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The Washington Monument
On the aluminum cap atop the Washington Monument in Washington, DC, are displayed two words: Laus Deo.
No one can see these words. In fact, most visitors to the monument are totally unaware they are even there, and for that matter, probably couldn’t care less. These words have been there for many years. Perched atop the 555-foot high monument, facing skyward to the Father of our nation, they overlook the 69 square miles that comprise the District of Columbia, our nation’s capital.
These two seemingly insignificant, unnoticed words are out of sight and from ground level, one might think out of mind as well, but they are very meaningfully placed at the highest point over what is the most powerful city in the most successful nation in the world.
So, what do these two Latin words, composed of just four syllables and only seven letters, possibly mean? Very simply, they mean Praise be to God! Though construction of this giant obelisk began in 1848, when James Polk was President, it was not until 1888 that the monument was inaugurated and opened to the public. It took 25 years to finally cap the memorial with a tribute to the Father of our nation, Laus Deo, “Praise be to God!”
From atop this magnificent granite and marble structure, visitors may take in the beautiful panoramic view of the city with its division into four major segments. From that vantage point, one can also easily see the original plan of the designer, Pierre Charles L’Enfant—a perfect cross imposed upon the landscape, with the White House to the north, the Jefferson Memorial to the south, the Capitol to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west.
A cross you ask? Why a cross? What about separation of church and state? Yes, a cross. Separation of church and state was not, and is not, in the Constitution.
When the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid on July 4th, 1848, deposited within it were many items including the Holy Bible presented by the Bible Society. Praise be to God!
Such was the discipline, the moral direction, and the spiritual mood given by the founder and first President of our unique democracy. Here is George Washington’s prayer for America:
“Almighty God, we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large.
“And finally, that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” Random Musings l Don’t let them take your temperature on your forehead as you enter the supermarket because it erases your memory. I went for macaroni and cheese and came home with two cases of beer. l It’s a five-minute walk from my house to the pub. It’s a 35-minute walk from the pub to my house. The difference is staggering. l My mind is like my Internet browser: 19 tabs open, 3 of

The men who wrote the 2nd Amendment them are frozen, and I have no idea where the music is coming from. l People who wonder whether the glass is half hadn’t just finished empty or half full are missing the point. The glass is a hunting trip. refillable. l They say every piece of chocolate eaten shortens
They had just your life by two minutes. I’ve done the math. Seems I died in 1537! liberated a nation. l My grandchildren got me a GPS for seniors. Not only does it tell me how to get to my destination, it also tells me why I wanted to go there. l Had I known four months ago that it was the last time I would be in a restaurant, I would have ordered dessert. l Most people don’t think I’m as old as I am until they hear me stand up. l Think you are old and you will be. Think you are young and you will be delusional. l Due to my isolation, I finished three books yester“No society ever thrived because it had a large and growing day. Believe me, that’s a lot of coloring. l If the current power grid can’t handle a night of 20degree temperatures without rolling blackouts, how can it handle multi millions of plugged in vehicles? class of parasites living off l What did our parents do to ward off boredom those who produce.” before the Internet evolved? I asked my 18 brothers and Thomas Sowell sisters and they didn’t know either. l I run like the winded. l On average, a panda feeds for about 12 hours a day. This is the same as an adult at home under quarantine, which is why we call it a pandemic. l Struggling to get your wife’s attention? Just sit down and look comfortable. l Some days the supply of available curse words is insufficient to meet my demands. l When I say ‘the other day,’ I could be referring to any time between yesterday and 15 years ago. l One minute you’re young and fun. The next you’re turning down the car stereo to see better. l Remember how when you were little you could rip off your diaper and run around naked and everyone thought it was so cute and funny? Anyway, I need bail money. l Everything will kill you, so choose something fun. l I had my patience tested. I’m negative. l If your eyes hurt after you drink coffee, simply remove the spoon from the cup. l When someone asks what I did over the weekend, I ask, “Why, what did you hear?” l I never wish death upon anybody who wrongs me. Instead, I wish sudden, explosive diarrhea while on a date, and with frequent sneezes. l If you’re paying $3 for a bottle of smart water, it isn’t working. l Folgers got it wrong. The best part of waking up is going back to bed after you pee. l I don’t mean to interrupt people. I just randomly remember things and get really excited. l Being cremated will be my last hope for a smoking hot body. l No politician who supports gun control should get armed protection paid for by those he is trying to disarm. l I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I’ll let you know. l Technically, Moses was the first person with a tablet
While on a logger interview trip that took him near Albemarle, NC a few weeks ago, SLT Managing Editor David Abbott couldn’t resist downloading data from the cloud. l The older I get the earlier it gets late. l Dear Wine, we had a deal. You were to make me funnier, snapping photos of this unique, sexier, smarter and a better dancer. I saw the video. We need most appropriate structure. to talk.