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Dear Members,

I would like to wish all of you a very happy prosperous 2023.

January is also a time for a new you, New Year resolutions, planning, ideas, new goals etc are on our minds. I wish you every success in achieving ‘these milestones.

MRCA has been actively engaging the retail industry and making the retail industry’s voice heard. We continue to be the voice of the retail industry/ We have also made cross-border connections with retail associations across the region. It is our hope that retailers in ASEAN would become a caucus that can take the regional retail industry be world class.

The road ahead is even more exciting as Malaysia welcomes its 10th Prime Minister, YAB Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Our heartiest congratulations to YAB Datuk Seri Anwar on his appointment as the 10th PM and we hope that our new PM will steer the country towards a prosperous future. On that note, we look forward to more exciting business opportunities both locally and internationally as our PM continues to strengthen bi-lateral relations globally.

In line with our theme “Together We Thrive”, it is heartening to see the retail industry come together to drive our retail business. In the last quarter of this year, we conducted several learning sessions such as the “Amendments to the Employment Act” and “TikTokMadeMeBuyIt”. We had a good turnout for these sessions and are planning to have more enriching learning sessions in the future, for the bene t of our members.

The MRCA Women’s Division did an excellent job on the Breast Cancer Awareness Programme which was themed “Think Pink, Think Life”. The Women’s Division also pledged to raise RM30,000 to contribute towards the Breast Cancer Welfare Association. The funds will be channelled towards supporting the MURNI clinic as they reach out to rural areas and the B40 communities, as well as to hire nurses to conduct breast screening and clinical tests. A big hand of applause to Dato’ Winnie Lim and her team of ladies for their e orts!

The Taiwan-Malaysia F&B Business Matching session was a success, and for that I would like to express my appreciation to the organising committee. The session gave Malaysian and Taiwanese businesses the opportunity to collaborate and form business alliances that can boost the retail industry in Malaysia. We hope to have more such business matching sessions in the future.

In October this year, we conducted our Members’ Meeting at Hap Seng’s premises in Setia Alam. It was indeed an excellent event with a very good turnout. Our gratitude to YBhg Dato’ Alex for organising this session at this exquisite venue.

MRCA’s Christmas and Chinese New Year 2023 celebration was a roaring success with approximately 1,400 people attending the event at the Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa. Themed “A Season of Celebration”, the event was truly a refreshing conclusion to an eventful year. We hope 2023 will be a more exciting year and we look forward to more gatherings and opportunities to meet each other. A big Thank You to YBhg Dato Vincent Choo for his tireless e orts in making this event a success.

Another exciting event in the pipeline is MIRF 2023. I would like to invite all our members to grab spots at this exhibition and not miss this opportunity to showcase your great o erings. MIRF 2023 is set to be another roaring success as more businesses participate. So do take this opportunity to be part of MIRF 2023.

Read about all our activities over the last few months in this publication, and if you have missed them, we are sorry to have missed you, but we have more events in the pipeline. Wishing all our members success in the months ahead and I hope to meet all of you at our upcoming events.

Wishing a Happy New Year and a Happy New You.

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