The Scene

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The Union Magazine 10|2011 |1

UCSU is now on


@Lorricumbriasu @RachelUCSU @Liamcumbriasu @Tomcumbriasu Follow your Sabbs You can now follow your Sabbatical officers on twitter to know exactly where they are and when you can talk to them. You can also contact them through their twitter accounts to make suggestions on how they can help you!

Follow UCSU on Facebook at

register as a volunteer


hello! from our new advice manager


housing advice 16 meet the neighbours


activities assembly


Mature Student Representative 28 |3

Have you registered with us as a Volunteer yet? Maybe, you’re thinking volunteering isn’t for you but this might change your mind… Think about when you start applying for a job (ok, so it might not be for a couple of years, but you could maximise your learning during this time!) - An employer has shortlisted and interviewed suitable candidates and now has to decide between two applicants with similar qualifications; one who has volunteered alongside their studies and gained extra skills and experience and a second applicant who hasn’t – who would you give the job to? Would you like to gain extra experience either relating to your course of study or doing something completely different? Kati & Emma are here to help you find the right opportunity for you; one that fits with your interests, aspirations and time schedule. Please register with us online at and we’ll send you more information. We have opportunities for you to get involved both within the SU and externally with local charitable organisations, looking for volunteers. We also plan project days throughout the year which will be included in our bulletins and you can sign up to as many of these as you like. We will send you a regular bulletin with opportunities for you to consider getting involved in; alternatively if you contact us we can give you some options around your interests and aspirations. |5

Our student-led projects are also growing so if you have a passion for a particular

volunteering project and would like some help

(01524) 590 818

in getting it going please get in touch!

Clubs & Societies

Student Academic Reps If any of you have put yourself forward to be an Academic Rep or maybe you’re

thinking about it this is also a volunteering

(01524) 590 818

opportunity. Any time you spend attending


meetings, training, gathering class feedback etc all counts as volunteering because you’re giving your time for the benefit of others. By carrying out this role you will also demonstrate

to future employers that you have excellent

(01228) 616 164

communication, organisational and


leadership skills.

Raise & Give (RAG) Are you creative, enjoy organising events or

Please see our website for details of our

just want to make a difference?

current sports and student groups at

Even if you’re not and just want to try

something different…join RAG! RAG raises money for charities through organising various fun events and fundraisers! With your help we can make this year’s RAG bigger and better than ever!

Make a Difference Day If you would like to make a difference to someone’s life we’ll be spending Saturday 29th October out in the community with people with Alzheimers. Details are being confirmed but if you think you may have some time then get in touch to express your interest.

Lancashire County Council’s Volunteer Service helps to form and support friendships between volunteers and vulnerable adults. Our volunteers help people who have grown isolated through low confidence or limited social opportunities. You can offer friendship to people who may feel they have no one to turn to. The support of a friendly face and a regular routine can boost physical and mental health and volunteers themselves enjoy a ‘feel good’ factor, together with those they befriend. Supporting a vulnerable or isolated person can be as simple as a weekly visit for a cup of tea and a chat, or involve a range of activities such as going for a walk, shopping,

Lancashire Volunteering Opportunity

or perhaps going to see a film or visiting the

Support someone in your community and

local swimming pool.

make a new friend! Volunteers can take advantage of free FANCY doing something interesting and

training courses and we can provide

rewarding with your spare time? Something

references on completion of six months of

enjoyable and challenging to improve your

active volunteering.

CV as you start along your career path? Want to help someone else into the bargain?

To get involved or learn more about the

Well, befriending could be just what you’re

Lancashire Volunteer Service, please email

looking for.

Emma at |7

primary logo full clour print

single colour logo spot colour print

colour suite

EMILY REDUCED THE COST of everything for Uni, from her laptop to a new mobile, her course books, a winter coat and an alarm clock

can you afford not to? Get kitted out just like Emily‌visit to see how you can save

All details correct at time of printing: July 2011

Unisex Hoodies £24.00 or £21.60 with an nus extra card!

Ladies Hoodies £28.00 or £25.20 with an nus extra card!

Hoodies and much more available in The Shop on Lancaster campus.You can also purchase hoodies from your local Students’ Union office or online at

Toilets Smarties Lounge

The old SU Building Entrance |9

Vacant Positions: Independent Chair (2 positions) Ethnic Minority Exec Rep Hours: to suit you

The Union is looking for a dynamic, outcomeorientated person to help us deliver our exciting programme of change for all our members. If you can create connections with fellow students and help them work towards making the University better then apply now. As a volunteer elected officer you would receive training, support, volunteer

You can find out more about this

accreditation and gain practical experience

opportunity from the Students’ Union website:

in a fantastic range of leadership skills. Plus

you’d be playing a vital part in ensuring

that students like you have a voice in the

Nominations open Monday 17th October and close Friday 28th October

development of the University of Cumbria. |11

from the Information and Advocacy Manager

About the team…

I would like to take this opportunity to say

Mike Taylor, based in Lancaster and Hayley

hello to all students at University of Cumbria.

McCowan, based in Carlisle Fusehill Street are

My name is Roz Pilling and I have recently

the Students’ Union Information and Advice

started work for the Students’ Union as the

Assistants and they will be able to support

Information and Advocacy Manager. It is a

you in accessing the relevant part of the

great honour for me to have been welcomed

Union for your interests and needs. If you have

so warmly into the role and I look forward to

any queries about Students’ Union activities

further developing the service and continuing

and services Mike and Hayley will be able to

with the excellent work undertaken by my

point you in the right direction. Chloe Merna

predecessor, Trish Lee. I have a background

is our Student Advisor and she has a wealth

in Social Care having spent the last 10

of experience in supporting students with a

years since graduating from Lancaster

variety of academic, health and social needs.

University working in children’s residential

She also has long standing experience of the

settings, schools, adult disability and sensory

University of Cumbria and the Students’ Union

impairment teams and most recently at the

having been a student and an officer here in

Royal Lancaster Infirmary medical social

the past.

work team. Lorri Millar, Academic Sabbatical and Rachel

supporting students with a variety of academic, health and social needs

Garlick, Student Life Sabbatical are the student leaders of the department. They represent you on the development of services and run campaigns with the aim of improving the overall experience for you during your time at University. |13

About the service‌


The advocacy and advice service is free,

The primary Academic/Student Life Campaign

confidential and impartial so whatever your

to look out for in November is running for the

concern you can be sure that you can access

week beginning 21st November. The RARA

support in complete confidence. If you are

(Rules And Regulations Awareness) campaign,

looking for general information and advice

which also ran for a week from 10th October,

Mike and Hayley will be able to support you

has been put in place to proactively inform

in the first instance. If you wish to make an

you of the University Academic rules and

appointment to speak to either Chloe or

regulations and any changes that have

myself regarding more specific or in depth

been made to them. By being informed the

concerns we will be able to help you do so

likelihood of you encountering difficulties

to ensure that we can arrange a confidential

with your course is greatly reduced, so I

and comfortable environment in which to

would encourage you to actively engage

discuss your concerns. We are keen to work in

with this campaign.

partnership with other services, both internally and externally, for the benefit of the individual

I hope you are enjoying the new academic

student. As such, the team will be able to

year and that both your academic and

signpost you to other relevant services which

personal lives are going well, however if you

might be beneficial to you, however, we will

are experiencing any difficulties please do

not pass on any personal details to other

not hesitate to get in touch.

services unless you request us to. For Carlisle and all Cumbrian campus enquiries contact Hayley on (01228) 616 272. For Lancaster and Tower Hamlets contact Mike on (01524) 590 810.

(01524) 590 820

(01228) 616 272

Information and Advice

Information and Advice

(01524) 590 820

(01524) 590 810

Information and Advice

Information and Advice

Personal Safety Tips

Top Tips for out on the Town





z z z z z

Plan your night out, let someone know where you are going & when you will be home. Carry a charged mobile phone & put a trusted taxi number in your contacts. Never accept a drink from someone you don’t know or don’t trust. Keep your drink with you at all times, if it looks or tastes suspicious don’t drink it. Watch out for your friends & make sure they get home safely. Don’t walk alone after dark - plan ahead. Avoid taking short cuts, keep to well-lit main streets. Never accept lifts from strangers or unregistered taxis. Drink responsibly; binge drinking makes you more vulnerable.

cumbriapolice |15

housing advice

Are you sure you want to live together? If you have signed the same contract as your house mates and you all agree to take the property at the same time; you will be jointly


and severally liable with each of your house

Signing a housing contract is amongst the

mates for any rent arrears and/or damage

first significant legally binding documents a

to the property. So, if one tenant moves out,

student will sign. It is a big commitment.

the landlord/agent can pursue the remaining tenants (as well as the tenant who has left) for

Never sign a contract on the spot - you should

any money due. The majority of students sign

always be given at least 24 hours to read the

Joint tenancy’s which is why it is so important

contract. It is vital that you remember that

to make sure that you are moving in with the

once a contract has been signed that it is

right people.

legally binding on all parties, you do not get a chance to change your mind. The University

You must:

of Cumbria Students’ Union runs a contract

• Pay your rent as stated in the contract

checking service which can be accessed

• Not damage the property, furnishings or fixtures

through the Advice Service.

• Agree any other clauses to be added to/ removed from your contract in writing

Your Landlord must: • Give 24 hours notice before visiting the property • Keep the property in a good state of repair • Protect your tenancy deposit in a government scheme

Inventories At the start of your tenancy your landlord/ agent should give you an inventory which lists all the fixtures and fittings in the property, and the condition that they’re in. It is the only proof you will have at the end of the tenancy that you are not to blame for existing damage, and evidence if there is a dispute over the

witness to sign and date it, and send a copy

return of your deposit.

to the landlord by recorded delivery.

Check that the inventory lists every item and

Any damage that occurs to the property

whether there is any existing damage (eg.

during the tenancy should be promptly

broken furniture, stains on the carpet etc.) The

reported in writing (keep a copy) to the

inventory should be signed and dated by the

landlord/agent. If you cause any damage,

landlord and tenant, who should each keep

for example, break a vase etc, and want

a copy. If your landlord doesn’t give you one,

to replace it, always ask your landlord and

draw up your own and ask your landlord/

update the inventory accordingly and keep

agent to sign it and give them a copy. If your


landlord won’t sign it, ask an independent It’s a good idea to take photos of the condition of the property when you move in (include a newspaper showing the date) and when you leave.

For more information visit our website |17

Gas Safe Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas, don’t

you their landlord’s gas safety record to ensure

mistake the symptoms for a hangover.

the safety of you and your house mates. The great news is it won’t cost you a penny and it

It is a criminal offence for a Landlord to rent

could save your life!

out a property without a gas safety certificate – have you seen yours?

Remember to always: Check the ID card of any gas engineer that

It may not be top priority for you right now but

comes to do work in your home.

knowing these rights could save your life. If the boiler is old, poorly serviced, fitted incorrectly

Cooperate with your landlord and let a Gas

or faulty it could put you and your flatmates at

Safe registered engineer in when a gas safety

risk. By law, your landlord must be able to show

check or servicing has to be done.

Deposits Since April 2007, landlords entering into new tenancy agreements are now required to place any deposit with a Government

Deposit Protection Service 0844 4727000 My Deposits 0844 9800290 Tenancy Deposit Scheme 0845 2267837

authorised scheme, which will safeguard the money and offer independent adjudication in the event of any dispute. Tenants who have kept their rented property in good condition can be confident that they will not have all or part of their deposit withheld unfairly. This means your landlords (or agent, if undertaking those duties) must also give you information about how your deposit is being protected (normally as a clause within the Tenancy Agreement and by giving you a leaflet) at the time of entering the deal. The landlord must pay your deposit into one of the three authorised schemes within 14 days of receiving your deposit. One is custodial (where the money is held with the company itself) and two are insurance companies (where the landlord keeps the money but it is insured by these companies for pay out if the landlord goes bankrupt etc). If, at the end of your tenancy you can’t agree with your landlord/agent over the amount of the deposit to be returned, or aren’t satisfied with the explanation for withholding the deposit, you can register the dispute using whichever scheme your deposit has been protected with. |19

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Vacant Position: Part-Time Students Exec Rep The Union is looking for a dynamic, outcomeorientated person to help us deliver our exciting programme of change for part-time students. If you can create connections with fellow students and help them work towards making the University better then apply now. As a volunteer elected officer you would receive training, support, volunteer accreditation and gain practical experience in a fantastic range of leadership skills. Plus you’d be playing a vital part in ensuring that students like you have a voice in the development of the University of Cumbria. You can find out more about this opportunity from the Students’ Union website:

Nominations open Monday 17th October and close Friday 28th October |21

Meet the neighbours Tuesday 1st November 6.00pm-7.30pm AXB006 (Alexandra building) University of Cumbria, Bowerham Road, Lancaster, LA1 3JD. Meet The Neighbours is for University of Cumbria students and local residents of Lancaster to meet each other and get involved in a variety of activities, games, food and drinks, and is completely free of charge. There will be a number of our volunteering opportunities showcased as well as ongoing projects for all attendees to sign up for. ‘Street reps’ is a new project which we will be specifically promoting and hope to recruit both local residents and students to get involved with. The basic focus of the scheme is to identify both student and local resident street representatives for streets with a high number of both groups in order to improve and enhance local cohesion. The main aim for the project is to provide a new opportunity for community members, both students and local residents, to interact in a positive way. Make sure everyone in your community gets involved!

For more info contact: (01524) 590 818 Twitter: @Tomcumbriasu

Vacant Position: Health and Wellbeing Faculty Rep (Carlisle) The Union is looking for a dynamic, outcomeorientated person to help us deliver our exciting programme of change for Carlisle students. If you can create connections with fellow students and help them work towards making the University better then apply now. As a volunteer elected officer you would receive training, support, volunteer accreditation and gain practical experience in a fantastic range of leadership skills. Plus you’d be playing a vital part in ensuring that students like you have a voice in the development of the University of Cumbria. You can find out more about this opportunity from the Students’ Union website:

Nominations open Monday 17th October and close Friday 28th October |23

The Activities Assembly is your chance to come and discuss how your Union is run, specifically regarding sports teams, clubs and societies, as well as volunteering opportunities. There will be several more meetings throughout the year that focus on different aspects of the Union’s work, such as campaigning, so keep an eye out for those and make sure the Union is working on your behalf. |25

Instant Student Insurance. We’re behind you

24 hour* laptop and mobile phone replacement. All this for just


worth of contents cover in your accommodation

Any mobile phone up to £750

Any laptop up to £750

£�.�� a month**

Includes cover for books, TV, valuables, handbags, wallets, etc...

Go online to find out more about our unique insurance bundles… Get instant cover.

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insurance recommended by

Visit Call 0800 389 1920 *24 hours represents 1 working day from us accepting your claim. **£9.50 a month is based on a student living in halls of residence, covering a mobile phone up to the value of £750, laptop up to the value of £750 and £3,000 worth of contents cover. Endsleigh Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. This can be checked on the FSA Register by visiting its website at Endsleigh Insurance Services Limited. Company No: 856706 registered in England at Shurdington Road, Cheltenham Spa, Gloucestershire GL51 4UE. |27

Mature Student Exec Representative Hi, thank you for electing me as the ‘Mature Student Representative’ across all campuses. I am just starting the 2nd year of a degree in Wildlife & Media, but I’m in my 3rd year of study, having started as a Further Education student in 2008. What is the Students Union? When I started here, I wasn’t really sure, and I only had two words to go on, ‘Students’ & ‘Union’. I thought it must be something to do with ‘Unions’, some kind of left wing pressure group within the University, and any student who was active in it was sure to be some kind of anarchist!

What is a ‘mature student’? That’s hard to define really, but it’s anyone over the age of

Nothing could be further from the truth! The

about 24. You will find that the wide range

Students Union is just that, a union of the

of ages at our University gives it a very strong

students, and is made up of a very positive

family and community feeling throughout.

and fun loving bunch of people who all dedicate their time to make the student

You will see me mainly around the Carlisle and

experience as fantastic and memorable as

Penrith campuses, but I will be visiting all sites

possible for all of us. You can get involved as

over the year. Come up and say hello! You

much or as little as you like, but we are always

can’t miss me; they’ve given me a coloured

here to listen and help you, no matter what

badge so big that we can shelter under it if it’s

you want to talk about. We organise events


to keep your time here alive and exciting and you will also notice that we run campaigns

Join our Facebook group:

aimed at improving the things that matter to

Mature Students University of Cumbria

all of us. We also do a lot more that you will

Tel: 07731 758774

learn about.

E-Mail: |29

You can find out more about this opportunity from the Students’ Union website: Â

Nominations open Monday 17th October and close Friday 28th October

The Union is looking for a dynamic, outcomeorientated person to help us deliver our exciting programme of change for students. If you can create connections with fellow students and help them work towards making the University better then apply now. As a volunteer elected officer you would receive training, support, volunteer accreditation and gain practical experience in a fantastic range of leadership skills. Plus you’d be playing a vital part in ensuring that students like you have a voice in the development of the University of Cumbria.

Vacant Positions: Arts, Business & Science Faculty Rep (Penrith) Non-Portfolio Officer (3 Carlisle positions and 2 Penrith) |31

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for students


ars in







50% Discount

tn ersh

25 London Road Carlisle CA1 2JZ

Tel:01228 528555 Offer applies only to appointments with our stylists. The offer is only valid for students who must show their student ID at the salon.

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