Newsletter 155:18 2 December 2015_

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Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #19 published Wed 16 December closes Thu 10 Dec. WEDNESDAY 2 DECEMBER 2015 ~ TERM 4 WEEK 08 ~ VOLUME 155 NUMBER 18


Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.

Henry Ford

CALENDAR Tue 17 Nov Fri 4 Dec Wed 9 Dec Thu 10 Dec Fri 11 Dec Mon 14 Dec

* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter.

Charting the Future * Colleges’ Orientation Wakamarina & Kaituna Boat Trip The Great Dunking Pelorus @ Ngakuta Bay Student Reports distributed Year 7/8 Big Day Out Year 6 Marlborough Tech Centre Orientation Wed 16 Dec EoY Final Assembly 18:30 School Hall Fri 18 Dec Last day close at noon – bus running 12:05 … Tue 2 Feb Opening Day 2016 Academic Year All classes 09:00 Click item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

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MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT LIBRARIES (BLENHEIM) SUMMER READING PROGRAMME 2016 Registrations open on Monday 30th November at 9am upstairs in the Children’s Library. Places are limited to 220 this year - be in early so you don’t miss out! Registrations must be in person – we are not able to accept phone or email registrations. Children do not need to be present at registration. This year the theme of the programme is ‘Get carried away with books.’ Join us for some great reading fun over the summer holidays! Tracey McKean Children’s Librarian Marlborough District Library 33 Arthur Street Blenheim Phone 520 7491 RECOGNISED RECENTLY acknowledging recent achievement, effort and commensurate reward Reading 25 nights Kaya Luscombe, Ella-Che Manu 50 nights Ashley Mulholland 75 nights Jack Mulholland, Kaytie Mulholland, Berekata Obetaia 125 nights William King 150 nights Kaedyn Pulham 175 nights Alfie Foote, Tiabeina Obetaia 200 nights Kane Elvy, Elliot Swanston 225 nights Lafai King 250 nights Jessie Gatjens, Jordan Lawrence, Tyrani Stewart, Tayla Munro, Ayla McPhee, Conor Clark, Abbey Lawrence, Caleb Bailey-Gatchell, Jack McKay, Hunter Elvy 275 nights Molly-Jo Munro, Emma McCauley, Alex Steele, Ollie Foote, Mia Higgins, Ellie Gatjens, Josh Steele DOUBLE DOLPHIN AWARDS Recently the parents of the following students received congratulatory cards in the mail sharing the news that one of their children had received a Double Dolphin Award. The awards were presented recently at assembly acknowledging that these students have shown exemplary behaviours. Goal-setting: Problem-solving:

Ella King, Lafai King, William King Jacob Lawton, Olivia Johnson, Manawa Ward

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BUILDING PROJECT – TOLIET/CLOAKBAY REFURBISHMENT The design, plans, finance, consents and contracts have been sorted and the start date has been set as 7 Dec. Effectively the toilet areas in the main block will be deconstructed during the last two weeks of the year prior to reconstructing foundations for a new block running into Jan and February. By end February the project is essentially complete. Students will be using the facilities at the hall and depending on the weather will store their bags adjacent to the north wall under the covered area. At some stages during the modifications some classes may need to make use of either the hall or community classroom.

HAVELOCK COMMUNITY BOARDWALK: PROJECT UPDATE The Havelock Community Boardwalk Project has been progressing steadily with a lot of hard work going on behind the scenes developing and finalising the project’s design. Feedback from the community has been very positive and we would like to thank those who have helped us to refine the proposed design and identify other improvements and opportunities along the way. In recent months several resource consent implications have been highlighted during consultation and at this stage in the process we are working with relevant stakeholders to investigate options and available alternatives to optimise the project’s design prior to initiating the resource consent process. What’s Next? Embarking on the Resource Consent phase for a project of this scope represents a significant workload for a voluntary organisation such as the Havelock Community Association and will take time. Nonetheless we wish the community to fully understand our continuing commitment to advancing the project. Once we have definitive information about the project specifications Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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a public meeting will be held to communicate the updated plans to the wider community in early 2016. In the mean time I would encourage anyone with questions or queries about the Havelock Boardwalk to come along and talk to myself during my drop in office hours (Fridays 9am11am in the HCA Community Office), or contact me at my details below to arrange a convenient time. As well as keeping the boardwalk as a primary focus I will also be working to advance our Havelock Community Plan including the following projects in 2016: • A new & modern HCA community website including a community database • Havelock branding & identity including refreshed gateway signage and street banners • A community hub and further development of the Havelock Community Office • Community development workshops & capacity building with local community groups Hans Neilson Community Development Adviser Havelock Community Association 61 Main Road, Havelock 7100, New Zealand Mobile: 022 1860 877 Email:

NOTES FROM… THE COMMUNITY GARDEN The Havelock Community Garden was one of the many groups in our area to benefit from Operation Southern Katipo. Our volunteers were delighted to find that the Australian soldiers (5 engineers and 1 medico) had found the time to erect our kitset glasshouse. You may remember that it has long been our ambition to begin harvesting rain water, store it in tanks and use it towards irrigation of the garden. This ambition was frustrated when a freak wind demolished the shed Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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we were going to use to harvest the rain. Now we are back on track and there were some happy smiles on the faces of the eight volunteers last Tuesday! We were also fortunate to be the recipient of a $500 grant from Pelorus Area Health Trust at their Annual General Meeting in October. Needless to say this grant was particularly useful towards the purchase of the glasshouse and the concrete for the foundations. The garden is now planted up for the summer and the seeds are beginning to germinate. Like many Havelock gardeners, we found that our silver beet, beetroot and brassicas quickly went to seed at the beginning of spring, so last month we almost started from scratch. However, we look forward to being able to keep up a regular supply of fresh vegetables to those in need again. Thanks to all the generous people who donated produce to us while the garden was “quiet”, so that we could pass it on to Cathy Ruffell to distribute. Also, many thanks to those who have donated vegetable plants to us this spring. Our tomato plants are looking particularly healthy! A reminder that if you know of someone who is in need of our vegetables, or you would like to volunteer to work in the garden on a Tuesday morning, please contact Ian Cameron 574 2558 GIRLS' COLLEGE UNIFORM SHOP Open for purchasing Y9 Uniforms as follows: 30th Nov - 16th Dec: Mon, Wed & Fri from 11:00 – 14:15. 25th Jan 12:00 – 18:00 26th – 29th Jan 15:00 – 18:00 30th Jan hoping to be open 09:00 -12:00 provided we can get staff Bronwyn Cooke – Uniform Shop Manager Ph Wk 520 8448 (ext 819) Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants Masterminding brighter tomorrows Annual Financial Accounting Accounting Services Evaluation and Implementation

(Xero a nd the Cloud Training)

Business Advisory

(Development and Structure)

Corporate Advisory

(Cash Flows, Budgets, Projections)

Debt Structure and Management Due Diligence Management Reporting/Interim Reporting New Company Setup Strategic and business planning Succession Planning Taxation Tax Compliance and Advice Trans-Tasman Accounting

Dean Steele

CA, B.Mgmt (Hons)

021 249 1191

Ben Douglas

CA, B.Com, Dip Grad

021 249 1195

Brad McNeill CA, BCA, BSc

021 0206 7526 Johnston Associates South, part of Johnston Associates Chartered Accountants Ltd Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life‌ since 1861

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POOL OPEN Out of school hour access to the pool for keyholders is now operating. The Board of Trustees adopted the 2015/16 Keyholder/Casual User Agreement at its 27 Oct meeting. The revised agreement and application form are available from reception and online. Please check over the agreement carefully. The pool has been made available to the community but only if keyholders honour the agreement. Check carefully.

Carols @ Okaramio Church Afternoon Tea (provided) 2:30pm Sunday 6th December Everyone Welcome For further info contact Helen 572 8491 or Margaret 572 8452

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BAT SONG - AN EXCITING EVENT AT PELORUS BRIDGE! The Biggest Little Town Choir, a touring Australian community choir, will be offering a unique musical performance at Pelorus Bridge on Thursday December 3rd. They will sing a variety of uplifting songs from around the globe, and are led by renowned musical director, Peter Lehner, who nurtured the famous Sydney Street Choir for ten years. They have performed at numerous events which have inspired sweet music to emerge from raucous, untrained voices. Forest and Bird staff will be on hand to talk about the Bat Project and detectors will be available to listen out for the bats. Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve, or Te Hoiere, is home to one of the last remaining populations of long tailed bats in Marlborough. For more info see The event is supported by Forest and Bird, Department of Conservation, and Pelorus Bridge Café and will appeal to people of all ages. Kids are especially welcome. Koha towards Bat Project appreciated. Why not car pool? Bring warm clothes! 6:00pm 7:30pm 8:15pm 8:45-10:00pm

Sausage sizzle, cafe stays open for hot drinks and cakes. Cafe closes and choir sings Introduction to the Bat Recovery Project Possibility to see and hear bats using bat detectors


Kahikatea camping area Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve

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ATHLETIC SPORTS ~ 2015 Havelock School hosted the recent Pelorus Athletics Standards Competition on Friday 13 November. No need to worry this year about a postponement date – the day dawned clear and the promised warm bright sunny weather duly turned up. Following a welcome, briefing and warm-up the first event got promptly underway at 10:00. With the short sprints completed the four rotations of jumps and throws progressed with a thirty minute break for lunch. The longer sprints finished the formal events which were then followed by the relays. After lunch some more voluteers showed up in the form of a group of Aus/NZ soliders stationed in Havelock for the military exercise Southern Katipo. Their help was appreciated and a number demonstrated that even with kit they could still run, jump and throw – reassuring considering their job description. The real feature of day was inclusion of a military and two adult teams in the relays. It was so much fun we had to run it twice. Watching a solider in full kit sashaying, skipping or balancing a quoit on their head certainly put a new perspective on soldiering. Needless to say the soliders’ interaction with the children and public certainly made for a rather unique sporting fixture. We are still not sure who won the final event, a 200 m dash with full military kit pitching trans-Tasman cousins against each other. In the spirit of partnership it was probably a dead heat – by that stage it

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certainly was hot and given the effort by all throughout the day most adults and children were well spent. Hopefully the photos give some idea of how the day went. Thanks to Ian Carter for the prep work carried out prior to the day in all five cluster schools. Thanks Doug Agnew and Mr B for preparing the event and grounds. A great day.

A note from Ian Carter who coached our cluster’s students at the Marlborough Schools’ comp in Blenheim. A successful day yesterday and the kids said that they enjoyed it. Highlight was second in the Year 8 small school relay. Te Ariki was second in the shot - technique over size. Kimberley was second in discus. Ana was third fastest qualifier in 100m and was involved in a very close final finish for third. Ryan made the 100m final. The high jumpers all progressed deep into their competitions but unsure if any placed. Thanks to you all for the support over the past month and the parents who provided the transport. Congratulations to Canvastown. Although no champions featured in Havelock’s results the mean across the school was very high hence being pipped by just 0.257 of one point. Next time! Next/last newsletter... • Charter Goals • Child Protection Policy Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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RAI VALLEY A&P SHOW ASSOCIATION The AGM was held on the 17th of November. New officers elected were Rose Marie Schupbach (President), Becky Plum (Vice-president), Tash McQueen (Secretary/Treasurer). Life Membership was bestowed on Deidre Prattley and Noel Wallace. To acknowledge Deidre and Noel we'd like to invite the Havelock Community to join us for a pot-luck BBQ on Saturday the 12th December, 6:30pm at the Show grounds in Rai Valley. The AGM was followed by a committee meeting. - The next show (5th March '16) is well underway! We will have a major prize for "most points indoor section" (adults). So, dust off your preserving recipes, sharpen your knitting needles, talk to your flowers, have a plan! We will have new classes in our schedule: • Rai Challenge, for 15/16 year olds • Dog Section, "show us your trick". - 1st prize $ 50!!! It's time to teach an old dog new tricks! • Fancy dressed pet Three new classes in the Giant Pumpkin Competition! Best carved pumpkin, average weight pumpkin and the "Enduro-Pump". We think all of us will have heaps of fun with the enduro-pump class. Roll your pumpkin down the bank and see if it wins the endurance race (rolls the furthest)! It's still time to plant your giant pumpkin and be part of the fun! Plants still are available from Kelly Coleman sold at the RD1 ($4). Soon we will start to ring for the pasture competition and indoor sponsorship. The show schedule will be out 2nd week January. Any questions please email us or phone Rose Marie on 571 6021. COURSES REAP's aim is to give the Rural Community support, the opportunity to partake in activities in their area and to provide a tutor for the activities chosen by those interested. These courses are being organised by Havelock Community Education Service with Reap support. Cheese Making: Tutor: Simon Lamb. Date and details: Yet to be arranged. Pasta Making: Tutor: Piero Rocco. Date: Yet to be arranged. Course cost: $50. If you are interested in any of the above or have an interest in any other courses which could be arranged, please contact Rita Jacobson 574 2176 for further information. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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HAVELOCK VISION 2020 ACTIVITIES – SOMETHING FOR ALL AGES TUMBLE TOTS Designed to develop toddler’s physical skills Tuesday, Havelock Sports Pavilion Classes: 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Cost: $2.00 per session

Thursday, Havelock Sports Pavilion Sessions: 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm

Cost: $5.00 per session

Contact: Susan 574 1443 STAR DANCE ACADEMY Wednesday, Havelock Town Hall

Supported by:


Star Juniors (Ages 5-9) 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm Star Seniors (Ages 10-13) & Leaders (14-16/17) 4:15 – 6:00 pm Cost: Juniors $50 and Seniors $61.50 for the first 30 children to register (subsidised by KiwiSport), thereafter Juniors $80.50 and Seniors $92.00 Contact: Vicki 027 748 4172

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Havelock Museum 2016 Calendar

Featuring historical photos of Havelock township and surrounds, from early settlement


Contacts: Robert King-Turner Phone 574 2425 Joan Huddleston Phone 574 2435 KIWI RANCH – CURIOUS COVE SUMMER HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Family Camp – Dec 28th – Jan 4th – Fun for all the family Senior Camp (11 – 14 yrs) – Mon 11th – Fri 15th Jan Junior Camp (8 – 10 yrs) – Mon 18th – Fri 22nd Jan Enrolments now open @ UPDATING THE EDUCATION ACT 2 Nov 2015 Education Minister Hekia Parata announced six weeks of consultation to update the Education Act 1989. She is encouraging New Zealanders to have their say on proposed changes to the education system. This online consultation is now open and closes on Mon 14 Dec at 5pm. The update raises several ideas for change; raising achievement, helping schools/kura to focus on the things that matter most, better info to family/whānau and communities and how families can help, doing more to help families and whānau understand why decisions are made about education. Mauri Ora na Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Make your submission on the consultation website - you’ll will find a video of the Minister talking about the proposed changes and a copy of the discussion document. The Education Act update consultation page has more info on the update to the Education Act 1989. Hi Everyone. Classes should be running as usual by the time this newsletter comes out. Any updates are on my Havelock Zumba Pam Elvy Facebook page. If you are keen, come along and join in. New people are always welcome and children are welcome to come with a parent/guardian. Take the class at your own fitness level and build up from there. In the next couple of weeks I will decide what classes will take place over Christmas/New Year. 2015 WEEKLY TIMETABLE - Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence Street) Monday Morning class 10am-11am Monday Evening class 6pm-7pm Wednesday class 9:30am-10:30am (Havelock Town Hall) Thursday class 6pm-7pm Friday class 9:30am-10:30am $5 per class (under 10yrs free) 10-18yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water and a small towel. Pam Elvy 5741046 / 021 2632 431

Feel the music. Live, Laugh, Dance!

Fit’n’Free Outdoor Community Gym Havelock


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THANKS! Appreciate the efforts of Tim Foote, James Donald and Farmlands for giving the broadleaf weeds on the top field a major “hurry-up” recently. The effort is beginning to pay off. Now all we need is enough rain to keep the grass green-ish over the summer.

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