In this publication, you will find pieces like “Movies Hollywood doesn’t want you to watch” which is an extremely riveting read full of the most intriguing movie
Welcome back, everyone, to the second
recommendations, or even an
publication of Pride Magazine!
introduction to law itself. Have a read of the Heads of Houses interview to
Admittedly, this year’s publication was
find funny comments from your own
harder than the last—we started later due
House Leaders (and maybe you can
to Covid reasons and we had a slightly
even find something to tease them
smaller crew. I’d like to thank Mr. Jadeja,
about too!) or maybe head over to
who was instrumental in recruiting
look at a thorough analysis of The
designers and making sure that deadlines
Martian for some food for thought.
were met, for helping us again this year.
Again in this publication, the poetry
Working with a smaller window for
and their accompanying illustrations
writing and designing is obviously a lot
will blow you away.
more difficult but with Mr. Jadeja’s help, everything was well-organised and
This is my last year as Editor for Pride
effectively delivered.
Magazine, and although I am sad to leave it, I am beyond excited to see
Then, what would the magazine be
what will become of it in the future. I
without our lovely writers and designers?
can’t wait to see each generation of
I’d like to thank all of the writers for
Harrovians bring more insightful and
persevering and giving us new and
creative ideas for us all to read. I hope
interesting ideas and recommendations—
you are just as excited to read this
editing these articles was a joy because of
publication as I was when it was
how well-written they were. The
being created, no piece will
designers never fail to deliver beautiful
disappoint because there is
works of art and you will find that this
something here for everyone.
year, there are many stunning designs that are eye-catching and pleasant to read.
Tara So13
Sweet Dream Fleeting dreams crushing sand of a broken hourglass At the edge of the pool Salt water and sea spray. Sunset dripping, at the edge of your smile. A long forgotten familiarity. Fantasy blurred into realities. A snapshot into the past Unfinished melodies
Pliant, willing Precipice edge Coral reef Am I drowning? Flying, or falling? It was nothing more than a dream But what a beautiful dream it was. - NineteenRainCloud
Old Man Storm there is an old-man god, a thespian of some other age, conducting lightning with a rod, thunder like cymbals and rain like the pluck of strings, the wind howling in foghorns and flute-things. the storm comes together in siren scales — major lift, harmonic minor — rest, treble clef, coda — flatline.
- ace