Newsletter 157:01 8 February 2017

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Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for 157:02 published Wednesday 22 February 2017 closes Thursday 16 February 2017.

“When faced with two options, always choose the positive one.” Rueven Feuerstein

CALENDAR Wed Thu Mon Wed Fri Mon

8 Feb 9 Feb 13 Feb 15 Feb 17 Feb 20 Feb

Wed Fri Sat Mon Sat Fri Sat Sun Sat Thu

22 Feb 24 Feb 25 Feb 27 Feb 4 Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 18 Mar 13 Apr

* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter. You’ll have to

Long White Ride Fundraiser* be quick! Des Ellery School Photos (09:15) Tech Y7/8 Assembly 14:15 – Hall* Pelorus Cluster Junior Swim Sports – Linkwater Tech Y7/8 BoT Meeting RIDEnSTRIDE begins* Parent & Teacher evening* Pelorus Cluster Senior Swim Sports – Blenheim Muddy Buddy* Tech Y7/8 Grape Ride Teacher Only Day Relay for Life Weetbix Try – Tahuna* Mussel Festival – calling for volunteers soon Term 1 ends Click item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME A very warm welcome to 2017. The academic year got underway last Tuesday with a short assembly in the hall with a number of new names and faces along with those well recognised. Perhaps one change not that widely known is that we now have Mrs Vicki Williams as Deputy Principal. Mrs Ruth Kenny and Miss Toni Gamble complete the team. With Mrs Tracey Wearing undertaking Reading Recovery training throughout the year, all classes except Kenepuru with Mrs Nardia Allan, share the skill set of another teacher. Kaituna is now where Pelorus was formerly and Pelorus is now in the prefab. Kenepuru too has moved and is now where Kaituna was in 2016. So, new names, new faces, new locations are all settled for a new year. A number of new enrolments across the school are as follows with best wishes for a successful 2017 extended to new and old alike. Pelorus ~ Gareth Foote, Eva Probert, Grace Probert, Lafai King Wakamarina ~ Reef Casey, Charlie Samuels Kenepuru ~ Hazley Hrstich, Sean-Harley Wildbore-Gore, William King AWARDS 2016 These were celebrated at the 2016 Final Assembly and were well deserved. Kia Kaha ~ Pelorus Jack Mulholland Ashley Mulholland Most Improved ~ Pelorus Maryanne Rimene-Solomon Quiet Achiever ~ Pelorus Lucas Skipper Literacy Award ~ Schoolwide Jordan Lawrence Lorain Day & Brett Avison ($50) SciTec LESLIE CUP ~ Pelorus Tayla Munro Diligence OKARAMIO CUP ~ Pelorus George Robbins Citizenship CAMERON CUP ~ Schoolwide Anika McPhee ~ Kaituna Ellie Gatjens & Abbey Lawrence Leadership ~ Wakamarina Ruby-May Illsley-Slape TAUIRA Awards ~ Kenepuru Skye Gatjens Leadership - Tauira ~ Pelorus Jordan Lawrence SCHLUTER-BROWN CUP NZ Curriculum ~ Pelorus HOLLAND TROPHY Jordan Lawrence Havelock Lions ($50)

Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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BUSY TERM Even a quick glance at the calendar reminds you that with school back and summer slowly fading, much is planned both within the school community and the wider community beyond. Immediately we have the two Pelorus Cluster aquatic events. Communications re the first of these on 17 February will have been received last Friday at home - the senior equivalent on Friday this week. Even sooner are school photos with Des Ellery tomorrow. The Muddy Buddy is set for Sat 25 Feb, Grape Ride Sat 4 Mar, The Relay for Life Sat 11 Mar, Weetbix Try Sun 12 Mar and Mussel Festival Sat 18 Mar. A Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for Mon 20 Feb. RIDEnSTRIDE 20 Feb – 3 Mar encourages students to walk safely to and from school. A Parent & Teacher evening is set for Wed 22 Feb. Teacher-Only-Day Fri 10 Mar and some art with external expertise towards Easter. COMMUNICATIONS The Boomerang Book remains the default means for home-school communications. There are of course other more digital methods but this at least is an expectation for all pupils across the school. Books travel back and forward each day. Expectations are included in the front of these. These should all be in place very soon. Please don’t cover as the books are supplied with the generous support of the advertisers. Closed Group Class Facebook pages will again be set up but can only be linked with respective parents with your email address. Class teachers need these to invite you. ASSEMBLIES These are held every odd school week on a Wednesday in the hall. This year we are starting at 2:15 as we found that 30 minutes just wasn't quite long enough. Pupils host these and of course parents are very welcome. Our first will be next Wed 15 Feb. ABSENCES Research tells us time and time again, attendance is absolutely critical for progress. There is a growing expectation that learners themselves check to see what has been missed and then work to catch up. Clearly the older the learner is and the more independent, the greater their ability to be their own “learner agent.” If your child cannot attend school, then as soon as possible the school must be informed with name, date and reason. This information is stored using Ministry of Education codes. The easiest way to let the school know is to use the PT Calendar app. All you do is hit the absentee button and dial direct or add the detail to the preformatted email screen. Download the app today and it’s sorted. It also has links to the newsletter and more, right at your fingertips. STATIONERY is well on the way to full resolution. By week’s end all should be sorted. A special note of thanks to Mrs McQuarrie who very quietly beavers away behind the scene and matches orders with stock. HI VIZ With the roads in the area becoming busier following the earthquake and subsequent change in traffic volumes and routes, the school is moving toward all students who walk or bus to/from school wearing a Hi Viz vest in the morning and afternoon. This item has been included on the stationery list but many already have and use these. Either yellow or orange, as long as one is at hand in a bag, then they can be easily used whenever required. By end February this should have become the new “norm.” Your support is appreciated. Duty teachers too are dressed in yellow when in and around the playground. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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KIWI CAN The Kiwi Can leaders have been busy over the last few weeks with national training, planning and prep for the year ahead. They continue visiting the school in 2017 and have been setting up display spaces over the last week. There is now a team of six Kiwi Can leaders delivering Kiwi Can across nine schools in Marlborough. The Term 1 theme is Positive Relationships which includes the modules of Fairness & Fairplay, Leadership and Conflict Resolution. Sessions get underway Wednesday 8 Feb for all classes. MAJOR THEME The theme for this term is Te Hoiere and Me which aims to develop an awareness of what goes on in our community and how we fit into it as responsible and contributing citizens. Our theme fits well with the Marlborough District Council's Small Township Programme 'Love Where You Live.' The purpose of this programme is to: • Design a liveable town with an attractive central space • Allow freedom of movement, connectivity and accessibility • Strengthen a sense of place and unique identity • Enhance the use of, enjoyment and pride in outdoor public spaces Our students will be included in the plan for our community to create a kind of place where people want to live, work and play. Having students involved in this process will help them to be informed participants who are able to work cooperatively, take ownership and respect their community. THINKING Feuerstein sessions will be using the instrument 'Identifying Emotions' which capitalizes upon the relationship between emotional and cognitive states. Students are asked to recognize emotions from pictures of facial expressions and connect them with illustrated scenes that are likely to cause them. The exercises are made increasingly difficult by the gradation of possible causes among given scenes. One choice is always irrelevant, but the others vary in terms of emotional intensity. Thus, the challenge for students is to reason about their chosen link between cause and emotional consequence. This learning is then intended to be taken off the page and related to authentic contexts which students can relate to in order to develop a principle which they will remember and apply to many more contexts both at school and beyond and also into their future.

Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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SCHOOL HOURS Grounds/Rooms Open: Morning: Break: Afternoon: No supervision from:

08:30 08:55 - 12:50 11:00 - 11:20 13:45 - 15:00 15:30


The successful applicant will be able to work within a school environment (vetted), function within a glide-time environment, have a sense of humour, be of a positive disposition, be a problem-solver and able to work without supervision. A Job Description is available by contacting the school. Should you want to apply please submit your application nominating three referees with whom contact may be made.

The school asks that children arrive Contact and applications would be welcomed in any format to: between 08:30 and 08:45 so daily The Principal, Main Road, Havelock, Marlborough 7100 Ph 03 574 2106 or 027 448 4789 Email routines can get off to a good start and no disruption occurs to the best learning part of the day. Classrooms are open from 08:30. The playground is unsupervised before 08:30 and after 15:30. SUNSMART Hats and the slip, slop, slap and wrap message applies during Term 1. If hats can be named that would be great. Come to think of it, if togs and towels could be named as well, it would help too. NUDE FOOD Students are expected to take home all food wrapping, packaging and containers etc. Leftovers too are taken home but very mucky skins and empty yoghurt containers can be disposed of on site. Waste from bought lunches is disposed of as per the recycling regime. The reasons are primarily to lessen the volume of waste the school needs to handle (cost factor) and also to let parents monitor more closely the consumption of the daily fare provided from home. Our bins in the past were too often full of lunches that remained wrapped. The implications for taking all the material home again are negligible if sandwiches and the like are brought. A sturdy lunch box, reusable fabric wrap, and to help transport home the messier bits, a small plastic bag may be the answer. Students only take their lunch box/drink with them when they are seated to have their lunch. Students also have available at lunch times, 200ml of cool Fonterra milk. This is very popular. No fizzy drinks are allowed at school. Water is the preferred option and a filtered supply is available. INFOCENTRAL Should you need further detail etc about a range of school related items, please visit this page on the school’s website. Worth a look. Best wishes to all for a successful 2017. We look forward to catching up before or on 22 February.

Matua B WEETBIX TRY ~ TAHUNANUI SUN 12 MARCH We have 8 students so far who have indicated they’re entering. Forms have gone out and should be back to Matua B by Thursday 9 February. The school is registered and should an entrant be one of the first five to enter the Muddy Buddy, entry to the Try will be free. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Kia ora tatou Welcome back to the new school year. The Board of Trustees is committed to providing the best education possible for the students at Havelock School. There have been some issues that the Board has been working through that it has identified require extra support. The Board has asked the Ministry of Education to work with it to address these issues. A limited statutory manager with responsibility for employment/personnel and for curriculum will be gazetted on Thursday 9th February and as of Friday, Janet Kelly will assume this position. This appointment will remain in place until it is deemed that all issues have been resolved. This additional support and advice will allow the Board to focus on all other governance responsibilities and on improving student outcomes. We wish to affirm that for you as parents and the community, our focus remains on the continued engagement, progress and achievement of the children of Havelock School. The Board looks forward to working with Janet who will provide valuable support and advice to the Board of Trustees. If you would like to meet with Janet once she is appointed, she can be contacted on 027 229 6260 or Naku noa, na Ben Roborgh Chairperson Havelock School

HAVELOCK ESTUARY 25 FEBRUARY 2017 For Registration Online go to the Sport Tasman Website For further information contact Jane Miles (03) 923 2317 Here's your chance to fulfil that inner wish and slither and slide around in the estuary mud like you have always wanted to! A guarantee that you and your buddy will have no article left clean! Loads of fun to be getting yourself muddy and your buddy even muddier! Display those expert running skills as you negotiate the slippery slide, wriggle under the cargo net and race the gauntlet through the zigzag. The only workout that can be totally enjoyed! Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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MARLBOROUGH LOCAL CYCLING NZ … IN 4 DAYS! Local endurance athlete, Craig Harper, is about to undertake one of his toughest challenges yet – to cycle from Cape Reinga to Bluff in record breaking time. That’s 2100km in 4 days. To say it’s an epic challenge is an understatement. Craig is doing this to raise money for Marlborough kids and support the Kiwi Can programme run by the Graeme Dingle Foundation. It promises to be an inspiring evening, tickets are selling well, and are limited. Come and support this fantastic local legend in this challenge and help support Kiwi Can in schools across Marlborough.

Follow Craig’s training and progress through:

To find out more about Kiwi Can, visit or like our local page:

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The 2017 Havelock Mussel & Seafood Festival is all about local and New Zealand’s most successfully farmed seafood capital will come alive on

Saturday 18th March at 10am This year’s festival will see over 60 stalls turning out mouth-watering dishes, latest fashions, creative crafts, and oceans of live entertainment, with a performance from a band of Havelock locals, just to name a few. Come and celebrate the town’s title of Greenshell Mussel Capital of the World. Treat your taste buds to an array of different foods amongst the food court area and there are free activities for children under 12. Tickets on sale at Havelock and Blenheim i-site or online at iTicket. Feeling motivated and creative? Then the Mussel related costume design is for you and it’s FREE to enter! It can be an item of clothing, outfit, mask or anything your imagination allows and you can wear! Come along to the festival and be into win a prize. Wow the crowd with your masterpiece and show us how creative you can be. There are two categories; Under 11’s and 11-16yrs. Entries forms are available from Come and support Havelock School in their fundraising food stall, we know they can turn out one of the tastiest dishes around. Alongside them will be another local gem – ‘A Hippo lives in Havelock’ Brett will have a site at this year’s festival selling his books and is very generously is donating all profits back to the Havelock Library.

He has also

organised to have readers entertaining the children on the hour with stories. Look out for the new advertising posters coming to you soon! Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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HOW CAN I BE SUNSMART? Being SunSmart is about protecting skin and eyes from damaging UV radiation. From September to April when outdoors. SLIP into a long-sleeved shirt and into the shade. Generally, fabrics with a tighter weave and darker colours will give you greater protection from the sun. Some clothing is sold with a UV radiation Protection Factor (UPF) rating. Clothing with a UPF of 50+ offers superior protection and could be an ideal choice for outdoor workers. SLOP on plenty of broad-spectrum (filters both UVA and UVB rays) sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 30. Apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every two hours. Reapply more frequently if sweating or swimming. SLAP on a hat with a wide-brim or a cap with flaps. This will help reduce the risk of sunburn to your face, ears and neck. These are the most common places where we get sunburnt. WRAP on a pair of close-fitting sunglasses. When buying sunglasses, look for the words 'good UV protection' on the label or swing tag. Remember to always protect skin and eyes when you're in the mountains, or around reflective surfaces like snow and water, when UV levels are damaging. MUSIC LESSONS AND INSTRUMENT HIRE available for… Guitar, Violin, Clarinet, Saxophone, Flute, and Brass $25 per term (lessons only) or $45 per term (lessons and instrument hire). Open to Year 4 - 8 children. No experience needed. Limited number of vacancies. Christine Holdaway Marlborough School of Instrumental Music – phone 570 2273 or email Music lessons are in Blenheim and out of school hours. STUDIO HQ CLASSES TERM 1 Every Thursday - Havelock Town Hall beginning 16 Feb (9 week dance term) 4:30pm – 5:15pm Juniors and Intermediates 4 - 9 years 5:15pm - 6:00pm Intermediates & Seniors 10 - 17 years Choreography for Salsa Intermediates and beginners will be choreographed by Emily Glubb from Christchurch for Term 1 - Taught by Lucy Bendell. Contact Rachel for more info on 574 2697 Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Senior Net Marlborough Sounds

Photographic Competition Linkwater Hall Thursday 16th March 2017 5pm - 7pm Categories:



Look up


The Magic of Christmas


Restored Photos - Before and After (Two photos required, One before and one after, both 6” x 8”)

Size of Photograph: 6” x 8” Landscape or Portrait Number of Entries: Maximum 2 for each category Send Entries unmounted to:

June Strong, 295b Anakiwa Road RD1 PICTON 7281

Photos will be mounted in an A4 white card for display by Senior Net Members. All reasonable care of work taken.

Criteria for Entry: Senior Net Membership and Own work Please put your name and title for the photo and category you wish it to be entered in on the back, top right hand corner of the Photo.

Closing Date for Entries: Thursday 9th March.

Judging will be by Popular Vote

Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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MAINLY MUSIC 10am - 11am every Friday at St Peter's Church Hall, 30 Lawrence Street. Music and movement for pre-schoolers. $2 donation per family. Morning tea provided.

COMPUTERS FOR SALE SeniorNet Marlborough Sounds has the following equipment for sale following the upgrade of their teaching computers: • 2 desktop machines: o i3 Intel processor o 4 GB memory o 250 GB drive o DVD R/W drive o Windows 10 installed o Includes keyboard and mouse o No monitor included o Sale price: $300 each • 2 sets of computer speakers (1 set still in original box) o Sale price $10 each set For sale or further details, please contact Brian Cameron (574 2267). Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Havelock Lions Dry sheep poo for sale. $5 a bag. Can be delivered within the Havelock area. Ph Muff (574 2127) or Ian (574 2558) Proceeds will support youth projects in Pelorus area.

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Can stay onsite in mobile home!

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Captain’s Daughter Bar & Bistro 72 Main Rd Havelock Ph 574 2440

Bookings Recommended

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