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Spotlight: Chippers, Grinders
Southern Loggin’ Times invited manufacturers of chippers, grinders and related components to submit material for this section. The submissions of those who participated are presented below, edited only for style.
Bandit continues to enhance the productivity of its already popular whole tree chipper line to now offer an optional Rotobec cab and loader on most models. Included with this option is a highly productive loader that has plenty of lifting and pulling power to easily pull material up and into the chipper. The operator’s cab is designed for maximum operator comfort and comes equipped with an air conditioning and heating system and the cab swivels with the loader for enhanced visibility.
Ordering this configuration on a whole tree chipper eliminates the need for a separate loader to be onsite and saves room, making it easier to position material near the chipper, increasing productivity. You can view pictures or video of these models on Bandit’s YouTube channel or web site.
Bandit offers a complete line of disc and drum style chippers ranging from 20 in. to 36 in. capacity with engine options available up to 1,200 HP. Each unit features Bandit’s patented slide box feed system providing unmatched pulling and compressing power, allowing each chipper to be highly productive and easy to feed.
Each Bandit chipper will process material using less horsepower while consuming less fuel and packing chip trailers to their maximum capacity
For more information or to locate your closest authorized Bandit dealer, please visit banditchippers.com or give us a call today at 800952-0178.
Morbark Peterson

Morbark recently introduced a new, patent-pending Vtection® System option for their 3000, 3400, and 6400 series Wood Hog Horizontal Grinders. The VTECTION system monitors rotor vibration to reduce damage from contact with un-shreddable objects or other causes of damaging vibration like an out-of-balance rotor, broken insert, defective bearing, or extremely hard wood. The system features two operating modes: grinding protection mode and service and maintenance mode. When coupled with Morbark’s Break-Away Torque Limiter, these devices provide customers with the best solution in the industry for hammermill protection.
To use the VTECTION system, the operator sets an acceptable operating vibration level through the electronic controller. Since different feedstocks produce different vibration levels, the operator can quickly fine-tune the trip point to match the grinding application. Adjusting the trip point based on the feedstock can help avoid unnecessary stopping of the infeed from normal operating vibration.
If an un-shreddable object enters the grinding chamber while in grinding protection mode, the VTECTION system will sense the spike in vibration or trip point and instantly stop and reverse the infeed conveyor. By reversing the infeed conveyor, the VTECTION system lowers the rotor’s chance of repeatedly striking the foreign object.
Once the VTECTION system is triggered, Morbark’s Integrated Control System (MICS) initiates several actions to remove the tramp material out of the rotor area. The sequence of these actions includes: reversing and stopping the infeed, bringing the engine speed to idle, disengaging the clutch, and a warning message displayed on the MICS screen. At this time, the operator can inspect the grinder and remove the object that caused the trip point before resuming operation.
During the service and maintenance protection mode, a user can hook up to the system software and monitor vibration levels during different engine loads (Low idle, High Idle, Clutch engage, No Clutch, etc.). Vibration specifications will vary based on the machine model. The system can be programmed to monitor and extract data. These signals can then be visually observed, and various readings can be recorded to verify that the machine is within acceptable vibration levels. Multiple programs can be used to evaluate the system data.
This system cannot guarantee a machine is without defect. Please use caution after the system trips and service work begins, as other components may have experienced damage.
Ship-out kits are available for in-field installations on preexisting 3000X, 3400X, and 6400X horizontal grinders.
Please contact Morbark sales at 800.831.0042 or your local Morbark dealer (morbarkdealers.com) for additional information and pricing.

The 4300B Peterson Drum Chipper is for high volume biomass producers who have a wide variety of feed material from logs up to 26 in. (61cm) in diameters, to brush and other feedstock. The 4300B Drum Chipper has a C18 CAT 765 horsepower engine, weighs 52,000 lbs. and 8 ft. 4-3/4 in. width, making it a high production chipper with dimensions that do not require oversize permits for road transportation.
The chipper utilizes a 36 in. diameter by 40 in. wide drum with wear resistant AR450 wear surfaces. The optional material sizing bars and chip accelerator minimize oversize twigs and branches in the chips, and help ensure tight chip packing and fully loaded chip vans. Traditional babbitt type knife systems are standard equipment. Chip length can be changed from 1⁄4 to 11⁄4 in. by adjusting knife extension and feed speed. ➤ 30

The 4300B’s new generation of controls includes Peterson’s highproduction Adaptive Control System, which makes troubleshooting easy with self-diagnosis for faulty sensors and open circuits. The control panel features an LCD display and fault indicators providing the operator complete engine and system parameters to simplify setup and efficiently operate the machine.
Visit petersoncorp.com for more.
Trelan Manufacturing is a family owned and operated company located in Central Michigan. At Trelan we are always thinking about ways to make our already superb whole tree chippers even better. In 2021, it is difficult to find a durable whole tree chipper for under $500,000 dollars, but we have created the solution to this problem. Trelan is rolling out new

options for our already great 646WRC Extreme to help create an affordable whole tree chipper. How are we making it more affordable? We are offering a 2Knife 646-WRC Extreme, which essentially creates our 640-RC on steroids. This machine is equipped to handle the most rugged of material with its massive 6 in. thick cutter wheel, huge in-feed opening that measures over 1,000 sq. in. and not to mention a 456 HP CAT C9.3 diesel engine.
Now you’re probably thinking, with all of these changes, there’s no way this chipper sells for less than $500,000. Well, it is actually on sale right now for under $400,000. If change worries you, we still offer the typical 3 or 4 knife 646-WRC Extreme along with all of our other models that are always “Built To Last.” We have something that fits the customer’s needs and we have the support system that helps ensure that our customers will remain in the best hands possible. In addition to our amazing support system, we have monthly promotions or parts specials that make spending money a little bit less painful. Basically, what we are trying to say is that you can’t go wrong by purchasing a Trelan Whole Tree Chipper.
Contact by phone: (989) 5612280, toll-free: (877) 487-3526, or visit web site, trelan.com, for more.