My Name is Hatem Amin, A fully qualified Art Director possessing a wide range of experience in the advertising and print media industry. I have a passion for creative and effective design, that is achieved both on budget and by deadline. An extensive knowledge of industry standard design programs, and a thorough understanding of both printed and web media processes, allows me to take a job from start to finish. Companies I’ve worked in Oman with the ... «Galaxy Way» «Al-Diwan» «Aptc Design» «Al-Waha Magazine»
Passion Experience Intelligence Commitment
P e r s o n al S k ill s C r e a t i v i t y. Social Skills. Ledership. Passion.
FreeLancer -OM 2 012 . . . . .15
SK I L L S ADOBE Photoshop Indesign Illustrator Lightroom Aftereffect Muse
APTC& AlwhahMagazin -OM 2 0 0 8 - 2 012
GoogleSketchup Cinma4D G a l a x y Wa y - O M 2003 - 2008
“Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great. Greatness is determined by service.” For over 10 years,I providing creative design for clients in just about every business sector. Here are a few of the clients that we have had the pleasure to work with us.
Thanks For Watching ! We,d better talk, so i look forward to meeting with you to further discuss my qualification, goals, and portfolio of samle works.
Keep in touch
+968 94 20 1777 2015
Hatem Amin Hatem_Art