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Onda Spa at Quellenhof Luxury Resort Lazise Onda Spa (Onda = the wave) is a haven of peace and relaxation designed to help guests attune to the flow and regenerate energy from within. With its exquisite design, high-tech saunas and expansive relaxation rooms, it embodies an innovative concept developed to bringing clarity, relaxation and new inspiration.
the vast expanse of water in a lake, their being is in constant motion.
In the same way as the waves accumulate and release energy through the action of the wind, the Yin and Yang harmonise in tune with the ever-alternating states of exertion and relaxation. In this dynamic symmetry of complementary opposites lies the secret of Onda Spa at Quellenhof Luxury Resort Lazise inner balance. experience is all about the balance, the wellness, the beauty. It’s all about you. Like
|W| www.quellenhof-lazise.it
|E| info@quellenhof-lazise.it