Focus - Personal Development in Schools

Page 1

• Celebrating 20 Years of The Little Princess Trust

• Helping Teachers to Create Space Beyond the Classroom

• Explore the New PSHE Book Collection

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04 The Price of Connectivity

1decision’s Educational Advisor, Sophie Hearn, looks into the use of smartphones and how it can impact children’s development and wellbeing.

06 Locks of Love

For its 20th anniversary, we’re reflecting on the history of The Little Princess Trust and how this worthy charity continues to enrich the lives of children nationwide.

08 Protecting Young Lives from Social Media with Jools’ Law

We hear Ellen Roomes’ story to understand why life skills education is vital and how supporting L4L can help.

09 Enhancing PSHE Through Themed Assemblies

Stay on track with your PSHE teachings and access our complimentary assembly resources for schools.

10 Lessons4Life Heads to Westminster

We find out about Hayley Sherwood’s most recent trip to parliament with John Rees and share updates on the campaign.

12 Why We Still Need to Raise Awareness of Knife Crime

We explore the rise in knife crime and share links to workshops and resources to use in UK primary schools.

14 Spring Awareness Days

A round-up of PSHE and RSHE related awareness days and important dates for your diary.

15 Why Happiness Matters

Off the back of International Day of Happiness, we share tips and activities to celebrate and encourage more fun in the classroom.

16 You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup

We speak to Rachael Down from to understand the current state of teacher wellbeing and how to create space for you.

18 Waste Not Want Not

With the deadline for compulsory implementation of the government’s recycling plan fast approaching, we share top tips to become bin ready.

20 Latest PSHE and RSHE News

A collection of the most important conversations, initiatives and news for PSHE, RSHE, PSED and personal development in primary.

22 Nourishing Healthy Education in Schools

For National Healthy Eating Week, we take a look at the current state of UK pupil nutrition and ways to improve health.

24 Water Safety Awareness for Primary

We explore the top risks and dangers for children in the UK, and offer tips and resources to teach water safety confidently.

26 It Starts with PSED

We take a look at how and why teaching PSED in Early Years education provides a sturdy foundation for the building blocks to PSHE primary schools.

28 New PSHE Booklist Out Now

We speak to Bryony Dorrans for the latest titles and literature to support PSED and PSHE in primary schools. Read on to the view the library.

30 Why BSL Needs to Be Taught

We hear from BSL campaigners, Corinne Anstey and Sophie Baker-Disspain to understand why and how to teach BSL primary schools.

32 Celebrating International Day of Families

We share important information on the awareness day and discuss how to embrace diversity in schools and communities.

33 RSHE FOCUS: My Body Is My Body

We hear from Chrissy Sykes about her song "Kimberley" and how music is empowering children to advocate for body autonomy in RSHE.

36 8 Ways to Challenge Misogyny

For International Women’s Day 2025, we explore ways to combat misogyny and promote equality in and outside of the classroom.

38 Step Up for Wellbeing: National Walking Month

We explore why walking is vital for wellbeing and offer ways for teachers and parents/carers to encourage kids to move more.

40 Tackling Child Poverty and Ill Health

We find out the reasons behind Alliance 4 Children’s urgent call for positive public health taxes and invite you to join the campaign.

The Price of Connectivity:



Sophie Hearn, Education and Partnerships Advisor at 1decision, explores the impact of smartphones on child development, mental health, and social interactions, as well as the effectiveness of digital literacy in schools and what we can all do to create a safer, more balanced digital experience.

• How smartphones are impacting children’s wellbeing and education

• The growing conversation around smartphone-free schools

• What steps we can take to create a healthier digital future

Within minutes of searching for my first phone online- a Nokia 3410, I found it listed as a ‘vintage phone’ on eBay. Vintage! I was only nine when I received that phone, seen as a practical tool for checking in during

my short walks home from school. Back then, the extent of its features offered no more than buying ringtones from the back of magazine adverts and rounds of the game Snake if you felt adventurous. There was no camera, no Wi-Fi, and certainly no apps. It was simple, limited, and in hindsight, quite liberating to have.

Fast forward two decades and smartphones have exposed children and young people to a brand-new world, reshaping young minds, relationships and the atmosphere of learning. A recent two-part Channel 4 documentary Swiped: The School That Banned Smartphones, exposes these changes within the first 15 minutes, with Dr Rangan Chatterjee noting there are around ‘1 in 4 children now using smartphones in an addictive or compulsive manner.’ What’s even more concerning is that 12-year-olds are using

devices for anywhere between two to eight hours a day, sometimes even sitting on one app like TikTok for hours on end. These statistics highlight a societal shift of how young people are focusing their attention both in and outside of school.

In the documentary, presenters Emma and Matt Willis who are themselves parents to three children, follow a group of Year 8 pupils at a school in Essex who give up their smartphones for 21 days. Emma and Matt also hand in their own phones. In partnership with the University of York, pupils were monitored through their behavioural changes, assessed sleep quality, attention span, mood, stress, and overall enjoyment of life. It was at one part of the documentary however that really saddened me, where one pupil said they were ‘locking his life away’. There is so much more to life that we need to support

children and young people in seeing and valuing.

Whether you’re a parent, educator, work in tech, or simply care about the future of our children and society, we all share a responsibility in safeguarding children’s wellbeing and shaping a healthier digital future. Across the country there are a growing number of advocates for smartphone-free schools and even calls for a nationwide ban on devices for children under a certain age. The experiment in Essex is part of a wider global conversation where other countries have already taken decisive steps to ban phones in schools; notably France, where mobile devices for those under the age of 15 have been prohibited since 2018., banned mobile devices for those under the age of 15. Many argue that smartphone use in schools is damaging concentration, social pressures and blurring lines between the digital world and reality.

However, a recent study from the University of Birmingham has found that banning smartphones in schools does not significantly improve pupils’ academic performance or mental wellbeing. The research suggests that while phone bans have little impact on sleep, physical activity, or classroom behaviour, pupils’ overall smartphone and social media use outside school hours plays a much greater role in their mental health. The findings challenge the idea that restricting phone use in schools alone is an effective solution for improving pupil outcomes.

When we look at how digital literacy is covered in schools, it is generally split across multiple subjects; notably PSHE/ RSHE, computing, citizenship, and further through tutor time, extra-curricular activities and external speakers. There is a concern that digital literacy is therefore being thrown at schools with too many grey areas and not enough dedicated curriculum coverage, leading to an increased risk that topics are not being taught consistently or in some cases, not at all. In a UK Parliament report published in May 2024 on the impact of screen time in education and wellbeing, The Department for Education provided a limited amount of data on the confidence of parents and children in the digital literacy curriculum

but stated that it ‘does not have any specific evidence on the effectiveness of digital safety education’. When children are measured it appears that their digital capabilities are poor, with additional data from Internet Matters and Ofcom highlighting that over one fifth (21%) of children aged 9–16 are not confident about how to stay safe online.

"It is crucial that we recognise the role we all play in shaping a digital landscape that empowers children rather than overwhelming them"

We must prioritise teaching children to navigate the digital world on their own safely both inside and outside of the classroom and focus on integrating effective digital literacy on a much higher level in schools. A greater prioritisation of personal development and life skills education in schools is surely the first and most important priority we must look at, as advocated for by the Lessons4Life campaign. The desired outcome? More effective time in the curriculum, earlier and better targeted intervention, the potential impact on major societal challenges and related government spend over time.

Other steps are being taken to address the critical need for improved digital literacy education. The Online Safety Act is a landmark legislative step towards creating safer digital spaces by holding tech and social media organisations more accountable in taking more proactive measures to protect users, especially children. Similarly, Ofcom’s new online safety priorities and its recently launched study into the effects of social media on children further demonstrate a focused approach towards understanding and reducing risks faced by young users.

However, when we look at the overarching topic of constant connectivity, is the question about imposing policies and rules, or about defining values and priorities? When I think about the role of technology in education and society, I

acknowledge the risks but also consider the undeniable benefits. It is crucial that we recognise the role we all play in shaping a digital landscape that empowers children rather than overwhelming them. Ultimately, the goal is not to eliminate technology but to guide its use in a way that protects what matters most - curiosity, connection, and the freedom for children to still explore life beyond the screen. Whether advocating for smartphone-free schools, helping parents set healthier boundaries at home, or ensuring tech organisations prioritise safety for young people, we must work together.

By equipping children with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online world safely, encouraging open conversations and providing the right resources, we can help them make informed choices about their digital lives. To support these discussions with your school community, you can receive complimentary access to our KS1 Image Sharing topic in the 1decision Taster Pack.

Click here


Sophie Hearn

Sophie has been an Education and Partnerships Advisor at 1decision since 2021 and supports schools, as well as networking with like-minded organisations and individuals. She is passionate about inspiring and educating the next generation, shaping their future for the better. 1decision at a time!

Locks of Love: HOW


The Little Princess Trust is a charity that provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children who have lost their own hair due to cancer treatment or other conditions. As the charity marks its 20th anniversary, we look at its history and the vital part school children have played in ensuring The Little Princess Trust can support thousands of young people with hair loss.


The Little Princess Trust was set up in 2005 in memory of Hannah Tarplee. A year earlier, she had been diagnosed with a Wilms Tumour and the loss of her hair was especially traumatic.

Her parents felt the most fitting tribute to the five-year-old would be a charity dedicated to providing wigs to children who had lost their own hair through cancer treatment and other conditions.

The Little Princess Trust was born and the charity has gone on to support thousands of young people by giving them a free, real hair wig.

In the first years of the charity, the volunteers who started The Little Princess Trust did not ask for hair donations. Instead, the initial wigs they provided were bought commercially thanks to financial donations that the friends and family of Hannah had made in her memory.


In the charity’s first 12 months, a total of 36 wigs were given to children who had lost their hair because of cancer treatment. The number of young people with hair loss now helped every year stands closer to 2,000. This change is, in no small part, thanks to the hair donations that are sent to the charity – many of which come from children at primary school.

Wendy Tarplee-Morris, the mother of Hannah and one of the founders of the charity, said they were at first surprised to receive donations of hair in the post.

"We never asked people to send us their hair but, as word spread of what we were doing, I think some just assumed that we wanted their hair to make wigs," she said. "It seemed like such a wonderful thing for people to do and, despite the fact that none of us involved with the charity at that stage were wigmakers, we were determined to find a way to turn the hair into wigs."

With help and expert advice from some big names within the world of wig-making, it wasn’t long before the hair donations sent to charity’s headquarters in Hereford were being turned into wigs by talented wig-knotters.

And thanks to hair donations from some famous faces, such as Harry Styles and Jessie J, the help The Little Princess Trust received from so many of its young supporters continued to grow each year. As well as paying for the making of each wig, The Little Princess Trust also covers the costs of each wig fitting and styling.

And just as many children choose to help the charity by donating their hair, many also support The Little Princess Trust by raising money for the charity to run its free wig provision service.

The most popular fundraising method is for children to get their big hair cuts sponsored by friends and family members. But there are other ways to help – and one option is proving a hit in schools.

The Little Princess Trust was set up in memory of Hannah Tarplee

Donated Wigs Per Year:


The charity encourages its supporters to donate hair that measures a minimum of 12 inches in length

OTHER WAYS TO HELP Funky Hair Fundays started so that anyone could support The Little Princess Trust no matter how long their hair was. The aim of the day is to have lots of fun while raising the profile of the charity –and hopefully a few pounds towards its wigs service, too.

By using their imagination and styling their hair or heads, children learn how important hair can be to someone’s identity and how charities such as The Little Princess Trust perform their work to help other people.

Further information on The Little Princess Trust can be found by visiting where free fundraising packs and Funky Hair Funday packs can be ordered.

Little Princess Trust Ambassador Kiya Kanani has her wig fitted and styled by Liz Pullar
The Little Princess Trust makes its wigs from hair donations received from its supporters
A school hosts its own Funky Hair Funday to support The Little Princess Trust’s work
Wendy Tarplee-Morris, Hannah’s mother and a co-founder of the charity

Jools' Law:


Jools Sweeney was a 14-year-old boy from Cheltenham, UK, who tragically passed away in April 2022. His mother, Ellen Roome, has been fighting to understand the circumstances surrounding his death. Despite her efforts, social media companies have not granted Jools access to his browsing history and messages, which she believes could illuminate his actions before his death, further emphasising the urgent need for stronger life skills education in schools. Ellen Roome has tirelessly campaigned for Jools’ Law, which aims to grant bereaved parents access to their children’s social media accounts. However, while this law would assist grieving parents in finding answers, it cannot restore lost lives.

What can save lives in the future is ensuring that young people are better equipped to navigate risks, peer pressure, and the dangers of the online world; a mission at the heart of the Lessons4Life campaign.


The campaigners behind Lessons4Life fully support and commend the efforts of grieving parents who, through unimaginable pain, are pushing for real change to protect children in the future. Parents like Ellen Roome are turning their devastating loss into a force for good, fighting to create a safer world for young people. Their strength and determination are helping to drive conversations around online safety, risk awareness, and the importance of life skills education— conversations that could ultimately save lives.

While Jools’ Law is an important step towards supporting grieving families, we must also look ahead and prevent more tragedies from happening in the first place. The Lessons4Life campaign is calling for the government to increase the time dedicated to life skills education in schools, ensuring that pupils receive the knowledge they need to make safer choices, protect themselves, and support their peers.


Currently, PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic) education provides some coverage of life skills, but it is often squeezed into an already packed curriculum. Many schools struggle to find the time and resources to deliver consistent, high-quality lessons on essential topics such as:

✓ Understanding risk-taking behaviour

– Helping young people make safer choices online and in real life.

✓ Online safety and digital awareness

– Equipping children to spot harmful content and avoid online challenges.

✓ Emotional resilience and decisionmaking – Supporting pupils to manage pressure, stress, and difficult emotions.

✓ Peer influence and assertiveness –Teaching children how to stand up to

dangerous dares and online trends.

✓ Personal safety and self-protection – Encouraging awareness of harmful situations and how to seek help.


No campaign or policy change can undo the devastating loss that families like Ellen Roome’s have endured. However, by strengthening life skills education, we can empower young people with the knowledge and confidence to make safer choices—both online and in their everyday lives.

The Lessons4Life campaign is a step in the right direction, and we urge schools, educators, and policymakers to prioritise life skills education as a critical part of safeguarding the next generation. Together, we can ensure that fewer families experience the heartbreak of losing a child to avoidable dangers.


Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education plays a crucial role in preparing pupils for life beyond the classroom, helping them develop essential skills such as resilience, empathy and decision-making. While PSHE lessons form the foundation, themed assemblies provide an additional, powerful way to reinforce key topics, ensuring a wholeschool approach to personal development.


Incorporating PSHE topics into assemblies enhances the existing curriculum in several ways:

✓ Encourages Whole-School Engagement

– Assemblies provide an opportunity to address key PSHE themes with all pupils at once, fostering a shared understanding across year groups.

✓ Reinforces Key Messages – Repeating and revisiting PSHE themes through assemblies helps embed learning and promote long-term behavioural change.

✓ Creates Discussion Opportunities –Thought-provoking assemblies spark valuable conversations that can be explored further in the classroom.

✓ Supports SMSC and British Values –Themed assemblies align with Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural (SMSC) development, British Values and the wider PSHE curriculum.


To help schools implement impactful and engaging PSHE-themed assemblies, 1decision has created a free 12-month calendar, providing a ready-to-use assembly theme for every month. Each assembly is designed to support PSHE learning, save teachers time, and enhance pupils’ personal development. Schools can sign up for free and gain access to the exclusive assembly portal, where they can download and use the themed assemblies at their convenience.

Click here to sign up and start accessing your free PSHE-themed assemblies today!

Click here


By integrating these assemblies into your school’s routine, you can strengthen PSHE education, encourage positive behaviour, and create a supportive school environment—all while reducing planning time.

Lessons4Life Heads to the House of Lords: UPDATE ON WESTMINSTER AND

On 21st January 2025, Lessons4Life took a significant step in championing personal development education by presenting at the House of Lords as part of the Education: Insights from Practice for Policy event.

Sponsored by Lord Hastings of Scarisbrick CBE and hosted by the Centre for Research into the Education of Marginalised Children and Young Adults (CREMCYA), this landmark gathering brought together MPs, educators and organisations to discuss critical education policy solutions.

Divided into four key areas – early years, primary, secondary and higher education – the event showcased initiatives aimed at closing the gaps in personal development education. Lessons4Life Campaign

Lead Hayley Sherwood, alongside PSHE Consultant John Rees, sat firmly on Board 3: Children’s Rights and Wellbeing in Secondary Education to highlight the urgent need for structured personal development evaluations. Their message was clear: bridging the gap between real-life concerns and educational solutions is essential for ensuring children are equipped with life skills that will serve them beyond the classroom.

Local Hertfordshire MP Kevin Bonavia supported the discussion, reinforcing the importance of policy-driven changes to improve the personal development framework in primary and secondary schools. As Hayley Sherwood explained: "Lessons4Life hopes that exploring collaborative solutions rooted in evidence and experience will help schools, teachers, parents, and primary caregivers understand and close the spectrum of personal development gaps between primary and secondary school."

With more MPs on board, the campaign gains momentum, paving the way for an exclusive Lessons4Life event in Westminster later this spring.


The insights shared at Westminster reinforce a growing concern: many primary school pupils are missing out on essential life skills education, leaving them


unprepared for the transition to secondary school and beyond. While schools recognise the importance of PSHE and personal development, limited curriculum time, inconsistent delivery, and a lack of structured evaluation hinder progress. Lessons4Life is advocating for a more comprehensive, measurable approach to personal development in primary education. This means:

• Embedding life skills education into the curriculum in a way that is practical, structured and impactful

• Supporting teachers with training and resources to confidently deliver personal development lessons

• Ensuring a seamless transition between primary and secondary education by addressing emotional wellbeing, social skills & decision-making from an early age By addressing these issues now, we can help pupils build skills that will benefit them for life, including confidence, resilience and self-awareness.


To turn insights into action, Lessons4Life is leading the charge in gathering data and evidence to build a strong case for policy change. The next step? A comprehensive whitepaper, set to be published this spring, that will outline:

• The current gaps in personal development education

• Evidence-based solutions for integrating

life skills into the curriculum

• Recommendations for policymakers, schools and educators


• Sign the Lessons4Life petition to show your support for improved personal development education

• Subscribe to the Lessons4Life YouTube channel for valuable insights and expert discussions

• Share the campaign on social media using @Lessons4Life #L4L to spread awareness


As the campaign moves forward, the upcoming Lessons4Life whitepaper will play a crucial role in shaping discussions with policymakers and educators. This researchbacked document will provide clear recommendations for ensuring all children receive high-quality personal development education.

Stay tuned for its release later this spring - and in the meantime, let’s keep the conversation going. Together, we can ensure personal development education is prioritised in primary schools, empowering children with the skills they need for a successful future.


With knife crime awareness week 19th

– 25th May 2025 just around the corner, we’re looking into the reasons why we still need to discuss and educate on these difficult subjects in primary schools. Thanks to documentaries such as Idris Elba’s 'Knives Down' and the ongoing support from charities such as our friends at The Ben Kinsella Trust, we’re acknowledging the painful impact of knife crime within our communities in a bid for much needed change. It’s sad to note that since we reported on this in last year’s Spring edition of FOCUS, incidents of knife-related violence have continued to rise.

The real life truth and impact of knife crime is difficult to stomach for not only individuals and families but communities that live in fear. We hope that by spreading the message of autonomy and encouraging safe choices while explaining the devastating consequences of knife crime, we can develop a greater understanding to protect our youth and society long term.


Knife crime is on the rise, and young people are disproportionately affected. According to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS):

• Knife-enabled crime has risen by 4%, with 55,008 offences recorded in the year ending September 2024.

• Many of those involved—both perpetrators and victims—are teenagers or even younger.

• The impact is devastating: families are left grieving, communities are living in fear, and young people are losing their futures to violence.

"Education gives young people the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make safer choices"

So why is this happening? The documentary, along with expert research, highlights several root causes:

• Poverty and deprivation – Lack of economic opportunity forces some young people into dangerous environments.

• Lack of youth services – With fewer safe spaces and activities, many young people feel unsupported.

• School exclusions – Excluded pupils are more vulnerable to gang involvement and violence.

• Fear and survival – Many young people don’t want to carry knives but feel they have no choice for protection.


As Idris Elba and others have emphasised, knife crime is not just a policing issue—it’s

a societal issue. We can’t simply arrest our way out of this crisis. We must tackle it at the root, and that begins with education and early intervention.

Education gives young people the knowledge, skills and confidence to make safer choices. Schools play a crucial role in helping pupils:

✓ Understand the dangers – Highlighting the reality of knife crime and its lifechanging consequences.

✓ Develop conflict resolution skills –Teaching young people how to handle disputes without resorting to violence.

✓ Build resilience – Helping pupils resist peer pressure and navigate difficult social situations.

✓ Recognise the law – Raising awareness of the serious legal consequences of carrying a knife.

✓ Challenge misconceptions – Many young people believe that carrying a knife will keep them safe—education must dismantle this myth.

At its core, PSHE education provides the ideal framework for these lessons. But we also need more youth engagement programs, mentoring opportunities, and emotional support—not just for those already at risk, but for every young person.


One of the most heart-wrenching parts of our knife crime crisis was hearing from parents who lost their children. Their grief,

frustration, and unanswered questions reflect the deep wounds that knife crime inflicts on families.

These parents shouldn’t have to fight alone. As a society, we need to invest in the solutions that work:

• Youth services and community initiatives – Many grassroots organisations are already making a difference, but they lack funding.

• Mentorship and role models – Young people need trusted adults who can guide them away from violence.

• Early intervention in schools – The earlier we educate children, the greater the impact.

This isn’t just a crisis—it’s a call to action. We can’t afford to look away.


To support primary schools in tackling this issue, 1decision and The Ben Kinsella Trust have created a free, impactful assembly designed to introduce knife crime awareness in an age-appropriate way.

Want to equip your pupils with the knowledge they need? Or are you

looking for a ready-made resources to start these vital conversations?


By working together—educators, parents, and communities—we can create a future where every child feels safe and no young person feels they must carry a knife. Let’s invest in education, empower young people and help break the cycle of violence before it’s too late.


Raising awareness and educating young people about knife crime is essential, but we need to go further. The Lessons4Life campaign is calling on the government to increase life skills education in schools, ensuring that young people receive the tools they need to navigate risk, build resilience and make informed choices. Without dedicated time in the curriculum for these crucial lessons, too many young people will continue to fall through the cracks.

If you believe in the power of education

to prevent knife crime and protect young lives, we urge you to support the Lessons4Life campaign and sign the petition. By adding your name, you can help push for meaningful change and ensure that life skills education is given the priority it deserves.

Sign the petition today at and help create a safer future for young people.

Awareness days in schools

Awareness days in primary schools serve as windows to the world, expanding young minds beyond textbooks. They teach empathy, tolerance, and critical thinking by introducing pupils to diverse cultures, societal issues and global challenges. These occasions cultivate values like compassion and social responsibility, promoting a sense of community involvement. Awareness days also bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world relevance, inspiring pupils to become informed,

active citizens. Ultimately, they play a crucial role in shaping well-rounded individuals who appreciate diversity, understand interconnectedness, and are prepared to make positive contributions to their communities and the world at large.

It is highly unlikely that schools will have the time or resources to cover every awareness day but here are some of the ones coming up over the next few months.

March 2025

8th – International Women’s Day | See our article on teaching Misogyny in PSHE – page 34

18th – Global Recycling Day | See how you can encourage recycling in your school – page 19

20th – International Day of Happiness | See our article for tips and resources – page 15

April 2025

1 – 30th – Stress Awareness Month | Learn how teachers can find their downtime – page 16

2nd – World Autism Day 22nd – Earth Day

May 2025

15th International Day of Families | find out more on page 30

20th – 26th Knife Crime Awareness Week | With knife crime continuing to rise, we share resources and links to workshops that raise awareness – page 12

June 2025

10th – 14th – Healthy Eating Week. Check out page 20 for inspiration on how to celebrate 16th – 22nd – Drowning Prevention Week – page 22

JULY 2025

25th – World Drowning Prevention Day 25th July – see page 22

Head to our catalogue for inspiration on how to celebrate... Click here

The Pursuit of Happiness: A LESSON FOR PSHE TEACHERS


The International Day of Happiness, observed each year on 20th March, serves as a timely reminder that wellbeing is as vital as economic growth. Established by the United Nations in 2012, it underscores the idea that a thriving society is not solely measured by GDP but also by the happiness of its people.

For teachers of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, this day offers an opportunity to help pupils explore the factors that contribute to a fulfilling life and to consider the role of happiness in their own futures.


Happiness in the UK is unevenly spread. The most recent data indicates that the average life satisfaction score stands at 7.45 out of 10. However, there are disparities. Mixed, black and other ethnic groups report lower satisfaction levels than the national average. Geography matters too:

Woodbridge in Suffolk was recently named the happiest place in the country, a ranking attributed to its strong sense of community and access to essential services. Among young people, wellbeing is a

concern. The latest Good Childhood Report found that 14.3% of pupils are unhappy with school—the highest dissatisfaction rate of the ten aspects of life surveyed. Worries about the rising cost of living are also creeping into the consciousness of the young.


To mark the International Day of Happiness, PSHE teachers can adopt various methods to encourage pupils to reflect on their wellbeing:

Gratitude Journals: Encouraging pupils to jot down three things they are grateful for each day can reinforce positive thinking.

Acts of Kindness: A class challenge to perform small acts of generosity—helping a friend, giving a compliment—can boost mood and create a more supportive environment.

Mindfulness Exercises: Guided breathing or short meditation sessions can equip pupils with tools to manage stress.

Finding Strength in Community: Discussions on belonging and social support, perhaps using the example of

Woodbridge, can highlight the importance of strong social ties.

Identifying Personal Strengths: Helping pupils to recognise and harness their strengths can foster resilience and a sense of purpose.


Acknowledging what hinders happiness is just as important as promoting it. Many pupils struggle with school dissatisfaction and broader societal concerns. PSHE teachers are well placed to provide a forum for open discussion, allowing pupils to express concerns and collaboratively seek solutions.


Happiness is not a fleeting emotion but a fundamental pillar of a well-functioning society. The International Day of Happiness serves as a useful prompt for teachers to guide pupils in understanding their own wellbeing and that of others. By embedding these conversations into the school curriculum, educators can equip pupils with the perspective and skills needed to navigate life’s challenges with optimism and resilience.


For stress awareness month, Rachael Down, founder of, explores the current state of UK teacher wellbeing and encourages those in education to carve out much needed time to create space for you.

Did you know that the average person has between 50,000 – 70,000 thoughts a day?

According to the Indian gurus I met on my 500-hr yoga teacher training course in Palolem, Goa, when those thoughts exceed 70,000, we enter a state of extreme stress that triggers our auto-nervous system and causes the body and mind to switch off. This is the point where cognition falters, memory wanes and patience is thrown out the window. With survival mode activated

and freeze, flight or fight now in control, this is also where we wave goodbye to any sense of calm or indeed rationality.

For educators and teachers in particular, this is a tough feat. Not only do we have our own 50,000+ thoughts, obligations, concerns and hopes to contend with, but we also have the ear-blasting wants, needs, cries and responsibilities of 20+ children to add to the mix.

When we dedicate ourselves to nurturing young minds and fulfilling an overcrowded curriculum, our own needs are often forgotten, buried deep underneath a neverending pile of marking and our endless to-dos.

Have you heard of the old adage "you can’t pour from an empty cup"? I can almost hear you wince. It’s true. For all of those in the caregiving profession, you’ll have seen firsthand how the laws of physics uphold this profound statement. Where there is no energy, none can be passed on. So, for those working specifically in education, please take this as your permission slip: Prioritising personal wellbeing isn’t a luxury - it’s essential for sustaining the energy, enthusiasm and resilience required to teach effectively.


According to the Education Support 2023 Teacher Wellbeing Index, 78% of education

staff reported experiencing work-related stress, marking a 3% increase from the previous year. Notably, 89% of senior leaders and 78% of school teachers also identified as stressed, underscoring the scale of the issue. That’s a lot of people whose thoughts most likely exceed 80,000 and far too many nervous systems on overdrive.

Further research by Ofsted indicates that teaching staff report the highest rates of work-related stress, depression and anxiety in Britain. Scary, huh?

When anxious, we send shallow, quick breaths into our chest to prepare the body to run from danger. If you notice you’re doing this or whenever you feel stressed, take a moment to pause and try this breathwork video with me.

It’s no miracle cure by any means, but it is the start and baseline for self-regulation. Still not convinced? Go back and repeat the exercise, then answer this: What is the difference between life and death? (Head to the end of the article for the answer.)

As a yoga teacher, I need to practise what I preach. Here are some more techniques I use daily to help calm my fluctuating mind and create space.


1. Mindful moments: Dedicate a few minutes each day to mindfulness. Simple activities like deep breathing exercises

or short meditations can help centre your mind and reduce stress.

2. Physical activity: Engage in regular exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga session or any form of movement you enjoy.

3. Set boundaries: Establish clear lines between work and personal life. Allocate specific times for lesson planning and marking to ensure you have uninterrupted periods for relaxation.

4. Connect with others: Nurture relationships with colleagues, friends and family. Sharing experiences and seeking support can provide emotional relief and a sense of community. Equally, take space to determine the drains from the radiators. There are some relationships that boost and others that simply sap.

5. Pursue personal interests: Make time for hobbies that bring you joy, such as reading, crafting or cooking. Engaging in enjoyable activities can rejuvenate your spirit and provide a necessary break from professional responsibilities.


Here’s a maths lesson for you. Which activities add to your energy and which take away? Reflect on the balance between passive and active pursuits, with curiousity instead of judgement. Then strive to incorporate activities that actually nourish your mind and body.


If you’re seeking a structured approach to self-care, why not join my downtime yoga sessions, which are designed specifically for educators. These classes provide a

space to unwind by encouraging us to step away from the mind and into the body. Online classes for teachers: Mondays and Fridays from 4 to 5pm via zoom. In-person sessions: Held at various locations in West Sussex. Stay up to date with classes and workshops via Instagram:

Rachael Down

Rachael completed her 500-hr yoga teacher training qualification in India in 2023. As a bubbly and welcoming teacher, her sessions provide a supportive and nurturing environment to explore a series of breathing and relaxation techniques that are designed to help calm and regulate the nervous system. Find out more at:

Answer: Breath

Waste Not Want Not


Global Recycling Day, held on 18th March, provided the perfect chance for UK primary schools to kick-start programmes that teach how small actions and a change in perspective can make a big difference to our recycling habits.

This timely event arrived a fortnight ahead of the newly proposed changes to the recycling plan, which was announced by the UK government back in 2023. With the deadline of 31 March 2025 fast approaching, the new requirements aim to improve and standardise recycling rates and practices by encouraging a simpler system where all items are recycled in the same way, whether at home, work or in schools.

"With the exception of garden waste and plastic film, it is now compulsory for all types of recyclable waste to be separated and collected in schools"

With the exception of garden waste and plastic film, it is now compulsory for all types of recyclable waste to be separated and collected in schools.


• Food waste

• Glass (bottles, jars)

• Metal (aluminium and steel tins, cans, foil)

• Plastic (bottles, tubs, trays, containers)

• Paper (envelopes, magazines, copier paper, shredded paper)

• Cardboard (cardboard boxes, corrugated cardboard)


1. Aiming to stop food waste from ending up in landfill, the new legislation changes how food waste is collected. Food waste must now be separated into a specific container for collection and must not be placed in general/

non-recyclable waste bins or mixed with other recyclable materials.

2. Schools now require a minimum of three waste containers, which could look like bins, boxes or bags.

3. The same bin may be used for dry mixed recycling, which includes glass, metal, plastic, paper and cardboard.

4. Hoping to help schools cut costs as well as increase recycling rates to support a sustainable future, the changes also include stricter regulation to reduce instances of unscrupulous waste. It sees the introduction of a digital waste tracking system to gather data on what is collected in a bid to reduce illegal waste activity.


First things first, make sure that staff and pupils understand the context and reasons why the government has called for change. We’ve outlined 4 key benefits to get you started.


• Protects natural habitats – Using recycled materials reduces the need to extract raw resources, preserving forests, oceans and wildlife.

• Reduces pollution – Less waste in landfills and the ocean means cleaner air and water.

• Saves energy – Recycling paper, plastic and metal uses less energy than making new

• Encourages responsibility – Sorting waste and recycling at school and home teaches children to take care of their surroundings.

Next, it’s important to create a simple and consistent system throughout the school, which is easy to both identify and understand. To help with this, think about adding labels, coloured stickers and laminated guidance to stick on the bins and around the school.

Strategic bin placement is also key. Make sure the bins are where they will

be used, such as classrooms, lunch halls, corridors and staff rooms. The more visible they are, the easier it is to encourage proper and consistent usage.

Speaking of consistency, why not organise a recycling club and delegate daily sorting checks? Not only will this help your school stay on track in time for waste collection, but it also encourages communal responsibility, which can be rewarded with stickers, DOJOs/class points as well as other class incentives.


The DfE’s Find a Framework tool offers a range of waste management solutions that are helpful for schools looking to buy waste management solutions. View it, here

The new recycling plan helps to put the ‘waste not, want not’ principle into action and we’re in full support. By reducing waste through better recycling habits, schools can model sustainable behaviour for a better, greener future.

What's new?

1decision and Partners Spring 2025


As a PSHE lead, it’s essential for effective planning to stay informed about key news, dates and events during the spring term. Below is a curated list of significant events and professional development opportunities for Spring 2025:



In February, the chief inspector of Ofsted, Sir Martyn Oliver, expressed concern to The Times that parents working from home may inadvertently signal to children that school attendance is optional. According to the news report, persistent absenteeism has risen notably since prepandemic levels, with many pupils missing at least one day per fortnight.

Oliver suggests that the shift towards home-based work disrupts traditional routines, leading children to question the necessity of regular school attendance. In response, Ofsted plans to revamp inspection reports, eliminating the overall effectiveness judgement in favour of detailed grading across multiple areas, including attendance. This new approach aims to provide clearer insights for parents. However, teaching unions have criticised the proposals as overly complex and burdensome, despite a poll indicating parental approval.


The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill, introduced in December 2024, is progressing through Parliament. The bill aims to enhance child safeguarding and welfare, particularly for those in or leaving care, and to regulate care workers and educational establishments. Key provisions include clarifying roles for kinship carers, regulating independent educational institutions, and addressing school attendance policies. The bill also proposes the creation of a register for children receiving education outside conventional settings, aiming to prevent cases where home education may conceal abuse or neglect.

The second reading took place on 8 January 2025, with further discussions ongoing.

TO READ MORE Click here


The curriculum and assessment review interim report, has been published and suggests the current system is not delivering for every child. Click to find out about the next phase of work and the four key areas of focus.

The Lessons4Life campaign is actively promoting the enhancement of Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education in primary schools. In response to rising concerns such as knife crime, childhood obesity, and mental health issues, the campaign emphasises the need for a standard assessment to gauge children’s personal development knowledge by the end of primary education. Read more on Page 10


The food choices we make as children shape our health, wellbeing, and habits well into adulthood. With growing concerns about childhood obesity, poor nutrition, and unhealthy lifestyles, it’s more important than ever for schools to embed healthy eating education into the curriculum from the early years onwards.

Healthy Eating Week 2025 takes place from June 12–16, with the theme "Find Your Healthier You". Organised by the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF), this campaign encourages individuals and communities to make positive lifestyle changes. Schools play a crucial role in helping pupils develop a deeper understanding of nutrition and how their food choices impact their bodies and minds.


Teaching children about nutrition isn’t just about telling them to eat their vegetables— it’s about helping them build lifelong habits that support their overall wellbeing.


The statistics are concerning:

• 1 in 3 pupils leave primary school overweight or obese.

• Fewer than 20% of children eat the recommended 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

• High sugar intake contributes to tooth decay, weight gain, and difficulties concentrating in lessons.

• Skipping breakfast is common, despite research showing that a nutritious morning meal improves focus and learning outcomes.

Schools have a unique opportunity to intervene early and reinforce positive eating behaviours before unhealthy habits become ingrained.


When healthy eating is made part of everyday learning, it helps pupils:

✓ Understand the impact of food

choices – Learning about balanced nutrition helps children make better decisions and recognise the importance of a varied diet.

✓ Improve concentration and behaviour

– A well-balanced diet supports brain function, ensuring pupils are more alert and engaged in lessons.

✓ Reduce the risk of future health issues – Educating children about nutrients, portion control and hydration helps prevent diet-related conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

✓ Gain practical life skills – Teaching children about food preparation, reading nutrition labels and budgeting for healthy meals equips them for independent, healthier choices later in life.

✓ Challenge misleading food advertising – Pupils should be encouraged to think critically about how unhealthy foods are marketed and to make informed choices.


Healthy eating lessons shouldn’t just be confined to science or PSHE; they can be woven into various subjects and activities to keep learning fun and engaging.

Integrate Nutrition into the Curriculum

• PSHE & Science – Teach about food groups, vitamins, and how nutrition affects the body.

• Maths – Use cooking measurements and portion sizes to make lessons interactive.

• Geography – Explore food production, sustainability, and how diets vary across cultures.

Encourage Practical Food Education

• Cooking activities – Hands-on experiences in food preparation help pupils gain confidence in making simple, healthy meals.

• Healthy lunchbox challenges – Encourage pupils to bring in nutrient-rich packed lunches and discuss what makes a balanced meal.

• School gardens – Growing fruit and vegetables helps children understand where food comes from and appreciate fresh produce.

Teach Pupils About Eating Habits and Timing

• Start the day with a healthy breakfast –

Ideally within two hours of waking for better energy levels.

• Have lunch at a consistent time – Eating around midday keeps blood sugar levels stable.

• Avoid late-night eating – Finishing dinner before 8pm supports digestion and sleep.

• Choose nutrient-dense snacks – Highfibre and protein-rich options help sustain energy levels throughout the day.

Promote a Whole-School Approach

• Implement healthy food policies in school canteens.

• Run awareness assemblies during Healthy Eating Week.

• Get parents involved by sharing nutrition tips and meal ideas for home.


While Healthy Eating Week is a great annual event to reinforce positive messages, schools should also link their lessons to ongoing national initiatives that support nutrition education.

• NHS 5-A-Day Campaign – Simple, practical ways to eat more fruit and vegetables, even on a budget. Find resources here

• The Sugar Smart Initiative – Encourages schools to reduce sugar intake and swap

unhealthy snacks for better alternatives.

• Change4Life – A government-led programme providing interactive tools and guidance on improving diet and lifestyle.


This year’s Healthy Eating Week theme, "Find Your Healthier You", is a reminder that small changes lead to lasting improvements. By embedding healthy eating education from early years and beyond, we can ensure every child grows up with the skills, confidence, and knowledge to make informed food choices.

Schools are not just places for academic learning; they are environments where lifelong habits are formed. By making nutrition education a priority, we can empower pupils to take control of their health and wellbeing, both now and in the future.

This June 12–16, let’s work together to help pupils build a strong foundation for a healthier life because good nutrition isn’t just a lesson, it’s a lifelong investment in wellbeing.

The Importance of Teaching Children About Water Safety

Water is a source of fun and relaxation for many, but it also carries serious risks, especially for children. Every year, lives are tragically lost to drowning - a preventable cause of death that education and awareness can significantly reduce.

World Drowning Prevention Day, marked on 25th July, serves as a vital reminder of the importance of teaching children how to stay safe around water. Whether it’s a trip to the local swimming pool, a school outing to a river or beach, or simply playing near water, water safety education must be an essential part of learning.


Recent 2024 water safety statistics highlight the urgent need for better education on water safety:

• 236 people drowned in the UK, with:

"Whether it’s a trip to the local swimming pool, a school outing to a river or beach, or simply playing near water, water safety education must be an essential part of learning"

- 157 fatalities in England - 47 in Scotland - 28 in Wales - 4 in Northern Ireland

• 83% of accidental drownings involved males

• 48% of accidental fatalities were due to everyday activities like walking and running near water

• At least one child drowns every month in England at home

• Two out of three drownings at home occurred in the bath

• 86% of child drownings happened when the child was unsupervised by an adult

These numbers reinforce the need for early water safety education, ensuring that children understand water risks, how to stay safe, and how to respond in an emergency.


As educators, we have a responsibility to ensure that children develop the

knowledge and skills they need to stay safe in and around water. Schools can incorporate water safety education into their PSHE and PE lessons, assemblies and cross-curricular activities. Here are some key water safety lessons that teachers can highlight in their teaching:

• Understanding Different Water Environments – Teach children about the risks associated with pools, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and the sea; highlighting hazards like currents, cold water shock and hidden obstacles.

• The Danger of Cold Water Shock – Even in warm weather, open water in the UK can be dangerously cold. Teach children that entering cold water suddenly can cause a gasp reflex and muscle cramps, making it difficult to swim.

• Float to Live – Teach children the RNLI’s 'Float to Live' technique: if they fall into water unexpectedly, they should lie on their back, spread their arms and legs, and try to stay calm while calling for help.

• Why Swimming in Designated Areas Matters – Help children understand the importance of swimming where lifeguards are present and why some areas are off-limits due to dangerous currents, tides, or deep water.

• Avoiding Risky Behaviour Near Water – Reinforce the dangers of playing near water, walking too close to the edge, jumping into unknown water, and peer pressure to take risks.

• Knowing What to Do in an Emergency –Teach children how to call 999 and ask for the coastguard if someone is in trouble near water. Remember to stress the importance of never jumping in to rescue someone themselves.

• Recognising Signs of Drowning – Unlike in movies, drowning is often silent. Help children understand that someone struggling in water may not be able to shout or wave and may appear to be bobbing up and down with their head tilted back.


For schools looking for structured water safety education, there are several excellent resources available:

• 1decision – Schools can explore the PSHE and life skills curriculum within 1decision, which includes age-appropriate water safety topics to help children understand risks and how to stay safe.

• Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) – The RNLI’s ‘Float to Live’

campaign teaches vital survival skills, and their website offers free educational resources for schools. Visit RNLI Water Safety

• Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) – Provides lesson plans, activities and guidance on water safety for schools. Explore RLSS UK Resources

• Swim England – Offers resources on learning to swim, open water safety and drowning prevention. Find Swim England Resources

• The Canal & River Trust – Provides water safety education tailored to canals, rivers, and reservoirs to help children understand the hidden dangers of inland waterways. Check out their resources




World Drowning Prevention Day is an opportunity for schools to take action by integrating water safety education into their curriculum. By ensuring pupils understand how to behave safely around water, we can help prevent unnecessary tragedies.



Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED) is a fundamental aspect of early childhood education, laying the essential groundwork for Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) education in later years. It fosters emotional intelligence, social skills, self-regulation, and resilience, which are key attributes that support children in navigating their learning journey and future relationships. Strong PSED development leads to numerous positive outcomes for children, including:

• Improved emotional wellbeing and selfawareness

• Greater confidence in social interactions and relationships

• Enhanced ability to manage and express emotions appropriately

• Stronger problem-solving and conflictresolution skills

• Increased readiness for school and learning experiences

• A greater sense of empathy and understanding of others Without a strong foundation in PSED, children may struggle to engage with the broader concepts of PSHE, which is why prioritising it in early years settings is vital. Recognising this, 1decision has developed a comprehensive bank of resources designed to support early years practitioners in delivering one structured PSED session per week. These engaging

and interactive materials help educators nurture essential life skills in young learners while reducing planning time and increasing classroom engagement. At the heart of 1decision’s resources are the Rainbowdrop characters, who bring PSED to life. These vibrant and relatable characters guide children as they explore the world, helping them learn about making good choices and decisions in an engaging and immersive way. By following the Rainbowdrops through various scenarios, children can better understand different emotions, friendships, and problem-solving skills in a fun and interactive manner.

The 1decision early years PSED resources

include animated social stories, interactive games, and discussion prompts that bring key topics to life in a meaningful way. These tools not only stimulate discussion but also support valuable observations, making it easier for practitioners to assess children’s progress in PSED. The resources are flexible, allowing educators to slot them into the curriculum where they align best with ongoing activities and themes.

A key advantage of these resources is that they come with full planning, ensuring that practitioners can seamlessly integrate the materials into their weekly schedules. This removes the stress of extensive preparation and allows for a more focused and interactive learning experience for young children.

Schools and early years settings can now access these resources and benefit from a four-week trial period. This provides an opportunity to explore how 1decision’s materials can enhance PSED delivery, improve engagement, and support the wider early years curriculum.

Click the link below to review the 40-week topic plan and to gain instant access to your free trial.

Reading On Your Head is designed to raise standards in reading!

Assign one of our online activities to a whole class in only a few clicks.

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Resources are all online and can be printed. Our online quizzes are automatically assessed and instantly pinpoint exactly how well pupils are doing. Parents can access the same resources that are used in the classroom, allowing them to truly support with reading at home.

School leaders can effortlessly monitor pupil performance across reading content domains and quickly drill down from whole school level to individual pupil level.

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A New Supplement to Support PSHE and PSED Teaching with Curated Book Selections

Finding the right books to support Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) and Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED) education can be time-consuming for teachers, who often need to review multiple resources to ensure they align with their curriculum and pupils’ needs. To streamline this process and enhance PSHE and PSED teaching, 1decision, in collaboration with Bryony Dorrans, a teacher at Abbey School in Devon, has developed an interactive supplement that gathers the best books available for PSHE and PSED education.

This comprehensive PSHE and PSED book supplement has been carefully curated, with each book reviewed by Bryony Dorrans to ensure high-quality, engaging, and age-appropriate content. The aim is to reduce the time schools spend searching for appropriate books while helping them enrich their PSHE and PSED

curriculum with meaningful and impactful literature.

"This invaluable resource empowers teachers to quickly find the right books to support important PSHE and PSED discussions"

One of the key features of this supplement is its interactive functionality, providing instant links to where the books can be purchased, making it even easier for educators to access valuable resources. To further support teachers, the books have been categorised into clear and relevant themes, including:

• Keeping Safe

• Keeping Healthy

• Managing Relationships

• Puberty & Sex Education

• Being Responsible

• Understanding Feelings & Emotions

• Online Safety

• British Values

• Protected Characteristics

• Celebrations & Festivals

• Diversity & Equality

• Our World

This invaluable resource empowers teachers to quickly find the right books to support important PSHE and PSED discussions, ensuring that pupils receive well-rounded and engaging lessons.

Would you like to explore this wonderful book list and enhance your PSHE and PSED teaching today!


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Discussions around PSHE don't just take place in the classroom. Take a look at the Facebook groups below and have your say!

1decision PSHE Community

A place for 1decision subscribers and non-subscribers to share ideas, be part of discussions and receive updates. Most importantly, we support you in providing the highest quality lessons across your educational setting.

PSHE & Careers Teachers Centre

A group for PSHE teachers and providers to share good practice, resources and support. We aim to create a bank of school friendly resources and use the discussion forum to link with other teachers across the UK to share ideas and gain inspiration.

Primary PSHE Subject Leaders

A place for PSHE coordinators within primary schools to share ideas to improve the teaching and learning of PSHE. We also welcome those with a passion for PSHE, or those who have businesses which relate to the teaching of PSHE.

PSHE Leaders Support Group

This is a page for PSHE leaders to share good practice and support each other.


With Deaf Awareness Week just around the corner (5th – 11th May 2025), we spoke to BSL campaigners, Corinne Anstey and Sophie Baker-Disspain from St Mary’s University, Twickenham to understand why and how to teach it in primary schools.


Recognised as an official language since 2003 and now the signed language of the UK, British Sign Language (BSL) prescribes meaning through gestures, facial expressions and body language (British Sign, 2024; Baker, 2025). Contextualising this in education, BSL is not currently within the primary National Curriculum,

but schools can opt into teaching it through routines or as their official Modern Foreign Language (MFL), and this is increasing in prevalence (Baker and Anstey, 2025).

As trainee teachers, we have had very different experiences of using BSL in the classroom. Before beginning her degree in Primary Education, Sophie worked in a special school with a referral unit for deaf pupils. BSL enabled communication not just for deaf pupils but between everyone within the setting. As a passionate advocate for languages, Corinne’s interests in BSL stem from teaching signed languages as an extracurricular activity. Together, they believe there is a strong rationale

for introducing BSL as a compulsory element of the primary National Curriculum.

BSL is the main language for approximately 145,000 people in the UK, however this number is not exclusive to deaf communities (including those with different forms of mutism and SEND needs), and some members of the Deaf community do not sign (from not needing or knowing this).

Beyond the UK, 41 of 195 countries officially recognise a signed language, with some, including USA and Sweden teaching this within schools. However, it is not yet part of the National Curriculum in England (Garcia, 2021.; Baker and Anstey, 2025).


Although some parents of deaf children prefer to use spoken English and encourage the use of medical aids over BSL (Mason et al., 2011), 38% of profoundly deaf children in England attend mainstream schools but only 9% have classroom access to BSL (NDCS, 2023). Whilst these methods can support some deaf children, this can be painful and requires lip-reading and predictions which can cause cognitive overload and present a further barrier to learning. Just as we would not expect a wheelchair-user to navigate small gaps in furniture, we should not expect deaf children to learn whilst only accessing part of the language. In the past decade, there has been a 140% increase in EHCPs, with 25.6% pupils receiving support for SLCN (National Audits Office, 2024; School Census, 2024). BSL can provide an outlet for stimming with signing a physical stimulus tool to communicate basic needs, supporting behaviour and empathy through developing understandings of facial expressions. In this way, it can have a life-long effect on the social development not only on children with SEND but of all children (Hirst, 2024).

Kleiner-Mann (2023) notes that BSL


As a final year Primary Education student at St Mary’s, I have enjoyed all the opportunities to widen my interest base through placement. I am personally learning BSL and am excited for opportunities to bring this into my teaching and encourage others to do the same.


I am currently in my final year of my Primary Education degree at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. Through school experience, I have adopted a huge interest in BSL and using it in the classroom. I have just finished writing my dissertation on BSL use in the classroom and am excited to see the impact this will have on future teachers.

"Promoting BSL in primary schools is a benefit-based approach for inclusion, skill development, motivation and engagement"

is not only impactful for children with SEND, but as a visual, fun language to learn. It is accessible for all children. For example, BSL provides opportunities to enhance not only communication but also fine motor skills. Fingerspelling can be a major communication tool for those solely using BSL to communicate needs but can support the general class also. From experience, spelling the word through signs can create the muscle memory response and promote the correct spelling. This is then another strategy for children to use in spelling tests in addition to phonics, a tangible recognition of sight readers. With individual signs for one-toone correspondence, BSL also supports number sense and understanding. In this way, BSL benefits the academic

development of all children, not just those who are deaf.


Simple ways to include BSL in primary education include posters around the school and classroom; teaching greetings and early language; key words for specific subjects (often seen to enhance meaning and memory); and during assemblies. The website contains numerous resources for use in the classroom, and experienced teachers can access courses to learn BSL. However, to successfully integrate BSL in primary school classrooms, changes are needed in initial teacher training (ITT). Including a focus on BSL in ITT would ensure that newly qualified teachers are able to communicate with deaf children and parents, as well as confidently teach BSL to young children.

In summary, the addition of BSL in primary ITT programmes could enable the next generation of teachers to better meet the needs of deaf pupils and families and the incorporation of BSL in primary schools could support a more inclusive experience within the classroom and wider society.


Families are at the heart of every community. They shape who we are, offer support, and provide a sense of belonging.

But families come in many different forms, and it is essential that children grow up understanding and appreciating this diversity.

International Day of Families, observed on May 15th, is an opportunity for schools to celebrate the richness of family life, encourage inclusivity, and help children embrace the many different ways families are structured.



Teaching children about different family structures helps them develop empathy, respect, and a sense of belonging. Many pupils come from different backgrounds, and acknowledging this in a positive way helps to foster inclusivity and break down stereotypes.

By marking International Day of Families, schools can:

✓ Promote Inclusivity – Children come from diverse backgrounds, including single-parent families, foster families, same-sex parent families, multigenerational households, and more. Recognising these different experiences ensures that every child feels valued and represented.

✓ Encourage Respect and Understanding – Learning about different family traditions, cultures, and dynamics helps pupils develop a broader perspective and appreciate that no single definition of "family" fits everyone.

✓ Strengthen Community and Connection – Celebrating this day

encourages children to share their own experiences, listen to others, and recognise the common values that unite all families—love, care, and support.

✓ Support Social and Emotional Development – Understanding family diversity can help children navigate their own feelings and experiences, fostering resilience and confidence in their identity.



Educators have a powerful role in shaping how children view and respect different family structures. Here are some ways schools can integrate International Day of Families into the classroom:

Storytelling and Literature – Read books that showcase diverse family structures, including adoptive families, extended families, blended families, and samesex parents. Stories are a great way to encourage discussions about different experiences.

Classroom Discussions and Role-Playing

– Encourage pupils to talk about what family means to them. Using interactive activities such as role-playing or circletime discussions helps children express their feelings in a safe and respectful environment.

Family Tree or "My Family" Projects

– Allow pupils to create their own family trees, drawings, or collages showcasing the uniqueness of their families. This can help children celebrate their heritage while also learning about the experiences of others.

Exploring Family Traditions Around the World – Teach pupils how different cultures celebrate family life. Explore family

customs, traditions, and celebrations from different countries, reinforcing the idea that families may look different but share similar values of love and care.

Invite Guest Speakers or Families to Share Their Stories – Involving parents, guardians, or community members to speak about their unique family experiences can be a meaningful way to broaden children’s perspectives.

School Assembly on Family Diversity –Organise a special assembly to highlight the importance of family diversity. Pupils can present poems, stories, or artwork that celebrate what family means to them.


In today’s society, it is more important than ever to ensure that children grow up with an open mind and a respect for all kinds of families. Schools play a fundamental role in this by creating safe spaces where pupils feel accepted, valued, and understood. Celebrating International Day of Families is not just about recognising different family structures—it’s about embracing the uniqueness of every child’s background and reinforcing the values of kindness, inclusion, and respect.


On May 15, 2025, let’s make sure every child sees their family represented, celebrated, and valued. By teaching the importance of family diversity, we are helping to shape a more inclusive, compassionate, and connected society for the future.

My Body Is My Body

Some moments in life change everything. For Chrissy Sykes, that moment came in 1986 during a stopover in London. As a South African singer-songwriter on her way to Nashville, she was deeply moved by the tragic story of Kimberley Carlisle, a fouryear-old girl whose life was cut short by abuse. This heartbreaking event inspired Chrissy to write the song "Kimberley", not realising that it would mark the beginning of a lifelong mission to protect children.


In 1989, while in Texas, Chrissy performed "Kimberley" at a dinner party. Among the guests was the President of the Texas Child Welfare Board, who was so moved by the song that he asked if it could be used to raise awareness and funds for child abuse prevention. The response was overwhelming; 14,000 records were sold, raising $70,000 for child protection initiatives.

This experience led Chrissy to speak in schools across Texas, where she witnessed firsthand the power of music to open conversations about child safety. After each presentation, many children came forward to disclose abuse they had never

shared before. Seeing this, Chrissy knew that music could be a tool for change. She collaborated with child protection experts to develop a structured, music-based prevention programme, known as My Body Is My Body (MBIMB).




Every year, over 1 billion children experience some form of abuse. That is one in two children worldwide—a horrifying statistic that cannot be ignored. Child abuse does not discriminate; it happens in every country, every community, and every socio-economic background. Yet, so many children remain unheard, their suffering hidden behind closed doors.

This is why introducing child abuse prevention in every community is essential. When we educate children about their rights, their voices, and their ability to say NO, we empower them. We give them the confidence to seek help. We save lives.


Research has shown that music is a powerful tool for education. Singing increases trust, builds self-esteem, and enhances cooperation among children. The MBIMB programme uses engaging songs and animations to teach children about body safety, personal boundaries, and how to seek help if needed. The key message? Empowering children to say NO and speak up when something doesn’t feel right.


The My Body Is My Body programme is built around six powerful songs, each designed to teach children an essential lesson about body safety:

1. My Body Is My Body – Teaching children that their body belongs to them and no one has the right to hurt them.

2. If It Don’t Feel Right, Don’t Do It –Encouraging children to listen to their instincts and say "NO" to uncomfortable situations.

3. The What If Game – Helping children think through different scenarios and learn how to react safely.

4. If You’ve Got a Problem – Reinforcing the importance of speaking up and seeking help from trusted adults.

5. Love Is Gentle – Teaching children what love is about. Trusting, caring and sharing.

6. Say No to Secrets – Highlighting the dangers of keeping harmful secrets and encouraging open communication.


The success of "My Body Is My Body" would not be possible without the incredible dedication of our ambassadors. These individuals are at the heart of our programme, taking it into their communities and ensuring that children everywhere receive this vital education. Our ambassadors are teachers, social workers, NGO leaders, and passionate advocates who understand the urgency of child protection. They work tirelessly to introduce MBIMB in schools, community centres, and even remote villages, reaching children who might otherwise have no access to safety education. Without them, millions of children would remain vulnerable, unaware that they have the power to protect themselves.


One of the most impactful moments in Chrissy’s journey came during a visit to Tennessee State Prison, where she asked inmates a chilling question: "What would you do if a child said NO to you?" The answer was stark: "We would look for another child who did not say no." This conversation reinforced the urgent need to teach every child how to set boundaries and speak up. The MBIMB programme makes this possible in a way that is engaging, age-appropriate and memorable.


Over five years, Chrissy presented the

programme to more than 350,000 children in Texas, Tennessee, Florida, and Virginia, working closely with schools, PTAs, and government departments. The impact was undeniable, and the programme began gaining momentum internationally. Fast forward to today, and "My Body Is My Body" has now reached over 2.5 million children in more than 60 countries. Available in 30 languages, it is a completely "free resource", accessible to parents, teachers, and community leaders worldwide. You will also find Free Courses and Resources on the MBIMB website. The programme is supported by 350 Ambassadors and partners, including Rotary International, Compassion International and ISPCAN who are actively implementing the programme in schools and communities.


Chrissy’s unexpected journey—from a country singer to a global advocate for child safety—demonstrates the extraordinary power of music, storytelling, and community action. Her message is simple yet profound: Together, we can protect children. Together, we can build a world safe for every child.

With continued global efforts, the MBIMB programme is expanding its reach, empowering more children to speak up and stay safe. The journey that began with one song has become a worldwide movement—and it’s only just beginning.

To find out more please visit our website at


Following the uplifting stories from International Women’s Day 2025, we’re looking into the rise of misogyny and how teachers can help protect pupils against the damaging views of social media influencers, such as Andrew Tate. From YouTube shorts and instagram reels that preach harmful ideologies in the ‘manosphere’ to the algorithms that target young boys, the need for counter education is vital.

The good news is that as educators, we have the power to challenge these ideas to promote fairness and respect. This article explores the dangers of misogyny, its impact on young minds, while offering 8 practical ways to teach children about gender equality.

We’re covering:

• What are the most recent statistics for violence against women and girls (VAWG)?

• Current government-led initiatives to safeguard girls and women

• How misogyny manifests in schools

• 8 practical strategies for the classroom, plus complimentary access to a dedicated Misogyny Assembly

Let’s start by looking at the current statistics for violence against women and girls.


According the National Police Chief’s Council - who in July 2024, declared

violence against women and girls (VAWG) as a ‘national emergency’ - over one million VAWG crimes were recorded in England and Wales during 2022 – 2023 alone.

That’s 20% of all crimes reported to the police that year. Pair that with the horrifying report that one woman is killed by a man every three days (Femicide Census 2020) and the pressure to change becomes all the more paramount.


In October 2024, the BBC reported that Sadiq Khan wrote to every primary school in London, urging for their support to mitigate the ‘pernicious influence’ of

misogynists such as Andrew Tate. Since the murder of Sarah Everard in South London in 2021, an increased parliamentary focus for tackling VAWG crimes is helping to place such necessary guidance through RSE topics within the national curriculum, which can be taught from KS1. Alongside this, a £1m City Hall programme hopes to combat VAWG by educating pupils about healthy and respectful relationships in primary schools.

By understanding how misogyny manifests in primary schools, we as educators, can continue to integrate the appropriate teachings to combat this.


Misogyny is not just about extreme cases of violence against women and girls. It is a set of ingrained prejudices that reinforce male dominance and gender inequality. According to the Working Group on Misogyny and Criminal Justice in Scotland, these attitudes "prevent us achieving genuine equality" (Kennedy, 2022).

Sexist narratives put women and girls at risk by promoting unhealthy relationship behaviours, victim-blaming and normalising harassment. They also harm boys, shaping toxic ideas of masculinity that discourage empathy and emotional intelligence.

With the rise of social media, misogynistic content spreads rapidly. Even if children don’t actively follow harmful influencers, they are likely exposed through friends or algorithms. Unchecked, these attitudes can lead to bullying, normalised discrimination and difficulties in future relationships. Education must start early to prevent these beliefs from taking root.


1. Label misogyny and teach with confidence

Children need to hear the word "misogyny" and understand what it means. Avoiding the topic allows harmful attitudes to go unchallenged. Teach pupils to spot misogyny and understand why it is unfair. Reinforce that respect is for everyone, regardless of gender.

2. Challenge stereotypes

Encourage children to question assumptions about boys and girls. Discuss stereotypes in books, TV and sports. Ask, "Can boys and girls both be leaders?" or "Why do some people think boys shouldn’t cry?" Help them see that gender does not define ability or worth.

3. Address online influences

Children may not fully understand the messages they hear online but often repeat them. Create a safe space for discussion. Ask, "Is this fair?" or "Would this be okay if the roles were reversed?" Teach digital literacy skills so they can recognise harmful content and know how to report or block it.

4. Highlight positive role models

Representation matters. Ensure your curriculum features strong female figures from diverse backgrounds, such as suffragette Sophia Duleep Singh and child marriage activist Payzee Mahmod. Use books like Gender Swapped Fairy Tales and Julian is a Mermaid to challenge stereotypes. Invite guest speakers who defy traditional gender roles.

5. Engage parents

Misogynistic attitudes are often reinforced at home or online. Keep parents informed about what you’re teaching and why. Offer coffee mornings or information sessions on tackling harmful stereotypes. Include tips in newsletters to help parents continue discussions at home.

6. Harness fairness in sport and play Sport is often linked to outdated ideas

of masculinity. Encourage mixed-gender teams and a variety of games at playtime. Train staff to challenge sexist language and promote respectful competition. Children learn by example, so here’s our chance to model inclusion and positive sportsmanship.

7. Strengthen behaviour policies

Restorative practice works better than punishment alone. When a child uses sexist language, name it, explain why it is wrong and help them reflect. Record incidents to track patterns and ensure progress. Train staff to challenge phrases like "boys will be boys" and "man up".

8. Encourage pupil voice

Ask children about their experiences in school. Questions like "What is it like to be a girl here?" or "Do boys and girls get treated the same?" can reveal hidden biases. Use pupil feedback to shape policies and classroom discussions.


To help schools confidently tackle this 1decision offers a complimentary taster pack, including a dedicated assembly on misogyny. This resource equips teachers with practical tools to spark conversations, debates and promote gender respect while challenging harmful influences in an ageappropriate way.

Step Up for Wellbeing:


National Walking Month, which runs throughout May, is the perfect opportunity to encourage primary school children to embrace the simple, yet powerful, habit of walking.

In an age where screens often dominate, making time to move is more important than ever for young minds and bodies. Walking not only supports physical health but also boosts mental wellbeing, enhances focus and provides a valuable opportunity for social interaction. In this article, we’re sharing:

- The Benefits of Walking for Primary School Children

- National Walking Month Top Tips for Teachers

- Ways to Engage Parents and Carers

- Road Safety Resources


For children, walking is one of the easiest ways to stay active, and the benefits go beyond just fitness:

• Boosts Mental Wellbeing – Walking outdoors helps reduce stress and anxiety, improves mood and helps to regulate the nervous system, making it a great tool to improve concentration in the classroom.

• Encourages Healthy Habits – Establishing a routine of daily walking sets children up for a lifetime of movement and wellbeing.

• Improves Social Skills – Walking in pairs or groups encourages conversation, teamwork, and relationship-building.

• Supports Road Safety Awareness –Walking to school or on daily strolls teaches children key road safety skills, which are essential for independence.


Teachers play a crucial role in encouraging movement throughout the school day. Here are some easy ways to get kids walking more:

• Morning Mile Challenge – Kickstart the day with a brisk 10-minute walk or lap around the playground.

• Walking Meetings – Instead of sitting in the classroom, take discussions or storytime outside for a short walk.

"National Walking Month is the perfect reminder that movement doesn’t have to be complicated"

• Lunchtime Walking Club – Create a fun walking group that explores different parts of the school grounds.

• Cross-Curricular Walks – Use walks for outdoor learning, from nature spotting in science to counting steps in maths.


Encouraging walking habits at home is key. Schools can help by:

• Setting Walking Challenges – A simple step-counting challenge for families can inspire friendly competition.

• Promoting ‘Park and Stride’ – Encourage parents to park a little further from school and walk the last stretch with their child.

• Sharing the Benefits – Send home leaflets or emails highlighting how walking improves children’s focus and wellbeing.

• Highlighting Road Safety – Share

resources like 1decision’s Road Safety Video to ensure children stay safe while out walking.

TIME TO TAKE THAT FIRST STEP! National Walking Month is the perfect reminder that movement doesn’t have to be complicated; it starts with a single step. Whether in the classroom, on the way to school, during family time or used as a tool to destress and rebalance, every walk makes a difference. Let’s teach children to get moving, boost their wellbeing and use this everyday tool for self empowerment and personal development.


At 1decision, we’ve seen first-hand the benefits of stepping away from our screens. Last year, Eleanor and Sophie from our team committed to daily lunchtime walks and now, they’ve gone even further by participating in Mind’s 56 Miles in February challenge to raise awareness and funds for mental health support. With their target already met, they’ve gone the distance to prove how impactful a simple walk can be. If you’d like to support their journey, click here: Eleanor & Sophie’s Challenge

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A staggering 4.3 million children in the UK—30% of all children—are currently living in poverty. This is an alarming crisis that affects not just the wellbeing of individual children but also the future of our society as a whole. The evidence is clear: child health and wellbeing have been in decline for years. Yet, despite this urgent need, the government often claims that there is no money to fund essential interventions. We believe otherwise.

By implementing two key public health taxes, we can secure the necessary funding to tackle child ill health, emotional distress, and poverty headon:

1. Increase the Digital Services Tax from 2% to 6%.

2. Enact a High Fat, Salt & Sugar (HFSS) Junk Food Tax. These measures could generate an estimated £4 billion annually—funds that must be ring-fenced for critical childhood initiatives. By ensuring that this revenue directly supports children’s wellbeing, we can create long-lasting, transformative change.


If implemented, these taxes could finance a range of essential services and reforms, including:

• Expert emotional therapeutic provision in every primary and secondary school. Mental health support is vital for young people navigating the pressures of modern life.

• Universal Free School Meals. A

phased approach could start with children whose parents receive Universal Credit, expanding to all nursery and primary school children before extending to secondary schools.

• Reintroduction of a National Play Strategy. Play is essential for childhood development, yet opportunities for structured play have diminished over the years.

• A New Child Poverty Act. A commitment to tackling the root causes of poverty through legislative measures.

• Investment in Community Sports Facilities. Encouraging physical activity and community engagement from an early age.

• A School Nurse for Every School. Ensuring children have access to healthcare support within their educational environment.

• A Fit-for-Purpose Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) Curriculum. This must include a dedicated resource budget and a fully funded financial literacy component to equip children with essential life skills.


These proposed taxes wouldn’t just benefit children—they would lead to wider improvements in public health. By addressing poor nutrition, emotional distress, and financial insecurity early in life, we can help prevent serious health conditions such as obesity, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. This would, in turn, reduce long-term NHS costs and create a healthier, more resilient population.


We cannot continue to let millions of children suffer due to government inaction.

"We cannot continue to let millions of children suffer due to government inaction"

Investing in children is investing in the future of our nation. The introduction of these targeted taxes presents a practical, fair, and effective solution to a crisis that demands immediate attention. It is time for policymakers to take bold

action. The health, happiness, and prospects of the next generation depend on it.


If you are passionate about children’s wellbeing and believe in creating a fairer, healthier future, we need your support. Sign the petition today and help us demand change: Tax Big Tech & Junk Food to Fund Children’s Health & Wellbeing. Every signature brings us closer to securing a brighter future for millions of children.



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