Forum DECEMBER 2018 - ISSUE 167
Harpenden Town Council’s Quarterly Newsletter
Forum DECEMBER 2018 - ISSUE 167
Harpenden Town Council’s Quarterly Newsletter
The Town Council has now reached a significant milestone in the development of the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan as it has passed Independent Examination. This means that local people now have the opportunity to bring the plan into force by voting for it in a community referendum. The community referendum will take place on Thursday 7 February 2019 and the voting process will operate in the same way as a local or national election. You will have the opportunity to vote yes or no to the following question:
Do you want St Albans City & District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Harpenden to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?
Front cover image: Steve Collins – Best Seasonal Photo in Harpenden Photographic Competition.
Harpenden has seen a fair amount of development over recent years and will no doubt see more in the future. We can’t prevent this future development but through the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan we have the opportunity to shape and influence what future growth looks like. The Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan is a different document to the St Albans City & District Local Plan. The Local Plan is produced with the entire District in mind and does not go into detail at a really local level. The Neighbourhood Plan does and has been developed by Harpenden, for Harpenden More information on the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan can be found on pages 4 & 5. You can also view the plan itself on our website at or at Harpenden Town Hall.
What are Snow Angels? Harpenden Snow Angels are a group of local residents who volunteer to clear snow and ice from the footways and pathways in their local area.
Having no Neighbourhood Plan means that Harpenden could be targeted by those developers who build for profit as opposed to purpose.
As a Snow Angel, you can contribute to the safety of your community, especially in areas that typically don't receive as much attention as the main high streets and pedestrian routes.
Having a Neighbourhood Plan means we will be able to influence development within the Town.
How can I become a Snow Angel? If you're interested in becoming a Snow Angel, please contact Harpenden Town Council's Projects Officer, Sarah Brimley: Tel: 01582 463548
This would make sure that future development is in the interest of the people of Harpenden, instead of the developers.
What happens once I've signed up?
View the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan now at:
Carl Cheevers, Town Clerk, Harpenden Town Council Email: Tel: 01582 768278
You will be assigned a route local to your home and we'll arrange for the collection / delivery of your Snow Angel Kit, which comprises of; • 20kg bag of grit • a branded hi-visibility vest • protective gloves • snow shovel
TOWN MAYOR’S COMMENTS It has been a very busy year so far; I have received so many kind invitations from the community to attend events including a Senior Prizegiving Evening at St George’s School, the Southdown Songs of Praise Service at St John’s Church and very enjoyable performances of Oliver! and Animal Crackers by the Harpenden Musical Theatre Company and Music Makers. In this year of commemoration of the end of WWI; it was also my honour and privilege to represent the Town at our Remembrance Day Parade and Service and Beacon of Light Ceremony. It was an important opportunity for everyone to come together and remember those who had made the ultimate sacrifice and to thank those in the Armed Forces who continue to serve their community. On the theme of supporting the people of
our Town, I recently held a charity wine tasting to raise such valuable funds for my nominated charities (Harpenden Mencap and Herts Young Homeless). Both charities do such important work in reaching out to the more vulnerable among us and I was very happy to be able to raise more funds for them. Christmas is nearly with us, and already the Town is looking its festive best. It is always great to see the Town decked out with sparkling lights and decorations and I hope everyone is enjoying all the Town has to offer, including a little Christmas shopping in some of our fantastic local businesses followed by a coffee or meal in one of our wide variety of restaurants. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year. Best wishes, Cllr David Heritage
RECORD NUMBER OF EXHIBITORS AT HARPENDEN SENIORS FAIR A record number of 35 organisations exhibited at the Seniors Fair in Harpenden Public Halls on 16 October, organised by Harpenden Seniors Forum. Nearly four hundred visitors came to find out what is available in the town for seniors. As well as Harpenden Town Council, exhibitors included charities such as Computer Friendly and the Harpenden Trust, local branches of national charities such as Age UK, clubs and societies like Harpenden Arts Club and Harpenden Bowls Club, and a few commercial exhibitors including legal practices, financial advisers, a care home and home care companies. Councillor David Heritage, Harpenden Town Mayor, attended as well as Rita Cox, Life President of Harpenden Seniors Forum. Fiona Gaskell, Chairman, said, “We had several new exhibitors this year which attracted a lot of interest. Connecting Harpenden is a new
website with information on a wide range of organisations in the town. The Prostate Cancer UK stand was busy with both men and women enquiring on behalf of their husbands, and the PegasusLife stand promoting the new development at Park House in Leyton Road was also popular. It was great that we had full use of both halls, so there was plenty of room to move around the stands or to relax in the small hall, where Harpenden Village WI were serving excellent refreshments in aid of Essex and Herts Air Ambulance.” It is free to join Harpenden Seniors Forum, and members receive a free newsletter twice a year with details of events and activities for seniors. To join, please telephone Tel: 01582 462926 between 10am – 12 noon Monday to Friday or visit the HSF website:
Ken Hodson Local Computer Hardware and Software Repairs, Upgrades and Advice for Home and Business Tel. 07974 156743 / 01582 794723 Email • • • • • • •
No fix, no fee for all repairs – you have nothing to lose. Low hourly rate. Most repairs carried out in your home, if not the computer will be picked up from and delivered back to you. Problems with Windows / Applications / Games / Internet / networks fixed. Friendly training and instruction available in plain English. Upgrades of hardware and software carried out. Prevent children viewing inappropriate internet sites.
133 Southdown Rd, AL5 1PU
Telephone: 01582 768278 • E-mail: • Website:
What is a Neighbourhood Plan? A Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led planning document that guides the future growth, regeneration and conservation of an area. It is about the use of land and may allocate key sites for specific kinds of development. A Neighbourhood Plan sets out the community’s views on the development and use of land in their neighbourhood, in contrast to the St Albans District Local Plan which influences the whole of the St Albans District. Who has created the Neighbourhood Plan? Five Themed Working Groups comprising of community representatives and Town Councillors have developed the Neighbourhood Plan. The preparation of the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan was overseen by a Steering Group made up of representatives from the local community, Harpenden Town Council and Harpenden Rural Parish Council.
The Referendum will take place on 7 February 2019. The people of Harpenden will have the opportunity to vote on whether the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan should be adopted and used by St Albans City & District Council when they make decisions in regard to planning applications.
Your vote counts Don't waste it! The question on the referendum ballot paper is: Do you want St Albans City & District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Harpenden to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?
The Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan has been produced following three rounds of community engagement, informed by 3625 survey responses and 760 visits to our engagement events.
View the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan now at: 4
NTS – DON’T WASTE IT IT'S YOUR PLAN The Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan was created and shaped by the views of people who live and work in Harpenden. Engagement events and widereaching surveys were conducted to gather opinions, responses and ideas to mould the objectives and policies. This means the Plan is actually based on what the people of Harpenden want for the Town - not just what Harpenden Town Council thinks the Town needs.
A key objective of the Neighbourhood Plan is to ensure that any new development preserves the character and feel of Harpenden. Major proposals must demonstrate how they will compliment Harpenden's character and appearance.
Important green spaces have been identified in the Neighbourhood Plan and will remain protected and preserved.
View the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan now at:
A Neighbourhood Plan on its own can't prevent A Neighbourhood its own can't development, but itPlan tellsondevelopers theprevent way we A Neighbourhood Plan on its own can't prevent development, but it tells developers the way we want our Town to be. development, but it tells developers the way we want our Town to be. want our Town to be. It must be considered by the planning when deciding It mustauthority be considered by the whether new developments are planning authority when deciding It must be considered by the approved. whetherauthority new developments are planning when deciding approved. whether new developments are approved. The desired outcome is that developers adhere The desired outcometoisthe that vision that outcome the people of developers adhere toisthe The desired that Harpenden forto their vision that have the people of developers adhere the Town. Harpenden have for their vision that the people of Town. Harpenden have for their Town. View the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan now at: View the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan now at: View the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan now at:
View the Harpenden Neighbourhood plan now at:
The Neighbourhood Plan sets out key policies for The Neighbourhood Plan sets out key policies for supporting infrastructure in Harpenden. The Neighbourhood Plan sets out key policies for supporting infrastructure in Harpenden. supporting infrastructure in Harpenden. This includes parking, road improvements, services This includes health parking, road and community facilities. improvements, health services This includes parking, road and community facilities. improvements, health services and community facilities. It sets out to protect key employment sites, open It sets out to protect key spaces important employment sites, open It setsand outother to protect key spaces andassets. other important employment sites, open spaces andassets. other important assets. View the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan now at: View the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan now at: View the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan now at:
Telephone: 01582 768278 • E-mail: • Website:
Nomansland Common
Wildlife WATCH
oss Nature Trail that leads you acr If you regularly walk along the of ds fiel hay b, stroll across the ay Harpenden Common Golf Clu taken advantage of the bridlew ’ve you or n, mo Harpenden Com ubs shr y have noticed some purple that circles this area, you ma the oak trees. nestled among the gorse and r. Though in small quantities These purple shrubs are heathe ches are incredibly important. ious in Harpenden, these small pat 100 hectares of heathland in var Hertfordshire has on record just . nty cou the in natural habitat conditions, making it a very rare for eloped alongside humankind dev d ate Heathland is a habitat that has oci ass er oth shrubs of heather and h suc hundreds of years. The short nts pla l sfu ces suc re ement – mo species require constant manag well as some rank grasses will n as as silver birch, pine and bracke were ly, at a time when commons ical tor His ne. alo left if dominate re we nds thla hea ple to survive off, s an important resource for peo wa n cke bra s, sse gra k uced the ran grazed with livestock which red od trees were cut down for firewo so cut for bedding or roofing, and e either died out or intensified or furniture. These practises hav ilar sim in ed survive unless manag much that heathland cannot dfires thland is also at high risk of wil Hea t. pas ways to times gone as of are e larg d ate ast dev t tha those and accidental fires, much like year. Saddleworth Moor in June this
nent acid grassland, a promi Heather grows only on dshire which is also found rtfor habitat feature of He , the Town mmon. In Harpenden Trust Co en nd rpe Ha ss ro ac and Middlesex Wildlife Council and the Herts heather teers to increase the on the are working with volun ath he of Common. Areas e any ov found on Harpenden rem to nd ha weeded by y ull ref ca are ld fie y ath ha e he er, could be strangling th er at grasses or scrub that ath done for existing he and the same is being Golf Club. Harpenden Common ject to e site of an exciting pro The golf club is also th at. Several areas have had the bit create new heather ha en reseeded from cuttings of be ve ha d an ed ov rem turf Common, er from Nomansland ath he the same type of cil for . Albans District Coun with thanks to the St e. ttings from this sit allowing us to take cu
The completed plot
OJECT DAYS UPCOMING PR a conservation volunteer
Spreading the heather
The cuttings ar e spread over th e bare soil, and rabbit-proof fe ncing is erecte d to prevent ni of any new grow bbling th. Throughout from the cuttin gs drop onto th the winter, seeds e soil and begin take root. to The first area of restoration was 2017 and the su completed Janu cc ary visible. Heather ess of this patch is already is very slow grow here is still very ing, so the grow small, but som e of the new pl th have already pr ants oduced flowers.
Would you like to become Common? Volunteering and help manage Harpenden dlife, keep fit, learn wil is a great way to experience . We carry out nds frie new et me and ls skil new ecological surveys and ks tas ent practical managem all year round. ies) terfl (including bees, bats and but is necessary. nce erie exp no and Everyone is welcome Future project days are: Tuesday 19th February Sunday 20th January Sunday 17th March Monday 21st January Monday 18th March Tuesday 22nd January Tuesday 19th March Sunday 17th February Monday 18th February 10am to 2pm, and Sunday Project days run from m to 3pm. You can 10a from run s weekday session y for the whole day. come along for an hour or sta more information For ed. vid pro Refreshments are , please contact the or to sign up for a project dayt Officer by email: por Sup Commons and Greens k or Tel: 01582 463661
Booking is essent www.harpenden ial for all wildlife events. Please vi information. alendar for more sit
2019 Bird Watching fo r Beginners 10:3 0am to 12:30pm Come along to Ba Big Garden Bird tford Springs to take part in th e w the common bird atch and learn the basics of iden s fo un d on th e ages. Booking es reserve. Suitable tifying sential. for all SATURDAY 16 FE BRU
Young plants
ARY 2019 Family Conserva tio St. John’s Wood n day – Cutting holly trees in 10am to 2:30pm Learn how to us e tools to cut do manage the woo wn trees and he lp Bring along a pa dlands of Harpenden Common. cked lunch and ha woods. Refreshm ve a picnic in th all ages – Childre ents will be provided. Suitable fo e Booking essentia n must be accompanied by an adr l. ult.
is to have a continuous The vision for the future the fairways, that links up area of heather between of vides a habitat for some to existing shrubs and pro ather. the insects that enjoy he a wide variety of specialist Heathland holds host to ll es, wasps and ants, as we invertebrates – several be ird yb lad e rar d an stunning as spiders, including the on native reptiles all thrive n’s tai Bri of six spider. All r cta ne at also provides a gre heathland too. Heather es rfli tte bu d ths, bees an source for many of our mo . en nd rpe Ha in already found en completed with the be s ha t The restoration projec ist volunteers, who also ass help of our hard-working ng ari cle by on Comm in the management of the surveying for bats, bees d an , rse go ing pic scrub, cop interested in joining our and butterflies. If you are future project days can ls of enthusiastic team, detai e. sid ng be found alo
Telephone: 01582 768278 • E-mail: • Website:
ay before and after 22 West Common W information valuable sources of ip of the ions ns te ex d rsh an ne s on ow iti er Demol about earli es stand, are going on apace n – a land on which hous de en signed rp de o Ha throughout and telling us wh rity. pe os pr contact ’s e as wn to Ple . r ou em sign of and built th ict str Di g to d an llin The Harpenden the LHS if you are wi s which ) HS (L ty cie ed So de ry Local Histo lend your house photos, e society’s has many historic can be copied for th e th rd co but we need to re archives. of the ‘before and present for the sake aling We plan to build a pe ap e ar e , w So r website – future. after’ gallery on ou to send s er ad re M RU sto hi FO to www.harpendenout to be photos of houses ab changed, – which already has, for tly photos of demolished or grea phic example, a page of in the ra og ot ph a of is rt rv as pa houses built by Ja tion of n’s current ca di in survey of Harpende st 1930s, with an t ju houses ‘street-scapes’ – no d the how some of those years an gs in ild bu d te e lis the d’ in th tion areas on have ‘evolve ions should be extensive conserva ut rib nt Co . . ce et sin re gh St es@ either side of the Hi sting iri qu sent to en re There are many inte nservation or co cal History houses outside the chitects, delivered to the Lo on ar l ca lo d te yt Le ll, area by no Ha rk Room, Pa lisbury ternoons. af y such as Eustace Sa da es Tu on Road ). 29 19 090 contact 1 se ive ea ct pl (a Alternatively, eded as ne r ge lon on no e ss ar Ro s Deed Rosemary t are legal documents; bu Tel: 715399.
Light up a Life this Christmas
The Luton and Dunstab le Hospital invites you to join their Light up a Life ca mpaign this Christmas! Lights are just £5 each or £10 and can be purchase 3 for d time up until Christmas. any If you buy a light as a gift for someone they will receive a card wi and if you buy one in me th your special personal message, mory of a loved one yo letter of dedication. Th u e lights will be put on the will receive a until Christmas but the tree right up ‘of on Thursday 6th Decem ficial’ switching on ceremony will be ber at 6pm at the front of the hospital where there will be fes tive music provided by the Hadrian Academy school choir and wards will switch on the the children from our Children’s lights. Refreshments wi the warm afterwards.… ll be served in everyone is welcome! To buy your Lights please Tel: 01582 718289 or vis call the Fundraising Team on it download a form. ising and
in Bloom WINNERS
In October, prize winners of the Harpenden in Bloom 2018 competitions gathered in Park Hall to receive their prizes and awards from the Town Mayor, Councillor David Heritage. This years winners are:
BEST LOGO Ella Pulford
BEST COMMUNAL GARDEN The Bourne Sir Josephs Walk
MOST CREATIVE PLANTER Wood End School High Beeches School Manland School
TALLEST SUNFLOWER Charlotte Batchelor Ruby McCabe Jacob Batchelor
Winner Gold Silver Gold Joint Silver Joint Silver Gold Silver Bronze
SUNFLOWER WITH THE MOST HEADS Wood End School Jacob Batchelor
The Plough and Harrow The Carpenters Arms The Oddfellows Arms Cross Keys The Engineer The George
EHGC - BEST ALLOTMENT PLOT Joanna & Tim Cain (Marquis) Fung Mui Cheung (Holcroft) Sue Dawson (Riverside)
Gold Silver Best Pub Category A Best Pub Category B Commended Commended Commended Commended 1st 2nd 3rd
News in brief... SUMMER CARNIVAL RAISES £24,000!
Harpenden T r Christmas Aupst peal
The Trust’s fam ili and gold Christm ar purple something that hardly bears envelopes will as Appeal th inking about. be on doormats th dropping Alongside the Ca ro re Fund, the town this month ughout the Co mmunity Fund This years Round Table summer carnival raised a massive . has a major is the only fund The Appeal role ra £24,003 for their chosen charities of Herts Action on Disability, out by the Trus ising carried in in supporting community t itiatives. It has Mind and the Oracle Cancer Trust. It is hoped that next year a he year, and it prov during the of Harpenden or lped scores ides around similar sum can be raised or even bettered – so save the date of half of the mon ganisations – ey from Scouts an Saturday 8 June 2019 and join in the fun! the Care Fund to needed by d the su so pp ccer and swimm cricket, or t th e traditional role of to improvemen ing clubs, individuals and helping ts to halls to fa make them mor community. In milies in our e ac th and better facilit cessible year, the Trust e current ie has a budget schools and play s for of around £94,00 grounds. 0. The list is endles Last year, includ s. “70 NOT OUT” could be and individuals and taken in The Communit gift aid, the Ap g valuable y Fu pe a good description of the advantage of opportunities comes from tota nding a record £53,00 al total was lly sepa 0. NHS. In reality it is the title to expand its role, the book unfailingly gene Without the sources and not from rate the ro us of a new book about the su pport explains why the Trust Christmas Appe of Harpenden pe al. ople there Harpenden Trust, our town’s converted to a limited would have to Please give wha be cutbacks, t yo local charity, which is also company; how, in the year the Christmas Ap u can to peal. 70 years old this year. of its 60th anniversary, it Created in 1948 to help the came to earn the Queen’s town’s disadvantaged, the Award for Voluntary Service; Trust’s story is as inspiring and how receipt of the as the Welfare State’s. “70 Rotary in Harpenden’s ever-popular Quiz of Quizzes will be held Abbeyfield Benefaction NOT OUT” follows the on Friday, 8 March 2019 at St George’s School. The cost will be enabled it to extend its publication at the time of £14 a head, which includes supper. Club president Liz Jack said: help to local community the Trust’s 50th anniversary groups. Readers will be left “As ever, all proceeds from the Quiz of Quizzes go to charities of ‘A LIFEBOAT MOORED and other good causes supported by Rotary. Since 1996, when we in no doubt that the Trust’s IN HARPENDEN,’ written staged the first quiz, the event has raised more than £60,000.” slogan, ‘Helping Harpenden by former chairman Reg The quiz is regularly a sell-out, so teams wishing to secure a place People in Need,’ is as valid Davis. That covered the for March should contact David Nye without delay at today as it was in 1948. years to 1990. The new The book is available from book, by local author and the Town Hall, in Leyton writer Pamela Mann, picks Road, from News 4U in up the story from then Station Road and of course and, interspersed with HARPENDEN AND DISTRICT LOCAL recollections from former from the Trust Centre at HISTORY SOCIETY chairmen, covers the past 28 90 Southdown Road. It is Mounts quarterly exhibitions in Park Hall, Leyton Road years. And what a story it is. only £5 – and for that you from 2.30pm – 4.30pm on the first Saturday of March, also get a newly reprinted Charting the way the June, September and December. For further information or copy of A lifeboat moored in Trust has adapted to the membership enquiries contact Alan Bunting Tel: 01582 760564. changing Harpenden needs of families Harpenden. House small 90mm x 70mm advert.pdf 1 18/03/2017 13:08 Web:
HARPENDEN TRUST The Who, What and Why
Moving Home • Relocating Building an Extension Family visiting and not enough room?
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Telephone: 01582 768278 • E-mail: • Website:
Town Hall Information Point Christmas Opening Hours Please note that the Town Hall Information Point will close on Friday 21 December at 2pm and will remain closed over the Christmas and New Year period reopening to the public on Wednesday 2 January 2019 at 10.00am.
ST FRANCIS CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION Hospice Charity to Collect Christmas Trees Fed-up of the post-Christmas ritual of desperately trying to squeeze your tree into your garden waste bin or finding pine needles in your car boot for weeks on end? Once again local charity The Hospice of St Francis can help you avoid the post-Christmas chore of disposing of your Christmas tree by providing a tree collection service straight from your door! The Hospice, which helps people to live their precious lives well throughout parts of Herts and South Bucks, will be collecting Christmas trees over the 6th/7th January 2019. The trees will then be chipped and recycled. The Hospice is asking residents to make a donation in return for having their tree collected and the money raised will contribute towards the over £5million it needs every year to fund its free care and support. Generously supported by the Harpenden Lions and Round Table, teams of 10
volunteers will be out in specially organised vans over the January weekend throughout the AL5 postcode. Residents who want to support a local charity this Christmas should visit and click the ‘Register Tree’ button to book their hassle-free collection. To keep the festive goodwill growing, the Hospice will be donating 10% of the funds raised back to projects that benefit the Harpenden community. The Hospice is the only one locally which provides 24/7 care in its Inpatient Unit for people living in the St Albans and Harpenden area, as well as clinics, workshops, support groups, classes and therapies for carers, family members and patients in its health and wellbeing Spring Centre. Each year it helps 2,000 local people. Lucy Hume, Head of Community Fundraising at the Hospice, said: “We couldn’t raise the over £5million we need each year to help people live their precious lives well without the wonderful support of our local community.
“We’re delighted to be continuing our Christmas Tree Collection Campaign in the Harpenden area as we want local residents to be aware of the services we provide in times of need.” To organise your tree collection please visit or for more information please contact the Hospice on Tel: 01442 869555, or at You can also visit or follow us on Facebook – The Hospice of St Francis, Twitter - @Hospicestfrancis and Instagram - @hospicestfrancis to find out more about our work.
TOWN MAYOR’S CHRISTMAS POSTER COMPETITION The Town Mayor, Councillor David Heritage, was very impressed by the large number of entries to his Christmas Poster Competition 2018. The theme of this year’s competition was ‘A Celebration of Christmas’. Many children from local schools and organisations took part. The Town Mayor and Deputy Mayor had a very difficult time choosing the winners from among so many talented artists. The Town Mayor said “It was very enjoyable looking through so many creative and imaginative entries and I am hugely grateful to everyone who took the time to design a poster for me. A big thank you to you all”. The overall winner, a pupil from Sir John Lawes School, was invited to turn on the Christmas Lights at the Christmas Carnival on Sunday 25 November and had their design made into the Town Mayor’s Christmas card for this year.
Telephone: 01582 768278 • E-mail: • Website:
SUPPORTING INDEPEND CAMILLA CHESTER ALTERNATIVE HARPENDEN’S CHILDREN’S AUTHOR BARBERING CO You may have seen her in the supermarket, walking her dog in Rothamsted Park, or at your gym class, but did you know that Camilla Chester is Harpenden’s very own Children’s Author? Camilla writes exciting, quirky, adventure stories for children aged 8-12 and has three books published. Her debut, Jarred Dreams tells the story of the Dream Thief, a black-cloaked ghoul who steals children’s dreams and stores them in jars in his cellar. It was shortlisted in the 2015 New Author Prize run by The National Literacy Trust and picked as Harpenden Chatterbooks Book of Choice. It’s not a story for the weak-hearted! Her second book, EATS is about Lucas Larks, a budding vegetarian chef who, along with his best mate Tucker, wins a cooking competition. The Celebrity Chefs, however, aren’t quite who they seem and the boys need to stay on their toes. EATS was shortlisted in the Winchester Children’s Funny Fiction Competition 2017. In her latest book, Thirteenth Wish, Camilla takes her characters into another world where they encounter all kinds of magical adventures with dragons and unicorns and lakes of milk. It also has a bit of a Christmas feel, so perfect for this time of year. No stranger to the Harpenden community, Camilla is very involved in inspiring and motivating the local children. She makes regular author visits to the schools, including Sauncey Wood, Manland, Crabtree, Wood End, SJL, The Lea, High Beeches, St Nicholas and The Grove. In addition, she has visited Harpenden Cub and Brownie packs to help them achieve their writing badges. The best place to find Camilla, however, is in the library. This is where she sometimes writes and where she held the launch for Thirteenth Wish. You can meet Camilla at Harpenden Library at the Ask The Author event on Tuesday 18 December at 4-5.30pm. Go along, chat to Camilla, ask her anything and everything about being a Children’s Author and grab yourself a discounted, signed copy of one, or all of her books. The perfect Christmas gift! To find out more about Camilla Chester and her books please visit her website:
Established back in 2010 in St Albans, Alternative Barbering Co is a modern men’s grooming space where the warmth of our welcome is as hot as our haircuts and where our bespoke beard services are as sharp as our razors! We’re very proud of our talented team of expert barbers- with a combined experience of nearly 80 years, they include our founder, Sam Campagna, who received an Honorary Fellowship for his outstanding contribution to barbering. They are also Guerrilla Barbering charity ambassadors and Wahl Professional ambassadors. Our sharp skilled barbers are always on hand to deliver both classic and creative haircuts; we’re all about the attention to detail and we’d never let a client leave our chair until we’ve trimmed every nook and cranny on their head! As an appointments only salon, there are no long queues, no rushed haircuts and no disappointments. Last minute appointments are often available as each day at 9am we open up one barber to same day appointment slots, so it’s always worth trying your luck on a same day trim. We always try to fit our clients in the best we can. Customers can book themselves in 24/7 online at or via our app, “Alternative Barber” which is available for download on the AppStore and GooglePlay. We stock a carefully curated selection of men’s grooming products including Jack Black Men’s Skincare, Mühle Rasurkultur razors and shaving brushes, Mantidy Grooming Rolls, Bullingberg Beard Oils and American Crew Haircare, as well as a range of treatment gift cards. Please visit us in store at 8 Station Road, Harpenden and follow our social media channels for more information- we look forward to welcoming you! Facebook: Alternative Barbering Co. Harpenden Instagram: @alternativebarberingco Twitter: @altbarberingco
ENT BUSINESSES HANDMADE IN HARPENDEN Handmade in Harpenden was founded by local furniture makers, Henry and Farhana, in March 2018. They’re on a mission to deliver ‘guilt-free’ furniture and homeware to Hertfordshire: furniture with no air miles attached! With 50% of the world’s goods now produced in the far east and transported thousands of miles to your home, buying local has never been so relevant. As the name suggests, their items are handcrafted in their selfbuilt Harpenden workshop, and they only work with UK-based suppliers for their reclaimed and sustainably-sourced materials. But it’s not all tree-hugging: Since launching, their homestyle blog has been nominated for an interior design blog award as Best Newcomer, they’ve completed the Hertfordshire start-up programme with the kind guidance of Mark Fordham, built their very own workshop and launched a vegan and organic candle collection, which of course they hand pour in Harpenden! By aiming to produce quality, contemporary furniture that rivals anything bought at leading high street and online retailers, but with no air miles, they feel this truly combines sustainability and 21st century living in a winning formula. You can commission Handmade in Harpenden to customise your very own contemporary dining table, side table, desk, plant bench and much more. Their Scandinavian style is refreshing and we’ll be sure to see them around in Harpenden. Also worth noting is how they work out the exact number of miles each of their pieces has travelled; the journey beginning with the materials travelling to their workshop and ending as the furniture arrives at your front door! You can shop their collection at and follow them on social media at @handmadeinharpenden.
“We have been open on Church Green in Harpenden since the beginning of June and we are so pleased with all the support and good wishes we have had from one and all! Red is the brain child of Jo Mathers who lives in Harpenden with her family and two dogs Stan and Bob. Jo runs a larger business based in St Albans making and supplying contract knitwear for high street stores such as Marks and Spencers, M and Co and Joules and has numerous years of experience in the knitwear business. It has always been her dream to open her own retail store stocking her own brand of knitwear “Red” exclusively designed by her and stocked in limited quantity (only approx. 25 units of each knitwear style are ever made!) to give people something different and exclusive rather than what is available on the high street. Each style is lovingly created in the finest quality yarns including cashmere and are beautifully finished and trimmed with exquisite attention to detail to make each style really special. So, after launching online a little while ago and opening a couple of pop up shops which proved very successful Jo took the plunge and took a permanent retail store in the heart of Harpenden on Church Green and hasn’t looked back! Together with the beautiful knitwear Red stocks like minded brands including Inwear, Postcard from Brighton, Superga and Ravel shoes and boots so Red is a one stop destination for the local fashionista! The store is accessorised beautifully by gorgeous leather handbags and belts again designed by Jo and only a few bought of each keeping the exclusive feel of the Red store. The latest addition to Red is an amazing range of Bibi jewellery which will be on everyone’s Christmas list for sure and sit beautifully with the Red knitwear. We look forward to welcoming you to Red soon!”
Sympathetic & professional treatment for all podiatry/chiropody problems Clinic appointments & home visits
Tel: 01582 467667 Clinic at 64b High Street, Harpenden, AL5 2SP
Telephone: 01582 768278 • E-mail: • Website:
FOCUS ON A STALL HOLDER TOTALLY CULTURED We would love to introduce ourselves, we are ‘’Totally Cultured’’. Providers of gut friendly foods. We are present at each of the Harpenden Farmers Markets on the fourth Sunday of the month right in the middle of the market very aptly next to the large vegetable stall. All of our products are made by us with only natural and wholesome ingredients. NOT an additive in sight. Our main products are handmade sauerkrauts. Our range will generally contain up to 12 flavours of sauerkrauts including Kimchi, Milk Kefir both cow and goat, goat kefir cheese, snacking seeds, spreads and dips (all vegan), two types of vegan and gluten free cakes. There are always guest products as well. Come and try our sauerkrauts before you buy and taste the quality. So much nicer than mass produced (well we think so).
Skye Optometrists
Independent Optometrists and Contact Lens Practitioners Designer frames & sunglasses Full contact lens service Glaucoma screening Retinal photography Vision related dyslexia assessments
tel: 01582 712845 1 Bowers Parade, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2SH
A lot has been said and written about gut health in the last two years and more and more research continues to back this up. It is also more evident that we need to eat more prebiotic fibre rich foods so come and see what we have on offer. We are always happy to offer ideas and advice on how to use our products and our own personal experience as to which conditions may be improved by adding our fermented foods to your diet. We will happily recycle all of the packaging if you wish to bring it back. All of our packaging has been thought about to try and reduce waste. Please ask us. You can visit our newly updated website to place orders to be picked up at Harpenden Farmers Market or just email us at
We are a doctor-led, industry leading aesthetic practice
Winner UK’s Best Medical Aesthetic Clinic Anti-wrinkle injections Advanced dermal fillers Body contouring Excessive sweating Acne & acne scarring Laser hair removal Skin rejuvenation Migraine
Harpenden Tel 01582 762877
H A R P E N D E N T O W N C O U N C I L , T O W N HRiverbanks_Harpenden A L L , L E Y T O Forum.indd N R O A1D , H A R P E N D E N , H E R T S . A L04/03/2015 5 2 L X 13:22
What’s On DON’T MISS A THING! Floral n e d n e Harp ion Club Decoratenden Public Hallasilast Harp e det All at the ors very welcom it 2pm. Vis 1757. 01582 62 BER
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Harpenden Complementa ry Health
Harpenden Com Health is a com plementary for those intere munity run group therapies. We hasted in alternative meeting on the ve an evening of the month w second Tuesday talk and networ hich includes a and Harrow, So king at The Plough ut £5 for non mem hdown Road. and biscuits. Fu bers, includes tea tu scheduled for: re meetings are
The Music Makers n Choir of Harpende MBER SATURDAY 8 DECE
ncert at High Christmas Charity Courch, Harpenden at Ch Street Methodist aria on Tel: 07947 3pm. Tickets from M or. For details about 800153 or on the do bsite: https:// our choir, visit our we or musicmakerschoir.w by searching for find us on Facebook akers’ or follow us on ‘Harpenden Music Makershpd Twitter at @musicm
at 7:30pm – 9:30 pm.
at 7:30pm – 9:30 pm
at 7:30pm – 9:30 pm.
The Arts Society Harpenden Area DFAS
For further details and to join as a member or attend as a guest, see .uk
Lecture given by Anthea Streeter on Sir E Lutyens. This lecture considers the care dwin er Edwin Lutyens, often described as Engl of and’s greatest architect since Sir Christopher Wre Lutyens had a career of over half a cent n. ury, his work encompassed the London Ceno and Government Buildings in New Delh taph i.
Lecture given by Anne Sebba on “Les Parisiennes”. A story of women’s lives during the Nazi occupation, including Briti and American women caught in Paris, as sh as native-born resisters who were even well tually sent to camps. It opens with a pre-war circus ball and ends with the launch of Dior’s 1947 collection.
Annual AGM followed by a lecture give n by the Rt Revd Dr Christopher Herbert on The Promenade des Anglais: the Artists of Nice. In the early 19th century Nice was town reliant on fishing and fruit and flowa growing until it was discovered by an Engler clergyman who provided for the construc ish of a Promenade. This encouraged fashionation ble people and by the 20th century many artists, including Matisse and Dufy lived there.
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IDEAL VENUE FOR CHILDREN’S PARTIES/DISCOS, MEETINGS, CHRISTENINGS, DINNER/DANCES, WEDDING RECEPTIONS, QUIZ NIGHTS, SALES, TRADE FAIRS AND ALL OTHER EVENTS The hall includes a fully equipped kitchen, disabled toilet with baby changing facilities, portable stage and private car park to rear. Fully accessible to disabled users. For further details please contact Harpenden Town Council on Tel: 01582 463664 Email: or web: Telephone: 01582 768278 • E-mail: • Website:
“A vibrant and successful town where people want to live, to work, to invest and to visit” Harpenden Town Council’s vision for Harpenden
Then Forum may be the newsletter to promote it? The Forum Newsletter is not only for the Town Council to keep residents up to date with important current Town Council projects and initiatives, but it is also the perfect vehicle for groups, clubs and organisations to promote themselves, let the community know what they have been doing or promote an initiative they are working on. So this is your chance to raise awareness about your club, group or organisation and tell the residents of Harpenden about your forthcoming exciting projects and events. If you would like to seize the opportunity to do this, please contact Heather Scott at the Town Council on Tel: 01582 463664 or by email on to discuss your ideas for what you would like to have included.
LOST AND FOUND SERVICE AT TOWN HALL The Town Council offer on behalf of the Police a lost and found property service. Therefore if you have lost an item, please report this to the Town Council who will be able to document its description as necessary and report the information back to the Police as well as possibly reunite the item with you if it is handed into the Town Hall. In addition to this service, we are also able to receive found items which will be documented in the same way as any lost property and will be handed to the Police for safe keeping until the owner becomes known. Direct your enquiries to the Town Council, Town Hall, Leyton Road during the opening hours of Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10.00am to 2.00pm or Tel: 01582 768278, Email: If you wish to raise any matters concerning the Harpenden area, this can be done by contacting the Town Hall at the address on the end of this page. The Town Council Office and the Information Point in Leyton Road are open between 10.00am to 2.00pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday (closed Tuesday and Thursday) Tel: 01582 768278. Email: Forum Editor: Carl Cheevers, Town Clerk. Whilst every effort was made to ensure the information in this newsletter was correct at the time of going to print, the Town Council cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors, omissions, nor can they accept responsibility for advert content, or of the standing of advertisers or by the editorial contributions.
HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL Town Hall, Leyton Road, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 2LX Tel: 01582 768278 E-mail: Website: /HarpendenTownCouncil @HarpendenTown Extra free copies of Forum are available from the Library or the Town Hall.
HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCILLORS 2018/2019 Town Mayor Councillor David Heritage Deputy Town Mayor Councillor Brian Ellis NORTH WARD Georgie Calle (Con) t. 07715 993060 e. Pat Kent (Con) t. 01582 764161 e. Albert Pawle (Con) t. 01582 620617 e. David Williams (Con) t. 07733 225464 e. SOUTH WARD Rod Cooley (Con) t. 01582 620682 e. Brian Ellis (Con) t. 01582 767621 e. Harry Gilham (Con) t. 07477 660498 e. David Heritage (Con) t. 01582 761014 e. EAST WARD Rosemary Farmer (Con) t. 01582 712076 e. Anne James (Ind) t. 07817 953173 e. Pip Martyn (Ind) t. 07939 224186 e. Mary Maynard (Con) t. 07774 783509 e. WEST WARD Chris Canfield (Con) t. 07952 833828 e. Daniel Chichester–Miles (Con) t. 01582 768278 e. Nicola Linacre (Con) t. 01582 766245 e. Michael Weaver (Con) t. 01582 713128 e.
Designed by Splatt Design. 01442 217589.
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