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Harsh Gupta Email

:- gupta.harsh.bud16@cept.ac.in

Address :- 195-A ward 6/b Hemukalani nagar, Adipur ,370205 Contact :- +919638325076 DOB

:- 28-03-1999

Software skills

Education 2016-onwards

B.Urban Design | CEPT University, Ahmedabad



HSC | S.V. International School,Gandhidham



SSC | S.T. Xaviers High School,Adipur

Studios Monsoon 2016

Spring 2017

Monsoon 2017

Spring 2018

Monsoon 2018

Grasshopper Adobe Photoshop

Foundation Studio | Mapping and Observation

Foundation Studio focused on observation skills, relationships,scale, open-ended thinking, mapping and basic design. The exercises aimed to improve the skills in mapping, Visual Representation and observations.

Studio-2 | Contextulising Utopia

Studio 2 was divided into two modules. The first module focused on criteria of approacing a design intervention with respect to understanding system as a whole. The second module was focused on the concept of utopia through various exercises and contextulising the utopia design to the site - Parkishit nagar, Ahmedabad

Studio-3 | Informality in market places

In moving towards the goal of responding to informality, the studio has adopted the spatial ethnographic approach of ‘Mapping the everyday’ as a starting point. It has been supported by a workshop course where the attempt has been to learn, one, how to read the everyday and two, how to represent the everyday in maps and sketches.

Studio-4 | Generative Techinques For Urban Placemaking

The studio formulates tools for urban place-making. It helps investigate planning principles and quantify urban samples (case-studies) and decode them to algorithms for urban form-generation. The aim is to generate design responses embedded with intelligence of climate, social-o ganization and infrastructure.

Studio-5 | Urban Habitat

The studio involves idea level exploration, program formulation and design development of different scales of spaces used for individual and collective living in the city.

Traning and workshops December 2016


Adobe Illustrator Adobe Lightroom Adobe Indesign Autodesk CFD V-Ray Lumion Microsoft Office GIS

Other skills Physical Model Making

Languages English



Hand Rendering


Extra Curricular Activities Participated in Ultratech-Indianext Village 2047 competition Cultural secretary at CEPT university(2016-2018) Karate -secured gold medal at state level competition Guitar -Completed first year of B.A. in Music in instrumental

Reading and Narrating a city | Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Winter school (2016)

December 2017

Industrial training in the Project Monitoring Cell of Deendayal Port Trust

Summer 2018

Border or Bridge Redefining Jaroslavice, The Czech Republic(Europe)


Issuu portfolio

Report name - “ Urban Design Perspective Case Study Of ‘SIPC’ Kandla at Deendayal Port Trust.”

Summer school (2018)






Urban Habitat


Generative Tecniques for Urban Placemaking


Informal Market Places


Streets and The City


Reading and Narrating a City:Jaisalmer


Village 2047

01 Urban Habitat

Spring 2018 Site : Makarba, Ahmedabad


Housing is one of the principal material conditions of human existence. Housing typologies are determined by the development forces, nature of social relationships, economy, and forms of family life, cultural and domestic traditions, and diversity of natural and geographic environments. Mass Housing is a part of urban built form. As an urban module, it helps the city administration to plan manage its infrastructure for future needs and develops a control over the qualitative living environments. In contemporary scenario, the urban housing does need to derive an appropriate type to meets people aspiration and maintain quality of built environment. Housing needs to provide livable places that enrich sense of belonging and strengthen cultural identity of place. The project concerns the intervention in the area which was 650*70 mts of linear patch in the prime location of the city. The objective is to develop housing for a 1000 of inhabitants in a linear patch of 15, 00,000 sq. mts area. The proposal attempts to create a playful and comfortable environment that could host all sorts of activities, live, work and play.

Grade Level Plan







Size of the block commercial and amentites


The orientation of the block is in response to the major arterial which connects to the site, cre25m ating potential spaces to hold commercial activities while the amenities are in response to more privacy and safety



Commercial shops Thoroughfare This part plan show the throughfare which is dividing the site into two providing an easy access 7m Road for the vehicular and pedestrian movement.

The edges have been developed as commercial edges. This is in response to the proposed 40 m TP road which could create opportunities In the near future and attract large footfall.





0 10


Interface of Amenities and Sunken Court The proposal includes the concept of sunken court which is in interface with the building and creating spaces which holds ample of activities for living, working and playing.

Longitudinal Section

Cross Section AA’

Cross Section BB’

Cross Section CC’

Cross Section DD’

Cross Section EE’

Cross Section FF’




Typical Floor plan - 1st floor

Typical Floor plan - 2nd floor

The idea began by placing commercial and amenities on the ground floor in such a way that attracts a large footfall and also provide private spaces that would only cater to the residents living there.

In the initial concept the commercial and amenities were place on the same level and as a result it would create chaos and the visual clutter on the ground floor would have been increased. This is where the concept of sunken court was developed.

The Commercial shops have been place on the edges at least 50 mts of distance between blocks. The blue colors denotes commercial shops and yellow for amenities. The main entrance of the building for the residential units is from the orange hatched space where the cores are placed.

For such a long stretch it was necessary to provide a break for easy vehicular and pedestrian movement therefor a thoroughfare has been provided at 300 mts which is in connection to the sub arterial road. Providing a thoroughfare would create the edges of the site as a commercial edge and would hold a lot of potential.

02 Generative Techniques for urban placemaking

Spring 2018 Site : Maninagar,Jamalpur

Space Syntax Analysis Case of Maninagar,Ahmedabad

Closeness Centrality


Softwares used: Grasshopper

Degree Centrality

Case of Sheetal Varsha, Ahmedabad Betweenness Centrality


Solar Radition

Skyview fa

Analytical P Wind Rose( May 1st to May 31st (24hours)

The node with the highest Closeness Centrality is closest to all other nodes. Here in this case the two red nodes are closest to all other nodes.

The node with highest degree centrality has the highest number of connections to the other nodes. In this case the red node have the maximum number of connections to the other nodes.

Wind Stimu

Betweenness Centrality measures how often a node is a bridge between the other nodes. Nodes with high betweenness centrality are often important junctions having maximum number of activities.


The immediate value of the Urban Network Analysis toolbox is that it provides details of the built environment to measure accessibility and centrality metrics on spatial networks. Such measures allows to investigate how urban form and activity patterns accommodated therein interact with each other. By focusing on the effects of urban form, land use patterns, or combination thereof, each attribute of a city can be measured independently and intuitively under the constraints of urban geometry.

The Wind Rose is the time honored method of graphically presenting the wind conditions, direction and speed, over a period of time at a specific location. To create a wind rose, average wind direction and wind speed values are logged at a site, at short intervals, over a period of time, e.g. 1 week, 1 month, or longer. The collected wind data is then sorted by wind direction so that the percentage of time that the wind was blowing from each direction can be determined.

Autodesk CFD is a win ware in which the direct and the level from which posed to flow is given as flow is generated as a 100*100 patch of informa malpur shows the wind s the built and the open. T ors indicates the amoun through the patch.

Wind analysis is done to study how the current built form is getting affec modating with human comfort. Wind stimulation at pedestrian level in ics. I9t measures the velocity of wind (m/s) flowing through the built form


e Analysis

Evolutionary Computation

Softwares used: Grasshopper(windrose), Autodesk CFD






nd velocity m/s

nd stimulation softtion, wind velocity, h the wind is sups input and the wind result. The above al settlements in jastimulation through The blue to red colnt of wind flowing

Wind Pressure

Case of Kowloon,Honkong

Parameters gene pool:

Parameters gene pool:

Plot width

Volume of blocks

Plot length

Ratio of block volume and open



Scale of the block

Even distribution of open spaces

Removal of buildings

Solar exposure

Softwares used: Grasshopper,Octopus

Height of the block street width Angle of the street

wind pressure (pa)

Static Pressure - shows the pressure of the wind on the building surfaces the blue patches show that less amount of wind is hitting the surface while the red surface shows maximum amount of wind pressure is on the surface.

cted due to flow, speed and directions of wind and how it is accomstreets of Ahmedabad, is done using computational fluid dynamalong with the pressure (pa) that the wind has on the built surfaces.

Evolutionary computation Process are focused on understanding the process of evolutionary development and mimicking it to generate various forms evolving from a toolkit of Genes. Complex forms and systems can be produced through the development and modification of genes, at different stages in time and different parts of the body plan, to obtain a family of solutions which behave differently in relation to various functions and fitness criteria. Through computation, the key concepts of breeding, crossover, killing and mutation strategies are translated and applied in order to develop experiments able to produce multiple variations

03 Informal Market Places Monsoon 2017 Site : Jamalpur, Ahmedabad

Plan of Jamalpur vegetable market

Use Of otla and Other physical components

Jamalpur Flower Market

Use fo

o elements for demarcating territory


Site Study

The analysis and observation were based on 1. Understanding the unbuilt space 2. Sensemaking through reading Patterns 3. How do vendors mark & defend territory 4. Forms of negotiation Jamalpur Market is a vegetable market accommodating about 675 vendors, at the eastern end of Sardar Bridge the informal market lies outside the Sardar Patel Agricultural Produce Market Committee (the APMC market). SEWA is supporting the market vendors and have managed to move vendors to space under the flyover. The vendors use elements to mark their territory. They serve as spatial markers. Their vending position and arrangement imply how territory is demarcated. Physical components create a level difference thus generating a notion of space. Every morning 3 to 5, they arrive in flocks. Rolling out their chatai, buying fresh produce for the day from the waiting tempos, their days are busy and they have little time to talk. From the little that we collected over a course of interviews we identified two types of issues. One being the issues that they realize and understand (like the need for a dedicated space), the other being issues that they do not necessarily recognize as issues (garbage and hygiene). Then there were other Concerns that affected the market like; congestion caused by trucks (although sometimes this was also an advantage), the police officer harassing them for money and their constant clash with other vendors on matters of territory. The truck traffic, no matter how inconvenient is in fact extremely essential to the functioning of the inner as well as the outer markets.

Level Differences and physical components generating a notionn of space


Vendors on the back row as well the ones at the corner are affected. Garbage will collected at the back

Vendors on three edges apart from the front edge are affected.

Most of the otla goes un used only the corners have full visibility.

Here we did not provide any otlas, however we realised that giving no organization won’t work.

Maximum space is not utilised .besides,there is no point in giving l shaped otla. The back edge becomes redundant.

It is too rigid in a space. It directs too much how the vendors are arranged. It doesn’t allow flexibility.

Proposed Design Plan

Proposed Design






Part Plans



the vendors will be removed from the streets and instead be accommodated in such a manner that they are apart in the APMC Abuilding. Spill over of the vendor onto the road has to be prevented in any manner possible. For this a different access to the market is given behind the building ,where legitimate parking for the market –goers is used as an incentive. For this purpose the shops will be removed and rebuilt on the under used left side of the building. Back edge of the building will be made more active so that back row of otlas are not in neglect and utilised properly. The chowk space created by the shops and the building is strictly used for social and interactive purposes(however we are anticipating that some form of vending will be carried along the edge of APMC building) During the early morning hours when the loading unloading activities are at its peak, the chowk can become a segregating space, space for gathering goods, for rickshaw to come in and easily load unload. There will be a ‘Pit’ lining the road edge with designated entry spots from where pedestrians can entre the market

04 Street and The City -Site Study Spring 2018 Site : Sunrise Park Road, Ahmedabad

Cross Section AA’

Cross Section BB’

Transect Of Sunrise Park Road






Cross Section CC’

Cross Section DD’





06 Reading and Narrating a city: Jaisalmer December 2016 Site : Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Mapping and observing Observation and investigation: the built environment/fabric and its relationship with lifestyle, climatic conditions, history, underpinning city systems Documentation: mapping, sketching Devise narrations of the city. The way we perceive, identify and experience a city is influenced by various tangible and intangible factors and their interrelationships. These can include the city’s history, its role in the region and how it has transformed through time, its citizens’ culture and economic activities, as well as the urban fabric and built form, its climatic conditions, and its underpinning systems. Historic cities with small, dense community, a rich history and culture, and identifiable built form and patterns are ideal context to study and understand these factors and their interdependencies. The city has a rich culture, distinct dense built form, connected public spaces, and a dynamic and vibrant environment. The city’s role in the region was affected by partition of India: Jaisalmer transformed from being a trade center to a tourist destination, more recently it has acquired the role of a defence hub. The observations made through this mapping exercises was to look ito the different tangible and intangible elements and the interrelation. How the people demarcate thier space and territory, different level diferences creating social spaces. The typology of the building s, the enclosure one could feel standing in between the streets and how the culture shaping the city.

06 Designing Heathcare and Community Centre Ultratech village 2047

Site : Bhavanpur, Gujarat Site Plan

The design began with a focus on responding to a few challenges that the country faces vis-a vis the urban rural divide and migration patterns, specially considering the large partsof the country that are still outside the ‘urban’, and as a result of their organisation are configured in ways that are largelyunpredictable. The main intention of this competition falls under the same premise of visualising how the rural India will evolve by 2047. It is said that India lives in its villages, and that is where the countries future lies. We abide by this statement and alargepart of our focus here is keeping this in mind.as per statistics, maximum migration is seen between rural to rural areas, which numbers around 62-65 %. Restremains in the urban sector. Villages of India, as containers of such a large chunk of population, must be equipped with the facilitiesurban areas as privy to, as are required as basic human requirements. As entioned in document by the ministry of rural development, there are two guiding principles

- Diversifying livelihood - Improving well-being

Process Drawings

the design has three main buildings and a central open space creating a central gathering space for the people at a minimal cost of construction. The materials used for building these facilities are all locally based and easily available materials making it a cost effective design with basic but efficient facilities. Plan A’


Section AA’

The design is focused on providing the following – - A health care facility - Education facility - Cultural space The design looks at the above 4 as the central points of focus for the following reasons Healthcare - the nearest basic physic doctor is 10 kilometres away - the nearest diagnosing centre is 30 kilometres away (Sanand) - higher facilities are 30 kilometres away (Ahmedabad) Cultural space - the community celebrates all its festivals individually due to a lack of formalized spaces in their individual lanes - a central space would unify and accommodate future activities which are done on a common scale, and also make way for other celebrations which were not possible earlier. Extension to the school The building along side the road is the extension to the school building which is already present in that village. The school right now is only upto 8th grade, but this building adds to the education level taking it upto 12th grade with an inbuilt library and study rooms for all the students across.

Thankyou +91 9638325076 +91 7990649440


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