Thriller opening mind map final

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Locations/ ideas • Idea 1) House, with road straight outside/ in front, so car can drop girl off? Then she enters into house? A garden out of the back of the house, for easy access. • Idea 2) key city locations which are industrialised, but also busy crowded locations which create a fast paste and feeling to the audience. But also isolated areas to convey loneliness and danger. Both these key ideas are easy to locate/ create within our boundaries/time scale/ But are also typical thriller conventions used within thriller.

Prop ideas For the drugs: crushed sweets in clear sachets, Alcohol: water in shot glasses, apple juice referring to cider.

St Stephens under pass & alleyway leading up to chapel filed.

Thriller opening mind map of ideas •

Idea 1) Teenage house party, the idea of the drugs, mysterious violence, typical teenage house scene party- drink, up beat music, bold, vibrant outfits and dancing. Neon paint dress code?

Idea 2) city location, under street lights, under paths, alley ways. Gangs? Violence? Drug use?

Inspiration taken from E4 series “skins”

Skins is a TV series about the lives of teenagers, the program involves a lot of house party's, for instance this clip shown below. This type of neon lighting and outfits would work well for idea 2, as its related to the stereotypical view/role of teenagers.

Clothing/costumes Idea 1) party extras neon outfits, to stand in the UV Light, this would Make the main character easily visible to the audience. The hit men/ drug dealers could then be in black as the UV light wont pick this up, making them fade into the background, making them seem unnoticeable, desecrate and surspoius. Idea 2) drug dealer: hoodie, jeans, trainers, rough, baseball hat/beanie to hind identity. Girl: normal clothing, to convey innocents, teenager, jeans, top, dungarees. Hit man: smart? black suit? glasses to hide identity.


Costumes: Chapter 1: series of shots taken Girl: Normal clothing, to convey innocents, of the girl walking around the city, teenager, jeans, top, dungarees. on her phone, busy and deserted Charlie: dark clothing so she's not noticeable, locations for instance the underpass hoddie/beanie to hide her identity. on St Stephens, alley ways, walking beside the river. 2nd girl: normal, typical teenage style of clothing, Chapter 2: girl walks over isolated bridge ( over jeans, top etc. the river) where Charlie is hiding, the girl is then followed by Charlie. Girl is on the phone, then begins to release that she's being followed so starts to speed up her walking/running. Chapter 3: while the girl notices that she’s As a group we decided to develop and look further into idea 2, as we being followed as she starts to speed up, a flash back starts to when the girl is typing on a believed that it would perhaps be more suitable and appropriate for the time limit we have but also the excess that we have. laptop on her bed, then cuts to a clip of anther girl lying dead with a phone in her hand, Charlie then runs in on her looking shocked. shooting schedule • Wednesday 3rd February, first chapter ( main shooting) • Tuesday 9th February, second chapter ( charley's scene) • Wednesday 10th shooting the third chapter ( typing scene & character dying) Lighting Chapter 1: natural daylight/ late afternoon lighting, making the surrounding look as real and natural as possible, as we want the clip to seem believable and almost as if its an ordinary everyday situation. As this is a thriller convention, extraordinary events happening to ordinary people.

Idea 2 planning

Camera angle inspirational shots which I want to achieve within our opening( Chapter 1) • Shot#1; Walking along the underpass: a shot of her walking from behind, only showing her silhouette, this creates a sense of

mystery to the audience as her face identity is unknown, making the audience hocked and interested into who she is. The under path is a suitable location for our opening scene because it relates well to the idea of filming in a city location, in which an under pass fits into this category perfectly, also relates to idea of violence as the setting is associated to gangs/ thugs. • Shot#2; as the under path is filled with vibrant pieces of The life posters referring artwork presented evenly along the wall, an idea came to to the art work on the mind which was inspired by this clip from the “secret life of walls in the under path. Walter Mitty” Shown below, Although this film is not a thriller, the scene is an iconic, powerful successful shot which is recognised within film. • Shot#3; walking up through an alleyway, taken again from behind to convey a sense of mystery to who the character is, and where she’s going. Also making her look slightly vulnerable to the audience, as her identity is unrevealed. • Shot#4; Walking parallel along the river/pavement. A isolated location as their usually aren’t any people about, making it seem abandoned featuring nearby water is a thriller convention as it’s the potential idea that something could dangerous could happen. Along by riverside river, A thriller convention as it’s a isolated, alone area.

Shots I want to include/ feature within our opening scene. (Chapter 1)

Camera angle inspirational shots which I want to achieve within our opening( Chapter 2)

• Shot 1#; Girl walks onto the bridge with this is when Charlie is spotted lurking behind, the camera cuts between Charlie following and the girl on the phone, with the girls pace speeding up. • Shot 2#; As the girl turns around a few times ands begins to realise that she's being followed, this is the first time that the audience see her face. Sudden, quick, sharp cuts between the two characters these camera shots are made this is to build up tension and suspense to the audience.

Camera angle inspirational shots which I want to achieve within our opening( Chapter 3) Shot1#; Flashback scene, girl sitting on bed, with back towards the camera, typing onto a laptop screen. Shot2#; Flashback scene, another girl dead laying on a bed with a note/phone in her hand, Charlie comes running into the bedroom to find her, looking terrified and shocked. Shot 3#; While flashback are going on short, snappy cuts are made between the two characters running. Shot 4#; Goes back to the present scene when girl runs into a cornered area in which she hides behind an object, for instance a bin, wall, paying machine. Charlie is still following behind, when the girl is hidden behind the object Charlie is one the other side of it, the final scene is then Charlie coming round the corner with a dangerous object in her hand, ( a knife, a hammer) holding it towards the girl. This is the final shot as it’s a cliff hanger to the opening, making the audience ask questions and want to continue watching the film. Inspirational shots that I

took: this would be ideally the types of shots that I would like to include in our thriller, for shot1# chapter 3, It creates a sense of tension and mystery to the audience as the characters identity is unrelieved, However her hair gives an identity to the audience, as the other characters presented both have shorter blonde hair.

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