Raworths Harrogate Literature Festival 2024

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2024 Raworths Harrogate Literature Festival


7.00pm Theresa May on The Abuse of Power


6.00pm William Hanson, Just Good Manners

7.30pm The Art of Explana�on with Ros Atkins


5.00pm How to Drink Wine with Tom Surgey

7.00pm Undoctored: Adam Kay


2.30pm Victoria Hislop: Across the Mediterranean


12.00pm A Literary Lunch with Ajay Chowdhury


7.00pm Doon Mackichan, My Lady Parts

Hotel 8.30pm Cheer Up with Peter Reid


10.00am Children’s Fes�val | The Neighbours Upstairs (4-10)

1.00pm Douglas Bea�e, How Labour Wins

2.30pm Children’s Fes�val | Dr Amir Khan, How Families Are Made (4-10) Crown Hotel

7.00pm Dame Joan Bakewell, A Tale of Moving On

8.30pm Monty Panesar, The Full Monty


10.00am Janusz Domagala Baking with Pride

11.30am Alison Weir: Mary I, Queen of Sorrows

1.00pm Kat Brown, It’s Not A Bloody Trend

2.30pm Children’s Fes�val | Draw With Rob Biddulph (4-12)

Join the conversation online #RaworthsLitFest





The Raworths Harrogate Literature Fes�val has always been at the forefront of the literary scene. Known for recognising up and coming talent as well as a�rac�ng the bestselling authors and speakers to town, it has also been a place beyond entertainment, for inspira�on, learning and understandingwhere the world of words comes alive for all ages.

Throughout the Fes�val, you’ll have the chance to meet your favourite authors, engage in lively debates and explore a diverse range of literary works that inspire change and conversa�on. Whether you’re a lifelong reader or just looking for your next holiday read, we invite you to dive into the world of books, ideas and crea�vity.

Let the stories begin.

We live in a �me when words are everywhere, but understanding and good communica�on are rare. We are prouder than ever to sponsor the Raworths Harrogate Literature Fes�val, which gives our community a wonderful opportunity to get together to listen, read, understand and discuss.

The programme this year brings an inspiring array of authors and speakers with ideas to share and stories to tell, to get us thinking, talking and in some cases laughing.

With its successful introduc�on last year, the Children’s Fes�val was a huge hit and we are thrilled to see its return once again to provide inspira�on and enjoyment for the youngest readers and their families.

This year’s Fes�val covers a real breadth of topics, with opportuni�es for us all to find our favourites, but also to try something we wouldn’t normally read. So come and join us and open a new book.

We look forward to welcoming you.


Harrogate Interna�onal Fes�vals welcomes you to Harrogate for ten days filled with great literature. The Raworths Harrogate Literature Fes�val is one of the many Harrogate Interna�onal Fes�vals’ events, crea�vely plo�ed throughout the year, bringing leading global ar�sts and immersive experiences to Harrogate.

January - April

Harrogate Interna�onal Sunday Series

Chamber music concerts and coffee in the magnificent surroundings of the Old Swan Hotel.

June - July

Spiegeltent & Children's Fes�val

Landing in the centre of Harrogate, this iconic pop-up venue hosts a huge variety of cabaret, music and entertainment for all the family, ligh�ng up Harrogate for two weeks.

The HACS Harrogate Music Fes�val

Featuring the best of interna�onal musical talent spanning classical, jazz and folk, as well as hos�ng the pres�gious Young Musicians Series.


Theakston Old Peculier Crime Wri�ng Fes�val

World class, award-winning programme of events celebra�ng the very best in crime fic�on.

Theakston Old Peculier Crime Awards

Crowning the very best of crime fic�on with the Crime Novel of the Year Award, alongside breakthrough debuts and life�me legends.


The Big Read

"The North of England’s biggest book club"

Encouraging as many people as possible to read a classic work of crime fic�on, increasing links across the region between libraries and reading groups, and inspiring new readers.


Raworths Harrogate Literature Fes�val & Children's Fes�val

Bringing bestselling authors, influen�al poli�cians, and stars of the screen to share their stories.



Berwins Salon North

A yearly programme of inspired TED talk style events, exploring the most s�mula�ng new ideas in art, science, and psychology.

HIF Player

Our digital pla�orm hos�ng online events, talks and concerts as well as our online crime wri�ng Fes�val You're Booked featuring our monthly Book of the Month.


Throughout the year, our diverse HIF+ programmes deliver a wide range of projects, designed to improve lives through access to the Arts.

To see our full year-round programme and project work - including large outdoor entertainment, Spiegeltent and more - and to be be kept up to date, please visit our website and sign up to our newsle�er.

Raworths Book Trail

Harrogate Pinewoods

OCT-NOV 2024

Raworths Runs! Why not join them for a special 5k with the Early Bird Run Crew, star�ng at the Harrogate Cenotaph. Run at your own pace, connect with the community, and receive a free book for par�cipa�ng. Start your Friday strong - everyone’s welcome, even pooches and pushchairs.

Head to the Pinewoods this autumn for the return of our book trail! Fun for all the family, test your book knowledge with fun riddles and ques�ons.

The QR trail is the perfect ac�vity for those cosy autumn walks in the Pinewoods.

Raworths Runs

Harrogate Cenotaph


Projector Bikes

Harrogate Town Centre


The projector bikes return to Harrogate as part of a light up trail projec�ng onto buildings around the town. Expect everything from sea creatures to dancing tea pots. Bring out your torches and lanterns for this family friendly event.

All these ac�vi�es are free and welcome to all. More details about dates, �mes and loca�ons will be announced soon. Check out our website or social media for more details.



The Crown Hotel | 7.00pm

Tickets from £34 for one or £56 for two, include a copy The Abuse of Power (RRP £12.99)

Theresa May on The Abuse of Power

Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to hear from former UK Prime Minister Theresa May as she discusses her thought-provoking book, The Abuse of Power.

Drawing from her �me at the highest levels of government, May explores the dangerous dynamics of power, how it is misused, and the impact on society. With reflec�ons on key moments from her career, May provides a unique perspec�ve on the ethical responsibili�es of those in authority.

With candid insights into her career, this is a unique chance to hear from one of Britain’s most prominent poli�cal figures, as she shares her insights and answers audience ques�ons in what promises to be an enlightening discussion.


Ros Atkins The Art of Explana�on

The Old Swan Hotel | 7.30pm


William Hanson Just Good Manners

The Old Swan Hotel | 6.00pm


Join e�que�e expert William Hanson for an entertaining explora�on of Bri�sh manners in the modern world.

With his signature dry humour, he offers prac�cal advice on naviga�ng social situa�ons with charm and avoiding faux pas. Drawing on his experience as Britain’s leading e�que�e coach, he shares amusing insights into the quirks of Bri�sh culture - whether it’s how to queue at the bar or the proper �me to wear a top hat.

A familiar face on shows like BBC Breakfast and a social media sensa�on, Hanson’s insight into social grace will have you laughing as you learn the “right way” to navigate life’s li�le social dilemmas.

Master communicator and BBC News presenter

Ros Atkins shares his secrets to clear, impac�ul communica�on.

Creator of the acclaimed ‘Ros Atkins on…’ videos, Atkins shares the secrets behind delivering clear and cap�va�ng explana�ons. Drawing on his experience in high-pressure newsrooms, he reveals 10 key elements of effec�ve communica�on and seven essen�al steps for ar�cula�ng your thoughts with clarity and impact.

Whether you're preparing for a presenta�on, interview, or simply want to communicate be�er in everyday life, this event is a unique chance to learn from one of the BBC’s most-watched journalists.


Tom Surgey How to Drink Wine

The Crown Hotel | 5.00pm £13

Wine is one of the world’s most beloved drinks, butnaviga�ngitscomplexi�escanfeeldaun�ng.

Enter Tom Surgey, wine expert and TV presenter, who’s here to make wine approachable, fun, and free of snobbery. In this warm and wi�y introduc�on,Tomanswersalltheques�onsyou've beentooafraidtoask:Howiswinemade?What’s the real difference between red and white? How doyouchoosethebestbo�le,andareyouholding yourglassright?

With a passion for fantas�c food and drink, Tom simplifies wine and helps you enjoy every sip. Perfectforwineloversandcuriousbeginnersalike.

Friends of the Festivals

Enhance your experience with the Friends of the Fes�vals. Whether you want to get more involved with our arts charity, or if you're simply looking to enjoy the benefits, join the Friends of the Fes�vals today for as li�le as £30.

Priority entrance (before the crowds) with your membership card at unreserved events so you can choose your favourite seat

Advance details of Harrogate Interna�onal Sunday Series and Harrogate Music Fes�val Programmes

Priority booking for the Harrogate Interna�onal Sunday Series and Harrogate Music Fes�val

Access with your membership card to the Friends’ Lounge prior to the concert at the Sunday Series with complimentary tea or coffee (when purchasing a �cket for the relevant event)

A copy of the Fes�val's summer programme book

A host of Friends’ benefits across some of Harrogate’s most beloved businesses

Join today by calling 01423 562 303 or visit our website harrogateinterna�onalfes�vals.com/fes�val-friends

Undoctored: An evening with Adam Kay

The Crown Hotel | 7.00pm £22

Adam Kay, former doctor and bestselling author of This Is Going to Hurt, returns with Undoctored, offering a wi�y yet profound look at life a�er medicine.

Known for his sharp humour and poignant reflec�ons on the NHS, A dam delves into what comes next when your iden�ty is �ed to your career. With his signature mix of comedy and honesty, he explores personal themes of iden�ty, purpose and moving on from a career in healthcare.

Join Adam for an entertaining and insigh�ul evening that promises to be as heartwarming as it is hilarious. A must-a�end for fans of his work on screen, stage or in print.


Victoria Hislop: Across the Mediterranean

The Crown Hotel 2.30pm


Step into the cap�va�ng world of Victoria Hislop as she discusses her latest novel, The Figurine. Known for her richly woven historical narra�ves set across the Mediterranean, Victoria takes readers on an unforge�able journey through modern Greece, exploring themes of art, iden�ty, and love.

The Figurine shines a light on the ques�onable acquisi�on of cultural treasures and the price people – and countries – will pay to cling on to them.

Victoria’s evoca�ve storytelling has earned her a place among the most beloved authors of our �me. Come and find out more about her own journey to literary success.

A Literary Lunch with Ajay Chowdhury

The Crown Hotel | 12.00pm - 2.30pm

£40 includes welcome wine, 2-course lunch, tea or coffee and a copy of Ajay’s The Detec�ve

Join us for our Literary Lunch with Ajay Chowdhury, serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist and author.

Following a wine recep�on and two-course lunch, enjoy your tea or coffee over an inspiring talk where Ajay will share his journey from tech startups to global success.

As a leader of companies like Shazam (sold to Apple) and Seatwave (acquired by Ticketmaster), Ajay has shaped industries across con�nents. Named one of the Asian Power 100 and the Sunday Times' top 100 BAME business leaders, he now leads innova�on as Managing Director at BCG Digital Ventures and chairs Cambridge Enterprise. Ajay has also wri�en four crime books as well as a children’s book.

His talk will offer a rare glimpse into the world of tech entrepreneurship, from the challenges of scaling startups to the impact of AI on business and society. Don’t miss this chance to learn from one of the tech world’s most influen�al figures over a lunch and s�mula�ng conversa�on.

In associa�on with


Cheer Up with Peter Reid

The Crown Hotel | 8.30pm


Football fans won’t want to miss this entertaining evening with pundit and football legend Peter Reid.

With a career spanning top clubs like Everton and Manchester City, plus 13 caps for England, Reid will share the highs and lows of his playing and managerial days. From winning league �tles to his s�nt managing Sunderland and the Thailand na�onal team, Reid’s anecdotes are packed with humour and insight.

A true icon of English football, this a must-a�end event for fans of the beau�ful game.

Doon Mackichan: My Lady Parts

The Crown Hotel | 7.00pm


Celebrated actress and comedian Doon Mackichan offers a candid, hilarious and moving look at her life in the entertainment industry in her memoir, My Lady Parts

With fearless wit, Mackichan dives into the complexi�es of aging, motherhood and body image while naviga�ng a male-dominated field. From her trailblazing work in TV and theatre to her personal reflec�ons on societal expecta�ons, Mackichan’s voice is as bold and vibrant on the page as it is on screen.

The evening promises laughter, insight and a refreshing take on what it means to be a woman pushing boundaries in showbiz.


Douglas Bea�e: How Labour Wins

The Crown Hotel | 1.00pm £13

Poli�cal historian and former Labour candidate Douglas Bea�e delves into the party’s successes and challenges in How Labour Wins. Tracing the history of the Labour Party through 33 Bri�sh General Elec�ons since 1900, Bea�e explores the strategies, leadership, and key momentsthathavedefinedLabour’spath.With insights from figures like Gordon Brown and Neil Kinnock, the book provides a comprehensive look at Labour’s journey, leading to the 2024 General Elec�on and Sir Keir Starmer’s leadership.

This is a must-a�end event for poli�cal enthusiasts and anyone interested in the dynamics of Bri�sh poli�cs.


The Raworths Children’s Fes�val returns this October. Designed with kids in mind and curated with imagina�on, we’re ready to stretch their brains and fingers and keep them entertained throughout the weekend.

Story�me: The Neighbours Upstairs ‘Sensa�on’

10.00am | 4+

The Crown Hotel | £7

Begin your Saturday morning with a sensory storytelling event as the children explore their five senses in the immersive and unique tale about the mys�cal Neighbours Upstairs.

Children’s book author and illustrator Liam Callaghan has a way of bringing his stories to life, crea�ng an inclusive space of joy and imagina�on. Interjected with a chance to explore each sense, the kids will guess what’s in the Whatboxes and play with some magical, sense bending gadgets and gizmos.

Children will be invited to try the Whatboxes, to guess the sound, sight, smell, touch and taste (parent/carer must give permission). This is a SEN Friendly event.

How Families are Made with Dr. Amir Khan

2.30pm | 4+

The Crown Hotel | £7

‘Every member of a family starts as a babyeven grandparents were �ny babies once!’

Join Dr. Amir Khan, award-winning GP and TV personality, for a fun explora�on of how families begin.

In How Families Are Made, Dr. Khan explains the biology behind concep�on, pregnancy, and growing up, with humour and sensi�vity. Perfect for young audiences, this event celebrates the diversity of families - whether small or large, and even including pets! The focus is on love and support as the founda�on of every family, making it an engaging and informa�ve experience for all.


A Tale of Moving on with Dame Joan Bakewell

The Crown Hotel | 7.00pm


Join Dame Joan Bakewell, acclaimed broadcaster, writer, and Labour peer, as she reflects on her extraordinary life and career. Best known for her work on Late Night Line-Up and as a champion of social issues in the House of Lords, Joan is a powerful voice on topics like aging and equality.

In her latest book, The Tick of Two Clocks, she explores the emo�onal journey of downsizing a�er 53 years in her beloved home. With characteris�c wit and insight, Joan discusses the inevitable transi�ons of later life, advoca�ng for a fulfilling old age.

This event promises to be both poignant and inspiring, with reflec�ons from a life well-lived.

Monty Panesar: The Full Monty

The Crown Hotel | 8.30pm


Cricket legend Monty Panesar became a na�onal hero as England's premier spin bowler in 2006.

As the first Sikh to play for England, Monty remains an inspira�on for Bri�sh Asians and cricket fans alike. In his autobiography, The Full Monty, he candidly shares the highs and lows of his career, from his meteoric rise to struggles with injury and mental health. With warmth and humour, Monty reflects on his cricke�ng triumphs, challenges and eventual comeback.

Join us as he takes us through some of England's greatest cricke�ng moments, while sharing his own inspiring journey of resilience and self-discovery.


Great Bri�sh Bake Off’s Janusz Domagala on

Baking with Pride

The Crown Hotel |10.00am


Great Bri�sh Bake Off star Janusz Domagala joins us to share his vibrant collec�on of bakes inspired by LGBTQ+ joy and selfexpression.

Get ready to celebrate Pride with Janusz’s outrageous collec�on of sweet treats. The 100 recipes include cakes, cookies, buns, cheesecake, tarts, brownies, meringues, cupcakes and lots more. Whether you want to show yourself some self-love, throw a brunch for friends, or host a huge Pride party with a showstopping cake there’s something here for you. Janusz became the instant stand-out star on 2022’sGreat Bri�sh Bake Offwhen he righ�ully declared himself the “Star Caker in the Bake week” in episode one.

Having wowed the na�on on GBBO, Janusz brings his unique charm and passion to this unmissable event, perfect for food lovers and Pride supporters alike.

Alison Weir | Mary I: Queen of Sorrows

The Crown Hotel | 11.30am


Join bestselling author and historian Alison Weir as she sheds new light on one of England’s most infamous monarchs, Mary I, known as Bloody Mary.

In her latest work, Mary I: Queen of Sorrows, Weir draws a nuanced and deeply researched portrait of the beloved child of Henry VIII who became one of history’s most maligned figures. Weir’s ability to blend historical detail with gripping narra�ve makes this a must-a�end event for fans of Tudor history and historical fic�on as she brings Mary I’s tragic story to life.


Kat Brown:

It’s Not a Bloody Trend

The Crown Hotel | 1.00pm


Join journalist Kat Brown as she takes on the misconcep�ons surrounding ADHD in her latest work.

It’s Not A Bloody Trend tackles the s�gma with scien�fic evidence, historical context, and personal stories, offering prac�cal support for those naviga�ng life with ADHD. Based on her own experiences and interviews with clinical experts, Brown’s book is both informa�ve and deeply personal.

A though�ul and empowering session, perfect for anyone who has wondered about undiagnosed ADHD or is simply curious about how neurodiversity shapes our world.

Draw with Rob Biddulph

The Crown Hotel | 2.30pm


Bring your pencils and crea�vity to this lively family event with beloved award-winning author and illustrator Rob Biddulph

Known for his bestselling Draw with Rob series, Rob will take us on a fun-filled drawing adventure. In this interac�ve session, he’ll introduce his latest picture book, I Follow the Fox, while guiding everyone through a step-bystep draw-along of one of his beloved characters… but which one? With plenty of laughs and crea�vity, this event is perfect for families and children who love stories and drawing.

Pencils at the ready!


Online: harrogateinterna�onalfes�vals.com

In Person: Harrogate Interna�onal Fes�vals, 32 Cheltenham Parade, Harrogate, HG1 1DB

Phone: 01423 562 303

Email: info@harrogate-fes�val.org.uk

Office Opening Times: Monday to Friday 10am - 5pm.

On-siteBoxOffice: Wewillhaveaboxofficeonsite which will open 30 minutes before each events where �ckets can be collected or purchased.

Payment: Harrogate Interna�onal Fes�vals accept all major credit/debit cards (except American Express), as well as cash. In order to cover the cost of postage there is an addi�onal £1.50 charge for postal orders, however, you can choose to collect your �ckets at the on-site box office, or at the Fes�val office by Wednesday 16 October. E-�ckets* can also be sent to you by email (*not for the Theresa May’s event).

Book Collec�on: For the Theresa May event, you will receive your book(s) on the night upon exchangeofyour�cket.FortheLiteraryLunchwith Ajay Chowdhury, the book will be ready at your table. More details will be sent ahead of the Fes�val.

Booking Fee: Harrogate Interna�onal Fes�vals charges a £2.50 transac�on fee. Ticket sales alone do not cover the costs of our Box Office and booking fees are vital to the development, maintenance and running of our in-house Box Office. We endeavour to keep our booking fees as lowaspossibleandthischargeisperorder,notper individual �cket. For more informa�on and for full booking Terms and Condi�ons please visit our website: harrogateinterna�onalfes�vals.com/box-office

Visitors with Addi�onal Access Requirements: All Fes�val venues have wheelchair access and we offer free �ckets for carers. For more informa�on and to book wheelchair sea�ng please call our Box Office.

Bookshop: From 10–17 October 2024, Waterstones will provide a pop-up bookstall at each event, offering books by that day's speaker for purchase. Book signings will also be managed by Waterstones a�er the event.

From 18–20 October, a full Fes�val Bookshop, run by Waterstones, will be available at the Crown Hotel throughout the weekend, featuring a wide selec�on of books from all Fes�val speakers. Signings with the authors will take place a�er each event.

Tickets on the Door: Subject to availability, �ckets will be sold at the venue up to 10 minutes prior to the performance, and a £2.50 booking fee will apply. Please be aware that �ckets can sell out in advance and booking early is recommended.

Returned Tickets: The Box Office cannot refund money or exchange �ckets, except in the case of a cancelled event. We are happy to try and re-sell returned �ckets for sold-out events for a small charge. We reserve the right to make programme altera�ons where necessary.

Missing Tickets: Onceyouhaveprintedorreceived your�ckets,pleasekeeptheminasafeplaceaswe cannot accept duplicates, copies or other alterna�ve �ckets of any kind.

Concessions: Concessions are available for under 18s, students in full �me educa�on and those receiving unemployment benefits. Appropriate ID must be provided. May not be used in conjunc�on with any other offers.

Harrogate Interna�onal Fes�vals is a registered charity no. 244861. All informa�on is correct at �me of going to print. Harrogate Interna�onal Fes�vals reserves the right to make programme altera�ons as may become necessary. T&C’s apply. Please see our website for details.

Harrogate International Festivals would like to thank the following organisations for their support and commitment.


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