Year 6 Information Booklet 2022-23

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is an extraordinary place where pupils are offered support and encouragement to develop their potential to the full. Pupils leave the Prep School fully equipped to deal with life in the Senior School. This booklet aims to answer most of the questions you may have about how our Prep School is organised and what your child will do and learn in their year group. I look forward to meeting you soon and seeing your child flourish as they move through the School.

I am delighted to welcome your child into Year 6 at Harrow Hong Kong. I am confident that their experience will be a happy and fulfilling first year in the Upper School. At Harrow Hong Kong the House structure is embedded in the ethos of who we are and pastoral care is very important to us. We are fully committed to our pupils’ personal and social development alongside their academic success; if they are to achieve their best they need to be confident and happy. House Masters / House Mistresses, Assistant House Masters / House Mistresses, Tutors and Matrons are aware of the individual circumstances and needs of each pupil in their House and monitor their academic progress and personal development. Boarding is an essential part of the Harrow House system and Year 6 is the first time your sons and daughters will get a chance to experience it at Harrow Hong Kong. Boarding Houses are places where our pupils learn, lead and have fun within a family atmosphere. Dedicated, creative and experienced teachers deliver an intellectually rigorous curriculum in order to feed curious minds. We value every boy and girl as a unique individual and ensure that all relationships are based on mutual respect. All staff take special care to ensure that children settle down quickly and happily into their new year group. They are also eager to get to know you and create opportunities to give parents a chance to become familiar with the Prep School. We know that a true education can only be gained by a strong and trusted partnership between teachers and parents. The School’s motto, Educational Excellence for Life and Leadership, encourages respect for and service to others. This underpins all that we do. The School aims to provide an excellent education within a community in which each pupil is recognised, cared for and valued. The School embraces its responsibility to develop the whole person and to instil a sense of service so that each pupil will wish to play an active part in Harrowsociety.HongKong


Ann Haydon Head



CONTROL Year 6 pupils begin this journey by exploring the formal elements: line, shape, tone, texture, colour, pattern and form with projects aimed to inspire them and enthuse their interest in art. Our primary focus is on control and the development of fine motor skills which will enable pupils to apply materials with a greater level of refinement and precision. These essential skills gained in Year 6 will create a solid foundation of knowledge which they will continue to develop throughout their Prep School Art experience.

The Art curriculum is designed to develop the relevant skills and experiences that pupils will need for further academic success at GCSE and A Level. This is based on 4 key areas: developing ideas, exploring materials, recording from observation and ultimately in their ability to resolve a project with one fantastic piece of work. In the Prep School we aim to develop pupils’ knowledge of the formal elements in order to enable them to develop fundamental skills in drawing and observation alongside their ability to respond to and be inspired by the work of others.


Art can enable pupils to explore their ideas and opinions in relation to wider world issues and encourages them to be a positive force for good in the world, as such global citizenship and intercultural learning is an integral part of our curriculum within the Art Department. We aim to raise pupil awareness of the UN Global Goals and use these as the thematic driving force for each project being studied. Year 6 pupils will study a range of projects inspired by Goal 15: Life on the Land and generate ideas and outcomes inspired by issues connected to biodiversity, deforestation and climate change in the context of plant and animal life across the globe.




Pupils learn by doing, constructing their understanding in collaboration with their peers. Each project is designed to be accessible at many levels, to accommodate pupils with prior experience, and pupils are encouraged to seek out the level that is appropriate for them. The Core aspects of the course will be: Literacy and Information Technology Thinking and Programming Creative Physical Computing

Our work will be deeply rooted in the computational thinking process, and we will cover block-based languages like Scratch used in game programming, providing solutions using Micro bits, App development and Web Design. The focus will be on learning concepts that can apply not only to computer science, but to all aspects of the pupils’ journey as a learner and beyond.


• Digital

The goal of this course is to introduce pupils to the breadth of Computer Science.

Pupils develop habits of creative and collaborative problem-solving. They are introduced to Computer Science as a way of thinking, relevant and applicable to a wide range of contexts. Through a problem-based curriculum, students explore the breadth of experiences and challenges that constitute Computer Science.

• Computational

Assessment takes the form of class quizzes, project work as well as group work and individual presentations that examine pupil understanding and application of the their computational thinking skills.

CREATING Whilst creating theatre, pupils will develop their creativity, problem-solving and collaborative skills. Year 6 pupils will create improvised, devised and scripted theatre from a range of stimuli.


• ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ by Nigel Williams



EVALUATING Throughout the year, pupils will evaluate their own and their peers’ performances. Evaluation is important in developing awareness of the elements that create effective performance. Pupils will be taught foundation analysis skills and theatre terminology to develop their evaluation skills.

DRAMA The three key components of Drama are creating, performing and evaluating. The Year 6 curriculum is designed to teach a balance of performance skills and transferable skills throughout the year. Pupils will work in a variety of theatrical genres whilst developing their creativity, teamwork, leadership, confidence and empathy. Pupils are assessed throughout the year on all three components through written and verbal feedback and peer assessment. TOPICS STUDIED IN YEAR 6 ARE: Baseline AssessmentThe Sound Collector • Darkwood Manor • Pantomime • ‘Ernie’s Incredible Illucinations’ by Alan Ayckbourn

Pupils will learn and develop a variety of performance skills such as physical theatre and mime. They will also learn to perform small sections of script. The focus is on building pupils’ confidence and the ability to express themselves clearly through the use of voice and movement to establish character.


RAO3 Explore links and connections between writers’ ideas and perspectives, as well as how these are conveyed.

• demonstrate presentation skills in a formal setting.

• use spoken Standard English effectively in speeches and presentations.

The Prep School English curriculum is designed to develop the following skills, all of which lead directly into the Edexcel IGCSEs. Pupils will focus primarily on reading and writing, but will also develop their proficiency in verbal communication and public speaking.

Write clearly with appropriate paragraphing and accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation and using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures.




Year 6 English covers all the listed Assessment Objectives, enabling pupils to develop their reading, writing and oracy, all of which will be assessed at different points in the year.

In the Autumn Term, pupils will begin the year by exploring the features of short stories and developing their creative writing skills. Throughout the year they will read a range of texts including a novel, poetry and extracts from Shakespeare plays as well as a selection of non-fiction texts. Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their existing inference skills and will begin to learn how to deconstruct quotations, exploring the impact of word choices and how writers create specific effects.

Communicate effectively and imaginatively, adapting form, tone and register of writing for specific purposes and audiences.


Pupils will learn to adapt their writing for different audiences and purposes, focusing on the effect of their own word choices and use of sentence structure for effect as well as the technical accuracy of their writing. They will also develop spoken communication skills, interrogating ideas verbally and working with peers to extend their own thinking.

• listen and respond appropriately to spoken language, including to questions and feedback to presentations.

Understand and analyse how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their effects.


RAO1 Read and understand a variety of texts, selecting and interpreting information, ideas and perspectives.


Speaking and listening skills:


GEOGRAPHY In Year 6, pupils develop core skills fundamental to the study of geography. A key unit of study is OS Map Skills. Pupils learn how to read and interpret OS maps in order to navigate successfully from one location to another. They develop an understanding of how to calculate scale and distance, as well as how to use four and six-figure grid references. Through their study of OS maps, pupils become familiar with symbols and compass directions, ultimately improving their mapping, numeracy and navigational skills. To develop a sense of place, pupils study the geography of China. They will use map skills to develop an understanding of China’s human and physical features and then use this knowledge to consider the challenges facing the country. Underpinning this is a study of the Three Gorges Dam, which enables pupils to consider the challenge of meeting China’s growing energy demands and leads into an investigation of how China’s population has changed over time. In order to develop their understanding of physical geography, pupils will study Coastal Environments. They learn how coastal processes create distinctive landforms such as headlands and bays, caves and arches. Pupils also consider how humans can defend and protect the coastline from erosion. Assessment takes the form of written tests, as well as group work and individual presentations that examine pupil understanding and application of the aforementioned skills.

Assessment in Year 6 is informal and based around the Harrow Leadership Attributes and could take the form of a group presentation, independent research, a debate, creative work or an examination of source material. We encourage collaboration, creativity, curiosity, risk-taking and independent thought. Pupils are required to reflect upon their own and others’ work. A written assessment in the Summer Term gives pupils the chance to practise skills they have developed over the course of the year. In the Summer Term, pupils visit the Hong Kong Museum of History to consolidate understanding of their unit on China.


The primary aim in the Prep School is to fire pupils’ curiosity and imagination, moving and inspiring them with the dilemmas, choices and beliefs of people in the past.

History helps pupils develop their own identities through an understanding of human experience from early man to the present day.

Learning involves full participation by pupils in lessons, whether in debates, class discussion, group work or occasional roleplays. The focus of class work ranges from short answer responses, presenting to others and learning how to construct paragraphs, along with a regular emphasis on handling evidence and source material.

Pupils are encouraged to question: Do we know for sure? How do we know? Where is the evidence? Can the evidence be interpreted differently?

A core aim of the Prep School History curriculum is for pupils to develop a chronological overview that enables them to make connections within and across different periods and societies. Year 6 begins with an investigation into the struggles of early man, identifying what makes humans different from other creatures and understanding why homo sapiens survived when Neanderthals did not. Pupils then learn about humans’ ability to farm, domesticate animals, and the transition from hunter-gatherer to the development of early civilisations. Three to four case studies are investigated, one on Ancient Egypt, one on the Romans or Greeks, the third on China. There is a focus on the concept of expanding networks of exchange in the period circa 1200BC-1200AD.

The Individual Needs Department at Harrow Hong Kong works alongside L&L, Counselling and House Pastoral Teams to ensure that the academic, social, and pastoral needs of pupils are met through quality differentiation, effective collaboration between educational stakeholders, and impactful staff development. The Individual Needs Department works with pupils who require extra support or extension beyond regular classroom differentiation in order to meet their learning needs. The Individual Needs Department supports pupils who enter the School with existing reports of individual needs and those who are later identified through the School’s referral system. Depending on the level of support needed, pupils may receive short-term or long-term intervention from an individual needs staff member within their regular lessons in collaboration with the class teacher, in small groups, or 1:1. The department also works with members of staff by identifying and sharing differentiation strategies based on specific pupil profiles, monitoring student progress, and providing professional development. Access arrangements for both internal and external assessments are facilitated by the department in partnership with the Examinations Officer in accordance with the guidelines from the Joint Council for Qualifications. The department is able to conduct internal assessments to aid the understanding of a pupil’s profile, and may also refer pupils to external specialists, including Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, and Educational Psychologists if further information is required.



Language is at the very heart of the learning process and it is the mission of the Language and Learning (L&L) department to prepare our multilingual pupils fully to excel in Academic English. To achieve success across the curriculum (and beyond) our pupils are required to use Academic English for such purposes as explaining, narrating, recounting, arguing, analysing and describing across a range of subject areas and in a variety of modes. Such language does not come naturally and requires explicit teaching. Pupils need to develop their understanding of how Academic English functions in order to achieve a range of purposes that are critical to success in school and exams. Our exciting Prep School programme focuses on developing the academic skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening and pronunciation. This is delivered by specialist teachers who are highly experienced in teaching English language to multilingual pupils. We use a variety of engaging and interesting course materials and in particular, we use linguistically graded, age-appropriate story books to provide a motivating context upon which to develop academic language use in a meaningful, enjoyable and productive Assessmentway.inYear

6 may take a variety of forms and will cover all aspects of academic English language development. There will be termly assessments in Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, Pronunciation and Presentation as well as external testing using the Oxford Online Placement Tests from Oxford University Publishing, UK.


In the native stream of Chinese, pupils study different aspects of Chinese literature. They study a range of genres including prose, non-fiction, poetry, fables and and start to learn some classical Chinese using the textbook Zhong Wen 1 & 2 (Junior Middle school edition). Pupils in the native streams are allocated into sets in the first half term and lessons are differentiated to challenge and support pupils at the appropriate level. They will learn to develop reading skills, including how to infer and summarise information drawing on evidence across a range of texts. They will begin to develop their awareness of authors’ craft, considering the effect of writers’ linguistic and structural choices and how they engage the readers. The main writing skills of drafting and proofreading are developed. Pupils will develop knowledge of narrative writing skills, and also have the opportunity to practise their descriptive writing skills focusing on using descriptive phrases and idioms to express their feelings. Alongside the language, pupils will continue to build up their knowledge and vocabulary by learning several Chinese stories, classic novels and legends.

CHINESE Native stream

At Harrow Hong Kong, we love languages and our mission is to develop excellent linguists and confident communicators who are passionate about learning languages. Our pupils will be able to express themselves effectively, both orally and in writing, and reach their potential in the target language. They will cultivate the necessary skills to grow as linguists and have an excellent understanding and appreciation of the language, culture and customs of the countries of the French, Spanish and Chinese speaking worlds.


Near-native stream

For the near-native stream, pupils will use a range of textbooks, including Chinese Made Easy 3 (3rd edition) Unit 1 & Unit 2, Chinese idioms and several texts from Zhong Wen. Pupils are allocated into suitable sets in the first half term and lessons are differentiated to challenge and support pupils at the appropriate level. One summative assessment takes place per term in reading, writing and listening or speaking skills. Pupils in the near-native streams are allocated into sets in the first half term and lessons are differentiated to challenge and support pupils at the appropriate level. In Year 6, pupils will study two main topic areas: Education and Family. Within these topics, they will also study sub-topics, including school life, shopping for special occasions, family members, housework, culinary diversity and pets.

In Year 6, pupils are allocated into suitable sets in the first half term and lessons are differentiated to challenge and support pupils at the appropriate level. One summative assessment takes place per term in reading, writing, listening or speaking skills. More informal assessments, including quizzes, vocabulary tests and projects will take place throughout the course. There are many opportunities for paired work, group discussions, speech and individual presentations in a class environment. We incorporate digital technology to aid learning.


Pupils will continue to develop their four skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in order to understand and respond to a range of spoken and written texts. In Year 6, pupils start interpreting specific information, main ideas and some detail presented in oral, visual and written language, drawing conclusions and recognising implied opinions and attitudes in texts read and viewed. In writing, pupils will write with a clear sense of audience and purpose with argumentative format and style based on the topics they have learned. In speaking, they will learn to communicate substantial information containing relevant and developed ideas and offer opinions on events, experiences and some concepts related to Chinese culture in Mandarin. Non-native stream In the non-native stream of Chinese, pupils will learn a range of topics through a variety of fun exercises based on everyday life and experience. In Year 6, pupils will study two main topic areas: extended personal information, family and school life. Within these topics, they will also study sub-topics, including Family Members, Physical Appearance, Personalities, Hobbies, Occupations, and School Life. Functional language learning includes greetings and self-introduction. We use a range of textbooks, including Chinese Made Easy Second Edition and Easy Step to Chinese. Lessons are designed to build up pupils’ foundation of Chinese character writing, including strokes, radicals and basic phrases in Chinese. Pupils will also become more familiar with typing in Chinese by using Pinyin (the Chinese phonetic system). They will learn to use their knowledge of grammar to adapt and substitute individual words and set phrases. Key skills of grammar, four tones, character writing and typing are incorporated into every topic area. Pupils are taught to use spoken language to express their ideas clearly and in detail. They will develop their understanding of the main points from short spoken passages made up of familiar language. They will identify and articulate personal responses. Pupils learn to read the texts independently with some pinyin support and understand the main point of the texts. They will write short texts on familiar topics, adapting language that they have already learnt.

Our classes in French tend to be streamed based on pupils’ prior knowledge of learning French, but there is sometimes a need for pupils to receive additional support and reinforcement or further challenge in a different set.

There are a range of Co-Curricular Activities available in French; from Language Clinic at lunchtime where pupils can get extra help if needed, to revision classes nearer to assessment time, and activities with a French element.

Pupils will be following the interactive and differentiated Tricolore 1 French course. Beginners and more experienced pupils of French will explore the same topics, though not in the same depth. Beginners will concentrate on learning basic structures and implementing the new vocabulary and grammar concepts, and they will be supplemented with additional extension materials. More experienced learners will explore the topics in more depth and be provided differentiated tasks to challenge them and develop their linguistic skills and repertoire of vocabulary and grammatical structures. We aim to develop pupils as linguists by ensuring that they have the chance to work independently and in pairs and groups to develop their oral communication skills.

On entry to Prep School, pupils may be beginners or more experienced learners of French and will be exposed to a range of age-appropriate topics. Topics pupils will study range from introducing self, family and friends to school life and food and drink. They may be building on their prior knowledge of French from the Lower School and beginning to develop fluency in their written and spoken responses, or, as beginners, laying the critical foundations of core vocabulary and key phrases and basic grammar. Whatever their background, our pupils will focus on accuracy in writing and speaking and will be encouraged to communicate their opinions on a range of relevant topics.


There will be formal assessments throughout the course on all four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, and more informal assessments such as quizzes, vocabulary tests and projects so that pupils can demonstrate their learning in a range of different ways. Pupils will also be given guidance and support on how to learn languages successfully in class and during prep activities. There are many online resources which can be used to support pupils both in and out of the classroom. In Year 6, Linguascope and Language Perfect are great ways to learn vocabulary and practise pronunciation. The Language Gym and Languagesonline are also excellent websites to practise and consolidate the grammar and verb tenses. The Tricolore 1 resources are also supported by the Kerboodle online resource with a digital copy of the textbook.

There are a range of Co-Curricular Activities available in Spanish; from a Language Clinic one lunchtime per week where pupils can get extra help if needed, to revision classes nearer to assessment time, and activities to develop a pupil’s language skills further. In the past there have been activities offered on Hispanic Crafts, Spanish newspapers, Spanish Drama and Latin dance for beginners. Pupils have also been able to take part in the Hong Kong Hispanic Culture Festival, performing in Spanish in a variety of artistic genres.

Classes tend to be streamed based on pupils’ prior knowledge of learning Spanish, but there is sometimes a need for pupils to receive additional support and reinforcement or further challenge in a different set. Set movements will only take place at the end of a term unless there is a very good reason for the change.

On entry to Prep School, pupils may be beginners or more experienced learners of Spanish and will be exposed to a range of age and level appropriate topics. They may be building on their prior knowledge of Spanish from the Lower School and beginning to develop fluency in their written and spoken responses, or, as beginners, laying the critical foundations of core vocabulary and key phrases and basic grammar. Whatever their background, pupils will focus on accuracy in writing and speaking and will be encouraged to communicate their opinions on a range of relevant topics such as talking about what they do in their free time, describing their school subjects and daily routine; talking about food and shopping and describing where they live. They will also be introduced to the present and near future tenses.



Pupils will be following the excellent Colega Spanish course. This course combines a fresh, colourful and fun approach with a clear progression which really helps pupils enjoy learning Spanish, and prepares them perfectly for IGCSE. It is divided into three books. The course will be supplemented with additional extension materials to further challenge our learners. We aim to develop pupils as linguists by ensuring that they have the chance to work independently and in pairs and groups to develop their oral communication skills. There will be formal assessments throughout the course on all four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, and more informal assessments such as quizzes, vocabulary tests and projects so that pupils can demonstrate their learning in a range of different ways. Pupils will also be given guidance and support on how to learn languages successfully in class and during prep activities. There are many online resources which can be used to support pupils both in and out of the classroom: in Year 6, Linguascope, Español-extra and Language Perfect are great ways to learn vocabulary and practise pronunciation.


Prep School Mathematics at Harrow Hong Kong is when we build upon pupils’ prior knowledge and deepen their understanding, with a mind to develop an enjoyment of this fascinating and varied subject. These are vital years for pupils of mathematics when, amongst other topics, they will be introduced to the power and versatility of algebra, the key building blocks of geometry, and the logic required to become resourceful and confident problem solvers. STUDY and

proportion • Perimeter and area • Sequences

FOR YEAR 6: • Integer calculations • Introduction to algebra • Transformations • Factors and multiples • Data collection and processing • Fractions • Classifying shapes • Decimals • Angles • Substitution • Probability • Percentages • Measures • Solving equations • Presenting data • Ratio

In Year 6, there is also a large emphasis on building and maintaining strong numeracy skills and, as such, times table practice features in our testing and we have a ‘no calculators’ policy for this year group. Regular times tables practice is a valuable activity that can be completed at any time and can also be a fun game with parents! Alongside a focus on developing understanding in the topic areas and building numeracy skills, curriculum time is dedicated to what we call the Creative Curriculum. During these sessions, pupils are given the opportunity to experience mathematics in a different way from normal. These lessons work to develop problem-solving and reasoning skills, as well creativity and collaboration. Throughout these sessions the emphasis is placed on how the pupils choose to approach the tasks and reflect upon their choices afterwards, rather than focusing on content and on the solution alone. All pupils are split into two bands for their learning of mathematics in the Prep School, and within these bands they are further divided by ability into a ‘support,’ ‘core’ or ‘extension,’ group, with movement between the groups as and when appropriate. All groups will cover the same core work over a six-year period, as all pupils at Harrow Hong Kong will be prepared for the IGCSE Edexcel examination in Year 11.


MUSIC This year of practical music-making begins with a focus on the elements of music, and pupils emerge with an understanding of melody, harmony, rhythm and pulse. This knowledge is applied to two composition tasks: the first is based on the concept of the Ostinato (repeating patterns) and the second falls within the framework of Programme Music (pictorial music). Pupils also learn about the instruments of the orchestra. There are also two performance-focused projects in Year 6. In the Summer Term, pupils will prepare for the annual cross-curricular performance, and they will also embark on a keyboard skills project, during which every member of the year group will perform to their Summativeclass.assessment in Year 6 is based on several performances and compositional projects undertaken through the year; this includes a group composition project and GarageBand compositions. Singing and listening skills are also assessed throughout the course of the year. All pupils also have access to the vibrant Co-Curricular Music programme which runs throughout the year. Individual music tuition is available in a variety of studies from the trombone to the guitar, and lessons are delivered by a team of experienced and specialised visiting music teachers. There are also many opportunities for pupils to engage with group music-making; various orchestras, choirs and bands rehearse on a weekly basis and perform in frequent internal and external concerts.


At Harrow Hong Kong, we have incorporated Health into our curriculum to give it a holistic touch. Therefore we have renamed our curriculum “Physical Education & Health”. This allows pupils to explore more about themselves and seek strategies to cope in our ever-changing world. Pupils in Years 6 to 9 have one PEH lesson per week, and a double games lesson, and cover six different units of work to increase physical competence and develop the confidence to be able to take part at participation level and live a long and healthy lifestyle.

The premise of the programme is to enable every pupil to flourish and to establish the appropriate pathway that best suits the individual and the skills they possess. The programme aims to develop the pupil first and foremost as an athlete. From this point onwards it allows each pupil to experience and engage in a wide range of sports, allowing them to develop, display and transfer their skills.


Our vision through PEH is to give every pupil a wide variety of opportunities to develop and strengthen their values, physical competence and confidence. This will ensure our pupils have the tools to lead a long and healthy lifestyle in a complex world.


Team Pathway Individual Pathway All Rounder Pathway Volleyball Harrow Fit Football Basketball Athletics Volleyball Netball Gymnastics Holiday Games Rugby Table Tennis Beach Tennis Football Badminton Badminton Harrow Fit/Watt bikes Tennis Cricket


The PEH department is continuously striving to ensure we are delivering the most relevant programme. The main drive behind games is to ensure we have a programme which places pupil development at the centre and ensures it enables all our pupils to flourish. It is important to acknowledge that all pupils associate with sport and physical activities in different ways. The PEH Department’s goal is to tailor a programme that suits the needs of our pupils whilst allowing them to experience a wide range of sporting activities. We want our pupils, as they move into the Prep School, to think of themselves as ‘athletes’ and to understand that so many of the fundamental skills they have learnt in the Lower School are transferable across sports. To this end we have introduced pathways into our games programme. The pupils and teachers will decide which pathway, from team, individual and all rounder, best suits their needs. The sports delivered in each pathway are slightly different and each teacher sets appropriate lesson outcomes based on the standard of their class. The sports within these pathways are delivered at the time of the year which coincides with the ISSFHK seasons. This allows staff to have the ability to further advance co-curricular teams within the games setting as well as SCAs and CCAs. Pupils do have the ability to change pathways but this would be through consultation with both pupil and parents. The table below shows the sports that are delivered in each pathway. On average, there are normally 4 classes of pupils per pathway with an average of 20 pupils per class. As each class rotates through different sports, they are taught by the teacher with specialist knowledge in that area.

Physical Education and Health units prepare our pupils by giving them experiences through a variety of activities in an array of environments. These include the astro, pool, courts, sand, indoor sports halls and track. Physical Education and Health will open up opportunities for our pupils to participate in sport on and off the playing field. Physical Education and Health is the doorway to careers such as medicine, physiotherapist, lawyer, player agent, CEO of major sports organisations and more.

Participating in sports is part of our culture here at Harrow Hong Kong. Recreation and competitive sport is catered for in fifteen sports codes across the academic year. Our competitive sports programme offers regular opportunities to play fixtures against other international and local schools in Hong Kong. We compete in the International Schools Sports Federation Hong Kong (ISSFHK) and Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation (HKSSF) leagues and annual friendly fixtures. Fixtures take place mostly




As part of the games provision, pupils have the opportunity to opt into either golf or horse riding lessons during games. Both activities occur off site and are led by external coaches. Pupils have the opportunity to experience these activities for a term and then return back into the games pathways. The purpose of these activities being placed in games is to offer another new experience and is not designed to develop the elite performer. These are paid lessons and therefore have a cost attached.

to: • Build a solid house culture • Develop camaraderie, friendships & trust • Provide leadership opportunities • Represent a team and contribute to competitive competition • Stay active • Take part in a variety of sports

HOUSE SPORT At Harrow International School Hong Kong, we have an all-inclusive House Sports Competition that allows our pupils to have another opportunity to play sport and wear their House colours with pride. House sport is a hotly-contested competition and you can see the passion in every House when they compete against one another. All Houses take part in the following sports: Sports Day (Track & Field), Cross Country, Netball, Football, Touch Rugby, Basketball, Swimming, Dodgeball, Badminton and Indoor Rowing. House Sport Competitions are opportunities

Competitive sports leagues start in Year 6 (U12) and reach their pinnacle at Year 13 (U19). Harrovians who do not consider themselves athletes when they arrive at our School discover new sports and the talent to play them with great skill and flair. Many continue to enjoy the sporting abilities they discovered at Harrow Hong Kong long after leaving us and take the lessons they have learnt with them into the world beyond school.

Overseas sports tours are an important part of our sports programme. Tours provide the opportunity for our pupils to bond as a team and measure their progress against schools from around the world. The experience and the memories that our pupils gain will be with them for the rest of their lives.

The Physical Education and Health Department are hugely experienced in high performance sport. Pupils who have aspirations to achieve honours in their chosen sport are well supported by the department as pathways are available for our pupils who choose to compete at the highest level and achieve academically at same time. All fixtures, results and team details can be found at

24 mid-week and also on Saturdays, depending on the sport. Harrow Hong Kong also hosts a number of tournaments throughout the year in various sports and these are well attended by other schools.

Sports Super Curricular Activities give pupils more opportunity to explore and challenge themselves in a sporting context. Pupils can enjoy extra time taking part in their favourite sports which will allow them to have more time on task to accelerate their learning. Pupils will apply the skills learned in SCAs in competitive fixtures and tournaments.



• Rugby • Use of the gym • Tennis • Volleyball • Basketball • Football • Athletics / XC • Netball • Badminton • Touch Rugby • Gymnastics • Swimming • Table Tennis For the latest photo

25 Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Rugby ✓ ✓ Harrow Fit ✓ ✓ ✓ Tennis ✓ ✓ ✓ Volleyball ✓ ✓ ✓ Basketball ✓ ✓ ✓ Football ✓ ✓ ✓ Athletics / XC ✓ ✓ ✓ Netball ✓ ✓ ✓ Badminton ✓ ✓ ✓ Touch Rugby ✓ Gymnastics ✓ ✓ ✓ Indoor Cricket ✓ ✓ ✓ Indoor Cycling ✓ ✓ ✓



follow us on Instagram and Twitter Instagram: @harrowhksport Twitter: @HarrowHKSport

The Co-Curricular programme delivers extra lessons for pupils to polish their sporting skills or play recreationally. It allows pupils to stay active after a day of academic study and get in the extra work if pupils are pursuing academic and sporting goals. activities supplement our PEH and SCAs if pupils need to work on their skills to get ahead and achieve the targets they have been set by their teachers. The following sports are delivered throughout the year: updates

What is the Love of Wisdom? An introduction to philosophical thought. • Confucius on knowledge • Socratic questioning • Orunmila and Yoruban philosophy • Plato’s theory of forms • Aristotelian logic • Descartes’ theories of knowledge Summer Theology


What is Sikhism? Explaining Sikh beliefs and practices. The origins of Sikhism • Sikh Gurus • The Khalsa • 5 Ks • The concept of Sewa

In the Upper School, Philosophy and Religious Studies is a multidisciplinary subject, looking through the lenses of Philosophy, Theology and Social Anthropology. Each discipline is a significant academic field in its own right and the topics studied in Year 6 have been selected to introduce pupils to these fascinating and thought-provoking areas of knowledge. Pupils will investigate and debate questions such as: How wise is it to believe the world is as it looks? When is an argument valid? How is service a form of worship for Sikhs? Is it our mind or our body that makes us who we are? With global citizenship at the heart of the PRS curriculum, pupils are introduced to a diverse range of ideas and beliefs, learning about groups and thinkers that may have been academically marginalised in the past.

What makes me who I am? Personal and human identity and the study of symbolism in society and religion. • Theories of personal identity • Physicalism and dualism • Symbols and religion • Linking symbols and identity Spring Philosophy




Pupils’ progress will be monitored throughout each topic through informal checking of knowledge (such as quizzes and marking of books). Pupils’ progress in each topic will be summatively assessed using a variety of multiple-choice knowledge questions, short-answer questions and essays. Helpful feedback and opportunities for pupils to ‘Step Up’ their work follow both formative and summative assessment.

Broadly, all approaches in PRS encourage pupils not only to be able to explain and analyse theories and beliefs, but also to comment on them and reach their own justified conclusions. However, each disciplinary ‘lens’ requires the development and application of unique skills. In the Philosophy topic, pupils will be introduced to the concepts of validity and soundness and begin to make judgements about theories based on this. In the Theology topic, pupils will begin to explain religious beliefs in detail and understand how these influence believers. In the Social Anthropology topic, pupils will analyse sociological ideas and identify the implications of different approaches in society.



SCIENCE Science is the study of the world around us. Biology investigates the wonders of life, and the Science Department is alive with animals and plants of different varieties. Chemistry offers the bangs and the bubbles, while Physics applies the laws and the theories to explain the many mysteries of the ever-expanding universe. The Prep School Science curriculum is largely based on the UK Key Stage Three curriculum, although it is tailored to meet the needs of our pupils at Harrow Hong Kong. The curriculum has been designed to enthuse pupils and to encourage them to develop a love of science, while also gaining the knowledge and skills that they can take forward into their IGCSE studies. Pupils are taught an integrated Science curriculum, with an equal weighting given to each of the sciences across the three years of Prep School (six lessons per fortnight). The Year 6 programme of study is as follows: SCIENCE INDUCTION


• Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems

• Muscles and Bones

Pupils learn about muscles working antagonistically and about the main bones of the body that are moved by muscles as part of the locomotion system. Pupils will also get out of their seats and will do some exercise, all in the name of science!

This topic looks in more detail at muscle tissue and the cells of which they are made.

Pupils will be introduced to all the excitement of science practicals in a laboratory. They will learn how to handle equipment and chemicals safely and how to draw scientific diagrams of common equipment found in a laboratory. Pupils will become familiar with measuring devices such as thermometers, measuring cylinders and balances as well as considering appropriate units of measurement. They will learn how to light a Bunsen burner safely and will carry out their first scientific practical in the Prep School. Finally, they will be introduced to the BBC micro:bits, which they will be using throughout the different topics listed below.

This topic looks at the organisation of living things, and pupils learn that all living things are actually made of the same basic thing – cells! Pupils get the chance to use microscopes to observe slides of different types of tissue that they have prepared, including their own cheek cells.

Later in the year, pupils carry out different experiments to separate substances, using filtering, evaporation and chromatography. They also compete to see who can get the most salt out of rock salt.

PHYSICS • Electricity

CHEMISTRY • The Particle Model

• Mixtures and Separation

Each year Harrow Hong Kong holds Science Week. A different theme is chosen each year and pupils join in fun and exciting activities around the School.

• Forces

This topic introduces pupils to different types of force and they are able to investigate the effect of difference factors on size of force. Pupils also consider the effect of balanced and unbalanced forces.

This topic introduces electricity and circuits, by first covering how to stay safe when using electricity at school and outside of lessons, too. Pupils will learn about the different components of a circuit, drawing circuit diagrams and investigating current.


Internal assessment takes place throughout Year 6, with end-of-topic tests used to track pupil progress. Pupils will also be assessed on different skills as they complete different skills assessments within each topic studied.

Our pupils’ Chemistry journey begins in Year 6 with pupils learning that everything is made up of tiny particles that they cannot see. Pupils examine the evidence for this theory, and they are able to apply their understanding of the models to the properties of materials in each state.



At the end of the academic year, pupils will spend some time enhancing their research skills as they learn about the work of different scientists. They will discover the ideas that made them famous but also gain an understanding of their academic backgrounds and influences upon their lives.


PERIODS Lessons are called ‘periods’ at Harrow Hong Kong, although periods include activities in the SCA programme as well as academic lessons. There are four periods in the morning, each lasting 55 minutes, with a 25-minute break between the second and third periods. There is a five-minute break between each period to allow pupils time to move from one department to another. Although there are three consecutive periods in the afternoon, they include SCA periods on most afternoons of the week. 8.00 AM - 8.10 AM Morning Call-over in Houses (start of the day) 8.15 AM - 9.10 AM Period 1 9.15 AM - 10.10 AM Period 2 10.10 AM - 10.35 AM Break 10.35 AM - 11.30 AM Period 3 11.35 AM - 12.30 PM Period 4 12.35 PM - 1.30 PM Lunch 1.35 PM - 2.30 PM Period 6 2.35 PM - 3.30 PM Period 7 3.35 PM - 4.30 PM Period 8 4.45 PM Co-Curricular Activities 4.45 PM Buses for Day Pupils depart



Houses have a roll call known as Call-over after breakfast, at lunchtime, after supper and at lights out every day at which one of the House Pastoral Team is present. In addition to the registration of pupils, School and House notices are read.

All pupils return to Houses at break for a snack and to change their books for the two periods after break. LUNCH Lunch is a formal meal when the House Master or House Mistress, usually accompanied by one or more of the House pastoral team, eats with the House in their designated area in the Dining Hall. High standards of behaviour and manners are expected, but lunch is an important break in the middle of the day and an opportunity for building the strong sense of House community in Houses with both boarders and day pupils.




On Monday morning, there is an Assembly for the Upper School from 8.20am-8.45am, followed by a tutor period.



ETHOS The House’s primary function is to provide a secure, happy and nurturing environment, in which all pupils thrive. Under the House Master’s/ House Mistress’s (HMs) leadership and with the support of other pastoral specialists, the House underpins a pupil’s personal and academic development, so that they are prepared to enjoy life and contribute to their community. They keep a watchful eye over the welfare, personal and academic development of every pupil in their care. For parents, their child’s HM is their main point of contact, and their child’s development is very much a partnership between pupil, parent and School. We encourage regular communication via phone and email, and parents receive a weekly House newsletter every fortnight with an update of recent events and forthcoming dates.

At Harrow Hong Kong, pupils in Years 6-8 are allocated to one of the six Prep School Houses. Alongside the House Master/House Mistress and Assistant HMs, we also have a resident Gap Tutor and a Matron to help boarding pupils. The Prep School Houses contain a mix of day pupils and boarders so they all have an opportunity to strengthen relationships regardless of their boarding status. 6-8



All Teachers in the Upper School have a role as a House Tutor in one of the Houses as part of the broader House Pastoral Team that supports the HMs in their roles. All House Tutors play a role in the supervision and running of the House during the course of a week (including eating meals with boarders and day pupils, helping with running evening prep and activities, and helping to facilitate House discussion meetings).

Dr Rachel Gregory is our School Psychologist and joined the school in the Summer Term 2022. Dr Gregory leads parenting workshops and programmes, group programmes for pupils to promote resilience, and training for staff on developing their own pastoral care of pupils. Through the School’s pastoral system, she advises, consults and supports staff and parents in addition to providing support to pupils individually and in small groups.



As part of the wider Pastoral team the School Counsellor, Ms. Lauren Liu, works with the HMs to ensure pupils are receiving the highest level of pastoral support. The School Counsellor helps pupils in the areas of academic achievement, career and social / emotional development, assisting the wider Pastoral team to ensure today’s pupils become productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow. Pupils are able to self-refer, or alternatively, parents and staff can refer pupils through the HM in order to see the School Counsellor.

Whilst keeping accurate records and ensuring the smooth running of the House is an essential element of the role, much of what a House Master or House Mistress does is unquantifiable. It is about building strong relationships with each of the pupils in their care, spending time with them and guiding them through the challenges they face in these important years. They aim to develop a House environment that inspires a love of learning; encourages independence of thought; insists on good manners and gets pupils to appreciate the positive effect that their actions can have on others.




There are a number of ways in which parents can communicate with the School in order to work together in the best interests of their child and the School community.

If your child is unwell, please contact the School and let us know about the absence by phone on 2298 9099 or by email to


Parents must also inform their HM of any illnesses, injuries or other medical matters that have arisen whilst at home, during weekends or holidays. If a pupil is ill during a weekend or holiday, he or she should not return to school until fully recovered and is deemed no longer infectious. Children who have had a temperature (higher than 37.5 degrees), should remain at home and not return to School until 24 hours with a normal temperature, without any medication. Children who have had diarrhoea or who have been vomiting should not return to School until 48 hours after the final bout of vomiting or diarrhoea. If a pupil is away from School through illness, an operation or any other cause, parents should communicate this with the HM concerning the pupil’s likely return date and any restrictions on his or participation in School life. The School would be happy to support pupils with School work or activities should there be long periods of unavoidable absence.



The first point of contact for a parent in the Prep School should be the HM. HMs operate an ‘open door’ policy and parents should feel comfortable with contacting their HM about any questions or queries that they have, either through the Pupil Diary, by email or by arranging an appointment through the Upper School Office. Parents should keep their child’s HM fully informed of any observations they have made at home or changes to the family situation so that they can support them accordingly in School. EMAIL A significant proportion of the School’s communication with parents is by email and there are two Consolidated Communications to parents each week (on Mondays and Thursdays), which are managed by the Upper School Office. It is, therefore, essential for every parent and guardian to have access to email and to ensure that the School has the current email address of all parents. Any problems with email should be addressed to the Director of ICT, Mr. Dinesh Alwani via



As the school information management system is provided by industry leaders, iSAMS, as well as the feature-rich Parent Portal, parents also have the option of using the mobile app, called iParent. The iParent app replicates most of the features from the Parent Portal in a convenient mobile format, with the added advantage of customisable notifications for information to do with your child or when information is published to the portal. Information about downloading and accessing the app is provided on the homepage of the Parent Portal but it is straightforward to use and is available for download from the Apple App Store and Google Play store by searching ‘iParent’. Once downloaded, the App can be unlocked by entering the school code ‘HAHK’ and then entering your existing Parent Portal username and password. Parents who do not know their Parent Portal login information should email iSAMS_support@ for assistance.


A growing body of useful information for parents is placed on secure areas of the Harrow Hong Kong website: the End of Term Reports for every pupil are published on the Parent Portal, which also contains the major School documents to which parents need access. The School website, has a link to the Parent Portal at the top of the first page. The Parent Portal is a secure part of the School website where parents can see all confidential information about their child’s progress and other important documents, such as the Terms & Conditions and the Guide to Parents. All parents are issued with a username and password for access to these secure areas. For any technical queries regarding access, please email our IT support team on HARROWits@harrowschool.hkHONGKONGiSAMS

@Harrow_HKTwitter/HarrowHK @HHKSPeel @HHKSun @HeadHarrowHK @HHKSShaftesbury @HHKSChurchill @HHKSShackleton @HHKSGellhorn @HHKSFry @HHKSWu @HHKSNightingale @HHKSAnderson @HHKSBanks @HHKSParks @HHKSKeller @HarrowHKDrama@HHKSDarwin @HarrowHKArt @HarrowHKMusic @HarrowHKLS @HarrowHKLib @HHKSPastoral /harrowhongkongInstagram /harrowhksport We always recommend

iParent App and Parent

as a secondary

At Harrow Hong Kong, we understand that parents like to keep informed of School events in different ways. We are also well aware that all of you have online access and use social media regularly. With this in mind the School has created a presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Below are some recommended social media addresses to Harrow Hong Kong using social media source Harrow Hong Kong Portal.


International School


of obtaining information as important messages will always be communicated to you via email through consolidated communications. CALENDAR The calendar can also be accessed through the

follow. Facebook Page


YEAR 6 45 minutes

However, pupils will sometimes need to and/or want to find extra time to develop or finish their work. Pupils are encouraged to work in their free time during the day, but are discouraged from working late at night. Non-Sixth Form pupils enter every prep in their Pupil Diary, and HMs and House Tutors check these diaries regularly, thus reinforcing the importance of academic work and generating a regular discussion of work between each pupil and the HM or House Tutor.


PREP Prep is the work set by teachers to support the academic work completed in class and to help prepare for the work in future lessons. The amount of time that a pupil is expected to spend on prep varies by year group and by day of the week.

Any absence from School affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence will seriously affect their learning: there is a proven link between absence and underperformance in public examinations. Some universities and prospective schools also require us to share information about a pupil’s attendance, and the attendance figures are also placed on the School’s formal reports for all pupils. If requesting absence for a period of one day or less, parents should contact the HM. For periods more than one day parents should contact the Principal Deputy Head (Pastoral and Wellbeing), who will liaise with the Head. Parents should not expect permission to be automatically granted and should not make travel arrangements before receiving permission.

The School will normally share all relevant information with the parents of a pupil who is having academic, disciplinary or personal difficulties. However, while pupils are legally children until the age of 18, they have many rights of their own to confidentiality.

It may be, therefore, that pupils have control over the confidentiality of certain medical or personal matters that they choose to share with people such as their Class Teacher, the Consultant School Psychologist and the School Health Care staff. However, the School will always encourage pupils to consent to the sharing of such information and concerns with parents.

During a pupil’s time at Harrow Hong Kong, the School will inevitably receive and hold quite a lot of information about them and their family. As a general principle this information will be treated as confidential, only discussed or shared among professionals at Harrow Hong Kong on a “need to know” basis and not passed on to anybody outside the School (including other parents) without good reason: ie. as part of our duty of care and with parents’ explicit consent.


• All medication, treatment and first aid administered to pupils, giving the name, date, medication/treatment, reason for administering (if not prescribed) and signed by the member of staff responsible.

• All significant illnesses, accidents or injuries to pupils (either as part of the above medical records or separately).

RECORDS A written record is kept of the following:

• Major behavioural incidents showing the pupil’s name, reason for the sanction and the person administering the reflective work.

• Any safeguarding allegations or suspicions of abuse.

• Any incidents of bullying (either as the victim or the perpetrator.)


• All fire drills and the regular testing of emergency lighting, fire alarms and fire fighting equipment.


If any of your or your child’s personal details change, it is the parents’ responsibility to inform the HM and Upper School Office at to ensure these details are up to date. This is vital to ensure we send letters and any other information to the correct email or postal address. The School will then update all the relevant information on our management information system. It is also essential we have the correct contact phone number of both parents and a guardian in the event of an emergency.

The School has a Health Care Centre onsite, which is open 24 hours a day during School term time (Sunday to Friday evenings) and is staffed by qualified Nurses. All pupils have access to the Health Care Centre when needed. Children who feel unwell or are injured should first ask an adult before visiting the Health Care Centre.

The Health Care Centre will call the child’s parents to explain what has happened and the treatment that was given; they will also inform their HM of any concerns.

Prescribed and ‘household’ medications are kept securely in a locked cabinet in the Health Care Centre. Pupils with medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes or severe allergic reactions are permitted to keep possession of their medication, but parents should inform the HM and the Health Care Centre. A spare inhaler, Epipen, Jext etc. should be given to the Health Care Centre in case of emergencies. Any medication prescribed by a doctor, however, should not be kept by the child or in School bags, but should be given to the HM to hand to the Health Care Centre. Only the Health Care Centre dispenses prescribed medicines, which should be in a clearly labelled medical bottle with the child’s name and dosage on it. If the details on the label are not written in English, parents are requested to provide an accurate and detailed translation. Nonprescribed medicines cannot be given by our Health Care Centre and should not be sent into School.




Our wellbeing programme is called Facing Challenges and seeks to encourage and develop resilience amongst pupils, who face a variety of personal challenges in their everyday lives. Health, social, economic and academic issues can all prove to be obstacles that prevent them from realising their potential or affect their wellbeing. The Facing Challenges programme aims to develop resilient individuals who embody the Leadership Attributes – dealing with problems positively and always looking for the solutions to any setback. The Facing Challenges programme, therefore, is one of the cornerstones of our pastoral education provision. The background of positive psychology, which underpins so much of what we do in the School, has been central in the creation of our resources for this programme, in which the sessions aim to be interactive and practical.

Parents are required to complete a Medical Form for their child on entry to the School and provide relevant health information, including details of drug reactions, major allergies and notable medical conditions. When a child makes a visit to the Health Care Centre, the visit is noted in the child’s medical record along with any treatment given.


• Super-Curriculum Activities (SCAs)

• Progress Report (PR): This contains Attainment and Engagement in Learning Grades, and usually a brief HM comment on the pupil’s grades.

Providing an all-round education is part of the fabric of a Harrow education. Through providing a stimulating wider curriculum, we embrace and inspire each child to develop the Harrow Leadership Attributes, as well as creativity and innovation. We aspire to develop the whole child to be equipped with essential skills for the future and to become leaders for a better world. Quality and inclusivity are at the centre of our Harrow Horizons Programme. Harrow Hong Kong delivers a high quality programme, where each pupil has the chance to broaden their horizons, develop talents, explore new interests whilst developing our core skills and Harrow Leadership Attributes.

Pupils will receive two types of report:

The Harrow Horizons Programme can be distinguished into three main areas:

CCAs take place before School, during lunchtimes and after School time and are not part of timetabled lessons. Leadership in Action comprises of the camps and expeditions that take place throughout the year. More details of each activity and how to book them can be found in the Harrow Horizons Programme Booklet.



• Leadership in Action (LiA)


• Full Report: (FR) This contains Attainment and Engagement in Learning Grades, Subject Reports, House Tutor Targets, an HM Report and information on attendance and rewards.

We are committed to ensuring that all our pupils are given every chance to achieve their very best in all areas of their education. Effective feedback plays a vital part in ensuring this happens. We intend feedback to be accessible, achievable and motivating, and to take into account all aspects of the pupils we educate. We aim to deliver timely and accurate verbal and written feedback that is communicated in a positive, straightforward and supportive manner, so that pupils and their parents understand how best they can make progress, and the areas they need to develop.

Full Reports and Progress Reports will be issued at different points in the academic year. In Year 6, it will be December (PR), March (FR) and June (PR, no HM comment).

Pupils choose two SCAs each term, which are taught within the structured School day.

• Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs)


These evenings are an opportunity for parents to discuss in detail their child’s academic attainment and engagement in learning. They should be consultative and constructive; parents and pupils should feel supported; they should also gain a clear understanding of targets and next steps. These evenings are positioned at strategic points during the academic year to ensure teachers are providing effective feedback at appropriate or critical times in a pupil’s education. As well as the subject teachers, the pupil’s HMs and members of the Senior Leadership Team will be available to answer questions or address concerns.

SPEECH DAY Speech Day (fondly known as ‘Speeches & Prizes’) is held on the final day of the Summer Term and is a formal celebration of pupil achievements over the course of the year. The Upper School Speeches & Prizes programme consists of a series of short drama and musical pieces from pupils, a prize giving ceremony, a speech from the Head and a reenactment of the traditional Harrow School Bill ceremony in which every pupil files past the Head and as their name is called they raise their hat and say “Here, SpeechMa’am!”DayPrizes

* Please note that if a Parents’ Evening is attached to Celebration of Learning (CoL) then it will take place mid to late afternoon.

• Purchasing an iPad through the School - we will provide fully configured and readyto-use Apple laptops available for purchase at a discounted rate.


for Leadership are awarded to pupils in both Prep and Senior Schools, and are given to the pupils who, over the course of the year have most consistently demonstrated the School’s six Leadership Attributes in their School life.


• Reconfiguring an existing Apple iPad that meets certain specifications. More information can be received by contacting the IT Department at

The School requires all pupils from Year 6 to have their own Apple iPad computer to access the curriculum effectively. The research is clear and compelling; continuously improving technologies are profoundly changing what, how, when, and where people learn. We aim for our pupils to become increasingly sophisticated users of technology and to support and enhance their learning in doing so while encouraging them to be responsible for all aspects of its use. There are two schemes available:

All individual instrumental music lessons take place during the school day on a rotating schedule in order that children do not have to be excused from the same class lesson each week. Hence, the lesson time is different every week. There are 30 lessons taught over the whole academic year and the termly invoices are separated into three groups – 13 lessons for the Autumn Term, 10 lessons for the Spring Term and 7 lessons for the Summer Term. Should you have any questions, please contact the Music Department by email at

The School’s Severe Weather Policy can be found on our website:


The School runs an extensive bus routes system. We have recently been through a thorough bus routes audit to ensure our pupils have seamless shortened journeys into School. For more information please contact the Upper School Office.

The rainy season in Hong Kong usually runs from April to September, and in severe weather conditions the School adheres to official public announcements from the Hong Kong Observatory and the Education Bureau. Broadcasts are usually announced on both radio and television by 6.15am and are repeated at regular and frequent intervals throughout the day. The updates will also be posted on the website, the School app and Engage portal. Parents are advised to refer to the parent portal about the arrangements, which apply in all cases except when pupils are taking external examinations. Pupils, parents and staff should check the government’s announcements regularly, but if you have any enquiries, please contact the respective House Masters/House Mistresses if needed.

. Music lessons are given for the following instruments: Acoustic Guitar French Horn Saxophone Bass Guitar Harp (for up to ABRSM Grade 5 level) Singing Cello Orchestral Percussion Trombone Classical Guitar Trumpet Clarinet Organ (Pupil must have passed ABRSM Piano Grade 5 at the time of application.) Tuba Drum Kit Ukulele Electric Guitar Viola Flute Piano Violin


FOOD The School’s catering company is Chartwells and it provides a morning and afternoon snack, plus a full lunch buffet in the Dining Hall every day. There are three choices of hot food at lunch each day (one western, one Asian and one vegetarian). The children choose which option they would like and may have second helpings if they wish. There is also a full salad bar and fruit is served for dessert. All lunch menus are available for parents to view on the School website. The School caters for special dietary requirements and these should be made clear to the HM and to the Admissions department when the pupil first enters the School via the Pupil Medical Form. In order to protect those members of the School community who have serious food allergies, it is important that no food or snacks are brought from home.

Friday 24th February 2023 Friday 23rd June 2023


If for any reason, your child is unable to make any of the above dates, we recommend you contact the British Council in Hong Kong or other established organisations (the overseas school you are applying to may have some recommendations) to help you make similar testing arrangements. Should you be considering moving, please do contact Ms Haydon at who will be happy to meet with you to discuss your child’s future education.

Friday 28th October 2022 Friday 28th April 2023 Friday 25th November 2022 Friday 16th June 2023

Friday 30th September 2022 Friday 24th March 2023


We understand that due to the nature of the work of some of our parent body, it is necessary to look at options to relocate abroad, sometimes at short notice. We help a few families each year by arranging testing for the Schools to which they have applied. Parents normally pay an invigilation and administration fee for this service. In order to streamline this process and ensure families as well as the School have plenty of time to organise the entrance examinations for schools overseas we have set dates in the termly calendar when these tests take place. These dates have been fixed around our Admissions schedule and the timelines of overseas schools and are given below.


BOYS Summer Short sleeve Shirt + Boys Trousers + Blazer, Jumper + Lion Tie + Navy Socks + Belt Winter Long sleeve Shirt + Boys Trousers + Blazer + Jumper + Lion Tie + Navy Socks, Belt PE Uniform PE Polo + PE Shorts + Track Top + Track Pants + Swimming Cap + Sports Cap + Sport Socks + Sports Kit Bag.

PE Uniform PE Polo + PE Skorts + Track Top + Track Pants + Swimming Cap + Sports Cap + Sport Socks + Sports Kit Bag. School Bag (L) + Straw Hat School uniform can be purchased from the online store, , the School Shop or the shop in Jordan: SHOP - 6.00PM (Monday to Saturday) 2/F, Will Strong Development Building, 59 Parkes Street, Jordan, Kowloon Tel: +852 2523 2517 / +852 2742 2498 SHOP school days: - 4.30PM (Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays) (Closed for lunch from 12.15PM to 1.15PM, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays)




47 SCHOOL UNIFORM School uniform is compulsory for all pupils. Through their dress and appearance as well as in other respects, all pupils should ensure that they are a credit to Harrow Hong Kong and themselves at all times. This includes the journey to and from School and when representing the School off the campus.


GIRLS Summer Short sleeve Blouse + Skirt + Blazer + Lion Tie + Cardigan + Navy Socks Winter Long sleeve Blouse + Skirt + Blazer + Lion Tie + Cardigan + Navy Socks / Tights


Uniform is one of the obvious links with Harrow School in the UK. Pupils are reminded of the history and tradition that comes with wearing the Bluer and Hat: they are expected to wear the uniform with pride and respect for what it represents. School uniform should be worn to all periods during the School day, apart from PE, Drama and Games periods. Pupils should change into or out of sports kit at break or lunch and not remain in it all day. For boarders, “home clothes” may be worn after the end of the formal School day.


HAIR Hair should always be neat and tidy in appearance and pupils are not allowed any form of haircut, length or style that makes them stand out and may attract unnecessary attention. This means:

• While length is a matter of perception, hair for boys should always be off the collar. All girls should tie their hair back if it is longer than shoulder length.


Only black leather shoes capable of being polished are to be worn as part of School uniform, and these should be accompanied by navy blue ankle socks.


• No extreme styles such as gelled spikes or shaved heads.



COATS Coats should be smart and plain without logos, navy, black or grey in colour and long enough to cover the Bluer.

No visible jewellery (including charity bracelets) is to be worn other than one pair of earrings (plain studs only) for girls. Body piercing of any kind is strictly forbidden.


• No hair extensions.

When appropriate, cardigans may be worn underneath the Bluer to keep pupils warm. However, cardigans should not be worn instead of a Bluer.

• No dyed hair.

Top buttons and ties must always be done up and shirts tucked in. BELTS If belts are worn they must be plain black with a simple buckle.

Only official School sports kit may be worn to PE or Games periods. There are team strips for pupils to wear when representing the School in sports matches. Pupils should wear either their white ankle socks or longer sports socks for PE or Games.



TATTOOS Visible tattoos, including when a pupil is wearing a swimsuit, are not permitted.


All items of School uniform must be labelled with the pupil’s name and House.

Girls below the Sixth Form are not allowed to wear make-up during the School day. Coloured nail polish and fake tan, which draw unnecessary attention, are not allowed.


Executive Assistant to the Head and Head of Administration Ms Joanne Kar

Director of Finance Ms Miranda Ng


Assistant House Master Ms Bonnie Tang

Deputy Head of Lower School (Teaching & Learning) Mr Gary Hancock

Assistant Head (Pastoral and Wellbeing) Ms Kim Gration

Assistant Head (Academic) Miss Freya Crofton

Assistant House Master Ms Megan Smith



House Master Mr Nick Weinberg

DARWIN House Master Mr Tom Cameron

Director of Operations Mr Jim Nightingale

Assistant Head of Lower School (Digital Strategy and Continuing Professional Development) Miss Abi Hiley


Principal Deputy Head (Pastoral and Wellbeing) Mr Tom Hicks

Director of Human Resources Ms Madeleine Ponting

Deputy Head (Co-Curricular and Organisation) Mr Jonny Franks

Assistant Head of Lower School (Pupil Progress) Ms Dawn Chambers

Head of Lower School Mr Brendan Shanahan

LIST HEAD Ms Ann Haydon

Deputy Head of Lower School (Pupil Wellbeing) Mrs Lauren Berner

Principal Deputy Head (Curricular) Ms Laura Yandell

Deputy Head (Academic) Mr James Brewer

Deputy Head (Pastoral and Wellbeing) Mr Simon Mildinhall

Assistant House Mistress Ms Penny Hicks

SHACKLETON House Master Mr Rian Stone

FRY House Mistress Ms Jenny Mitchell


KELLER House Mistress Miss Ceri Armit

Assistant House Mistress Ms Lizzie McGough

Assistant House Mistress Ms Connie Hu

Assistant House Master Mr David Tuck

GELLHORN House Mistress Ms Naina Nightingale


Assistant House Mistress Ms Caitlin Sherring

Assistant House Mistress Ms Amanda Lam

PEEL House Master Mr Dominic Berner

Assistant House Mistress Ms Hannah Minty

NIGHTINGALE House Mistress Mrs Holly De Vies

PARKS House Mistress Ms Charlotte Townsend

House Mistress Mrs Swati Ray

Assistant House Mistress Mr Jamie Tsang

CHURCHILL House Master Mr Ross Stokley

Assistant House Master Mr Mike Sallabank

Upper School Office Bus Information Accounts


SUN House Master Mr Oliver Paulin

Assistant House Master Mr Will Bussey


Admissions Human Resources ICT

Mr Mark Edwards

Mrs Catherine Illsley


Assistant Day House Mistress Mrs Ella Loosmore

School Counsellor Ms Lauren Liu

Lower School Office

Head of Language and Learning Dr Cody Edene

Ms Michelle Gedge

WU House Mistress Mrs Kirsty Wilson

Head of Individual Needs Ms Amanda Lam

SHAFTESBURY House Master Mr Robert Powell

Assistant House Master Mr Milo Bellamy

MATRONS Mrs Melanie Cameron

Swimming Mr Malcolm Green Tennis Mr Ross Stokley


Executive Director of Sport Mr Ian Williams

FRENCH Ms Lucy White


ENGLISH Mr Dominic Rapley

COMPUTER SCIENCE Ms Razia Suleman Darvesh

GEOGRAPHY Mrs Letitia Weinberg

Athletics and Cross Country Mrs Sarah McMillan


LANGUAGES Mr Graham Simms

SPANISH Mrs Yolanda Homs


HISTORY Mr David Tuck

MUSIC Mr Tom Wiggall

ART Mrs Gemma Myles

DRAMA Ms Vicky Courtis

Head of Upper School Sport Mr Ben Loosmore


Head of Lower School Sport Miss Hannah Minty

MATHEMATICS Ms Louise Ackroyd

PRS Mrs Sabrina Peck

Head of Sixth Form Mrs Jo Morris


Mrs Sharin Sikka

Chemistry Mr Andrew Davies

SCIENCE Ms Zara Holliday

Head of Pupil Leadership Mr Brian Murphy


USA Universities Coordinator Ms Jess Darke

Physics Mr Matthew Twomey

Admissions Officer and Head of Scholars Mrs Penny Hicks


Head of Charities & Community Service Mr Carl Doree

Biology Ms Siobhan Mccrohan


Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator Mr Thomas Carter


Prep School Science Coordinator Miss Ceri Armit

Examinations Officer Dr Cathy Clerc


Assistant Head of Sixth Form Guidance Coordinator Mr James Roscoe



56 HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL HONG KONG 38 Tsing Ying Road, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong Tel: (+852) 2824 9099 Fax: (+852) 2824 9928

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