry ’63 Krystyna Sopala ’01 Arlene Sorens ’68 Julie Vetterlein ’48 Jane Westermann ’45 Veronica Wistar ’76 Kathlene Wright ’81 Julie Zimmerman ’00
New York Painters PC Consulting
Corporations Hardware Plus II, Inc. Wyeth Research
Faculty & Staff Donna Broderick Jan Greenlee Nadine Hackman Alexandra Hilosky Carol Martin Martin Ranft Amy Shumoski
Friends Anonymous John Davidson Marian Karsif Steven Shields Judith Troisi John Edward Zoller Montgomery/Bucks Dental Hygienists’ Association
Faculty & Staff Jean Byrnes-Ziegler Joann Mirigliano Erin Wooley
Friends Nancy Byrne Lynn Heyman Miriam Katz Daniel Pliskin Susan Sukonik
Gwyn Sirota ’57 Jessie Smail ’47 Diana Smith ’87 Leigh Stevenson ’91 Nan Towne ’47 Jennifer Ulehla ’88 Candy Ward-Ruchala ’71 Susan Wolfe ’80 Susan Zeller-Kent ’72
Harcum Bears Club
In-Kind Gifts Applebee’s Carol Greenwood Cigar, Cigars Flannigan’s Boathouse FoodSource Gail Sklar Geisinger Medical Center General Warren Inne George Purvis Ginny Greenwood Gullifty’s Kildare’s Irish Pub Montgomery/Bucks Dental Hygienists’ Association Mr. Bottle Beverage National City Bank Ninety Nine 99 Ruby’s Diner Savona Sheraton University City Hotel Sola Tango Bistro Teddy Getty-Gaston ’29 Temmy Mintz W.B. Mason 92.5 WXTU 96.5 WIRED Yangming Yeats Pub of the Main Line Zwahlen’s Ice Cream & Chocolate Company
Men’s Basketball
Schedule subject to change without prior notice. Please consult the website for updates.
Sat, Jan. 10
Newark, NJ
3 pm
Tue, Jan. 13
Randolph, NJ
7 pm
Sat, Jan. 17
@CCRI Tournament ^
Warwick, RI
Sun, Jan. 18
@CCRI Tournament ^
Warwick, RI
Tue, Jan. 20
8 pm
Thu, Jan. 22
Jenkintown, PA
7 pm
Thu, Jan. 29
Pemberton, NJ
7 pm
Sat, Jan. 31
2 pm
Sat, Feb. 7
2 pm
Tue, Feb. 10
Scranton, PA
7 pm
Thu, Feb. 12
@Del Tech-Stanton
Stanton, DE
7 pm
Sat, Feb. 14
2 pm
Tue, Feb. 17
8 pm
Sat, Feb. 21
2 pm
Sat, Mar. 7
District Tournament
Sun, Mar. 8
District Tournament
Tue, Mar 17-21
National Tournament
Women’s Basketball
Schedule subject to change without prior notice. Please consult the website for updates.
Day, Date
Thu, Jan. 8
@Raritan Valley *
Somerville, NJ
4 pm
Sat, Jan. 10
@Essex *
Newark, NJ
2 pm
Tue, Jan. 13
Union *
6 pm
Thu, Jan. 15
Middletown, NY
5 pm
Sat, Jan. 17
@Rhode Island ^
Warwick, RI
2 pm
Sun, Jan. 18
Genesee ^
Warwick, RI
5 pm
Tue, Jan. 20
Salem *
6 pm
Thu, Jan. 22
@Manor *
Jenkintown, PA
Sat, Jan. 24
Raritan Valley *
Tue, Jan. 27
@Union *
Cranford, NJ
Thu, Jan. 29
Pemberton, NJ
Sat, Jan. 31
Essex *
12 pm
Sat, Feb. 7
Mercer *
12 pm
Tue, Feb. 10
@Lackawanna *
Scranton, PA
Thu, Feb. 12
@Delaware Tech./Stanton *
Newark, DE
Sat, Feb. 14
Morris *
12 pm
Tue, Feb. 17
Lackawanna *
6 pm
Sat, Feb. 21
Monroe - Region XV DIII
12 pm
6 pm 12 pm 7 pm 5 pm
6 pm 6 pm
Region XIX Quarter-Finals
Higher Seed
Fri, Feb. 27
Region XIX Semi-Finals
Higher Seed
Sun, Mar. 1
Region XIX Championship
* Region XIX Opponent # Mercyhurst Northeast Classic, Erie, PA % Genesee Holiday Tournament, Batavia, NY @ Amelia Academy, Amelia, VA ^ Community College of Rhode Island Classic, Warwick, RI
Hutchinson, KS
Harcum College Little Theatre Bryn Mawr, PA
Opening Soon!
JOIN THE CAST “Old Friends” Legacy Front of House Intermission Terrace Upstaged House Lights
$100,000 $50,000 $25,000 $10,000 $5,000
Stars on the Harcum Walk of Fame The Golden Circle Twenty Reserved Seating Supporting Cast
$1,000 $500 $250 $100
To make a gift or for more information contact 610-526-6060 or alumni@harcum.edu
BE ON THE LOOKOUT! We’re launching a new alumni website mid-January 2009. Same location, user friendly, and more features!
Log on and register beginning January 15, 2009 You’ll be able to : • Create a profile • Upload your photos • Search the alumni directory • Advertise your business • And so much more!
You will need your ID number which is located on the mailing label below. Be sure to make a note of it. The Magazine for Alumni & Friends of Harcum College ✯ WINTER 2009
HARCUM COLLEGE 750 Montgomery Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 O