Newsletter 155:10 29 July 2015

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Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #11 published Wed 12 August closes Thu 6 August. WEDNESDAY 29 JULY 2015 ~ TERM 3 WEEK 02 ~ VOLUME 155 NUMBER 10

QUOTE This week from Theodor Seuss Geisel 1094 - 1991 (Dr Seuss)… CALENDAR Mon 20 Jul Mon 27 Jul Wed 29 Jul Fri 31 Jul Mon 3 Aug

* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter.

Start Term 3 Reading Together first session BOT Meeting Community Classroom 17:00 Cross Country – Canvastown Keeping Ourselves Safe prog all classes Reading Together second session Wed 6 Aug Cluster trustees’ meeting Slip Inn 17:00 Fri 7 Aug Cross-Country postponement date Mon 10 Aug Reading Together third session Thu 13 Aug Totaranui Camp Evening 19:00 Pelorus Click on item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

NAUMAI HAERE MAI To Larissa Thornhill we extend a very warm welcome as she joins other Y3 students in Wakamarina. Lovely to have you with us and best wishes for a successful time at Havelock School. PEA STRAW Spray-free Pea Straw for sale at just $10 per bale. Phone 574 2323. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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THE KOS PROGRAMME You might recall this programme was foreshadowed as part of the invitation to the Parent/Teacher meeting last term which also covered consultation about the wider health programme and pubertal change. All classes will begin this important unit in Week 3 (next week) and endeavour to work through its themes promptly. Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS) is a comprehensive child protection programme in which students learn and apply a range of safety skills that they can use when interacting with others. For more details on this programme, see the frequently asked questions (PDF, 66KB). Teachers will be using the resources the New Zealand Police recommend within a whole-school approach as described in the intervention planning tool (PDF, 321KB). Keeping Ourselves Safe has been designed to give students the skills to cope in situations involving abuse. It has three overall aims: • to develop and strengthen children’s skills to keep themselves safe with other people; • to support and encourage abused children to get help from caring adults; • to make teachers and parents/caregivers more aware of the need to keep children safe from abuse by adults or other children. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Keeping Ourselves Safe will be taught by your child’s teacher, with support from the local Police School Community Officer as required. To be successful, Keeping Ourselves Safe needs your help and support. Your child may have homework activities to work on with you. It is important that you participate as much as possible and talk to your child about what they have been learning. This will help reinforce the messages the school is giving, and help your child to use his or her new skills with confidence. Please contact the school if you would like any more information about the programme or about child abuse. TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT Marlborough Primary/Intermediate Schools table tennis tournament. Sunday 2 August 9am start - Simcox Stadium. Open to all children up to and including Year 8. You do NOT have to belong to a club to enter. Separate boys and girls events, lots of prizes. Entries available Mitchell Sports Power or phone Debbie 578 6822 for more info.

BONE-DRY FIREWOOD FOR SALE Douglas Fir, Blue Gum @ $240/cord (3.6 m3) Phone 574 1416.

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants Masterminding brighter tomorrows Annual Financial Accounting Accounting Services Evaluation and Implementation

(Xero a nd the Cloud Training)

Business Advisory

(Development and Structure)

Corporate Advisory

(Cash Flows, Budgets, Projections)

Debt Structure and Management Due Diligence Management Reporting/Interim Reporting New Company Setup Strategic and business planning Succession Planning Taxation Tax Compliance and Advice Trans-Tasman Accounting

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

Dean Steele

CA, B.Mgmt (Hons)

021 249 1191

Ben Douglas

CA, B.Com, Dip Grad

021 249 1195

Brad McNeill CA, BCA, BSc

021 0206 7526

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CANDIDATES FOR OUTWARD BOUND Every year the Havelock Lions Club arranges sponsorship for a young person aged between 18 and 25 to attend a classic Outward Bound course. Funding for this comes from the Lions Club and from First Light Trust so that any young person who lives in the Pelorus area can be selected. The course runs for 21 days and during this time our candidate will experience all outdoor elements and activities Outward Bound has to offer including sailing, kayaking, bushcraft and navigation. However the most important aspect of the course will be the realisation that our candidate can rise to the challenge realising his or her potential and learning that, with perseverance, dreams can be achieved. Our candidate will: 1. Challenge him/herself and push limits 2. Reflect, discover what is important to them and determine their future direction 3. Learn about themselves from both success and failure to take their confidence and motivation to the next level 4. Discover what it takes to create effective relationships and be part of a successful team 5. Develop a stronger sense of personal responsibility in responses to real and challenging situations. If you know of someone who will benefit from this course please get them to contact Debbie Healy. Her phone number is DDI 520 6262, mobile 021 284 2424 and her email address is Applications close on Friday 28 August 2015. Candidates will be interviewed and all candidates will be advised who the successful person is by 11 September.

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

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With the support of a number charities this new 12-seater minibus has recently become a reality and has already been well christened on its maiden journey to the Pelorus camp at Totaranui last term. It is operated under the authority of the Havelock School Board of Trustees and whilst is clearly to support school programmes, it is generally available to nonprofit groups and organisations in the Havelock area that obtain user membership by application. Information, forms and conditions etc are available on the school’s web site under Admin. The school welcomes enquiries. Bookings must be made through the school office and after membership is accepted and the fee received. To date the following are acknowledged in helping the school and wider community achieve this fine resource... Havelock School, Canterbury Community Trust, Pub Charity, Pelorus Community Preschool, Redwood Trust and the Havelock Lions. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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7:30 Thursday 30 July 2015 HAVELOCK BOWLING CLUB Debbie Stone - Chair for the Havelock Mussel Festival

There are constitutional changes proposed for adoption at this meeting - for details visit

EXPLORERS As some of you know there is an explorers group operating in our midst. This is a Scouts type group run by volunteers for boys (sorry girls you’ll have to start a Guides type group). Its purpose is to give the boys opportunities to explore and learn new practical skills. We are a small exclusive group as that gives us more freedom to do a wider variety of activities especially when transport is needed. For more information about this group please contact Piers Throssell at Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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WINTER EXPLORER COMPETITION Are you up for a Challenge? Get out, Active and Warm Up by entering Sport Tasman’s Winter Explorer Competition! All ages can enter - Free! Register at to receive the map and quiz sheet. You must visit 5 of the 10 sites around the walkways and reserves in Marlborough. At each location you will find answers to three quiz questions. You have until the end of Winter - 31 August to complete the quiz and submit your answers. All correct entries go into the draw for some great spot prizes! Sonya Sutherland Community Sport Advisor (Marlborough) Sport Tasman DDI: 03 577 8855 ext 5

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Payment secures enrolment. Please make cheques to REAP Marlborough. Internet banking available: Westpac 03 0599 0321272 00

Hi Everyone. Morning classes took a break over the holidays but all classes have resumed. It would be great to have more on a Monday morning. If you are keen, come along and check it out. If you are new to the area Zumba is a great way to meet some lovely people and get fit. Take the class at your own fitness level and build up from there. Feel free to like Havelock Zumba Pam Elvy Facebook page for updates. 2015 WEEKLY TIMETABLE - Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence Street) Monday Morning class 10am-11am Monday Evening class 6pm-7pm Wednesday class 9:30am-10:30am (Havelock Town Hall) Thursday class 6pm-7pm Friday class 9:30am-10:30am $5 per class (under 10yrs free) 10-18yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water and a small towel. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

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SWIMMING LESSONS 18 JANUARY - 22 JANUARY 2016 Parents and caregivers would you be keen for your children to participate in a week of swimming lessons with a qualified instructor from Stadium 2000? The lessons take place at the solar heated Havelock School Pool during January 2016. We need a minimum of 20 children for the go-ahead. The cost per child will be determined by the numbers. If interested, email or phone with names and ages of your children or if you would like more information, email or phone Jeanette 574 2076. This notice will be repeated periodically and will of course be on line via the school’s web site under latest newsletter

or newsletter archive.

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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COUNCIL COMMUNITY BBQ FACILITY TO SUPPORT FUNDRAISING Council has installed a community BBQ facility next to the Reuse Shop on Wither Road, Blenheim. You can book the facility for your fundraising via the website, by email or by phoning 03 520 7400. The Reuse Shop has up to 35 000 visitors each year. Weekends and public holidays are the busiest periods. Bookings from across the community are encouraged.

Did you know? ‘Healthy Smiles’ require regular dental check-ups! Our clinics no longer close during ‘the school holidays’ so our staff are available to provide FREE care for your child’s teeth for 50 weeks a year. If your child is not yet enrolled; your contact details have changed; or you have concerns about your child’s teeth – give your clinic a call. Also, if your appointment time no longer suits you, or you have problems getting to it ......or are going to be late, please phone ASAP so another child can be seen. Your clinic is open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday and is listed below. REGULAR UPDATES FROM THE NELSON MARLBOROUGH COMMUNITY ORAL HEALTH SERVICE BLENHEIM & MARLBOROUGH MOBILE CLINIC 5209922

STADIUM 2000 SPORTS ZONE TERM 3 Fitness and adventure based games and skills encouraging your child to lead and active healthy lifestyle. Thursdays 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm 6 - 7 years Thursdays 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm 8 - 11 years Venue: Stadium 2000 Cost: FREE- for first term of enrolment only ($50 for Term 3 re-enrolments) CALL QUICK LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE Ph: 577 8300 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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MARLBOROUGH BOYS’ AND GIRLS AGRICULTURAL CLUB CHICKEN ORDER FORM FOR DAY OLD CHICKENS This is a chicken rearing project for 2015. These chickens grow into excellent laying hens. Day old Shaver Brown pullet chicks will arrive in Blenheim early/mid September (date to be confirmed). They can be collected from the airport. Arrival and pickup details will be provided closer to the time. On collection of the chicks you will need to keep them in a sheltered and protected environment with a heat lamp for 4-6 weeks. They will be hand reared and a diary will be provided for your child to record daily progress. The cost is $22.00 per unit (four chickens). It is anticipated that your child will enter the chicks into the school’s Pet/Agricultural Day on 16 October (the chicks will be about six weeks old by then) and will also be eligible for participation in Group Day 28 Oct should they meet the criteria. Please complete the form below if you wish to purchase chicks, and return to the school office by Friday 31 July. (Late orders cannot be accepted due to incubation time restrictions at Bromley Hatcheries). Marlborough Boys & Girls Agricultural Club. Further info contact Angie Holdaway 572 8092 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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I would like to order (delete as required)


1 unit (four chicks) @ $22.00 2 units (eight chicks) @ $44.00


Landline #: ________________________ Amount enclosed: __________________

Class: ______________ Mobile #:

(Please print clearly)



Please make cheques payable to “Marlborough Boys & Agricultural Club” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

READING TOGETHER PROGRAMME This programme got underway Monday this week and follows through on the discussions during the mid-year learning conferences. Invitations have been forwarded last week but the information may also be found here.




Tuesday, CHANGE OF VENUE Havelock Town Hall Classes: 9:30 am – 10:30 am Cost: $2.00 per session Designed to develop toddler’s physical skills. Thursday, Havelock Sports Pavilion Sessions: 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm Cost: $5.00 per session Contact: Susan 574 1443 Wednesday, Havelock Town Hall Classes: Star Juniors (Ages 5-9) 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm Star Seniors (Ages 10-13) & Leaders (14-16/17) 4:15 pm – 6:00 pm Cost: Juniors $50 and Seniors $61.50 for the first 30 children to register (subsidised by KiwiSport), thereafter Juniors $80.50 and Seniors $92.00. Contact: Stayz 027 344 3148 or Vicki 027 748 4172

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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MID-YEAR TRIANGULAR CONFERENCES These formerly concluded at the end of last term with all students having some attention focussed on them and their progress and goals. Should further dialogue be useful at any time please make contact with the respective class teacher and arrange a good time to meet. Thanks for making the effort. TERM THREE THEMES The whole school is working towards the Taiopenga (event/celebration) Kapa Haka to be staged in Blenheim very early in Term 4. Poi, waiata and haka are being prepared along with classroom activities around legends and associated arts. Also students in Wakamarina and Pelorus are learning songs for the Marlborough Combined Schools’ Music Festival which will be in concert the last Monday of this term - it includes some cool dance moves… plenty to practice. INTEGRITY Kiwi Can is also underway already with the theme centred around Integrity and all the associated values around it… Doing the right thing… even when no one is watching! Please reinforce this at home as different contexts can determine differing expectations hence the second part of catch phrase. Students have been working hard to understand just how it manifests in and beyond the classroom. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Pelorus Area Health Trust


Warm winter clothing for the Vanuatu Grapevine Workers Please drop your items into the Treasure Chest, Main St, Havelock These items will be donated on your behalf. Thank you for your support!

Shop Hours Monday to Saturday 10am until 3pm Hours can be altered at Volunteers’ discretion

New and Preloved Goods Shop ooOoo

Pelorus Area Health Trust’s New and Preloved Goods Shop The Treasure Chest, Main St, Havelock With your kind donations and purchases we have supplied Defibrillators and Blood Pressure Units to our Pelorus Communities, Medical Aid Loan, Health Education Grants and Community Grants. Donations to St Johns, Rescue Helicopter, Local Schools and many more local community groups, individuals and project benefits. Books are supplied to MBC and the Pelorus Community Preschool. We also distribute clothing to Rest Home Dementia Patients.

Thanks you for your support!! Visit our website for more information Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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HCA NEWS In a recent article on the Havelock Boardwalk the 20 July Havelock Community Association (HCA) meeting was incorrectly advertised as being a public meeting regarding the Havelock Boardwalk Project. Unfortunately, the error was not recognised with sufficient time for corrective action to be taken. The HCA would like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience to those who turned up to the 20 July meeting expecting a meeting solely on the Havelock Boardwalk Project. It is recommended that interested community members visit the HCA office, or frequent the HCA Facebook page where information on current and upcoming events can be found: From this month you will also find all the HCA minutes and information notices on this Facebook page. Hans is looking for new people to join the Boardwalk Committee. If you are interesting in being part of this established group, please pop in to the HCA office and touch base with Hans. ‘Havelock Branding’ is being explored at present as part of quantifying the region of Marlborough so that specific destinations, such as Havelock, can be promoted. Smart and Connected’s Cathy Bell is working with Hans Nielson and both are looking for interested parties from the community to join them in finding different ideas on how to promote Havelock. If you are interested, please pop by the HCA office and have a chat with Hans. At the HCA meeting on 20 July 15 Glynnis Paton spoke of a proposal for the beautification of Havelock. Both she and Liz Matthews have done some great work and have come up with many eye-catching ideas. They are looking at encouraging the community to establish some kind of Havelock Enhancement Working Group. It is early days but if you have any ideas or want to be part of a group such as this, please pop into the HCA office to hand in your details so that they can be passed on to Glynnis and Liz. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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