Harrier Magazine May-June 2019 PREVIEW

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Digital Edition

May-June 2019

ed Featur 2019

Pan Asia China Zhangjiajie,


China Saipan Senegal Thailand Philippines



Vol. 20 No. 3

May - June 2019

(Formerly Asia-Pacific Harrier)

www.harriermagazine.com Editor / Publisher Jim Edens publisher@harriermagazine.com

Administration Lisa Sukita customerservice@harriermagazine.com Design / Artwork / Photos / Layout Digital Edition / Website Jimmy Wilkins jwilkins@harriermagazine.com Europe Correspondent Julie Burgess jaburgess@planet.nl


Africa Correspondent Julia Stanton Julia_Stanton@hotmail.com Americas Correspondent John Walsh walshjj@gmail.com Contributors (in order of appearance) Editorial / Photos / Graphics IH 2020 Committee Hu Wei Richard Simpson 50 Golden Years Commemorative Magazine SYDNEY Belly Dancer & Byte My Yahoo. Malinee “Nibbles” - TDH3 Team Quick Drawers Julia Stanton Regular Contributors Julie Burgess, Paul Cade, Short Circuit, Quick Drawers, Jim Edens, Randall Salisbury, Ian Slater, Julia Stanton, Lisa Sukita, Ken Watson, Jimmy Wilkins, Stockholm Trash Contributors Welcome! We welcome anything related to hashing. * All submissions are subject to the editor’s axe. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the magazine, its advertisers, publisher or contributors.

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Editor’s Notes We tiptoe into summer, a time when HHH events seem to sprout up all around, ready to blossom and bloom. The Mijas H3 turns 30 and promises a grand celebration for hashers who travel to Spain this May. World Interhash is less than a year away as the event heads to the Caribbean Island nation of Trinidad and Tobago in April 2020. Speaking of the Caribbean, our ambassador at large, Quick Drawers, packed his finest crimson dress and headed to Barbados with a dozen Mount Vernon H3 friends, all in the name of charity. Never one to let the grass grow under his feet, QD was off to the Northern Marianas the following month to report on the Saipan H3. For WWII history buffs, Saipan deserves a spot on your bucket list. The largest HHH event this year will surely be Pan Asia Hash in China. The local government has laid out the welcome mat to the thousands of hashers who will journey to Zhangjiaje this November in what will surely be spectacular in size, scenic beauty and Chinese culture. At the other end of the size spectrum, but always welcome in the world of hashing, is the resurrection of the Bohol H3 in the Central Visayas region of the Philippine Islands. The Bohol H3 meets the last Saturday of each month at the Biergarten Hash Pub on Aloha Beach. Mekong Indochina Hash is all set for Chiang Mai this November. A week of activities kicks off with the Loy Kratong Festival on November 13th. The Lanna Bush H3 will

host a male run on the 14th while the Chiang Mai Bunnies will plan a run for the ladies. For those who prefer mixed company, Thursday is also a regular hash day for the Chiang Mai Happy Hash. Bobo promises another “IMH Full Moon Run” on Monday, the 18th of November. The TDH3 is planning a bus and train rumble from Bangkok for those who want to start partying on November 12th.

Jim Edens on trail in Hawaii

Our prolific Africa correspondent, Head Mistress, continues her nonstop adventures across the Dark Continent in search of the Dakar Hash House Harriers in Senegal. This hash chapter is like no other in that there is no marked trail, no circle following the run, and no down downs! Fortunately the group convened at the local bar afterwards for a cold La Gazeele, the favourite lager of Senegal.

Honours and a fond farewell to our Hash Hero, Harry “God Knows” Howell who hashed for 50 years before passing on the Great Hash Trail in the Sky at the age of 85. Harry joined Mother Hash in KL in 1958, and founded the Kuching H3 five years later. He helped spread the Hash Gospel wherever he traveled and will be truly missed by the many who knew him. Keep on hashing and keep those stories coming in to share with hashers around the world. I hope to see you on a HHH trail soon. On On, Jim Edens, Publisher Harrier Magazine International Edition Fun on the run since 2002 www.HarrierMagazine.com

CORRECTION: From the Mar-April edition: The TMI Nuclear Meltdown Full Moon Hash was founded by Loose Screw, Sister Maria, and Fuzzbuster. Thanks Sister Maria for the correction!

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Cover: Ko Samui Photo by Jimmy Wilkins

Events Interhash 2020: Trinidad Pan Asia 2019 Santo Domingo AGPU 2019 Borneo Nash Hash 2019 Pan Africa Hash Mijas 30th Anniversary Wild Wolf Birthday Bash, Koh Samui UK Nash Hash 2019 Kelso Interscandi 2019 Amari Watergate Midnight Charity Run

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Click on an item to go to that page!

Pan Asia 2019 Zhangjiajie, China Hashing in Boho, Philippines Hash Hero: God Knows Mekong Indo China 2019 MIC Prelube by TDH Barbados Red Dress Run 2019 Hashing in Saipan Hashing in Senegal, Africa

12 18 28 38 42 52 64 78

Departments Editor’s Welcome Hash Boy Hash Calendar Customer Service Featured Hash Trash Recent Back Issues

8 86 114 121 122 142

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Pan Asia 2019

Zhangjiajie, China CONTENTS

by Hu Wei

Zhangjiajie, a city in the northwest of China’s Hunan province, is home to the famed Wulingyuan Scenic Area. This protected zone encompasses thousands of jagged quartzite sandstone columns, many of which rise over 200m, as well as caves filled with stalactites and stalagmites. Wulingyuan also encompasses forests, rivers, waterfalls and 2 large natural land bridges, as well as endangered plant and animal species. - Wikipedia 12 Harrier

Attention to all Hashers in Asia!

Zhangjiajie will be hosting the 17th Pan Asia Hash from 07 to 10 November this year, where you all get a chance to dance your Hash booties off! This international sport event will be the largest and most popular in Zhangjiajie’s history. It is of great significance to promote the city’s tourism consumption, and expand its global reputation and popularity.

Meet and greet PAH2019 Zhangjiajie committees with fully committed and supported Mr OU YANG BIN (Vice Mayor of Zhangjiajie City) and Mr ZENG WEI DONG (Vice Chairman of Zhangjiajie tourism, culture, sports and foreign affairs)

The advisory board of the 17th Pan Asia Hash has officially ended the 4-day tour of inspection in Zhangjiajie. Throughout the tour, the progress of preparation, main catering, hosting hotel, registration point were well inspected and observed.


Hashing in

by Richard Simpson




The BH3 has been resurrected by a group of hashers living in Bohol.


here have been a few hashes in Bohol, according to Honourable Hash Historian, Squatta, from Manila H3. The first known runs were organised at Alona Beach, Panglao Island, in 2002, by Junkyard, a resort owner, who had previously hashed at Puerto Galera and founded the Matabungkay hash. In March 2011, Proposition, active Philippine hasher, arranged Philippine Hash Bash #4, attended by about 150 international and local hashers. Making use of new and unexplored hashing territory, the Cebu hash has had many outstation runs in Bohol, commencing in 2014.

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Mekong Indo China 2019 Greetings Hashers!


reparations are well underway for this November’s Mekong Indochina in Chiang Mai, so it is about time for an update!


The main event begins on Friday 15th November with a Welcome Party at the base hotel (Duang Tawan Hotel). Book your room early as Chiang Mai tends to get booked up during this period. All events will be organized from the Duang Tawan Hotel. The main runs will be on Saturday 16th November. Buses will leave at different times during the day to top secret locations for your choice of Ball Breaker, Long, Regular or Walk - with departure times to be announced nearer the time. After the runs, it is of course time for beer & circles, before everyone heads back to the city for our Main Event Dinner and Party. Assuming you can wake up on Sunday 17th, transport will set off midmorning to take you to our Hangover run, lunch and chilled out afternoon party. The weekend main event is the central feature of a weeklong hashcation, so why not come early and leave late, enjoying more hashing in and around Chiang Mai? Note: the prelube / postlube events aren’t included in the main event fee.

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Barbados H3

Red Dress Run 2019

by Quick Drawers

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he Barbados H3 held their Red Dress Run on Saturday February 16th, to of course enjoy their weekly hash and to raise money for the less fortunate homeless that were on the island. Some of the 120+ hashers attired in their favorite red dress were visiting hashers from the Mount Vernon H3, northern Virginia.


Saipan Hashing in

by Quick Drawers

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Saipan is the largest of the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth in the Western Pacific. It’s characterized by sandy shores and mountainous landscapes, and has several championship golf courses. Its highest point is 1,555-ft. Mt. Tapochau, a limestone peak at the island’s center. Close to the northern tip, Japanese memorials mark Banzai Cliff and Suicide Cliff, sites from the 1944 Battle of Saipan. - Wikipedia


aturday evening hashing in Saipan is highly recommended. On 24 March (and the remainder of their summer schedule) the Saipan Hash meets at 4 PM in Garapan, at the corner of Beach Road and Garapan Street, in the Bank of Guam parking lot. During the remainder of the year, the meet time is 3:30 PM. So, if you always show up before 3:30 PM you can’t go wrong. Once everyone signs in and Hash Cash is collected, by “Mutt”, members are then collectively transported to the designated starting point.

PROOFING contact:

Richard Coats <racoats03@gmail.com>

Pack on down towards the beach and a nearby WWII large bunker

Hashing in Senegal


with Dakar Hash House Harriers

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racking down the Dakar Hash House Harriers in Senegal was not an easy task since they do not have an active website. The last active posts on their dead Facebook page were from 2017 and none of my other West African hash contacts have any contacts. So the question was did they still exist or had they died a natural death from a lack of keen mismanagement to carry on? All I knew that the Dakar Hash House Harriers was founded in 1983 by Charlie Offredi and Roger Bowie and that they used to be very active in the 1980s and 1990s. After getting no answer from Facebook Messenger, I then sent a message to someone who was regularly posting in 2017 and to my surprise, an answer came back from a hasher called Train Bleu that the Dakar hash met every week on Saturdays outside the Olympique Club at 5.30pm.

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Jim Edens, Harrier Magazine:

Email: JimEdens@HarrierMagazine.com

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