H T April 2014

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Foolishness! Or Fragrance!


s we wait for a green signal at crossroads, we need to a have a clear decision to go forward in the correct direction. Let God’s glorious plan for the salvation of mankind through the cross of Christ be magnified and revealed through various expositions in this issue and enable every reader to review his/her decision made as being correct. Dear readers, Paul determined not to know anything among Corinthians except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. (Cor 2:2.) The Jews required a sign and the Greeks (Gentiles) sought after wisdom of this world. Further, Christ crucified was 'foolishness’ to the Greeks and a 'stumbling block' to the Jews- 1 Cor 1:23. Nevertheless, Paul preached Christ crucified (and of course resurrected) only and did not try to please the masses. Thus, he retaliated emphatically that there is no foolishness in the Gospel of the cross and on the contrary there is power in it to save all those who believe on Him- 1 Cor 1:21. Paul knew clearly that there is power in the message of the cross- 1 Cor 1:18 and that Christ is the power and wisdom of God- 1 Cor 1:24. Furthermore, he did not adopt enticing words or excellency of speech. Perishing souls need a clear message for their salvation and that message is none other than the message of Christ crucified, buried and resurrected for our sins, according to the scriptures-1 Cor 15:3. If so, what shall we then say of the cross of Christ to be? 'Foolishness' or a 'Fragrance'? Right from Genesis through Revelation, the Lamb of God is a delight to His Father on High.

 LAMB prophesied Gen 22:7 ;


 caught in a thicket Gen 22:13;

 Love of God was manifested  Righteousness of God was

 manifested in flesh Jn 1:36;  carrying sin of the world Jn 1:29;  slain on Calvary's tree Rev 13:8;  alive in the midst of His throne Rev

5:6; and  reigning in Eternity Rev 22:3

What a Lamb! We strongly recommend considering the sufferings and His glorious resurrection quite often (not merely on one day). He deserves our whole hearted worship. Forward or backward we look unto the cross of Christ. Our lives revolve around 'that old rugged cross' of Christ because: the preaching of the cross- unto us which are saved it is the power of God - 1 Cor 1:18; the death of the cross of Christ was essential for our redemption- Phil 2:8; and the blood of His cross makes peace with GodCol 1:20. {A renowned gospel preacher, Mr. S. Prabhudas from Nandyal, AP, used and emphasised these three texts of Scriptures oftentimes in the power of the Spirit while preaching the gospel.}

revealed  Grace and Truth were reconciled  Wrath of God was satisfied  Our adversary, Satan, was

defeated  Question of sin was abolished  Way to God (paradise) was

reopened What more do you need, dear reader? Why don't you bow your knee at this cross and before Him and if not already done so far, confess Him as Lord with your tongue? Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. In this context it is good to consider 3G while concluding this column

1. Garden of Gethsemane, a place where His soul was crushed - Mt 26:36 2. Gabbatha, a place where an unjust verdict was passed - Jn 19:13 and 3. Golgotha, a place where He offered Himself between malefactors- Mk 15:22 (to redeem hell deserving malefactors like myself and yourself) What a Feast and what a Fragrance to the Father! Submission of His son, Probably you will profit by service of His son and sacrifice of His pondering how a lyricist portrayed son remain a Feast and Fragrance to this scene: the Father. Cross of Christ may mean In that Green Garden of Gethsemane nothing and may be 'foolishness' to In that Dark (black) hour of that the unbelieving and mocking world. night But it is indeed a 'Fragrance' to His Father. From Mount Calvary, our His White robe of fine character Father smells that sweet aroma in Found Ruddy because of bleeding the sacrifice of His submissive son, sweat'. (Telugu lyric) one greater than Isaac. We too sing "See from His head, His. Hands, His feet Sorrow and love flow mingled down: "Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. -Isaac Watts

May we get drawn closer and closer to Him crucified and glorified!

V. Sambob, Kadapa, A. P. Guest Editor

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04 3



- part 1


The Love of God f l o w e d f ro m heaven into the Heart of man t h ro u g h t h e c ro s s .


he execution of criminals on the cross (crucifixion) was one of the most cruel form of executions man has ever invented. It was originally started by the Phonecians, adopted by Grecians and perfected and frequently practiced by Roman authorities. Cross is the symbol of Roman cruelty. It reflects cruel and merciless mind of Roman rule. Daniel describes them as "dreadful and terrible beast". It had great iron teeth devoured and broke in pieces their enemies and stamped it with iron feet. (Dan.7:7) The sentence of the execution by crucifixion was pronounced only to deadly criminals. Roman citizens were exempted from 4

crucifixion; they were generally beheaded. As per Christian tradition Paul was beheaded being a Roman citizen, where as Peter was crucified.

before he was lifted up on the cross clearly predicted of this fact. He said," And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me" John.12:32

(Phil 2:1-16) Any one who examines the last Impact of the Cross on Human two thousand years of human Race. Historically, the cross caused more profound impact on human race than any other discovery and invention. Whether saved or unsaved, no human being is exempted from the influence of the cross. The Love of God flowed from heaven into the Heart of man through the cross. God used cross as a means to reconcile with sinful men. God demonstrated His power and wisdom through the cross. Cross of Christ became a stumbling block to Jews and unto Gentiles foolishness; but for us who are called, from among both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God and wisdom of God (1Cor.1:23-24). Hence Apostle Paul was boasting on the Cross of Christ. He said, " I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Gal.6:14). Jesus Christ,

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04

history, without prejudice and bias can easily confess the positive impact of the cross on humanity. It is the Cross of Christ that has illuminated the dark continent of Africa; transformed Nations and societies. Men eaters became lovers of human beings. Cross could influence rich and poor, literate and illiterate, young and old, criminals and civilians, men and women, dark and white alike.

On the mount of Calvary we could see three crosses 1. Cross of redemption 2. Cross of repentance and 3. Cross of rejection. Sinless and perfect redeemer, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was identified with the sinful men there on the cross. He was numbered with the transgressors (Isa.53:12 ).

candidate for that job. Is it an act of sympathy from soldiers or from Let us examine the life of three Simon? As soldiers who were in distinct men who were drawn charge of crucifixion they were not "And as they came out, they found a towards Christ on the day of supposed to show any sympathy man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him crucifixion. These three men to a criminal; that amounts to a represent the whole humanity and they compelled to bear his cross" breach of duty. More over they Mat.27:32 thus fulfilled the words of Christ; noted the weakness and "if I be lifted up... will draw all incapability of the victim to carry "And they compel one Simon a men unto me". Cyrene, who passed by, coming out the cross. In the process of crucifixion authorities are to make of the country, the father of Those three men were 1. Simon sure that the victim dies a slow Alexander and Rufus, to bear his the Cyrene 2. The thief who death, or else, executioners are cross." Mark15:21 repented on the cross and 3.The required to give explanation in Roman centurion who was in Three of the Gospel writers case of sudden death ( Mark. Charge of the crucifixion. narrate events associated with 15:44-45). Soldiers feared the Simon the Cyrene who carried the death of Christ on the way to Simon was an African from the cross of Jesus Christ. He was the city of Cyrene, a place in North Calvary. Death on the way may Africa, so he was belonging to the first and the only one who carried amount to a 'custodial death'. the cross literally and followed family of Ham, one of the sons of Probably this fear forced the Jesus Christ. That has brought a Noah. The thief, who repented on soldiers to compel Simon to carry great blessing in his personal and the cross. Even Simon did not the cross, was belonging to the family life. family of Shem. From his carry for sympathy sake. It was conversation with the Lord, his Simon's home town was Cyrene in clearly said the soldiers compelled knowledge of Messiah and coming him to carry the cross and follow Libya, a North African country. kingdom is ascertained. This after him. Name suggests that he was a indicates that he was a Jew and Jewish proselyte living in Why soldiers had to compel hence a semite. Roman centurion, Jerusalem. Gospel description Simon? Probably, being a proselyte who was in charge of crucifixion suggests that he was a farmer. On he thought to celebrate Passover by virtue of his birth belong to the the day of crucifixion in the early on that day, carrying the cross family of Japheth, the third son of morning he was returning from naturally will defile him and Noah. the field. Early morning probably disqualify to observe Passover. Today's humanity are the children even before the sunrise, he might (John.18: 28) So Simon was not have gone into his field, outside of Noah- Shem, Ham and Japheth willing to carry the cross. Because and these three men represent the the city of Jerusalem. Being the of the compulsion he carried the entire mankind. Thus cross could Passover day probably he hurried cross, which brought a great draw all men. This truth is further back to celebrate the feast with his blessing to him. Though he carried family. While he was returning clarified in the scriptures. In the the cross and followed, there is no home, unawares he was caught up record when he returned the book of Acts- chs. 8, 9 and 10 we read the salvation of three men. In in the midst of commotion and cross, scripture is silent on that chapter eight, an African is saved, confusion associated with the fact. When we carry our cross and in chapter nine Paul's conversion crucifixion. follow the Lord there is no way we is recorded, a Semite and in will turn back and return it. Hymn Was it an act of sympathy?? chapter ten a Roman centurion, a writer rightly points out this fact, Whilst carrying the cross, Jesus Japhethite got saved. There is no "I have decided to follow Jesus no Christ almost collapsed and could turning back no turning back". partiality with the Lord, he saves not carry the cross forward, at that all. time soldiers found Simon the Cross and it's Blessings Simon of Cyrene Cyrene, and compelled him to During those days there was no "And as they led him away, they laid carry the cross. Simon being a burial place for strangers in hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, foreigner and a poor farmer the 24 coming out of the country, and on soldiers found him as a good

Salvation of three men

him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus". Luke.23:26

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04



A Meditation on the Suffering Death of Jesus Christ 1 Pet.2:21-25


n hearing the name of Jesus, different people start imagining different images and visions of Jesus Christ. For some, the image of a baby in the manger pops up at once. For others, a young boy debating with the teachers of the law in the synagogue or standing on the mountain making a sermon. For others, Him sitting with his disciples in the upper room instituting Lord's Supper. All these images are true, as far as the events as having taken place in the life of Jesus Christ. But the vision of Jesus Christ as the suffering Christ on the cross should stand above all as in no other vision can we see preaching of salvation. That is the reason Paul said I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified (1Cor.2:2). That was the theme of Paul's preaching when he said, "we preach Christ crucified" (1Cor.1:23). Our Lord's suffering death on the cross is predicted and described throughout the Old Testament. That is the main subject of Moses and the Prophets, as our Lord explained from the scriptures after His resurrection to the disciples on their way to Emmaus (Lk.24: 25-27). There are three kinds of sufferings of Jesus Christ that we read in the scriptures. Jesus suffered from the hands of men, from the hands of 6

God and by offering Himself voluntarily to be suffered. Isa.53 is considered as one of the songs of the suffering servant of Jehovah and all these three kinds of sufferings are mentioned there. The suffering inflicted by men is in Vs.1-3 and the suffering inflicted by God is in Vs.4-10. He poured out his life unto death in V.12.Our Lord said, I lay down my life for the sheep in Jn.10:15, and further on He said, No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord in V.18.

– Thampi Mattackal suffering. God put all our sins on Jesus Christ and punished Him at the cross. The Lord has laid on Him the iniquities of us all. He was bearing our sins in His body on the tree. It pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He hath put Him to grief and made His soul as offering for sin. Rom.3:25 reads, God presented him (Jesus Christ) as a sacrifice of atonement. The depth of the suffering that Jesus Christ endured at the cross by the hands of God is beyond human comprehension. God's punishment of a single person for his own sin is eternal torment for him in hell. Now imagine the entire punishment in total, summed up for all humanity starting from Adam to the last human in God's redemptive plan. Jesus Christ was enduring the sum total of that torment due to the entire humanity on the cross. Jesus Christ endured the total suffering that that was required to be borne for the whole humanity to satisfy the righteous demand of God. Christ suffered on the cross by the hands of God and our salvation is the result of that suffering. The atoning work for our sins was done at the cross and God's anger against sin was executed on Jesus Christ.

Bible tells that Jesus Christ was murdered by men, but at the same time clarifies that he poured out his life willingly as a sacrifice to God. “While at one level his enemies killed him, at a deeper level he laid down his life of his own volition”, as F.F. Bruce said. Jesus Christ was made little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he should taste death for everyone (Heb.2:9). 'Taste death' is a style of expression in classical Hebrew of undergoing the experience of a thing. In this context Jesus Christ experienced the bitter ingredients of death in their uttermost intensity. He was willingly going through the awful experience and consequence of death at the cross. Jesus Christ also suffered from the hands of men. Jesus Christ himself Jesus Christ suffered from the said The Son of Man is going to be hands of God upon the cross. Our betrayed into the hands of men. redemption is based on this

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04

They will kill him (Mk.9:31). Peter on the Day of Pentecost said to the Jews that you with the help of men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross(Acts 2:23). He was afflicted by men all the way up to Calvary. We need to realize that there is no redemptive value in any of the affliction inflicted by men. It was the manifestation of their sin and the rejection of the Messiah and the savior. We are redeemed when God put all our sins on him and punished him at the cross. It is natural to ask, how shall we reconcile and balance all three kinds of sufferings? First look at the act of man and the act of God. Apostle Peter explains it in his sermon on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:23."This man was handed over to you by God's set purpose (determinate counsel) and the foreknowledge; and you, with the help of men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross." God foreordained Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the redemption of man. God used evil men and their action to accomplish His divine plan and purpose without violating their free will and the culpability of their sinful and evil act. God in His sovereign will and wisdom overlooked or permitted their evil act for the good of mankind. The most evil act that man can do is to crucify the Son of God. But God in His determinate counsel used it to fulfill His plan of redemption. The believers praise God for the wisdom of God displayed in the execution of redemption. Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen (Acts4:27-28). Men are absolutely responsible and culpable for their wicked action. Jesus Christ said the

same thing regarding the betrayal by Judas. The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man (Matt.26:24). There is a parallelism we see in the life of Joseph. Joseph said to his brothers, You intended to harm me , but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives (Gen.50:20). Joseph was not justifying the wicked action of his brothers. They were responsible for their action and they did it willingly. God used the same action to fulfill his preordained purpose. J.N. Darby said, “He suffered for righteousness, as a living man from men; as a dying savior, He suffered from the hands of God for sin”. The 'sin' that Darby describes is the sin of the world and the suffering he endured in spite of his righteous living is 'for righteousness'. He suffered and died unjustly by the hands of man. For that, man will have to give account to God. God will bring down wrath and judgment upon a godless world. On the other hand, he suffered and died as the sacrificial victim for sin by the hand of God, so this is the foundation of salvation for all those who believe. “The (suffering) death of Jesus Christ consummates the world's guilt; but secures the church's acceptance. The world is stained, and the church purged, by the blood of the cross”, C.H. Mackintosh (Miscellaneous Writings) Now how shall we reconcile the suffering by the hands of God and Jesus offering Himself to be suffered? It was the will of the Father to give His Son for the remission of sin and also it was the desire of the Son to do the will of the Father. Theologian G.C. Berkouwer said, “ Whoever sees the suffering which men have caused only does not see the

profound significance of his suffering….Jesus saw his suffering is not only the result of what men are doing to him but the Father, in and through their action, placing the cup in his hand”. Heb.2:9 speaks of Christ's willing act in order to bring many sons to glory. Heb.2:10-13, speaks of God's action in order to bringing many sons to glory. It reads 'it was fitting' or 'it became Him' to make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering. It speaks the congruity of Christ's volitional suffering death and the divine intention of the Father to cause Christ to suffer for the purpose of redemption. It is also important to know that the salvation is based on the atoning death of Jesus Christ on the cross; no matter whether the person was saved before or after the cross. Old Testament saints are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. Rom.3:21-26, Paul explains how God's two contrasting attributes can be reconciled while saving a sinner. A righteous God has to kill a sinner to satisfy His justice. On the other hand, God needs to justify a sinner to show His grace. The verse 25, explains the way that God did it, without contradicting His nature and character. God presented Him (Jesus Christ) as a sacrifice of atonement. It was God who offered His Son as a sacrifice, by that God demonstrated that He is just and also the one who justifies a sinner. Then in the remaining part of V.25, Paul explains that the Old Testament saints are saved on the same atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Different versions translated in different ways. The literal translation from the Greek reads, Because of His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed. (NASV translated the same way). God did


Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04



The Trial of Jesus: Gross Transgression of Jewish Law – Kumaru Nadasen


s the Lord Jesus Christ came out of the garden of Gethsemane triumphantly accompanied with His disciples, Judas came and with him were a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people. As Judas came, he saluted Jesus, 'Hail, master; and kissed Him'. That was the arrangement that Judas made with the chief priests, “whomsoever, I shall kiss, that same is He: hold Him fast”.

Jesus Before Annas Jesus was brought before Annas. His son-in-law, Caiaphas was the official high priest at that time. Annas was not holding any official position and as such he had no authority to examine Jesus. The high priest's family was generally in charge of the temple “business” 8

and the cleansing of the temple and over turning of the tables by Jesus could not have been easily forgotten. Ever since that daring act of Jesus, Annas and his son-inlaw have determined to put Jesus to death by subtlety. With that design in mind, Annas sent Jesus bound to Caiaphas.

Jesus before Caiaphas Jesus was led to the palace of the high priest and was examined in private before the regular trial by the Sanhedrin. Caiaphas was for long waiting to lay hand on Jesus and put him to death because he did many miracles. The chief priests and the people gathered a council and said “What shall we do? For this man works many signs. If we let Him do like this, everyone will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04

away both our place and nation” (John 11:48). Since then they plotted to put Jesus to death. When the high priest asked Jesus about his disciples and his doctrine, Jesus answered, “I spoke openly to the world. I always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where the Jews always met. In secret I have said nothing. Why do you ask me? Ask those who have heard me what I said to them. Indeed they know what I said.” His was not a secret doctrine. Had the inquiry been fair, the judge should act judiciously, and ask not him, but those who heard him. When he said these things, one of the officers struck Jesus with the palm of his hand saying, “Do you answer the high priest like that?”. It was contrary to the law to smite a person under trial, while

proceedings are still under way (Acts. 23:2-3)

they framed the charge. And this form of indictment was illegal.

The private trial by Caiaphas was violation of their law. The law said, "Be not a sole judge, for there is no sole judge but One." (Mishna, in "Pirke Aboth" IV 8). "An accused man must never be subjected to private or secret examination, lest in his perplexity, he furnish damaging testimony against himself." (Salvado in, "Institutions de Moise" pp. 365-366).

The trail took place in the palace of the high priest and not in the chamber of the council, where the Sanhedrin usually assembled. This was a gross violation of the Jewish law. Moreover,"the Jewish Law prohibited any part of legal proceedings by night". (Dupin in, "Jesus Devant Caiphe et Pilate") Thus the trial of Jesus suffered from several procedural lapses. According to Dr. Jost, a Jewish historian, it was a private murder committed by enemies, not the sentence of a regular constituted Sanhedrin” as quoted by Edershim, the life & times of Jesus, p. 553. ("A capital offense must be tried during the day and suspended at night" (Mishna in "Sanhedrin" Vol.1).

Jesus Before the Sanhedrin The members of the Sanhedrin, who were hastily summoned, came to the palace of Caiaphas in that night. According to Jewish law, the trial cannot commence until the judge is provided with a collaborated account of two eye witness accounts. But in the trial of Jesus, the account of the eye witness did not agree and was proved false. And thus it lacked the fundamental requirement to carry on with the trail. It was eyewitness' account which initiated trial and in the absence of the eyewitness' account, the accused would be considered innocent. As per the criminal jurisprudence of the Hebrews, “The witnesses constituted the charge. There was no formal indictment until these witnesses spoke in the public assembly. When they spoke, and the evidence of two agreed together, it formed the legal charge, libel, or indictment." (Mendelsohn in "The Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews," p.110). "The Sanhedrin could not originate charges; it could only investigate those brought before it" (Edersheim, "Life and times of Jesus the Messiah" Vol. I. p.309). The prosecutors were the only witnesses in the trial of Jesus and

The chief priest asked a selfincriminating question to Jesus. But He held his peace, invoking thereby his right against selfincrimination. But the chief priest insisted, “I adjure thee by the Living God…tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God” (Matt. 26: 62-64). Jesus answered in the affirmative as He cannot deny Himself and His Deity. The high priest exclaimed, “What further need have we of witnesses”. The high priest as if victorious, tore off his clothes saying, “He has spoken blasphemy! What further we need of witnesses? What do you think?” As if knowing his mind, they cried out, “He is guilty of death”. Then they spat on his face, blindfolded him, and beat him, and others struck him with the palms, saying, prophecy unto us, Thou Christ, who he that struck you? According to the Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews"No attempt can be made

to lead a man on to selfincrimination". (Mendelsohn in "Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews" p.133).

Jesus Before Pilate: Early next morning, the Sanhedrin brought Jesus to the Judgment Hall. No specific charge was brought before Pilate. “If He were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered Him unto thee” was the evasive reply of the Jews to Pilate's question seeking to know of the charge against Jesus. Pilate proposed to the Jews that they carry out trial according to their own law, to which they said they do not have power to carry out capital punishment. They framed a new charge: perverting the nation, forbidding paying tax to Caesar and calling Himself King. Pilate examined Him and said, “I find no fault in Him”. He was convinced beyond reasonable doubt, that Jesus was not a criminal worthy of death. The Jews however, showered accusations seeking his crucifixion. All this while, Jesus stood with majestic silence, which amazed Pilate beyond measure. When Pilate heard that Jesus was a Galilean, he seized the opportunity and sent Him to Herod.

Jesus Before Herod: Jesus was brought before Herod Antipas, who brutally beheaded John the Baptist. Herod was very excited to see Jesus because he had heard many things about Him and was curious to see some miracles performed by him. In vain did he ply Jesus with questions. The same Herod who silenced the voice of God by murdering John the Baptist could not hear the


Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04



They stripped of His garment –

He set aside His garment L

et us take two passages of the scriptures about our Lord Jesus Christ in relation to his garment (Mat.27:27-31;John.13:4,12). It is not my intention to look into all the significance of the garments of our Lord in this article from the quoted passages;instead limit to thoughts of the condescension, suffering and exaltation of our Lord. In the gospel of Mathew 27:27-31 we have a brief description of the cruelty that the Roman soldiers meted out to our Lord. “27. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common “hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. 28. And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. 29. And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews! 30. And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head. 31. And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him” In this passage is the mention of the stripping of our Lord off the garment that he wore. And they replaced it with a Scarlet robe. Then after meeting out all cruelty they removed the scarlet robe and clothed Him with His own garment.

He set aside His garment Yet there is another occasion when the Lord's garment was removed and replaced with another and then clothed with the original garment. That we read in John 13:4 & 12 10 Harvest Times for Your Family

– Didymus

and took a towel: –It was the towel of the servant that was used to wipe the feet after washing with water. Does it not speak of the Lord who took the form of a servant when he came into this world to save sinners like us? He came to minister – to One passage begins with His rising serve (Mathew 20:28). The laying up from His seat and ends with His aside of the garment and girding returning back to His seat. The with the towel is so beautifully other begins with Him being led explained in Philipians 2:6-8 into the hall and ends with being led “6. Who, being in the form of God, out of the hall. He riseth: He gets up from His seat thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7.But made himself of for accomplishing a task – Does it not speak of the One who, “when he no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was cometh into the world”,(Hebrews made in the likeness of men: 8. And 10:5) “when the fullness of time was being found in fashion as a man, he come” (Galatians 4:4) said “Lo I humbled himself, and became come to do thy will O God” obedient unto death, even the death (Hebrews 10:7) of the cross.” from supper: from the place of constant & unbreakable fellowship. towel – it was a linen towel: The Does this not speak of the one who greek word is “len'-tee-on” that is a linen towel. J N Darby translation was 'with God'(John 1:1) says '.. He took a linen towel ..”. Garments – speak of the outward 'Linen' symbolizes 'righteousness'. manifestation of inner character or And that is what our Lord was constitution. clothed with when he came into this and laid aside His garments: Does world. He was the righteous one this not speak of the One who 'was the holy one of God – He did no God' (John 1:1), left that abode, sin(1Pet2:22), He knew no sin setting aside the garments of His (2Cor5:21), in him was no glory and beauty? 'The Lord is sin(1John3:5). There was none that clothed with majesty & strength' (Ps could convict Him of sin (John 93:1). 'The Lord is clothed with 8:46). honour & majesty and robed in All through His Life His works were light' (Ps 104:1, 2). Don't we see a righteous and holy. The Father had glimpse of that glory at the mount of no hesitation to declare time and transfiguration when he 'was again that “This is my beloved Son transfigured before them: and his in whom I am well pleased”. The face did shine as the sun, and his High Priest who wore those robes of raiment was white as the light glory and beauty (Ex 28:2 ) would (Mathew 17:2). He set aside or veiled the glory of His Deity when 21 He came into this world. “4. He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. 12. So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was seated again, ... ”

April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04



– John Kurian The emotional, mental and physical differences are so many that it takes a lot of effort, time and patience to know your wife (and vice versa).

The Role of Husbands


n the past issues we have been looking at the role and responsibilities of the husbands in the family. In this issue we would consider another instruction in the New Testament to the husbands. 1 Pet.3:7“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them( wives) with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered”. This is a very practical instruction that God gives to all husbands.

The word 'dwell' could mean “to cohabit” or “to make a home with”. It definitely involves the idea of living and spending time together with wives. Dwell with them with understanding literally means, dwell with them according to knowledge. J B Philips translation puts it this way: “You husbands should try to understand the wives you live with”. It means the husbands should try to study and know all they can about their wives. Many marital problems arise from a lack of understanding one another.

The husbands are commanded to recognize the weak and strong points of their wives and behave accordingly. A lot of adjustment is needed on the part of the husbands to live with their wives with understanding. Wives love to be understood. They feel hurt when their husbands don't understand them. A husband needs to know what discourages his wife and what makes her happy. He should take in to account the emotional and mental makeup of his wife. Basically men and women are equal in value, dignity and worth. Both are created in the image of God, redeemed by the same blood and equally heirs of the grace of God. At the same time, there is a Godcreated difference between men and women. They are very different in their basic makeup. It is very important to know the differences between men and women. There is a lot of difference between male and female in the physical make up. They are rather

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04


Dr. James Dobson says there is strong evidence indicating the “seat” of the emotions in a man's brain is wired differently than in a woman's. By virtue of these two differences, men and women are miles apart emotionally and The physical differences are given physically. by God according to the roles they Once you understand why your have to play in life. Wife has to conceive, breast feed children and wife acts that way or think that way, it can bring about a lot of bring them up with tender care change in your attitude. Instead of and so she has a physical trying to change your wife, learn structure that suits her role. The husband has to work hard and be to value the way God created her. Allow your differences to the bread winner, leader and complement one another. Once protector of the family and you learn to accept and enjoy the therefore he has a structure that fits his role. In the same way, men differences, they can be a wonderful strength to marriage. and women have psychological They create a balance as you work differences too that will enable together as a team. Accept and them to play their God-assigned appreciate the differences and be roles in life. sensitive to the other's view Man thinks logically whereas points. Those God-created woman thinks emotionally. Wife differences must be recognized, wants to be understood, husband respected and celebrated in the wants to be accepted. Wife needs home and in the church. affection where as husband needs trust. He needs less approval and When husbands fail to understand their wives and remain indifferent she needs more approval. Man to their needs, uncaring and focuses on major issues but callous, not addressing their women even on minor details. concerns, they feel hurt. When a Man is an initiator whereas wife is sharing her problems, she woman is a responder. Man nags wants her husband to first listen less often but women do it more often. Man is bothered less about to it than solve it straightaway. Listen to what she has to say and physical appearance; woman is show interest in it. Be sensitive to more bothered about it. her feelings. Man is more sex-oriented and In the verse under consideration, woman is love oriented. Man's husbands are instructed to give sexual arousal is instant and has nothing to do with the happenings honour to their wives. Understand her worth and give value to her. of the day. Woman's sexual arousal is a culmination of all that She should feel honoured through the words and deeds of the happened during the day; she husband. This should be done needs emotional and mental privately and in public. That preparation. Man is aroused by which is honoured is never sight whereas woman is aroused abused, ignored or neglected. by touch. Man is not bothered Rather they are considered, about privacy where as women are very much concerned about it. spoken well of and cared for. obvious and most of these can be seen and measured easily. It is said that virtually every cell in a man's body has a chromosome makeup entirely different from that in a woman's body.


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A wife is honoured not because of her beauty or achievements but because she is a fellow heir of salvation. The Bible upholds the dignity of woman in both creation and redemption. Men and women are heirs together of the grace of life, the scripture says. It is to be specially mentioned here that it was the Bible and Christianity that upheld the dignity of women and gave honour to her. In most cultures, religions and societies in the world, women were treated as servants or mere instruments to gratify the passions of man. Christianity elevated women to their rightful place of esteem. Peter here points out that she should be given honour considering her as the 'weaker vessel'.This may be referring to her physical and emotional weakness. Women are known to be less capable of enduring fatigue and toil. She is like an earthen vessel easily broken; she is more delicately constructed and therefore deserves to be treated with special kindness and attention. The last part of the verse is to be specially noted-“That your prayers may not be hindered.”This means that if the husband fails to “live with his wife” in a Godprescribed way it would result in the man's “prayers being hindered.”The word hindered means to cut off. A husband who ignores these biblical directives does not just hurt his relationship with his wife, but also his relationship with God. – John Kurian is an evangelist, Bible teacher and preacher based in Kerala.


BREAD Vs. GOD – Raju Koshy


he Lord snubbed Satan when the latter questioned His Sonship and tempted Him to make bread out of the stones of Palestine.

'bread'. Both of them depicted their choices quite clearly when 'they could no longer stay together as their possessions were so great' (Gen.13:6b). At the time of partition of the 'common The tempter came to him and Indeed, we as Christians have to property', Abraham's unselfish said, “If you are the Son of God, choose between either of these declaration was: 'Is not the whole tell these stones to become two. Choose the world with all its land before you….. if you go to the bread.” In answer to this query, temporal glitter or choose God left, I will go to the right; if you go Jesus replied, “It is written: 'Man with His eternal wealth. “You to the right, I will go to the left' shall not live on bread alone, but cannot serve God and mammon” (Gen.13:9b), which revealed His on every word that comes from said the Lord (Mathew 6:24). godly perspective and he the mouth of God.' [Mathew For the sake of convenience, let emphasized that he was quite 4:3,4]. One realizes that the Lord us designate the above said two satisfied with whatever Lot left was quoting Deuteronomy 8:3 groups as 'Bread choice people' behind for him. Such a statement which reads “He humbled you, and 'God choice people'. speaks volumes about his 'God causing you to hunger and then choice' character. However, in the feeding you with manna, which In the scripture, we see many same scenario, Lot rose 'up' to the neither you nor your ancestors illustrations of people who belong occasion and grabbed the 'well had known, to teach you that man to either of these categories. watered' land which was 'like the does not live on bread alone but However, for clarity on the garden of the LORD' in the plains on every word that comes from subject, let us consider the lives of of Jordan and dwelt in Sodom the mouth of the Lord.” two familiar Bible characters viz. with the full knowledge that 'the Abraham and Lot. Here, the Master specifically men of Sodom were wicked and distinguishes between two 'Abraham was very wealthy in sinning greatly against distinct groups of people. The first livestock and in silver and gold' God'(Gen.13:10-13). Lot's category is of those who live for (Genesis 13:2),yet we do not see response very clearly reveals his the sole purpose for 'making him craving for wealth. In other 'bread choice' character. bread' as against the second words his choice was never In this connection, let us briefly category who govern their lives in 'bread'. His sole objective in life study some of the visible accordance to the will of God. was always 'God'. Lot, on the characteristics in the lives of That is to say, the distinction contrary, targeted entirely on specifies between, the people who live for the bread of this world Vs. the people who live for the bread of life or better still, Worldliness Vs. Godliness or Mammon Vs. God.

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A parallel inward change occurs in the life of 'God choice' people, as well. As they continue their Initially, 'bread choice' people will earthly journey with God as their not possess a basic character. ultimate choice, something They will respond to situations in blessed transforms them a manner which enhances the inwardly. Their character will possibility of monetary benefit become in line with the character regardless of whatever their of God. They become a minuscule means to that end may have to be. prototype of the God intended Their desire and goal in life will man!! They become a great source be to get an increase in 'bread' no of blessing not only to their family Finally, we see that 'bread choice' matter what spiritual people become a 'block' to a new and the local church, but also to consequence they may have to the community and the society to soul's entry into the kingdom of face. 'God choice' people, on the God. They resist the power of the which they belong. Redeeming the other hand, will always depict a Holy Spirit and depict their selfish time and treasure, the Lord definite character. Their conduct interest and self-will to the effect invested in them for the will not change according to furtherance of His kingdom by that they literally become a circumstances or to suit to any being a solace and helping hand to hindrance or a stumbling block in new opportunities. Their prime aim would be for the glorification a person's passage to eternal life. the poor and the needy, they eventually become a close friend 'God Choice' people, as their of His name whatever the price of God. When Abraham was choice depicts, will always be a may be. According to Dwight L. translated in to this category and 'bridge' to the people of this world Moody said, “Character is what became a 'friend of God', God says, you are in the dark”. Psychologists to know and experience the Living 'Shall I hide from Abraham what I say that 'man's personality is like God and to get into the blissful am about to do?' (Gen.18:17). God relationship with Him enjoying an iceberg'. In an iceberg, while His free gift of salvation. could not but reveal His secrets to eighty percent is immersed in His close friend Abraham. Thus, water, only twenty percent is As the 'bread choice' people being a 'God chooser' at all times, visible. Jesus said: “What comes continue to choose 'bread' on a out of a person is what defiles Abraham earned the title 'Father them. For it is from within, out of continual basis for a long time in of all believers'. their life, something catastrophic a person's heart, that evil happens to them inwardly. Their My dear brethren, God is testing thoughts come—sexual character will in course of time us every day in all the different immorality, theft, murder, become similar to the character of situations He places us in. He adultery, greed, malice, deceit, the 'Tempter' who attempted to wants us all to become 'God lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance tempt the Lord urging Him to and folly. All these evils come choosers' always and His transform 'stones' to 'bread'. It is trustworthy friends. 'You are my from inside and defile a sad indeed that these 'bread person.”(Mark 7:20-23). friends if you do what I choice' people themselves may command…………… for everything not be aware of the drastic change Secondly, 'bread choice' people that I learned from my Father, I will find it difficult or unnecessary happening to their personality. have made known to you.' Eventually, these people become a to give for God's work or for the (John15:12,15b). We, too can be curse to God's children and to the poor and needy. They consider it known as 'the friend of God' if we an 'expenditure' or a sheer waste Church of God. Lot's final days in make God our choice in each and this world can be seen as a typical (Mark 14:4). Of course, they do every aspect of our life. May the example of the tragic end of a get involved in charity at times, Lord help us in this endeavor. 'bread chooser'; when he provided their gift and the giver unwittingly laid seed to the birth get due publicity. However, for of the Moabites and Ammonites 'God choice' people, giving is – Raju Koshy, lives in Cochin through his own daughters! always a priority and they 'bread choice' and 'God choice' people.


consider it an 'investment'. They are well aware of the fact that by giving they are by no means in the loss but definitely in gain (Mathew 6:19,20). “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”(Luke 6:38).

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04


18 things I wish I knew when I was 18 (Part 2)

– Joe Cheeran


hinking about life as it has flown by I grimace at all the years of youth that I have wasted and the many times I have floundered foolishly and forgetfully. The past doesn't often make for happy remembering and its best that the lessons learnt are recorded for posterity and edification. With that in mind I started this list. In the last issue we covered the first nine dealings with the Word of God and also our relationship with God. The list is as follows. 1. Read your Bible pray every day and you'll grow grow grow 2. Much can be achieved with faith, nothing can be achieved without faith 3. Claim the promises of God; they are your rights 4. Practice the presence of God 5. Jesus is the best friend you will ever have 6. Worship is the greatest privilege given to man

ways of God seem counter intuitive to us, sometimes they seem devoid At Gospel meetings, quite often we of planning, and sometimes our impatience gets the better of us. preach the lines - 'For all have But as G.K. Chesterton once said, sinned and come short' (Rom3:23) 'The riddles of God are more and 'the wages of sin is death' satisfying than the solutions of (Rom6:23) but we fail to see the deeper meaning for ourselves. The man'. Sadly, there will always be a Gospel is more than a blanket route part of us that always wants to devise our own ways and another to salvation, where the Lord Jesus part that wants to help God in dies for everyone's sin and so assures everyone's salvation. While achieving His plans. However as the that is a reality, it is more true that great patriarch Abraham realized the Lord Jesus died for MY sins and this folly so we too should learn to take His easy yoke upon us and find ensured MY salvation upon rest for our souls (Matt 11:29,30) acceptance of His substitutionary death and Him as MY Lord. Seasons 12. Grace is the most beautiful word ever. of spiritual callousness and boredom can make us forget that I could have said love or faith or fact much to our own despair. The mercy but I've chosen grace. All the Bible asks us to 'taste and see that other words appear to have been the Lord is good' (Ps 34:8) at all overused and misused in common times and to 'bear much fruit' as a parlance and so it may not shake us result of being His disciples (John up like it should. Grace is the last 15:8). Let us be watchful and eager good word which retains its to work out our salvation with fear original depth of meaning in and trembling (Phil 2:12) and today's language. Grace is the ensure that Jesus is not just our bridge between the depths of our Saviour but also Lord of our lives. sinful misery and the heights of 10. The Gospel is personal, not generic.

(Part 2)

11. Trust and obey for there is no eternal heavenly joy. The hymn writer correctly said, 'Amazing other way to be happy in Jesus. 8. God wants your holiness grace how sweet the sound, that This always confused me as a before your happiness saved a wretch like me.' We have youngster because obedience been saved only by grace through 9. If you want to understand seems like something that we faith (Eph 2:8). Let's never forget endurance, try understanding reluctantly do; is always against that and pray for more and more God's mercy our own ideas and wishes and grace in everything so that we can This time I wish to conclude the list hence cannot lead to happiness of accomplish His purposes through with the next nine, six dealing with any sorts. The Bible warns us to our life. 'trust in the Lord and lean not on our Christian pilgrimage and the our understanding' (Prov 3:5) and 13. Change is always from the last three dealing with our inside out, and that's restoration. that 'without Him we can do relations and conduct with other nothing' (John15:5). Sometimes the Let's face it, we never admit our people. 7. Heaven is our home

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mistakes. We rationalize it, sugar coat it, ignore it and try to justify it. Once convicted of our foolishness we try to wipe ourselves clean through our own methods and devices. All of this is most definitely in vain like the leaves which Adam used to cover his shame. Only the restoring work of God can create a clean heart and restore unto us the joy of His salvation (Psalms 51:12). The promise is true that IF we confess our sins He will cleanse us (1 John 1:9) but the IF contains a big caveat that Peter knew and Judas didn't. Let us examine our hearts and ask the Lord to cleanse us from within, 'restore our souls and lead us in the paths of righteousness' (Psalms 23:3) 14. Grace is not a license to sin. 'Shall we sin so that grace can abound' (Rom 6:1). If a gift is free and limitless like grace, surely its value will not only be not comprehended appropriately but also may evenbe abused. God is infinitely merciful yet each one of us can look deep and discover at least one sin for which we've paid the penalty with lost blessings or punishment. Sin cripples us and is such a harsh slave driver that we crave for God's mercy on our lives. So while grace is limitless and free we dare not use it as a license to sin. The Bible says that His spirit will not always strive with an exceedingly wicked man (Gen 6:3). We have been warned. 15. There can be no endurance without discipline. Marathons are considered the ultimate test of sporting endurance. The first question that pops up to such a runner is – “How do you train?” The Bible has called us to endure trials and temptations and says we've been given the tools 16

to emerge victorious and be strengthened. The apostle Paul notes how he is unable to control the desires of his flesh and the sin that dwells in the old man. Our righteous deeds are compared to filthy rags in the eyes of God and we need to pray and ask God to equip us that we may become 'thoroughly furnished for good works' (II Tim 3:17). As Christians we have a habit of searching for answers from the Bible only when we are in a problem. Wouldn't it be much better if we studied and meditated on His word day and night, (Psalms 1:2) so that God can lead our heart and that we are not deceived! 16. Share the Gospel not your religious practices Once in a while we meet someone who wants to know more about what we believe. After all we prescribe the highest of ideals, service and humility and claim to be different from other so called 'christians.' When such a chance arrives I have often hidden behind the virtue of religious practice and diluted the Gospel while presenting it. The Bible says that it is a necessity that we should preach the Gospel (Acts 9:16), there is no other hope is there for man. I'm ashamed to admit of all the religious banter that I have propagated in the garb of witnessing and sharing the powerful and simple Gospel. May God give us all the boldness to confidently speak the truth in love and with grace. 17. Honor your father and mother Honoring your parents is considered a prerequisite to honoring God. It is sometimes hard when we feel that our parents are being unfair, excessively harsh and

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sometimes highly flawed and unspiritual. The Bible however doesn't make this a conditional command but honor is meant to inwardly esteem and outwardly behave accordingly. As someone who has joined the parents' side of the fence recently, I admit that we are bound to fail repeatedly. It's a hard act for a parent to decide between the appropriate amount of mercy and punishment that needs to be levied for the upbringing of the child. Parents' aren't perfect but honoring them has many manifold blessings guaranteed by the Word of God. (Exodus 20:12; Eph.6:1-3) 18. And they'll know we are Christians by our love The Old Testament laws numbered ten in total but in the New Testament the Lord Jesus captured the essence of all the laws in just two sentences – Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. The Lord Jesus illustrated the story of the Good Samaritan to show that our neighbors are simply those in need around us. We must be watchful, discerning, loving and building up one another with love as the opportunities we are provided especially those who are our fellow Christians. (Gal 6:10). The caveat is as given in I Cor13:1-3 which warns us that without love we are nothing. The world is watching us to know what is the difference that Jesus makes. That completes our list. If you are over 18, maybe you should make your own list. I found it to be a very profitable exercise. – Joe Cheeran, a management professional, lives in Mumbai. email: joe.cheeran@gmail.com

WWJD- Inner Beauty – Tabbsum Roy Paes Though Rachel's mother had planned a detailed time table for her extended winter break from school, yet Rachel managed a time slot for watching TV program of her choice. Mummy wanted Rachel to watch only quality TV programs, so she kept a watch on Rachel. Mummy observed sooner than later that every time Rachel sat in front of TV, she glued on to a particular show, which taught women how to get make ups done. Further, Mummy recalled that Rachel has been using word 'make over' on more than one occasion. Mummy frowned and discussed the development with Dad. It was natural for her age girls to grow with a desire to appear pretty and attractive Dad opined. However, every girl has to be well aware of where to draw a line and to know what can be beautiful in Christ's eyes? This time Mummy decided to speak to her. One fine evening when Rachel came to help Mummy to clean up the dishes, Mummy started conversation fondly and said, “So, how has your winter break been so far dear? What new did you learn and what did you enjoy doing the most? Rachel's eyes gleamed and she began to explain from her favourite show. How the makeover helped those “Plain Janes” and brought striking change in their appearance. Rachel was highly excited and kept speaking

for a few minutes. Mummy calmly listened to and after she was done, they sat together in the living room. Mummy opened her Bible and read Psalm 139:14 stating that we all are fearfully and wonderfully made. How would you like to intervene in the craftsmanship of God you love and respect? Mummy asked. The question was a blow on Rachel's head. Oops! It never occurred to her. Genesis 1:27 says that God made us in His own image. How would you enjoy playing with the perfect image of God? Moreover, Did God choose any of us for our outer appearance? When Bible says that we have to be imitators of Christ, Doesn't that mean for us to be beautiful from inside? Mummy asked Rachel. My Princess! Mummy continued talking affectionately to Rachel: There's no harm in desiring to look beautiful or attractive but it is more worthy to spend time to enhance your spiritual beauty. What about a spiritual makeover mummy? asked Rachel with a loving peck on mummy's forehead. Would you like to spend sometime with me on that? Mummy asked with a smile. Rachel exclaimed of course mum., and opened her heart to receive the Word of God. Mummy opened the bible and read 1 Peter 3:3-4 “Do Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04


not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.”

the Lord looks on the heart.” After all Jesus did not choose his disciples for their outward appearance or He did not die for only good looking people. Mummy and Rachel decided to study further on this topic for more time together during the vacation.

Proverbs 31:30 says “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord Dear Children, It is all right to have a desire to is to be praised.” look good but are you spending time on adorning 1 Samuel 16:7 states, “But the Lord said to for your inner beauty too? Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have – Tabbsum Roy Paes is a writer and rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man lives in Gurgaon. sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but

The Trial of Jesus: Gross Transgression of Jewish Law voice of God any more. Accusations flew from the mouth of the chief priests and the scribes. But Jesus stood silent. His soldiers mocked and humiliated Jesus. In coarse mockery, Herod arrayed him in a gorgeous robe and sent him back to Pilate without issuing any verdict against Jesus. Jesus Back to Pilate Pilate called the chief priests and the Jewish leaders and announced for the second time that he did not find Jesus guilty of any charges traded against him. Neither did Herod find him guilty. The support drawn from the decision of Herod in acquitting Jesus also did not make any impression upon the Jewish leaders. Pilate thus categorically and clearly presented to them that Jesus was not guilty of any charges deserving death. “I will therefore chastise him and release him”, said Pilate. 18

Culprit released Pilate desired to release Jesus in accordance with the custom of releasing one criminal whom the multitude wished during the feast of the Passover. Pilate thought that the Jewish leaders would reject Barabbas, a criminal. “Which of the two, Jesus or Barabbas, do you want me to release to you?” Pilate asked the crowd. 'Barabbas', they shouted in one voice. “What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” Pilate raised a question. And the crowd surged back: “Let him be crucified”. “Why? What evil has he done?” Pilate reasoned the third time. “I find no fault in him. I will therefore chastise him and let him go” (Luke 23:22). But the violent mob shrieked “Let him be crucified”. The frenzy of the crowd grew nonchalantly. Pilate succumbed to the pressure of the crowd. When Pilate saw that he could not prevail, he took water

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and washed his hands saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this just man, see you to it.” Barabbas was soon released and Jesus was handed over to the soldiers to be scourged and crucified although no formal death sentence was pronounced against Him. Conclusion: Viewed from the criminal law governing the ancient Hebrews, the entire event, commencing his arrest and trials, the brutal assaults while proceedings were still under way, the horrors of flogging which preceded the crucifixion, the indignity, the torture, the disdain, the reproach and the shame Jesus, the Christ of God was subjected to, suffers from gross legal irregularities, prejudices and bias. We end this article with a question to our readers, what does this Jesus of Nazareth mean to you? – Kumaru Nadasen, a legal consultant lives in Thane.

A Meditation on the Suffering Death of Jesus Christ not execute His eternal and final punishment of sins of the people, who lived before the cross, but He passed over it. In His gracious forbearance (through the forbearance of God- KJV), He waited until the cross of Christ and punished him on the cross for their sins. In Heb.9:15 also explain that Christ died as a ransom for the sins of the Old Testament saints. He (Christ) has died as ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant. Those who committed sin under the first covenant were the Old Testament people. The lamb has been slain before the foundation of the world (Rev.13:18). Even the salvation after the church period also by suffering death of Jesus Christ (Rev.7:14). 1Pet.2:21-25, Peter explains four aspects of Christ's suffering death. He suffered as a substitute. Christ suffered for you (v.21). The scriptures clearly tell that he died for us. Heb.2:9 reads, we see Jesus, who was made little lower than the angels so that by the grace of God, he might taste death for everyone. Peter also says Christ died for us, once for all, just for the unjust (3:18). He was the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. He died in our place and that is the reason we call it as a substitutionary death. Even Caiaphas, the high priest, probably without understanding the true meaning of his own statement at the trial of Jesus Christ said, “It would be good if one man died for the people” (Jn.11:50; 18:14). Yes! He died for the people. The Holy Spirit by the inspiration revealed the substitutionary nature of

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Christ's death through the high priest of the Jews. When Christ suffered as our substitute, he became our savior.

from Isa.53, shows Christ's attitude in the midst of unjust suffering. He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth. When they hurled their insults at him, he did He suffered as a sin bearer He not retaliate; when he suffered, he himself bore our sin in his body on made no threats. Instead he the tree (v.24) entrusted himself to him who judge justly. We cannot suffer to the The literal meaning of the word same degree of agony and suffering 'bear' is to carry a heavy load. The like Christ as we follow Christ. But same word is used in Heb.9:28. The biblical idea of this word is clearer we should show the same attitude of Christ. When Christ suffered, he in the Old Testament. It means to became our model for us to follow. carry the punishment of sin (Num.14:33, 18:1; Ezek.18:20). He suffered as our Shepherd God told the children of Israel that you bear the suffering of your sin For you were like sheep going for forty years. God told Aaron you astray, but now you have returned and your sons and your father's to the Shepherd and the Overseer of family are to bear the your souls (V.25). responsibility for offense against the sanctuary. The actual meaning Jesus Christ is the good shepherd who gave his life for the sheep to of the word 'bear' is to carry the save. The shepherd not only finds punishment of sin. Jesus took the the sheep, but also carries the heavy load of the punishment of sheep on his shoulder and brings to the sin of the world. “What Jesus the flock. The shepherd will gather felt while dying on the cross was his sheep to dwell in the house of the total agony of every soul of all God forever and ever as David said eternity put together, suffered in a in Ps.23.As a guardian and overseer few hours. All the punishment of he watches over every sheep in the all time”, John MacArthur. The flock. burden of sin is very heavy. Rom.8:23 says all creation is Jesus Christ suffered as our groaning under the curse of sin. Substitute to save us and became He suffered as an example.

our Savior.

Leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps V.21

Jesus Christ suffered as our Sin Bearer to take the punishment and became our Redeemer.

Jesus Christ suffered on the cross by men; even though he did not do anything wrong to be crucified. That is the reason it is called unjust suffering. By this he left an example for us to follow. As Christians we don't need to do anything wrong to get suffering from the world. Christ taught us what should be our attitude toward unjust sufferings. Peter by quoting

Jesus Christ suffered leaving an Example for us to follow and became our Model. Jesus Christ suffered as our Shepherd to gather the sheep gone astray and became our Overseer.

– Thampi Mattackal, a Bible teacher lives in USA.

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For Me He died – Thomson B Thomas


arabbas was a notable prisoner(Mt. 27.16). The name means 'son of a father'. The word 'notable' means one that is distinguished in any way, either for great virtues, or great crimes. In this place, it evidently means the latter. He was perhaps a leader of a band who had been guilty of sedition, and had committed murder in an insurrection. In writing about him Luke says, “Who had been thrown into prison for a certain rebellion made in the city, and for murder” (23.19). In the prison he probably was waiting for his day of execution. Then the impossible happened. He found release, a release that came to him as a gift from the 'blue'. Barabbas was released from the prison because Jesus the sinless Son of God became his substitute. Apostle Peter testifies about Jesus' holiness, “Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth” (1 Pt.2.22). Such a one was made to stand before others in judgments. It became Pilate's turn to declare the verdict. As a men-pleaser he tried to tread a neutral stand. He set Barabbas over against Jesus and asked the Jewish crowd whom they want to be released. It was his practice to release a prisoner on the feast day. Pilate never thought the minds of the people would be so warped to demand release of a man like Barabbas. He might have expected them to ask for Jesus. But contrary to his expectation they voted for the criminal. This paved his way for release. What a night Barabbas must have spent before Christ was chosen in 20

His place! The thief and murderer had only the expectation of a terrible death. Then as the light of morning looked in through the bars of his prison he hears the march of soldiers coming to take him out, he thought, to his horrible death. How stupefied he might have felt when he heard the officer say, 'Barabbas, you are free. Another is to die in your stead'? Barabbas might have pinched himself to see if he was in a real or a dream-world. How grateful he might have felt to the Just and Holy One who took his place! The fact that somebody gave His life for him might have taken time to sink into the heart of such a person as Barabbas who only destroyed others' life. Once he realized the weight of the truth the gratitude would never depart from his heart. What a picture of divine grace this presents before us! Barabbas might have mused, “How can it be that a sinless one becomes my substitute”? When this is a reverent quest of all the redeemed, it is the taunt of skeptics also. They think of substitution “ as impossible. They say, “Punishment and penalty cannot be transferred from a guilty person to an innocent one”. 'But to recognize the fact that guilt belongs historically to the one who has committed it, and is in this sense, non-transferable, in no way militates against the fact that guilt as an obligation to justice may under conditions be transferred'. This means though wrong is done by one person another can bear its brunt satisfying the demands of the Law. Doesnot the release of Barabbas illustrate this!

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04

Another insult cast at the fact of the substitutionary death of the Lord Jesus is that it is immoral. The argument runs as follows; “It is immoral to say that our guilt was transferred to Christ and that He was punished for our sins”. But they fail to see that this would be true only if the action were contrary to the will of Christ which manifestly was not. The cross, the heinous death, Jesus took on Him voluntarily. It was not forced on Him. The Bible testifies that He loved the church and gave Himself for that kind of death. Thinking about the death of Jesus as immoral would only be the last thing Barabbas would have. In it he would only see the magnanimity of the Person who took his place. Though we are not told of the impact of this substitution on the latter life of Barabbas the beneficiary, one can only assume that he lived a grateful life for Him who took his place. If the immoral one is turned to moral living by this act of the cross, does it not assert the morality of the work of God on the cross. When one 'surveys' the reason and possibilities of the cross one can only respond with Isaac Watts: Were the whole realms of nature mine That were an offering far too small Love so amazing so divine Demands my soul, my life, my all

– Thomson B Thomas is an evangelist, a Bible Teacher and preacher based in Mumbai.

They stripped of His garment – however on the day of atonement, set aside the garments of glory and beauty and wear only the pure linen garment. So also our Lord when he came into this world to become our High Priest and even the atonement for our sins - wore the linen garments of righteousness and holiness.

They stripped of His garment Now for a moment let us look into the passage in Mt 27 and later return to John 13.

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All the furniture of the tabernacle were to be covered in 'blue' except the brazen altar which was covered with 'purple'. The brazen altar that which speaks of the sacrifice of our Lord for sin was covered with the richness and the plentitude of the sufferings of our Lord. There is an interesting phrase the Spirit uses when He refers to the resurrection of our Lord in Acts 2:24. “Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. “ . When out Lord was raised the spirit, instead of saying 'He was loosed from death' (which is what happened), says 'He was lossed from the pains of death' or pangs of death or sufferings of death. It was as though the sufferings of Christ lasted even after His death. Oh! Who can fathom the depths of His sufferings?

gorgeousrobe – a bright white robe. They all robed Him back with His own robe!! Even after His death at His burial He was covered with the linen cloth. All four gospels testify this. Does this not speak of His perfect holiness on the cross even as the holy wrath of God was poured upon Him. He was wrapped in clean, fine linen at His burial! Indeed the Holy one did not see corruption. (Acts2:27).

Let us return to John 13. had taken his garment v.12: He Soldiers took Jesus into the takes back His garment – The common hall': Here is the 'Prince of Life' in the hands of the servants garments which He had set aside of the 'prince of this world'. now He takes back. Remember the Lord after He completed His Took Jesus into: Does this not ministry that He was given He says remind us that “He is brought as a “I have glorified thee on the earth: I lamb to the slaughter” and “He was have finished the work which thou taken from prison and from gavest me to do. And now, O Father, judgement” (Isaiah 53:7,8) glorify thou me with thine own They stripped Him (of his self with the glory which I had raiment): He wore the raiment of Yet after all that they meted out to with thee before the world was.” holiness and righteousness and Him they (in John 17:4, 5). After that's what they stripped him of. they took the (scarlet) robe off accomplishing the work He takes They brought accusation (false) from him, and put his own raiment back His robe – the robe that He had against Him – To tarnish Him, to on him: Is this not their acknowtarnish the glory of the linen. They set aside when He came into this ledgment of the unblemished did that all through His ministry. world – the robe of the glory of the character of our Lord? They could They accused him of everything Father – the robe of glory which He not but put back on Him, His own they could accuse Him of. While raiment!! Remember the words of had with the Father. none of the accusations against Him the Centurion, their leader, at the and was seated again: After he could stand. accomplished the work He sat down cross “Certainly this was a on the right hand of the Majesty on and put on him a scarlet robe: righteous man.” (Luke 23:47). scarlet: Reminds of blood – The They robed Him back with His own High (Heb 1:3) - once again as the color scarlet indicates the depth of raiment!! So did all the leaders that brightness of His glory. Wherefore the color red. Isaiah says “though examined the Lord. Caiaphas- their has God highly exalted Him your sins be as scarlet” (Isaiah 1:18) religious leader says “it is expedient (Phil2:9), far above all principalities that is, however deep the sins. The and powers and might and that one man should die for the Scarlet robe – does this not speak of dominion (Eph1:21). people” (John 18:14) – An the depth of His suffering? – the acknowledgement that He was It is Him whom we remember in indescribable depths of His without blemish fit to be sacrificed. worship –may the glory of His suffering. Scriptures give us only a Pilate the Roman governor, after sufferings fill our souls as we gather glimpse of the sufferings that He thrice declaring “I find no fault in to remember Him at His supper endured for sin. The Spirit in Mark's this man” then washed his hand and may the glory of the Risen gospel puts it as a purple robe – the saying “ I am innocent of the blood Christ fill our souls as we serve Him. 'richness' of His suffering or the of this righteous man” (Mathew 'plentitude' of His sufferings – the 27:24). Herod the King after he unspeakable riches of His – Didymus, lives in Mumbai examines robed Him with a sufferings. Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04




– Mercy Sambob


ear sisters, in our previous article we almost thought our considerations on virtuous woman from Prov 31 are concluded. But the Lord in His grace gave me another thought and therefore I like to conclude the series of articles with this one. Section on virtuous woman opens with virtue and worth of a noble wife in verse 10 of Prov 31and concludes with an appreciation she receives from her husband and children in verses 28-31. In this article, let us consider how a virtuous woman is praise worthy from a few different angles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Praised by her husband. Praised by her children. Praised by the society. Praised by her works. Praised of her good conduct.

1. Praised by her husband. Prov 31:28,29. "Her husband praises her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but you excel them all" vs 29. She is praised by her husband for all her virtues and conduct. She is far above all other women, because of her character, her work, her skill, her wisdom etc. Many daughters have done well but you excel them all. There are many; but she is incomparable, excellent. She stood first in the list of virtuous women. Because, she is virtuous not only as unto her husband, but also from other angles too as to her household, 22

her children, her servants, her work, poor, her merchandise, her clothing, her teaching, her testimony. Her husband says, "They are virtuous as unto their husbands, but you are virtuous even when seen from the relevance unto other family members, outsiders, in giving kind teaching. You are exemplary in all areas. You excel them all. What an admirable woman! Boaz admired Ruth. She received admiration of Boaz in the field and in the threshing floor. A wife instinctively expects appreciation from her husband however, many husbands not only fail to admire at all, conversely may even tease their wives. He knows her very intimately, more than anyone else in the world. As this woman is virtuous in every area of her life; she is admired by her husband. Receiving appreciation from husband is really a rare event. It is easy to get appreciation from our parents, kith and kin and children, but it is not that easy to get an appreciation from the husband as some are very hard. Let us be virtuous in the assembly, so that our life is admired by our heavenly husband, as He admired the

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04

woman, who came with spikenard and washed His feet and worshipped Him. "She hath wrought a good work on me----This shall be spoken off as a memorial." May our life speak of us. 2. Praised by her children:Pro31:28"Her children arise up, and call her blessed." Here we see that she is praised by her children. Children, when they see their mother coming home, they rise up from their seats, from their beds, from whatever they are occupied with out of affection for her. They stop doing any mischief, when they see their mother coming out of respect for her. They have high esteem for

that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised."Here we see that she is praised by the public, by the society, by the outside world. When beautiful and charming women walk along side the road, through streets, we notice some people staring at them. But this virtuous woman, though she is not charming (which otherwise a In Telugu Bible it is said "Her deceitful possession), though she sons call her blessed". The is not beautiful (which is person who spoke these words, otherwise a vain possession), yet Bathsheba herself had this she is praise worthy because of experience. In 1Kg 2:19 her fear in the Lord. She adorns Bathsheba went unto king herself with the fear of the Lord Solomon, her son to speak unto as her inner beauty. Yes, the him. And the king rose up to meet world around us keep watching her and bowed himself unto her us. Can they see the inner beauty and caused a seat to be set for the which grows in us day by day, as king's mother, and she sat on his we grow in Him? Or, do they see right hand. The king recollects the world in us, the outside how he got the throne. His beautification (which anyway mother had been to king David, would fade away day by day)? bowed, and did obeisance unto the king and pleaded him for the 4. Praised by her works:throne for Solomon, which was Prov 31:31"Her own works praise continued further forcefully by her in the gates." Here we see, Adonijah. He also remembered that her works praise her. She is that his mother was the main praised by the society even after cause for him to be there in that her home call. People remember elevated position as king over the her life and her works. After people of God. That's why the leading a life which was pleasing king rose up to meet her when in His sight and was virtuous,she she came to him. What a went to be with the Lord. But her gratitude! What a respect for a work remained visible still in the son to show! Yes, children should world. That too at the gates, never forget the love, care, which is a prominent place, a concern and pain that mom goes significant place, a well known through for their sake and should place, where the elders, the therefore respond to her suitably. leaders, the politicians sit and Eph6:2 "Honour thy father and observe/discuss/recall the mother; which is the first events. There the virtuous commandment with promise. woman is not seen, but her works Usually mom takes the first place are seen. In some cases, she may in moulding the lives of many yet be alive but got transferred to children to enable them gain high some other place or went to be in positions. another place due to marriage or 3. Praised by society:job. But her works are still seen in the former place. Here we see her Prov 31:30"Charm is deceitful, work (in Jan issue). Her own and beauty is vain: but a woman their mom, who conceived them, who bore them for nine months, who brought them up for so many years, with so much care and concern. They knew their mom's life, they saw her that she is virtuous towards them in every way. That's why they rise up and say "Mom, you are blessed."

works praise her, the way how she worked willingly, with her strength, with discernment, with fore thought, with concentration, and that got reward and how her works speak of her even after her departure. Yes, such works receive the praise of people.

5. Praised because of her conduct:Prov31:25 Honor is one of her clothing. Clothing is the one which is seen outside, on our body. Clothing in Scriptures speaks of behavior or conduct. When the inside is filled with good,a believer exhibits the same outside. That means the same is occupied in and out of a believer. Her nature is good and her behavior and conduct are good. Inside she is made righteous by the work of salvation of The Lord Jesus Christ, which we have seen with reference to her clothing (in February issue). Because of the work wrought in her life by the Holy Spirit, her conduct is good and is praise worthy and she is honored by all who see her. And she honors The Lord by her conduct. So in this last article on virtuous woman we see that she is praise worthy in fivefold. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

She is praised by her husband. She is praised by her children. She is praised by the society. She is praised by her works. She is praised because of her good conduct. May the Lord bless these seven articles on virtuous woman for His glory. – Mercy Sambob, is a house wife, ministering among sisters and residing at Kadapa, AP.

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04


Wonder of The Cross Jerusalem. Being a stranger in Jerusalem, probably it was a matter of great concern for Simon the Cyrene. On that day evening Simon received a good news, that the Temple council decided to purchase a piece of land as a burial ground for the strangers in Jerusalem. On enquiry he might have come to know that the price of the land was 'thirty pieces of silver' and that was the 'price' of one whose cross he carried. Lord is not a debtor to any one, He compensated Simon for his service.(Mat. 27:6-10)

Simon's Family. As residents of Jerusalem, they were members of the synagogue of Cyrenians. We were told that Cyrenians disputed with Stephen and that finally led to his martyrdom. However, at a later date many Cyrenians became the followers of Christ and continued to be members of Jerusalem Church. Simon's family was one among them (Acts 6:9). It was Cyrenian saints who were badly affected by the persecution followed by Stephen's Martyrdom. They were scattered everywhere and travelled as far as to Antioch. In spite of severe persecution, they preached the Gospel to the people around them, specially to the Gentiles.( Acts 11:19-21). Simon the Cyrene and his family were probably prominent among them. These events finally resulted in the formation of the Church at Antioch(Acts.11:2226;13:1-2) Antioch Church composed of both Jews and Gentiles. Simeon the 24

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Niger and Lucius of Cyrene were among the prophets and teachers of the Church. According to F F Bruce, Simeon the Niger ( Nigro) and Simon the Cyrene were referring to the same person. An unknown poor farmer from the city of Jerusalem became one of the first Bishops of the Church at Antioch. Not only that his two sons, both Alexander and Rufus were renowned among the early Christians throughout the Roman Empire. Most probably Paul during his early ministries at Antioch, resided with this family. Simon's wife treated Paul as one of

her sons. Probably after the home call of Simon this family might have moved to Rome. While writing to the Romans, without fail Paul sends his greetings to Rufus and his mother. "Greet Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine" (Rom.16:13). Here Paul reminds the grace of God that had chosen Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross and follow Him. His children followed the foot prints of their father. There is no greater joy than to follow Jesus Christ. Amen. – Koshy Mathew is an itinerant Bible Teacher based in Mumbai.

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Keep away! I am angry!! I

t is a fact that there is 'good anger' essential for human existence – this is the kind of anger that stems out of love! For example, in the face of blatant evil, a person who loves God's moral values will be angry and not apathetic or indifferent. The words of David, the king who was a man after God's own heart is revealing - “I am burning with wrath, because of the sinners 1 who have given up your law.” Will a wife ever complaint against the 'anger' of her husband who is upset that she is not having her food on time? Definitely not! It will only be met with a sheepish accepting smile. On the other hand, there is absolutely destructive anger that tears down relations. C.S. Lewis, the great philosopher once opined - “Anger is the fluid that love bleeds when you cut it”2. The 'free flow' of such anger in several marriages indicates the terrible ill-health of their relationships. This is rooted on another kind of love – selfish love! Here our own preferences make us blind to the needs of our Spouses, resulting in a kind of

destructive anger. No wonder we are advised – “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of 3 others”. If this kind of anger is not learned to be contained, it drives an individual towards 'angerholism'! 'Angerholics' are like 'alcoholics'; just that the former are addicted to anger. They get a 'kick' out of hormones such as Epinephrine and norepinephrine rushing into their bloodstream! In order to get the same 'kick' next time, they need to be 'more angry', just the way Alcohol consumption increases from 'one peg' to several 'mugs'! They behave like active volcanoes, ready to be erupted! They live in continuous state of dissatisfaction and their Spouses live in tremendous fear of mild tremors turning into massive eruptions, any time. This fear is effectively used by the 'angerholics' to cheaply fetch what they wanted from the partner. Angerholism gets rooted into human characters early in life. There are homes where parents pour out their anger without any

– BB Couple control on their children and on one another. We remember being surprised by the kind of foul language a wife used against her husband as and when she got into this fits of rage. As both of them were from a cultured background, we were puzzled. It was then that we were told about the background... Her father was a very loving man at heart; but an angerholic! He took it out on anyone, even on the drivers driving past on the road. If offended, he would instantly pour out his anger in the most vulgar language and this little girl would look the other way as if she has not heard it at all. Her mother too was no different! She would even take on her husband with 'choicest words' when it is 'her day'! In short, it was a 'free for all' atmosphere for growing up! Religious 'beliefs' had little impact whatsoever on their 'uncontrolled' attitude as spirituality for them was more of subscribing to a kind of 'creed' as a social identity rather than of practicing stake in it. The little girl hated her parents to the core and always wanted to be different in her own married life.

Harvest Times for Your Family April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04


POEM But when rubber hit the road, she also started s(t)inking..

say - “If God be for us, who can be 6 against us?”

It is a known fact that most of these behavioural flaws come from our prevailing experiences in the homes we are raised in and the friends we chose. Our beliefs get rooted in us through these circumstances and in some cases, the traumatic experiences that we might have undergone in the past. Beliefs are seated in our mind and they determine our response to each situation.

Angerholism also could be revealing an unforgiving spirit behind it. Most of us are victims of people or circumstances in one way or the other. Though we cannot 'Ctrl+Alt+Delete' our past, we can be free from its negative control over us. The way of freedom is forgiving. No wonder we are advised to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”7. There is no excuse whatsoever in continuing with Angerholism.

If a person 'believe' that he/she is more important than anyone else, he will be prone to angerholism also. When a person uses all the energy to protect ones selfish interests, we will often get to hear statements such as “That's just the way I am” or “Temper runs in our family” etc. The classical example of this is the life history of the first jewish King- Saul who plotted murderous attack on a 4 poor shepherd boy named David . We could call these kinds of people with the newest word of the year 2014 in Dictionary – Selfie ! A selfish minded person will be self-protective, self-reliant, self-serving, and self-promoting. He will get angry with anyone who threatens any of the above 5 personal goals . Sometimes, many believe unknowingly that the manifestation of angerholism could keep people away at a safe distance. Such people want their weaknesses to be hidden behind the angry exterior. It is more of an attempt to create a safe distance by a terrified, weak person.. The fear of being shamed is real! The only hope for such terrified minds comes from a change of mind that can boldly 26 Harvest Times for Your Family

On one of our 'Bharat Darshan' tours long ago, we came across a man standing like a statue, dressed in ancient warrior attire, with an inscription underneath – “Try making me laugh”! Our children tried the entire tricks in their books to make him laugh and they miserably failed. As they were about to leave tired, he just smiled – at his own terms!! That fellow was in absolute control of himself... He decided when to respond and when not to. No one could dictate or influence him for a response.. A strong man will never be an 'angerholic'. He will follow the golden rule – “Be ye 8 angry, and sin not”.


In the darkest night, no hope in sight, crushed is the will cos there is nothing right. Hatred and war pangs every night, Jacob almost no more in sight, tears running down every soul. Sorrow in words can never express, Oh the fateful days of mankind. And lo,the clock strikes, all creations breathed. Deep in the heart of all;stirred a far away forgotten Joy and song. Creations burst into Harmony,with the seven sounds!

References: 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

Bible – Psalms 119:53 (BBE translation) C.S. Lewis: A Complete Guide to His Life & Works by Walter Hooper Bible – Philippians 2:4 (KJV translation) Bible – 1 Samuel 18 Bible – James 4:1-3 Bible – Romans 1:31-39 Bible – Romans 12:2 Bible – Ephesians 4:26

– BB Couple works among families and can be contacted at bbcouple@yahoo.com

April 2014/Volume 11 Issue 04

And far on a cloud, Beauty far too much to behold, majestic glory,flowed like a river of blazing Gold. The sun hid in shame. and as i looked closer, I saw the SCARS . –

Simon Joel Samuel, Panvel, New Mumbai

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