Student signature sheet

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Student Name: _____________________________ School Name: _____________________________

MIST Student Signature Sheet Please write legibly. I have read and understood all MIST rules and regulations posted on, as well as below on this form, and I agree to abide by them. I agree not to enter/leave the MIST Venue unless accompanied by a registered Coach of my team, or unless given special permission from the MIST Board. This registration releases all responsibility from MIST, the MIST Staff and Management, MSA, and the host school or organization for any losses or injuries that may occur during MIST. Competitor Signature:







 You must have an official team coach sign below. Coach Signature: Printed Name:

 Your parent/guardian must sign below. By signing this form, I have read and understood all MIST rules and regulations. I have also read the terms and conditions of MIST posted below and agree to them. I agree to sign this form after an official team coach has signed above. Parent/Guardian Signature: Printed Name:




This agreement for participation (“Agreement”) made effective this 12th of November, by and between Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament, its organizers, and staff (“MIST”) and conference participant(s) and/or their Guardians (“Participant(s)”). Participant desires to participate in a MIST Conference; MIST makes no express warranties of its intentions, desires, hopes, or aspirations, with respect to participation of any particular individual(s). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: MIST Conferences refer to the local, regional, and national conferences and events organized by MIST members, partners, sponsors, and affiliates. All work must be your own original work, or material you have received written permission from a third party owner to use. You must have the right to submit work for judging at the MIST Conferences, and potential later publication through any of our partner sites and to be used in MIST publicity materials. If these rights have not been obtained and the owners attempt to claim damages from MIST for breach of copyright or other rights, you will be responsible for all costs. Your work must not be defamatory or infringe any law. MIST will not be responsible for any legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by them as a result of your breach of the above warranty. You and your co-authors, if any, and pending notification of publication with a MIST partner at which point these rights are cancelled, retain the copyright in your own materials and you are free to publish them elsewhere. These rights extend to any medium, including electronic and print, radio, television, motion pictures, cartoons, advertising, etc. You grant MIST the right in perpetuity to publish the work on its website located at and through our partner sites in accordance with our Terms & Conditions of use, and to use it in publicity material. MIST also has the right to keep any of your submissions for publicity and marketing purposes as long as credit for the creation of these submissions are given to you as author and creator. You grant permission for your material to be reviewed, judged, awarded, and edited for publication and web delivery according to our requirements (This means you waive your moral rights in the work for the purposes of its submission to and use by MIST and also for use by its partners). You agree that MIST shall not be responsible for any third party infringement of your rights in the work, copyright or otherwise, which may result from its publication on MIST websites or through our partner sites, or its use in publicity material if users do not comply with our Terms & Conditions of use. Where group submissions are involved the group leader or those entering stories on others' behalf (whether individuals or groups) should take the members of the group through the terms and conditions, and record that this has been done at the top of their stories. MIST is not liable for participants’ failure to review these Terms and Conditions. Similarly, where individual contributions have been added by volunteers, those entering the work should take the author/artist through the terms and conditions and acknowledge the due process at the top of their story. Anyone republishing material from the MIST website, any of its partner sites, or any of its publications without prior permission is liable for any resulting infringement of copyright. In the case of any copyright claims, MIST reserves the right to disclose the true names and any other contact information of authors writing under pen names or anonymity to any legal authority that requests it. MIST reserves the right to reject material on the grounds of copyright infringement, offensiveness or other legal considerations. MIST is under no obligation to publish, review, judge, or award any work submitted. MIST is working with several publishers and other local and national resellers. By submitting material to MIST, you also permit any and all publishers, resellers, sponsors, distributors, and partners, to use the material for exhibition, archival, educational, entertainment, promotional and other standard purposes in any and all media. By submitting material to MIST you release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless MIST and persons or organizations acting under its permission or authority from any claims or liability arising out of the MIST’s use of the material, including, without limitation, claims for violation of privacy, defamation, or misrepresentation, negligence, or emotional distress. You agree not to hold MIST, any of its Conference Hosts, namely but not limited to: Colleges and Universities, Hotels, Banquet Halls, or any other Hosting Facilities liable for any personal injury claims arising out of, in commission of, or subsequent to, participation at a MIST Conference or Event. We cannot guarantee return of any item you submit to us so be sure to keep a copy. MIST will not share your email address or any other information with commercial vendors. If you are a minor, then you are required to have a parent or guardian co-sign this agreement. MIST cannot accept consent forms submitted by minors without an accompanying parental signature. If you are unclear about any aspect of this consent form, you may contact MIST by mail, email or telephone for clarification.

For any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact your Regional Registration Headquarters.

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