November 09 edition
scene Election and Blood Referendum Results
Day in the life of a student parent
Welcome 09 Success!
Students prepare party for 50 mystery guests
Multi Award Winning Salon
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Contents Welcome 09 Sucess
p. 4 - 6
Student Representation
p. 8 -11
p. 12 - 13
Holly’s day
p. 14 - 15
p. 18 - 20
p. 23
Find out what everyone thought of the start to the year
Bye- election results, Blood refurendum and more
Botcherby Community Challenge and New opportunities
A day in the life of a student parent
Update on cross campus events and activities
Find out what’s going on your campus!
The Scene Student magazine is produced by The University of Cumbria Students’ Union. If you would like to advertise in or get involved with The Scene then please contact our Marketing, Design and Communications Coordinator, Hatti Airey on 01228 616164 or email
Welcome 09 Succe Hi all, Its has been an amazing start to this year and I cannot believe how great it has been to see so many students taking part and enjoying their first month here at the University of Cumbria in Lancaster. The Welcome weeks were intense but fantastic and I loved watching everyone embracing their first year whether it was at the Pub Tour, signing up to our many Sports Teams and societies. I still can’t get over how many people I have met, so if you ever talk to me and I look a little blank just kick me in the shin and tell me your name!! We could do none of this without your enthusiasm but I’d also need to thank all the SU staff, my SU Officers and especially all the Freshers’ Helpers for making this years Welcome as fantastic as it has been. Here’s to the rest of the year and I’ll be seeing you out and about. Barry Vice President Lancaster
VP Barry and Media Officer Laura
Name: Caroline Summerfield Course:Year 1, Child and Family “ The activities organised were really fun and welcoming and the meetings were very helpful. I can’t wait for Refreshers”
This years Welcome period has proven to be a massive success with one of the biggest intakes the University of Cumbria has seen in four years. With events ranging from entertainments in our student bars, commercial and activities fayre’s, family days, volunteering events and much more. Advice week also encouraged a lot of students to sign up to our Anonymous Marking campaign.
To find out what our new students thought of their first weeks at University, Barry McGurk, Vice President and Laura Brocklehurst, Media Officer both based in Lancaster went out
What did you enjoy most about the Fresher’s period?
Name: Angela Peace Course:Year 1, Drama
Name: Matt Tenant Course:Year 1, Drama
Name: Unknown Course: Unknown
“ Loved every bit of Freshers and looking forward to Refreshers. I joined the Cheerleading Squad and I am absolutely loving it, everyone is so welcoming. I am not really enjoying all the stairs in the William Thompson (halls of residence) and I feel that the cleaners aren’t cleaning the halls properly”.
“Everything has been great since I have come to the University of Cumbria. The activities that have been put on have been really good and the hypnotist was hilarious. Would like to have more information about the activities in advance, even if its just a poster in halls showing what’s on for the week.”
“Lo Reid was awesome, it was one of my favourite nights of freshers. We have both joined the gym and are really enjoying renting the space to play badminton with friends from halls. The staff are so friendly and they’re always trying to make things better.”
Name: isabel sanz, Christian Alef and Antonia Landwehr International Students Antonia - “The Outdoors Society is amazing. Rock climbing, Indoor climbing, pub crawls, everything is great.” Christian - “Absolutely loved the pub crawl, it was awesome. Would love it to be on a weekly basis.” Isabel - “Loved everything. I would like to be able to live with other year groups as well as first years to mix more. Class sizes are amazing, so much smaller than at home and the lecturers and students have such a brilliant attitude towards life.”
Name: Zac Williams Course:Year 1, Drama “I have really enjoyed the activities throughout the two weeks especially the Pub Tour. One thing that I would like to see more of is live music in the Saints bar.”
Name: Chris Bury and chris Kayley Course:Year 1 Business “The pub crawl was mental” “Meeting 2nd/3rd years through the Rugby Union team is really good and having the social time with them and everyone else at Saints is great. It would be better for us if the Cumbria card worked behind the Saints Bar on food and drinks, as it would save us having to take money out of the cash machine. Barry needs to learn how to play pool better.”
Latest Fire Statistics reveal that the number of people aged 17 to 24 killed in accidental house fires, in England, increased by 14% from 2006 to 2007. And that’s why the University of Cumbria is helping students around the county to stay safe from fire, as they move into digs.
On Thursday 19th November, Cumbria’s Fire and Rescue Service will be at the University of Cumbria’s Newton Rigg campus, Penrith to promote the campaign. Fire fighters, staff and volunteers will be
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on campus from 10.00am to 15.00pm, where they will be demonstrating uses of the Aerial Ladder Platform (ALP) and will be on hand to provide advice and information on both fire safety issues and careers & volunteering opportunities within the service. Situated opposite the campus reception the event is hoping to attract a large number of students and help them stay safe from fire. For more information on how to protect you and your housemates from fire and to book a home fire safety visit call our freephone number on 0800 3584777 or to download leaflets, visit
105 x
Student Representation Students’ Union Representation Launch It’s been an action-packed start of the new academic year in terms of the Students’ Union representation work, with successful Bye-Elections, a major cross campus Referendum and the UCSU main annual campaigns being selected via democratic process for the very first time! All of that coupled with a record recruitment for the universities’ Student Academic Representative system, a good turn out for the UCSU You Say : Governance Restructure survey and the first ever cross-campus address by a member of the National Union of Students’ National Executive Committee gives you some idea of the range of activities the Students’ Union is involved with behind the scenes in representing you.
“Successful Tower Hamlets & London Site Representative Juliet Frimpong-Manso (left) with her fellow Tower Hamlets UCSU activist Avalon Rabey (right).”
n Representation
Bye-Election Results The Autumn Bye-Election saw five new Students’ Union activists returned via ballot to act as officers at their respective sites. The results are show below, but we’d like to extend big congratulations to all of the candidates and a thank you to those who cast their ballots in support of their local Students’ Union.
Chad Wilkinson ELECTED RON
Tower Hamlets & London Site Representative Juliet Frimpong-Manso 61 ELECTED RON 1
The big story of the Bye-Election is the return of Juliet Frimpong-Manso as the Tower Hamlets and London Site Representative. Not only is this the first time that this role – vital to the hundreds of UoC students registered to study out of London campuses – has been elected to, but by our reckoning Juliet won a whopping mandate somewhere in region of 25% of the electorate! This is by far the largest proportional turnout ever in the history of UCSU or any of its legacy institutions, and really puts the larger more established campuses to shame!
Carlisle Arts Faculty Representative Stuart Mitchell 40 ELECTED RON 5 Carlisle Health Faculty Representative Daniel Shaw 29 ELECTED RON 0
19 0
Penrith FE Representative Amy Case 10 ELECTED RON 1
Penrith Student Media Officer 9
Blood Service Refurendum Throughout the middle of October we asked you whether you thought the Students’ Union should support the work of the National Blood Service on University of Cumbria campuses or not. We sent out emails and posters, set up sections of the UCSU website and even Facebook promotion pages laying down the arguments for and against. Union officers from across the campuses formed up into ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ campaign teams, and back and forth the debate raged as to whether the good work the Blood Service does in terms of recruiting blood donations outweighed the blanket ban on taking blood from members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community. This was the first global student Referendum, a heavy weight piece
of representational firepower in the Students’ Union arsenal, whereby students can have a direct and legally binding say in deciding the stance of the Union in regards to a specific policy. In other words once you’ve voted in large enough numbers on the issue we have to stick to what you said! As the voting window closed the Yes and No teams waited with baited breath, seeing initially if the total number of votes passed the magic 500 mark which would mean the final result would stand. As the ballots were counted in became apparent that one of the campaign teams had made good use of natural allies of the Blood Service – students from the faculties of Health and Science & Natural Resources - as the final result was:
Do you believe UCSU should support National Blood Service activity on campus?
Priority Campaigns for 2009/ 2010 One of the big issues decided at the Welcome Assembly – itself a first, being the inaugural cross campus Union Council where are students are invited to attend by video conference – were the priority campaigns for the year ahead. Priority campaigns are the global issues that the Union will be spending significant resources campaigning on over the course of the year, and they are defined as issues which have the potential to effect students equally across all sites irrespective of their course or mode of study. Traditionally these selections have been made by key elected officers over the summer months away from democratic scrutiny and without significant consultation, and in recognition of this distinctly unrepresentative way of going about things this year the Welcome Assembly was given the right to chose the key global campaigns. The low-down on the selected campaigns are as follows: Housing Campaign - Students need information on housing available to them before they start to sort out rental agreements, and the Union can help students by: hosting a yearly Housing Fayre in the 2nd term, which will have landlords present to answer questions; conducting research at every student house, which will rate the space in which each student lives; listening to students concerns about housing and
work actively to solve these problems and to make detailed booklets for students on their rights as tenants. HE funding Campaign - To work with the National Union of Students and other bodies to campaign for a fairer HE Funding System and to take stand against raising or lifting the ‘cap’ on tuition fees through such actions as: lobbying the University to formally support students’ stance against the current HE funding system and campaign for a fairer one; taking the stance that those who make more money from their degree should pay back more; campaigning for the high costs of Arts education and realistic rates of rent etc to be recognised and provided for as part of student finance arrangements. Community – Our members are encouraged to become actively involved within their university and local community as students and residents through aims like guaranteeing that the Students’ Union has a permanent and effective presence on local government boards and within community forums; encouraging communication between the Students’ Union and its community; inviting local officials and residents to be involved in Union events; educating the local government and residents of the value of their local students and encouraging students to value, respect and play a dynamic positive role in their local communities.
Botcherby Community Challenge To mark the end of the Students’ Union Volunteering week, we hosted our first Community Challenge – University of Cumbria Students’ Union Volunteers had 6 hours to prepare and host a party for 50 mystery guests arriving at 4.30pm. On arrival at Botcherby Community Centre in Carlisle volunteers from across the campuses were told that their guests would be aged between 70 & 95 and that they’ve been invited to a tea dance!
After their initial shock, our volunteers got stuck in; they transformed the hall into a party venue with balloons, ribbons, bunting, made loads of sandwiches, baked cakes (with real ingredients!) buttered scones, arranged cheese boards, made tea & coffee, prepared to host a game of bingo, blagged raffle prizes from local businesses, greeted their party guests, served them food & drinks, took photos & video and even danced with the guests too!
It was fantastic to have 8 of our international students participate in the Community Challenge too. Everybody had a great time and it was well worth all the effort! The guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the bingo went down fantastically well, thanks to Chad for his ‘bingo calling’ skills!
If you haven’t registered and would like to, please complete ou
Volunteering Opportunites First of all we would like to thank all 250 of you for registering with UCSU Volunteering this term! You know, volunteering is a great way to make new friends, have fun, gain new skills and enhance your CV! Here a few projects for you to participate in… Read Book Project The READ Book Project Cumbria is looking for students to volunteer to be part of our ‘Think Global’ team. This involves visiting schools in Lancashire, Lancaster and/or Cumbria to deliver workshops or assemblies to KS3 students about global citizenship. (You must be able to attend a training day on Wednesday 4th November in York - and travel costs will be refunded) This is a brilliant opportunity for QTS students or those thinking of doing a PGCE as it is something unique and linked with volunteering which will look great on your CV! Please contact Rebecca Worth: Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Think you are gold material and are under 25? The Duke of Edinburgh cross campus society is looking for participants who would like to start their gold award. Meeting on a monthly basis throughout the Cumbria campuses the society will act as a social contact to complete the
stages qualifying for the gold award, which is a great CV enhancer! Touch Project We need volunteers to produce and disseminate information on key health issues, and to work with students at evening events, answering questions, referring on and offering information. ‘Touch’ trains student volunteers from each Campus, to provide an outreach team to promote information about sexual health, relationships, drugs, alcohol, personal safety and security at Students’ Union social events throughout the academic year. Tree O’Clock Would you like to participate in an attempt to break two Guinness World Records as part of National Tree Week? ‘Tree O’Clock’ will be taking place on Saturday 5th December.The two records the campaign is attempting to break are: The most trees planted in multiple locations in one hour (current record 653,143) The most trees planted in one location in one hour (current record 18,124) Please email Emma at if you’d like to sign up for any of these opportunities.
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Holly’s Day A day in the life of a Student Parent Our student population is hugely diverse and includes students of varying ages and experiences, students on distance learning courses, students who study and live locally and students who travel in from all over the North West. Our students have a variety of hobbies, interests and responsibilities. This section of the scene aims to have a look at ‘a day in the life’ of a variety of our students and will be written by a different student each issue. Holly is a Student Parent on a full time education course – here’s her story her day:
This is Holly’s Day 7.00 am: It’s 7 o’clock in the morning and I’m already running late. Normally by this time I have myself ready and breakfast for the kids on the go. But I’ve slept through my alarm after being up between 1 – 4 am this morning due to my youngest not sleeping very well. I go into the kids’ room and wake them up. I end up carrying them both downstairs and placing them at the table whilst I go into the kitchen. They argue over what they are having and who is having what bowl, plate, spoon and mug.
8.50 am: I’ve finally got them dressed and after checking I have packed everything in my bag the night before, we’re heading off in the car to school and the childminders, talking all the way about what they are doing today and ensuring they have everything ready. 9.00 am: I’ve arrived at university. As I’m running later than others, finding a
parking space is hard. I end up parking on a street two blocks away. On the walk to my lecture, I’m texting a friend to make sure she is still alright to pick the children up later whilst sending another one to friends in my lecturers to pass on notice that I’m running late, again. 1.00 pm: Dinner time. After a quick lunch and a telephone call home, it’s into the library – I need all the time I can spare to complete the four or five assignments that are all due in at the same time as well as the group presentation that needs to be completed for next week. I also check my diary at this point to ensure I have completed everything needed for the afternoon lectures and to certify with the others that I can still meet to go through the group presentation.
2.00 pm: Back to lectures until 6pm when I can finally start to head back home through rush hour traffic. I’m one of the lucky ones, I live about 3 miles from the university, but it is on the other side of town and the ring road is heaving with traffic. By the time I get home, the children are finishing their tea. It’s then their bath time. After reading school books and finishing off any homework that needs to be done, its time for pyjamas, supper then bed.” 7.30 pm: It is now 7.30pm and I can finally have my tea. Not for long though as the youngest is down stairs. I take him
back up then have a quick tidy up before settling down to do my assignments. By this time it is 9.30pm and I know that it is going to be a long night. I need much longer than other students in my group to complete the work as I have less time to study. By 10.00 pm he’s back down stairs again. I read him a book and this time, I think it has worked. He’s asleep. Back to my assignment!
Midnight: I save my work on the hard drive and pen drive – I can’t afford to loose any of it! I check my diary, pack my bag ready for the next day then ensure that all the children’s things are ready. Now it is finally time for bed. 6.30am: BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!: My alarm has gone off again. After 5-6 hours of sleep and grabbing a coffee, I prepare for the day. The Students’ Union is conducting ongoing research into the experiences of student parents at the University of Cumbria. If you are a student parent and would like to take part in the research or you are interested in sharing the story of your day then please contact Trish Lee –The Students’ Union adviser . email: or check out the Student Parent section of the Students Union website by following the links from www.thestudentsunion.
News and Events
Carlisle Activities Update There has been a new Law society set up and i am currently helping to start up a rock and metal appreciation society. There has also been interest in starting up a dance club and a cheer-leading club. (Contributed by Ed Perry Carlisle Clubs and Societies Officer) A frantic fresher’s week saw the highest number of students sign up for the various sports teams since the University began here. A promising sign for this year, and indeed for the years to come! It’s great to see so many people express interest in the different sports clubs we have established already, but also to see people asking for new clubs to be setup. Hockey and badminton seem to be two of the most popular requests we had, and we would like to have these up and running in the new year so if you are interested in playing or even in helping run the clubs then please let us know! This year also saw four of our sports teams participating in BUCS, with Women’s Netball 1sts and Men’s Football 2nds joining for the first time and hoping to emulate the successes Men’s Basketball 1sts and Men’s Football 1sts enjoyed last season. We are hoping that we will be able to enter even more teams next year too, so keep working hard guys!
Keep an eye out for the different sports social events that are happening this year, as well as the home games for those teams involved in BUCS. We’d love to see as many people as possible coming to support the teams and to share in the banter! If you have any questions or queries about what’s going on with sport on the Carlisle campus, please feel free to drop me an email at susportscar@ Let the good times continue for us all! (Contributed by Timothy “Shevvas” Sewards Carlisle Sports Officer)
Ambleside Activities Update Family Funday was well organised, despite the weather, and we moved it to the Sports Hall, where we had an obstacle course, bouncy castle, face painting, sumo wrestling, bag a rat, races, BBQ and refreshments and those that attended thoroughly enjoyed it! Lots of clubs were involved helping organise this and deserve a pat on the back for their support We had a water slide on fresher’s fair day and ended up being filmed by Border TV. (Contributed by Chris Turner Ambleside Activities Coordinator)
Lancaster Activities Update Wednesday 30th September 2009 was a very busy day in and around the Lancaster campus Activities Fair. With all twelve BUCS teams represented, (Badminton, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Netball & Rugby) two of them assisted by the Women’s Rugby Football Union & Rugby Football League, the atmosphere was always going to be hectic and noisy as Captains and Officials vied for ‘Freshers’ signatures and commitment to join. Women’s Football (last years League & National Cup winners plus Lancaster Campus ‘Team of the Year’), Men’s Football 3rd’s (League Winners) and Men’s Rugby League (Lancashire League Winners) had all their silverware on display. Netball who were the Players ‘Team of the Year’ and had their Captain vote ‘Sports Person of the Year’ were also trying to impress potential players. Societies were well represented with Cheerleading, Dance, Drama, Karate, Multicultural, Outdoor Activities, Rag, Sensoc and Ski & Snowboard in pole position as they were all societies last year. New Groups such as Golf, Cricket, Swimming, Tennis, Squash, Frisbee, Salsa and Music were trying to establish themselves with Lancaster ‘John O’Gaunt’ Rowing Club and Lancaster Cycling Team also in attendance. Throughout the day, the rowing club’s indoor rowing challenge to find the quickest rower over 200 metres was
keenly contested, with Liam Walker (Hockey) and Sarah McCrea (Women’s Football) amongst the early pacesetters. The time set by Sarah was in fact never beaten however late on in the afternoon Liam’s time was eventually bettered by Matt Jefferson, Last years Men’s Rugby League Captain who is now employed by the Rugby Football League. All in all a very good day with over three hundred and fifty signatures obtained for the Sports Teams or Societies. (Contributed by Allan Stavert Lancaster Activities Coordinator)
BUCS LEAGUE The BUCS season kicked off on Wednesday 7th October 2009 with Rugby Union fixtures followed by all other sports the following week. To date Men’s Rugby Union have won all their three matches including a moral boosting victory over Lancaster University. Women’s Football, promoted as League and Cup winners last year have started life in Tier two as they finished last year with thumping 14 – 0 and 10 -2 victories and they should be a formidable outfit this year. Men’s Badminton, Netball and Rugby League have also started with two victories apiece and looking for future glory.
To find out more about BUCS results and fixtures please look on our website
Interested in Volunteering in a Local Sports Organisation?
You could receive up to 70% funding towards fees for certain qualifications! You will be required to deliver a minimum of 15 hours’ volunteering in return for this support. For further details contact Nina Swarbrick on 01524 526539 or email
The Students’ union would like to take this opportunity to wish all our members a very happy Christmas, and all the best for the new year! We hope to see you all at the fantastic parties we have in store over the festive period featured in the Guide on page 23 and also on our website
THE SCENE NEEDS YOU! Do you think you have something to bring to The Scene? It could be that you want to write a column for every edition, have a story to share or maybe you even have a creative talent like cartoon drawing or photography? If you think you can help make The Scene better in any way then please get in touch. We would be happy to hear from you and after all this is a student publication for you all to use as much as you want! Please contact Hatti on 01228 616164 or email harriet.airey@ Or if you are in Carlsile you could always pop into the Fusehill Street Office for a chat.
Guide Your complete guide to everything going on in and around the Students’ Union across all campuses! Tuesday 10th Nov Penrith Hoedown @ The Gin Case . Doors open 8pm, £1 entry before 9pm, £2 after.
Friday 20th Nov Ambleside Karaoke @ The Overdraught 7pm £2 entry
Wednesday 11th Nov Lancaster School Days @ Saints bar £2 before 12pm, £3 after.
Tuesday 24th Nov Penrith Pirate Night @ The Gin Case 8pm start, £1 entry before 9pm, £2 after. Ambleside Acoustic Night @ The Overdraught, 7pm FREE
Thursday 12th Nov Carlisle Pink & Blue @ CASSA 9.30pm – Late Friday 13th Nov Ambleside Guys and Dolls @ The Overdraught. 7pm start £2 entry. Saturday 14th Nov Ambleside 44 Electronic Event @ The Barn Theatre Tuesday 17th Nov Carlisle Wild West Night @ SHOUT 9.30pm - Late Penrith The Social @ The Gin Case. Open 8pm £1 entry before 9pm, £2 after. Thursday 19th Nov Lancaster Comedy Night @ Saints Bar 8pm start, £4 entry. Comedians TBC.
Thursday 26th Nov Lancaster Live music @ Saints Bar £2 entry. Friday 27th Nov Ambleside GI Night @ The Overdraught £2 entry. 7pm start, £2 entry. Tuesday 1st Dec Carlisle Super Mario Bros. Party @ SHOUT, 9.30pm - Late Penrith The Social @ The Gin Case. Open 8pm £1 entry before 9pm, £2 after. Friday 4th Dec Ambleside Big Friday with DJ @ The Overdraught. 7pm start, £2 entry.
Tuesday 8th Dec Carlisle Sexy Santa Christmas Party @ SHOUT, 9.30pm - Late Penrith Christmas Snow Party. @ The Gin Case, £1 entry before 9pm, £2 after. Friday 11th Dec Ambleside Christmas Party @ The Overdraught, £2 entry Tuesday 15th Dec Penrith Drink the Bar Dry @ The Gin Case 8pm start, £1 entry, £2 after 9pm. Wednesday 16th Dec Carlisle The BIG Christmas Quiz @ Calva, Crown & Cassa! Thursday 17th Dec Carlisle End of term Xmas party @ Cassa, 9.30pm - Late Ambleside Christmas Formal @ Shap Wells Hotel Friday 18th Dec Lancaster & Ambleside Drink the Bar Dry @ Saints Bar and Overdraught. 7pm start
To find out more information on the events on this page or about more weekly events please look on 23