Fields of Play - Berwins Salon North 2024

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Thursday 14 November | 7.30pm

Fields Of Play

In a world dominated by other people’s opinions, Salon gives you the knowledge to form your own.

With big ideas in in�mate spaces, this cabaret-style evening will enlighten, entertain and excite your curiosity. Showcasing the most s�mula�ng ideas in science, technology, psychology and the arts, each scin�lla�ng speaker has the challenge of engaging their audience within a 25-minute set, interspersed with intervals where you can chat, get a book from the speaker, or grab a drink at the bar.

From Football Fields with Robert McCrum to Digital Fields with Nick Couldry and Quantum Fields with Zahaan Bharmal, get ready for a thought-provoking eveningas we dive into the worlds of sport, digital domina�on and the wonders of physics.

Voted number six in the ‘Top 100 Things to do in the World’ by GQ magazine, Berwins Salon North is a relaxed, social evening, where you’re guaranteed to learn something new about yourself and the world around you.

Three expert guest speakers, one great host and a wonderful night out.

Join Robert McCrum as he tells the fascina�ng story of the penalty kick, a simple idea that changed football forever. His greatgrandfather’s 1880s inven�on revolu�onised the sport, bringing moments of high drama and fairness. But it’s not just about football –Robert invites us to explore how this rule has shaped not just the game, but the way we think about fairness, decision-making and risk in everyday life.

Nick Couldry will open our eyes to the hidden world of ‘data colonialism’ and its impact on every click, post, and like. Drawing parallels to historical colonialism, he reveals how Big Tech is quietly seizing control over our most valuable resource - our personal data. This is about more than privacy - it’s about how your data shapes your choices and your future. Nick will explain how we got here and what we can do about it.

Zahaan Bharmal invites us to see the world through the lens of physics. He connects complex ideas like quantum mechanics and chaos theory to everyday ques�ons: Why do rela�onships break down? Why is inequality hard to solve? Zahaan will show how physics can unlock a deeper understanding of ourselves and the unpredictable world we live in.

Our trio of speakers will be brought together by our guest host journalist and BBC Radio 4 broadcaster Kirran Shah.

‘Icameawayfeelingjustali�lebitsmarter –andwhodoesn’tlovethat?’

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