Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #13 published Wed 09 September closes Thu 3 Sept. WEDNESDAY 26 AUGUST 2015 ~ TERM 3 WEEK 06 ~ VOLUME 155 NUMBER 12
Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your schools are the work of many generations. All this is put in your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honour it, add to it, and one day faithfully hand it on to your children. Albert Einstein
CALENDAR Thu 27 Aug Fri 28 Aug Mon 31 Aug Mon 07 Sep Mon 07 Sep Wed 09 Sep Fri 11 Sep Mon 14 Sep Fri
18 Sep
Mon 21 Sep Fri 25 Sep Mon 12 Oct
* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter.
Pelorus’ Totaranui Camp Evening Teacher-Only-Day* Yr 7/8 Technology (1/6) Yr 7/8 Technology (2/6) Reading Together Programme – Library Cuddon’s Regional Tech Challenge - MTC Havelock Quiz* Yr 7/8 Technology (3/6) BoT Mtg #6 19:00 Community Classroom Bandanna Day Cluster Speech Comp - Canvastown Yr 7/8 Technology (4/6) Dress Rehearsal Music Festival 11:00 - 14:00 Civic Theatre Music Festival Civic Theatre 18:30 for 19:00 start* Last day Term 3 First day Term 4 Click on item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.
If you haven’t already it would be timely to make a point of having a close look at the A1 posters displayed in the hall giving a hint of what is planned for our re-vamped adventure playground. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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The concept has moved beyond the current area and has taken into account the wider play space/s within a re-landscaped environment. The concept is bold but works with existing elements and takes themes from the wider Sounds environment… a very exciting set of concepts.
Comments and submissions are welcome by 31 August and may be made in any form. Submission papers are available in the hall, from the office and are also on line along with the concepts. You will find them under Admin on the web site… follow the links and see what is envisaged. Students are quite excited despite the long time in getting to this point. They are keen to see whether the elements they suggested are included. Ben Roborgh is the board’s Play Space/s Convener and comments etc may also be made directly to him. See paper for contact details.
Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants Masterminding brighter tomorrows Annual Financial Accounting Accounting Services Evaluation and Implementation
(Xero a nd the Cloud Training)
Business Advisory
(Development and Structure)
Corporate Advisory
(Cash Flows, Budgets, Projections)
Debt Structure and Management Due Diligence Management Reporting/Interim Reporting New Company Setup Strategic and business planning Succession Planning Taxation Tax Compliance and Advice Trans-Tasman Accounting
Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861
Dean Steele
CA, B.Mgmt (Hons)
021 249 1191
Ben Douglas
CA, B.Com, Dip Grad
021 249 1195
Brad McNeill CA, BCA, BSc
021 0206 7526
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Over forty Year 3 - 8 pupils are working hard learning lyrics and melodies for the eighteen songs on this year’s programme. Two years ago it was a grand night and certainly a festival of choral highlights. It is hoped this high standard can again be attained again with the two hundred students from other Marlborough schools on the last Monday of this term in the Civic Theatre. Over four nights, four large choirs of children from different Marlborough schools will be performing along with guest artists. Tickets went on sale at Ticket Direct on Monday 10 August. Get yours before they’re all gone - they sell out really fast… Adult $14 and Child (<17) $10.
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SCHOOL SEAFOOD STALL MANAGERS Jason and Tracey Clark have done a wonderful job of co-ordinating the school’s seafood stall at the festival for the past couple of years and now feel it is time to hand over the role. They have put together a great set of notes and contacts to help this run on smoothly. We are canvassing our collective readership in the hope a couple of folk may step forward to manage this event. There are always a bevy of volunteers who roll their sleeves up closer to the time and the day itself runs very smoothly. If this sounds like something you could do then please don’t hesitate to put your hand up. Tracey and Jason are very happy to pass on their collective wisdom and experience to make this a success again in early 2016. Please contact either Jason, Tracey or Mandy in the school office. COUNTRY SCHOOLS’ TECH CHALLENGE Only two of our seniors made it into this special event staged by staff at the Marlborough Technology Centre on the 31st of August. Despite some early nerves, team work, tidiness and sticking to a plan, Jack and Jordan saw their scratch team placed second. The day was well organised with quirky elements keeping it exciting. A short video of an early activity was placed on the Pelorus Facebook page for all to enjoy.
THANK YOU The Gallery Havelock would like to thank Pub Charity and their local partner, the Havelock Hotel, for their kind donation of funds to purchase a heat pump for the gallery. This has now been installed and is being warmly appreciated by the volunteers and visitors who drop in.
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SWIMMING LESSONS 18 JANUARY - 22 JANUARY 2016 Parents and caregivers would you be keen for your children to participate in a week of swimming lessons with a qualified instructor from Stadium 2000? The lessons take place at the solar heated Havelock School Pool during January 2016. We need a minimum of 20 children for the go-ahead. The cost per child will be determined by the numbers. If interested, email or phone with names and ages of your children or if you would like more information, email or phone Jeanette 574 2076. This notice will be repeated periodically and is of course on line via the school’s web site under latest newsletter or newsletter archive.
HAERE RA - KA KITE ANO Recently we said farewell to Larissa Thornhill and Marcus Rimene-Solomon. We wish them continued success. TOD Teachers are working this Friday to become more proficient with Office 365, Microsoft Classroom and the cloud. There are huge advantages for the families and students enrolled. Working within the cloud online is increasingly becoming the norm and clearly an important element of a 21st Century education, but first teachers and the technicians have to make it work etc. Good luck! Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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NOW HERE’S A CHALLENGE Take in some serious altitude for a good cause – Drop Your Boss Skydive is here. Raising funds for Kiwi Can (FYD) at the top of the south! FYD Marlborough delivers proven programmes that bring positive change to the lives of young people in the area. Two of Havelock School’s teachers have been nominated to be dropped or pushed (we aren’t fussy) out of a plane - whilst it is flying at altitude. To ensure this will happen we need to raise some cash and needless to say, there is already a serious competition developing to see who can reach the target first. You can choose your favourite to be dropped/pushed by heading to the Givealittle link of choice below. You can also make your donation at school if you would rather.
Tracey Wearing Piers Throssell
PEA STRAW Spray-free Pea Straw for sale at just $10 per bale. Phone 574 2323. WINTER EXPLORER COMPETITION Are you up for a Challenge? Get out, Active and Warm-Up by entering Sport Tasman’s Winter Explorer Competition! All ages can enter - Free! Register at to receive the map and quiz sheet. You must visit 5 of the 10 sites around the walkways and reserves in Marlborough. At each location you will find answers to three quiz questions. You have until the end of Winter - 31 August to complete the quiz and submit your answers. All correct entries go into the draw for some great spot prizes! Sonya Sutherland Community Sport Advisor Sport Tasman - Marlborough DDI: 03 577 8855 ext 5 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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CANDIDATES FOR OUTWARD BOUND Every year the Havelock Lions Club arranges sponsorship for a young person aged between 18 and 25 to attend a classic Outward Bound course. Funding for this comes from the Lions Club and from First Light Trust so that any young person who lives in the Pelorus area can be selected. The course runs for 21 days and during this time our candidate will experience all outdoor elements and activities Outward Bound has to offer including sailing, kayaking, bushcraft and navigation. However the most important aspect of the course will be the realisation that our candidate can rise to the challenge realising his or her potential and learning that, with perseverance, dreams can be achieved. Our candidate will: 1. Challenge him/herself and push limits 2. Reflect, discover what is important to them and determine their future direction 3. Learn about themselves from both success and failure to take their confidence and motivation to the next level 4. Discover what it takes to create effective relationships and be part of a successful team 5. Develop a stronger sense of personal responsibility in responses to real and challenging situations. If you know of someone who will benefit from this course please get them to contact Debbie Healy. Her phone number is DDI 520 6262, mobile 021 284 2424 and her email address is Applications close on Friday 28 August 2015. Candidates will be interviewed and all candidates will be advised who the successful person is by 11 September.
COUNCIL COMMUNITY BBQ FACILITY TO SUPPORT FUNDRAISING The Marlborough District Council has installed a community BBQ facility next to the Reuse Shop on Wither Road, Blenheim. You can book the facility for your fundraising via the website, by email or by phoning 03 520 7400. The Reuse Shop has up to 35 000 visitors each year. Weekends and public holidays are the busiest periods. Bookings from across the community are encouraged. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Lifeâ&#x20AC;Ś since 1861
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Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Lifeâ&#x20AC;Ś since 1861
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP Recently trustees spent some valuable time together at Te Mahia working with REAP’s new Schools’ Adviser Margaret Giroux. Under scrutiny was the school’s charter which is being reviewed for its vision, general and local goals… how do they fit, looking ahead over the next three to five years. In due course, following a little word-smithing, a draft will be circulated for comment from the community. It would be fair to say trustees have a very good grip of this foundation document and of course will, a little later in the year look at priorities and set up action plans. Trustees also looked a little at succession planning as another election is looking in the earlier part of 2016. If you have a wish to learn more about this important governance role then please feel welcome to attend the next of any board meeting.
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Hi Everyone. Awesome to have a few new people join. The smiles and energy in class are amazing! Summer will be here before we know it and what better time to get fit, tone up and feel healthy. If you are keen, come along and join in, meet some lovely people and get fit. Take the class at your own fitness level and build up from there. Feel free to like Havelock Zumba Pam Elvy Facebook page for updates. Pam Elvy 574 1046 / 021 263 2431 2015 WEEKLY TIMETABLE Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence St) Monday Morning class 10 am - 11 am Monday Evening class 6 pm - 7 pm Wednesday class 9:30 am - 10:30 am (Havelock Town Hall) Thursday class 6 pm - 7 pm Friday class 9:30 am - 10:30 am $5 per class (under 10yrs free) 10 - 18yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water and a small towel.
Do something that makes you feel happy everyday! Live, laugh, dance!
Tuesday, CHANGE OF VENUE to the nice warm Havelock Sports Pavilion Classes: 9:30 am – 10:30 am Cost: $2.00 per session Designed to develop toddler’s physical skills. Thursday, Havelock Sports Pavilion Sessions: 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm Cost: $5.00 per session Contact: Susan 574 1443 Wednesday, Havelock Town Hall Classes: Star Juniors (Ages 5-9) 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm Star Seniors (Ages 10-13) & Leaders (14-16/17) 4:15 pm – 6:00 pm Cost: Juniors $50 and Seniors $61.50 for the first 30 children to register (subsidised by KiwiSport), thereafter Juniors $80.50 and Seniors $92.00. Contact: Vicki 027 748 4172
Did you know? Tooth Decay is a preventable disease. Decay or ‘holes in our teeth’ are caused by acid attacking our teeth after we eat or drink sugar. Plaque is the furry film that builds up on our teeth everyday and the bacteria in plaque reacts with the sugar in our drinks and food and turns it into acid. Encouraging your children to drink milk and water is a great start to reducing those ‘acid attacks.’ NELSON MARLBOROUGH COMMUNITY ORAL HEALTH SERVICE BLENHEIM & MARLBOROUGH MOBILE CLINIC 520 9922
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WINDOWS FOR SALE 10 ALUMINIUM WINDOWS FOR SALE… 1.0m x 1.80m - all offers to be emailed to before 31 August. Windows can be viewed at Havelock Holiday Park, 24 Inglis Street between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm daily. Funds towards community projects.
PELORUS AREA HEALTH TRUST Pelorus Area Health Trust’s New and Preloved Goods Shop The Treasure Chest, Main St, Havelock Shop Hours: Mon - Sat 10:00 - 15:00 Hours can be altered at Volunteers’ discretion With your kind donations and purchases we have supplied Defibrillators and Blood Pressure Units to our Pelorus Communities, Medical Aid Loan, Health Education Grants and Community Grants. Donations to St Johns, Rescue Helicopter, Local Schools and many more local community groups, individuals and project benefits. Books are supplied to MBC and the Pelorus Community Preschool. We also distribute clothing to Rest Home Dementia Patients.
REMINDER RE PELORUS CAMP PRESENTATION THIS THURSDAY Parents are reminded of this event which will be hosted by students who will share photos, some history and some stories this Thursday night at 7 pm in their classroom. Students are organising a light supper. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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EXPERIENCE A NEW CULTURE MAKE NEW FRIENDS AND LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE at home HOST FAMILY OPPORTUNITIES In January, students aged 14 – 19 years from over 25 countries will be arriving in New Zealand to study at local schools for 3, 5 and 10 months. Opportunities are available to act as a host family in a volunteer/unpaid capacity. Hosting can be on a temporary, short or long term basis. Host families help provide each student with the chance to study and experience life in New Zealand. This is a great way to practice your language skills, share your stories, learn about another country and culture, establish a lifelong link to a family in another country and contribute to international goodwill. Our students bring with them their own spending money, health insurance and a wonderful attitude and desire to learn about their new host country. Your whole family...and your relatives and friends...will grow and learn as you all get to know your new ‘son’ or ‘daughter’ from another land. If your family can offer a friendly, supportive and caring home environment, contact us today. To learn more about this opportunity call Student Exchange Australia New Zealand on 0800 440 079 or visit our website. FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES FOR THE FIT ‘n’ FREE COMMUNITY GYM
HIGH TEA AT THE SLIP INN 3 PM SATURDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER 40 Tickets available $30 each Dress Victorian or Hat (optional)
$2 raffles & prizes for… * the most appealing costume * the most fabulous hat Contacts: Carol 021 065 6789 or Tracy 027 236 7196 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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SCHOOL CLEANER VACANCY At the end of this term we will saying farewell to Lynda Dunlop our school cleaner of three years. However, before she hands in her keys etc we would love to have some time to help a new appointee become familiar with the job. This jobs comprises 14 hours per week with highs and lows throughout the year. If you wish to know more, please contact the school. DOUBLE DOLPHIN AWARDS For some reason the last newsletter did not include the DD Awards. This week four or more will be awarded. Watch this space and your mailbox.
HAVELOCK SCHOOL Since 1861… Learning for life
14 hours per week Commencing later Sept 2015 The successful applicant will be able to work within a school environment (Police vetted), function within a glide-time framework, have a sense of humour, be of positive disposition, a problem-solver and able to work without supervision. Should you wish to apply please submit your application electronically to the email address below nominating three referees incl contact details with whom contact may be made. To apply or seek a Job Description contact: The Principal or ph 027 448 4789 Applications close 15 September 2015.
The parents of Courtney Brownlee, Drew O’Donnell and Anika McPhee recently received a congratulatory card sharing the news that one of their children had received a Double Dolphin Award. Kiwi Can leaders Di and Sophia handed the awards out at assembly last week acknowledging that these three students are exemplary as regards one of the school’s three R’s - Responsible - Takohanga. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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Congratulations. Ka pai!
Support the local businesses who support the school by sponsoring this smart phone app. Just search for PTC, download and select Havelock School. You can notify the school directly with absentee info and find other info at your fingertips. With only 75% of our parent community having access to the internet, this smart phone app makes a lot of sense. Try it. It is very easy to use.
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Annual General Meeting Thursday 17 September 2015 7:00 pm Havelock Town Hall EVERYONE WELCOME Copy of Agenda will be available from HCA community office Membership forms and committee nomination forms are available at
or HCA community office, 61 Main Road, Havelock Apologies to Phone 03 574 2555 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Lifeâ&#x20AC;Ś since 1861
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