155 01 ~ 11 Feb 2015

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Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #02 Published Wed 25 Feb closes Thu 19 Feb. WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2015 ~ TERM 1 WEEK 02 ~ VOLUME 155 NUMBER 01


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, “I'm possible!” CALENDAR * Further information elsewhere in the newsletter. Fri 6 Feb Waitangi Day Mon 9 Feb Y7/8 Tech (1/6) at MTC First Board of Trustees Meeting for the year Wed 11 Feb Kiwi Can gets underway Mon 16 Feb Y7/8 Tech (2/6) at MTC Tue 17 Feb Info session re Immunisation for Y7/8 Wed 18 Feb Parent Teacher Evening 17:00 – 19:30 * Fri 20 Feb Junior Swimming Sports @ Linkwater – transport requested

Audrey Hepburn

http://www.havelock.school.nz/index.php/calendar Click on item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

NAUMAI HAERE MAI ~ TE INGA We extend a very special welcome to Chloe Hackett, Abbey Lawrence, Tiabeina Obetaia and Courtney Brownlee who joined the Kaituna Kids last week, their very first official days at school. Best wishes for a successful and happy adventure. To their respective families also we extend a very warm welcome. This week we welcome also Kaedyn and Kimberley Pulham into Kaituna and Pelorus respectively. Enjoy the ride.

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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WELCOME TO 2015 Anyone keeping an eye on the calendar will have noticed how quickly it fills up and how difficult it already is to find spaces without commitments. Whilst this newsletter gives a fortnightly update of the larger school events there are of course myriad smaller activities going on within and across learning areas. The following gives you an idea of how you can remain abreast of the many and varied happenings in our learning community. • Newsletter – on the website/archived along with over 600 hardcopies distributed via snail mail to the wider community • Communications/Boomerang Book (supplied free to families courtesy of local advertisers) travels between home and school every day with pupils, useful for the daily minutiae of school life • PT Calendar – app for mobiles (generously supported again by local businesses) • Texts • Phone/voice mail • Facebook – follow us • Email (computer or via PT Calendar • School Website/Calendar and Class Blogs There is a wealth of information available at your fingertips. The Info Central tab on the school’s website is a great point of reference re the most commonly need-to-know items. ABSENCES The school community has adopted a policy which places an expectation on parents and caregivers to contact the school by 09:15 on any/every school day their child will not be attending. By 09:30 staff will have correlated this information with the morning's digital roll call. Unexplained absences in the first instance will be checked with a call to parents/caregivers. If further immediate information remains unknown local police are contacted. BEFORE 09:15 PLEASE NOTIFY THE OFFICE OF AN ABSENCE - Student Name, Date/s Absent & Reason - LEAVE A MESSAGE IF SO PROMPTED, TEXT DETAILS TO 027 448 4789 or EMAIL admin@havelock.school.nz Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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PARENT TEACHER EVENING ~ WED 18 FEBRUARY Pertinent information relating to specific learning areas can be found on class blogs, newsletter or coms book. Both a broader discussion relating to the school as well as more detail re learning area programmes is set to take place on Wednesday 18 February. Less formal than a learning conference there will be opportunity to meet teachers, parents, trustees and new families over a BYO tea poolside from 17:00. Following a briefing in the hall at 18:30 there will be a chance to re-group in learning areas and have a more focussed discussion on programmes, expectations and what is coming up • 17:00 Poolside BBQ/BYO Tea • 18:30 Hall Welcome/Discussion • 19:00 Classes Briefing Programmes etc FEB LEARNING CONFERENCES Already 25% of students and their parents have been online and booked a 20 min slot to discuss learning goals with respective teachers. Conferences run from 24 – 26 Feb and again from 3 – 5 Mar. To make a booking click on this link or goto www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and enter B96TF to access and enter the details. UP TO DATE CONTACT INFO The start of a year is a good time to ensure the school has accurate and current contact and medical information relating to your child. Naturally over time the information the school holds becomes out-dated as do medications etc. Please check with the office if you suspect some updating is due. Please include info re food allergies, changed family doctor, emergency contact person etc. ARE YOU A RELIEVER? If you would like to be placed on the school’s reliever list please make contact with Matua B and/or email your brief CV including contact information etc. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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SCHOOL LUNCHES With the first week or so already behind us it might be timely to discuss with junior the quantities and composition of the tucker bag taken to school to sustain them until they explore the fridge after school. Particularly pupils in Kaituna and Wakamarina require a small item to eat around 10 am generally referred to as brain food. Almost invariably this takes the form of bite-sized chunks of fruit or nuts that are easily handled and consumed. In addition, around the same time, the Fonterra Milk for Schools (video clip) scheme gives all students the option of drinking 200 ml of cool milk straight from the fridge. [Opt Out Form] Teachers keep an eye on what pupils consume during the day and at lunchtime. Advice from the school may be found here at Info Central. Further info re school lunches is available via this url http://www.kiwifamilies.co.nz/articles/school-lunches/

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HELP WE NEED YOU! Each year the school runs a very successful food stall at the local Mussel Festival returning valuable funds for wider school use. Clearly this success lies in the way a team of parents and supporters of the school come together – a great mix of talents, experience and muscle. What is required at this point are people who can offer some time during the day to assist as required either at front of stall or working in the “kitchen” putting together the various elements making up the great dishes for which there is always a queue. If you can help out for some time on Saturday 14 March then we would love to hear from you. Please contact Tracey on 574 1036 and help put her at ease, she has enough to contemplate in terms of orders, volumes and logistics. Help put some muscle into the Mussel Festival. Cheers.

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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BAG FOUND Last week students found this bag (Kathmandu Tent?) on the top field after a gusty lunchtime. If it looks like yours please make contact and we’ll get it back to you. WANTED ~ PARENT OR GRANPARENT HELP Our first grandparent volunteered last week to work alongside some of our youngest students in Kaituna. Thanks Carol. If there are others out there who can come on a regular basis please make contact with Mandy, Tracey or Vicki. We would love to have some more involved in our programmes.

MOORING LEASE AVAILABLE This is a 2 tonne swing mooring (for vessel up to 12 metres) in Ohingaroa Bay, Mahau Sound. It is sheltered with easy launch/retrieve. Ohingaroa Bay is 25 mins by road from Havelock, 10 mins from Linkwater or a short boat trip across the Mahau Sound from Havelock. Terms of lease negotiable. Contact owner on 027 282 3624 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants Masterminding brighter tomorrows Annual Financial Accounting Accounting Services Evaluation and Implementation

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Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

Dean Steele

CA, B.Mgmt (Hons)

021 249 1191 dsteele@jacal.co.nz

Ben Douglas

CA, B.Com, Dip Grad

021 249 1195 bdouglas@jacal.co.nz

Brad McNeill CA, BCA, BSc

021 0206 7526 bmcneill@jacal.co.nz

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HAVELOCK MARKET The Havelock Lions are very pleased with our January market day result, with over $350 raised from the sausage sizzle and drinks stand, site fees, sale of sheep poo and the Lions own stall, to go towards the Cactus programme for Havelock youth which is to take place in Term 2. We are grateful to Bill who made and donated two kitchen blackboards – these were raffled and raised $42 of the total. It was great to see our regular stall holders there to greet some old friends back and welcome some new stallholders. The Petanque raised quite a bit of interest – thanks to Neville for preparing the ground so well and to Yvonne for supplying the balls. It seems the Club have a couple of new members when they saw what fun the game was. However, the prize for colour and sheer energy must go to the Morris Dancers. We enjoyed over two hours of almost non-stop entertainment and many patrons commented that the dancing gave a nice atmosphere to the market. Those brave enough to join in the last dance appreciated how fitness and mental agility are both needed if you want to keep up with the ladies. Havelock is very lucky to have community members willing to give up so much of their time to take the Cactus course before school commitments occur of a morning. They know that the programme teaches self-esteem, team-work and other worthwhile social skills. Havelock Lions are very pleased to be able to raise funds for such a worthwhile course. Our next market will be at the Domain on Saturday 28 February (9:00 am – 1:00 pm). If you want to book a site please ring Ian 574 2558. BINGO CANCELLED The Club has reluctantly decided to cancel the bingo evening scheduled for 21 February. With our most experienced caller Cathy, not being available at this time, it was decided to defer the evening to later in the year. Our apologies to all who were looking forward to the night.

Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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NEWS FROM THE HAVELOCK MUSSEL FESTIVAL News from the Mussel Festival Committee just keeps getting better and better. This week the Committee has announced a Mussel Outfit Competition for children and teenagers. There are two categories; children aged 10 and under and the second for those aged 11 to 16. This is a great opportunity for creative abilities to shine! Entry is free, although the entrant needs to have purchased a Mussel Festival ticket ($15 for children). There will be a prize for first place in each category which has kindly been donated by Clem and Pim Mellish. The entry form and conditions of entry are available by emailing admin@marlborough4fun.co.nz phoning 03 577 8935 or calling in at the school office. Judging will take place on the day promptly at 12:15pm at the Main Stage. Another new feature this year will be the Kid’s Mussel Shell Decorating Competition. This will run between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm in the Kid’s Area. The Festival Committee will supply the clean mussel shells, glue, paint and whatever else needed to decorate a mussel shell. The competition will be judged at 1:00 pm by a local identity. Entry to this competition is free. There will be heaps of other kids’ activities and inflatables in the MIWA Kidzone. The Mussel Hustle is definitely back this year with a $10/team entry feeand some great prizes on offer along with recognition of course as being the fastest team! It will start at 2:00 pm along Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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with the More FM “Show Us Your Mussels” competition. There will be two Mussel Hustle team categories, one for children aged 6 - 12 years and one for the adults. Meanwhile businesses in Havelock are gearing up for the best Mussel Festival themed display. Mayor Alistair Sowman, accompanied by More FM, will be judging the competition in the weeks leading up to the festival. The prize is two tickets to the Mussel Festival corporate tent. So with entertainment provided by Benny Tipene, Mitch Alderlieste, Onestep, Queen Charlotte College Kapa Haka Group, Marlborough Boys’ College Jazz Ensemble and Avidiva plus cooking by Chelsea Winter and Chris Fortune, the day promises excellent entertainment for a very reasonable cost. You can purchase Mussel Festival tickets locally from the Have-a-look Café. Early bird prices which finish on 28th February are; Family Pass @ $65, Adult @ $30, Child @ $15. Committee members Carol Caley, Graeme Barsanti, Maurice Coffey and Ian Cameron thank you for your suggestions to make the festival a great success for our community. Remember that the greater the success, the more money will be available for our community organisations.

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EXERCISE SOUTHERN KATIPO 2015 The New Zealand Defence Force invites the community of Havelock to a public meeting about Exercise Southern Katipo 2015. There will be a briefing about the exercise, the geographical areas covered, what impact there may be on the area and how you can get involved as a role player. COMMUNITY BRIEFING/MEETING When: 10:00 hrs Thursday 26 February 2015 Where: With who:

Havelock Community Hall Colonel Martin Dransfield (Exercise Director) and his key staff

For further information, contact: southernkatipo@nzdf.mil.nz

THE HAVELOCK COMMUNITY LIBRARY The Library AGM will be held on 25 February 2015 at 3:30 pm in the Library. All members of the wider community are warmly invited. BOOK RAFFLE RESULTS The library committee would like to thank all who supported the library in the recent fundraising raffle. The raffle was drawn under police supervision and the winner of ten books is Marion Marfell. PELORUS NETBALL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

Havelock Hotel

Thursday February 19th at 7:00 pm All new and existing players and parents welcome Inquiries phone Ali Millar 021 308 996 COMMUNITY DROP-IN CENTRE Thursdays 13:30 - 15:30 St Peter’s Hall Lawrence St. All welcome. Afternoon tea provided. Board Games, Cards, Jigsaws or just come and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Contact Val on 574 1121 or Kathy on 574 1448 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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COURSES REAP's aim is to give the Rural Community support, the opportunity to partake in activities in their area and to provide a tutor for the activities chosen by those interested. These courses are being organised by Havelock Community Education Service with REAP support. Day Skippers Course – 15 hours Tutor Frank Chesterman Dates TBA An introductory course for those new to boating. Applies to a wide range of vessels including yachts, launches, powerboats, PWCs, sea kayaks, and waka. Aim: To gain essential boating knowledge and safety. Qualification NZ Day Skipper Certificate. Unit Standard 26542 available. Modules 1. The Boat • Parts of a boat • Boating equip • Boat handling

2. Navigation • The chart • Compass • Tides & weather • Buoys & beacons

3. Rules & Regs 4. Emergencies • Rules of the road • Distress signals at sea • Emergency • Lights & sound situations signals • Hypothermia • Navigation safety rules • Skipper resp

5. Knots • Knots, bends & hitches

First Aid Work Certificate and Revalidation Tutor: Nine Scott – Triple One Care Date: To be advised. A one day course. Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Course cost: Full course $105, Revalidation $60. Pasta Making Tutor: Piero Rocco Date: 11 April 2015 starting at 11:00 am. You will never buy pasta again once Piero shows you how easy and tasty it is to make. A few positions still available. Mosaics Made Easy Tutor Joan Clark Date: 28-29 April 2015. This is to be over two days to allow for drying. Learn the basics of Mosaics with simple projects on offer. All equipment supplied. The venue will be the Community Classroom at Havelock School. A few positions are still available. If you are interested in any of the above or have an interest in any other courses which could be arranged please contact: Rita Jacobson, 574 2176 email: ritacollet@clear.net.nz MINIBALL TERM 1 2015 ~ MARLBOROUGH LINES STADIUM 2000 Tuesday 17 February – 31 March (7 weeks) 3:45 pm – 4:30 pm $30.00 Registration to the office prior or on the day Miniball is a basketball skills programme for 5 - 8 year olds. The program’s focus is on skill development for new players, and will be divided into groups based on age and ability. A lower hoop, smaller ball and smaller court are used to teach the basics of basketball. Basketball games are only played at the end of the programme. Steff Southey Administrator Marlborough Basketball Assoc info@marlboroughbasketball.org.nz Ph 577 8300 Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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ZUMBA IN HAVELOCK Hi Everyone. Zumba is back on for 2015. I hope you all had a great Christmas break. Please note that Wednesday morning classes are now at the Havelock Town Hall. All other classes are still at Havelock School Hall. I look forward to classes this year and what they will do for your mind and body. Feel free to like Havelock Zumba Pam Elvy Facebook page for updates. 2015 WEEKLY TIMETABLE - Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence Street) Monday Morning Class 10:00 am - 11:00 am Monday Evening Class 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Wednesday Class 9:30 am - 10:30 am (Havelock Town Hall) Thursday Class 6:00 pm- 7:00 pm Friday Class 9:30 am - 10:30 am $5 per class (under 10yrs free) 10 - 18yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water and a small towel.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Work hard and get results

Pam Elvy 574 1046 / 021 2632 431

RESOURCE RECOVERY CENTRE OPEN DAY 10:00 AM TILL 3:30 PM SATURDAY 21 FEBRUARY 2015 The Marlborough District Council is holding an OPEN DAY at the Resource Recovery Centre on Saturday 21 February 2015 between 10:00 am and 3:30 pm. The purpose of the day is to give the public a behind the scenes look at what goes on at the centre in relation to recycling and unveil the refurbished salvage yard and e-waste collection point. There will be various stalls with displays from the companies associated with these services including equipment suppliers and the Council Contractor. The Resource Centre will be open as normal so visitor numbers should be over 1 000. Part of the refurbishment includes the supply of a permanent BBQ area that we would like the community to utilise for fundraising similar to the units available at retail outlets in Blenheim. To kick this off Seddon School will be the first to operate the BBQ at the open day. Food and cold drinks will be served from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm on the day. A coffee cart will be supplied by others. TREASURE CHEST NEW & PRE-LOVED GOODS SHOP HAVELOCK HUGE SALE! 50% off all items – one day only on Saturday 14 March – Come celebrate the Havelock Mussel Festival and grab a bargain at the Treasure Chest. Usual Hours Mon - Sat 10:00 am until 3:00 pm (Hrs can be altered at Volunteers’ discretion) FOR SALE Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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PELORUS AREA HEALTH TRUST The Pelorus Area Health Trust offer various services to the community. We may be able to help you with more of the following:Baby Equipment Hire – Grandkids coming to visit…? We have a great range of Baby/Toddler gear for hire. Emergency Meals on Wheels – We provide subsidised meals to residents to help during your recovery period which is due to health related illness, surgery etc. Medical Aids – We have a great range of medical aids available for use in the community. We have wheelchairs, walkers, walking sticks, shower/toilet aids. Please come into to see us at the Treasure Chest shop on Main St, Havelock for more information and bookings. If you are unable to come to the shop please don’t hesitate to ring Sharyn on 574 2117 or 027 530 5600. FOR SALE 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINER @ $4000 Great second-hand condition, water tight, lockable and tidy. Buyer to arrange own collection and transportation. Welcome to view (just out of Canvastown) – more photos available. Please contact Mel at the Pelorus Area Health Trust 574 2618 or email secretary@pelorusareahealthtrust.co.nz for more info.

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THANKS Over the break some serious tree pruning was completed by Ben Roborgh and Allan Elvy. Trees on the road side and southern boundary were tidied up and most turned into mulch with a chipper. The experience, expertise and hard work at the height of summer is much appreciated by all. The areas are now much tidier and inviting not to mention safer. Appreciated gentlemen. GUIDED SNORKEL DAYS Sunday 15 February at Long Island Kokomohua Marine Reserve (departs Picton 8am). Cost is $30 per person to cover Cougar Line water taxi (plus booking fee). Conditions: All participants must be 7 years or older and accompanied by an adult if under 15. You should read the Risk Management document before booking. All participants will need to print and return by post a Registration & Disclaimer Form (will be sent to you after booking online – see URL below… http://www.nec.org.nz/event/long-island-snorkel-day-departs-picton/ CHILDREN’S DAY is Sunday 1 March. It is the day we celebrate our children by spending time with them as a family. This is the most common response children give when asked what they want most. Children treasure the time spent with their family doing things together. This is a chance to go the extra mile for your children and show that you treasure them too. Goto the Children’s Day website www.childrensday.org.nz To help you enjoy your children or grandchildren come to Brayshaw Park between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm for a fun, interactive time together. There will be all sorts of activities for all ages from bouncy castles to water play to performances to watch and games to play. The focus is totally on the children. Bring a picnic as only limited food will be available. Water will be provided. Lots of groups who are child focussed will be there for you to meet and to give you a chance to see what services for children are available here. For further information contact Michelle.Brown@barnardos.org.nz Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861





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SO YOU’VE UPGRADED TO A NEW MOBILE… What then to do with your old one? If it is still internet capable and has the charger then the school would love to receive it as a kind donation. Firstly though reset it so any data is removed etc including passwords and contacts. These machines can quickly be set up and use the school’s wireless network to become a BYOD allowing for larger groups to have an individual device for accessing the internet.

SCHOOL STATIONERY Thanks to all those parents who accessed the Stationery List/s from the web over the holidays and got this sorted quickly last week. Prices available through the school are difficult to better elsewhere. Payments via internet banking are also making it easy to do the business. The school’s bank account number appears at the bottom of the list. Info re t-shirts, hats, donations and technology etc are included on the form. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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This reading programme helps to motivate, monitor and encourage independent readers with a focus on comprehension. We want our children to be able to choose books that they will enjoy reading and understand well what they read. The reason for this being that to understand what you are reading creates satisfaction and leads to a love of reading. To achieve this it is vital the children choose books that are age appropriate and are at the right level of difficulty. Literacy Pro (formerly Lexile) matches books with kids. It has rated over 9 000 books with a Lexile Level. This level relates to the complexity of the concept, vocab, sentences, grammar etc in the book. Some of the Scholastic Book Club titles have a Lexile rating at the front and so can be used as part of the programme as well. Other titles are available from libraries. The Literacy Pro Process • The school registers for the Literacy Pro programme (by end Feb) and purchases licences for its Year 3 – 8 students ($5 incl on Stationery List). • The children sit a Lexile test and are given a Lexile score relating to their ability to comprehend text. Texts should then be selected from within this level appropriate for their age and ability. • The children access and read these books. Some have a quiz which the children can sit online. • From time to time the children sit another Lexile test to check the level. • The children are able to access the programme at school and at home at Scholastic Learning Zone with their own user name and password. We believe that this programme will provide our children with a valuable opportunity to help them read suitable books which they comprehend well. During their time in the Junior School (Yrs 1 - 2) children learn to read. The focus at this stage is on learning to decode text, read with fluency and comprehend what they read. The Middle School (Yrs 3 – 6) focus provides a transition from 'Learning to Read' to 'Reading to Learn'. The ability for children to comprehend texts with in depth comprehension is developed. In the Senior School (Yrs 7 – 8) the children need to be able to comprehend text well so they can gain information from text to use in all areas of the curriculum. Literacy Pro encourages and monitors comprehension. If our pupils are capable readers with the ability to comprehend well, they will become independent and lifelong readers, increasing their chances of success across the wider curriculum. http://nz.scholastic.com/en/literacy-pro Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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COMMUNITY OFFICE 61 Main Road Havelock [Old Post Office] Open Tue - Thu 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Phone 574 2555 Urgent community concerns outside these times please phone 027 695 5530 or 027 693 0220. HCA News Happy New Year to everyone and let us hope that 2015 is a good year for all. The HCA Committee had its first meeting on 19 Jan 2015 with members of the community attending - great to see. The next meeting (always held in the Supper Room of the Town Hall) will be on 16 Feb 2015. Everyone welcome to come along. • •

• •

Full minutes of the HCA meetings can be read at the HCA Office which is open between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm Tuesday to Thursday. Members are being emailed directly with a copy of this bulletin. If you wish to be a member of the Havelock Association just pop into the HCA office to get an application form. Membership is increasing steadily which is good to see. This bulletin can be accessed on www.peloruspeople.org.nz and the Havelock Facebook site. Both these pages are a great asset to Havelock and definitely worth a look. Hans Nielson, our new Community Development Advisor, started work in January. He is here to help give Havelock a bigger profile. He can be contacted by calling in at the Community Office. The appointment has been funded by a direct grant from the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) and it is a great coup to have won this and to have Hans with us. Please introduce yourself to him as the more he knows about Havelock the better! Remember, the next meeting is 16 Feb 2015 in the Supper Room. TIME

Here’s your chance to “Get Muddy” and not get told off! Fun to be had for everyone at the Marlborough Muddy Buddy to be held in the Havelock Estuary off “The Mole.” Challenge all your new mates at school or work to get out there and get muddy and have a heap of fun doing it. Fancy dress is optional but closed shoes are compulsory. Children under 10 years need to have an adult… C’mon Mum, join the fun! All information is on the Sport Tasman Website. Thanks so much to the Marlborough and Havelock Businesses who have kindly supported this event.

Great Day

Great Fun

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