Havelock School Newsletter 25 Feb 2015

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Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #03 Published Wed 11 March closes Thu 5 March. WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY 2015 ~ TERM 1 WEEK 04 ~ VOLUME 155 NUMBER 02


Worry is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere. Vance Havner

CALENDAR Fri 20 Feb Tues 24 Feb Fri 27 Feb Mon 02 Mar Mon 09 Mar Wed 11 Mar

* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter.

Junior Swimming Sports @ Linkwater * Learning Conferences commence * Senior Swimming Sports @ Stadium 2000 Technology 4/6 MTC Technology 5/6 MTC Y7/8 Overnight Leadership Camp at Rai Trustee Workshop 17:30 Sat 14 Mar Havelock Mussel Festival Mon 16 Mar Technology 6/6 MTC Board of Trustees Meeting 19:00 Community Classroom Thu 19 Mar Maud Island Overnighter

http://www.havelock.school.nz/index.php/calendar Click on item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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FEB LEARNING CONFERENCES Already 84% of students and their parents have made an online booking of 20 min to discuss learning goals with respective teachers. Conferences run from 24 – 26 Feb and again from 3 – 5 Mar. To make a booking click on this link or goto www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and enter B96TF to access and enter the details. MOORING LEASE AVAILABLE This is a 2 tonne swing mooring (for vessel up to 12 metres) in Ohingaroa Bay, Mahau Sound. It is sheltered with easy launch/retrieve. Ohingaroa Bay is 25 mins by road from Havelock, 10 mins from Linkwater or a short boat trip across the Mahau Sound from Havelock. Terms of lease negotiable. Contact owner on 027 282 3624 THE HAVELOCK COMMUNITY LIBRARY The Library AGM will be held on 25 February 2015 at 3:30 pm in the Library. All members of the wider community are warmly invited. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants Masterminding brighter tomorrows Annual Financial Accounting Accounting Services Evaluation and Implementation

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Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

Dean Steele

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Ben Douglas

CA, B.Com, Dip Grad

021 249 1195 bdouglas@jacal.co.nz

Brad McNeill CA, BCA, BSc

021 0206 7526 bmcneill@jacal.co.nz

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NEWS FROM THE HAVELOCK MUSSEL FESTIVAL By the time you get to read this, the Festival will be just over three weeks’ away. A reminder that early bird prices (which finish on 28th February) are family pass ($65) adult ($30) or a child ($15). You can purchase Mussel festival tickets locally from the Have-a-look Café. Also a reminder of a couple of new events. The Mussel Outfit competition. There are two categories- one for children under 11 and one for 11-16 year olds. Entry is free, although the entrant needs to have purchased a Mussel festival ticket ($15 for children) and there are lovely prizes donated by Clem and Pim Mellish for each category. Further information required for entry is printed in this newsletter and forms are available from the school office or Havelock Healthcare Pharmacy Depot (56A Main Street, Havelock). Also, new to this year is the Kid’s Mussel Shell Decorating in the NIWA Kidzone. We have received some feedback on our original idea to run this as a competition and have decided just to allow the kids to enjoy their creativity. We are arranging for artists in our community to be there to work with the children for the two hours (11am -1pm) that this will run. We are grateful to “Mussel Pot” Restaurant for supplying the clean shells and we will be supplying paints, glue and other materials for the children to use. Entry to the NIWA Kidzone is free and there will be many other kid’s activities and inflatables to enjoy. We hope teams are getting their training in for the Mussel Hustle which returns this year after several years’ absence. A $10 per team entry with some great prizes on offer along with recognition of being the fastest team! It will start at 2pm along with the More FM “Show us your mussels” competition. There will be two Mussel Hustle teams’ categories one for children aged 6-12 years and one for the adults. Don’t forget to enter the Sanford’s Mussel Munch-again entries on the day ($5 per person) – the event starts at 1:45pm Chris Fortune will be visiting Linkwater School on Mon 23rd February and Rai Valley School on Tues 24th. Kindly sponsored by New Zealand King Salmon Chris brings his Kids Can Cook kitchen to both these schools educating kids Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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in a fun environment on cooking and healthy foods – especially Mussels and Salmon! On the day of the festival Chris will be cooking up a storm with top students in the New Zealand King Salmon cooking marquee along with Celebrity Chef Chelsea Winter with mussels, New Zealand King Salmon and delicious wine matches from Peter Yealand’s Wines. New to this year will be a Mystery box – guess the ingredients competition. Businesses in Havelock are scratching their collective heads thinking of how they can win the prize for the best mussel themed competition. Displays can be in their premises or be window displays so make sure you get to see them all. A list of the participating businesses will be in the next newsletter. The Mayor, Alistair Sowman, will be judging the competition in the afternoon of 24th February. He will be accompanied by More FM who hope to be able to do live crosses. Committee members Carol Caley, Graeme Barsanti, Maurice Coffey and Ian Cameron thank you for your suggestions to make the Festival a great success for our Community. Remember that the greater the success, the more money will be available for our community organisations.

ARE YOU A RELIEVER? If you would like to be placed on the school’s reliever list please make contact with Matua B and/or email your brief CV including contact information etc. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Monday 30 March 2015 at 7pm

Pelorus Community Preschool, 49 Main Road, Havelock

Calling on all parents with children attending our wonderful childcare facility and any interested community members to consider becoming a member of the Board of the Pelorus Community Preschool. The Preschool will need at least four new board members to replace those who have shifted away or are now parents of primary aged children. Please consider putting your name forward for nomination. This is a great opportunity to learn new skills and help your community. For more information, please contact the preschool. Nanette Buchanan-Brown



SENIOR & COLLEGE PLAYERS Havelock Courts 1st Trial - Sunday March 1st 10:30 am 2nd Trial - Thursday March 5th 6:30 pm JUNIOR PLAYERS Havelock Courts Monday March 8th Years 3 – 6 at 3:30 pm Years 7 – 8 at 4:30 pm Inquiries: Phone Sharyn Smith 574 2117 or Email Ali Millar geoffali@xtra.co.nz

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SCHOOL LUNCHES With the first week or so already behind us it might be timely to discuss with junior the quantities and composition of the tucker bag taken to school to sustain them until they explore the fridge after school. Particularly pupils in Kaituna and Wakamarina require a small item to eat around 10 am generally referred to as brain food. Almost invariably this takes the form of bite-sized chunks of fruit or nuts that are easily handled and consumed. In addition, around the same time, the Fonterra Milk for Schools (video clip) scheme gives all students the option of drinking 200 ml of cool milk straight from the fridge. [Opt Out Form] Teachers keep an eye on what pupils consume during the day and at lunchtime. Advice from the school may be found here at Info Central. Further info re school lunches is available via this url http://www.kiwifamilies.co.nz/articles/school-lunches/ Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

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EXERCISE SOUTHERN KATIPO 2015 The New Zealand Defence Force invites the community of Havelock to a public meeting about Exercise Southern Katipo 2015. There will be a briefing about the exercise, the geographical areas covered, what impact there may be on the area and how you can get involved as a role player. COMMUNITY BRIEFING/MEETING When: 10:00 hrs Thursday 26 February 2015 Where: Havelock Community Hall With who: Colonel Martin Dransfield (Exercise Director) and his key staff For further information, contact: southernkatipo@nzdf.mil.nz HELP WE NEED YOU! Each year the school runs a very successful food stall at the local Mussel Festival returning valuable funds for wider school use. Clearly this success lies in the way a team of parents and supporters of the school come together – a great mix of talents, experience and muscle. What is required at this point are people who can offer some time during the day to assist as required either at front of stall or working in the “kitchen” putting together the various elements making up the great dishes for which there is always a queue. If you can help out for some time on Saturday 14 March then we would love to hear from you. Please contact Tracey on 574 1036 and help put her at ease, she has enough to contemplate in terms of orders, volumes and logistics. Help put some muscle into the Mussel Festival. Cheers.

COMMUNITY DROP-IN CENTRE Thursdays 13:30 - 15:30 St Peter’s Hall Lawrence St. All welcome. Afternoon tea provided. Board Games, Cards, Jigsaws or just come and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Contact Val on 574 1121 or Kathy on 574 1448 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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ZUMBA IN HAVELOCK Hi Everyone. Zumba is back on for 2015. I hope you all had a great Christmas break. Please note that Wednesday morning classes are now at the Havelock Town Hall. All other classes are still at Havelock School Hall. I look forward to classes this year and what they will do for your mind and body. Feel free to like Havelock Zumba Pam Elvy Facebook page for updates. 2015 WEEKLY TIMETABLE - Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence Street) Monday Morning Class 10:00 am - 11:00 am Monday Evening Class 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Wednesday Class 9:30 am - 10:30 am (Havelock Town Hall) Thursday Class 6:00 pm- 7:00 pm Friday Class 9:30 am - 10:30 am $5 per class (under 10yrs free) 10 - 18yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water and a small towel. Pam Elvy 574 1046 / 021 2632 431

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Work hard and get results

20 / 20 Cricket Match

Pelorus Netball v’s Pelorus Rugby .

Sunday 1st March 2015 12noon Havelock Domain

Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser Bring your own Picnic and refreshments

Come along and cheer for your team!! Ring Melissa 574 2952 to register for the Netball Team or Chris 574 2618 for the Rugby Team. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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FROM THE NELSON MARLBOROUGH COMMUNITY ORAL HEALTH SERVICE Holidays are over and our oral health staff is once again looking forward to providing FREE care for your children’s teeth. You will be contacted to make an appointment time which suits you. If your child is not enrolled; your contact details have changed; you have concerns about their teeth or when their next visit is due – give your clinic a call. If the appointments time no longer suits, you have transport problems or are going to be late, please phone us so another child can be seen. All clinics are open 8-5pm Monday - Friday and are listed below. ‘Healthy Smiles’ require regular dental check-ups! BLENHEIM & MARLBOROUGH MOBILE CLINIC 520 9922

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TREASURE CHEST NEW & PRE-LOVED GOODS SHOP HAVELOCK HUGE SALE! 50% off all items – one day only on Saturday 14 March – Come celebrate the Havelock Mussel Festival and grab a bargain at the Treasure Chest. Usual Hours Mon - Sat 10:00 am until 3:00 pm (Hrs can be altered at Volunteers’ discretion) FOR SALE

PELORUS AREA HEALTH TRUST The Pelorus Area Health Trust offer various services to the community. We may be able to help you with more of the following:Baby Equipment Hire – Grandkids coming to visit…? We have a great range of Baby/Toddler gear for hire. Emergency Meals on Wheels – We provide subsidised meals to residents to help during your recovery period which is due to health related illness, surgery etc. Medical Aids – We have a great range of medical aids available for use in the community. We have wheelchairs, walkers, walking sticks, shower/toilet aids. Please come into to see us at the Treasure Chest shop on Main St, Havelock for more information and bookings. If you are unable to come to the shop please don’t hesitate to ring Sharyn on 574 2117 or 027 530 5600. FOR SALE 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINER @ $4000 Great second-hand condition, water tight, lockable and tidy. Buyer to arrange own collection and transportation. Welcome to view (just out of Canvastown) – more photos available. Please contact Mel at the Pelorus Area Health Trust 574 2618 or email secretary@pelorusareahealthtrust.co.nz for more info.

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Secretary: Ian Cameron 5 Inglis Street HAVELOCK 7100 Ph: (03) 574 2558 Email: ianc.cameron@xtra.co.nz

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of the SeniorNet Marlborough Sounds Incorporated to be held on 7:00 pm WEDNESDAY 4 MARCH 2015 Learning Centre, Linkwater Election of Executive The Constitution allows for the above positions to be decided by the AGM. Nominations need to be in the Secretary’s hands not fewer than SEVEN DAYS prior to the AGM with the signatures of the proposer, seconder and the nominee. Proposers, seconders and nominees must be current financial members. There will be an address by Grant Sideway, Executive Officer, SeniorNet Federation of NZ Inc. If you have an interest in learning about the new technology you may like to join SeniorNet. Membership costs $20 for a single and $30 for a couple and can be paid on the night.

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COURSES First Aid Work Certificate and Revalidation Tutor: Nine Scott – Triple One Care Date: To be advised. A one day course. Times: Revalidation 9:00 am – 3:00 pm and Full Course 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Course Costs: Revalidation $60 and Full Course $105. Pasta Making Tutor: Piero Rocco Date: 9 May 2015 starting at 11:00 am. You will never buy pasta again once Piero shows you how easy and tasty it is to make. A few positions still available. Mosaics Made Easy Tutor Joan Clark Date: 28 - 29 April 2015 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. This is to be over two days to allow for drying. Learn the basics of Mosaics with simple projects on offer. All equipment supplied. The venue will be the Community Classroom at Havelock School. A few positions are still available. If you are interested in any of the above or have an interest in any other courses which could be arranged please contact: Rita Jacobson, 574 2176 email: ritacollet@clear.net.nz NOTES FROM THE HAVELOCK MUSEUM If you haven’t visited the Havelock Museum over the past three weeks, it is well worth a visit. Museum designer Sally Papps and Jeff Julian have completed the exterior phase of the refurbishment. All the farm machinery and other implements have been labelled and photographs complement the exhibition. We think the display looks great and clearly our visitors think so as well. They give us the top rating on the survey forms and add comments like “Well produced and displayed. Congratulations on the town’s initiative”. “We volunteer in the local Museum at Diss. [N orfolk, England]. We are very impressed!” It is interesting to break down the statistics of where visitors who fill in a survey form come from. Since our re-opening in January 2014 130 people have completed the survey and have included their home town. 40 are from overseas, 68 from parts of New Zealand (apart from Blenheim or Havelock), 16 from Blenheim and 8 from Havelock. We hope, in the case of Havelock residents, that locals have just simply not filled in a survey form!

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Since January 2014 13641 visitors have been though the Museum. Our best month has been January 2015 when 2205 people walked through the door. January has always been our busiest month but 2205 is about double the number of visitors in January 2013 and comes close to doubling the January 2012 figure. Havelock Town Hall Havelock Theatre’s donation of a new curtain for the proscenium arch in the Town Hall has aroused some interest in the Town Hall. Initially the question asked was when was the old green curtain first hung? Older identities in Havelock were able to establish that the green curtain replaced a rolled up canvas screen in the 1960s. However, while researching this, we came across some interesting facts about our Town Hall and will be sharing these over the next few months. THE HAVELOCK MUSSEL FESTIVAL MUSSEL OUTFIT COMPETITION Create a mussel related costume, item of clothing, outfit, mask or anything you can wear and your imagination allows! Come along to The Havelock Mussel Festival and be into win a prize. Wow the crowd with your masterpiece and show us how creative you can be. There are two catagories; Under 11’s and 11-16yrs. Entries are to be created by the entrants only. Competition will take place by the main stage at 12:15pm promptly! Prizes kindly donated by Studio Jade (Clem and Pim Mellish). Registrations containing the information below must be received via mail or email no later than 3pm, Tuesday 10th March 2015. Although competition entry is free, all participants must purchase a festival ticket. Tickets available from www.iticket.co.nz or iSite- Blenheim, Picton and Havelock & the Marlborough 4 Fun office. Post to: The Havelock Mussel Festival, PO Box 1139, Blenheim Or email Keita: admin@marlborough4fun.co.nz Call for enquiries: 03 577 8935 www.havelockmusselfestival.co.nz Name, Age, Address, Phone, School, Parent’s Name/Signature GIRLS ONLY BASKETBALL SKILLS SESSIONS!!!!! Marlborough Basketball would like to invite girls aged between 8-12 years old to our GIRLS ONLY SKILLS SESSIONS. Sam Dempster and some of our top female Marlborough Basketball Representatives will be running 3 coaching sessions this term. Come along and learn some new basketball skills in a fun, girls-only environment! Great for GIRLS just starting the sport and for those players wanting to further their skills. From 3:45 – 4:45 pm Wed 25 Feb, Wed 11 Mar and Wed 25 Mar. $10 for the term. Paces are limited so please call the Marlborough Basketball Office on 577 8300 to register. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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AN INTRODUCTION TO VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT If you are new to recruiting and managing volunteers, this interactive workshop will give you a solid grounding in how to get started. It will give you an overview of the 4Rs of the Volunteer Management process: Recruiting, Recognising / Rewarding and Retaining volunteers for your organisation. Together we’ll look at the why, what and how of volunteer management and you’ll receive tips to keep you on track. There will be interactive activities and tools to add to your volunteer management toolkit.

Wednesday 18 March 6:00pm - 8:30pm Havelock Sports Pavilion COST: $7 per person Facilitators: Julie Price & Terri Willcocks , Sport Tasman Registration and Advanced Payment is Essential. Online registration closes one week prior to each workshop and places are allocated on “first come and first served basis.” Register now to avoid disappointment. For further details, including workshop overview, registration and payment go to www.sporttasman.org.nz or contact either Julie Price - 03 923 2322 or Terri Willcocks - 03 577 8855 ext 3 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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20 KPH IF A SCHOOL BUS HAS STOPPED If a school bus has stopped you must slow down and drive at 20 kph or less until you are well past (no matter which direction you are coming from) if: • •

the bus displays a school bus sign on which the lights are flashing, or the bus displays a school bus sign (with or without flashing lights) and has stopped for the purpose of picking up or dropping off school children. LINKWATER HOSTS JUNIOR SWIMMING SPORTS Despite some unusual showers during the night, last Friday cleared gently as the morning wore on and another stunning Marlborough summer’s day unfolded. Year 1 – 3 students from around the Pelorus Cluster’s five rural school arrived en masse to compete in, on and under the water. The full programme started off with a welcome from Principal Deb Leov at 10:50 and then a quick briefing from TiC Kate Bowes. Teachers and parents spent the morning busy ensuring various year groups were present and marshalled ready for the various width and length races. After a break for lunch some of the less serious water activities took place with bottle tops that needed to be collected and objects retrieved speedily from the bottom of the pool. A sock relay completed the day’s full programme and by 2 pm it was all over and some very tired and spent youngsters headed home. Thanks Linkwater for the

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organisation and being able to feed the troops with such a variety of fare prepared by senior students and parents. The images from the day show how events unfolded. No captions have been included so you can work your way through and see how many faces you recognise.

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