Newsletter 156:11 3 August 2016

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VOLUME 156 NUMBER 11 ~ TERM 3 WEEK 2 WEDNESDAY 03 AUGUST 2016 Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #12 published Wed 17 Aug closes Thu 11 August.


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless.” Mother Teresa

CALENDAR * Further information elsewhere in the newsletter. Mon 8 Aug BoT Meeting 19:00 Pelorus Wed 10 Aug KiwiCan Estuary Clean-up* Assembly 14:30 Hall Thu 11 Aug Reading Recovery Workshop – Mrs Eden Fri 12 Aug Pelorus Cluster Cross Country – Canvastown* Wed 17 Aug MGC Introductory Evening Tues 23 Aug PRT Worshop – Mrs Allan Wed 24 Aug Assembly 14:30 Hall Fri 26 Aug Daffodil Day Fri 2 Sep Marl Cricket Mon 5 Sep Mobile Dental Clinic Click item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

HAERE MAI NAU MAI Recently the school welcomed Cushla Brownlee and Emily Lawrence who have joined Kaituna. Wishing you many successes. HAERE RA We bid farewell to Hazley Hirstch (Picton), Ella Prosser (Witherlea), and Milla Boardman (Renwick) and wish them the very best for the future. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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RECOGNISED RECENTLY acknowledging recent achievement, effort and commensurate reward

Reading Nights (to 26 July) 50 nights Lauree Foote 100 nights Jayden Wilson-Steele, Hazley Hirstch, Berekata Obetaia, Kaedyn Pulham, Zoe Luscombe 125 nights Manawa Ward, Hunter Elvy, Chloe Hackett, Curtis McKay, Ben Robbins, Jack McKay, Courtney Brownlee, Alex Garland, Kimberley Pulham, Taylor Clark, George Robbins, Aroha Ward, Dakota Tyson, Maryanne Rimene-Solomon 150 nights Curtis McKay, William King, Abbey Lawrence, Alfie Foote, Hunter Elvy, Ellie Gatjens, Manawa Ward, Liddy Horton-Smith, Max Skehan, Mia Higgins, Emma McCauley, Ollie Foote, Phynix Lagden, Ben Robbins, Ayla McPhee, Caleb Bailey-Gatchell, Alex Garland, Jack McKay, Hannah Roborgh, Skye Gatjens, Lucas Skipper, Sakura Urakawa-Murdoch, Anika McPhee 175 nights Josh Steele, Jack McKay, Isla Baillie, Skye Gatjens, Hannah Roborgh, Boyd Elvy, Jordan Lawrence, Kane Elvy, Jessie Gatjens, Tayla Munro, Ashelyn Horton-Smith 250 nights Tiabeina Obetaia

ASSEMBLIES These have moved from after break every second week on a Kiwi Can day (so KC leaders could make the awards) to 2:30 on the Wednesday of the odd weeks. This slot will now be taken by another Kiwi Can class and also suits the community better as parents can then also collect their children afterwards. The dates of the assemblies are listed at the front of the newsletter and are also on the school calendar on the website.

Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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IN THE HOLIDAYS… In the holidays I went with my mum and dad and my sisters to the sounds. In the sounds we were only allowed to have power on for two hours. My tooth came out. I felt happy because my tooth came out and I got money. Ellie Gatjens

In the weekend it was my birthday and I got lots of lego and a bow and I got six arrows. I went with Dad and Mum and Alex and Zac and Thomas. I was at Hanmer Springs. I felt happy because it was my birthday. Josh Steele

In the holidays I went with my dad to Emily’s birthday. It was at Emily’s house. We played games and we had party food. I felt happy because it was fun. Abbey Lawrence

In the holidays my family went to the swimming pool with Anger and he pulled my tooth out of my mouth. When we got home I lost my tooth under the couch, but the tooth fairy found it and I got a two dollar. Alfie Foote

WRITTEN BY KAITUNA Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Written by Ari & Taylor

On Friday the 1st of July, the year 7 and 8 students went to the Technology Centre in Blenheim for the Marlborough Tech Challenge. There were 12 teams there including 3 Havelock teams. We had 4 challenges to complete using 5 minutes to plan and 20 minutes to create for each one. Challenge 1 was to make a dress of some fancy clothing, including 1 piece of bling for the Oscars challenge. If we got 1st, 2nd or 3rd Mr Crimp awarded us a certificate that he designed himself. Boyd and his team of Tayla, Jack and Shianne created a very good looking cowboy costume with a gun. Their costume was really cool but unfortunately didn't get a place. Ashley and her team of Jordan, Kane and Taylor created a super-girl costume with a bat thing. Their costume wowed the judges and they got 3rd, well done. George's team dressed Ari up in an evil-looking dress which looked absolutely fabulous. They got an astonishing 1st place. The second challenge was to make a rescue net for Miss Crimp's baby. This task was really hard because the judges gave us a clue half way through which made Jordan's team restart their net. George's team had a really good net, it looked like a football goal. Lots of nets were made out of paper but most of them snapped in two because the baby was too heavy for the net. George's net worked well but when the baby landed on the net the net dropped out of their hands and the baby fell on the floor so their team didn't get a place. Jordan's team had a net that looked like a bunch of knots made out of rope which worked very well. That earned their team 2nd place. Boyd's team had a net made out of paper that was woven together because we weren't allowed to use tape. That net worked really well up until Miss Crimp jumped onto it to see if it would hold her too. Their team got an astounding 1st place. Challenge number 3 was to make a water tower that could hold a 1 litre bottle of water. We had to make this water tower out of paper. Mr Crimp (who is no relation to Miss Crimp) said that triangles were the strongest structure. Jordan's team worked really hard on their water tower because they wanted to win that challenge and to win overall. Unfortunately none of the teams got a place this time. Our last challenge was the egg challenge. We had to get medicine across the river to the people on the other side. The egg was the medicine and we had to get the egg across the river (driveway) undamaged. Our materials were: paper, plastic, card and string. Sadly Ari's egg got destroyed and didn't get a place. Boyd's egg got annihilated and didn't get a place either. Jordan's egg survived the landing but was really hard to open. They got 2nd place and 2nd overall. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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OOBLECK ANYONE? On Monday Wakamarina made some Oobleck. Oobleck looks slimy, but it feels hard, smooth, runny, sticky, jelly-like, and oozy. Oobleck feels dry and melts in the sun. Oobleck feels like clay and it is icky and soft. It cracks on your fingers. It feels weird. It smells yucky and when you squeeze it, it goes hard. But if you leave it in your hand for long enough it melts. Written by Hannah FROM GUM TREES TO CASH Thank you to the students from Te Wananga O Aotearoa who took the opportunity to practise their chainsaw skills under the watchful eye of their Tutor Steve Betteridge, reducing the downed gum trees to a much more manageable size!

KIWICAN ESTUARY CLEAN-UP - Wednesday 10 August KiwiCan is organising a clean-up of the estuary involving the whole school. Everyone is welcome to come along and be a part of this venture. Departing school at approx 09:15 and returning by 12:00

PELORUS CLUSTER CROSS-COUNTRY – 12 August - Canvastown Hopefully you have been preparing yourself, training steadily and building up your speed, stamina and strategy. There’s still a chance for you to beat those kids if you haven’t started yet but you need to get training now – no more excuses! Transport will be required and notices went home with students on Monday 1 August. Please complete and return to school by Tuesday 9 August. In the unlikely event the weather’s no good for the 12th, we have a postponement date planned for the 19 August – see you there!

Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Havelock and Linkwater Quilters put on a Spring Fling With the help of some of our able students, the Havelock and Linkwater Quilters have been spending the winter term making some snuggly pillows and quilts, which will go on show at the Town Hall, on September 3 and 4, as part of the special Spring Quilt Show. Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, students from Kaituna and Wakamarina met a group of local quilters, and learned some of the basics of patchwork. Lots of pieces of coloured paper, irons, pins, fabric and machines were used as some mathematically inspired masterpieces were created, using some simple and some not so simple nine block patterns, all made with squares and rectangles. Led by Ruth Sussmilch and Michelle Campbell, and with lots of help from Mrs Eden and Mrs Wearing, who both brought along examples of their own handiwork, as well as inspiring quilts shared by the quilters, students created some amazing examples. These will go on show at the Town Hall as part of the Spring Quilt Show, when the best ones will be judged and some lucky students will win participation prizes donated by the quilters.

Havelock Blueshop – 69 Main Street, Havelock – Ph 03 574 2452 A good selection of  Giftware  Kitchenware  Tools  Garden equipment  Toys Too many things to mention. Come and have a look. Layby available. Shop Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

10:00 – 4:00 10:00 – 4:00 10:00 – 5:30 10:00 – 4:00 10:00 – 4:00 9:00 – 2:00 Closed

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Alzheimers Marlborough assists people with Alzheimers or a related Dementia and their families. Living with dementia can be very stressful but you need not struggle on alone. Alzheimers Marlborough is now available in Havelock to provide practical information, support and education to anyone in the local community whose life is being affected by dementia. Confidentiality is guaranteed. Alzheimers Marlborough will be in Havelock monthly on a Wednesday on the following dates: Aug 31st, Sept 28th, Oct 26th and Nov 30th. Venue: St Peters Church Hall, 30 Lawrence Street. 10am-12pm for existing clients. 1pm-3pm for a Drop In Centre for all Havelock/Marlborough Sounds residents. Alzheimers Marlborough – 8 Wither Road, Blenheim Ph 03-577-6172 Facsimile 03-577-6174 Email Web Facebook

A dementia-friendly New Zealand / Aotearoa

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‘Tap Into Water’ is a Nelson Marlborough Health campaign based on the simple, yet powerful fact that water is the best drink available. It’s the best choice of drink and helps develop healthy children. It's good for the mind and body as well. Nelson Marlborough Health is encouraging the local education sector to promote water as the first choice of drink for children, and to adopt water only guidelines in line with the Ministries of Education and Health jointly encouraging schools earlier this year to become ‘water only’. This also supports the Ministry of Health’s childhood obesity plan, and a World Health Organisation recommendation to foster healthy school environments. The ‘Tap into Water’ Oral Health campaign is now well underway with the local education sector, workplaces & children’s sport & recreation providers engaging in creative ways to reinforce ‘Water - the best choice’. In support, local artesian bottled water company E’stel, has generously donated a limited number of 350ml reusable bottles of water. We’d love to give them away to schools and Early Education Centres running not-for–profit water initiatives which encourage water as the best choice. To ensure we can meet demand there is a maximum of 100 bottles per application. Think creatively – it could be for your students or a workplace challenge amongst your role – modelling staff. If you are wondering what you might do then check out the website: for some ideas and resources. If interested in applying –please be quick : We would love to support your water only initiative. Kia ora Esmé Esmé Palliser Oral Health Educator Nelson Tasman [Mon-Wed]

Water - the best choice! - Tap Into Water

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Report from the Water Committee A third meeting was held with the M. D. C. on 31st July for them to update the committee. Investigations to find an additional water source in the Kaituna Valley have turned out negative and Okaramio was too expensive. We are now going to look at Twidles Island and the Pelorus Valley. Council’s main thrust at the meeting was for water meters to find leaks on private property, which, according to their calculations is approx. 30% of the water we are using. The W.C. is trying to ensure that if meters are installed, they would only be used to monitor and the issue of finding a new water source remains paramount. Council will call for a public meeting to discuss these issues soon. It is vital that all rate payers attend enmass! We will keep you informed.

MAINLY MUSIC Mainly Music is STARTING UP AGAIN. 10am - 11am every Friday at St Peter's Church Hall, 30 Lawrence Street. Music and movement for pre-schoolers. $2 donation per family. Morning tea provided. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Hi Everyone, I will be taking a few beginner classes starting with 3 this month. Regulars still attend as we will be learning some new dances. You are welcome to come to watch a class to get an idea of what Zumba is all about. Children are welcome to come but Parents please stay with them. Please feel free to ring to receive any information or “like” Havelock Zumba Pam Elvy on Facebook for updates. Beginner class for August are Monday 8th & 15th at 6pm Havelock School hall & Wednesday 24th 9am at Havelock Pavilion. 2016 WEEKLY TIMETABLE - Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence Street) Monday evening class 6pm-7pm Wednesday class 9am-10am (Havelock Town Hall) Thursday evening class 6pm-7pm Friday class 9am-10am $5 per class (under 10yrs free) 10-18yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water and a small towel. Pam Elvy 5741046 / 021 2632 431

Feel the music. Live, Laugh, Dance.

DRY FIREWOOD Gum, Douglas Fir, Lawson mix $240 (COD) for 3.6m3 load. Phone Rose 574 2954 or Tish 574 1416.

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The Marlborough Family Budgeting Service is looking for a Chairperson willing to take over this rewarding and useful role in a service vital to Marlborough at our AGM in September. The primary objectives of the position are to: 1. Provide leadership and guidance to the budgeting service in meeting its aims and objectives and in developing its policies and plans. 2. Provide leadership to and preside over the functions of the governance committee. 3. Cooperate with and support the coordinator and interpret the requirements of the governance committee where necessary. 4. Represent the budgeting service to the community and act as its spokesperson. For more information please contact Wendy at the Marlborough Family Budgeting Service phone (03) 578 2006 or email

Labour Weekend

Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

PEA STRAW Spray-free Pea Straw for sale at just $10 per bale. Phone 574 2323.

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COURSES REAP's aim is to give the Rural Community support, the opportunity to partake in activities in their area and to provide a tutor for the activities chosen by those interested. These courses are being organised by Havelock Community Education Service with Reap support. Cheese Making: Tutor: Simon Lamb Date and details: 13th August. Bonsai workshop: Tutors: Rod Wegener & John Simpson. Date: 27th August. Time: 10am Cost: $50 Each participant will be given a plant & pot and be shown all the processes and techniques from choosing suitable plants, soil, fertilising, repotting, styling, shaping, wiring, nursery & pruning skills and ongoing care. Participants will work on own plant. Worksheets will be handed out and books will be on display along with many bonsai plants. Limited to 10 people. Pasta Making: Tutor: Piero Rocco. Date and details: Yet to be arranged. Some positions still available. Butchery: Tutor: Bruce Anderson Venue: Rocky Creek Havelock Suburban Date: 17th September. If you are interested in any of the above or have an interest in any other courses which could be arranged please contact: Rita Jacobson, 5742176 email: for further information.

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Can stay onsite in mobile home!

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Havelock Mosaic Project This project will be contributing to the implementation of the Havelock Community Plan which has identified beautification as a priority initiative for the town’s future development. Creating a mosaic work of art on the kerbing surrounding the park where the Rutherford Pickering and Anzac Memorials are situated at 65 Main Road Havelock. The mosaic work will feature these tiles of the birds we see and hear in the township. A free form style will be the major part of the mosaic linking the ‘bird tiles’.

Working Bee On Saturdays dry weather only from 11:00am to mid-day starting 25 June to completion of mosaic Join us and be a part of this exciting new project Follow us on Facebook Glynnis Paton 027 646 2889

Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

Anne Boddy 574 2394

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Captain’s Daughter 72 Main Rd Havelock Ph 574 2440

Coming Events Quiz Night 6th August 6:30 pm With Quizmaster Jeff and his trusty assistant Strudel Cupcake

Lee Martin 12th August 7:30 pm Wonderful guitarist country/blues

Wine Night with TePa Wines 24th August 5 wines 5 courses $45.00 RSVP

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