Sustainability and Architecture

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green studio

EASTGATE a mid mid-rise rise commercial Harare, Zimbabwe green studio

c o n c e p t Termite colony

EASTGATE green studio

sections of termite colony

E A S T Ggreen A Tstudio E

sections of termite colony

E A S T Ggreen A Tstudio E

difference of air changes

E A S T Ggreen A Tstudio E

temperature stability in eastgate at day at eastgate

at night

E A S T Ggreen A Tstudio E


Transfers kinetic energy to electrical energy

green studio

WHAT IS A WIND TURBINE? •Is a rotating machine •Converts the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical energy. •If used directly by machinery, the machine is called a windmill. •If converted to electricity, the machine is called a wind generator, wind turbine, power unit, wind energy converter.

WIND TURBINE green studio

HISTORY • were used in Persia as early as 200 B.C. • the first practical windmills were built in Sis tan, tan Iran Iran, • from the 7th century • were vertical axle windmills, windmills • had long vertical driveshaft's with rectangleshaped blades. • were used to- grind corn and draw up water, and -were used in the grist milling and sugarcane industries

The world's first automatically operated wind turbine was built in Cleveland in 1888 by Charles F F. Brush Brush. It was 60 feet tall, weighed four tons and had a 12kW turbine.

WIND TURBINE green studio

Orientation Turbines can be categorized into two overarching classes based on the orientation of the rotor Vertical Axis

Horizontal Axis


green studio

Vertical Axis Turbines

Advantages •Omnidirectional Omnidirectional •Accepts wind from any angle •Components can be mounted at ground level •Ease of service •Lighter weight towers •Can theoretically use less materials to capture the same amount of wind

Disadvantages • • • • • • •

Rotors generally near ground where wind poorer Centrifugal force stresses blades Poor self-starting capabilities Requires q support pp at top p of turbine rotor Requires entire rotor to be removed to replace bearings Overall poor performance and reliability Have never been commercially successful


green studio

Lift vs Drag VAWTs Lift Device “Darrieus” Low solidity, aerofoil blades More efficient than drag device Drag Device “Savonius” High solidity, cup shapes are pushed by the wind At best can capture only 15% of wind energy


green studio

VAWT’s have not been commercially successful, yet…

Every few years a new company comes along promising a revolutionary breakthrough in wind turbine design that is low cost, outperforms anything else on the market, and overcomes previous p problems all of the p with VAWT’s. They can also usually be installed on a roof or in a city where wind is poor.


green studio

Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines

Rotors are usually Up-wind of tower S Some machines hi h have d downwind rotors, but only commercially available ones are small turbines


green studio


green studio

Active vs. Passive Yaw Active Yaw (all medium & large turbines p produced today, y, & some small turbines from Europe) Anemometer on nacelle tells controller which way to point rotor into the wind Yaw drive turns gears to point rotor into wind Passive Yaw (Most small turbines) Wind forces alone direct rotor Tail vanes Downwind turbines


green studio

Airfoil Nomenclature

wind turbines use the same aerodynamic principals as aircraft


green studio

Lift & Drag Forces The Lift Force is perpendicular to the direction of motion. We want to make this force BIG.

α = low

α = medium <10 degrees The Drag Force is parallel to the direction of motion. We want to make this force small.

α = High Stall!!


green studio

Apparent Wind & A l off Attack Angle Att k ΩR


α V


VR = Relative Wind α = angle of attack = angle between the chord line and the direction of the relative wind, VR . VR = wind speed seen by the airfoil – vector sum of V (free stream wind) and ΩR (tip speed).


green studio

Tip-Speed Ratio Tip-speed Ti d ratio ti iis th the ratio ti off th the speed d of the rotating blade tip to the speed of the free stream wind. There is an optimum angle of attack which creates the highest g lift to drag g ratio. Because angle of attack is dependant on wind speed, there is an optimum tipspeed ratio

ΩR TSR = V Where, Ω = rotational speed in radians /sec R = Rotor Radius V = Wind “Free Stream” Velocity y


green studio

Twist & Taper Speed through the air of a point on the blade changes with distance from hub Therefore, tip speed ratio varies as well To optimize angle of attack all along blade, it must twist from root to tip


green studio

Pitch Control vs. Stall Control Pitch Control Blades rotate out of the wind i d when h wind i d speed d becomes too great Stall Control Blades are at a fixed pitch that starts to stall when wind speed is too great Pitch can be adjusted for particular location’s wind regime A ti Active Stall St ll C Control t l Many larger turbines today have active pitch control that turns the blades towards stall when wind speeds are too great


green studio

Airfoil in stall

• • •

Stall arises due to separation of flow from airfoil Stall results in decreasing lift coefficient with increasing angle of attack tt k Stall behavior complicated due to blade rotation


green studio

Rotor Solidity Solidity is the ratio of total rotor planform area to total swept area

Low solidity (0.10) = high speed, low torque

High solidity (>0.80) = low speed, high torque

Solidity y = 3a/A


green studio

Betz Limit

Betz Limit 16

C p ,max =


= .5926

All wind power cannot be captured by rotor or air would be completely still behind rotor and not allow more wind to pass through. Theoretical limit of rotor efficiency is 59%


green studio

Number of Blades – One Rotor must move more rapidly to capture same amount of wind Gearbox ratio reduced Added weight of counterbalance negates some benefits of lighter design Higher speed means more noise, visual, and wildlife impacts Blades easier to install because entire rotor can be assembled on ground d Captures 10% less energy than two blade design Ultimately provide no cost savings


green studio

Number of Blades – Two • Advantages & di d disadvantages t similar i il tto one blade • Need teetering hub and or shock h k absorbers b b because of gyroscopic imbalances • Capture C t 5% lless energy than three blade designs


green studio

Blade Composition Wood Wood Strong, light weight, cheap, abundant, flexible Popular on do-it yourself turbines Solid plank Laminates Veneers Composites


green studio

Blade Composition Metal Steel Heavy & expensive Aluminum Lighter-weight and easy to work with Expensive Subject to metal fatigue


green studio

Blade Construction Fiberglass Lightweight, strong, inexpensive, good fatigue characteristics Variety of manufacturing p processes Cloth over frame Pultrusion Filament winding to produce spars Most modern large turbines use fiberglass


green studio

Hubs The hub holds the rotor together and transmits motion to nacelle Three important aspects How blades are attached Nearly y all have cantilevered hubs (supported only at hub) Struts & Stays haven’t proved worthwhile Fixed or Variable Pitch? Flexible or Rigid Attachment Most are rigid Some two bladed designs use teetering hubs


green studio

Direct Drive Enercon E70, 2.3 MW (right)

Drive Trains Drive Trains transfer power from rotor to the generator Direct Drive (no transmission) Quieter & more reliable Most small turbines Mechanical Transmission Can have parallel or planetary shafts Prone to failure due to very high stresses Most large turbines (except in Germany)

GE 2.3 MW (above) Multi-drive Clipper Liberty 2.5 MW (right)


green studio

WIND TURBINE IN RESPECT OF BANGLADESH Bangladesh being a tropical country does have a lot of wind flow at different seasons of the year. There are some wind locations in which wind energy projects could be feasible.

Situated between 20.30 -26.38 degrees NORTH latitude and 88.04-92.44 degrees EAST. It has seven hundred KM Coastal line


green studio

3.6m/h N Jan

Last year wind flow direction & flow rate

3.2m/h N Feb 3.6m/h NE Oct 2.5m/h NE Nov

3.3m/h W Dec

2.8m/h 2 8 /h S Aug & Sep 3.4m/h S 3.4m/h S 3.8m/h S July 3.3m/h S April & May Mar June


green studio




green studio

Possible locations for placement of wind turbine »Patenga »Cox's bazaar »Teknaf »Char fashion »Kuakata »Kutubdia

Wind turbine green studio

Wind flow graph of saint martin’s island

Wind turbine green studio

Wind flow g graph p of Patenga g

Wind turbine green studio

Wind flow graph of Cox’s Bazar

Wind turbine green studio

Wind flow graph of Teknaf

Wind turbine green studio

Wind flow graph of Char Fassion

Wind turbine green studio

Wind flow graph of Kuakata

Wind turbine green studio

Wind flow graph of Kutubdia

Wind turbine green studio


a mid mid-rise rise commercial Harare, Zimbabwe

green studio

A photovoltaic module or photovoltaic panel is a packaged interconnected assembly of photovoltaic cells, also known as solar cells The photovoltaic module, known more commonly as the solar panel, is then used as a component in a larger photovoltaic system to offer electricity for commercial and residential applications. Solar Panels use light energy (photons) from the sun to generate electricity through Photo-Voltaic effect.


green studio

Placement •In winter the design should be designed so that the panel points should direct the sun at noon •The latitude angle should me multiple with 0.9 0 9 and 30 plus for example NY is at 40 degrees so,, 40x0.9+30= 60 degree g tilt from horizontal •Tilt angle for Spring and Autumn latitude is minus 2.5 degree • Tilt angle for Summer 52.5 degree less than Winter angle

SOLAR PANEL green studio


Mod le Module.




Charge Controller.




green studio

Solar cells are made of the same kinds of semiconductor materials, such as silicon, used in the microelectronics industry. For solar cells, a thin semiconductor wafer is specially treated to form an electric field, positive on one side and negative on the other.

SOLAR PANEL green studio

When light energy strikes the solar cell, electrons are knocked loose from th atoms the t iin th the semiconductor material. If electrical conductors are attached to the positive and negative sides, forming an electrical circuit, the electrons can be captured in the form of an electric current - that is, electricity. This electricity can then be used to power a load, such as a light or a tool. tool

SOLAR PANEL green studio

•Most solar panels produce 5 to 10 WATT per square foot array area. •Based on a variety of different technologies •A 2 KW solar system will need 200-400 square feet of unobstructed area to site the system. •The most appropriate place to put the solar panel is on the roof of the building. •With a standoff of several inches for cooling purpose

SOLAR PANEL green studio

produce power in proportion to the intensity of sunlight The intensity of sunlight on a suface varies throughtout a day Solar modules produce DC electricity The maximum output of the total solar array is always less then the sum of the maximum output of the individuals modies Amount at least 2% loss in system power Some power loses in conversion process from dc to ac

SOLAR PANEL green studio

180W Solar Module / Solar Panel / PV Module / PV Panel

. Dimensions: 5’2”X2’6” . Weight: 15.7 kg . Productivity: 25MW / year .12V and 24V battery .charging g g system y

SOLAR PANEL green studio

The CIS Tower in Manchester, England was clad l d in i PV panels l att a costt of ÂŁ5.5 million. It started feeding electricity to the National Grid in November 2005

Wind turbine green studio

SOLAR PANEL IN BANGLADESH •Maximum eectricity produce 130 WATT •It can run 11 CFL(Compact ( Flourescent Lamp)) of 6WATT power and 17-20 inches black and white TV •20-25 years warrenty •Can run fan conducted on DC current •It cost 6800 tk •Maintenance cost is very low •60% investment in solar energy where 25%battery (locally made)+15%other mechanical part •More than 3 lac house of 465 upazilla of all district and 16 island are g getting g solar panel p •Producing 30lac 44mega watt electricity

SOLAR PANEL green studio

GREENERIES aground mid-rise mid rise, commercial vertical landscape Harare,&Zimbabwe green roof green studio

types of greeneries • for aesthetic • reduce heat & temperature • indoor outdoor relationship

ground landscape


green studio

types of greeneries vertical landscape • • • • •

aesthetic value minimize temperature environment friendly much more easy & cheap heavy & different plantation is possible


green studio

types of greeneries green roof • aesthetic value • minimize UV & temperature

• Increase in roof longevity • energy efficiency • sound-absorbing • improve air quality • increases habitat for birds & butterflies


green studio

green roof plants L sheet metal edge planting media non woven separation fabric ½â€? pea gravell drainage mat root barrier p mambranes EPDM waterproof roof flashing gutter

Existing plywood roof


green studio

RAIN WATER HARVESTING aground mid mid-rise rise catchment commercial & roof Harare, catchment Zimbabwe system

green studio

Rainfall in dhaka

RAINHarare, WATER HARVESTING a mid mid-rise rise commercial Zimbabwe green studio

roof catchment Rainwater harvesting is the gathering, or accumulating and storing, of rainwater

ground catchment

RAINHarare, WATER HARVESTING a mid mid-rise rise commercial Zimbabwe green studio

BIO GAS SYSTEM aground mid-rise mid rise catchment commercial & roof Harare, catchment Zimbabwe system

green studio

what is bio gas • Anaerobic digesters convert the energy stored in organic materials present in manure into biogas. g • bio gas produce 65% methane gas

BIO GASZimbabwe SYSTEM a mid mid-rise rise commercial Harare, green studio

usage of bio gas in our context

• produce d gas ffor cooking ki • also produces electricity

BIO GASZimbabwe SYSTEM a mid mid-rise rise commercial Harare, green studio


everything that one can see out of the window

green studio

urbanism is all about -Form, Shape and character -Quality and usefulness of the public spaces - No conflict of energy with urbanism

URBANISM green studio

patterns of urbanization and land use - Space design for people - Segregation of land - Population density, structures, geography and land use patterns - Quality and usefulness of public space

URBANISM green studio

Sustainable urbanism A sustainable urbanization can feed itself with minimal reliance on the surroundings, surroundings and power itself with renewable sources of energy.

URBANISM green studio

- Energy use differs in mixed land use to segregated land use - Energy use varies from commercial to industrial zone - Climate factors directly affect energy use

Sustainability development in urbanism -Increasing I i sustainability t i bilit th through hd density it -Integrating transportation and land use - Green roofs - Zero emission transport -Zero-energy building -Sustainable energy drainage systems -Energy conservation system -Garden and landscape design for water conservation

URBANISM green studio

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