Newsletter 155:06 13 May 2015_

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Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #07 published Wed 27 May closes Thu 21 May. WEDNESDAY 13 MAY 2015 ~ TERM 2 WEEK 04 ~ VOLUME 155 NUMBER 06


Most people have never learned that one of the main aims in life is to enjoy it. Samuel Butler

CALENDAR Mon 11 May Wed 13 May Thu 14 May Fri 15 May Tue 19 May Tue 19 May Fri 22 May Fri 22 May Mon 25 May Thu 28 May Fri 29 May Mon 01 Jun Tue 02 Jun

* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter.

Board of Trustees Meeting Parent/Teacher Community Hui RideON Bike Check - refer 2 April Flyer (all bikes, all students) Winter Sports @ Rai - 6 May flyer Y7/8 Technology Centre (1/6) Pelorus Camp Parent Meeting 16:00 RideON Bike Skills Programme 40 HOUR FAMINE - leaflets with senior students Y7/8 Technology Centre (2/6) Life Education Life Education Queen’s Birthday Pelorus away to Totaranui Click on item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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MUSSEL FESTIVAL We still have leftover a few Prawn Skewers and these are for sale at $36/kg bag. Just contact Mandy on 574 2106 to secure yours. First in first served. HAVELOCK MEDICAL CENTRE Flu Vaccines are now available at the Havelock Medical Centre. Please phone to make your appointment on 574 2233. BONE DRY FIREWOOD FOR SALE Douglas Fir, Blue Gum @ $240/cord (3.6 m3) Phone 574 1416. HONOURS BOARD ~ NAMES PLEASE In 2011 the 150th Jubilee Committee relocated the honours board to the hall. It was unveiled during the celebrations in its new location and featured an updated list of past pupils meriting inclusion. Nominees are again being sought as we are aware of a growing number of past pupils whose names need to be added. If you or someone you know has achieved in their field of endeavour and you feel they could be acknowledged on the school honours board please take the time to send us the relevant detail and if possible contact details. THE GALLERY HAVELOCK May 28 is the opening night of the Lionel Jefcoate and Colin Wynn exhibitions. All welcome. This exhibition will run for two weeks. We are very fortunate to have Lionel’s work for this exhibition as it will then go to Dunbar Sloan in Auckland to be auctioned. The Gallery Havelock needs you. If you have a bit of spare time we are in need of a few more pairs of hands due to some of our lucky volunteers fleeing to warmer climes during the winter months. All you need to be good at is Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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chatting as we get loads of interesting people from all walks of life who like nothing better than a chat. If you would be interested give Jo a call or pop in on Mondays or Wednesdays and see what you think. Phone 574 2797 evenings or the Gallery 574 2821. Hopefully you all had an opportunity to view the children’s artwork which was on display at the Gallery. This has now been taken down and is now available for a donation at the school. Funds raised will be forwarded on to the RSA.

Hi Everyone. Morning classes are going very well however, it would be great to have more people at the evening classes. If you have ever wanted to come but it is not the right time of the night for you, please contact me and we may change the time at night (providing we have enough wanting to do a class). Come with a friend and you'll see that it's heaps of fun! Mums (and Dads) are welcome to bring children. Feel free to LIKE Havelock Zumba Pam Elvy Facebook page for updates. 2015 WEEKLY TIMETABLE - Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence Street) Monday Morning class 10am-11am Monday Evening class 6pm-7pm Wednesday class 9:30am-10:30am (Havelock Town Hall) Thursday class 6pm-7pm Friday class 9:30am-10:30am $5 per class (under 10yrs free) 10-18yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water and a small towel. Pam Elvy 5741046 / 021 2632 431 Having fun while working out. It's great for your body and mind. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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FOR SALE BRAND NEW WASHING MACHINE Brand new LG/Westinghouse 5.5kg washing machine for sale, still in its box. Only $300. Please phone 574 1244.

ST JOHN AMBULANCE DRIVERS Hopefully by now most people will have noticed the posters around Havelock regarding the upcoming training for new ambulance volunteers. If you are wondering if this would be the right move for you there is still time to apply. Contact the Havelock Station Manager Tony Cronin at or Jo Douglas at to discuss the role and the process required to apply. Training is set to begin mid-May so anybody interested should make contact as soon as possible.

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

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Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants Masterminding brighter tomorrows Annual Financial Accounting Accounting Services Evaluation and Implementation

(Xero a nd the Cloud Training)

Business Advisory

(Development and Structure)

Corporate Advisory

(Cash Flows, Budgets, Projections)

Debt Structure and Management Due Diligence Management Reporting/Interim Reporting New Company Setup Strategic and business planning Succession Planning Taxation Tax Compliance and Advice Trans-Tasman Accounting

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

Dean Steele

CA, B.Mgmt (Hons)

021 249 1191

Ben Douglas

CA, B.Com, Dip Grad

021 249 1195

Brad McNeill CA, BCA, BSc

021 0206 7526

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PARENT/TEACHER COMMUNITY HUI WED 13 MAY 19:00 ~ SCHOOL HALL Hopefully this flyer would have got to your place last Thursday and you have arranged child care so you can join other parents and teachers discussing these topics. Parent/Teacher evenings are held usually once per term. With cooler evenings the temptation is to stay warm and cosy at home. Be reassured, the hall will be pre-warmed and the topics covered are bound to have significance for all. Afterwards of course we’ll finish with a cuppa. Come and join in the discussions about elements of the health programme, the Feuerstein Pilot, school transitions and what ERO thought about Havelock School. RECOGNISED RECENTLY acknowledging recent achievement, effort and commensurate reward Reading 25 nights ~ Hazley Hrstich, Kaedyn Pulham, Manawa Ward, Tiabeina Obetaia 50 nights ~ André Meuggenburg-Swanston, Alex Steele, Conor Clark, Ben Robbins, Olivia Johnson, Max Skehan, Marcus Rimene-Solomon, Ayla McPhee, Demi O’Donnell, Drew O’Donnell, Liddy Horton-Smith, Kelan Bailey-Gatchell, Elliot Swanston, Isla Baillie, Caleb Bailey-Gatchell, Abbey Lawrence, Courtney Brownlee, Jack McKay, Ellie Gatjens, Ollie Foote, Josh Steele, Hunter Elvy, Chloe Hackett, Tyrani Stewart 75 nights ~ Molly-Jo Munro, Emma McCauley, Skye Gatjens, Towa Urakawa-Murdoch, Hannah Roborgh, Tane Ward, Isla Bailey, Mia Higgins, Hunter Elvy, Josh Steele, Ellie Gatjens, Jack McKay, Caleb Bailey-Gatchell, Abbey Lawrence, Boyd Elvy, Jessie Gatjens, Aroha Ward, Kane Elvy, Jordan Lawrence, Sara Aston-Butterfield, Tayla Munro Spelling Certificates Essential List 1 ~ Isla Baillie Caleb Bailey-Gatchell Ruby-May Illsley-Slape Essential List 2 ~ Mia Higgins

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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UFB, RURAL BROADBAND & MOBILE BLACKSPOT INITIATIVE The Marlborough District Council is participating in Government funding applications for the Ultrafast Broadband, Rural Broadband Initiative and the Mobile Blackspot Fund. Part of the bid to the Government requires Marlburians to identify the connectivity issues in our community. The attached link is a survey that will outline what is requested in more detail Please send this link to anyone else you think may be able to contribute – especially business owners, farmers and industry operators who want better connectivity. The survey closes on Monday 18 May 2015. If you need hard copies or have any questions please contact Katie Covell at the Marlborough District Council on (03) 520 7400. DID YOU KNOW? That some children only suck the toothpaste off their brush! Make sure all the surfaces of all their teeth and their gums are cleaned – outer, inner, upper, lower and the busy chewing surfaces. By teaching them to spit out the toothpaste, rather than rinsing it off, the fluoride also continues to strengthen their teeth. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

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POOL KEYS The 2014/15 swimming season has finished for the season so we would be grateful for the return of the keys before the end of term (30 Apr) for your deposit refund. Thanks to all those who have already got this sorted - nearly all done.


We would like to invite children of 5+ years to join in our Happy Faces Art Club. We will be creating a wide range of take home masterpieces including: scrap booking, sewing, paintings and picture frames. It will be held one Sunday each month from 9:30 - 11:30 am and we will provide a morning tea to keep those creative juices flowing! Our next session will be on the 3rd May so contact us for more information and an enrolment form, bookings are essential. Don’t delay spaces are limited! Don’t forget to like us on Facebook to keep up to date with all we have to offer!


We would also like to mention that our premises is a great place to host your birthday party especially for those up and coming colder months! We have a great range of options available including catering options and a cake specialist for more information get in touch! Emma McArtney 579 1150 or 021 129 2479 Email:

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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WAITARIA BAY SCHOOL Calling all local entrepreneurs! We are anticipating staging a WAITARIA CHRISTMAS FETE in November. At this stage registrations of interest to have a stall are required for us to continue with our plans for this exciting project. We need:  Quality arts and crafts  Produce  Plants  Preserves  Buskers  Activities If you would like to be involved, please phone either Dianne Dixon on 573 4420 or Brenda Aitken on 573 4494. We look forward to hearing from you.

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HAVELOCK VISION 2020 ACTIVITIES – something for all ages Havelock Town Hall Wednesdays STAR DANCE - Star Juniors (Ages 5-9) 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm - Star Seniors (Ages 10-13) & Leaders (14-16/17) 4:15 pm – 6:00 pm ACADEMY Juniors $50 and Seniors $61.50 for the first 30 children to register (subsidised by KiwiSport), thereafter Juniors $80.50 and Seniors $92.00 Contact: Stayz 027 344 3148 or Vicki 027 748 4172 Havelock Sports Pavilion MODIFIED Thursdays 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm TAI CHI Cost: $5.00 per session Contact: Susan 574 1443 St Peter’s Church Hall, 30 Lawrence Street, Havelock Tuesdays starting 5 May TUMBLE TOTS 9:30 am – 10:30 am Cost: $2.00 per session Designed to develop toddlers’ physical skills Supported by:

WOW! Great News - Havelock Vision 2020 has been successful with their application to KiwiSport to subsidise children attending Star Dance. Term 2, 3 and 4 fees: Juniors $50 and Seniors $61.50 per term for the first 30 children to register and pay. The children who registered and paid for classes during Term 1 are eligible for a one off further deduction of $20 on their Term 2 fee. OLYMPIAN JOINS THE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Ever wondered what happens to our Olympians of the past? Some of them become Olympic Ambassadors and move through the country meeting New Zealand children with the goal of having them aspire to great things even though they seem very distant, impossible or too hard. The school was kept spellbound for an hour recently when Niniwa Roberts, NZ Blacksticks player who participated in two Olympics, visited with them. The back story behind these world athletes is humbling and truly human as ordinary people take up extraordinary challenges and spend tremendous endeavour in striving to achieve them. Niniwa’s story was helped with some video as well and again, the Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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reality that sits behind these huge events is amazing; 10 000 athletes needing a new village built with of course full services, food halls three times the size of a rugby pitch, the emotion and pride when playing for your country, the pageantry of an opening ceremony and on it goes. One never knows, so if there is a spark lurking by way of talent, determination and desire in one of your own, do support them to pursue their dream and help them make it a reality. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Recently the board accepted the resignation of Lyndon Brownlee from the board. Elected in June 2013 Lyndon finishes after two years as trustee. His contribution will be more formally acknowledged at a future time. Given that a vacancy now exists, the board has resolved under section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by selection. If ten percent or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held. Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the board to hold by-election should write to The Board Chair, Havelock School Board of Trustees, 47 Main Road Havelock 7100.

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