Harrier Magazine September-October 2019 PREVIEW

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Digital Edition

September-October 2019

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Pan A ie, China j a i j g n a Zh

Hashing in Trinidad Croatia The Pyrenees Mauritius Thailand Guam


Vol. 20 No. 5

Sept-Oct 2019

(Formerly Asia-Pacific Harrier)

www.harriermagazine.com Editor / Publisher Jim Edens publisher@harriermagazine.com

Administration Lisa Sukita customerservice@harriermagazine.com Design / Artwork / Photos / Layout Digital Edition / Website Jimmy Wilkins jwilkins@harriermagazine.com Europe Correspondent Julie Burgess jaburgess@planet.nl


Africa Correspondent Julia Stanton Julia_Stanton@hotmail.com Americas Correspondent John Walsh walshjj@gmail.com Contributors (in order of appearance) Editorial / Photos / Graphics Interhash Trinidad 2020 committee Quick Drawers Christian Schulz Julia Stanton Belly Dancer & Byte My Yahoo [MIH 2019 & LBH3] Neil Campbell Short Circuit Regular Contributors Julie Burgess, Paul Cade, Short Circuit, Quick Draw, Jim Edens, Randall Salisbury, Ian Slater, Julia Stanton, Lisa Sukita, Ken Watson, Jimmy Wilkins, Stockholm Trash Contributors Welcome! We welcome anything related to hashing. * All submissions are subject to the editor’s axe. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the magazine, its advertisers, publisher or contributors.

If you are a print subscriber and you have not seen the All Digital Editions, you are missing out! As a print subscriber you are entitled to have full access to the bi-monthly digital editions that come out!

If you have misplaced your digital edition user name and password, please contact Lisa at customerservice@HarrierMagazine.com

6 Harrier

Editor’s Notes The months of September and October mean different things to different people. It’s back to school for students and teachers, Halloween for children of all ages, and an abundance of HHH events. Our cover feature this month takes us to Pan Asia Hash in Zhangjiajie, China. This is sure to be a mega event in the number of hashers and a unique cultural experience for all who attend. Interhash 2020 is rapidly approaching for Trinidad and Tobago in April next year. Check out the latest updates on the first Interhash in the Caribbean. Our traveling HHH correspondent Quick Drawers takes us hashing in Zagreb, Croatia, and then across the ocean to Guam for a Full Moon Hash. For those who were fortunate enough to have registered for Indochina Mekong Hash we hope to see you in Chiang Mai this November. A full week of events are on the menu so pack up your running gear and get yourself to Northern Thailand in the Land of Smiles. The Taipei China H3 Biking Brotherhood sets off on two wheels for a bike hash adventure in the Pyrenees. This feature is sure to excite all who have ever dreamed of bike hashing in an exotic location. News of Tumblin’ Bill Panton’s passing came in just before we went to press last month. Find out more about Tumblin’ Bill’s amazing life and numerous contributions to the spread of hashing around the world. There will be one more digital edition of Harrier Magazine in November/December 2019 before

Bimbo at Volcano’s National Park, Hawaii USA. we cease publication after 17 years. There are a limited number of the final print edition of the magazine which can be yours for only $10 USD including postage. This deal includes access to all the available digital editions that you can download until 31 December 2019. To order a copy go to: https://fs22.formsite.com/HarrierMagazine/form7/index.html We look forward to seeing you at Interhash 2020, if not before.

On On, Jim Edens, Publisher Harrier Magazine Fun on the run since 2002 www.HarrierMagazine.com

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Cover: Zhangjiajie bridge Composite by Jimmy Wilkins

Events Pan Asia Hash 2019 Interhash 2020: Trinidad Santo Domingo AGPU 2019 Borneo Nash Hash 2019 Mekong Indochina 2019 Interscandi 2019

8 Harrier

2 12 24 60 66 107


Features Click on an item to go to that page!

12 Hashing in 26 Zagreb, Croatia Guam Biking Brotherhood Full Moon 70 34 in the Pyrenees Tumbling 800 runs in Bill Panton 78 52 Mauritius Indochina 2019 62 Mekong Update: Chiang Mai Interhash 2020 Trinidad

Departments Editor’s Welcome Hash Boy Hash Calendar Customer Service Featured Hash Trash Recent Back Issues

6 80 104 105 110 130







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by the Interhash Trinidad 2020 committee

It’s a Hashing thing only you would understand.


Interhash Trinidad 2020


ad Cows, Old Farts, Ball Breakers, Bra and Pants and the Red Dress run are all part of the Hashing lingo that ‘Trinis’ are gonna have to get used to, because its coming in 2020.

Although the Sad Cow, the Founders run, and even maybe an ‘InterBash’ are not officially part of the Interhash lineup, they all will be part of the total Interhash Trinidad experience. Hash kennels from across the globe have asked to join the fun. The Bra and Pants have made it on to the official Saturday itinerary, as they will be hosting their run at the Ricks Micro- Brewery on the Malabar Farms in Arima, alongside the 12 other run trails the Trini hares have chosen. Beautiful, challenging trials have been chosen and 10 of them have already had their initial reccee. Trini teams are hard at work out there in the countryside every second Saturday putting things in place. The Bimbos have chosen the medium to easy run skirting the Chagaramas Golf Course and up into the foothills of the Nature Reserve there. The Cage Shakers have chosen the North Eastern Coastal Village of Rampanalgas, running through the rain forest, pass a waterfall and ending on the waters edge. The Big Dicks challenge you through the Arena Forest Reserve, a lush forested area populated with more wildlife than you can imagine. Natures best. The Rum Jumbies have gone to Central Trinidad for their trail in the Village of Piparo. As the excitement builds each team is challenging the others to create better runs.

12 Harrier



24 Harrier



Zagreb Croatia Saint Patrick’s Day Hash by Quick Drawers 26 Harrier


he Zagreb Hash typically hashes at 11 AM on Saturdays; however, on special occasions, such as St. Paddy’s Day, exceptions are made. This themed hash brought out a dozen regular members of the hash, along with attendance by visiting hashers “Choo Choo” from Bavaria and myself. The many sidewalk café’s and other establishments in the immediate vicinity of Zagreb’s main square - Jelacic Square, provided the location, for our Friday evening initial meeting with Zagreb’s long-term contact “Antibiotics”. Info was shared pertaining to their groups 40+ year history, their sponsorship of the mostly semi-annual “Dalmatian Hash”, a 7-day Cruise hash along Croatia’s popular scenic coastline, an including specifics for the following days hash.

Taipei’s China H3 Celebrating 25 Years of

Biking Brotherhood in the Pyrenees


by Christian Schulz

A warm up down-hill in the desert of Bardenas Reales de Navarra

34 Harrier


t started in the early 90’s when a group of sporty and fun loving expats living and working in Taipei regularly met to enjoy running with the ‘China Hash House Harriers’ along the scenic mountain trails in Taiwan. The motivation: ‘Compensate the many long office hours with healthy outdoor activity followed by camaraderie and consuming lots of cold beer’. From that, and a common interest in mountain biking, came the idea organizing a week of off-road biking somewhere outside the island in the region. Kicking off with Sulawesi in 1993, a tradition was begun of a regular annual week of cycling in different Asian counties. This included, amongst others, a helicopter drop off in the snow in the Jomsom, Mustang area of Nepal in 1997 followed by cycling up the Kali Gandaki gorge to the Muktinath monastery and ending up along the lake in Pokara. 1998’s ride led through Thailand’s Chiang Dao National Park area. In 1999 and 2000, it involved the first-ever organized mountain bike groups cycling the Kingdom of Bhutan. 2002 saw speedy long-tail boats taking the group up the Mekong River and them following the Chinese border on Laos’s jungle trails. In 2006 the African continent was approached the first time with the team spinning the pedals in the very mountainous Kingdom of Lesotho, while in 2007 Tanzania was explored. Costa Rica, in 2013, was the only location in the Americas so far.

Mauritius H3 celebrates 800 Runs


by Julia Stanton

52 Harrier


t the end of April 2019, Mauritius H3 celebrated their 800th run in style with a weekend of 3 runs over 3 days and an invitation to international hashers with guest hashers from Nairobi, Delhi and Addis Ababa H3.

The event started on Thursday evening with welcome drinks at a local bar followed by dinner at a local lounge in the Grand Braie area in the north of the island. This was an opportunity to be reunited with familiar faces and meet new ones over a few beers and a meal.

by Belly Dancer & Byte My Yahoo [MIH 2019 & LBH3]


reetings from Mekong Indo China 2019 HQ! Preparations are continuing in earnest for this November’s Mekong Indochina Hash in Chiang Mai, so its time for another update!


Pre/Post Lube for MIH 2019 NOW OPEN

Registration has been very brisk for this year’s MIH with the Main Event being FULL by March! We have cleared some of the Wait List but those still hoping to attend should submit a registration application here: http://www.indochina2019.com/registration/ Even if regrettably you don’t make it into the MIH 2019 Main Event - the Pre/ Post lube runs planned will be open to all, regardless of MIH Main Event attendance. To assist us with organising the events before and after the main weekend event, we are requesting pre-payment for all Pre/Post lube runs you choose to attend. To avoid the complications (and costs) involved with planning for unknown numbers there will be no payment on the day for any event.

62 Harrier

Mekong Indochina 2019 Update

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68 Harrier

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“A fast-paced read … a must for the bookshelf.” - Inside Sport, Australia

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2018 update of The Hash Bible. Free eBook for all Mother’s 80th registrants.


by Quick Drawers

70 Harrier

A Guam Full Moon Hash


019 Calendars show the date 20 March, as being a Full Moon event. Based upon that and prior contact with both Agana and Full Moon hash contacts, I made arrangements in early December to join the Guam Full Moon hash on that date. Things in the hash world are like everything, subject to chance and they did. The Guam Full Moon hash changed the date of their annual Green Dress Hash to Friday March 22nd. It would then immediately precede the Agana Hash’s epic #1919 hash bash camping weekend starting on Saturday 23rd. Since my travel arrangements were set, with continuing travel to Saipan on that Friday, I needed an alternate plan.

Guam Hashers

76 Harrier

Check us out!




by Neil Campbell


"Tumbling"’Bill Panton (1927 - 2019) Bill Panton, known more affectionately as ‘Tumbling Bill’, was first posted from United Kingdom to Kuala Lumpur in 1953 when Malaya (as it was then known) was under British Administration. Along with many other government servants, he was billeted in the bachelor’s quarters behind the Selangor Club, known colloquially as the ‘Hash House’ as a result of the frequent appearance on the menu of ‘Corned Beef Hash’, a stew of salted beef and potatoes. He was naturally invited to run with the Hash House Harriers, amongst whom was Cecil Lee, one of its original founders. He first ran with ‘Mother Hash’ in 1954, but subsequently joined as a full member in 1958. Malaysia, as it became known after gaining independence from Britain in1956, began to reduce reliance upon her former colonial advisors and experts and eventually Bill took up an appointment with the World Bank in Washington DC where he founded the DC Hash on 23 May 1972. A spell with the World Bank on a posting in Thailand resulted in his founding the Bangkok Hash House Harriers on 11 June 1977. Upon retirement in 1992, Bill returned to his former home in Kuala Lumpur with his wife, Raja Aishah, cousin of the late Sultan of Selangor. Unfortunately, Bill was not able to enjoy retirement to the full as his wife passed away shortly after their return. This caused him to focus his mind elsewhere – to the establishment of the Hash Genealogy Project, which he subsequently dedicated to Raja Aishah. In early 1994, Bill could be seen with a large sheet of white paper laid on a glass topped table on his balcony, with a pencil, ruler and eraser, busy adding new hash chapters to an enormous family tree and constantly rubbing out and adding connecting lines to these chapters. For the 60th Anniversary of the Hash House Harriers at Interhash 98 in Kuala Lumpur, the first publication of the Hash Family tree was presented to the world. It had been prepared with the assistance of Mike Lyons and his trusty ‘Mac’, and showed the relationship of some 1,000 Hash chapters to the original ‘Mother’ Hash in Kuala Lumpur. 78 Harrier

At the same time, aware that making these data available for wider consumption would be essential, Bill enlisted the aid of Neil Campbell to adapt the genealogy data to a more friendly format for presentation. Consequently a lengthy roll of ‘A0’ plotter output was put on display in the Merdeka Stadium at Interhash ‘98. The display generated considerable interest, and lead to a flood of information being received from all over the Hash World. A later copy of this chart is still on display in the ‘Hash Room’ of the Royal Selangor Club in Kuala Lumpur. The last plotted version of the family tree was displayed at Interhash 2008 in Perth since with more than 2,500 Hash Chapters recorded, it became necessary to commit their details to the internet. A copy of the last printed version sits in a cannister in Kuala Lumpur, awaiting a suitable venue for display! Another outcome of Interhash ‘98 was the formation of the ‘Hash Heritage Foundation’, established to: manage and develop hash archives; hold an exhibition for Interhash ‘98; and play a key role in rebuilding the Hash House. (The original Hash House was demolished to make way for a road). Bill was a keen promoter of the Heritage Foundation, which received a donation of land from the Malaysian Government on which to reconstruct a ‘Hash House’. The picture above shows Bill with an architects drawing of one proposed structure. Right up to the end, Bill’s prime ambition was to see the rebuilding of the Hash House, and a more fitting tribute to his memory could not be made than helping this become a reality. Memorial runs for Bill have already been held in both Washington DC and Bangkok where donations have been received to this end, and a joint memorial run will be held on 29 September 2019 on the site of the proposed Hash House in Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur. This event is being organised by Mother Hash; Petaling Hash; KL Harriettes; and the Royal Selangor Club Hash, all chapters in which Bill was a member. This will be administered by the Hash Heritage Foundation. An external, independent auditor has been appointed to ensure full accountability, with all details to be published on the website (thehashhouse.org) where further information can also be obtained. Please contribute to these very worthy causes – both the rebuilding of the Hash House, and the continuing development of the Hash Chapter Family Tree (the ‘Genealogy’ page of the website) – as a tribute to ‘Tumbling’ Bill Panton’s great achievements in the development and promotion of The Hash worldwide!


80 Harrier

Philippines Hashes

Angeles Beach HHH http://angeles-hash.com Men only hash. Runs Saturday once per month Angeles City HHH http://angeles-hash.com Mixed hash. Runs Sunday Nov - April 3 pm, May -Oct 4 pm


La Union HHH http://www.livcomtech.com/luh3 Family Hash. Every Saturday 2 pm or 3 pm Subic Bay HHH http://subicbayhash.simplesite.com Mixed hash. Runs Monday 3:30 pm

photo by Short Circuit

82 Harrier

Philippines C ontinued

Cebu HHH http://cebuhash.org Mixed hash every Sunday around 2:30 pm from SandTrap


Puerto Galera HHH http://pgh3.org Mixed hash runs Sunday 3:30 pm from Capt’n Gregg’s Makati Metro Manila HHH https://sites.google.com/site/ makatimanilahashhouseharriers/ Runs 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 3 pm Manila HHH https://sites.google.com/site/manilah3/ Men only hash. Runs Mondays 6 pm sharp Manila Mixed HHH https://sites.google.com/site/manilamixedh3/ Mixed hash Runs 1st Saturday of the month. 6.30 pm Manila Harriettes (M1H1) social women’s only walking and drinking group hashes once a month https://sites.google.com/site/manilaharriettes/ Manila Fullmoon H3 runs once per month - in usual mismanaged style, usually nowhere near the fullmoon! There is always a craft brew theme. https://www.facebook.com/groups/626318777496552/

84 Harrier



Hashing In

The Philippines

photo by Short Circuit

86 Harrier


88 Harrier

CONTENTS photo by Short Circuit

90 Harrier

Angeles City H3 Hashers

g In




l Thai



92 Harrier

Pattaya H3

We meet every Monday on 3rd Road in front of the Buffalo Bar https://www.pattayah3.com/

Pattaya Jungle H3

We run 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month www.pattayajungle.com/


http://www.sportsbarbangkok.com/ Unit 10/22 Trendy Condominium Sukhumvit Soi 13, Bangkok

Telephone: 02 168 7242 / 02 168 7241 94




Thai ing In land


96 Harrier

Friendliest Hotel in Patong Beach

Summer Breeze Hotel Patong Beach, Phuket, Thailand Email: info@summerbreezehotel.com Website: www.summerbreeze.com

Phuket H3 Runs every Saturday

Ask for Harrier discount

Phuket Thailand

Tinmen Hash First Wednesday of every month. Men only. Iron Pussy Hash Second Wendesday of every month. Women only.

Pooying Hash 2nd or 3rd Sunday of each month. Family hash.


Phuket Mountain Bike Hash 3rd or 4th Sunday of each month. Kamala Koma Hash Last Tuesday of each month. Mixed (adult) hash. Phuket Marauders Hash Meet when the GM decides from 0 - 4 times a year. Experienced male hashers only.

Visit www.phuket-hhh.com for more info on all the hashes.

Saigon H3



Hanoi H3


Nha Trang H3


Vung Tau H3


Hoi An H3


98 Harrier






nta change to horizo

photo by Jimmy Wilkins

100 Harrier

Phnom Penh HHH (P2H3) meets at the Phnom Penh Railroad Station every Sunday at 2:15 GM: joseph.h.beckett@zoho.com


Phnom Penh Bike Hash 1st Saturday of the month GM: chris@go.co.uk Sinville H3 Runs every Wednesday 3 pm Charlie Harpers https://www.facebook.com/groups/ sinvilleh3/ Phnom Penh Full Moon INFO: www.p2h3.com

Stung Treng H3 INFO: http://stungtrengh3.com/ Angkor HHH runs once a month from Sakmut Boutique Hotel info: Vat Is Pirath (Peter), General Manager gm@sakmutboutiquehotel.com

On Hiatus

102 Harrier

Do you have a hunger to travel the world and do some hashing while your at it, but your not sure where and when to go??

Then look no further, right here at HHH World Events you can find what is happening in major events world wide in the Hashing community.




104 Harrier

Sept 13-15 2019

17th Borneo Nash Hash Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo

Sept 13-15 2019

All China Nash Hash 2019 Dongguan, China

Nov 7-10 2019

Pan Asia Hash 2019 Zhang Jia Jie, Hunan, China

Nov 15-17 2019

Mekong Indochina Hash 2019 Chaing Mai, Thailand

Nov 11-24 2019

Yangtze River Hash Cruise Shanghai, China

Nov 11-13 2019

Capital H3 Delhi 25th Anniversary Dehli, India

Nov 21-24 2019

Asia United Hash 2019 Taoyuan, Taiwan

Jan 10-12 2020

Indian Nash Hash 2020 Mapgaon Maharashtra, India

From Customer Service: Welcome and hope you are enjoying the Sep- Oct 2019 Digital Edition. If you are having any difficulty with your digital logon or password, please email customerservice@harriermagazine.com so we can help you or others that may be having problems accessing the digital edition.

Questions? Talk to me.


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Australia, New Zealand & Oceania Jan 20-27 2020

Noosa H3 40th Anniversary Noosa, Qld, Australia

Feb 5-7 2021

Capital H3 Wellington 2000th Run Wellington, New Zealand

Feb 5-7 2021

New Zealand Nash Hash 2021 Hawkes Bay, New Zealand

Mar 20-21 2021

Australian Nash Hash 2021 Adelaide, S.A, Australia



106 Harrier

Mar 6-9 2020

Paris H3 1000th Run Paris, France

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