Harrow Hong Kong The Harrovian Issue 9

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Editors: Benjamin Wang (Y12, Churchill) Nicole Pullinger (Y11, Gellhorn)

Issue 9

Student Newspaper

Leadership for a better world

Resolve in an imperfect world by Zeli Wang (Y12, Churchill), Calvin Kean (Y13, Peel)

Photo credits: CDNIS Photography Team

A delegation of 21 Harrow Hong Kong students dressed in formal attire attended the second annual Model United Nations conference at Canadian International School of Hong Kong on 15th September. The early morning arrival (7:45 am) was rather painful for the students as the conference was held during a long weekend. However, after a few short opening speeches, they were all woken up and ready to debate. Each student was directed to their specific committee which would address a range of current issues, from the court case of Julian Assange to the growing threat of ISIS and the prevention of another Cuban missile crisis. Harrow Hong Kong delegates came well prepared, armed with draft resolutions and loaded with cogent arguments. Every committee, with their different formats and foci, brought about distinct experiences for each delegate. Committee sessions began with opening speeches, when delegates put forward their nation’s position on the questions, and identified allies and opponents through others’ speeches. Shortly after, the lobbying period saw the formation of blocs of nations with similar aims. Like-minded delegates discussed, combined, and fine-tuned their draft resolutions while lying on bean bags. After passing through the Approving Panel, the resolutions were debated one by one, with speeches made for or against it. Opponents often used Points of Information to their advantage to attack inconsistencies, while friendly delegates strengthened the resolution with amendments. This did not, of course, stop detractors from trying to strike all the clauses from the resolution. After a majority voting for the entire resolution as a whole, clapping was in order. Success in each committee can only happen after thorough research and a clear conception of the interests of the nation you represent. These are even more important in ‘special’ committees such as the Covert Conference for Intelligence Agencies (CCIA). Although generally delegates

October 2016

should be persuasive while being diplomatic, the one-on-one debate in CCIA often gets fiery and pointed. The committee, designed for experienced MUNers, requires extensive familiarity with the world’s intelligence agencies and current affairs. Directors of IAs could be put on trial for crimes against humanity and, if they lost the case, were sentenced to some forfeit. The Harrow Hong Kong delegation was thoroughly challenged by collisions of opinions in the General Assembly and trials in the CCIA. Ralph Summers (Y13, Churchill), Secretary General of the MUN executive committee, gained valuable experience as chair of the CCIA. Seven delegates received an award, a very impressive record given that there are only three awards in each committee. In particular, James Brammer (Y12, Peel), a first-time MUNer, earned “best delegate”. For students aiming to excel at The Hague International MUN in Singapore next month, this was the perfect training course. The executive committee looks forward to hosting HARMUN on the 21st and 22nd January. It welcomes all students with an interest in world issues and public speaking to join the club for future conferences, regardless of experience. Visit www.harmun.weebly.com for more information.

Freedom of Movement

Should all people have the right to live in any country they wish? by Kalina Milenova (Y12, Gellhorn)

In light of the current global refugee crisis, we asked Upper School students to send in their opinion about whether people should be legally free to live in any country in the world in this first instalment of Question of the Issue. We were unable to fit in all the responses but thank you for everyone who took the time to write in. Here are some of the responses: “From my point of view, everyone should be given the right to live in any country, as long as they commit to the responsibility of respecting the country’s religion and culture. This is because I believe nobody should be discriminated against for their individualism. However, if the person poses a potential threat to the society, for example, if they have committed murder before, they should not be allowed to live in any given country unless they can prove that they will not negatively affect the society.” (Chinat Yu, Y11, Churchill) “Before we think ‘should or should not’, we should consider ‘why’. Businesses may wish to increase labour mobility because it is easier for them to employ professional and skilled workers. Asylum seekers may wish to live in another country to avoid the chaos of war. Some might be benefit-seekers, who just want to live in another country to enjoy social welfare. From the people’s perspective, assuming the majority only

wants to maximise its utility, then we have to consider that they are only allowed to do this after fulfilling certain social responsibilities, such as paying taxes. Under the rule of law, all laws should be equally applied, with the exception that objective differences justify differentiation. If someone has never paid taxes in a country, it is not fair for the taxpayers to pay for others who never fulfil a citizen’s obligation. From a government’s perspective, national security often takes precedence to individual liberty as it is their responsibility to protect citizens. Incidentally, this is the reason many countries tightened their restrictions on immigration, after increasing terrorist attacks in recent years.” (Kerry Lui, Y13, Gellhorn)

populations, the MEDCs would experience strains on social welfare systems and public infrastructure with more people requiring education, housing and jobs, which, if unavailable to them, would increase the unemployment rate significantly. Moreover, there could be massively detrimental effects on the LEDCs as their labour force would lose some of its most skilled workers, hindering economic development. If everyone was allowed to live in the country of their choice, there would be major economic consequences.” (James England-Brammer, Y12, Peel)

“In modern day society, there is an ever increasing threat to national security. Terrorist organisations, namely ISIS, have developed a strong hatred towards Westernised and non-Islamic states. How can it be morally correct to allow terrorists, for example, into any country they wish? Immigration control is needed to ensure the safety of every country’s public. Consequently, I do not agree that everybody should have the right to live in any country they wish, considering the fact that this would encourage the movement of dangerous people and perhaps lead to more and more terrorist attacks around the world.” (Hamza Apabhai, Y12, Peel)

by Katrina Tse (Y10, Keller)

“Morally speaking, any single person should be able to live where they want. In a sense, it is their right to move freely, settling down where they wish. However, this is assuming all people abide by the country’s laws, pay taxes, and are respectful to their community and counterparts. Of course, in real life it is much more complicated than just a black-or-white answer. For the US alone, immigrants need to take multiple steps before being able to settle down. In addition, some countries have quotas on the number of immigrants coming from a specific country, limiting the ‘rights’ people have of settling down wherever they want. On the other hand, a person’s right to live anywhere he/she wishes should be revoked if the person has committed crimes or dangerous activities. Those seeking to impose violence on communities should not be able to settle down wherever they please. Nevertheless, it is morally wrong to ban people from living in a country because of their race, religion or sexuality as this strips them of basic human rights.” (Frans Otten, Y13, Sun) “It cannot be denied that some countries provide better opportunities for their inhabitants than others, and who are we to decide who gets this favourable treatment? However, while this is an admirable sentiment, allowing everyone to choose where they would like to live would put an incredible strain on governments of developed nations. While I fully support the immigration of refugees and asylum seekers, people who are content with their current living situation or not in immediate danger of war, famine or disease should remain in their current countries.” (Eve Caplowe, Y12, Keller) “The idea of having the freedom to live wherever one wishes works in theory, but not in practice. In this scenario, more economically developed countries (MEDCs) would experience mass immigration as people from less economically developed countries (LEDCs) would emigrate in search of better qualities of life. As a result of the influx in

Societies’ Fair

As we all say, a very important thing in learning is initiative, and one such example is to go beyond the material needed for the A* in our IGCSEs or A-Levels. On the 28th September, students, in particular those in the Sixth Form, were given the chance to showcase their leadership abilities and their passion in areas inside and outside their curriculum. Seven groups of senior students stepped up as leaders to inspire other students in areas from Physics, Engineering and Technology (PET) to Psychology and Visual Arts. The stalls had plenty of interactive displays and vibrant colours, attracting many students who walked past during lunch. Despite the weather being far from ideal, crowds gathered on the ramp next to the astro. In the end, all societies persuaded students to join them and become members. With an entire academic year ahead, I am sure society committees will prepare interesting and fun material for all their sessions. Being part of the PET Society, I know they built and fired water rockets the week after Societies’ Fair, generating much excitement. Whether you are an extremely busy student, or someone with free time after school, these society sessions are here for you to develop your interests. They may help you take a break from the preps piling up on your table or the numerous music or sport commitments you have everyday. We are very grateful for the Prefect team’s role in organising this year’s Societies’ Fair, in particular David Stevenson (Y13, Sun) and Kerry Lui (Y13, Gellhorn), our Heads of School.

Leadership with Harrow Schools by Eve Caplowe (Y12, Keller)

On the plane to Harrow School in London last June, we knew it was going to be an interesting time to be in the UK as the

Brexit referendum votes were cast while we were there and the Euro 2016 was going on too. England’s defeat by Iceland was almost as shocking as the Brexit outcome! The original Harrow School in London was brilliant. However, it wasn’t just the buildings scattered over Harrow Hill that had grown together through different eras, or the lack of pollution in the cool, crisp air. It wasn’t just the elegant straw boaters that the boys live in fear of breaking. One of the best things about Harrow London was the food. I don’t think I’ve ever had salmon or a Victoria sponge so perfect. Did you know there’s a rugby pitch at Harrow that has under-floor heating for the grass? I’ve now officially met vegetation more pampered than me. It’s called the Sunny field and for the boys playing in the House rugby finals, the big privilege is not only the chance to represent your House, but to utterly destroy the pride and joy of the gardeners that is the perfect, velvety field. And the House pride there is plain to see. The Houses themselves are beautiful with each one having its own different look and feel. The girls from Harrow Hong Kong and Harrow Bangkok stayed in an empty house and it was very nice. There was a pool table, table football, a television, herbal tea in the kitchen and nice rooms. The conference itself was interesting. All forty of us enjoyed the task of creating a volunteer project and turning it into a viable possibility because we genuinely cared and wanted to improve our understanding of how to implement new projects. Earthquakes in Nepal, farming in Bangladesh, tourism in Bhutan, education in Sierra Leone amongst others were featured in a broad range of presentations at the end of the week. The leadership workshops were only one component of the conference. We were also given talks by people such as Hugo Chittenden – better known as the Volunteer – and Admiral Sir George Zambellas, the former chief of the Naval Staff. The Volunteer spoke to us about his many charitable projects spanning the globe and helping thousands in both the long and short term. The First Sea Lord spoke about leadership and personal growth in a very human and tangible way, through anecdotes and heartfelt, inspiring advice. Two of my favourite days were the tour of Oxford and the tour of University College London. Oxford was incredible, all sand-brown stone and museums and shops with puns in their names. It was so good to see a place I’ve dreamed about since I learned what a university is. Interestingly, your experience apparently depends largely on which college you study at. If you go to a more traditional

one you’ll probably spend a lot of time wearing gowns, but if you go to a more relaxed one you might end up living off cup noodles like everyone else. UCL was very different: they have a huge emphasis on international students and it’s actually in London, so the university buildings mingle more with all the other buildings in the area. Before we saw The Phantom of the Opera, we went to Lord’s cricket ground to watch the Harrow against Eton match. Apparently Eton won by six wickets – whatever that means – but the atmosphere was electric. The whole experience really made us feel like we were part of something bigger than our Harrow here in Hong Kong. For me, that was the best part of the trip – making connections with like minded people who shared our values and to some extent our experiences.

The Merchant of Venice

by Michael Reid (Y13, Peel), Madison Lau (Y12, Keller) and Karen Wong (Y12, Gellhorn)

More than fifty of the Senior School’s literature and drama enthusiasts attended The Globe Theatre’s performance of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice at the Academy of Performing Art’s Lyric Theatre on 8th September. Lights off. Crowd hushed. Actors on. Suddenly, we were no longer Harrow Hong Kong students in a theatre, but merely observers of a story that took place in Venice in the late sixteenth century. The performers immediately captivated the audience and excited their senses with an intense song. The tale of Shylock’s suffering and revenge is a stark reminder of the common humanity of men of differing beliefs. There were a couple of ad-libs here and there which worked perfectly and sounded really natural. The costumes were intricate and beautiful, and so were the sets. The chorus and the musical performances were very powerful, and fully enriched the atmosphere in the theatre. One of the most beautiful aspects of the play was perhaps the unity of the company and the way they showed such a burning passion for the arts. To be able to rein in the different elements of the production to illustrate the true meaning of the play was certainly an amazing feat. Although Shakespeare can be hard to understand, thanks to the stellar acting, it was not difficult to infer the meaning of the dialogue. At one point, Lancelot Gobbo (Stephan Adegbola) invited two members of the audience to play as his conscience and the fiend, showing his clownish tendencies in an unconventional enaction. Given the complexity of the plot, the audience’s sympathy shifted throughout the play. For example, they might have felt Shylock was ‘in the moral right’ until he demanded the pound of flesh. Similarly, they might have felt that Bassanio and Antonio were both good in their intentions to help each other and seek love, but they could also be despised for their cruelty towards Shylock. This made the play very interesting and uncomfortable to watch at times. The Merchant of Venice is arguably one of Shakespeare’s different plays, a problem play, wherein it is neither a tragedy nor comedy, but is both simultaneously. Key to the play is the theme of longstanding discrimination against Jews. In a tragic way, the audience felt some sympathy for Shylock, a mistreated Jew and a victim. However, there was comedy when the theatre filled with laughter as the first

two suitors failed to gain Portia’s (Rachel Pickup) hand in marriage, and when the dramatic irony unfolded at the end. This production is one that shall be truly remembered by all that attended this entertaining event.

Tips for Applying to UK Universities for Year 12s by Benjamin Wang (Y12, Churchill)

If you are in Year 12, you might think: “university is so far away — I still have two years!” However, most of you will have submitted your applications in just over twelve month’s time. Some of you may want to go to the US, some will want to stay in Hong Kong, but this article is for those with eyes on the UK. If you have a definite idea about what to do in university, or what job to do in the future, then that’s good and you can go straight ahead to research about those. But if you don’t, then you can think about the A-level subjects you take and think which ones do you like most or are best at. Go online or talk to Y13s about what you could read at university with your current subjects, and keep searching to find out what strikes a chord with you. The UCAS website is a cornucopia of information about all universities in the UK. Select ‘undergraduate’ and access the UCAS search tool where you can search for universities or courses. Key information that you may want to note down are the grade requirements for the courses you are interested in, and any additional exams they may require. Finances and scholarship information are available if that is important to you. Be sure to know what the abbreviations of degrees mean, and what are the lengths of study. Also, see how particular universities or courses view deferred entry, also known as taking a gap year. To avoid disappointment, do double-check the information you received from the UCAS Roadshow. If you are really interested in a subject, you can go to ‘contact us’ on universities’ departmental websites to ask them questions to clarify any points. However, your teachers at Harrow Hong Kong may have those answers for you if you ask them. Bearing in mind you can only apply to five universities, the importance of choosing a course or college that fits you is readily apparent. If you are absolutely sure about your future, then choose single honours; if you think you still need the first year of university to help you decide, you could choose a joint or combined honours. See if you like a calm campus setting or a bustling city feel. You may also want to find out if there are activities or societies that you can continue at university. It’s all very well knowing where you want to go, but equally you need a strong enough application to match their requirements. There are many things you could do in Year 12 to build a competitive personal statement: are you part of an academic society? do you participate in any competitions or contests that might make you stand out from the crowd? Remember that in popular courses in top universities, there are often more than five students vying for a single place. Ask your parents if they can help in arranging an internship or a work-shadowing programme during one of the term breaks. These activities show that you have genuine interest in the subject to admissions officers and help you gain more insight

into what might be your future job. That said, don’t waste time doing something that you are not interested in - it’s probably worse than doing nothing at all! Finally, after considering your AS grades, predicted A2 grades, personal statement and the School’s reference, universities will issue conditional offers. You can then confirm an offer and designate a second offer as insurance, in case you don’t get the grades required for your confirmed offer. Certain universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, may require you to attend an interview. In any case, you will have to attain the universities’ required A-level grades to enrol. Wherever your ambitions lie and whatever your preferences entail, I hope this article helps clear up some doubts and uncertainties you may have. Time is tight in Year 12 with intense lessons and challenging preps, but do take time to peek out of the mounds of school activity and look at the bigger picture of life after school!

Riding High in Iran by Emma Carter (Y13, Wu)

The Harrovian Hong Kong was fascinated to hear that Florence Fu (Y13, Gellhorn) travelled to Iran to represent Hong Kong on 7-8th July in a show jumping competition. We interviewed her to find out more about her experience. In which events did you participate? I competed at CSICH/J/Y Tehran where there were two classes. I came first in the Juniors Class Jumping Horse and second in the Juniors 115cm class. How did the competition help your horse riding? I definitely gained a lot of experience from this. Being in a major competition with such a large crowd really helped me learn to cope with stress. Riding a completely unfamiliar horse and becoming comfortable with it in only fifteen minutes was extremely challenging and frightening. However, it allowed me to learn to cope with being out of my comfort zone. What do you think about your time in Iran? It was an amazing experience. It was interesting being able to experience a culture entirely different to the one in Hong Kong, and while doing horse riding, something I love. Everyone was friendly and the food was incredible. It was extremely hot there at times, which was something I struggled with a little, especially when I had to wear a hijab. Clothing is not nearly as restrictive as I expected: women are permitted to wear skinny jeans and express themselves through fashion, as long as she has a manteau or a cardigan on as well.

Staying in Touch by Joelle Chan (Y11, Gellhorn)

It has been two years since the first Harrow Hong Kong leavers finished their school journey and embarked on university study. Transitioning from school to university can be a tricky endeavour, and many wonder what life after Harrow Hong Kong must be like. Alumna Sophia Hotung (left in the photo above) has kindly shared her insight into what ‘adulthood’ is like and her transition into it. Sophia currently attends Barnard College, Columbia University, in New York. Similar to Harrow Hong Kong, she lived in a ‘quad’ (a boarding house) in her first year. During Sophia’s sophomore year, she moved off campus with eight other people, and “that’s when real adulthood struck.” Sophia joined her campus newspaper, The Columbia Spectator, in her first month of school, and has been running her department blog, Spectrum, for about a year. Taking on leadership can be a foreign experience for many; however, despite Sophia’s initial uneasiness, managing her teams has become one of her favorite undertakings, and she is thoroughly enjoying her role at The Columbia Spectator. “While many think of campus journalism as an opportunity to develop writing and editing skills, the main skill I’ve picked up and the main reason I enjoy the job is management. I’ve been able to overcome to a greater extent my self-consciousness when leading people, and that’s allowed me to build some really cool infrastructures within the company. I enjoy the human interactions and strategies associated with the job, and like to find ways to streamline systems and workflow, while mentoring other staffers.” After experiencing two complete years in New York, here are Sophia’s thoughts for people on the fence who don’t know if they want to apply to the UK or the US for university: the US offers double majoring, taking a major and minor, and allows you to change your major during your first two (and even three) years of university. The US lets you branch out into different subjects despite your degree, and allows you to focus on many extracurriculars and pursue any other interests you might have. “Harrow Hong Kong students in particular can benefit from going to the US… you have the opportunity to live among and integrate yourself into Hong Kong, British, and American cultures before you turn 21. That’s a huge privilege and something I’m glad I didn’t pass up.”

With a myriad of unknowns in their lives, it’s not uncommon for people to feel under pressure. As students, we experience it often. Although it is common knowledge that we should try to succeed and be at the top of our game consistently, failure is inevitable. “At 19, I got rejected from six of the nine universities to which I applied. At 20, I got rejected from every a cappella group I auditioned for. At 21, I applied to 31 internships and heard back from two. These all seemed like the biggest flops at the time, but they really weren’t big deals in the long run.” It is important to remember that both your failures and successes are what define you. Naturally, success is both relative to an individual and a feat to be proud of. Needless to say, it’s impossible to succeed on your own. Making connections and being grateful for the opportunities given to you and the people around you are crucial. “I think it’s impossible to grow or get anything done without other people, whether those people are mentors, teammates, competitors, or mentees. At Harrow [Hong Kong] I had great mentors… They took real interests in what I wanted to do and be, and gave me opportunities whenever possible. Making connections with people is everything, and that goes back to why I think interpersonal skills are so crucial. Proactively maintaining connections, following through on favours, and remaining as impartial to drama as possible puts you in a great position regardless of your situation.” Leaving Harrow Hong Kong and entering the “real adult world” can be daunting. However, we have been given amazing opportunities to showcase our abilities and potential, allowing us to make a difference in the wider community.

Tales from Forgotten Countries by Kalina Milenova (Y11, Ward), Henry Cheung (Y9, Peel) and Warren Hui (Y9, Peel)

On 21st September, Geography students from Years 10-13 were lucky to welcome John Pilkington, an author, journalist, geographer and wonderful story-teller to the lecture theatre, where he told the tales of his travels to Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. While travelling to both sides of the Russo-Ukrainian border, Mr Pilkington studied the two sides of a story to which there is not yet an end - that of one of the most controversial political conflicts in recent European history. Between pictures of breathtaking scenery were portraits of people

he met, whose lives had been shaken by political decisions made in Russia and in their countries of origin, and whose stories of war and losses confirmed that behind each major news story lie thousands of forcibly altered fates. When asked about his stance on the crisis, Mr Pilkington reminded us of the importance of considering different perspectives. The talk ended on a positively inspiring note, encouraging us to be critical of the widely-accepted views that are never the full story behind the headlines that we read daily. In a separate talk with Year 9 students, Mr Pilkington shared with us his journey to Afghanistan in the Caucasus mountain range. He told us about the culture, people, food, religion, and the reason he went on the expedition. He and two delightful companions stayed at the homes of kind people who let him in. The view of the Wakhan Corridor from an aeroplane was amazing, just like his experiences there, on the Indo-Afghanistan border. Apparently, daily consumption of bread and yak’s yogurt bring many benefits. Mr Pilkington’s talk allowed us to acquire geographical knowledge and find out about new places. Most inspiring of all was the way he reminded us to believe in ourselves so that we too can achieve our goals and dreams.

Inter-House Netball by Ella Stranger (Y10, Gellhorn), Joelle Chan (Y11, Gellhorn)

The first inter-House netball matches began on Wednesday 21st September. It was the first time the Houses had competed under their new names with new students. Players showed immense energy and competitive spirit, with great support on the sidelines. The event showcased the students’ enthusiasm for sport. Wu won both games, 6-5 against Gellhorn and 6-4 against Keller. Gellhorn won convincingly against Keller, 9-4. However Keller was unshaken, as there were still more games to be played. The atmosphere was even more lively around the netball courts during the second round of matches on 5th October. Students from all Houses and all year groups gathered to watch their friends play. Gellhorn won both matches, 6-5 against Wu and 5-3 against Keller, with high-scoring shooters, reversing their lull from the previous week. Keller drew 6-6 in a very close game with Wu. Overall, the netball competition was a fantastic experience, and all the players were very appreciative of the support they received.

Sports News

Inter-House Basketball by Charles Hu (Y10, Sun)

Inter-House basketball jumped off to a great start on 21st September. In the first match between Churchill and Peel, Churchill House’s teamwork pulled them to victory. With a great point guard and strong inside players including Jason Wong (Y12), the game was no contest, and Churchill won convincingly. Sun played Peel in a close second match of the day. The two Houses tied and a free-throw shootout decided the outcome of the match. The third and final match was between Sun and Churchill. Supporters of each House were cheering from the sidelines during the game, and Sun managed to pull off a very tight win. The face-offs continued on Wednesday 5th October. Sun and Peel went head to head in the first match. Peel surprised the crowd with a 4-3 lead over Sun at half time, given a losing record. They completed the win with a tight score of 6-5. In the second match, Peel beat Churchill 10-6 and went through to the final with two victories. The last match of the day between Sun and Churchill started very slowly: neither team scored many points. With renewed vigour in the second half, Sun finally pulled away. The game ended 13-9 to Sun. Sun will meet Peel in the final.

Girls’ U20 Netball by Joelle Chan (Y11, Gellhorn)

The under 20s girls’ netball team played Renaissance College in a friendly first match of the year on Wednesday 5th October. Both teams played very well with close scores throughout the game. The final quarter ended with a tally of 15-18, not in Harrow Hong Kong’s favour. Nevertheless, the Harrow Hong Kong girls played superbly in light of the fact they have not played or trained together before. Sophie Haik (Y11, Gellhorn) and Samantha Luttrell (Y12, Gellhorn) must be commended for their precision and endurance throughout the fast-paced game. Although the girls lost this game narrowly, they are motivated to improve individually and as a team. 1st XV Rugby by Oliver Duffy (Y12, Lloyd)

The 1st XV rugby squad, captained by Oliver Duffy (Y13, Lloyd), consists of 21 boys. Everyone trained hard during the summer wanting to improve after a very challenging previous season. The first victory of 34-7 over Island School on 1st September was an encouraging start. Tries were scored by Henry Luise (Y13, Peel), Johnny Ip (Y11, Sun), Frans Otten

managed to make his ‘shot’ look like a cross, but it was a wonderful goal as it smashed into the back of the net. Oliver Duffy (Y13, Sun) also scored four great goals, using his speed to blast pass the opposition’s defence. The main objective for this first match was to press the opposition as a team and they did that well. Now the team should try to hold on to their form and grow into the season as they will face stronger opponents shortly. Furthermore, the team will be preparing for some difficult matches ahead as we begin the international schools’ league, in which more familiar opponents will be challenged. (Y13, Sun) and Edward Cazzoli (Y13, Peel). The unity and teamwork of the Harrow Hong Kong players was apparent in contrast to the individualistic play of the opposition, allowing Harrow Hong Kong to emerge victorious. In a rugby 7s tournament held at KGV the following week, Harrow Hong Kong won against KGV and Australian International School but narrowly lost to Kellet, having had very little time to warm up after the arrival. Nevertheless, their team spirit showed the lengths the players are willing to go to reach their best possible level of performance. Unfortunately, recent matches have been cancelled due to air pollution and are planned to be rescheduled after half term. The match against KGV on 6th October was a highly anticipated game, as it featured one of the oldest international schools against the youngest one. The teams were evenly matched. While Harrow Hong Kong displayed a better control of the game in the first half, KGV were able to edge past to victory, 18-22. Strong performances by all players, excellent tries such as those by Hanley Sui (Y13, Sun), and top class finishes by Sam Hu (Y13, Sun) ensured a sporting spectacle that lived up to expectations. Although the scoreboard did not show what Harrow Hong Kong hoped for, hidden behind it was clear progress for the team as a whole. Girls’ U20 Rugby by Joelle Chan (Y11, Gellhorn)

My Mid-Autumn Festival by Chryso Hon (Y5, Monkey)

It was that time of year again, Mid-Autumn Festival. My memory of Mid-Autumn Festival is always a happy one and this year did not disappoint. I remember racing home, the wind picking up and the crowds gathering. I remember getting home from school, and for once, there was no work to do! Instead, I got ready, grabbed a book and relaxed, waiting to watch the festivities. While I was reading, my family returned, equally as excited as I was. My Dad approached and in his hands lay a brown flower-shaped mooncake! I licked my lips expectantly. Mom, Dad and I grabbed forks, knives and plates and placed them on the table. We tucked in and Mom began cutting slices for each of us. The sweet egg yolk melted in my mouth and I grinned. It was delicious! When we finished the mooncake and there were no more crumbs in the moon cake box, we all made ourselves comfy by squashing ourselves onto the sofa. Dad switched on the TV and…. wow! We were extremely lucky! On live TV was a rocket planted in the ground and about to blast off, in mainland China! We watched excitedly as the rocket shot through the air, leaving a trail of grey smoke behind. By the time the show ended, it was already 10pm. So, in summary, my memory of Mid-Autumn festival this year was family, bright colours and mooncakes. I am already excited about what this time of year will bring in twelve months’ time!

The 15th September marked the start of a new season for the Harrow Hong Kong U20 girls’ rugby team. With a new coach by their side and many new additions to the team, the girls set off to King’s Park for their first match together. Despite only by Kaman Chau (Year 5, Dragon) having had one team training session prior to the tournament, they beat HKIS A, HKIS B, and Kellet with scores of 200, 35-5, and 15-5 respectively. Not only did everyone play exceptionally well, a few players new to the game showed an impressive amount of determination. Their high energy levels throughout demonstrated how strong the Harrow Hong Kong sports community is. This amazing start set the tone for the rest of the season and highlighted the potential of Harrow Hong Kong’s girls’ rugby team.

Pre-Prep House Fun

Boys’ U20 Football by Oliver Otten (Y11, Sun)

The U20 Harrow Hong Kong football team enjoyed an excellent start to the new season, with an 8-0 win over a Tuen Mun local school, in a new local league the team has recently entered: it will bring more opportunities for the team The Pre-Prep School had their first ‘House Day’ on Wednesday to play together and enjoy football in their free time. Our very 5th October! The amazing event started while students from first goal looked like an accident. Riaz Murray (Y11, Peel) Year 1 to Year 5 cheered with delight. Six Houses named after

the Chinese zodiac: Horse, Dragon, Monkey, Ox, Snake, and Tiger, were ready to compete against each other in a friendly, but hard fought competition. The boys played football whilst the girls played netball. All the Year 1 and 2 students tested an exciting range of skills and Years 3, 4 and 5 played in the hot and unforgiving sun. During the games all you could hear was jolly, cheerful children yelling at the top of their lungs. There were wins, losses, excitement and enthusiasm in the fiercely contested matches. As students waited for their turn to compete, they chatted about how to win, who would do what in which position and other things, all while doing their best to stay hydrated. Some even made banners and posters for their House teams. Believe me, the matches were brilliant and we all had a blast! As the matches ended, teachers and the students walked to the Assembly Hall eagerly. It was time to announce the winners! The thrilled Tigers and Monkeys won the netball and football titles in turn, whilst Snake House won the overall Gold House trophy! How fascinating! We really can’t wait for the next House Day where we will get to represent our Houses again!

The Trick to Colour Psychology

is the colour of confidence and optimism. But be warned: too much yellow or the wrong tone in relation to a colour scheme, can cause self-esteem to plummet, giving rise to fear and panic. Think of the fluorescent yellow-green ‘safety colour’ used by cyclists and construction workers: it is designed to attract attention and prevent accidents, but it can be straining or even anxiety-inducing to look at. Make sure that your yellow highlighters are not the wrong shade of yellow, or use another colour to highlight, like green. Recently, the University of Munich did a study on the colour green and found that it ‘substantially increases the number of creative outputs’. This is because green reassures us on a primitive level: being surrounded by green indicates the presence of water and little chance of thirst or hunger. When there is little danger we can shift our focus from survival to more abstract, creative thoughts. However, it can also allude to boredom when overused, so beware.


Humans of Harrow Hong Kong


A photographic census of the Harrow community, one story at a time. Inspired by Humans of New York. by Louisa Cho (Y11, Gellhorn)

by Nicole Pullinger (Y11, Gellhorn)

Picture this familiar scene: You have a test tomorrow, and though you are trying your best to revise, you are finding it exceedingly difficult to retain any information. You can make as many notes as you want, but you forget everything when the test rolls around. What if I told you there is a way to prevent this from happening? A method that takes advantage of our innate psychological characteristics and helps you better control your own mind? The secret behind this method is something you’d never guess: colours. That’s right: whether or not your revision is effective is determined before you even start writing, by the colour of the materials you use. Primates, including humans, take a lot of cues from what we see around us; this is because in the past, we didn’t have language and context to do that for us. This effect is absolutely strong enough to affect us, even today. Take red, for instance: although not technically the most visible, it does grab our attention the most because it triggers urgency and fast decision-making. However, using red isn’t ideal for revision, because we view it as aggressive due to an evolutionary adaptation such that we perceive it as being stronger and more dangerous than other colours. To us, red means blood and power. That’s why stop signs work so well, because they elicit a primary fear response. Blue, on the other hand, has the effect of calming and focusing the mind. Strong blues will stimulate clear thought ‘You can really know a person by while light blues will aid concentration. This is because instead of blood, blue makes us think of natural elements of the world watching them dance, because I think movements communicate more than words do.’ around us: the sky, or a cool lake. Using blue note-cards in revision is one way to make sure you remember everything Writers and photographers out there, step forward and contribute and relax at the same time. to get your work published! Email the editors at harrovian@ The correct yellow can lift spirits and self-esteem; it harrowschool.hk!

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