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South Africa
Ultimate Africa With their foundation firmly cast in the red soil of the tranquil Northern Cape province of South Africa, Ultimate Africa is the essence of a luxury African safari experience.
The African hunting experiences include options for seasoned and less experienced hunters, with at least nineteen different game species.
Located 25 kilometers from the historically rich town of Kimberley, the vast game farm offers visitors absolute and unrivalled exclusivity and privacy. Bask in the magnificent surroundings while enjoying a hands-on approach to making the stay enjoyable and memorable with a variety of both hunting and non-hunting activities to thrill the entire family.
While enjoying the adventures of a safari at Ultimate Africa, the team will go to extreme measures to ensure that stays are as alluring as the expedition itself. Each of the five tastefully decorated, deluxe double en-suite rooms is equipped with a fireplace, Wi-Fi, laundry service and every amenity one would expect to enjoy at a luxury game farm.
|W| www.ultimatesafaris.africa |E| info@ultimatesafaris.africa