The Magazine for Alumni & Friends of Harcum College 2007 Spring
Charles Hathaway Trout, Ph.D. 1935-2006 Charles Hathaway Trout was born November 3, 1935 in Seattle Washington. He grew up in Oneida, NY, but spent much of his childhood in the Philadelphia suburbs, visiting relatives and developing a love for the Bryn Mawr area. “One of my cousins is an extraordinarily gifted pianist; some of her friends actually played on the instruments that Edith Hatcher Harcum, our founder, brought to Harcum in 1915,” he said. He earned his B.A. from Amherst College, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Columbia University His doctoral dissertation was titled “Boston During the Great Depression, 1929-1940,” and was the basis for his book, Boston, The Great Depression, and The New Deal (Oxford University Press, 1977). During his career he has worked in virtually every niche of higher education. He was an admissions counselor at Amherst, a history teacher at The Hill School in Pottstown, PA and later at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH. He taught history at Mount Holyoke College, and from 1973 to 1979 served as Chairman of the History Department at Mount Holyoke. He later was Provost and Dean of Faculty at Colgate University, and from 1990 to 1995 served as the 24th President of Washington College in Chestertown, MD. His accomplishments at Washington College include the development of a long-range plan, the increase in enrollment and the substantial growth of the College’s endowment. While at Washington he recognized that the surrounding Chesapeake Bay region was a natural “learning laboratory” for students. He therefore initiated the Chesapeake Regional Studies program, which was the forerunner of Washington College’s environmental studies major.
In Memoriam: The Charles Trout Initiative To Honor His Legacy
In the late 1990s, working through the International Foundation for Education and Self-Help (IFESH), he taught history and English to school children in Litein, Kenya. Dr. Trout was enthralled with the assignment. Writing about the experience in the Washington College alumni magazine in 1998, he wrote: “After fifteen years on the front lines of academic administration, Katherine and I discovered another world where we could flourish, but it was a very different kind of place than any we had known. This was a world where meetings began with prayers for a successful outcome. This was a place where students stood up when we…
The Harcum Little Theatre
Alumni Spotlight
“ Perhaps his biggest contribution to the College has been his infectious enthusiasm and optimism. Chuck made everyone a believer in the great things that Harcum can achieve.” — Mr. Dennis S. Marlo Chair of the Harcum Board of Trustees
Harcum Sport’s Success
Editors Geoffrey Harrington Executive Director of College Advancement Michelle Trenholm Communications Coordinator co-Editor Laura M. Hanes Director of Annual Giving & Special Events
2.......... Harcum on the Move.
Dr. Edward R. D’Alessio Acting President
11. ...... Why I Give.
Continuing to Create the New Harcum. » Dr. Trout’s Legacy » The Future: Dr. Jon Jay DeTemple. The Charles Trout Initiative
4.......... Student Profiles .
Bea Carpenter Blackman ‘55,. Diana Weir-Smith ’87 & Nancy B. Urbach ’63
Joseph J. Diorio Director of PR & Marketing Carol Greenwood Administrative Assistant
12. ...... Alumni Spotlight . Jane Wooster Scott, Heather Rodale & Tracy Johnson
» Ashley Dero & Seth Cole
6.......... Dental Check-Up.
Nancy Minnick Administrative Assistant
14....... alumni happenings.
The New Face of Interior Design
8.......... Athletic Round-Up. » A Successful Resurgence at Harcum » Lady Bears Basketball Team Increase Breast Cancer Awareness » 2006 Kevin D. Marlo Golf Classic
New National Alumni Board Members MySpace? No, MyHarcum!
15.......90th Commencement Address 16.......Class Notes
Preserve a National Treasure of the Arts. by Mary Harcum ’81 The Little Theatre Restoration Project
Richard Ulrych Director of Foundation Relations & Prospect Research Photography
19.......In Memoriam
10....... alumni on the Move
Michele Sacher Director of Alumni Relations
Joseph J. Diorio Director of PR & Marketing
20.......Honor Roll
Lisa Mixon Assistant Director of PR & Marketing Richard Ulrych Director of Foundation Relations & Prospect Research Falcetti Studios Carol H. Feeley Photography
12 6
Tom McKean Linda Johnson of Jim Roese Photography Fred Smith Associates Photography Visual-Technology.com Design Untuck Design Studio
For comments, questions or opinions, contact: Editorial Guidelines The Office of College Advancement in conjunction with the Director of Alumni Relations publishes Patches. The Director of Alumni Relations serves as the editor of Patches. The editorial board is comprised of: The Director of College Advancement, Director of Foundations and Prospect Research, the Director of Public Relations, and the President of Harcum College as an ex-office member. . The editor will seek guidance as needed from the National Board as to the content and format of Patches. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. The comments and opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of Harcum College. The editorial board reserves the right to edit and select content for Patches that adheres to Harcum’s commitment to maintaining the high standard of integrity that has always been characteristic of Harcum College. Harcum College is an equal opportunity institution and, as such, does not discriminate in its educational and employment practices with regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, sexual orientation, applicable veteran status, or any other legally protected classification.
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Office of College Advancement. Bedford Hall. 750 Montgomery Avenue. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010. 610.526.6060
Message from the Acting President To All Harcum Alumni & Friends of the College
s 2007 is well underway, I am pleased to be able to share encouraging news with you about Harcum College’s current status; Harcum’s student enrollment has grown, our financial position has improved, and our cherished traditions—a caring, nurturing learning experience and excellent career preparation—remain strong. Through an outreach to the late former President Dr. Trout’s friends and family, as well as others in the Harcum Community, the College is seeking to raise $500,000 to improve the athletic and liberal studies facilities of the College. Additional fundraising efforts continue. Harcum College enters its 92nd year well positioned to meet the needs of its current and future students. The College’s key financial indicators point to a bright future for Harcum’s stakeholders. Under the aegis of the Office of College Advancement and the National Alumni Board (the NAB) alumni involvement continues to hit new milestones. MyHarcum.com, the alumni on-line community, was launched in October, 2006 to help alumni reconnect with each other and the College. Through a partnership between Harcum and I-LEAD, a community-based non-profit school, about 70 community leaders at a number of sites across Pennsylvania are pursuing their Harcum College associate’s degrees in leadership studies. Harcum’s most popular on-campus programs are in the health sciences including Veterinary Technology, Nursing, Allied Health Science, Dental Hygiene, and Radiologic Technology. The vast majority of Harcum’s students are highly motivated to succeed and all their programs have a liberal arts core that supports the College mission in preparing our students for a lifetime of learning, including further academic achievement beyond the associate’s degree that Harcum confers at graduation. Athletics continue to be a boon on campus, generating a “buzz” in the hallways and creating a greater sense of community among students, staff and faculty. Harcum’s volleyball team was regional champion this year and hosted the district playoffs where they contended for a spot in the national tournament. The men’s basketball team, currently the 4th ranked two-year college team in the nation, finished with a regular season record of 28-2 and as Region XIX Champions with Harcum Coach Drew Kelly being named Region XIX Coach of the year. However, the Bears lost
spri ng 20 07
to Community College of Rhode Island in the Northeast District Championship game of the National Junior College Athletic Association. In addition, at least two members of the men’s team are going on to play at NCAA Division I universities. The women finished 25-3, reaching the Regional XIX Finals Championship game and finishing as runner-up. The women’s team has been nationally-ranked since 2004. In the spring of 2007, men’s and women’s track and field will be initiated. A basic challenge facing Harcum is the need for continued growth in our student body. This goal has reaped recent rewards. Harcum’s enrollment in the fall term 2006 increased to 885 students (the equivalent of 677 full-time students), an increase of 68% over the 528 fall of 2002. To spark further enrollment and continue the family tradition of the Harcum educational experience, Harcum has extended the Legacy Tuition program whereby Harcum students who are the children or grandchildren of Harcum graduates pay the same first year tuition that their parent or grandparent paid! Despite these modest successes, effort and energy on the part of Harcum community members continue unabated to contribute to enhanced enrollment and retention of students. With your continued friendship, charitable support, and willingness to be a goodwill ambassador for the College, Harcum will reach its enrollment and financial goals. Your investments of time, talents, and treasure will help Harcum achieve long-term stability that will enable it to help future generations of students reach their education and career goals. Harcum depends on the support of its alumni and friends to continue to grow and meet the future needs of its students in a competitive and ever changing marketplace. Only with that support can new academic programs be added, financial obligations be minimized, talented and skilled faculty and staff be recruited and retained, and expansion and improvements made to our physical plant facilities. I am personally interested in your comments, suggestions, and questions. Please feel free to write to me via the President’s Office, Harcum College, 750 Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, 19010. You can also phone me at 610.526.6024 or e-mail me at edalessio@harcum.edu. Cordially,
Edward R. D’Alessio, Ph.D. Acting President
Patches is published by the Office of College Advancement Cover photo of Charles H. Trout courtesy of Washington College. harcum college
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Harcum on the move Continuing to Create
New Harcum
Dr. Trout’s Legacy
A college is supposed to be the kind of place where tradition rules, where upheaval doesn’t happen. Unfortunately, that did . not apply to Harcum College in September 2006 when cancer suddenly took Harcum’s then President Dr. Charles H. Trout away from his beloved “Harcum Nation.” Six months later, an aggressive search . that began almost immediately after . Dr. Trout’s untimely death culminated in . the Board of Trustees naming Dr. Jon . Jay DeTemple Harcum’s 11th President, effective June 1, 2007.
Dr. Trout took over the helm at Harcum during a very challenging time. Enrollments for the fall 2002 term were less than 200 students and the College had a total student body of fewer than 500. Today, Harcum is a robust campus of over 850 students (nearly 400 new students this fall,) with successful programs in Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Sports Management, and Criminal Justice, to name just a few. “Chuck had accomplished so many things,” said Dennis S. Marlo, Chair of the Harcum Board of Trustees. “By reactivating the intercollegiate sports program, increasing annual giving, enhancing the ability to recruit as well as rebuild a very strong leadership team; Dr. Trout provided us with a guideline to get us into the next 100 years of the College. “Perhaps his biggest contribution to the College has been his infectious enthusiasm and optimism,” said Mr. Marlo. “Chuck made everyone a believer in the great things that Harcum can achieve.”
The Future: Dr. Jon Jay DeTemple
Dr. Trout and his wife, Katherine enjoyed gardening together at their homes in Chestertown, Maryland and North Sandwich, New Hampshire. They also worked together to beautify the grounds of Harcum College.
“We are delighted to have Dr. DeTemple on board as President of Harcum College, and to complete the creation of a ‘New Harcum’ that was started by Chuck Trout and sustained by Ed D’Alessio,” said Mr. Marlo. “Dr. DeTemple brings a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and a strong ‘can do’ attitude to the job. “Throughout an arduous search process that involved in-depth meetings with trustees, senior staff, faculty, students, and alumni, Dr. DeTemple proved himself to be an energetic
The Charles Trout Initiative
Next to Harcum College, Dr. Trout’s passion was sports. There was
and impassioned advocate for Harcum College, its students, and its mission. He has a proven track record of commitment to educational philosophy and pushing the envelope when it comes to embracing change and the challenges of growth at a private institution.” “My wife, Karen, and I are very excited about joining the Harcum Family. I was impressed with the enthusiasm and dedication of the faculty, staff, and trustees. I’m looking forward to continuing the work that was so ably begun to build the ‘New Harcum’,” said Dr. DeTemple. Dr. DeTemple has over 20 years of experience in higher education as president and vice president of a college. At Post University— during a period of low enrollment, struggling relations with state higher education and regional accrediting agencies, financial problems and a great deal of turnover in general—Dr. DeTemple led a revitalization plan that expanded the college’s program offerings, and successfully transformed the institution from not-for-profit to a for-profit institution. Leading Post University through a ten-year accreditation review with the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Dr. DeTemple simultaneously restored community awareness, regained support from the area’s legislative contingent, and was influential in raising over one-million dollars. During Post University’s resurgence, Dr. DeTemple initiated the institutional advancement function and received accreditation for Bachelor’s of Science degree programs, and online associate’s and bachelor’s degrees in legal studies, international business, finance, and more. He oversaw the implementation of evening and weekend classes; and worked in conjunction with the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium, positioning Post University to become the largest provider of online programs in the State of Connecticut.
no bigger fan of “Bears” athletics than Chuck Trout. One member of the women’s basketball team, upon realizing that Dr. Trout was seated at courtside for every game, called him her “lucky charm.” Dr. Trout’s belief in sports went beyond a Dr. Trout strikes a pose in one of the new dental chairs with a group of Dental Hygiene students at the rededication of the Abram & Goldie Cohen Dental Programs Center in 2003. Laden with talent and an invincible spirit, “Team Trout” was always a contender for the championship title at the Kevin D. Marlo Golf Classic. Dr. Trout engages faculty, staff, and alum at the College’s 90th birthday. Making the cover of Patches’ Fall/Winter 2003
edition, Dr. Trout sits with pride alongside various representatives from Harcum’s Allied Health Science Program.
venue for personal entertainment; he firmly believed in providing students with the full collegiate experience. That included having a variety of athletics on campus. Athletics provides opportunity for scholar/athletes, it provides a means for fundraising, and it helps raise the profile of the college. In memory of Dr. Trout’s devotion to Athletics, the College is promoting “The Charles H. Trout Initiative,” a challenge for alumni and friends to raise $500,000 in .
gifts and pledges that will be used to: • Revitalize the Klein Hall gym, renaming it . the “Charles H. Trout Gymnasium,” and making it a venue worthy of championshipcaliber athletics. • Restoring the soccer field outside of the Academic Center, making it a showcase for the college and an enhancement to the College’s neighborhood appeal. • Energizing liberal studies through the creation of a Liberal Arts Suite in the Academic Center.
The College has already received nearly $200,000 in pledges. Please consider adding to this worthy cause with a pledge of your own. The Charles H. Trout Initiative Harcum College. 750 Montgomery Avenue. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
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Harcum on the move Who is the typical Harcum student? . Well, if the following interviews with Ashley and Seth tell us anything, it is that it’s difficult to peg the Harcum student. The College attracts a diverse population of students, with different pastimes and career aims. That’s what makes things interesting.
student profile
student profile
Name: Ashley Dero
Name: Seth Cole
Field of Study at Harcum: Early Childhood Education Favorite TV Show: Everybody Loves Raymond Favorite Movie: Elf Hobby: Horseback riding. My mom started riding and then I followed after her, and I started riding. Now, I’m not riding, but in the summer I try to ride once a week if I can. We have a horse we keep at a farm near Pottstown, and we usually ride it at the farm. There’s about 30 acres of trail there.
Ashley Dero
About My Family: My mom works at a bank and my step-father owns a garage. I have an older sister, who works as a pharma technician at Rite Aid, and I have a younger brother. He’s still in high school, but next year he will be going to West Chester. He wants to major in business. Little Known Fact: Few people know that when I had to decide on what I wanted to study I was thinking either to major in equine studies or early childhood. I was looking at equine studies at Delaware County Community College. I was interested in equine studies because of my experience volunteering for five years in an equestrian therapy program at Hopes Springs Eternal Farm. It has been a great experience and it made me interested in getting formal training in how to teach people to ride. At the farm I worked with both children and adults all disabilities—in wheelchairs and walkers; we had children who were autistic, children with down syndrome. It really helped children because they were able to feel their
sense of balance. They were also able to feel that they didn’t have a disability; they had a lot of fun. They felt more independent, more confident. They felt better about themselves. I would love to volunteer again. Not everyone responds well to the therapy. We had a couple of students who felt scared, and they didn’t want to get on a horse, and we didn’t make them. What I like about Harcum: The main reason I came here is because of the small class sizes. It’s far enough from home, but close enough to go back. What I really like is that the faculty and staff are really nice. I love the early childhood program. The professors are a lot of fun. It’s great to have a day care center on campus. In our second week of classes, we were there observing the kids. The program is very hands-on. The teaching comes on later after the first two semesters. I found I really like to work with infants and toddlers. I really enjoy having my work study job. I have a chance to be involved in a lot of things. This year I am a student ambassador. I give tours to potential students. We do guidance counselor days, first Saturday days, Open House days, office work, and phone calls. Future Plans: I have been hired at a day care center in the Summer. I will be starting there in May. I plan to work there, and then take a break and then go on to West Chester University. I want to become an elementary guidance counselor—help students with problems and situations, family issues, school issues, and behavioral problems.
Field of Study at Harcum: Radiologic Technology Nickname: Josh’s little brother Favorite TV Show: The Daily Show Favorite Movie: Dune Hobbies: Painting my house; I like to read a lot: science-fiction, Greek & Latin classical literature and mythology, and popular science—e.g., I am reading about giant squid, which were once thought to be mythical; camping; biking; vegetable gardening; and writing. I have a house in Roxborough that I am painting and where I like to garden: peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes, etc. I did a lot of camping when I was younger. Most of it in Pennsylvania, some in Connecticut, and I camped in Hawaii—in Maui. About My Family: My father is a radiologist and my mother is a nurse. She works as a school nurse and science teacher at Friends Central, which is where my siblings and I went to high school. I was born in Massachusetts, which is where my parents are from, but we moved around a bit before we settled in this area. I was actually born in Ohio—Cleveland. Little Known Fact: I know how to knit. I learned from my grandmother. My sister can do hats, but I just knit scarves. What I like about Harcum: I like that it’s small, that you get to know people. The professors are very likeable and easy to talk to. The location is great.
Secret Ambition: I think sometimes of going into politics, but then I think that most people in public office are ineffectual. I also think about someday starting a business. I like the independence it offers. I have a friend who has an IT consulting firm, and he only has two clients. He seems to have a good situation. Future Plans: Once I finish the Rad-Tech Program, I’ll go to work. I hope to get on the job training in sub-specialties such as MRI and CT. I have bounced around the idea of getting a bachelor’s degree in radiological technology, but I already have a bachelor’s degree (in Classics and Archaeology), so I’d rather get a master’s. There’s a program I have heard of, sort of in the wind, there’s a program that I know is out in California and in some other states, and I believe that the position exists in Pennsylvania but not a lot of training programs for a position as a radiologic assistant. It’s sort of the same thing as a nurse practitioner but in radiology where you would be actually reading x-rays in departments that are very small, where they cannot afford a radiologist or in emergency rooms where they need someone who can read the x-ray right away. The way it is right now, for insurance purposes, the technologist can look at an x-ray and say “This guy’s arm is broken,” but they you have to send it to the radiologist, who looks at it and says, “Yeah, this guy’s arm is broken,” and then send that information to the ER. So, for these positions in the ER, you hand the x-ray over to the RA, and he or she can evaluate without going to the radiologist.
Seth Cole
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Harcum on the move Recently Dr. Philip Giarraputo sat down to discuss his experiences and observations while working with Harcum’s Dental Programs as a supervising dentist. Excerpts of the interview appear right. Dr. Giarraputo received his degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of Pennsylvania. For several years, he had a private practice in central Pennsylvania before coming back to Penn, where he served as Group Leader of General Dentistry and Director of Primary Care Centers.
Dental Check-Up You have been observing the dental hygiene program at Harcum. What makes this program special in terms of how it addresses the needs of dentists? The Harcum Dental Hygiene Program is special in that it offers hands-on teaching with a 4:1 ratio with dental hygiene instructors. The students are strong in terms of the depth of their education and they can integrate the basic sciences with the clinical hygiene. The emphasis on periodontal health and the inflammatory process is a strong part of their clinical education. This program is strong for the potential employer in that the dental practice employer needs a highly educated and technically skilled dental hygienist who can act as a co-therapist with the dentist as well as a patient oral health educator. This Harcum provides. The dental hygienist who has been taught at Harcum is skilled at x-ray technique and can interpret dental x-rays. This is invaluable to the dental practice and can offer an increased level of patient care.
How can the Harcum dental hygiene program be improved?
Phillip Giarapputo, DMD reviews patient charts
with (L-R) dental hygiene students Carrie Secrist and Maria Dellavalle, and faculty instructor Geraldine Scutti (’97), RDH. Terri Delisi, the EFDA Coordinator of Continuing Studies at Harcum, instructs a dental assisting student on proper procedure.
Well, one way of improving it would be to give students more dental experiences in a variety of clinical settings. In this way, the hygiene student will get to see a broader variety of procedures. Students also have to have contact with a more varied patient pool. At present, we have student clinical rotations at Community Volunteers in Medicine in West Chester and at the VA (Veteran’s Administration) Hospital, and at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. These rotations provide students opportunities to treat diverse populations with varied needs. We need more such experiences.
What can the dental community do to make the program stronger? One big way periodontists can help is by giving Harcum hygiene students an opportunity to have rotations through their facilities. This would really help the program to improve. Also, dentists can think of Harcum when they are moving to new facilities and don’t know what to do with relatively new equipment and cabinetry that won’t be going with them. They can donate these to Harcum. Of course, cash donations also help. I think every dentist understands the costs involved in maintaining and frequently up-dating a dental clinic. One more important way to help is by volunteering time. We need volunteers to serve as supervising dentists in the Harcum Dental Center when I’m not available. We have an on-call dentist list that dentists could sign on to. We need dentists to volunteer for Sealant Saturday and similar community events. This is a wonderful way for dentists to give back to the community as well as to help Harcum’s dental programs.
Why should dentists care about the Harcum Dental Hygiene Program? That’s an interesting question. If you consider that in a private practice setting, the dental hygienist represents an important function in the continuing growth of the practice, it only makes sense to look at a dental hygiene education program as part of the underpinnings of a successful practice. In other words, it makes sense, from a financial standpoint, for dentists in this area to take an interest in the Harcum Dental Hygiene Program. Also, if a dentist looks at things from the standpoint of the well-being of patients, and considers the hygienist a co-therapist, then the quality of dental hygiene education received at Harcum is also important.
Gary Celli of Berwyn (right) received dental sealants—work performed by senior dental hygiene student
Omar Williams (left)—during a free clinic at the Cohen Dental Center on February 4, 2006. The clinic was part of “Sealant Saturday,” a statewide event sponsored by the Pennsylvania Dental Hygiene Association.
What are some of the major challenges facing the dental programs at Harcum? One of the major challenges that I see is building the recognition that we are here; we are providing dental hygiene services, and these services are very high-end. One thing I would really like to make clear to dentists is that we are not in competition with them. One of our objectives in offering patients low-cost dental hygiene care is to get the patient to a dentist for continued oral maintenance. We give them a referral for restorative dentistry, oral surgery, periodontal care, whatever. We urge them to see a dentist. The dentist these patients visit can use our referrals to assess further treatment options. We want to cooperate with area dentists in increasing the number of people who avail themselves of a dentists care. Many of our patients come to us because they think they cannot afford a dentist. We encourage them to visit a dentist. Recently, we have been exploring the possibility of referring our patients to dentists who will offer discounted fees to Harcum referrals. By the way, this is one more important way that dentists can help Harcum. Please contact Harcum to discuss how you can join us in this effort. I think this is a great win/win situation for everyone: patient, dentist, Harcum dental hygiene students and the Harcum Dental Hygiene Program.
The New Face of
Interior Design This past fall Heidi Techner was named Director of the Interior Design program. Heidi replaced Julie Whitmore, who had served at the Program Director for more than 30 years. Ms. Techner comes to Harcum from The Main Line School Night evening program, where she taught adults Interior Design and Drawing. She is also the owner and principal designer of Techner Design, a small residential and commercial design firm located in Wynnewood, PA. Ms. Techner, a resident of Wynnewood, received her undergraduate degree in Fine Arts/Painting from Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, a teaching certificate in Art Education from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Master of Science in Interior Design from Drexel University. Exciting things are already happening in the Harcum Interior Design Program. This spring the school began offering a new part-time certificate program in Residential Design that enables individuals to learn the fundamentals of decorating and designing homes with taste and style. Courses in the program include drawing floor plans, color theory, fabrics and finishes, lighting and atmosphere, and furniture and accessories. Other electives include courses on clutter control and organization, feng shui, design for small spaces, and painting. “This new program is perfect for individuals buying a home, remodeling or decorating,” says Heidi, “and for anyone who is considering a career in Residential Design, the six courses required for a certificate is a fabulous foundation.” To find out more information about the Residential Design Certificate Program, contact the Interior Design Department at 610.526.6095.
Harcum College in Bryn Mawr, PA educates dental hygienists, dental assistants, and expanded function dental assistants. Harcum’s Cohen Dental Programs Center offers lowcost, high quality dental hygiene care to local residents and seeks to cooperate with dentists in the region to ensure that patients who visit the Center seek continued oral care. Currently, there are 55 students enrolled in Harcum’s Dental Hygiene Program; there are 27 students enrolled in the Dental Assistant/Expanded Function Dental Assistant Program. Dentists who wish to contact the Dental Programs may call Theresa Sims at 610.526.6015. The Director of the Dental Hygiene Program is Jean Byrnes-Ziegler, who can be reached at 610.526.6046; Dossie Cavallucci is the Director of the Dental Assisting/EFDA Program—her telephone number is 610.526.6029.
Heidi Techner, the newly appointed Director of Interior Design at Harcum College (top left photo), is shown providing input to interior design students as they present their rendered design projects.
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Harcum on the move Sports enjoying a successful resurgence at Harcum The basement of Klein Hall still contains remnants of Harcum’s athletics history—. old badminton rackets, epees from fencing
athletic round-up Harcum Alumni and the Lady Bears Basketball Team Join Forces to Increase Breast Cancer Awareness
classes, field hockey jerseys, and more. . Surely there are many fond memories that go along with all that equipment. Those happy memories are getting some impressive company, as Harcum’s athletic presence continues create memorable moments of its own. Consider that: • Harcum’s relatively new men’s basketball team won the Regional championship in only the program’s second season. Even better, at least six of the graduating seniors are going on to play for NCAA Division I . or Division II collegiate programs. • The women’s basketball team has compiled a three-year record of 79-9, has one Regional championship to its name, and
The Harcum “Lady Bears” Basketball team with coach Ty Taylor at the Susan G. Komen 5K “Race for the Cure” in New York’s Central Park in September, 2006.
Harcum College alumni, Coach Ty Taylor and Lady Bears Basketball Team, Harcum College Advancement staff, and Mrs. Katherine Trout spent an eventful day together on Sunday, September 10th walking in New York’s Central Park. This was not just a day in the park for Harcum. The College community voluntarily came together to support the Susan G. Komen 5K Race for the Cure, one of many walks held across the country to increase breast cancer awareness and raise money for research.
More than 20 members of the Harcum community walked with well over 10,000 participants to increase awareness of the importance of early screenings and breast cancer detection while raising money for the Foundation’s research efforts. Showing our support is important for the Harcum community. Harcum College is working everyday to make a difference in the lives of cancer patients. The College currently offers four healthcare career tracks to support the prevention, detection, and treatment of breast cancer; RN-Nursing, Radiology Technology, Physical Therapy Assisting, and Allied Health Science (Research). The College has also recently announced a certificate program in Mammography.
has never once lost a contest at Klein Hall. Opposing players and coaches may sneer when they see Klein’s older, basement gym, but those sneers quickly go away
Save the date for the 2007 golf classic!
when Klein’s gym turns into a chamber of horrors for visiting teams. • The women’s volleyball team won its . Regional championship in that program’s second year of existence, and is looking to
On Monday, August 7, 2006, at the Llanerch Country Club in Havertown, Pennsylvania, more than 100 golfers hit the course for the Kevin D. Marlo Golf Classic, the College’s 7th annual scholarship golf tournament. With the support of every generous sponsor, including this year’s Presenting Sponsor Firstrust Bank and Chairman’s Sponsor Sovereign Bank, the tournament was a record-breaking success raising over $72,000 in scholarships for Harcum students in the Allied Health Sciences. The success of 2006 tournament was due in large part to the tremendous efforts of the Marlo Family and friends, Tournament Chairman Tom Giamoni and the golf committee, Dr. Charles H. Trout, Denis Boyle, Brett Cloak, Joe Diorio, Vince Gaitley, and Bill Patch. Furthermore, the tournament would not have been possible without the support of our dedicated alumni volunteers including Mary Harcum ’81 and Diana Weir-Smith ’87. The upcoming 2007 Kevin D. Marlo Memorial Golf Classic is shaping up to be an even more spectacular event. We look forward to yet another beautiful day on the golf course while raising critical scholarship support for deserving Harcum students. If you are interested in participating or volunteering please feel free to call Carol Greenwood at 610.526.6060 or cgreenwood@harcum.edu.
track and field team begins competition. Chantal Hardy, a star forward on Harcum College’s
“Lady Bears” women’s basketball team, moves the ball up court in the district championship game vs. Community College of Rhode Island in 2006. Chantal will play for Bloomsburg University, an NCAA Division II School in 2007-08.
in the classroom and on the fields of competition,” says Drew Kelly, Harcum’s
Coach Karen Stout, currently certified as a Level One
Athletic Director and men’s basketball coach.
Track and Field Coach by the USA Track and Field Association, poses with Harcum’s first ever co-ed track and field team. The Bears set new records in the men’s 400 and 200, and a new record in the women’s 200 meter was set by almost one second.
“By proving we are a College where athletes can succeed, then go on to play for Division I schools, we will continue to be a magnet for great students.” 8 harcum college
The Harcum College women’s volleyball team won the
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District 19 NJCAA Championship in its second year of action. Go “V-Bears!”
Christine Marlo (middle) and her father Dennis S. Marlo (second from right) with three of Kevin’s friends.
special Thanks to our 2006 tournament sponsors presenting sponsor
Chairman’s club Sponsor
Sovereign Bank
Provost’s Sponsor netEconomist, Inc. dean’s club Sponsors Certified Abstract Company Inc. Sodexho Campus Service Tustin Mechanical Services anniversary club Sponsors Harcum College Board of Trustees David M. Banet & Associates, Inc. Hole-In-One Prize Sponsor The Great Britains Jaguar hospitality Sponsors AES / PHEAA Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. CBIZ, Inc. Hirtle Callaghan & Company Main Line Health System Smith Barney, A Division of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
• And just this spring the newly-minted Harcum
a school where scholar athletes can succeed
7 2 0 0
2006 Kevin D. Marlo Golf Classic, a RecordBreaking Success
play more games against high profile teams.
“Harcum can differentiate itself by becoming
Steady as she goes! A member of the “Firstrust Team” lines up a put at the 2006 Kevin D. Marlo Golf Classic.
Hole Sponsors 92.5 WXTU: Philadelphia’s Country Station Al Massoni - FBA, Inc. Government Relations Arthur Klein Battaglini & Co. – Joseph D. Battaglini, CPA Beneficial Savings Bank CBIZ, Inc.
Brian Denney & Tim Abel of Firstrust (sponsor) with the Marlo family.
Comcast Spotlight Edith Armstrong-Toor ’50 Edward L. Woehling, DDS – Bryn Mawr Periodontal Associates Farrelly Brothers, Bryn Mawr, PA – Ground Maintenance for Harcum College FoodSource Harcum College Management Team High, Swartz, Roberts, & Seidel LLP Hirtle, Callaghan & Company HRH - Hilb, Rogal & Hobbs Company Jackson Cross Partners – John P. Morrissey, Partner John Cipollone, Inc. Julian Krinsky Summer Camps Konica Minolta Business Solutions Malvern Federal Savings Bank Sovereign Bank Capital Markets Stevens & Lee Team Trout The Bryn Mawr Trust Company The Marlo Family Untuck Design Studio Special Contributors Annie Birds Chartered Investment Company Christopher Lutz Harcum College National Alumni Board Janet C. Pyewell Jody Chavira Neil W. Brayton, DDS PA Robert Lopes Sanders, Morris & Harris Sola Twisted Gourmet Weston Capital Yangming 9 harcum college
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Alumni on the move
Why I Give
Little Theatre
An Alumni Perspective on Supporting Harcum
Use Your Passion to Preserve a National Treasure of the Arts by Mary Harcum, Class of 1981
I want to tell you a story that began in Europe at the turn of the 20th century, when people gave voice to the political, social and artistic issues of the day in an unconventional, experimental venue called Little Theatre. The Little Theatre Movement eventually spread throughout the United States. It was a venue for the little guy, the odd man out, the underdog who had an important artistic message to relay but no platform on which to speak. Here at Harcum we are blessed to have a piece of that history on our campus—The Harcum Little Theatre—a national treasure of the arts, with its own significant history. It’s upsetting, but the theatre has fallen into disrepair and if something is not done, I’m afraid it will fade from the pages of history forever. So, about now, you’re probably thinking: “What do they want?” What we want is quite simple. We want your passion…expressed through your natural gifts, that takes hold of a cause and WILL NOT let go. Use this passion and express it by whatever comes naturally to you: »E nlist People of Influence. You might say, “I know people of influence who can get the message out about the need to preserve this national treasure and put a public face on the restoration.” Then speak to them…with passion and commitment. Who knows what great things could happen?
»O pen Your Home. Perhaps you have the gift of hospitality. When you plan you next party, why not do it for this cause, to get others excited about supporting this American Icon of the Arts. Just do it with passion and commitment…and make a difference. » Locate Memorabilia. Maybe you love communicating with people and can contact other Harcum alumni from an earlier era to locate pictures, articles, and stories—anything that could go on display in the restored Harcum Little Theatre to create a visual history. Imagine the stories you will hear. A simple photograph freezes a moment in time forever. Others will see the photo and feel a connection to the past. Does this sound like your gift? If so, contact a Harcum alum…with passion and commitment. » Bring Forth the Undiscovered Talent. Perhaps you know someone who can help preserve this piece of history by introducing the talent needed to drive the Harcum Little Theatre, which could become a venue known throughout the country for showcasing exciting and exceptional unknown artistic talent. Who knows what doors you may open for undiscovered exciting talent? » Share the Wealth. You might just say, “I would love to be involved with this worthy project, but right now, I just don’t have the time. It’s just easier for me to help with my financial resources.” That’s fine too. You could save a piece of history. » Use Your Creativity. Maybe you are gifted with a creative mind and can think of innovative ways to draw others into the Harcum Little Theatre Restoration Project. If so, do it…with passion and commitment. Your ingenuity could spark a wildfire of ideas.
We are very excited about this endeavor and we would love to have you take hold of this and make it your own as well. Rally others to the cause of the Harcum Little Theatre Restoration Project. Utilize your natural gifts with passion, so that this little piece of History of the Performing Arts does not die. » Mary Harcum, a middle school science teacher in Bucks County, is the niece of Harcum’s foundress, Edith Hatcher Harcum. An active volunteer and member of the National Alumni Board, Mary has also become an unofficial ambassador for the College that bears her name. You may contact her at: maryharcum@hotmail.com
Each year very special Alumni and Friends of Harcum College make their gift to Harcum College in a variety of different ways. Like many other Colleges and Universities, contributions from Alumni and Friends are critical to the financial stability of Harcum College. And for Harcum College it is the Harcum Opportunity Fund that sustains and supports the College in all that we do everyday. Here are three stories of passionate Harcum Alumni who do what they can through their gifts to the Harcum Opportunity Fund and Charitable Gift Annuities to ensure that the Harcum
Harkening Back to Harcum’s Dramatic Past: the Little Theatre Restoration Project
experience lives on for many years to come.
Did you know that Harcum’s Little Theatre was the launching pad for a distinguished Hollywood career? Richard Nathan Nusbaum, better known as N. Richard Nash, author and screen writer for the 1956 Hollywood classic The Rainmaker, starring Burt Lancaster and Katherine Hepburn, got his start at Harcum as a teacher and director of Harcum’s Experimental Theatre. He left Harcum during World War II, but not before he touched the lives of his students: Betty Jean Grayson, a.k.a. Gail Davis, MGM and RKO film actress, whose TV series, Annie Oakley, made her television’s first female western star; Martha Maryman, who appeared in Billy Wilder’s 1951 film The Big Carnival, starring Kirk Douglas; and Suzanne Fleischer Roberts, stage actress,
Restoration Project continued on page 15
Charitable Gift Annuities
Receive Fixed Payments for Life To establish a charitable gift annuity, you simply make a gift to Harcum College and receive fixed payments for life. The rate of payout depends on your age at the time of the gift: the older you are, the higher your rate is! A portion of your payment is exempt from federal income tax and you also receive an income tax deduction at the time of your gift. You can name a second beneficiary to share your payout. Rates of payout are slightly lower for two people of similar ages.
Charitable gift annuities Bea Carpenter Blackman ’55: I first learned about “charitable gift annuities” through my fouryear college. The concept sounded great! I could receive a quarterly income for the rest of my life plus an immediate tax deduction for a portion of my gift. In addition a portion of my payment would be partially tax-exempt. What a nice way to contribute to a charity that had made a difference in my life! Recently, I discovered that now it is possible to establish a charitable gift annuity with Harcum College. My gift will increase my itemized charitable contributions on my year-end IRS return and the quarterly checks are like “found money.” If you have provided for Harcum College in your estate plan, it may be to your advantage to make that gift during your lifetime with a life income plan such as a charitable gift annuity. Just ask your financial advisor. You may also contact Geoff Harrington in the Office of College Advancement (610.526.6005 or gharrington@harcum.edu) for a confidential personalized illustration of the benefits. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised, as I was by the many benefits of helping Harcum College with a charitable gift annuity. Please join me in making a difference to Harcum College and its students for years to come!
Harcum Opportunity Fund Diana WeirSmith ’85: I support the Harcum Opportunity Fund because I want others to have the same opportunities I received as a student. Dynamic faculty that bring you right into the heart of your curriculum, interesting student programming, and state of the art classroom technology all make for the well rounded Harcum experience. Someone before me made sure they supported Harcum for the students of my era—now it’s my turn.
Nancy B. Urbach ’63: My two years at Harcum in the early 1960’s were wonderful and memorable ones. The small classes and excellent teachers gave me a lot of confidence. I made many friends and remain in close contact with two of them. I am proud to be an alumnus of Harcum College. I am excited about the overall energy of their current staff and students and the growth in enrollment and in their academic areas. I feel that adding intercollegiate athletics is also an important feature. Supporting Harcum is a choice I make because I know the funds will be effectively used and appreciated.
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Alumni on the move Harcum College takes pride in showcasing our graduates who have distinguished themselves in their professions, served their communities, and demonstrated loyalty to their alma mater. In this issue of Patches, . we profile two alums whose names are . well-established—one in the art world and the other in publishing—and a third who is just beginning what promises to be an
Alumni Spotlight:
Jane Wooster Scott, Heather Rodale & Tracy Johnson
impressive career.
After graduation, she worked in television on the East Coast. A screen test and then a contract offer from 20th Century Fox moved her to Los Angeles. She appeared in a few films and then returned to television, hosting a talk show that brought her together with such celebrities as Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, and Lucille Ball.
(Below): In her painting entitled, “Somewhere over the Rainbow;” artist Jane Wooster Scott cleverly depicts The Wizard of Oz. The artist notes that if you look carefully enough, you can find all of the characters from the classic story in her painting. For instance, Dorothy and the wizard can be spotted kissing in the left hand corner.
Jane Wooster Scott, the most reproduced artist in America Dubbed “our future actress” in the Purple Patches, Jane Wooster Scott left Harcum with dreams of stardom and with no expectation of some day becoming one of the finest painters of Americana.
She finally quit show biz to be a wife and mother, and then she began to paint—her first painting was a copy of one of Grandma Moses’ works, which she signed “Grandma Wooster.” At first, painting was largely for her own amusement. This was all changed by a joint showing at the Ankrum Gallery with her friend Jonathan Winters. The largely celebrity crowd that turned out eagerly bought up Jane’s Americana paintings and launched her on a successful career as a professional artist. Today, her collectors include Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Her enormously successful shows have been hosted by Sylvester Stallone, Kirk Douglas, Dyan Cannon, Carol Burnett and the late actors, Henry Fonda and Gene Kelly. Jane Wooster Scott has generously donated prints of her works to her alma mater, which are on display in Melville Hall, the Library, and the Academic Center.
Heather Rodale In addition to her dedication to the Harcum National Alumni Board, Heather Rodale serves as Vice President of Leadership Development for Rodale Inc. She also is a member of the company’s Board of Directors. Rodale Inc. is the authoritative source for expert content in health, fitness, and wellness around the world, reaching nearly 40 million people each month. The company publishes some of the best-known health and wellness lifestyle magazines including Men’s Health, Prevention, Women’s Health, Runner’s World, Best Life, Bicycling, Mountain Bike, Backpacker, and Organic Gardening, and is also the largest independent book publisher in America with a collection of international bestselling titles, including The South Beach Diet and The Abs Diet franchises. Rodale Inc.’s broad range of media platforms includes magazines, books, video, and extensive Web sites. Ms. Rodale oversees Rodale Inc.’s employeedevelopment and training services as well as its onsite child care facility in Emmaus, PA, but her leadership extends beyond Rodale Inc. to guiding roles in several community organizations specializing in the arts, education, and wellness. Currently, she is President of the Friends of the Lehigh University Libraries, a Trustee of the Allentown Art Museum, and a member of the Allentown Symphony Board, The Wellness Community Advisory Board, the United Way Women’s Leadership Initiative, and the Harcum College National Alumni Board.
In 2005, Ms. Rodale was the special guest speaker at the annual Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) Foundation holiday benefit for CEW’s Cancer and Careers program, a resource dedicated to helping women continue to work through cancer treatment and recovery. As a result of her association with Cancer and Careers, Rodale Inc. was the first advocate-member of CEW’s “Managing Through Cancer Pioneers” initiative, which is designed to assist managers in supporting employees with cancer while maintaining a fully productive workplace. Ms. Rodale’s professional career began as an elementary school teacher in the Northwestern Lehigh School District in Pennsylvania. That role evolved to one of teaching adults, including those for whom English is a second language. In 1999, Ms. Rodale sponsored a three-generation Kosovo refugee family of 12 resettling in the United States, and led a team of volunteers to help in the effort. She continues to work with the family, particularly in meeting the children’s educational and medical needs. Ms. Rodale holds a master’s degree in elementary education and a bachelor’s of arts degree in journalism, both from Lehigh University. Prior to studying at Lehigh, Ms. Rodale received an associate’s degree in elementary education from Harcum College, which awarded her an honorary doctor of humane letters in 2000. In addition, Ms. Rodale has completed post-graduate management courses in human resources at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and in family-business leadership at the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Tracy Johnson Tracy Johnson has recently been named new Summer Advance Coordinator at Harcum College. Johnson, a 2004 graduate of Harcum, is a member of the National Alumni Board, and the first President of the Young Alumni Board. Johnson works part-time as a tutor at Harcum, and began a Bible study for current students on campus. Previously, she has been featured in a national promotional video that was aired on local television stations for the Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic organization. Johnson’s participation in this organization earned her the 2006 “Learning Through Listening Award.”
ATTENTION ALUMNI: Help Our New Students Tracy would like to extend an open invitation to all Alumni to come and be apart of the 2007 Summer Program from July 3, 2007 through August 10, 2007. The Harcum Summer Advance Program is geared towards students looking for academic enrichment before starting their first semester . at Harcum College. All Alumni are invited to share their expertise and knowledge with our new students during a one day workshop. For more information, email Tracy at t14@yahoo.com.
Ms. Rodale is the mother of three daughters and a son.
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Alumni Happenings
Alumni Happenings Restoration Project continued from page 10
Meet our New National Alumni Board Members Harcum College is pleased to welcome four distinguished alumni as members of the Harcum National Alumni Board. Deborah Defusco Widger, of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, graduated in 1977 from Harcum with a degree in Fashion Design. Deborah is an accomplished retail industry professional and most recently served as president of the “Mimi Maternity” brand of clothing for Motherswork, Inc. She is now working on publishing a recipe book, Famous Faces…Famous Recipes, to raise money for cancer research.
Mary Harcum, of Langhorne, Pennsylvania, is a 1981 graduate of Harcum College. Ms. Harcum is the niece of Edith Hatcher Harcum, the founder of Harcum College. Mary is currently working as a middle school health and science teacher in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Cynthia Canevari, of Milford, Delaware, is a 1990 graduate of the Physical Therapy program. Ms. Canevari works as a physical therapist assistant at Bebe Medical Center in Delaware. As a breast cancer survivor, she spends a good deal of time raising money for
MySpace? No, MyHarcum! Harcum College has launched a new website, www.myharcum.com, designed specifically for Harcum Alumni. Called MyHarcum.com, the website is to adults what MySpace.com is to cyber-addicted teens—. only it is uniquely for Harcum alumni and friends. This innovative online website acts as a multi-functional portal for the Harcum Alumni community. It allows registered participants
Karen Naylor, of Thornton, Pennsylvania, is a 1992 graduate of Harcum’s Dental Hygiene program. Ms. Naylor currently teaches in Harcum’s successful Dental Hygiene program, and manages the College’s on-campus, 16-chair dental clinic. She also works in private dental practice. » The Harcum National Alumni Board helps maintain relations with Harcum’s family of alumni, who can be found throughout the world.
6 EASY STEPS to Register for www.myharcum.com
Step 1:
Go to www.myharcum.com
Step 2:
Click on First Time Users (on the upper left of the purple menu bar)
Step 3:
Fill in your Last Name
Step 4:
Insert your ID# or click No ID# option
Step 5:
Fill out the Required Contact Information
to network, connect with old college classmates and friends, view photo albums of past events, and register for new ones. Don’t miss out on this great chance to re-connect with your classmates, roommates, teammates, or anyone else you may have lost touch with . since graduation. Once registered you have access to the Harcum College Alumni Database where you can: » Search for your friends . and classmates
» Check-out and register for Harcum College Alumni events
» Update your contact information
» Make your Harcum Opportunity Fund gift online
» Submit Class Notes
TV Host Suzanne Roberts Delivered Harcum’s 90th Commencement Address
cancer research and promoting the importance of early detection. Recently, Cindy shared her experiences fighting the disease as the keynote speaker at the 2005 Harcum Alumni Reunion dinner.
JOY the benefits of the NEW Harcum Step 6: EN Online Community
MyHarcum.com is a safe, informative, and fun way to keep in touch and stay connected. If you need help registering, please call Carol Greenwood at 610.526.6060 or email her at cgreenwood@harcum.edu.
The stars came out at Harcum College’s 90th Commencement on May 20, 2006 at the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. Suzanne Roberts, host of the award winning “Seeking Solutions with Suzanne” public service cable television show gave the commencement address to approximately 177 graduating students. She was accompanied by her husband, Comcast Corporation founder, Ralph J. Roberts.
The Harcum Experimental Theatre circa 1940-41. Emmy winning television talk show hostess, and patron the arts. Nusbaum was also touched by the experience; not surprisingly, one of his earliest Broadway plays, The Young and the Fair, is centered on events at an all-women’s liberal arts college. Proud of this artistic heritage, Harcum College is moving forward with plans to restore The Little Theatre to its former glory. Built as a gymnasium in 1920, converted to a Little Theatre in the late 1920s, Harcum’s Little Theatre is in need of fundamental reconstruction. Our plan is to transform it into a multi-purpose facility, which will serve as a meeting room and large classroom. The Harcum Little Theatre will serve the community as well as the College. It will be a venue for young local performers. Lectures of general interest will be open to the public. This project will not only create a multi-purpose space that meets the current needs of the College, but it will also preserve a piece of the heritage of the American theatre, recapturing for today’s students some of the magic of artistic creativity that was once a hallmark of the College. To strengthen the connection to the past, the exterior of the building will appear as it did when it was first built in the 1920s, and the interior will be reflective of its roots. A photo display of those who were connected with Harcum’s Little Theatre in its hey-day, and who went on to successful careers in the performing arts, will appear along one of the walls. Significant funding for this project is being provided by the family of Dennis Marlo, the Chairman of Harcum’s Board of Trustees, in memory of his son Kevin Marlo, an aspiring actor who died tragically in the World Trade Towers in 9/11. His sister, Christine Marlo, is helping to spearhead this effort by her role on the National Alumni Board, which has identified the restoration of Harcum’s Little Theatre, and the restoration of all of Harcum’s historic buildings, as the focus of its efforts. Estimated cost of the project is $275,000.
Ms. Roberts, who studied drama at Harcum College under the famed writer/director N. Richard Nash, has devoted much of her energy and talent over the years for the public good. During World War II, she answered the call from the United States Treasury and the International Red Cross to act in dramas that inspired the purchase of thousands of dollars in war bonds, and the signing up of hundreds of donors to give blood. After the war, Ms. Roberts performed in national plays such as “Lady on the Rocks,” a play about alcoholism performed in factories, board rooms, medical schools, and AA groups. Prior to exploring topics of interest to the “over 55” group in her current TV show, Seeking Solutions with Suzanne; Ms. Roberts also served on the staff of Hahnemann University, when she received her Masters Degree in Human Services and Therapeutic Counseling from Antioch University. Considering her remarkable set of accomplishments, and consistent and continued service to others, Dr. Charles H. Trout presented Ms. Roberts with the degree of Doctor of Public Service before she addressed the graduating class of 2006. She told the graduates to follow their hearts and their passions in their career choices and to be creative in bringing their talents and interests into each aspect of their lives.
Academic Excellence Award recipient, Amy Klikus is recognized for the highest GPA in her graduating class. Amy graduated with an Associate’s of Health Science degree in Dental Hygience, and a 3.96 GPA.
After delivering the farewell speech to the graduating class of 2006, Katie O’Hara gets her picture taken alongside Provost, Dr. Edward R. D’Alessio.
Brenda Mason, recipient of the President’s Award, is recognized by former President, Dr. Charles H. Trout (left), and Provost, Dr. Edward R. D’Alessio (middle) for her outstanding service in promoting the ideas of Harcum College. Brenda graduates with an Associate’s of Arts degree in Psychology, and a 3.69 GPA.
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ClassNotes 1940
Constance Lagerman
Jessie Yon Smail
“My husband, Millard, and I have been married for 28 years now! In the way of news, my son Christopher recently became engaged to Jen. He is an actor in New York City and has been living there for the past five years. For the last two years, I have been working in the horticulture field. I volunteer at Phipps Conservatory as a Master Gardner. I am the Assistant Director for a program called, ‘Up for Reading Up for Life,’ based in inner-city Pittsburg. This is a great program that opens up at atrisk child’s life to reading and learning.” Constance would like to say hello to all of her “wonderful” friends at Harcum—“Yo Robin, Yo Candy!”
Jessie is honored to be a Co-Chair of the Harcum College National Alumni Board. She has one son, two daughters, and five grandchildren. In addition to her alumni involvement, she enjoys working as a volunteer in the emergency room at Montgomery General Hospital, and also in the surgical waiting room, giving information to families. Through her work for the alumni association, she hopes to see more Harcum graduates actively interested in Harcum’s future. She is looking forward to her 60th Reunion on October 19-20, 2007.
1941 Leaugeay Weber “I’m still painting! Right now, I exhibit mostly oil paintings—which is what I’m known for—but I also do pen and ink and watercolor. I have been teaching art for over 10 years to a local men’s group and I’m hoping to expand my circle of students. I keep active through my artwork, and work with many art galleries, like Sheila’s (a gift shop in the Spread Eagle Village) where I sell my paintings. I’m so thrilled that I sold nine paintings recently in the Academy of Notre Dame in Villanova. I was also invited to Rosemont Village to have a one-person show in June. Following this exhibit, I will show my work in Gladwyne, PA at Waverly Heights on July 29th. In life, I stop at nothing, and keep many hobbies…I still play the piano!”
Marie T. Denney Marie is proud to be celebrating her 90th birthday come October. With a son in the area, Marie would love to come and visit the campus in the near future. She spends much of her time with her retired husband.
1950 Ann Hunnicutt Ann is currently retired and living in Florida. She was a dental hygienist in the state of California for 40 years. For 20 of those years, Ann had her own practice with 3,000 patients. She also wrote three books on dental hygiene while in California—which are still used today! Ann was the founder and first president of the S.P.C.A. in Davis, CA; and became a tour guide upon moving to Florida. She worked for Royal Palm Tours in the Fort Myers area. She also gave tours of the Thomas Edison home and Babcock Ranch. Ann enjoys playing bridge and misses her good friend, Dr. Trout.
Katherine Carr
Mary Ann Skelton Oaks
On a recent trip to Baltimore Mrs. Carr was lucky enough to run into a former classmate she had not seen in 65 years—Ms. MaryLina Strauss! They enjoyed some time together in Baltimore, and plan on keeping in touch. Mrs. Carr would also like to be in contact with anyone from the class of 1943 to see how they are doing and what they have been up to.
“I am being honored as a volunteer by the National Organization for Hearing Research as a representative of all the volunteers who do such great work in raising funds for research for the hearing impaired. I am also chairing a committee to benefit the Philadelphia Orchestra and just got involved in a new group funding stem-cell research. I serve on the Board of Trustees and the National Alumni Board of Harcum College and look forward to our new president, Dr. DeTemple, leading us forward in a most positive way, as did Dr. Trout and Dr. D’Alessio.
1945 Lena Mae Dulling Lena is a member of the St. Matthews Lutheran Church Choir, Hanover Gardening Club, and the Garden Club Federation. She enjoys working with plants and flowers, and has entered in many flower shows. Lena credits her success to a “wonderful education at Harcum!”
I still enjoying playing tennis and I love to knit and make sweaters, coats and other items. I am also playing more bridge. My family is doing wonderfully well, three very successful daughters and nine grandchildren: one at NYU in doctoral studies, two others are undergraduates at UNC and Columbia, two
are in high school, three in middle school, and a grandson still in grade school. We love getting together, but it doesn’t happen often enough. My husband Bill is still practicing medicine and we continue living in our family home. We will face changes in the future, but for now, it’s easier to keep thinking we are still young!”
1955 Abigail Wright Green I have been having a good time the last few years by attending the Academy of Lifelong Learning. It is sponsored by the University of Delaware and is just packed with folks, 50 and up, who enjoy learning. One of the classes I take is haiku, an old form of Japanese poetry. We write and critique haiku done in the American style. I had some printed on an international web site and as a result of that was asked to submit another form of Japanese poetry, called Tanka, to a book that was to be published last fall. I learned about it and decided to give it a try and was surprised when 11 of mine were included in the book of poetry. Great luck for a first-timer. I still feel strange when I see my name and then the word, poet. It’s never too late for a new adventure!
1957 Karen H. Crowell Karen retired two years ago. She is keeping busy with her retired husband, and has four grandchildren…the oldest two she picks up from school daily. Karen wants to say hello to her former classmates, and is looking forward to seeing as many as possible at the 50th reunion.
Gay L. Block “I am still living in Kona, Hawaii; working in counseling and participating in women’s groups with ‘Youth With A Mission’. What a wonderful way to retire. I have been here 12 years now. I am returning for the summer to love on my three children and seven grandchildren in California, and to visit with my twin sister Gwyn. Loving life and thankful for a long healthy, productive, enjoyable time on this planet!”
1959 Jeanie Levy “I am so sad that my friend Nina Stuckelman Rahn was killed in Florida last summer. It’s a great void in my life but I am lucky that I’m in close contact with her beautiful family. A wonderful thing she did for me was to connect me with her good friend and my old Harcum buddy, Judie Fiegel Wolfson, and that is a blessing because we just picked up our friendship
where we left off 40 years ago and it’s been so much fun.”
Jane Reifenberg Maytin “I have two sons who run the Antwerpen family dealerships in Baltimore, and have four grandchildren with one more grandchild due in May. I retired from the Bank of America, but now I have two part time positions. One is at a non-profit organization, Maryland CASA Association, and the other is working at Coldwater Creek. My husband, Richard, is also retired and has two jobs. So much for retirement! But we do enjoy traveling—this year it’s Chicago, and then Vermont. A few months ago, I visited Harcum after 30 years, and it brought back many happy memories. If you remember me, please email me at Parktonwoods@aol.com. It would be great to hear from my classmates. We live in Northern Baltimore County, which is very close to the Pennsylvania line.”
1963 Eileen Aaron Pitel “My husband Ron and I live in Egg Harbor Township which is only eight miles from the Jersey shore. We have been married 10 years and enjoy sitting at our pool in the summer and taking cruises in the winter as well as other types of travel. I have a married daughter in New York City with a 1-year-old grandson for me to enjoy. My son is single and lives here in the area. Two years ago Ron and I planned to meet my Harcum roommate, Nancy Blum Urbach, and her husband Walter, who now live in Arizona at the Alumni Weekend. We had not seen each other in 42 years and totally enjoyed sharing our memories and renewing our friendship. What a great opportunity to hear about the new Harcum and get together with old friends. My email address is jerseygirl744@msn.com if any of my former classmates would like to get in touch.”
1964 Susan Steinberg Zises Green Susan is happy to announce the engagement of her son, Justin Hays Green, to Jenny Slayton. Justin has started his own real estate company, Hays Ventures. It is a new and exciting firm. Please check out his website, Haysventures.com.
Linda Ogus Blum Linda enjoyed a fantastic holiday season with her son Robert, daughter-in-law Michelle, and her three grandchildren Emma, Jacob, and Rachel in southern California. They celebrated Hanukah and Christmas, and spent time frolicking on
the beach. Linda’s daughter, Ronet and son-in-law Jere, moved to Chicago last summer from San Francisco. After a brutal winter on Lake Michigan, they are now headed back to the “City by the Bay.” Ronet is the Executive Vice President and Compliance Officer for Deutsche Bank. The Blum family spent a week during the fall touring the city of Chicago and shopping on Michigan Avenue. Linda is currently looking for missing alums to reconnect with Harcum. As a member of the National Alumni Board that provides leadership and service to Harcum and its students, Linda would like to have many more alums visit Harcum and attend the Annual Reunion Weekend. “It’s an opportunity to enjoy visiting with classmates from yesteryear. We are encouraged with so many positive changes. Right now, we are working on ‘The Heritage Project.’ The ‘Little Theatre’ will be restored and hopefully, we can then tackle Bedford Hall (Alumni Hall).” From the Class of ’64, Linda is looking for: President Barbara Babicz; Lynn Richards; Joan Gordon; Carol Hayes; Linda Goodman; Sandra Kaufman; Karen Kolber; Iris Kones; Cheryl Leeman; Bonnie Levinson; Lorraine Levy; Sally Morewitz; Rusty Schwartz; Judy Fiume; Judi Feiberg; Fern Singer; Gail Skinner; Sue Slipakoff; Kathy Solomon; Ronnie Trout; Ilene Wasserman; Linnea Westerberg; Loretta Witomski; and the rest of the gang! “Where are you? We would love to have you attend our regional gettogethers and reconnect with your friends. We would love to hear from you all, and see you soon. We miss you! Best Wishes!”
so many years! Cheryl Gearhart Giunta (my HJC Roomie) and I have reestablished communication as well; and Alice Hearn and I have stayed in contact over these 41 (egads!) years. Three of my four children are now married—two have spawned, producing five adorable grandchildren. The newlyweds have provided us with a granddog and grand-cat! And my fourth offspring graduates from College in May. Both Bill (Villanova ’66) and I work from home. He is a financial planner and I have my own Communication Company, Hmailinc. I loved Harcum and am grateful for the education and stepping stones it provide me—launching me into this life!”
and laughed together. It changed my life. Now 38 years later. I have two Masters degrees and, advanced psychoanalytic training. I live in New York, in Westchester, and I work as a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist in private practice with offices in New York City and Mamaroneck. I am married with children, my daughter is 21 and in College and my son is 32, married and lives in California. I am in touch with my old roomie Lexy and Lila, and would love to be in touch with others from my class! Let’s all register on MyHarcum.com, Harcum’s new alumni website—then we can contact each other, post photos, and share more information about ourselves.”
Amy B. Mayer
Deborah M. Donze
“I had wonderful time at Harcum’s Southern California Regional Luncheon. I met fellow graduates who live only minutes from me! What a delight it was to have met a Harcum family member, Teddy Getty Gaston, who was able to tell us about her life at Harcum when it was still a school, and the fascinating life she has led through the years. We had a wonderful lunch at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, and enjoyed our great server Oscar, who had entertaining stories to share about the friendships he’s made with Hollywood stars—all because of his name! It was an unforgettable afternoon. Since that time I have had conversations with the lovely ladies I met that day.”
“I received my masters from Neumann College. Currently, I’m a psychotherapist in Exton. I also work as a life coach and in stress management. In September, I will be receiving my Doctorate in Natural Health. I have two young granddaughters.”
“Closing in on 40 years since I graduated. Wow! We have both of our daughters and their families living near us (six wonderful grandchildren). My husband and I retired in 1999, and spend our time traveling the world; driving our 1955 Thunderbird and riding roller coasters. This year’s trips include Hawaii (with our family), hiking in Italy (Tuscany) and, next month, Egypt and Jordan. Hi to other 1968ers.”
“Steve and I moved to Tucson, AZ in September of 2004. We wanted to move back out West since the year we spent as newlyweds in Denver. After many moves (corporate transfers), we finally made it back and love the sunshine, the desert & mountains and the wonderful people we have met here in Tucson, AZ. We had the joy of celebrating our 35th anniversary and look forward to many more out here.”
Virginia Nahas “I have been married for 38 years now, and have two children—Josh, 33 and Drew, 31. Josh works for Radcliffe Group in Bala Cynwyd, and Drew is involved in trading in Fort Lee, NJ. I have been working in real estate for four years with Coldwell Banker. My husband, Robert (Bob), continues to work in New York as an Executive Search. We’re coming up on our 40th anniversary! For our 35th, we went to Italy. Since we both work, we take a lot of little trips. Our next trip will be to Blackbury Mountain in Tennessee. I would really love to hear from my classmates of ’66. We really had a nice class, and I have kept in touch with a couple of my classmates, but would love to hear from others!” Virginia’s email address: virg1@optonline.net.
Fran Haynie Caso “Within the past year, I have been in touch with Denny Zemlansky, Judi Caraccio, and Harriet Sokolow Josephson—and what fun its been to renew our friendship after
Elizabeth Cook Werth
1969 Cheryl Lerman “Just wanted to say hi to everyone. It’s been a long time since I graduated from Harcum. I’ve been in Michigan now for a while, and would love to hear from anyone who is living in the Detroit Metro area.”
Diane Greene “This year will mark 40 years since I graduated high school. When I think back on graduation I remember a sense of feeling lost. Then I found Harcum and I was found. I just felt I had a community where we all supported each other and studied together
1971 Rebecca Hyman Krangel “It has been 35 years since graduating from Harcum. I have a son who will be 33 in November, and a daughter who is 28. I am going to become a grandmother in June 2007.”
Vickie Kalman Dell
Vicki Dell (Kalman) 7968 N. Rondure Loop Tucson, AZ 85743 vickidell@comcast.net 520.744.9398 – Home 520.990.5852 - Cell
1971 Linda Hirschfield LoBianco “I recently became a Nana for the first time. Nicholas Frank LoBianco was born on February 28, 2007.”
1972 Heather Rodale Heather is Vice President for Leadership Development at Rodale Inc, was one of five Pennsylvanians who urged a panel of the
state’s Congressmen and staff members on March 26 in Washington to consider additional funding and legislation to aid in the fight against skin cancer. Heather, a survivor of melanoma, the most severe form of skin cancer, told the panel that melanoma is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 20-29 and its incidence increased by 10% from 2004 to 2005. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, excessive exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun is the leading preventable cause of melanoma. Studies indicate that indoor tanning can increase the risk of melanoma by 55%, and by as much as 75% in teenagers. Research has found that tanning lamps emit UV rays that can be up to 15 times stronger than the sun. “Melanoma can be prevented with the right knowledge and safeguards,” she told the panel. “With melanoma awareness and early detection, more lives can be saved.”
1973 Marion J. Slone Marion is happy to announce that her oldest son Larry, 26, has passed all eight of his actuary exams and was sworn in as a fellow to the Society of Actuaries. He is now working for Actuary Life Insurance in Harford, CT. For the last three years, Marion has held a Special Education teaching position at the Westmoreland Intermediate Unit in Greensburg, PA. In August of this year, Marion and her husband, Robert—an attorney in Greensburg—will be celebrating 31 years of marriage.
1974 Janice Keleshian “Since graduating from Harcum, I worked at Mercy Community Hospital for 27 years. The first department in the hospital that I worked in was the Laboratory, and the last seven years of my employment was in the Pharmacy as a Certified Pharmacy Technician. I worked at the hospital until the day it closed. Presently, I am teaching a Pharmacy Technician Course at CHI Institute in Broomall, PA which I enjoy very much. The course includes Introduction to Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, Prescription Order Processing, Pharmacology, Anatomy, Physiology, Computer Information Systems and First Aid/CPR. After completing the courses in-house, the students then go out for 180 hours of externship. I have not been back to Harcum until about two years ago when I attended an open house. Since then I have been trying to attend reunions and other functions. I enjoy volunteering at Harcum and have recently become a class agent. This gives me a chance to tell future students how great the college is.”
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In Memoriam
Johanna Schleyer “I’m retired from teaching second grade at the Baldwin School in Bryn Mawr, PA; although I am still substituting for them. I travel frequently with the Vantage Group, and just came back from India. I was fascinated by the Taj Mahal. We saw many places—some very rich neighborhoods, extremely poor neighborhoods, and a lot of palaces. Life is great! Next, I will be visiting my only daughter, a physician in Seattle, along with my granddaughter who is three and a half years old! Shortly after, I will be flying to Germany to visit with relatives. The fact that I’m healthy and can do all of these things, I really can’t complain! I still have very fond and great memories of Harcum. I did all of my schooling in Germany and had never taken a multiple choice test before, so it was nice to ease my life into academia at Harcum.”
1975 Craig Wicker “Hello to classmates of ’75—it’s been a long time! I have been working now for 27 years at the Four Springs Veterinary Clinic in Centre Hall, PA where my wife is the head veterinarian, and I’m the technician. Our clientele keeps growing! For vacation, we’re going to Williamsburg, VA where we have a timeshare resort. I’m still an avid cyclist, and participate in the National Multiple Sclerosis 150-mile bike tour each year.”
1977 Judy Volpe George “Hey, anyone out there from the graduating class of 1977? If you are, please email me, Linda D, Sharon B, Sue B, Lynn H, and all of the rest of our corner of Pennswood Hall.”
Deborah Defusco Widger “Hello class of 77’. Next May will be 30 years since we bid adieu to Harcum. It is difficult to believe such a milestone is right around the corner…along with that dreaded Big 50 we all face!! We really need to plan to get together to celebrate and catch up on such milestones in our lives. Sharon, Marty, Janice, Kathi & Kathy; let’s plan something very soon!”
Elizabeth Johansen Duffy “Never imagined 29 years after graduating from Harcum, I’d be living and working on the Isle of Man in the United Kingdom. Funny the twists and turns our lives take. Second marriage for both of us, my husband originally came from Scotland. I am continuing in the education field and finding the similarities/differences fascinating. Children are the same no matter where they’re from. In case you’re wondering, the Isle of Man is located in the middle of the Irish Sea. It’s absolutely beautiful, just a half hour flight to either Liverpool or Dublin, and the people are lovely.“
1978 Janet Brodie “I would love to hear from any vet tech students (or others, for that matter!) from class of ’78. Especially everyone from the 3rd floor of Pennswood. You know who you are, I think! Just in case you don’t, though: Maribeth, Karen, Kim, Barb, Sue, Ellen, Betsy, Julie, Carol.”
Pamela Behr-Smart “Hi class of 1978. Are there any licensed veterinary technicians out there? I sold the veterinary hospital which I managed for 27 years, nearly two years ago; and have had a difficult time finding decent work in the field. I now teach CPR for the American Heart Assoc., work in a beautiful MD park, known as Patuxent River Park parttime; and teach an adult education class at my local college in veterinary assisting (which Carol Contel—from our U. of PA practicum—developed). I still keep my technician license here in MD; but I’m not sure there is any point as our veterinarians don’t seem to care whether we are certified or not! Take care and hope to hear from some of you soon.”
Lynn Bonzelli “I’ve been out of college far too long, but life has been good to me. I am an Office Supervisor of a large company that manufactures and markets internal fixation instruments and implants. My children are teenagers who have made me very proud. I am now engaged to a wonderful man that I’ve known for 20 years. We came back into each other lives after a first marriage for both.”
1980 Carolyn Lynn Castaldi-Veloric “It has been 26 years since I graduated, and now my daughter is looking to Harcum for her future education. I’m working in a small animal practice in Broomall, married, and have two children ages 22 and 17.”
Cherlynne Key Thomas “I have been led to a business opportunity of a lifetime. Health Wealth, Residual Income. Anyone wishing to learn about this kind of spare time, lifetime opportunity can contact me anytime. You do need sponsorship. I love to travel to meet new people who want the best out of life, and think they cannot afford it. This business and lifestyle is worth it.”
Dossie Cavallucci “I am now in my 20th year teaching at Harcum and even though it has changed since I graduated in 1980, it is still a great place to get an education. There are lots of new programs and new faces and the school continues to move into the future.
I encourage everyone to come back on campus and see the many changes that have happened over the years. Please stop by and visit or email me at dcavallucci@ harcum.edu.”
1981 Mary Harcum A member of the National Alumni Board, Mary flew to Los Angeles to represent the Alumni Director at the California Regional Luncheon on February 25, 2007 in Beverly Hills. Mary spoke about plans to restore the Harcum Little Theatre and suggested several ways that the alumni can help with the project. It was Mary’s first visit to southern California and was also the weekend of the Oscar’s. After the luncheon, Mary had a chance to mingle with some stars like Billy Baldwin, David Carradine, Jon Voight, and Bo Derek at the Beverly Hills Hotel and had her picture taken with the “Geico Caveman” who was there in full costume to promote his own proposed television series.
1982 Jeanne Lawler Frank Jeanne reports that her business, Options in Time, continues to evolve and grow in an ever changing business climate. “When I am not traveling, I enjoy spending time with my three year-old daughter and my husband. We anxiously await word from China on our second adoption.” Jeanne was recently in touch with Rita Aponte with talk of a possible reunion with Mary Beth and Tracey!! You can reach Jeanne at jlawler@ optionsintime.com.
the Florida Dental Hygienists Association, and I am working closely with the Governor and his staff on a Proclamation recognizing Florida Dental Hygienists Week. I was recently married to Richard A. Sabatini, the love of my life, in a beautiful Greek Orthodox wedding ceremony in Boca Raton, Florida. The reception what hailed as an ‘international festival’ with a Marriachi Band, Greek Bouzouki music, and Italian love songs! We are looking forward to a beautiful future together.”
1987 Diana Weir-Smith “I have been active in the development and fundraising world for nearly 20 years—spending 10 at the American Heart Association, and eight here at my alma mater the Perkiomen School. I’d love to hear from anyone.”
Denise Leborne Vignola “Hello everyone, I’ve been working as a Commercial Real Estate Manager in Washington, DC. I got married for the first time in April 2004, he’s my Mr. Right! We have two daughters; Sabrina born 4/05, and Sophia born 11/06. We live in a small farm 20 miles south of DC. I still remember all the “fun” times at Harcum!”
1989 Rebecca Walsh “I am a dental/surgical assistant. I have been married for 16 years and have two children.”
Elizabeth Bisbing
“Hi, I would love to hear from the Melville girl’s class of 1984. Marie, Julie, Della, 2nd floor. Me: Married for 16 years, three girls, homemaker, love it!”
“I had a one-person exhibition in November of 2006 at the Soho20 Gallery in NYC. I received a partial grant to come here in April from the Vermont Studio Center. My work was exhibited at the Red Dot Art Fair in February of 2007 in NYC.”
Louis Millis
Wendy Carey
Louis currently works part-time as a Physical Therapy Assistant for Per-Diem. His granddaughter, Danielle, is graduating from high school and has plans to go onto College.
1986 Debra Zafiropoulos “As an Expanded Functions Dental Assistant (EFDA), I moved to Florida in 1988, completed my dental hygiene education and became a licensed Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH). I worked in private practice until 2002, and since then have been working as a Professional Representative with Pro-Dentec and Zila Pharmaceuticals. I have been very active in my professional organization and have held many local and state offices. I currently hold the office of Chairman of Public Affairs for
Stacy Powell Krieger “I have been an Activities Director for three years now at Boulevard Manor Nursing and Rehab Center in Boynton Beach, FL. In January, I officially became certified as an Activity Director. Hugs to the class of ’90!!”
Cindy Canevari Cindy is looking forward to the Harcum’s community’s participation this year in the all night Relay for Life event on June 15 and 16 that she is organizing again this year in Milford, Delaware. Harcum will again sponsor a tent for the Ribbon Cap and there will be a memorial tribute to Harcum’s past president, Dr. Charles H. Trout, with a luminary which will be lit throughout the night. There will be 30 relay teams and nearly 100 people in attendance. Proceeds of the event benefit the American Cancer
Society. All Harcum alumni would be warmly welcomed. For more information contact Cindy at 302.422.7878.
1993 Debra L. Kubiak Debra is the mother of two boys, age two and five. For the past eight years, she has been working in Denver, CO at the BelRea Institute of Animal Technology. Debra wishes to congratulate Karen Resseo (’93) on her engagement to be wed on July 27th of this year.
1995 Suzi Jenkins Boni “I got married in 2001 to the man of my dreams, had my son in Oct 2002, and they are my life. I currently own and operate three Subway restaurants…one right in the middle of Bryn Mawr. I have lived all over the place since graduating, but now I am in Pughtown, Chester County.”
1996 Leanne Smith Bendetti “My husband and I recently purchased our first home in November 2006. We currently live in South Philadelphia. I am still employed with Barnes & Noble in Center City Philly as the Events Coordinator for the store. While stressful at times, the job is rewarding. I would love to hear from any graduates of 1996!”
1997 Caroline Copeland Opperman “Hello Everyone! I can’t believe it is going to be 10 years since I have graduated Harcum. I have been working as a PTA for Novacare for the past 10 years. I am married and have a son who is one and a half years old. I would like to say hi to Meg and Pam. Hope you are doing well.”
1998 Sarah Zimmerman “Hi to the class of ’98. I have been married for seven years and have two great kids (a 4-year-old, and an 8-month-old). I am a homemaker and would love to hear from you!”
1999 David Rabinovitch “I graduated from Harcum in 1999, and have been working at Staples since then. Two years ago I began a program to attain a degree from Drexel University in Drug and Alcohol Counseling. I’m now taking class at Community College of Philadelphia to attain that degree. I would love to hear from any old classmates who wish to talk.”
2000 Lesley Gable
Sara Jane Hafner McIntyre, Class of 1940, passed away October 30,
“After Harcum, I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education at West Chester University in the Spring of 2003 and am a teacher in the Wildwood (NJ) School District. I have always spoken highly of Harcum College and how it has helped to prepare me for not only a four-year university, but life as well. I remain close with many friends I made at Harcum and love to think back on all of our great times.”
2006 in her home city of Sante Fe, NM. A native of Hannibal, MO,
Christine M. Marlo
Yates Hafner, at yhafner@wayne.edu or 313.478.4023.
Christine graduated in December 2006 from California State University Dominguez Hills with a B.A. in Labor Studies and a minor in Sociology. She is moving to Minneapolis, MN following graduation. Last February 26, Christine, a member of the National Alumni Board, joined Harcum College in hosting the first Southern California Alumni Luncheon at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. Christine reported that the alumni really connected with each other and all exchanged names, addresses, emails etc. “I think that the women were very positive about staying in touch with each other and holding future events.”
she attended Harcum College in 1938-39. She married Navy pilot James McIntyre at the beginning of World War II, accompanying him to the Aleutian Islands during his years of service. They raised four children. Mrs. McIntyre was an avid golfer and competitive bridge player and was involved in charitable work for hospitals and other organizations. Mr. McIntyre preceded his wife in death. Expressions of sympathy may be sent via Mrs. McIntyre’s brother,
Nina Stukleman Rahn, Class of 1958, a long-time resident of Merion Station, PA, died in an automobile accident on June 20, 2006 near her home in Boynton Beach, FL. She is survived by Joseph Rahn, her husband of nearly 48 years, as well as by three daughters and their husbands and five grandchildren. Mrs. Rahn worked for many years as a travel agent in Lower Merion Township. More recently, she organized a Hadassah chapter in Boynton Beach, serving as its first chairperson and was widely recognized for expanding the membership. A literacy volunteer, she read to children weekly in the local public schools.
Lisa Shore, Class of 1982, an advocate for the Multiple Sclerosis
Tracy Johnson
Society, died of the disease on January 28, 2007 at Lankenau
Tracy is president of Harcum’s Young Alumni Board, has been selected a winner of the Who’s Who in American Colleges & Universities Award at Cabrini College 2007. She was recently a winner of the All-American Scholar Collegiate Award and is featured in Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executive and Professional Women, “Honors Edition” 2006. Tracy coordinates a mentoring program called Project Eye-To-Eye and is a member of the United States Achievement AcademyCollegiate All-American Scholar Program. She is the Treasurer of Psi Chi, the National Psychology Honor Society, and serves in the CORE Advance Leadership program at Cabrini College.
Hospital in Philadelphia. She was a resident of Haverford. A graduate of Lower Merion High School, she trained as a dental assistant at Harcum College and worked in her father’s dental practice in Norwood, Delaware County until 1991. She did extensive research on MS, sharing her knowledge with fellow residents of Inglis House and with people referred to her by the MS Society. She also led fundraisers for Inglis House. Ms. Shore is survived by her parents, Joseph and Bette Shore; brothers Jeffrey Shore and Richard Shore; and four nieces.
Rebecca Bone Since October of 2006, I have been working at the Cabinet Corner as a Kitchen and Bath Designer. I have also been attending night classes at West Chester University to obtain my Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business Management, which keeps me very busy. Aside from that, I rent a house with my older brother and we take care of a couple acres together. I spend a lot of my time with my family.
2006 Kelly McPherson “I passed the ASCP board of registry for MLT on September 30, 2006. I am now a certified Medical Laboratory Technician!!!
Note: Class Notes are welcomed from all alumni. Submissions should be limited to 100 words and the College reserves the right to edit all content.
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Harcum Gifts Honor Roll Gifts received July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006
Lindback Foundation Sodexho Dining Services Tustin Mechanical Services
Legacy Society Friends Luther & Effie Garns
Presidents Circle
Louise Strauss
Gifts of $10,000 or more
Arthur Klein
Marcia Klein Huntsman ’78 Elizabeth Moran Legnini ’81 Suzanne Fleisher Roberts ’41 Anonymous
Charlotte Sheppard Devan ’40 Lauri J. Forbes ’71 Carol H. O’Connell ’56 Elizabeth C. Werth ’68
Foundations and Organizations
Foundations and Corporations
Gifts of $1000 to $2,499
Connelly Foundation Firstrust Bank I-Lead Pennsylvania Higher Education Foundation (PHEF) Scholler Foundation Sovereign Bank Wachovia Foundation
Department of Community and Economic Development Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA)
Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of PA (AICUP) CBIZ High, Swartz, Roberts & Seidel LLP Hirtle, Callaghan & Company HRH-Hilb, Rogal and Hobbs Jackson Cross Partners John Cipollone, Inc. Procter & Gamble Fund Sovereign Bank Capital Markets Weston Capital Management
Samuel P. Cimino, DDS Dennis S. Marlo and Family Hilary and Lone Strauss
Bob Burke (PHEAA) Walter D. Cohen Michael Kelliher (PHEAA) Edward L Woehling, DDS
Friends Edmund Thelen
Philip & Esther Klein Society Gifts $5,000 to $9,999
Foundations and Corporations Federal Home Loan of Pittsburgh John C. and Chara C. Haas Charitable Trust PNC Bank Teleflex Foundation
Organizations Mayors Alliance for Philadelphia’s Animals
Trustees Denise M. Armbrister Denis C. Boyle Dr. Nancy O. Brown Thomas J. Giamoni
Patricia and Gregory Gibson Carolyn Saligman
Katherine B. O’Neil Society
Wendell C. Ehinger Marvin B. Levitties
Edith Armstrong-Toor ’50 Kathryna Blum Barone ’52 Elizabeth Woodruff Christiansen ’43 Marie Keith Denney ’47 Alice Cross Dorrance ’74 Carol A. Fanning ’58 Abigail Wright Greene ’55 Diane Greene ’69 Susan Bertoglio Grell ’79 Merle Berman Holman ’56
Gifts of $250 to $999
Maud L. Marren Society Gifts of $2500 to $4999
Faculty and Staff Charles H. Trout, PhD
Foundations and Corporations David M. Banet & Associates Inc. NetEconimist
Faculty and Staff Dossie O’Connor Cavallucci Edward R. D’Alessio, PhD Laura M. Hanes Geoffrey Harrington Marilyn Meder, R.N. John and Nancy Minnick Stephen J. Pipitone
Martin Zipin Society
Foundations and Corporations
Christine Marlo ’00 Mary Ann Skelton Oaks ’52 Susan Silver Price ’65 Kathryn Levin Unger ’64 Nancy Blum Urbach ’63 Lynda Wolf-Brotmarkle ’67 Susan Zeller-Kent ’72
Aqua Pennsylvania Aston Veterinary Hospital Beasley Broadcasting Beneficial Savings Bank Chartered Investments Comcast Spotlight Farrelly Brothers FBA, Inc. Judge Technical Services Julian Krinsky Summer Camps Konica Minolta Business Solutions Legg Mason Wood Walker Main Line Health System Malvern Federal Savings Bank Premier Dental Products Company Sander, Morris & Harris Smith Barney Stevens & Lee Untuck, LLC Verizon Foundation
Friends Dr. Neil Brayton David Burt Barry Cohen Richard Fuchs Josh Gross Robert Lloyd Robert Lopes Jerald Matt Bette Zipin Lee Zipin
Organizations Montgomery/ Bucks County Dental Hygiene Association Temple University Dental Hygiene Alumni Club
Purple and White Club Gifts of $100 to $249
Alumni Natalie Katzenbach Allen ’81 Angie Plakas Barakos ’82 Louise Becke ’47 Beatrice Carpenter Blackman ’55 Lois Wise Britchkow ’58 Cynthia Cisick Canevari ’90 Silvia Gutierrez Chapkovich ’81 Debora Barbee-Davis ’83 Susan Doebling ’92 Lena Mae Jacobs Dulling ’45 Susan Grove Engberg ’79 Patricia Haskell Friend ’68 Maxene Spector Greenfield ’59 Patricia Kunkel Herman ’79 Josephine Cobb Jones Holt ’38 Laura Lamson Humphreys ’48 Ann Sproule Hunnicut ’50 Virginia McDougall Huntzinger ’56 Marlene Retardi Inman ’68 Fern Rosenblum Kiejdan ’76 Amy Kirshner ’78 Debra Kirshner ’76 Sharon Lee ’01 Alice Ernst Lippincott ’47 Ann Boyden Taft Lockwood ’44 Jane Reifenberg Maytin ’59 Mary Hamilton Meslar ’75 Laurie Torpey Milko ’81 Barbara Spector Novak ’66 Marolee Morrison Pollock ’59 Justine Arata Robinson ’43 Caryanne Ruffin ’02 Carol Chapman Saxon ’61 Donna T. Shreiner ’73 Gwen Verbit Sirota ’57 Jessie Yon Smail ’47 Diana Weir Smith ’87 Lila Suna ’68 Karen Wiley Tomlinson ’79 Nan Simonson Towne ’47 Jennifer Townsend Ulehla ’88 Nancy Walczak ’84 Abbie Lee Warden ’90 Candy Ward-Ruchala ’71 Joan Darby West ’44 Deborah Defusco Widger ’77 Susan Gallagher Wolfe ’80 Rachel Woodings ’52
Faculty and Staff Jacqueline Brown Joseph Diorio
Vincent D. Gaitley Joseph Katz Carol Linfoot Joann Mirigliano Jo-Ann Perkinson Brandie Plasket Kerstin Potter Martin Ranft Shawn Riley Michele B. Sacher Mark Sickinger Rita Sullivan Julie Taddeo Richard Ulyrch Julie Whitmore Madeleine Wrightson Debra Young-Yassin
Foundations and Corporations Bank of America Food Source Johnson & Johnson
Friends Kim Andrews Richard N. Benjamin, DDS Paul Carpinello, DMD Dominic A. Castaldo, DDS Jolene Chavira Dr. Richard Deforno Mike Estrada Jane Feldman Anna C. Giacalone, DMD Leslie Green Hoopes, Lenz and Vattilana Jean Jacobson Henry J. Leis, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Seth Lippard Christopher Lutz William McLaughlin Kevin Momenee Steven Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Pennese Dr. Frank Recupero Warren F. Renneisen, DMD Jon L. Richter, DMD, PhD Robert and Dalia Singer Larry Smedley, DDS Spellman Thompson and Voss Dental Associates Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart Daniel Sullivan John Weaver Dr. Bruce Godick and Dr. Russell Young
Organizations Chester/ Delaware County Dental Hygiene Association Pennsylvania Urban & Community Forestry Bryn Mawr Dental Health Group- William Deal, DDS
Trustees Gerson Rosenbloom
Harcum Bears Club Gifts of $50 to $99
Alumni Faye Rieder Bennet ’46 Katherine Mohn Bennett ’68 Tonya Lombardo Bergstrom ’86 Gay Verbit Block ’57 Susan Barrett Bullitt ’78 Katherine Linker Carr ’73 Diane Michalowski Church ’90 Jane Kleppinger Cristian ’67 Jane Steelman Davidson ’70 Carol Armitage Durnan ’80 Donna Fuchs-Corcoran ’83 Cynthia Garrett Gaut ’77 Mary Harcum ’81 Susan Ralff Henry ’80 Sharon Clements Hulton ’67 Margaret Bollman Kachel ’50 Barbara Kopf ’60 Diane Higgins Kosik ’72 Laura Reeves Lafferty ’67 Mrs. Wallace Bulkin Mayers ’57 Linda Fabrizio Mazzoli ’95 Kathleen McKeown ’99 Gila Yashari Michael ’84 Louis Millis ’84 Virginia Decker Nahas ’66 Ruth Ann Parry ’83 Kathleen Berg Pascale ’80 Nina Stukelman Rahn ’58 Mary Jo McDonald Schimaneck ’73 Ronna Schutzman Segal ’66 Betty Hawes Vlamis ’57 Janet Heller White ’68
Faculty and Staff Jean Byrnes-Ziegler Eileen DiCarlo Susanne Griffin Sharon Watson
Foundations and Corporations Abbott Laboratories Fund
Friends Dr. John Cheek Robert McLaughlin
Robert Pearson Janet Pyewell Lewis Seaman Thomas Zug
Harcum Spirit Club Gifts of $5 to $49
Alumni Mary Pearce Allen ’43 Jane Deberry Anderson ’81 Carolyn Angoff ’77 Faye Kahanowitz Bishop ’66 Kathleen Droescher Buffum ’44 Rosalie Weiss Chernick ’73 Ruth Sonnefeld Clemente ’42 Lydia Shelby Coyle ’69 Christine Daniels ’73 Tina D’Antonio DeAngelis ’87 Mary Jo DiPalma ’80 Constance Thompson Dungan ’92 Noel Dutton CAHT ’96 Carol Brooks Farley ’57 Phyllis Miller Feinert ’59 Marianna Rothrock Flowers ’52 Tricia Gibert Frampton ’90 Anita Tomassetti Frattura ’98 Anna Dena Fusco ’96 Loretta Graham ’01 Nina Grube ’03 Heidi Ockenlaender Guess ’90 Mary T. Hannigan ’99 Ann Marie Love Harris ’80 Grace Phillis Hopkins ’47 Ali Johnson ’98 Dawn L. Jones ’89 Donna Corey Karfunkle ’63 Heather Kauffman ’97 Rachel Kline ’96 Alison Royer Koch ’86 Renee Simon Krasny ’67 Constance Flynn Lagerman ’40 Virginia Romane Landis ’71 Robin Lazarow ’83 Susan Lefferts ’68 Patricia Richardson Levin ’53 Jane Cinelli Lucrezi ’79 William Lynne ’00 Margaret McCaughey Mahoney ’40 Alberta Littlefield McCabe ’45 Sister Arleen McCann ’89 Alison McCormick ’02 Eileen Aaron Pitel ’63 Carol Hayes Rich ’64 Judith Risdon ’36 Jane Cone Roberts ’36
Barbara Gordon Russoniello ’57 Leslie Sutcliffe Scardaci Johanna Weissinger Schleyer ’74 Nancy Diehl Sharp ’57 Kathy Wrisley Skinner ’79 Dorothy Hildwine Smith ’80 Susan Mirsky Sturtz ’96 Sandra WisniewskiValenti ’84 Julie DroescherVetterlein ’48 Teresa Wallace-Sherman ’75 Leaugeay Phillips Weber ’41 Jane LeFevreWesterman ’45 Carroll Deis Williar ’79 Jennifer Elbertson Wilkinson ’00 Judith Feigel Wolfson ’58 Amy White Yurocko ’94
Faculty and Staff Mira Baric Judith Bonaduce-Barrett Dianna Dale Nicola Difronzo-Heitzer Christopher Fancher Pamela Heffner Alexandra Hilosky Carol Martin Beth McMichael Clara Salloom
Friends Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bright Mr. and Mrs. Andy Johnson Sharon Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Lytle Steven Ramm
Gifts-in-Kind Annie Birds, Inc. Adelle Bedrossian Robert Burke Samuel Cimino, DDS Joseph Diorio Giant Food Store Hill’s Pet Nutrition Madeline Manfredi John and Nancy Minnick Parkway Dental Services, Inc. George Purvis Warren F. Renneisen, DMD Sola Student Dental Hygienists Association The Great Britains Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Trout Michael Wollock, DMD Madeleine Wrightson Yangming Debra Young-Yassin
20 harcum college
s p r i n g 2007
harcum college
s p r i n g 2007
save the date October 19th-20th, 2007
Alumni Reunion 2007
Alumni Luncheon • Guest Speakers CEU Programs • Meet President DeTemple
National Alumni Board Members enjoy the 2005 alumni luncheon outdoors. Cindy Canevari ’90
(left) & Mary Amonitti (right) were featured keynote speakers at the President’s 90th Anniversary Reception. Dr. Nadine Hackman (standing), Director of Veterinary Technology enjoys joining her alumni for lunch after CEU program.
The Magazine for Alumni & Friends of Harcum College 2007 Spring
H arcum College 750 Montgomery Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 o