Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for 157:08 published Wednesday 7 June 2017 closes Thursday 1 June 2017.
“We make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” Carlos Castenada
CALENDAR Wed 24 May Tue 30 May Wed 31 May Thu 1 Jun Mon 5 Jun Tue 6 Jun Wed 14 Jun Fri 16 Jun Mon 19 Jun Tue 20 Jun Wed Tue Wed Fri Tue Fri
21 Jun 27 Jun 28 Jun 30 Jun 4 Jul 7 Jul
* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter.
Maud Is Overnighter National Youth Leaders’ Day – Chch Assembly 14:15 Te Hora Marae visit * Queen’s Birthday Life Education Mobile Classroom on site PT Workshop * Kiwi Can Estuary Clean-up * Assembly 14:15 Mid-Year Student Reports June Board of Trustees Meeting Reading Together Pro 1/4 Triangular Learning Conferences underway Longest Night – Winter solstice Reading Together Pro 2/4 Assembly 14:15 Cluster Tech/Math Challenge – Waitaria Reading Together Pro 3/4 End of Term 2
www.havelock.school.nz/index.php/calendar Click item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.
Further to my post from the previous newsletter concerning good times to contact teachers or me, should an issue or concern arise needing more time and perhaps formality, then the procedure Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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for Complaints, Concerns or Issues (3.10) is best followed. In this way there is a greater likelihood the issue will receive the attention it deserves, resolution more likely and timely. The procedure is included elsewhere in this newsletter. It remains of course online with hardcopies available also in the foyer. Mid-Year Student reports are currently being prepared and will be coming home with junior on Friday 16 June. Triangular Learning Conferences will get underway from Tuesday 20 June and run through to 29 June. Bookings will be available online in due course. This Parent-Teacher Workshop has been set for Tuesday 6 June from 16:00 – 17:30, the first day back after Queen’s Birthday. During the 90 minutes we intend looking at both our journey in promoting the key competency of Thinking and also some discussion around Learner Agency. You will perhaps recall from the previous newsletter the brief explanation of Learner Agency. This is a modern and much more in-depth take on what was once just one word on the student reports of old – INDEPENDENCE. Between them, these two areas are critical in preparing our students learn for life! BoT Bits The Staff Trustee position has been filled by Tracey Wearing and she joined the board at its recent May meeting. Thanks to Ian Cameron for being the Returning Officer. The Board of Trustees adopted a revised Schedule of Delegations and also a modified policy framework based largely on the NZ School Trustees’ Association model. This sets in place governance and operational policy. Ongoing work will essentially dovetail current documents into procedures and guidelines. Next month the board has set aside some time to begin the triennial process of reviewing the school’s charter. In the following few months the community will be invited to add its voice to the discussion around the values and goals it would like to see for the school. Keep an eye open for the invitation. Preparation for the school’s visit to Te Hora Marae is well underway and you should have received paperwork etc last week. This will be a new experience for many and we look forward to adding this important aspect into our theme of Te Hoiere and Me.
MatuaB CROSSING VOLUNTEERS The idea of having adult volunteers helping manage children crossing SH 6 at the school from 08:30 to 08:55 has been mooted by Kenepuru students. This crossing is not a pedestrian crossing in terms of the road code. As such, pedestrians cannot expect the traffic to stop just because they are waiting to cross. At all times, pedestrians cross at their own risk. After school, given the numbers of children crossing in a single movement Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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means teachers make the call when to cross – managing children, not the traffic. To help widen the margin of safety before school, there may be sufficient interest by adults/parents in the community to set up a roster for the 25 min before school ie 8:30 – 8:55. Should you wish to volunteer for a month-long pilot, please contact the school office. If there is sufficient interest some training can be arranged with Police. SITUATION VACANT
GROUNDSPERSON/CARETAKER 7½ hours per week HAVELOCK SCHOOL The successful applicant will be able to work within a school environment (Police vetted), function within a glide-time framework, have a sense of humour, be of a positive disposition, be a problem-solver and able to work without supervision. A Job Description is available by contacting the school. Should you wish to apply please submit your application nominating three referees with whom contact may be made. Contact and applications would be welcomed in any format to: The Principal, Main Road, Havelock, Marlborough 7100 Ph 03 574 2106 or 027 448 4789 Email principal@havelock.school.nz
DOUBLE DOLPHIN AWARDS The Term 2 theme for Kiwi Can is Respect and the following students were recently recognised with a DOUBLE DOLPHIN Award relating especially to Respect for school and class.
Congratulations to:
Cushla Brownlee Mia Higgins Alfie Foote Ayla McPhee Jessie Gatjens Anika McPhee
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READING NIGHTS (to 17 May) 25 nights Keira Grenfell 50 nights Conrad McGhie, Alfie Foote, Abbey Lawrence, Alex Garland, Ollie Foote, Ben Robbins, Gareth Foote 75 nights Bailey Waltho-McLean, Cushla Brownlee, Curtis Mckay, Falcon Pope, Emily Lawrence, Ellie Gatjens, , Manawa Ward, Sakura Urakawa Murdoch, Ashelyn Horton-Smith, Alex Steele 100 nights Jessie Gatjens, Mia Higgins, Conor Clark, Ayla McPhee, Skye Gatjens, Emma McCauley, Jack Mckay, Courtney Brownlee Kaituna this week made pencil holders out of old plastic bottles. We made these so we can keep our pencils and pens tidy at home and show our family respect. Learning to add and take away numbers using numerals, blocks and number sentences was also an important part of the week. Constable Jenny came in to talk to Kenepuru and Kaituna about bus and road safety. She was very impressed to hear that children at Havelock School have been coming to and from school wearing the Hi Vis jackets. Keep it up Havelock!
We had the privilege of having Jenny in our class teaching us New Zealand Sign Language. These Kenepuru writers have experience of trying to predict the injuries teachers receive when playing organised sport but even they were struggling with just how they are caused. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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Health Bytes: Road Safety Speed around schools is a major public health and road safety issue. The faster you go, the less time you have to react and the longer it takes to stop. Children are most at risk, especially in the morning and afternoon when they’re walking and cycling to and from school. Pedestrian casualties (deaths, serious and minor injuries) occur the most at school peak times (7 - 9am and 2 - 4pm). Source – NZTA Crash Analysis System: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/safety/ Be seen be safe Now that winter is coming and the days are getting shorter, we need to make ourselves ‘seen’, wearing bright clothes, hi-vis vests and putting reflectors on your bike also can help you stay safe. It helps other people on the road see you. And if they see you, that means they're less likely to run into you. Daytime riding is the safest so try to avoid riding your bike at dusk and later. See http://kidshealth.org/en/kids/bike-safety.html# Road safety activity book: http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/publications/road-safe-activity-book.pdf This message is brought to you by your Nelson Marlborough Public Health Nurse Team. For further enquiries please phone us on (03) 546 1537 or check out our website at www.nmdhb.govt.nz/public-health-service Friendship for Health
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Procedures 1 Party brings their issue large or small, complaint and/or concern to the respective staff member at a mutually agreed time. If not satisfied or deemed appropriate follow through to Step 2. 2 Party takes their issue to the principal at a mutually agreed time. * Refer also to further guidelines hereunder. If not satisfied or deemed appropriate proceed to Step 3. 3 Party takes their issue in writing to the principal. If not satisfied or deemed appropriate proceed to Step 4. 4 Party takes their issue to the Board of Trustees Chairperson. If not satisfied or not deemed appropriate proceed to Step 5. 5 Parent addresses/takes their issue in writing to; The Chairperson Havelock School Board of Trustees 47 Main Road HAVELOCK 7100 If still not satisfied proceed to Step 6. 6 Parents in particular have other outside agencies that may act on their behalf. Please approach the Principal for assistance. Further GUIDELINES
When complaints arise from step 2 then the following acts as a guide: • On receipt, all complaints whether written or verbal, will be referred by the principal to the staff member concerned for a response. • The principal will, after considering the nature of the complaint, attempt to bring about resolution between the parties as to what might be an acceptable remedy • If not already in receipt of a written complaint and if the parties concerned are unable to reach a mutually accepted agreement, the principal will advise the complainant to make a formal written complaint to the Board • On receipt of the complaint the Board will refer the complainant to the principal who will in turn advise the staff member of the complaint and of his/her right to seek representation. The Board will also acknowledge receipt of the complaint • The staff member will again be given the opportunity to respond to the formal complaint • The principal will then undertake to define the problem and attempt to reach agreement with those concerned as to a course of action to correct the situation. If resolution is not possible through mutual agreement, the Board will be informed and further action will be taken • The principal will report to the Board outlining the actions taken and circumstances surrounding the complaint/problem. If deemed sufficient grounds are established, then a formal investigation can be initiated. The Board will take into consideration the nature of the issue/complaint/problem (ie competency; discipline, of a frivolous nature, no case to answer or insufficient information). Board policy, industrial and legal responsibilities will be taken into account. The Board should also seek advice from NZSTA and/or legal counsel.
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GLEN CALLS IT QUITS After 16 years of voluntarily looking after the Havelock Community Association’s garden at the Medical Centre in Laurence Street, Glen Peek has decided to finish in that role. She began her work there after a discussion with Dave Farrant who, as part of his many duties, mowed the grass around the Centre. They decided that a garden would be more interesting than just grass and so began what Glen calls “her bit for the Community”. Glen decided to make it a native garden. The three rocks and the moss in the front garden represents the Pelorus Valley floor. This garden also features a rare dwarf kanuka. The side garden, which Glen planted after the removal of a cherry tree contains many different native specimens including native iris, native fuchsia, a native biddy bid and a native Daphne. One of Glen’s favourite memory of the garden was the last time it needed barking when many people turned up to lend a hand. She is also very fond of the large wooden trough in front of the Medical Centre which was made by Greg Bettjeman. She fills this with flowering plants to add some colour. Now Glen has decided that 16 years is enough and we are looking for someone who is willing to take over tending the garden. Glen says it really looks after itself and just needs some weeding and occasional fertilizing. If you are willing to help preserve this Havelock asset, or you know someone who might be interested, please contact Muff Newton muff.newton@xtra.co.nz or phone 574 2127 or Ian Cameron ianc.cameron@xtra.co.nz or 574 2558.
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HAVELOCK MUSSEL FESTIVAL & SEAFOOD FESTIVAL SUPPORT The Havelock Mussel Festival Committee is delighted to report on the success of the 2017 festival. The new contractors introduced enhancements to the festival which were well received and it was great to feature the mussel opening competitions as part of the entertainment line-up and to showcase some local talent with the “Band of Locals’ taking the stage, not to mention the industry area; what a great display that was - many thanks to the Marine Farming Association for organising it. The Committee has received lots of feedback, most of which has been very positive and supportive. However, there is far too much work for the current small committee to do on its own. We urgently need the engagement and assistance of the Havelock Community to be able to continue to run future festivals successfully. The committee is proposing to hold a public meeting at 5.30pm on the 7th June at the Havelock Bowling Club. We urge you all to attend. During this meeting the Committee will be seeking support and committee members from the Community to take ownership of the festival, help with the pre-organisation and to run the festival on the day, including having an influence during the planning process. Without this community support the festival cannot continue, as it simply does not have the resources to do so. There are many roles within the committee that require a broad range of skills. These include corporate area catering, stall holder coordination, administration and treasurer duties, promotional and marketing, management skills in organising and coordinating the Kid’s area, competitions, security, parking, signage, stage/sound and ticketing. If you know anyone that may be interested in coming on board, please extend this invitation to them. We look forward to seeing you all on the 7th June. Please RSVP by 2nd June if you are coming along to this meeting. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on 578 5044 or email office@havelockmusselfestival.co.nz Havelock Mussel Festival Committee P O Box 53, Havelock 7150 www.havelockmusselfestival.co.nz The Festival has funds available for community grants. Details on how to apply for these funds are available on the Havelock Mussel Festival website site. Click on the ‘Community Grants’ page to for details and to download the application form. Details will also be posted in Facebook. Hard copies of the forms can be obtained from “Eyes on Nature” Office, 61 Main Road, Havelock, Graeme Barsanti or Ian Cameron. The close-off date of applying is 5th July 2017. The Grants will be given out at the AGM on the 27th July 2017. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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Havelock Volunteer Fire Brigade Needs more Members
We are in desperate need of new members who are over 16 and live and/or work in Havelock. Our numbers are getting low and we are getting close to not being able to respond to calls at certain times of the day. So if you want to help your community and have a bit of fun along the way please come and see us. If you’re interested, come along to a Thursday training night between 6:00 and 6:30pm or ring Ryan on 021 190 5991 if you have any questions. HAVELOCK THEATRE “THE PELORUS JACK-UP” Our next show will be a full-length comedy based in the Marlborough Sounds. Written and directed by Rick Edmonds, it will have its World Premiere on Wednesday 13th September 2017. The season will run until 23rd September (8 performances including one matinee). There are parts for a full age range. If you are interested in being involved, please contact Ian ianc.cameron@xtra.co.nz or phone 574 2558 by 8th April.
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Canvastown Community Association Annual Meeting Tuesday June 13th 7 pm Te Hora Room, Canvastown School Guest speaker – Bruce Pagan, Welfare Manager, Civil Defence All welcome - Refreshments provided
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SINGLE BED & TRUNDLER FOR SALE includes single fitted electric blanket and topper pad for trundler $ 200 ono Phone 574 2052 evenings
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MAINLY MUSIC 10am - 11am every Friday at St Peter's Church Hall, 30 Lawrence Street. Music and movement for pre-schoolers. $2 donation per family. Morning tea provided.
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Captain’s Daughter Bar & Bistro
72 Main Rd Havelock Ph 574 2440
Bookings Recommended
“May” A busy month at the Captain’s Daughter 26th May 7:30pm Our Resident Bluesman “Denny Jude” 2nd July 7:30pm Steve Mitchell Acoustic Blues 9th July 7:30pm Guitarist Brian Shaw If you love Neil Young You’ll love this guy Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861
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