Explain how tarantino establishes thriller genre conventions in

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Explain how Tarantino establishes thriller genre conventions in the title sequence of Kill Bill 1.

Sound • The opening scene starts with a diegetic sound of someone breathing heavy loudly, they sound as if they are in pain and are scared. This instantly makes the views awake and tuned in on the unsuspected scene.

Camera angles and movement

• The extreme close up of the brides face makes the audience sympathise, feeling concerned and worried for the character. Especially because of the blood and cuts presented. The shot also makes the bride look vulnerable and isolated as Bill talks to her over the top of her. The shot looks as if the location is cramped and compact making the scene seem small and almost as if the conversation and relationship between the two characters is a secret or perhaps wrong. • The tracking shot of Bills feet against the creaking floor adds tension and suspense to the clip, as the audience are curious to who the character is. • The movement of when bill wipes the brides face is a key moment as it explains him as character. The fact that his hands were clean and that he wore expensive rings and jewels instantly makes out that he’s wealthy, superior and owns authority over the bride. Furthermore the fact that he wipes the bides face with a handkerchief that has the name “ Bill” embroidered onto the side of it establishes to the audience who the character is, But again shows who owns the authority and power.

Colour • The initial colour of the first scene is in black and white this instantly creates a nostalgic and sadness feel to the clip, because of the situation with the bride. Alternatively suggests despite and tragedy. The fact the film is a marshal arts genre conflicts and challenges the conventions of a typical film of this genre. Which then suggests that he film is a thriller because of this opening scene. • After the opening title scene the film opening transforms completely to a vibrant high statured colouring. The movie opens with the typical American dream, for instance the doll house inspired homes, children's toys layed out on the freshly cut green grass. This is why the audience are slightly confused by tarnation’s conventions sued, as this challenges the idea of horror which is presented at the begging.

In comparison • Similarly in the opening scene to “Blue velvet” which is 1980s American dream inspired film also uses this vibrant, high saturated colouring to the clip, making the atmosphere of the film seem almost perfect. However the film is a blend of psychological horror and film Noire, which again similarly the convections are challenged in Kill Bill 1.

Blue Velvet

Kill bill 1

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