Harrow Hong Kong The Harrovian Issue 4

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THE HARROVIAN Student Newspaper Issue 4

Leadership for a better world

June 2015

Mini Enterprise and the Long Ducker Carnival by Cici Zhang (Y12, Kingston)

The Mini Enterprise is a group of thirteen students from Years 10 and 11 that decided to take the golden opportunity of creating and running their own business through the ECA offered by Ms Wu on Thursday afternoons. On Saturday 14th March, the Mini Enterprise showcased their long awaited Carnival to the members of the Harrow Community at the annual Long Ducker fundraising event. From bubble football and sumo wrestling to ‘knock the can’ down and face painting, the Carnival offered something interactive and exciting for attendees of all ages. It was no surprise that the most popular attraction was the game booths as the prizes given out ranged from practical stationary to fluffy stuffed animals that were especially appealing to younger children.

Director of the Mini Enterprise, stated that, “being part of the group was a fantastic learning experience that built upon the leadership attributes of the School.” At first, they did not know where to begin; with the help of surveys and research within the School, they decided to run a carnival. When asked about what advice she would give to those considering to sign up for the Mini Enterprise as an ECA next year, Rose said, “It is definitely something worth committing yourself to. If you give it your all and put 100% into the cause, then you’ll experience the satisfaction of success as your initial idea transforms into reality.”

Inter-House Science Competition 2015 by Agnes Fung (Y12, Kingston)

It was a busy afternoon for the members of the Mini Enterprise, as they had to keep up with the constant flood of business from children and parents amidst the scorching hot weather; at peak hours, there were as many as ten families lining up to buy tickets. However, the enthusiasm only increased as the job became busier. The Mini Enterprise group was so thankful and overjoyed that the carnival was well-received amongst the attractions at the Long Ducker. There was no time to think about anything else except fulfilling their respective roles to the best of their abilities to make the event a success. As expected, all the hard work and dedication paid off in the end. By selling ticket sets ranging from $150HKD to $600HKD, the Mini Enterprise was able to cumulate a total revenue of $58,986HKD, with all profits going to the six charities which Harrow Hong Kong is supporting this year. Rose Cheng (Yr10, Kingston), the Managing

Harrow Hong Kong’s first inter-house Science Competition was held on the 17th and 18th March. Co-hosted by the Biochemical Science Society and the Physics, Engineering & Technology (PET) Society, it involved a Biochemistry Quiz and an Engineering Challenge, both on the theme of eggs. For the quiz, each Senior School House sent a team of three students from both Years 9-11 and the Sixth Form to participate. Students applied knowledge with compassion and enjoyed solving problems collaboratively while discussing the answers to a variety of questions, ranging from, “Why don’t eggs from the supermarket hatch?” to “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” The quiz tested students’ initiative to learn new material beyond the academic syllabus, and their logical deductive skills in coming up with answers to unfamiliar topics. The winners of the Quiz were Tutt House: a team of Katie Ip (Y12), Jodie Ip (Y11) and Angela Ng (Y9), who beat their competition by 20 points. Second place went to Brooking House: Audrey Jiang (Y12), Angel Li (Y11) and Nicole Pullinger (Y9).

The Engineering Challenge was held on the Atroturf steps. After spending two weeks designing a structure, House representatives dropped their protected egg from the 3rd floor balcony onto the ground. Due to the rigid judging framework and limited materials allowed, students had to think outside the box and solve problems creatively. Unfortunately, four of the participating Houses were disqualified because of broken eggs. This left Lloyd House to win the ‘Shortest Flight”’prize for managing to get their allocated egg to ground level within the shortest time interval; and Nightingale House rose to victory with ‘Best Design’, a decision made by our guest judges Dr Daniel, Mr Twomey and Mrs Cliffe.

Many thanks to Facilities Management and all the staff involved for ensuring that the event ran smoothly. We hope that all the students enjoyed the experience and gained more scientific knowledge in the process. We look forward to planning future events. If you have any feedback, please feel free to e-mail us at pet-society@harrowschool.hk.

History featureTerrorising the Past by Madeline Duperouzel (Y12, Brooking)

ISIS, or Islamic State, is a name familiar to most of us. Since their lightning fast advance they took through Iraq last summer, they have been in almost every headline and find a way into a lot of conversations. They have gained recognition for horrific videos depicting unspeakable crimes against humanity, as well as for being so extreme that even Al-Qaeda cannot associate with them. In short, they are a terrorist group the likes of which we have never seen. What does this have to do with History, you may ask? As I began deciding what to write about for this article, news started to break of ISIS members storming a museum in a city called Mosul, Northern Iraq (a key city in ISIS territory, which is now around the size of Belgium). This museum holds artefacts dating back to before Islam, before Christianity – the days of polytheism, or, worship of multiple gods. The members took sledgehammers and pile drivers to the museum’s artefacts and an ancient archaeological site – destroying priceless relics that chronicle

the birth of civilisation. They then continued their terrifying assault on culture through attacks on the ancient Iraqi cities of Khorsabad and Nimrud, the latter being one of the most archaeologically significant sites in the world. The destruction of these sites has been likened to the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas by the Taliban in 2001.

Obviously, this is not in anyway as horrific as some of the videos ISIS has posted. However, it is just as serious a crime, in a different way. History is the memory of the people. History is what we use to justify our actions, history is what we use to make decisions, history is how we know anything about anything. Without history, we would have nothing. The destruction of these sculptures, scripts and carvings, should be a cause for an international outcry. ISIS has not only murdered and ethnically cleansed huge swathes of areas in Syria, Iraq, and the Levant, but has now denied future generations of people the right to know their history, to know their background, to know their religion. This is not only robbery, this is not only vandalism, this is a form of brainwashing. Erasure of history and historical truths is a problem that exists in many societies: the Nigerian Government recently attempted to take history off the national school curriculum, and there is limited coverage of indigenous history in school textbooks throughout Australia, New Zealand, America, and Canada. By not allowing people to access their history, we prevent people from accessing uncomfortable truths – some truths deemed by authority as being too “dangerous” or too “shocking”. However, if we never face these truths, how can we ever learn from the mistakes of the past? Not only this, it is key to considering the role that history plays in all of our civilisation. The basis of our law, our government, our infrastructure, our currency and economy, our food, our language, our farming – everything lies with civilisations long past. History is not a static picture that we reflect back on sometimes, it is an ever changing force that is still present in every action we undertake today. Without the Romans, we would not have an effective sewerage system. Without the Phoneicians we would not have writing. Without the Chinese we would not have paper. Without the Assyrians we would not have currency. The list goes on and on. Even in already discovered artefacts, buildings, archaeological sites,

there is a plethora of knowledge that we have not accessed, and post-destruction, we never will access. The active study of History is one of the most important tasks any young student can take part in, an element of knowledge equal in importance to Maths, English and the Sciences. Although Islamic State attempts to move their twisted version of Islam through the Middle East and then onto the world, we must consider that if they have to resort to destroying history, they cannot be as strong as they say they are. Erasure of history will get Islamic State nowhere, simply because they underestimate the human desire and instinct for knowledge. This innate human instinct will always stamp out terror in times of great need. That can never be bulldozed or sledgehammered.

The Sustainability Secret

by Kalina Milenova (Y10, Brooking) and Nia Milenova (Y12, Brooking)

Despite the urban myth, there is no such thing as a secret to sustainability. Hong Kong is one of the many cities directly affected by rising average temperatures, rainfall and sea levels as well as an increase in extreme weather conditions. Hong Kong significantly contributes to global warming through its dependence on imports of food and resources, the ‘wall effect’ of our urban infrastructure and the countless factories and cargo ships which dominate our city. As a modern, developed city, Hong Kong is known to have a high public awareness of the many impacts we have on our environment. In a recent survey, 96% of respondents agreed that climate change is largely affecting us. However, surveys such as this one also show that although people are aware of the issues caused by growing greenhouse gas emissions, not enough is being done to establish ourselves as a more sustainable community. Located at the heart of this vulnerable region, Harrow Hong Kong makes a good effort to reduce its impact on the environment by encouraging its students to do little things in their daily routines. We were able to speak with Mr Strickland to gain some insight on what the School has recently been doing to be more sustainable: ‘‘The new glass and battery recycling for residents and borders is a great way for people to think about their consumption, as well as the new paper recycling in classrooms.” Moreover, on Wednesday 11 March, the Prep School held Harrow’s first ever Green Day. Led by Mr Downes, students from Years 6-8 took part in activities during every class that linked each subject with the collective aim to increase awareness of environmental issues. Mr Strickland added: “Green Day really captured the imagination of the students and successfully raised awareness which was the aim! It’s very difficult to be fully carbon neutral in Hong Kong but hopefully the School will soon be leading the way as a pioneer of sustainability!” Hong Kong only has seven square kilometres of

active farmland and farming is considered a sunset industry. This means that nearly all goods have to be imported via road or ship. However, we can still help the environment.

Ultimately, we need to continue to make an optimum effort to draw attention to the impacts we have on the world around us. Mr Strickland believes “environmental education is crucial, through putting quotas on air conditioning units and reducing the number of plastic bags and bottles that we use.” We came up with a few suggestions ourselves, such as introducing Meatless Mondays (a collaborative effort to reduce individual impact on the environment); introducing recycling bins to every classroom; kitchen recycling of plastic, paper and glass as well as the composting of food waste. These ideas are perhaps the beginning to establishing a more sustainable future for Harrow Hong Kong. As Mr Strickland wisely said, “Always remember, once we’ve exhausted our resources here, there’s no planet B!”

Hong Kong Model United Nations Conference 2015 by Chloe Deng (Y12, Tutt)

On 13th February, while the entire School was busy with Sports Day, six students from Years 11-12 embarked on their four day Hong Kong Model United Nations Conference (HKMUNC) at Chai Wan’s Y-Square. Normally, I would be writing from the perspective of one delegate out of the hundreds who attended HKMUNC. However, this time round I had the honour and privilege of being the chairperson on the Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs Committee (SOCHUM). Among all the delegations attending the Conference, Harrow Hong Kong was one of the only two ‘high school’ delegations accepted into HKMUNC; all the other participants were from local and foreign universities, such as the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Our students took part in the Security Council (UNSC) and the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) as the delegation of the United Kingdom and SOCHUM as Italy. This year, the team was headed by Justin Ng (Y12, Nightingale) as the Head Delegate, who partnered up with

David Stevenson (Y11, Lloyd) on the UNSC where they managed to get through two highly controversial issues; the Ukraine Crisis and the Threat of ISIS. On the other hand, Jackson Ng (Y12, Nightingale) joined Kevin Chan (Y12, Lloyd) on DISEC, where they debated the intense topic of Drones Usage in Modern-day Warfare and gained invaluable insight into the field on international security. Ralph Summers (Y11, Nightingale) represented the delegation of Italy on SOCHUM and engaged in the topic of The Freedom of the Media in Developing Countries.

Throughout the four days of intense debates and various entertainment sessions, the delegates were able to apply and develop their leadership skills. Whether it was convincing other nations to reach a consensus or trying to get their draft resolution passed in their respective committees, the delegates portrayed excellent instances of solving problems creatively and collaboratively. Model United Nations (MUN) is not an activity for students who simply need something to write in their personal statement; it is an academic activity that requires students to be mature, quick-witted and outspoken. Whilst learning about the various aspects of how the United Nations (UN) works, the students were able to develop their public speaking skills, alongside their collaborative and cooperative skills. The delegates were required to stand up in front of an entire committee to present their country’s standpoints on a certain topic and speak on the draft resolution that had been proposed. Not only did the delegates need to reach a consensus, it was vital that they were able to uphold their allocated nation’s viewpoint and foreign policies. Taking on the role of a chairperson is rather challenging, as delegates look to the Chairperson when they’re in need of help and guidance. Prior to the Conference, all chairpersons are required to research and submit a topic guide, which should, in theory, help the delegates of their committee begin their research on the subject. Essentially, a chairperson is seen as a mentor, someone who is able to offer advice on the draft resolution or any other aspect of MUN that has remained unclear. Overall, by being a chairperson, I was able to learn how much effort and preparation it takes in order to run and host a MUN Conference, allowing me to further develop

leadership skills and give back to the community that has helped to shape me. One of the biggest responsibilities of the chairperson is to oversee debates by keeping the committee awake and on topic. Aside from that, time keeping was often conducted by one of the chairpersons. It was a really tough job because multitasking was on the agenda: time keeping, noting down the frequency that delegates took the floor and responding to notes sent in by delegates. One of the most memorable aspects of being a chairperson is when delegates constantly repeat certain phrases, such as “Thank you chair, thank you all. This is the voice of (insert country name)”. Moreover, having the gavel is most definitely a privilege, as it symbolises the responsibility and values that the chairperson upholds, as well as signifying various key moments of the Conference. MUN conferences are essentially academically orientated, but there are entertainment sessions, where delegates are able to relax and form friendships with other members of the committee. For example, we had the honour of engaging in debate on Valentine’s Day, resulting in delegates from UNSC and SOCHUM proposing to their respected chairpersons, as well as confessing their love through random outbursts of Gangnam Style dancing and intense karaoke sessions. Whether it was rapping to Eminem songs, dancing to Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off, or even waltzing with delegates, it was obvious that friendships had been formed and fond memories were made.

Ultimately, this chairperson would like to say that MUN is an extremely rewarding activity, as delegates are able to learn and practice various key skills in life, such as collaboration and public speaking. Not only is MUN an academic activity, for the duration of the Conference, delegates and chairpersons are able to meet people from various backgrounds, further broadening their horizons. Although the Conference did require some intense and hard work, the experience was invaluable given that the students were able to indulge in diplomacy, politics, international relations and communication. This chairperson would also like to congratulate Justin Ng (Y12, Nightingale) and David Stevenson (Y11, Lloyd) for earning the Best Delegation Award on the UNSC, as they debated ferociously and came to terms during negotiations. Well done!

The right frame of mind: The School Psychologist by Isaac Yeung (Y12, Lloyd)

Harrow Hong Kong has a plethora of specialist staff, which includes matrons, visiting physiotherapists, and even fitness advisors. One of these specialist staff includes the School Psychologist, Dr Gogna. She works with Housemasters and Housemistresses in the Upper School, and Class Teachers in the Lower School to support students who may be having academic, emotional or social difficulties. She also sets up parenting forums for parents to help one another with guidance on how to accommodate the needs of their children if there are any problems. She facilitates these forums and is there to teach positive discipline techniques which parents may apply at home to help their child. Before Harrow Hong Kong, Dr Gogna worked for a local authority in the UK and she had the responsibility of overseeing nineteen schools, but was only called in when there was an incident that needed immediate attention. This meant her work was largely reactive rather than proactive.

“There was an appeal to be the main psychologist for Harrow Hong Kong, which allowed me to work more proactively than reactively compared to the UK.”

Dr Gogna has worked as a psychologist for eight years. She is officially a trained educational and child psychologist but why did she go into this profession? During her time doing A-Levels, Dr Gogna took psychology as a subject and immediately fell in love with it. At that moment she knew that Psychology was the path that she wanted to follow. She loved school

“I was very committed to becoming a psychologist. It was definitely worth the training. I enjoy all aspects of my role as a psychologist.”

As the School Psychologist, Dr Gogna hopes that when students leave Harrow Hong Kong they are well-adjusted and rounded individuals that are resilient, independent and have the coping mechanisms to deal with what life throws at them. She is here to ensure that the students are able to adapt to real life situations and not have problems weighing them down such as social anxiety or academic barriers. I have asked Dr Gogna what she thinks is the most important thing that a student needs to take note of and I find that this is applicable to both parents and teachers as well:

“Create a balance between work and relaxation. You must know yourself and know the ways you can manage your stress and relax.”


Ask the Scholar


This month’s topic:

The Scholar’s Long Ducker run

by Benjamin Wang (Y10, Nightingale)

“Just remember, the faster you run, the sooner you’ll finish, but if you run slowly, it will drag on and on,” said Mr Kiprotich, our guest runner. “I guess I’ll just walk then,” a voice quipped. By 11 o’clock I was ready and set off from the start point, up the stairs to the Maclehose trail. The first section on the road went swimmingly. I easily ran past a lot of walkers. With the easiest bit of the race done, steep inclines loomed. It was impossible to sustain a pace that is any faster than walking. I clambered on in anguish as expert climbers soon capitalised and overtook me. A right turn and the trail suddenly became twice as narrow. The terrain was rugged, with boulders ready to trip me over. Downslopes became dominant, making the terrain even more treacherous for a runner. At least once, my eyes were too shaken or too muddled with sweat, resulting in a terrifying “step-of-faith”. At long last, the reservoir was in sight. Flat trails were the norm from then on, but only half the distance was done! This was where most of the cat-and-mousing happened: catching up, being caught up, and catching up to the same runner over and over again. Re-entering the Maclehose trail meant barely 4km was left of the race. Dodging oncoming walkers who just started off, a nagging tightness appeared in my calves. It was not a good sign. Fortunately, I was able to kep running and not allow them to seize up, but my lungs seemed uncomfortable with the hundreds of deep breaths, and were increasingly hard to control. The race heated me up quite considerably, so I then signed up for an abseil to cool myself down!

Tournament of the Minds 2015

World Scholar Competition

We arrived at Kowloon Junior School, early on Saturday the 25th of April, full of excitement and raring to go for a jam packed day of challenges ahead of us. The team, Damian Cheung (5K), Grace Rompotis (5L), Jonathan (4M), Amy Rompotis (4T) , Keshav Sani (5E), Clarinde Sanft (5E) and I gathered together in the waiting room we had been assigned. Our teachers, Miss Davies and Miss Price were waiting for us and soon we went to our first task - the Spontaneous Challenge. For this, we had to write a letter to the head of a company of developers, explaining why we thought they should not build on some ground that we wanted to protect. We were given a picture of a machine that was on the land, and we decided this was a precious artefact that must be protected. We had two minutes to write our letter and it could only be 20 words long! After we completed the challenge, the judges gave us some feedback which was mostly positive! Then it was time to go back to our waiting room, to practise for the big event, our long-term challenge.

On the 18th and 19th April, three enterprising young students from Harrow Hong Kong, led by their inimitable captain, Agnes Fung (Y12, Tutt), competed in the World Scholar’s Cup, Hong Kong Round. Their gracious hosts, the Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, left no stone unturned in ensuring that this particularly passionate group of students did not face a moment’s discomfort as they waxed loquacious over everything from Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture to why The Flash is particularly prone to spontaneous combustion. A word of warning: as these three youngsters moved cautiously through the gates of the Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School one bleary Saturday morning, files of notes in hand, they did so with certain expectations firmly in mind. They assumed that they were to be involved in a rigorously academic, noble, and above all, intensely dignified competition. Then the sight of alpacas greeted them. Over a hundred prime specimens of stuffed animal, in every shade and shape of the human imagination, lined up in military fashion along the edge of the amphitheatre stage. Very well, the Harrow team thought, perhaps the Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School is really into mascots. They thought no more of it, and settled into their seats for some last minute revision on the architecture of the Oslo Opera House, Václav Havel’s speeches and the future of prosthetics. Surely, a competition with a name like the World Scholar’s Cup would have no dealings with something as frivolous as neon pink camelids?

by Kitty Wootton (Lower School , 5K)

Soon it was time for the next stage. We went to yet another room and this time our parents could come and watch the performance. This challenge had been given to us about one month before the competition to give us time to write and rehearse our answer. We had to pretend that we were school children on an excursion with their teacher. Some of the children found themselves trapped at Area 51 and we had to build a machine to use in 7 different ways to help them escape. On the day, the performance went smoothly and the machine stayed together and worked well! We were all really pleased and relieved when this part was over. The judges were nice and gave us good comments – they especially liked the machine as we took it apart at each different stage. At the end of the day all the teams gathered together in the Main Hall. There were awards for the best teams in each category, and also Spirit of TOM awards for good teamwork. Although we did not win an award, we felt proud of our performance and we will be there again next year! We all enjoyed taking part in this big event, and I can recommend this ECA to everyone! Thank you Miss Davies for all your time and support. We could not have done it without you!

by Anastasia Groenestijn (Kingston, Y13)

Then the co-founder of the organisation got on stage, began rapping to the groundbreaking 2013 pop-dance track Timber by the artist Pitbull (featuring the popular entertainer Ke$ha), and the rest is history. Let there be no mistake - the World Scholar’s Cup is an intensely challenging competition. Comprising of a debate, a multiple-choice exam (‘Scholar’s Challenge’), an essay section, and an interactive academic quiz (‘Scholar’s Bowl’), the two-day tournament required weeks of preparation,

days of cramming, and hours of intense discusssion. Questions ranged from the relatively challenging, “should the Internet have an elected President?” to the downright bizarre, “if Adam Smith had written The Wealth of Nations in the 1980s, what would have been his favourite New Age song?” What the team had failed to appreciate completely before setting out was that the brains behind the World Scholar’s Cup understand a simple truth. That truth is that curiosity and a sense of humour are not mutually exclusive. The student who will happily spend an entire debating session discussing why Professor X’s death does prove that mutants are superior to Terminators is as equally engaged as the one who spends that same debating session discussing (for quite possibly the fiftieth time) the existence of God. The competition proved to the team once and for all that studying a subject above and beyond the school curriculum gives an unparalleled sense of satisfaction. Although, as all three of them will admit, the 23 medals, 3 trophies and 3 certificates they picked up along the way had a certain charm to them too.

Literature Live

by Anastasia Groenestijn (Y13, Kingston)

On the afternoon of Thursday 19th March, your faithful entertainment correspondent was sitting in a taxi with five other people. When humans are forced to sit in a confined space for extended periods of time, at a proximity that is slightly too close for comfort, conversation takes on a certain hectic quality. This is normally the case, since continuous-if

wished her the best of luck, arrived at our destination, and thought no more of it. I was reminded of this moment as I watched that same performer (portraying a certain Physics teacher who shall also remain nameless) only a few hours later. She spoke effortlessly, with conviction, and most importantly, the audience loved every moment of it. This energy and zeal extended to the entire sketch – a balloon debate featuring caricatures of Harrow’s own staff members – and was greeted by hysterical laughter, cries of recognition, and one or two rueful moans of realisation. Perhaps it was the idea of throwing our teachers to their deaths out of a balloon; perhaps it was the rap-battle-esque intensity of the characters’ exchanges. Personally, I believe it was neither of these. The descent into a magical world; the expositions on feminism; the pink curls in the matchmaker’s wig; each expression of passion and art belied practice, timing and, I daresay, nerves. The purpose of the evening was to showcase Harrow Hong Kong’s English and Drama talents, and by extension to demonstrate the power and scope of language. Whether in debate, comedy, literature, or poetry, it proved a resounding success.

The Birthday

by Clare Yam (Y6, Smith)

The room was filled with laughter, All I did was play. It seemed like this fun party, Would last the entire day! What? It will only last for three hours? It felt like a cruel blow and blast. I enjoyed it so much but in a whirl, My birthday was in the past. Soon, all the presents were gone, And the world took on a hew of gloom. But I was told, “A year will pass by quickly,” And my birthday will be coming back soon.

awkward-socialising is infinitely preferable to such silent contemplations as, “Oh God something’s touching my leg,” or, “can I roll down a window without accidentally groping someone?” or “am I supposed to make eye contact when I’m only two inches away from their face?” Or maybe that’s just me. Whatever it was, we were soon discussing the upcoming Literature Live event, which would be hosted that evening. Aside from the general discussion, one of the performers (who shall remain Six Word Stories nameless) voiced her concern over whether her voice would project well enough, whether her acting would convince the One gun shot. Two bodies. Dead. By Zacchary Dale (Y7, Morris) audience, whether the performance would be met with Nurses run. Beeping sounds. Silence. By Annika Klaus (Y7, Keith) raucous applause or blank stares. This extended to a hope They hid downstairs. Knock. Knock. Knock. By Sofia Norton-Kidd that the days, indeed the weeks and months of rehearsing (Y7, Matthews) leading up to the event would come to fruition. We

Hong Kong Soccer Sevens by Michael Gao (Y12, Waterman)

The U10s recently competed in the prestigious Hong Kong Soccer Sevens, which is the highlight of the club football circuit. The Harrow Hong Kong team competed against 19 other club sides and managed to fight its way all the way to the main final played in front of 3000 fans and television cameras. They lost to a goal in the last second to Kitchee with the score finishing 2-1 having won eight matches in order to reach the final. It was a fantastic effort by the boys. Picture below with Peter Beardsley, the former England international footballer.

a rota so that pupils from different year groups get to play on the equipment at different times. We have also helped to ensure that there will be a wide selection of ECAs available next year by conducting a survey of Lower School pupils. For the Lower School inter-House competitions, we suggested events such as the Christmas singing competition and we had the idea of awarding leadership points to go towards determining which House wins the overall competition. I have enjoyed representing Class 4M this year and I hope that I have represented them well. Why be on the Student Council? “Being in the student council has been so much fun.” Myra Mak (2B) “We can make the School better for everyone.” Zara Montgomery (4M) “We get to organise awesome events for the School.” Samar Cooke (3P)


Humans of Harrow Hong Kong


A photographic census of the Harrow community, one story at a time. Inspired by Humans of New York. by Sophie Yau (Y12, Tutt)

Lower School Student Council by Calum Stewart (Lower School, 4M)

As class representatives it is our duty to help ensure that everyone is happy at the School by making the environment a better place for all. Regular meetings are held and attended by all the Lower School Class Reps to discuss various issues which concern everyone and it is our responsibility to report these back to our classes. We also gather ideas from our classmates and then share them with the Student Council and decide which ones are the best and discuss how we can achieve them. We have already secured new play equipment for the Lower School which has been well received by everybody. The equipment includes hopscotch, giant snakes and ladders as well as hoops and huge inflatable dice! We have designed

“At home, I try to do chemistry, but my mum doesn’t like it as I make a mess… That’s why I usually hide inside the shower and try to mix things up!”

Have a burning question? Got a great idea for an article? Interested in joining? Write to us at harrovian@harrowschool.hk The team: Agnes Fung (managing editor), Anastasia Groenestijn, Benjamin Wang, Cici Zhang, Isaac Yeung, Madeleine Duperouzel, Michael Gao (managing editor), Sophie Yau (photographer), Kalina Milenova, Nia Milenova, Jonathan Liu-Billow, Ishan Rosha, Pairs Spivey (photographer)

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