Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #18 Published Wed 03 Dec closes Thu 27 Nov. WEDNESDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2014 ~ TERM 4 WEEK 06 ~ VOLUME 154 NUMBER 17
QUOTE By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the most bitter. Confucius
CALENDAR Mon 17 Nov Thu 20 Nov Mon 24 Nov Fri 28 Nov Mon 1 Dec Tue 2 Dec Mon 8 Dec Thu 11 Dec Fri 12 Dec
* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter.
Yrs 7/8 Tech (3/6) at MTC Yrs 4-8 Marlborough Museum & Omaka Heritage Centre Yrs 7/8 Tech (4/6) at MTC Yr 8 Colleges’ Orientation Day Yrs 7/8 Tech (5/6) at MTC Board of Trustees Meeting 19:00 Community Classroom Yrs 7/8 Tech (6/6) at MTC Yrs 7/8 Paintball Student Reports Issued Senior Graduation Mon 15 Dec Yr 6 Technology Centre Orientation Wed 17 Dec End of Year Assembly Click on item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.
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NEW MAIN ROAD LAYOUT The pedestrian refuge is now virtually complete with only a street light needing to be installed. Parents and members of the public used to the convenience of parking just outside the school or pre-school are met with yellow lines prohibiting parking. This is clearly necessary as the margins of the road are now used for traffic as it negotiates the refuge/island. As a consequence the school bus too has to stop just beyond the St John’s driveway. This spot has been deemed as the safest by the boffins for students to dis/embark the bus. Having a car parked there forces the bus to find another park further down the Main Road or not at all should other vehicles be parked beyond Lawrence St. Should you be collecting your child/ren after school or visiting the Community Library, please use the Lawrence St car park. A time-limited BUS STOP marked by yellow lines is anticipated but to date this has not been completed. We have already had the problem of the bus being unable to board children in the best spot after school. Please leave this space free from 08:30 till 09:30 and again from 14:30 till 15:30. Thanks for spreading the word.
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COMMUNITY STALL The team at the Marlborough Artisan Market have kindly offered a stall to local community groups to use throughout the summer on a weekly bookings basis. The stall could be used to raise your organisation’s profile, to fund raise or to promote an upcoming event etc. They will provide a gazebo and table so you will just need to take along signage and resources for your organisation. If you are interested in having a stall please email with your contact details and they will get in touch to discuss a date etc. This is a generous offer from the Market and it would be great to see some of our local community groups there on Saturday mornings throughout summer.
Nicola Corbishley Volunteer Services Coordinator Marlborough House 21 Henry Street, Blenheim 7201 Ph: 03 577 9388 Email: Web: Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861
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Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants Masterminding brighter tomorrows Annual Financial Accounting Accounting Services Evaluation and Implementation (Xero a nd the Cloud Training)
Business Advisory
Dean Steele CA, B.Mgmt (Hons)
021 249 1191
(Development and Structure)
Corporate Advisory (Cash Flows, Budgets, Projections)
Debt Structure and Management Due Diligence Management Reporting/Interim Reporting New Company Setup Strategic and business planning Succession Planning Taxation Tax Compliance and Advice Trans-Tasman Accounting
Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861
Ben Douglas CA, B.Com, Dip Grad
021 249 1195
Brad McNeill CA, BCA, BSc
021 0206 7526
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PELORUS CLUSTER ATHLETICS For once the weather gods smiled on our endeavours and granted us a day with a cool start and the promise of sunshine and light winds. The scene was set early in the week as ground markings, signs and equipment all came together to transform the top field into a venue for a track and field meet. Students and teachers to had been working to perfect skills in anticipation of the competition from around the Pelorus. Following a warm-up by Ian Carter, our cluster athletics coach, the first round of events got underway. In thirty minute modules the programme unfolded with students working to achieve their best attempt against the standards, scoring a 6 if possible, a 4 perhaps or even a 2. At the conclusion of the day all individuals’ cards were collected and entered into a computer to determine a mean score for each school as well as identifying cluster champions, helping inform areas of need or strength and whether standards were set about right. School
Mean Score
# Students
Canvastown Rai Valley Havelock Linkwater
23.867 21.111 20.528 19.000
1 2 3 4
30 45 53 28
At left the table shows how things ended up. Canvastown clearly stood out as the top performing bunch of youngsters. Congratulations “Team Red.” Cluster Age Group Champions are as
follows… watch out for these athletes in the future. PELORUS CLUSTER CHAMPIONS Y1/2 Y3/4 Y5/6 Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Kayla Gardiner (32) RV
School Placing 1st
2nd 3rd
Luke Zillwood (34) CT
Charlie Richmond (30) CT
Griffen Carter (34) CT
Leah Wearing (36) RV
Angus Orr (34) LW
Y7/8 Girls
Jordan Wearing Kaine Billingsley (34) (34) RV RV
HAVELOCK SCHOOL RESULTS (Cluster placings in brackets) Y1/2 Y3/4 Y5/6 Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Tayla Munro & André Skye Gatjens Tane Ward Tyla-Rose Sakura Mueggenburg(3rd) (3rd) Illsley-Slape UrukawaSwanston Murdoch (3rd=) Molly-Jo Elliot Conor Clark Anika McPhee Munro Swanston Hazley Hrstich & Ayla McPhee Towa Jessie Gatjens Lafai King Ella King UrukawaMurdoch
Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
Jordan Lawrence & Kane Elvy
Y7/8 Girls
Ella Donald
Alec Johnson (3rd)
Huna Hough Jacob Lawton
Boyd Elvy
Kea Bradley
Christian Perkin
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Congratulations to all. The day proved to test skills, strength, technique as well as attitudes. As always these events don’t just happen and our thanks as hosting school must acknowledge those who prepared the grounds, collected and/or made the equipment, managed the individual events and the volunteers around the “Prosper” BBQ trailer who stepped in to lend a hand. Special thanks to Ian Carter and Matua B for pulling it all together. At left - Huna is totally focussed as she clears the bar. Below - Yr 6 girls show how serious the competition really was.
An ideal setting, perfect weather, great programme and excellent endeavour…
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DELIGHTED FOR ALEX It was great to see Alex Parker named as dux at the Marlborough Girls’ academic prizegiving last Tuesday. As well as winning the Old Girls’ Association Trophy Alex was also presented with the trophies for calculus, science and chemistry. Law and science look to be the areas for further study as she heads to the University of Auckland in 2015. No doubt Alex will be looking forward to a break after her eight exams are finished on 25 November. Alex completed Years 6, 7 and 8 at Havelock School and in 2008 took out the top academic prize. Congratulations Alex and the very best for all that lies ahead. You’re in great company.
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RECOGNISED RECENTLY Reading acknowledging recent achievement, effort and commensurate reward 100 nights ~ Josh Steele 125 nights ~ Marcus Rimene-Solomon 150 nights ~ Maryanne Rimene-Solomon 175 nights ~ Kane Elvy, Boyd Elvy 200 nights ~ Jack McKay, Ollie Foote, Hazley Hrstich, Tyla-Rose Illsley-Slape, 225 nights ~ Mia Higgins, Max Skehan, Ben Robbins, Caleb Bailey, Emma McCauley, Tane Ward, Hannah Roborgh, Ashelyn Horton-Smith, Jordan Lawrence 250 nights ~ Liddy Horton-Smith 275 nights ~ Molly Jo Munro DOUBLE DOLPHIN AWARDS The parents of Ollie Foote, André Mueggenburg-Swanston and Nicole Bourke received a congratulatory card sharing the news that one of their children had received a Double Dolphin Award. Kiwi Can leaders Kelvin and Sophia handed the awards out last Wednesday at assembly acknowledging that these three students had been recognised as growing significantly in their emotional intelligence (EQ or emotional quotient) and using it to better understand both their feelings and how it affects their behaviour. Being honest in this context is not always that simple and recognising it in others is fabulous. HAVELOCK COMMUNITY LIBRARY RAFFLE RESULT Drawn under Police supervision, this trailer–load of firewood, kindly donated by the Elvy family, was won by Ticket No. 176 Hazel Booth. Thanks to all who supported this enterprise. PELORUS AREA HEALTH TRUST TREASURE CHEST CHARITY SHOP We need your support to keep the shop open to maintain ongoing local community projects. On call volunteers needed. Please ring Sharyn for further details on 574 2117 or 027 530 5600.
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COMMUNITY DROP-IN CENTRE Thursdays 13:30 - 15:30 St Peter’s Hall Lawrence St. All welcome. Afternoon tea provided. Board Games, Cards, Jigsaws or just come and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Contact Val on 574 1121 or Kathy on 574 1448 HAVELOCK BONFIRE NIGHT HELD FRIDAY 7TH NOVEMBER 2014 Havelock Vision 2020 would like to acknowledge and say a big thank you to… Muff and Paul Newton for allowing the event to be held at their beautiful property Havelock Business Group for sponsoring the fireworks Steve Foster and Dion McCauley for doing a great job letting off the fireworks Havelock Lions Club members for organising the games, judging fancy dress and the best Guy Fawkes and the sausage sizzle. Brian Cameron for helping with the sausage sizzle Havelock Four Square for organising the sale of drinks The Hairy Mussel Company for donating prizes Eyes On Nature for donating prizes Kylie’s Coffee Truck for selling us nice warm coffee on a very cold night Havelock School for advertising the event in their newsletter Linkwater School Ukulele Group for the music Havelock Vision 2020 appreciates the support it had for the event.
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Did you know? There are 40 teaspoons of sugar in a 1.5 litre bottle of Coke? Fizzy drinks, fruit juices, sports and energy drinks and many ice-blocks also have large amounts of sugar in them. The World Health Organisation recommends children consume a maximum of 3 teaspoons of sugar/day. Water and milk are the best drinks for children. REGULAR UPDATES FROM THE NELSON MARLBOROUGH COMMUNITY ORAL HEALTH SERVICE BLENHEIM & MARLBOROUGH MOBILE CLINIC 5209922
FOOD BANK APPEAL WHEN: Monday 24th November (or 31st if it is wet) Once again the Havelock Volunteer Fire Brigade and the Havelock Lions will be passing along your street from 6pm onwards to collect your donations for the Havelock and Blenheim Foodbanks. Havelock people have always been very generous in giving tins, groceries and other items to make this time of year a little easier for those in need and to help stock up the Foodbank shelves for the year ahead. Unfortunately, we cannot accept perishable items, though. Your donation, no matter how small, will make a difference to someone and we look forward to seeing you on 24th, or picking up your gift from the gate. The Havelock Lions are very grateful to the Fire Brigade volunteers who give up their time to make the project so successful. SWIMMING & SEASON POOL KEYS With the pool water temp now climbing to 25o and with longer sunshine hours the time has come for the issuing of Season Pool Keys. Students have been swimming on an ad hoc basis and are working on water safety understandings, knowledge and skills. Please check the wardrobe for togs as from the beginning of November the swimming programme will become part of the more formal curriculum and students expected to have them at school with a towel of course. Checking some the attendant skills may be in order before the summer swim season ie keeping clothes in a tidy pile or on the hook, drying before trying to pull on clothes, inside v outside, front v back, the tying of shoe laces, doing buttons and a swimming bag for the damp stuff. Named clothing id always good too – on togs as well. Much appreciated. The 2014-15 Season Pool Key-holder’s Application/Agreement is available from the school office or may be downloaded from the website in pdf format. The application form may be Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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lodged with the school along with $65. As is usual at the close of season $20 will be refunded only if the key is returned on or before the date stated in the agreement. ZUMBA IN HAVELOCK WEEKLY TIMETABLE - Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence Street) Monday Morning class 10 am – 11 am Monday Evening class 6 pm – 7 pm Wednesday class 9:30 am - 10:30 am Thursday class 6 pm – 7 pm Friday class 9:30 am - 10:30 am $5 per class (under 10 yrs free) 10 – 18 yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Children’s' Zumba will take a break until further notice due to family commitments. However children are still welcome to come with parents to other classes. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water. Pam Elvy 5741046 / 021 2632 431
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
CLUED-UP KIDS On Wednesday 12th half the Pelorus students jumped onto the specially supplied bus and headed into Blenheim to attend the Clued-up Kids programme. They spent the morning learning all about safety in a number of different locations and situations. Along with other Marlborough children they dived under desks, escaped a smoky house and clung on to a tipping quad bike as part of an annual safety programme at Brayshaw Park. The Clued-Up Kids event involved 588 school pupils from 17 schools picking up skills in rail, dog, quad bike, cycle, home, fire and water safety as well as emergency first aid. Marlborough District Council Emergency Services Officer Gary Spence, who was stationed at the home safety set, said kids took home the safety lessons they learnt on the programme. “It Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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filters down. Kids get home and they say to their parents, ‘We need to do this and we need to do that." A shaky house with a floor that rocked at the push of a button tested the earthquake response skills of school pupils. At a quad bike stall, children were shown how easy it was for the vehicle to become offbalance. "People just don't realise what these are capable of doing," quad bike safety trainer Mark Wills said. A lack of training was a key factor in many quad-bike accidents, he said. "If I can save one life in 20 to 30 years of training, it's worth it." Clued-Up Kids is aimed at Year 5 and 6 school pupils and is now in its ninth year. Extra reporting Selena Powell Marlborough Express
SO YOU’VE UPGRADED TO A NEW MOBILE… What then to do with your old one? If it is still internet capable and has the charger then the school would love to receive it as a kind donation. Firstly though reset it so any data is removed etc including passwords and contacts. These machines can quickly be set up and use the school’s wireless network to become a BYOD allowing for larger groups to have an individual device for accessing the internet. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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