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Model United Nations HISMUN 2024

Hosted by Harrow International School Bangkok

CONTENTS Welcome Message by Head Master .................... 4 Secretary General's Address ............................... 5 Secretariat Introduction ...................................... 6 Schedule of the Day ........................................... 8 Committee Information ...................................... 9 Chair Criteria for Best Delegates ........................ 14 Map ................................................................... 15



WELCOME It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this MUN Conference, hosted here at Harrow International School Bangkok. It strikes me as particularly important for you to be furthering your understanding of the important issues at this time of great global unrest and uncertainty. I hope that you are able to sharpen your debating skills whilst learning the processes and mechanisms of the most significant worldwide organization. You will also learn other important skills as you respect and listen to the arguments and ideas of others. I also hope that you are able to forge strong friendships across school boundaries and that you enjoy today’s experience. Best wishes James Murphy-O’Connor Head Master


SECRETARY GENERAL ADDRESS Distinguished delegates, directors, and guests, It is an honour to be hosting the 4th sessions of Harrow International School Bangkok Model United Nations Conference and we, along with the rest of the secretariats, extend to you the warmest greeting to our conference taking place on the 4th of February 2024. As we approach a full recovery since the COVID-19 pandemic, the HISMUN team is incredibly excited to bring back HISMUN after 4 years. MUN is not only an integral part of our Harrow Bangkok community but also a universal instrument for developing interest in active citizenship amongst students. Considering the necessity that diplomacy holds in facilitating constructive international relations and dissuading the belligerence of conflict. We hope all delegates can be reminded of the founding principles of the United Nations - preserving peace - that have unwittingly been overlooked by current political powers and approach prevalent topics at the conference with the ambition for peaceful change. Our secretariat team hopes to create an environment for scholarly debate, passionate resolutions and creative thinking. Though, I most strongly hope that HISMUN 2024 will be an amazing opportunity for like-minded students to forge friendships amongst a mutual interest in MUN. Our MUN club is student-run and our team will be working extremely hard throughout the year to provide all delegates and directors with the facilities and materials they need for enjoying the conference. We are more than happy to answer any and all questions or concerns regarding the conference. Do not hesitate to contact us if there are any concerns or general enquiries. We sincerely look forward to cementing your school’s presence at our conference and welcoming you all to our campus in February. Your Sincerely, HISMUN Secretary Generals




Secretary General Manta is currently a year 12 student at Harrow Bangkok. She is honoured to serve as secretary general for the HISMUN IV 2024 and is incredibly excited to oversee the conference. She has appeared regularly in MUN as both delegate and chair. Regarded as being the ‘most dead chair’ of HSOC earlier, she is determined to make sure all delegates enjoy their time in her committee as well as for the upcoming whole conference. As part of the Harrow MUN leadership team, Manta is passionate about encouraging other students to join the club as well as helping or advising anyone in need of assistance regarding MUN. In her free time, she would mostly be reading books, exploring underwater worlds or playing with her beloved cat. She is interested in international relations, legal field and history, which she plans to study law and politics at University. Manta is more than delighted to serve as secretary general and is looking forward to welcoming all delegates. Secretary General Majah is currently a Year 12 student at Harrow Bangkok and it is her utmost pleasure to serve as your Secretary General for HISMUN 2024. This is her fifth year participating in MUN and has been to 9 conferences with HISMUN being her tenth; as well as being one of Harrow’s MUN club presidents for the 2nd year in a row. So you can say, MUN has been an integral part in shaping her into who she is today. Majah is, and has always been, a STEM student who has an avid interest in medicine. As a STEM kid doing MUN, she regularly gets questioned of why she is doing MUN. Her answer has always been the same since the start, MUN has provided her with valuable insight on current world issues, a chance for her to express her ideas, and most importantly, a welcoming society. Thus, she is glad to meet with old faces and welcomes all newbies to MUN no matter what their interests are! Majah extends a warm welcome and hopes HISMUN IV will be a valuable conference for all delegates, chair, advisors, and honourable guests who attend. Parliamentarian Nump-Nump is a year 12 student here at Harrow International School Bangkok and is honoured to be serving as parliamentarian for HISMUN 2024. After about 4 years of being a part of the wonderful MUN community, she has been to a total of 8 conferences, with HISMUN being her 9th. Although Nump-Nump finds herself interested in the field of engineering, MUN has always been a big part of her high school years as it has guided her into another perspective of the world that she could also apply to many aspects in life, as well as meeting lovely people. Nump-Nump is looking forward to meeting new and familiar faces in this conference and hopes that everyone attending will enjoy their time and share experiences which we will all remember and cherish. Parliamentarian Wendy is currently a year 12 student at Harrow Bangkok and she is honoured to serve as parliamentarian for HISMUN 2024. It's her second year as a part of the MUN community, delegating regularly at conferences. Aside from her love for literature and films, Wendy quickly found fascination in the dynamic debates showcased in MUN with her interest in history and law. MUN has been an inseparable, critical experience of her high school life, as it not only broadens her perspective with engaging discussion based on worldly knowledge, but also opportunities to meet insightful people with multifarious views of the world. Wendy looks forward to the compelling thoughts and discussions to be provoked at HISMUN and extends her warmest welcome to all.


SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 07:30-08:00: Welcome reception at the Queen Elizabeth II Hall Arrival and Registration 08:00-08:30: Opening Ceremony at the Queen Elizabeth II Hall 08:30-10:00: Delegates escorted to committees 10:00-10:15: Morning Break 10:15-12:30: Delegates reconvene in Committees (Caucus/Vetting/Debate) 12:30-13:20: Lunch 13:20-15:20: Delegates reconvene in Committees (Debate) 15:20-15:45: Afternoon Snack Break 15:45-16:30: Delegates reconvene in Committees (Debate) - Final session 16:30-17:00: Closing ceremony at the Queen Elizabeth II Hall

COMMITTEES & TOPICS UNSC - Contributions of Regional Mechanisms to the Prevention and Peaceful Resolution of Disputes WHO - Addressing vaccine distribution inequities and ensuring global access ECOSOC - The nexus between water, energy, and food security in the pursuit of sustainable development DISEC - Arms control in regions of ongoing conflict, such as the middle east UNEP - Global coordination towards lowering carbon emission through use of electric vehicles


INTRODUCING THE CHAIRS UNSC CHAIRS Welcome to UNSC! My name is Akira Keene Teotrakool and I am a senior at Triam Udom Suksa School. I am currently THAIMUN’s Secretary-General and this is my third year doing MUN. Outside of MUN, I am a professional workaholic at Triam. I enjoy writing Thai-English poetry, singing arias from Verdi's operas and reading philosophy. See me at @akirakeene or inquiries at akirakeene.work@gmail.com!

Akira Keene Teotrakool UNSC Chair

Dear delegates, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to 2024 HMUN. Take advantage of this conference to discover others, open your minds and enrich yourself as a person. I'm look forward to hearing from all of you. I wish you all a very nice conference and don’t forget: your voice counts, and you are those who will change the world, it’s up to you to decide how.

Hana Sheikh UNSC Chair


DISEC CHAIRS Greetings delegates of DISEC! For this HISMUN IV Conference, I will be your head chair for the DISEC committee. My name is Chaithammasorn Suwannagate but you can call me Thyme (he/him). I am 15 years old and I am in the 9th Grade (Year 10) at Roong Aroon International School. This will be my 11th MUN conference and my 3rd time chairing, needless to say, I am delighted to be chairing you all in DISEC. In this committee, delegates are required to use diplomacy and cooperation to deal with global issues and resolve a conflict regarding the arms control in regions of ongoing conflict.

Chaithammasorn Suwannagate (Thyme) DISEC Chair

Greetings delegates, My name is Kathryn (Katie) Frances Willis, and I’m a Y12 at British International School Bangkok, where I lead and chair the MUN activity. I see MUNasawayto find friends with a common interest in international relations, and find solutions for seemingly insurmountable global issues.

Kathryn Willis (Katie) DISEC Chair


WHO CHAIRS Welcome to our committee! My name is Hilight and I’m currently a sophomore at International Community School (ICS). I am beyond thrilled to be chairing WHO this time around with Jacey. I genuinely enjoy debating, MUNing, advocating for various global affairs as well as actively participate as a cross country runner. See you at the conference! Instagram (@hilightsilprachawong)

Nathamon Silprachawong (Hilight) WHO Chair

Hello, my name is Jacey Kim, a junior at International Community School. I am incredibly excited to be part of this conference as head chair for the World Health Organization committee! I have been to ten conferences so far, this being my fourth time chairing. To me, MUN has been such a wonderful place to meet new friends and discuss various topics with people; in chairing this committee, I hope to create a welcoming environment! If you have any questions regarding the chair report, please contact me through my email (jaceykm@gmail.com).

Minsol Kim (Jacey) WHO Chair


ECOSOC CHAIRS Greetings, esteemed delegates and guests, My name is Vaanya, a student at International School Bangkok (ISB). I am honored to chair this committee. Firstly I want to welcome you to ECOSOC, my personal favorite forum, I am committed to fostering insightful discussions. I look forward to facilitating a productive and collaborative session. Best regards, Vaanya

Vaanya Kapur ECOSOC Chair

Welcome delegates! My name is Tasha Sutivong, and I am a junior at International Community School (ICS). This is my third year at MUN, and it is an honour for me to serve as one of the chairs for the HISMUN The Economic Social Council this year. I am more than excited for the opportunity to support every delegate to the best of my abilities and hope to create the most meaningful conference for each and every delegate. Looking forward to a fruitful discussion together :) Good Luck! Tasha Sutivong ECOSOC Chair


UNEP CHAIRS Hello it’s me…(again), Esteemed delegates and honorable advisors. My name is Nump-Nump and it is also a pleasure to be serving as a head chair for UNEP. As your parliamentarian and chair, it is my duty to make sure that you enjoy this conference, so do not be afraid to ask questions and give suggestions in the committee or whenever you see me around! Please also remember that, if you’re lost you can look and you will find me…

Pailynn Srilomsak (Nump²) Parliamentarian/UNEP Chair

Hello everyone! My name is Detch, and I’ll be chairing for UNEP for this year’s HarrowMUN conference. I’ve attended a total of 11 conferences, however, this will be my first time chairing. I promise to try my very best! I hope to meet you all at future MUNs too!

Thanadetch Mateedulsatits (Detch) UNEP Chair



The Best Delegate and Best Chair Awards are awarded to the delegates and chairs who show a high standard of debate, intellect, and experience in MUN. HISMUN 2024 will be awarding one Best Delegate from each committee, chosen by the two chairs together based on the delegates’ involvement in the committee. The best Position paper award will also be given to one delegate from each committee, chosen by the chairs. The Best Chair award will be awarded to one chair from the conference. A Best Delegate will be chosen from each committee by the chairs.

The following criteria will guide the chairs’ and secretariat’s decisions: A high level of research and knowledge on the topics is shown, Delegate takes a highly active role in the committee, and shows an indication of leadership in caucus, Delegate shows strong eloquence and confidence in public speaking, Delegate produces good-quality resolutions which wholly address the problem, The delegate shows strong levels of debate and reasoning in the committee.

The following criteria will guide the decision: Chair sticks to deadlines and is communicative in lead up to the conference Chair shows good leadership qualities in organising their committee Chair is affable and respectable towards delegates Chair helps to mentor novice delegates through committee processes Applies the rules and procedures of HISMUN in a fair manner Presides over a productive committee

The following criteria will guide the decision: Position Paper shows an extensive level of research on the topic and include sufficient detail with elaboration Position Paper shows a well-organised and have a clear purpose, addressing the appropriate audience with effective use of information Accurate use of grammatical structures with appropriate register of language










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