Thursday 12 September | 7.30pm
From High Seas to High Tech
In a world dominated by other people’s opinions, Salon gives you the knowledge to form your own.
With big ideas in in�mate spaces, this cabaret-style evening will enlighten, entertain and excite your curiosity. Showcasing the most s�mula�ng ideas in science, technology, psychology and the arts, each scin�lla�ng speaker has the challenge of engaging their audience within a 25-minute set, interspersed with intervals where you can chat, get a book from the speaker, or grab a drink at the bar.
This September, join us for an inspiring evening with Suzanne Heywood, Philip Ball and Andy Stanton, where we delve into extraordinary journeys and cu�ng-edge explora�ons in science and technology.
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Voted number six in the ‘Top 100 Things to do in the World’ by GQ magazine, Berwins Salon North is a relaxed, social evening, where you’re guaranteed to learn something new about yourself and the world around you.
Three expert guest speakers, one cap�va�ng host and a great night out.
Set sail with Suzanne Heywood on an inspiring journey. At the age of seven, she began a three-year world voyage with her family that became a decade-long lifestyle. Battling storms, shipwrecks, reefs and isolation with little formal schooling, Suzanne fought her parents, longing for education and stability,earning a place at Oxford and Cambridge. Now COO of Exor, she chairs CNHi, Iveco Group andShangXia,andisontheboardsofTheEconomistandLouboutin.
Join Philip Ball, freelance writer and BBC Radio 4 presenter, as he discusses his new book, How Life Works. Bridging science, arts, and culture, Philip resets the narra�ve of biology, revealing how life arises from complex processes at many levels, from genes to �ssues. He explores what this means for our understandingoflifeandmedicinewhenthingsgowrong.
Withabackgroundineduca�on,AndyStanton,authorofBennytheBlueWhale: A Descent into Story, Language, and the Madness of ChatGPT, blends humour and reflec�ons on technology, cap�va�ng readers with his unique voice and imagina�ve narra�ves. He’ll take a deep dive into AI, exploring how it interacts with,shedslighton,andperhapsthreatenstheartofwri�ngfic�on.
Our trio of speakers will be brought together by our guest host, financial journalistandbroadcasterAnnaLawlor.
‘Icameawayfeelingjustali�lebitsmarter –andwhodoesn’tlovethat?’