January 2010 edition
Students’ Union new year resolutions
Introducing our ign Community Campa R.I.P Ambleside Protest
Volunteering World record attempt
! R A E WY
Contents Our New Years Resolutions
p.4 -5
R.I.P. Ambleside
p. 6
p. 8-10
Find out what The Students’ Union has planned this year
Students protest against the plans for Ambleside campus
Have your say on the governance structure and more!
Volunteering Review and opportunities
p. 11 - 13
Community campaign
p. 16-17
p. 18-20
p. 21-25
Integrating students into local communities
Find out what’s going on your campus!
Find out what’s on in January and February.
The Scene Student magazine is produced by The University of Cumbria Students’ Union. If you would like to advertise in or get involved with The Scene then please contact our Marketing, Design and Communications Coordinator, Hatti Airey on 01228 616164 or email
Our New Year’s Resolut Union Structure Referenda Further to a decision to be made on January 26th by Union Council there will be an vote open to all students (Referendum) on whether to approve a new shape for how the Union is organised or whether to stick with the current structure. The arguments will be made for and against in the weeks leading up to the vote, but to access documents that underpin the proposals check out the ‘Your Union’ part of the Students’ Union website.
Cross-Campus Tournament The UCSU Cross Campus Tournament comes to Lancaster for the first time as all four campuses will go head to head in a series of sporting events and fun challenges. Whether you’re into your sports or just want to take part in the fun challenges or even just want to come along and support your campus everyone is welcome to take part and represent YOUR campus!
Refreshers As usual we have a refreshers period to welcome you back to university and celebrate the start of a new year. The entertainments team have a number of events planned across our campuses so have a look out for posters telling you whats on. The events start Sunday 24th January.
The meeting for all N policy is debated an will
Vitality Week is runn until Friday 19th M Campus. Vitality Wee for students and st have attached the V the SRC so you cou The timetable is not having meetings th
Com Cam
This year we are l mUNIty campaign w a good sense of com and local residents a more about this c
S Annual nference
NUS affiliated Unions, where nd the new NUS sabbaticals l be elected
lity Week
ning from Monday 15th March March at the Fusehill Street ek is a programme of activities taff to promote well-being. I Vitality Week timetable from uld pick a few points off there. finalised as of yet but they’re his week to discuss definite plans.
mmunity mpaign
launching our new Comwhich aims to bring about mmunity between students and businesses. To find out campaign please see page 16-17.
Check out what we have on our agenda for you at The Students’ Union this year!
Elections The annual round of elections open on Monday 18th February and we’re urging all students to consider standing no matter if they are part or full time and where they study. The Union Structure Referendum outcome have some exciting and dynamic implications on the elections, explained online. Do you have an opinion or something to offer? Then get involved! Details are being updated as we speak at : elections
Sports Awards SSWISH returns for yet another year to reward our sports teams and clubs and societies for their achievements. Awards to be given will be everything form BUCS Team of the year, Players player to Society of the year, it’s still all to play for this year so support your Teams and Societies and then get your best clobber on as we end the Sports and Activities in season style!!
AGM & Election Result Night The Students’ Union get together (or Annual General Meeting) and Elections Results night will be held via Big Screen link on Friday 19th March at all sites. We’ll be giving away free drink vouchers for the first 250 attendees and as well as finding out who has won in their elections it’s also a massive opportunity to hold the Union to account and bring up any business you want us to take up!
R.I.P. Ambleside On Wednesday 16th December 2009, Students from all campuses travelled up to Carlisle to protest against the proposed ‘mothballing’ of the Ambleside campus and axing of the undergraduate courses. The protest was held in Carlisle because on the same day the university academic board were meeting to discuss the plans for the future of Ambleside. Our Union president, Emma Green led the protest of angry students and before it stated “I hope we can make a difference. We have a lot of support from everyone in the community”. Students met in Carlisle City Centre and marched from there to the Fusehill Street campus carrying a replica coffin
with the words ‘RIP Ambleside’ and ‘Relocate your dreams’ written along each side. They were then met by Peter McCaffrey (Vice Chancellor) who told the protestors: “We are between a rock and a hard place. We will do everything we can to ensure we minimise disruption to you and your studies. We have considered all other options available.” There have been many complaints to the university for this decision. 2,000 people have written objections while 4,000 people have signed an online petition against the plans. MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale Tim Farron also said: “If they do not consider these objections individually, I will want to know why.”
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Do you think you have something to bring to The Scene? It could be that you want to write a column for every edition, have a story to share or maybe you even have a creative talent like cartoon drawing or photography?
If you think you can help make The Scene better in any way then please get in touch. We would be happy to hear from you and after all this is a student publication for you all to CLIENT: use as much JOB NAME: 000550_StudAcct_105x105 Lloyds as you want! SIZE: 10 Please contact Hatti on 01228 616164 or email harriet.burt@cumbria. DATE: 28.07.09 PAGE: 1 CREATOR: Willis PROOF: 0 Or if you are in Carlisle you could always pop into the Fusehill CREATIVE TEAM: TBA 7 SENT: 28 Street Office forTALENT: a chat.nguyen LOCATION:
Pictures / Lloyds / 000550 Plymouth UNI
Student Representation
Governance Restruct If you’ve been reading your student global email during the first term you’ll have spotted that the Students’ Union has been asking for input on the structure of our elected officers and groups within the Union. This is in response to an ongoing review of how we meet the needs of our members across all courses and sites, and we are drawing towards the conclusion of a two-year review and potential restructure of how we are organised. A series of draft proposals have been drawn up with the specific aim of trying to make the Union more open for part time, distance learners and other currently under-represented students to get involved. A series of reports have been written based upon research conducted and surveys of our members, and the changing nature of our student body has been studied and incorporated into proposals on how we could re-organise to better to meet the diverse needs of all students.
These dra Union Cou and receive should be regulations on technic referendum Structure represent y Students’ U for you, the early Febru Union will in the Febru
We’d love through the and get bac what you boldest an to the Stud memory, an to give all s involved wh nurses or te
n Representation
ture proposals move ahead
aft proposals were put before uncil on the 8th of December, ed a positive vote indicating they developed into a final series of that Council will either reject cal detail or recommend to m. As such the new Governance (or how we are organised to you) of the University of Cumbria Union will probably be coming out e students, to approve or deny, in uary. It is hoped that the Students’ be electing to this new structure uary/March elections.
you to review the proposals e documentation on our website ck in touch with us to let us know think. The proposals form the nd most representative changes dents’ Union structures in recent nd are driven by a serious desire students a real opportunity to get hether they are full or part time, eachers, 18-21 or an adult returner
to education and no matter whether they are based in Carlisle, Barrow-in-Furness or Tower Hamlets! The full proposal (with fancy introductory text) is called ‘Governance Restructure Proposal’ and there is a brief version with full Q&A called ‘Governance Restructure Brief and Notes’. Both are available on the ‘Your Union’ section of the Students’ Union website - Please do let us know what you think by emailing your feedback to Danny Prescott, UCSU Representation and Democracy Coordinator (daniel.prescott@cumbria. who will collate all responses and report them back to the Drafting Group. We are encouraging all sections of the University of Cumbria student community to get involved and would like to hear from all of you.
WE NEED YOUR ANSWERS UCSU are looking to all students to answer one killer question: Have we made a positive difference to your time at University? Each respondent can have their name entered in a prize draw to win a digital laptop projector. To answer the killer question and be entered into the prize draw go to the web adress across the bottom of this page.
Volunteering Review
Well it’s been a very hectic first term – Here’s a
of what upactively to….to solve these problems Onesnapshot of the big issues decidedwe’ve at the been work Welcome Assembly – itself a first, being and to make detailed booklets for the inaugural cross campus Union students on their rights as tenants. Council where are students are invited HE funding Campaign - To work cherry and crab apple, which weand planted TreebyO’Clock – Guinness world with the to attend video conference – were National Union of Students on the bund around the ‘cow dome’ Recordcampaigns Attempt for the year the priority other bodies to campaign for a fairer HE at Sewborwens Farm, Newton ahead. Priority campaigns are the global Funding System and to take stand against Rigg, Penrith. of UCSU I raising issuesOn thatbehalf the Union will beVolunteering spending or lifting the ‘cap’ on tuition fees The such record we were to beat would resources like to saycampaigning a HUGE thank significant on you through actions as: trying lobbying the was 653,143 and at the time of writing who out they on a very University to formally support students’ we over to theeveryone course of theturned year, and were still the waiting to hear if we were cold andaswet December are defined issues which morning have theto get stance against current HE funding successful! This project was of the extremely muddy,students planting asequally many trees system and campaign for a fairerpart potential to effect one; BBC Breathing Places initiative we sites could irrespective between 11am 12noon! taking the stance that those who make‘Tree acrossas all of &their Youorwere fantastic! course mode of study. Traditionally moreO’Clock.’ money from their degree should Moremore; photos available on volunteers, these42selections have comprising been made students by pay back campaigning forour the Facebook high group ‘UCSU Volunteering’ and staffofficers of the over University of Cumbria, costs of Arts education and realistic key elected the summer attempted to break the Guinness months away from democratic scrutinyWorld rates photos of rent etc to be recognised and the mostconsultation, number of trees provided for as part of student finance and Record without forsignificant Worden Mentoring Project in multiple across the arrangements. and planted in recognition of locations this distinctly 2009 UK, within one Our contribution unrepresentative wayhour. of going about Community – Our members Sports theyear record an amazing 642 native are Worden thingstothis thewas Welcome Assembly encouraged to College becomeapproached actively us again this year to run the trees; the blackthorn, birdkey was given right tohawthorn, chose the involved within their university andmentoring local programas with them and for the third year global campaigns. community students residents running. really value that this the project through aims They like guaranteeing and the impact that it has had on The low-down on the selected campaigns Students’ Union has a permanent and their yearpresence 10 & 11 on pupils the past two are as follows: effective localover government years. UCSU Volunteers, Housing Campaign - Students boards and within community Ruth forums;Smith, Simon Munday, Kath Towsnend, need information on housing available encouraging communication between Cath Holden, Emma Betsy Stirland to them before they start to sort out the Students’ Union Robinson, and its community; and John Duggan have all been rental agreements, and the Union inviting local officials and residents assigned to pupils who will most benefit from this can help students by: hosting a yearly be involved in Union events; educating project. Housing Fayre in the 2nd term, which the local government and residents of will have landlords present to answer the value of their local students and Loyne students Youth Club Disco questions; conducting research at every encouraging to value, respect On Thursday 19th November, UCSU & student house, which will rate the space and play a dynamic positive role in their SEN Society volunteers hosted a disco in which each student lives; listening to local communities. on the Lancaster Campus in the Saints students concerns about housing and Bar for members of the Loyne School, 11 Youth Club. The 16-19 year olds with special needs, enjoyed pizzas and jacket 11
Volunteering Review
Well it’s been a very hectic first term – Here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been up to….
potatoes for their tea, followed by an opportunity to play pool and then dance the night away to disco music from our very own DJ Dom Leighton! All participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to their next youth club event in the Saints Bar. UCSU Volunteers continue to help at the weekly youth club in the community, assisting in a variety of activities and providing peer support to these young people.
MIND Activity Day – Canoeing UCSU Volunteers were invited to participate in an activity day with the Organisation, West Cumbria MIND based in Workington. On Wednesday 28th October UCSU Volunteers met Patrick, from MIND at Derwent Water Marina for a day’s canoeing. The purpose of the day was to introduce MIND as an organisation that provides volunteering opportunities to work with people who have mental health issues. Volunteers can help MIND service users in a variety of ways by sharing in activities, offering peer support and assisting them to achieve goals in areas that many of us take for granted.
Visit to Kincraig School, Blackpool On Wednesday 21st October, UCSU Volunteers travelled to Kincraig School in Blackpool to deliver activities designed to raise the Key Stage 2 pupils’ aspirations. The visit was planned as
If you haven’t registered and would like to, please complete ou
part of the school’s ‘careers week’ where professionals from a variety of backgrounds talked to the pupils about their work and how they got to where they are today. We are currently planning a day for Key Stage 2 to visit the Lancaster Campus… watch this space!
News just in…. Congratulations to the Eden Rural Foyer on their successful funding bid! They now have the go ahead to transform the back yard area at the hostel into a ‘green’ garden with fruit trees, vegetable plot, plants, seating area, etc. If you signed up to help with this ‘ground force’ project expect an email soon! Impact Housing – Calling all media design students - Could you create a ‘buzzy’ interactive website page for youth projects? Is your expertise in website design? You will have the opportunity to meet the young people and work with them to create a website page they will want to interact with.
Deaf Awareness Training Vinvolved Cumbria is hosting this training course on Saturday 16th January 2010 from 9am. Interested in Volunteering Overseas next summer? VESL (charity number 1117908) is an educational charity that sends volunteers to work on worthwhile projects overseas. VESL is hosting an Information event on Wednesday 13th January from 2.304.30pm at Manchester (MMU Students’ Union) Everybody welcome! Check out their website Are you going abroad on a voluntary/ community project? The Eleanor Peel Trust might be able to help you! The aim of the trust is to help support extra curricular activities taking place abroad.The fund is allocated to activities seen to be of benefit to the social and cultural awareness of the volunteer and that make a contribution to the community. National Student Volunteering Week takes place from 22-28 February 2010 – watch out for volunteering events to get involved in. For the latest volunteering opportunities…please log on to our website http://www. .uk/ volunteering & Join UCSU Volunteering on Facebook too! You can email Emma at for more information on volunteering
ur online form at
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UCSU launches the ‘CommUNIty’ campaign The start of the New Year also heralds the start of the brand new Students’ Union ‘CommUNIty campaign’. ‘CommUNIty’ will take place across all of the University of Cumbria’s main Campuses and principally aims to: • Enhance a healthy sense of Community amongst student residents, local residents and local businesses. • Enhance student awareness of Recycling/ Environmental issues • Develop student awareness about noise disturbance Do you know your Neighbour? As students you are a part of the local residential community in which you live. ‘CommUNIty’ will begin with the launch of a cross campus postcard campaign
that aims to encourage all of you to get to know your neighbour a little bit better. Getting to know your Neighbour can have a number of benefits for you, your Neighbour and the local Community including increased security and safety So why not make sure you grab a postcard, fill it in and take part? If you have any questions or comments about the Community campaign or would like more information about how to get involved then email the Lancaster Vice President: or ask in your local Students’ Union Office.
Lancaster Focus
Lancaster Campus Societies
Hectic can be the only word used to describe the first semester down here at Lancaster. After a very successful Activities Fair, eight of last years societies re-affiliated with only geography and multicultural being casualties. Two new societies; music and salsa were soon joined by golf, swimming & water polo, trampolining and volleyball as the list of new societies grows week by week. Karate were a little late in getting their act together but are now ready to re-affiliate in January and hope to be joined by liberal youth who are actively campaigning to support students rights on the Lancaster Campus. With fifteen societies to choose from, students can be energetic with trampolining, volleyball, karate or golf, go walking, climbing or skiing, enjoy dance, drama or a bit of salsa or get involved with children with Special Education needs or sit back and enjoy music.
Anyone interested in joining any of the above societies or even setting up your own, then please contact the Clubs & Societies Officer, Lorri Millar either by email ( or pop into the Students’ Union Office and see Allan.
Salsa, Golf, Volleyball o swimming? Just a few o the societies you could get involved with if you are on the Lancaster campus. Visit the Students’ Union for more details
or of d u
Lancaster Campus BUCS Sports Teams As the Michaelmas term 2009 and first semester come to a close, we can have a look at the winners and losers since the season began, and undoubtedly the winner has to be, THE WEATHER.
Sports Massage Carlisle
Yes even though Lancaster missed out on some of the country’s worst rainfall on record, some twenty matches have fallen foul of the weather and need to be re-arranged once students return in 2010. Amongst the teams, rivalry for top spot is as intense as ever, with Men’s Hockey, Women’s Hockey, Women’s Football and Netball all unbeaten in their League fixtures and proudly stand top of their Leagues.The latter three women’s teams are all chasing silverware in the cup as well, being either at the last sixteen or quarter final stage. These teams are keenly chased by Men’s Badminton, Men’s Rugby League & Men’s Rugby Union who have only lost once with the latter two teams still being top of their respective Leagues. Those that need to look over their shoulder for fear of relegation are Men’s Football 1st & 3rd with Men’s Basketball and Men’s Football 2nd just above the relegation zone. Women’s Rugby Union have been hardest hit by the weather with no fewer than four games to be rearranged in the New Year and they look like playing every week right up to the end of the season.
Starts week commencing Monday 15th February Sessions are Monday 18:15 - 19:15, Wednesday 09:30 - 10:30, Thursday 18:15 19:15 @ The Complementary Therapy Clinic The fee is £1 NONREFUNDABLE to be paid upon booking. This is for half-hour session. Bookings taken at Fudehill Street Students’ Unon Office. Clients can block book up to 4 sessions at a time over the 9-weeks. Slots are booked on a first-come first-served basis The slots are specifically for SPORTS based participants If slots are NOT filled by Sports Students, this availability will be open to others so please do come in and see if you can booked in (2 days in advance of preferred date).
has a new look
10am - 3.30pm Monday to Friday
food served
Lancaster’s Students’ Union bar has had a stylish refurbishment, making it the most comfortable and enjoyable meeting place on campus! Open for our breakfast club from 8:00am through to our lunchtime food service from 10:00am to 3:30pm, we offer a fantastic range of freshly cooked food, including Paninis, Wraps and Pizza. Saints then reopens from 7:00pm (Sunday to Friday) offering a classy and relaxed night-time experience with fantastic drinks prices and a great range of cocktails. With weekly entertainments including the Sunday night quiz, acoustic and karaoke nights, and of course sports socials, Saints is definitely the place to be! Saints is also available for private function bookings every Saturday night, perfect for birthday parties, engagements or reunions, with discounts available for students and staff. For further information please contact Dominic Leighton on (01524) 526568.
Guide 19th Jan
20th Jan
21st Jan
24th Jan
25th Jan
Cave Rave @ Saints bar then Bentleys 8pm start Prizes for best fancy dress. FREE to Saints, £1 Bentleys Welcome back Quiz @ Calva Bar 8pm. 50p per person.
26th Jan
27th Jan
Refreshers £100 quiz with Rock & Roll Bingo @ The Overdraught. 9pm. £1 per person.
Welcome back Party @ Walkabout 9pm. £2 entry.
T o g a Party @ Cassa in Carlisle 9pm. £2 entry.
School Disco @ WISH Lancaster. Doors open 11pm £2 before 12pm, £3 after
18th Jan
Charity Shop @ The Gin Case £1 entry before 9pm, £2
Refreshers £100 Quiz @ Saints Bar. 9pm. £2 per team.
Refreshers £100 Quiz @ The Gin Case, starts 9pm. £1 per person.
28 Ja
Lo Re Hypno Refres reque show Overd 8pm s £6 en
Refreshers £100 Quiz @ Calva/ Crown/ The Globe, starts 8pm. £1 per person.
Refreshers Australia Day Beach Party @ Walkabout 9pm. £2 entry
Lo Reid Hypnotist Refreshers request show @ The Brickyard 8pm start. £6 entry
Refres Pub To @ Car Meetin 7.30pm The C The C £5 pe t-shirt
Refreshers Bin Bag Ball @ Saints bar then Bentleys 8pm start Prizes for best bin bag costumes! FREE to Saints, £1 Bentleys
Lo Reid Hypnotist Refreshers request show @ Saints bar, 8pm start £6 entry
Refreshers Pub safari @ Lancaster. 7.30 meet at Saints £5 for a t-shirt.
Refres Acous Night Saints 9pm s FREE + 1 dr vouch for ea partic
Refreshers Wild West Night @ The Gin Case. 8pm. £1 before 9pm, £2 after.
Acoustic Open mic night @ The Gin Case from 7pm, FREE entry
Pub G @ The Case f 7pm
To find out about more events going on please look on www.thestudent
8th an
eid otist shers est @ The draught, start ntry
Your complete guide to everything going on in and around the Students’ Union across all campuses through January & February. Including the great Refreshers events we have in store for you all!
29th Jan
5th Feb
Refreshers Wild West night with guest DJ and Rodeo bull @ The Overdraught, Doors open 7pm. £2 entry.
Karaoke Night @ The Overdraught, Doors open 7pm. £2 entry.
10th Feb
12th Feb
15th Feb
24th Feb
25th Feb
Angels & Devils @ The Overdraught, Doors open 7pm. £2 entry.
26th Feb Back to the 90’s Night @ The Overdraught, Doors open 7pm. £2 entry.
shers Tour rlisle. ng m at Calva or Crown. er t.
shers stic t@ bar, start entry rinks her ach cipant
Golf e Gin from
Hoedown @ WISH Lancaster. Doors open 11pm £2 before 12pm, £3 after
Poker night @ The Gin Case. Compete for a £50 cash prize.
Wheres Wally @ Saints bar then Bentleys 7pm start FREE to Saints, £1 Bentleys
Inflatables @ WISH Lancaster. Doors open 11pm £2 before 12pm, £3 after
Acoustic Night @ Saints bar, 7pm start FREE entry + 1 drinks voucher for each participant
The Letter P Party @ The Gin Case £1 entry before 9pm, £2 after which gets updated with new events weekly.