Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #08 published Wed 10 June closes Thu 4 June. WEDNESDAY 27 MAY 2015 ~ TERM 2 WEEK 06 ~ VOLUME 155 NUMBER 07
The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
CALENDAR Tue 26 May Thu 28 May Fri 29 May Mon 01 Jun Tue 02 Jun Thu 11 Jun Mon 15 Jun Fri 19 Jun Mon 22 Jun Tue 23 Jun Fri 03 Jul
Mark Zuckerberg
* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter.
Pelorus First Aid Course Life Education Life Education Queen’s Birthday Holiday Pelorus away to Totaranui - HAVE FUN! Pelorus back from camp Y7/8 Technology (4/6) Scholastic Book Fair to end of term Winter solstice Triangular Learning Conferences End Term 3 Click on item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.
Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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PRAWN SKEWERS We still have a few Prawn Skewers leftover from our popular seafood platters sold at the Mussel Festival. These are for sale at $36/kg bag. Just contact Mandy on 574 2106 to secure yours. Be in! HAVELOCK MEDICAL CENTRE Flu vaccines are now available at the Havelock Medical Centre. Please phone to make your appointment on 574 2233. BONE DRY FIREWOOD FOR SALE Douglas Fir, Blue Gum @ $240/cord (3.6 m3) Phone 574 1416.
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THE GALLERY HAVELOCK May 28 is the opening night of the Lionel Jefcoate and Colin Wynn exhibitions. All welcome. This exhibition will run for two weeks. We are very fortunate to have Lionel’s work for this exhibition as it will then go to Dunbar Sloan in Auckland to be auctioned. The Gallery Havelock needs you. If you have a bit of spare time, we are in need of a few more pairs of hands due to some of our lucky volunteers fleeing to warmer climes during the winter months. All you need to be good at is chatting as we get loads of interesting people from all walks of life who like nothing better than a chat. If you would be interested give Jo a call or pop in on Mondays or Wednesdays and see what you think. Phone 574 2797 evenings or the Gallery 574 2821. Hi Everyone. Zumba will take a break the first week of June and then on Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th. Feel free to like Havelock Zumba Pam Elvy Facebook page for updates. Anyone is welcome to come and join in or just watch a class if you wanted to. A great way to warm up now that it is getting cold. 2015 WEEKLY TIMETABLE - Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence Street) Monday Morning class 10am - 11am Monday Evening class 6pm - 7pm Wednesday class 9:30am - 10:30am (Havelock Town Hall) Thursday class 6pm - 7pm Friday class 9:30am - 10:30am $5 per class (under 10yrs free) 10 - 18yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water and a small towel. Pam Elvy 574 1046 / 021 2632 431
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Students from Kiwi Can schools across the region will be putting more smiles on faces as they start the Kiwi Can Smile Initiative this week. This will see around 500 kids returning home and carrying out a ‘random act of kindness’ to someone they know. This could be anything from holding a door open for someone to bringing their parents breakfast in bed! A ‘smile card’ will be left for the lucky recipient, who will be encouraged to pass on the goodwill and do something unexpected for someone else, and so on and in this way we hope the smiles will keep flowing throughout the community. But we need your support! To enable students to see the growing ‘ripple-effect’ of what they started we would like people to report the kind deeds that were done for them on our ‘Smile Mail’ Facebook page – . We want to share the impact of what a few good deeds can have… on a family, a community, who knows… maybe the world! Look out for the Smile Cards, coming your way soon!
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The HCA committee has recently made the very difficult decision to set in place a sub-lease of the Havelock Holiday Park. This move has come about in an effort to cut costs across our infrastructure and to arrest the drop in community income. It is hoped that this will provide an assured income for a set term and that this can then be used for community taskings and events. The HCA wish to assure community members that this decision was not taken lightly and that all effort has been made to ensure best practice with legal and accountancy opinion having been sought prior to the decision being made. The process is ongoing with the MDC and APL assisting with the legalities around the lease document. HCA would like to acknowledge the years of work undertaken by Pick and Pauline. There have been many improvements and their hospitality has been very much appreciated by guests to the park. The award of a Qualmark 4 star rating for the park has been fantastic and is down to the improvements made. Every effort will be made to assist Pick and Pauline and once the lease process has been opened up for public application we will let you know of the outcome. For permanent residents at the park it will be life as normal as we do not envisage any changes but HCA will, during the process of negotiation, be endeavouring to ensure that the terms of tenancy remain the same.
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PARENT/TEACHER COMMUNITY HUI Despite the cool evening an enthusiastic and solid turnout of parents came to engage with teachers around Health, the Feuerstein Pilot, Transition and the recent ERO review of the school. The full text of the latter is online and can be reached by visiting the homepage link under Latest News & Info. The following is a summary of the salient points relating to the school’s Health Programme. Should there be any further comment or query please make contact with the school. Consultation Conclusions (2015) Following consultation and board discussion/ratification, the following items are to be included and form part of the revised policy on Health and Physical Education. 1. Identify broadly agreed health education needs of Havelock students. None beyond those echoed in the current policy except that; - the pubertal change unit will be included each year as in the past - see further below - Keeping Ourselves Safe (KoS) every two years - see further below - Cybersafety completed as age/stage appropriate at the beginning of the year- see further below - as appropriate and particularly the expectations and protocols around being a bus pupil NB Sunsmart School ie up to date policy (Shady School) and practices namely; modelling, clothing T1/4 and classroom unit/focus NB Smoke-Free Policy NB Alcohol & Drug Free School Policy 2. Establish broadly agreed beliefs. None beyond those expressed in the rationale but also within the wider context of the school’s PB4L Policy. 3. Reach broad agreement on the treatment of the health education programme and how incidental questions might be treated within a more general context; (leg. Section 105C of the Education Act 1964). Teachers’ discretion in responding appropriately to students’ questions, was soundly supported by parents - communication and/or reference to parents was also noted as being important. 4. Consultation with community on aspects of sex education within the pubertal change unit (leg. Section 105C/D of the Education Act 1964). No aspects/issues were identified as requiring inclusion or exclusion re the pubertal change programme teachers’ discretion as above. In adopting this statement, the BoT ratifies this community view. NB Parents’ right to withdraw their child as there are of course elements of sex education - parents need to be made aware of this. 5. Whether or not to include Y5 in pubertal change unit programme, this year and/or the future? Views expressed by the community in 2013 supported the inclusion of Year 5/6 students in the pubertal change programme but steps 1 & 2 of the 6 as per the Life Education unit plan shared with parents. It was felt that the modified programme would be more appropriate and that it should overlap with the Year 7 & 8 programme as appropriate. In adopting this statement the BoT approves such a programme which was Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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first run in November 2000. (Detailed information can be seen on the Life Education material distributed to parents of Yr 5 – 8 students prior to the commencement of the programme). 6. Keeping Ourselves Safe In discussion with the Police School Community Officer and the five parents present with staff, it was felt that KOS would continue to be bi-annual and that parents continue to be advised of same prior to the programme running and also to combine this consultation with aspects of health education programming and content. NB No right to withdraw children as KoS deemed to be a safety programme. NB Preparedness for disclosure - school/home 7. Cybersafety A comprehensive policy covers this area with student agreements etc and should be discussed at the beginning of each year with classes. Should class teachers deem there is a need or threat to students then they are encouraged to respond as they think appropriate. This would ideally be complemented at home with monitoring and similar messaging around sound practices ie no screens in the bedroom at any time, phone “on charge” when child/ren in bed, what to do if unsure, no Facebook or other net identity until at least 13 etc. These practices help significantly when children become teens. Students will over time be given an access id and password in order to access resources etc such as Office 365 and OneNote so learning to stay safe is simply a new environment in which to stay safe. Community Consultation - mid May 2015 Fifteen mums and dads attended with local police attending as parents. All teaching staff attended. Next consultation due 2017.
40 HOUR FAMINE A special mention and thanks to all the senior students who put together a variety of hours and combinations of “doing without” for up to 40 hours last Friday/Saturday. Congratulations for taking up the challenge and putting others first. Please remember to complete the forms and ensure your sponsors are up to date with payment before returning all to school for checking. Everything should be handed in before the end of this week as camp is coming up straight after Queen’s Birthday. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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The school’s Facebook page and those of the secret groups relating to our classes all sported photos of the day’s activities. It was a very full day with superb organisation and resourcing from Sport Tasman. A big thanks to Sonya and her crew for setting up and all the preparatory work done before the day.
“Spiderman” Jack looking good as he gets to the tipping point on the seesaw. A huge variety of skills were under development throughout the day.
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES PARENT REP VACANCY The board has resolved under section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by selection. If ten percent or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days (10 June) of the first publication of this notice (13 May) being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a byelection will be held. Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the board to hold by-election should write to The Board Chair, Havelock School Board of Trustees, 47 Main Road Havelock 7100. HAVELOCK VISION 2020 ACTIVITIES – SOMETHING FOR ALL AGES TUMBLE TOTS
Tuesday, CHANGE OF VENUE Havelock Town Hall Classes: 9:30 am – 10:30 am Cost: $2.00 per session Designed to develop toddler’s physical skills. Thursday, Havelock Sports Pavilion Sessions: 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm Cost: $5.00 per session Contact: Susan 574 1443 Wednesday, Havelock Town Hall Classes: Star Juniors (Ages 5-9) 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm Star Seniors (Ages 10-13) & Leaders (14-16/17) 4:15 pm – 6:00 pm Cost: Juniors $50 and Seniors $61.50 for the first 30 children to register (subsidised by KiwiSport), thereafter Juniors $80.50 and Seniors $92.00. Contact: Stayz 027 344 3148 or Vicki 027 748 4172
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Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants Masterminding brighter tomorrows Annual Financial Accounting Accounting Services Evaluation and Implementation
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Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861
Dean Steele
CA, B.Mgmt (Hons)
021 249 1191
Ben Douglas
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Brad McNeill CA, BCA, BSc
021 0206 7526
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