Havelock School Newsletter 154:19 ~ 17 Dec 2014

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Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #01 Published Wed 11 Feb closes Thu 05 Feb. WEDNESDAY 17 DECEMBER 2014 ~ TERM 4 WEEK 10 ~ VOLUME 154 NUMBER 19


Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.... Dr Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

CALENDAR * Further information elsewhere in the newsletter. Fri 12 Dec Senior Graduation Tue 16 Dec Seniors host Canvastown for fun/games (12:00 – 14:00) Wed 17 Dec End of Year Assembly 18:30 – 20:00 Final newsletter published Thu 18 Dec Last day for Season Pool Key applications Fri 19 Dec Academic Year closes noon Mon 02 Feb Start of the 2015 Academic Year Fri 06 Feb Waitangi Day Mon 09 Feb Y7/8 Tech (1/6) at MTC First BoT Meeting for the year Thu 19 Feb Parent Teacher Meeting 17:30 – 19:30 http://www.havelock.school.nz/index.php/calendar Click on item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

Over the break keep an eye on the school’s FACEBOOK and HOMEPAGES NAUMAI HAERE MAI Just in time before the year closes we extend a very special welcome to both Isla Baillie who joined the Kaituna Kids and Ari Tremain who joined the seniors in Pelorus. To their respective families also we extend a very warm welcome – Amanda and Jim and also Yvonne and Jon-Paul. Enjoy the summer break with a busy and successful 2015 in prospect. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES ~ DECEMBER MEETING The board recently held its last meeting of the year and welcomed Asha McKay and Sarah Gatjens to the role of parent representative trustees. Being the last meeting of the year there was a solid agenda and a prodigious volume of material for pre-reading. Alec McNeil, Marlborough School Trustees Assoc Chair, was also present as a visitor. At every newly constituted board’s inaugural meeting a chairperson must be elected. This was completed expeditiously with James Donald returned to the position. With the mid-term election completed and the two positions filled the board moved to fill the outstanding vacancy carried over from mid-2013. Louella Perkin was selected by the board for her experience and brings to a full complement - the board comprising five parent representatives, a staff representative and the principal. Succession planning and training will be an early item for deliberation in the New Year as will of course the 2015 charter and the 2014 variance and annual report. The school recently had its auditors on site and their interim feedback notes sound systems and processes are in place and followed. The 2014 Annual Report will be in the public domain mid- 2015. Recently the Minister of Education and MoE announced that eleven Communities of Schools had been approved as part of Investing in Education Success, the government policy/programme announced initially by the PM in January 2014. Following a number of discussions at various Marlborough IES forums which Havelock trustees attended, the item was included on the December order paper and duly discussed. No action was taken as the Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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changing and evolving nature of this initiative suggested a wait and see approach was prudent despite an invitation to be involved in expressing an interest. At this stage the board awaits further development of the policy. Further deliberation will follow in 2015. The board’s first meeting of 2015 will be on Monday 9 February. The board, staff and students of Havelock School take this opportunity to wish all the newsletter readers a safe and happy festive season.

EoY ASSEMBLY/BREAKUP This happens at 18:30 Wed 17 Dec and takes place in the school hall. Pupils should be assembled in the hall at 18:25. With no costumes and make-up this year the excitement and stress should be somewhat less however, the opportunity will be taken by students to share a little of the curriculum and also celebrate successes. A cuppa will follow - a plate please. At right Olivia, Shianne and Marcus take some time out during lunch time last week to practise their chords and strumming in preparation for the big night. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

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WE HAVE A NEW BUS STOP Last Friday night the painting was done and now only the street light needs to be installed. Thank you for keeping the space clear at critical times. Should you be collecting your child/ren after school or visiting the Community Library, please use the Lawrence St car park. BUS LEAVES 12:05 This Friday we shut down at noon and so the bus will be departing from the school at about 12:05. From Monday 2 February 2015 normal times resume.

NEWS FROM THE HAVELOCK MUSSEL FESTIVAL The Mussel Festival Committee is delighted to support the suggestion from locals that will involve our town celebrating this year’s festival in the weeks leading up to the big day on 14th March. The committee is inviting local businesses, accommodation establishments and anyone else who wants to, to decorate their windows or premises with a Mussel Festival theme. A celebrity panel will judge the displays two weeks prior to the festival and the prize will be two complementary corporate passes to the Mussel Festival. Over the next few weeks committee members will be visiting you all to provide further details and invite you to enter the competition. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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At the time of writing this, Christmas Day is only two weeks away. If you are stuck for a Christmas present why not purchase a family pass ($65) or a ticket for an adult ($30) or a child ($15) these make a great present. You can purchase Mussel festival tickets from the Have-a-look Café, so you don’t even need to leave Havelock to get your Christmas shopping done!. Committee members Carol Caley, Graeme Barsanti, Maurice Coffey and Ian Cameron are waiting for your suggestions and comments as to what you think may make a great festival. The next Mussel Festival Committee meeting is scheduled for 28 January. Before then take time to share your thoughts with one of them as to what would make the festival even more successful. From all involved in bringing the Festival to Havelock, we wish you and your family a relaxed and enjoyable festive season and look forward to sharing a memorable day at the Festival in 95 days’ time.

LOST LAMB Lost lamb 4 months old from Kaiuma Bay Road on Thursday afternoon to Monday. Answers to the name of Mint, very friendly. She still has her tail. If found please call Megan 027 553 6990. THE HAVELOCK COMMUNITY LIBRARY Will be closed for the Xmas – New Year period from 18 Dec until 6 Jan 2015. During the holidays could you please have a hunt for any library books which may be due to be returned to the library. Two books in particular which are well overdue to the Blenheim library (being interloans) are: Lois on the loose Lois Pryce [large print] You don't even know Sue Lawson Should you wish to return these or any books out of library hours you may be able to drop them off to the school, Pelorus Community Pre-school or the Havelock Community Association Office (Eyes on Nature). The AGM is planned for 25 Feb 2015 and any/all community members are invited to join us. Wishing you all a joyous festive season and happy reading during the holidays. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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RECOGNISED RECENTLY Reading acknowledging recent achievement, effort and commensurate reward 25 nights ~ Hunter Elvy 125 nights ~ Lafai King 150 nights ~ Ruby-May Illsley-Slape, Lochlan Slater, Josh Steele, 225 nights ~ Conor Clark, Hazley Hrstich, Ollie Foote, Jack McKay, 250 nights ~ Kelan Bailey, Hannah Roborgh, Mia Higgins, Emma McCauley, Max Skehan, Caleb Bailey-Gatchell 275 nights ~ Liddy Horton-Smith, Drew O’Donnell 300 nights ~ Tyrani Stewart, Tayla Munro, Anika McPhee, Towa Urukawa Murdoch, Olivia Johnson, Molly Jo Munro, Ayla McPhee DOUBLE DOLPHIN AWARDS

Ellie, Marcus and Christian’s families will have received a congratulatory card sharing the news that they had received a Double Dolphin Award. Kiwi Can leaders Sophia and Di handed the awards out last Wednesday acknowledging that these three students had been recognised as showing qualities consistent with the Kiwi Can theme of resilience.

Congratulations are due also to the three students themselves. Resilience is something that can be developed but requires a network of trusted people and a belief in one’s self. Tino pai! THE YEALAND’S YAK The Yealand’s Yak is a 6-hour all women team trail event around one of New Zealand’s largest vineyards, Yealand’s Estate on the stunning Marlborough Coast. Teams of 2 - 6 women walk, jog or run in pairs around vineyard trails of 2 - 8 km. The first team to complete all ten trails in the fastest time will be crowned the winners… and when you’re not hitting the trails, it’s the perfect time to take a break, catch up, enjoy the company and have a good yak. Designed for women of all fitness levels, entry is limited to just 200 all women teams. Get your favourite 2 - 6 Yakkers together and enter now. $95pp incl limited edition bottle of vintage Yealands Estate YAK wine, meal after the race and entertainment. Could this be your New Year challenge? Interested in making up a team or two, then contact Rachel 574 2697. For more info goto www.yealands.co.nz/yak WHEN: SATURDAY 21 FEBRUARY 2015 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

WHERE: Yealands Estate, Seaview Rd, Seddon Colour version available on homepage – see top menu

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Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants Masterminding brighter tomorrows Annual Financial Accounting Accounting Services Evaluation and Implementation

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Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

Dean Steele

CA, B.Mgmt (Hons)

021 249 1191 dsteele@jacal.co.nz

Ben Douglas

CA, B.Com, Dip Grad

021 249 1195 bdouglas@jacal.co.nz

Brad McNeill CA, BCA, BSc

021 0206 7526 bmcneill@jacal.co.nz

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NOTES FROM THE COMMUNITY GARDEN Looking back on our year in the Community Garden is an interesting exercise. The early months with an abundance of produce and lots of vegetables to share among those in need were followed by the winter conditions which was definitely not a time of plenty. The carrots, for instance, decided to either go to seed or not grow and the garden looked generally sad. We have been very grateful to those in the community who have kept us supplied with silver beet, fruit, rhubarb, eggs and other vegetables. With their help and with the work done by our volunteers, we were always able to have goodies available for Cathy to collect throughout those colder months The garden is now planted up for the summer and, again we are grateful to Diane Dwyer for her donation of the tomato plants. In addition we have planted leeks, zucchinis, cucumbers, red cabbages, lettuces, broccoli, red onions, pumpkins and a fresh supply of silver beet plants and sowed carrots, beans and radishes. So the gardens are filled up in anticipation of bountiful harvests in 2015. (Or so the plan goes.) We have recovered from disappointment of losing our large garden shed to the wind. This was the shed in which we grew tomatoes last year and we planned in harvesting rainwater from the roof and using it for irrigation, so it was a big disappointment to see it smashed into an irreparable condition. Stewart Sargent had donated his time to us in designing the water collection and irrigation system and a grant from the Marlborough District Council Grants Committee had enabled us to buy the tanks for holding the rainwater. It was good to be able to tell the Council audit team when they recently visited that we had now bought a glasshouse strong enough to carry spouting and the water harvesting project was “on again.” We are grateful to the Pelorus Area Health Trust for their donation of $500 which has been used for the purchase of the glass house. We are also very grateful to Chris Knowles and the community workers for cleaning up the shed debris, building a raised bed in its place and shifting the compost bins allowing us to place the glasshouse. They even left us a sizable deposit of horse manure for good measure! So the garden is in optimistic phase and we look forward to extending our tomato growing season as well as at last realising our plan of utilizing the rain for the garden’s benefit. A reminder that if you know of someone who is in need of our vegetables, or you would like to volunteer to work in the garden on a Tuesday morning, please contact Ian Cameron on 574 2558 or email ianc.cameron@xtra.co.nz. Council auditor, Lisa Ivamy (left) with garden volunteers.

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TIME FOR FAREWELLS Year 7 and 8 students took some time out last Thursday to celebrate the end of another year and of course the last at Havelock for some. Paintball was organised and enough parents and staff joined them to make it interesting. Below instructions are given before the first of a series of games. [There was little point in taking a photo with the visors on as everyone looked the same and virtually unrecognisable.] Various games, tactics and teams produced, over a couple of hours, plenty of debate about who was hit by whom, where and promises of payback. Certainly everyone made their masks fog up making it hard to identify who was being targeted and whether or not they had their hand up in surrender – still those little coloured balls flew. Trying to crawl through the long grass over a stoney battleground looking for the enemy and trying to remain hidden produced enough bruises on its own. Of course bruises look “better” the next day and sure enough in the light of Friday morning there were some great art works peppered across various body parts by many. Great fun! Following paintball the whole group and others gathered for a more genteel and culinary pursuit at the Bamboo Garden. Eventually all arrived, even the washed and food soon appeared aplenty. Indeed after the dessert enough was bagged for a shared lunch for the Friday. Fully satiated but tired people headed home to prepare for some water sport involving balloons, a water slide and yet more promises for payback on Friday. Sadly of course these end-of-year activities heralded a bunch leaving for secondary and so following some serious water fights on Friday, seniors went home and cleaned up ready for their graduation function in the evening. The Mayor Alistair Sowman joined us as did our guest speaker Alex Parker. Both offered advice as you would expect and Alex talked about setting achievable goals and being committed to them. She gave a dynamic and vibrant presentation enjoyed by all present, ably assisted by Jess Donald. Guests presented awards and following her talk Alex Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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presented the Holland Trophy which was fitting as only five years earlier she had been the recipient of this NZ Curriculum Award given for all round academic excellence. Recognised as Dux of Marlborough Girls this year, Alex moves to Auckland to pursue studies in law and science. We wish her well and thank her for speaking to us. At right: Alex ensuring her message is getting through.

Below are listed the recipients of the awards presented on Friday evening. Year 8 students were presented with gifts and the quiet achiever Brooke then spoke on their behalf thanking teachers over the years for helping prepare them thus far. The school would like to acknowledge and thank the Havelock Lions for donating the prize that went with the Holland Trophy. At the final assembly on Wed 17 Dec further awards will be presented. As the year draws to a close we farewell our seniors and wish them every success as they meet new challenges and adventures hopefully being able to remember and apply much of what they have learned about themselves, others and the world. Right: Brooke speaking to teachers past and present on behalf of her peers.

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Jess, Mayor Alistair Sowman, Christian, Nicole, Brooke, Huna, Jess and Alex pose for the record before time disperses them to times and places yet unknown. Unfortunaetly Alec could not attend. Best wishes!

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MARLBOROUGH GIRLS' COLLEGE UNIFORM SHOP December Monday, Wednesday and Friday 11:00 am – 2:30 pm However, we are closed Wednesday 10th December Last day in December is Wednesday 17th January Monday 19th January 12:00 – 6:00 pm Tuesday 20th – Thursday 22nd 3:00 – 6:00 pm Monday 26th – Thursday 29th 3:00 – 6:00 pm February Monday 2nd – Wednesday 4th 12:00 – 4:00 pm

Pelorus Area Health Trust The Treasure Chest shop renovation will create a more professional, easy use shopping experience. The smaller shop will have $5 clothing items, books and those special homewares, ornaments and jewellery on display, creating a more “up-market” shop. The Mussel Barn will be zoned into sections where you can still get your bargains and any furniture requirements for your home. BIG thank you to the wonderful Treasure Chest shop volunteers and also Colin, Tom, Kees and Sue our community volunteers for all their time and effort with the shop renovation - also the PAHT Trustees for their continued time and support thought-out the renovation. Bill Skinner (027 574 2612) local Havelock Carpet Layer also very generously donated time & labour to lay carpet that was kindly donated by Elaine Reeves at Floor Pride. The Treasure Chest shop has become a great drop in centre for people of all ages. The Treasure Chest shop offers affordable, good quality new and pre-loved clothing, shoes, household goods and books. This year we will have great gift ideas for Christmas on display in the shop front window for purchase. So pop in and have a look at the new and improved Treasure Chest shop on Main St, Havelock. Our wonderful Volunteers are always happy to help, and opening hours are from Monday to Saturday 10am until 3pm. All shop stock is kindly donated by the Pelorus area community. Proceeds from shop purchases contribute to the running of the trust and projects that benefit our local communities and Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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support our motto “Local solutions for local problems” so we can foster the health and well-being of people within the Pelorus area. Don’t forget we also have medical aids (ie walking frame, shower seat etc), and baby equipment hire, which may be helpful to you over the holiday season when your loved ones come to visit. Please enquire at the Treasure Chest shop for range and availability. Emergency Meals on Wheels is available. The Pelorus Area Health Trust is staffed by a dedicated team of volunteers who are constantly working in the Pelorus area on the communities' behalf to improve access to primary medical care and to support local groups/communities in the development of their own health and wellbeing within their areas. PAHT also try to support any initiatives where possible, that fall within the criteria of fostering health and well-being within the Pelorus area. Contact us for any questions or further information. Health Education Grants are also available from PAHT, see our website for more details www.pelorusareahealthtrust.co.nz or application forms are available from the Treasure Chest, Main St, Havelock.

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SUMMER – READING – CAMPING Marlborough District Libraries Summer Reading Programme Join the Summer Reading Programme and be a reading champion these holidays! We have great prizes and activities for children registered on the programme. Be quick – places are limited!!! Enrolments start Monday 1st December 3pm at the Children’s Library. A parent or caregiver must be present for registration. This programme is for children aged 5-12 years. We will also be running a Teen Summer Reading Club for children aged 13+ years! Read books and get involved in some fun activities at the Blenheim Library. Teens must register to take part in this programme. Goto the online version of this newsletter for the url

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COMMUNITY DROP-IN CENTRE Thursdays 13:30 - 15:30 St Peter’s Hall Lawrence St. All welcome. Afternoon tea provided. Board Games, Cards, Jigsaws or just come and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Contact Val on 574 1121 or Kathy on 574 1448 ZUMBA IN HAVELOCK Hi Everyone. I will be taking a break over January. The last Zumba class for the year will be Friday 19 December 9:30am. The first class next year will be Monday 2nd February (the day Havelock School children start) 10am. If you haven't come to Zumba and would like to give it a go, that week will be perfect. We will be doing some new dances and just easing back into it. Feel free to like Havelock Zumba Pam Elvy Facebook page for updates. Have a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year holiday and I look forward to seeing you next year. 2015 WEEKLY TIMETABLE - Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence Street) Monday Morning class 10:00am - 11:00am Monday Evening class 6:00pm - 7:00pm Wednesday class 9:30am - 10:30am Thursday class 6:00pm - 7:00pm Friday class 9:30am - 10:30am $5 per class (under 10yrs free) 10-18yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water and a small towel. Pam Elvy 5741046 / 021 2632 431

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going" CHRISTMAS CAROLS OKARAMIO CHURCH

Sunday 21 December, 2:30pm ALL WELCOME Christmas afternoon tea will be provided For further info ph/leave message 572 8491 Helen will get back to you

INDOOR BOWLS SUMMER SEASON 2015 COME & HAVE A GO!! 1 roll up Thursday 15 Jan 7:30pm, Okaramio Hall For more details ph 572 8452 Gold Coin donation each week Will run until the end of February st

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PELORUS AREA HEALTH TRUST The Pelorus Area Health Trust offer various services to the community. We may be able to help you with more of the following:Baby Equipment Hire – Grandkids coming to visit…? We have a great range of Baby/Toddler gear for hire. Emergency Meals on Wheels – We provide subsidised meals to residents to help during your recovery period which is due to health related illness, surgery etc. Medical Aids – We have a great range of medical aids available for use in the community. We have wheelchairs, walkers, walking sticks, shower/toilet aids. Please come into to see us at the Treasure Chest shop on Main St, Havelock for more information and bookings. If you are unable to come to the shop please don’t hesitate to ring Sharyn on 574 2117 or 027 530 5600.


Monday to Saturday 10:00am until 3:00pm Hours can be altered at Volunteers’ discretion New and pre-loved goods shop Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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COURSES REAP's aim is to give the Rural Community support, the opportunity to partake in activities in their area and to provide a tutor for the activities chosen by those interested. Thanks for Reap funding support for all the courses during the year. These courses are being proposed by Havelock Community Education Service for the 2015 year. Day Skippers Course. Tutor: Frank Chesterman Successfully just completed. An introductory course for those new to boating. Applies to a wide range of vessels including yachts, launches, powerboats, PWCs, sea kayaks, and waka. Another is planned for next year followed by a Boat Masters course. First Aid Work Certificate and Revalidation: Tutor: Nine Scott – Triple One Care. A one day course. Full course cost $100. Time: 9am – 5pm. Revalidation cost $55. Time: 9am – 3pm. Check to see if your certificate is near expiring. Pasta Making: Tutor Piero Rocco. Course Date: To be advised. You will never buy pasta again once Piero shows you how easy and tasty it is to make. Date yet to be arranged. Mosaics Made Easy: Tutor Joan Clark. Course Date: To be advised. This is to be over two days to allow for drying. Learn the basics of Mosaics with simple projects on offer. All equipment supplied. These course have been requested and can be organised. Lead lighting Sushi making Chainsaw maintenance & safety Cheese making Digital Photography Computer for beginners Flax weaving Jewellery Making Landscaping Permaculture NZ Native Plants Oil Painting for beginners Winter Pruning Stone Carving Tufa Pots Upholstery Watercolour Painting Winemaking If you are interested in any of the above or have an interest in any other courses which could be arranged please contact: Rita Jacobson for further information on 574 2176 or email to ritacollet@clear.net.nz Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Did you know? That the Community Oral Health Service is open 8am-5pm Mon-Fri for 50 weeks a year, so all the clinics will be operating over most of the summer school holidays. Clinics will only be closed from Monday 22 Dec 2014 until they reopen on Monday 5 Jan 2015. For any urgent dental care during that time, parents should contact a contracting dentist in their community. Best wishes from all the COHS staff for a happy, healthy, ‘tooth friendly’ summer holiday BLENHEIM & MARLBOROUGH MOBILE CLINIC 520 9922

SUMMER HOLIDAYS CAMPS AT KIWI RANCH – CURIOUS COVE Senior Camp (11 – 14 yrs old) Mon 12th – Fri 16th Jan Junior Camp (8 – 10 yrs old) Mon 19th – Fri 23rd Jan Cost $160 includes an early bird discount of $20 if paid in full one month prior to camp. Enrol online www@curiouscove.org We also still have vacancies at our Summer Family Camp (Dec 28th – Jan 4th) DoC SUMMER PROGRAMME Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Department of Conservation. We have some interesting and exciting events on our Summer Programme this year - don’t miss out, check out the link to our website below for full information, but here are a couple of events to get you thinking about getting out and about during the HOLIDAYS. http://www.doc.govt.nz/getting-involved/events-and-awards/regional-events/summerexplorer-programme/ White’s Bay Night Time GLOW WORM WALK - SATURDAY 3 JANUARY 2015 – 9:30pm Come and search for Glow Worms and learn all about our bush night CREATURES. Meet at White’s Bay by the Surf Club and bring a torch and warm clothes. Cost: FREE Sawcut Gorge Walk WEDNESDAY 14 JANUARY 2015 – ALL DAY Join the Marlborough Tramping Club for a walk into the beautiful Sawcut Gorge, near Ward. Bring your own lunch, drink etc and be prepared to get your feet wet. Cost $15.00 (transport cost). BOOKINGS REQUIRED phone Jane 03 578 7441 Wairau Lagoon GUIDED MOUNTAIN BIKE TOUR - SUNDAY 18 JANUARY 2015 – 4:30pm Ride the trail out past the lagoons to the Wairau River mouth. This is the only time the track is open for biking! Grade 1 riding (EASY). Bring a picnic if you like. Meet at 4.30pm Wairau Lagoons Carpark, Hardings Road. Cost: FREE Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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SUMMER CAMP 2015 January 16 , 17th and 18th (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) th

The NBA Summer Camp is back now offering a development opportunity for boys and girls aged 11 – 17. Top NZ Coaches to include (subject to confirmation): • • • • • • •

Ed Book (former Tall Black and Nelson Giant) Phil Jones (former Tall Black and Breaker and current Nelson Giant) Tony Rampton (former Tall Black and current Nelson Giant Assistant Coach) Kat Jones (captain of Nelson Sparks 2012 championship team) Steve Campbell (former Taranaki NBL player) Sam Dempster Jodi Hikuroa (current Nelson Sparks player)

Individual ability and age groups will be catered for wherever possible. Venue: Saxton Stadium, Saxton Road, Stoke, Nelson Cost: Early Bird Special Register before Friday 7th November 2014 and pay only $190 Registrations received after the above date will be at $210 10% discount for 2 attendees from the same family This includes: Summer Camp 2015 reversible singlet, Players Manual, Spot Prizes This camp is a 3 day camp with participants required to arrange their own accommodation. ALL ATTENDEES TO PROVIDE A HEAD AND SHOULDERS PHOTO WITH REGISTRATION complete with height, player profile, position played and player “quote” To reserve a spot for the Summer Camp please register as soon as possible. For a registration form or for further information email Chris Varcoe, ceo@nelsonbasketball.co.nz or phone 03547 6419 or 027 272 1475. More information will be available on the Nelson Basketball Association website, www.nelsonbasketball.co.nz

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PTC APP - ABSENCES The PTC app for your smart phone has a link so you can quickly send an email detailing an absence. Remember to include child’s name, date/s absent and the reason. Leaving voicemail on the school phone does just as well but again remember to detail the three key pieces of info – by 09:15 please and earlier of course at your convenience. The generous businesses at right have allowed the school to be an early adopter of the ParentTeacher Calendar app or PTC. There are other school apps out there but these cost a small fortune and for our small rural school somewhat prohibitive. These advertisers have allowed anyone around the world to have instant access to the school’s event calendar on their mobile. The app is free and easily downloads and once installed takes care of itself and updates automatically unless you have a not-so-smart smart phone. If you haven’t already got this app then take a few minutes and get it sorted. Any extra info is available once the event is opened.

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To our teachers this year, support staff and volunteers – Vicki, Tracey, Piers, Ernie, Rita, Mandy, Gwen, Gillian & Lorain. Thank you for your professionalism and the constant diligence. To Lynda (cleaning), Pam and Jonah (grounds/pool) – our thanks for your hard work in keeping us clean and tidy. To all those volunteers too numerous to mention, thank you sincerely for your contribution. To the six families whose last child is leaving the school this week – for some it has been a seventeen year relationship – thank you for the myriad things you have done supporting the school in all it does for our community’s youngsters. Your investment in time, energy and expense will return a rich dividend as you view the association with some great people and activities over the years and see your child grow even more in the years ahead. To the many and varied local and not so local organisations and businesses who donated funds or supported us with advertising etc this year - DoC through the Cans scheme, Pub Charity, Havelock Lions, Marlborough District Council, Pelorus and Canterbury Community Trusts for their sizable contributions to our projects – thank you! To those who contributed with their school donation, goods – thanks! To those who donated their time and/or vehicles – a huge thank you. To the mums and dads who came on various school outings – thank you. To our trustees this year - Louella, Jason, Lyndon, James, Sarah, Asha, Vicki and Ernie – a very special thank-you for your time and deliberation.

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