Newsletter 157:09 21 June 2017

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Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for 157:10 published Wednesday 5 July 2017 closes Thursday 29 June 2017.

Chocolate doesn’t ask silly questions Chocolate understands CALENDAR * Further information elsewhere in the newsletter. Wed 21 Jun Triangular Learning Conferences continue * Longest Night – Winter solstice Tue 27 Jun Reading Together Pro 2/4 Wed 28 Jun Assembly 14:15 Fri 30 Jun Cluster Tech/Math Challenge – Waitaria * Tue 4 Jul Reading Together Pro 3/4 Wed 5 Jul PT Workshop – Thinking & Learner Agency * Fri 7 Jul End of Term 2 Mon 24 Jul Term 3 opens Tech Y7/8 (2.1) Marlborough Tech Centre Mon 31 Jul Tech Y7/8 (2.2) Marlborough Tech Centre Tue 1 Aug Reading Together Pro 4/4 Mon 7 Aug Tech Y7/8 (2.3) Marlborough Tech Centre Wed 9 Aug Marlborough X-Country Champs Mon 14 Aug Tech Y7/8 (2.4) Marlborough Tech Centre Aug Board of Trustees Meeting Tue 15 Aug MGC Intro Evening Fri 18 Aug Country Schools Tech Challenge – MTC Mon 21 Aug Tech Y7/8 (2.5) Marlborough Tech Centre Fri 25 Aug Pelorus Cluster X-Country – Canvastown Mon 28 Aug Tech Y7/8 (2.6) Marlborough Tech Centre Fri 1 Sep Teacher-Only Day Click item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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KIA ORA TATOU, NGA MIHI NUI The temperatures and sunlight tell us we are exactly halfway between summers and that means it’s time for our mid-year reporting follow-up. Student reports went home with students last Friday and many parents/caregivers have already been online and booked a slot with a teacher or two sometime over these two weeks. If you still need to secure a booking, please visit and enter the code h2969. Complete all details accurately including your email as any changes are more easily communicated. The smooth running of these conferences relies on all the adults keeping to time. Please consider all the other folk by starting and ending on time. It is mid-winter and it is cold so feel welcome to use the staff room to wait. Should more time be needed, perhaps book two slots or please arrange a separate meeting via email or phone. The school’s full Annual Report comprising financial and student achievement information is now available via the Documents section of the website. A hardcopy is available from the office on request. At right just three of the charts included in the annual report showing achievement trends since 2011. The Board of Trustees met recently for a workshop centred around the school’s charter in preparation for consultation with the community over the next few months. Keep an eye out for the invitation to be involved. Consultation around the Health Curriculum during Term 3 is also timetabled. This will include the sensitive areas of Keeping Ourselves Safe and Pubertal Change. This discussion with the community is done every two years.

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Our daily rolls currently reflect the impact of a nasty bug circulating the community. Personal experience tells me that it can last for some time. If junior has symptoms please be cautious – some things are worth sharing but not in this case. Please also be reminded that any/all absences must be notified to the school as is its reason. When no reason is notified a “?” is recorded beside the child’s name. After five days, unless new information comes to hand, this defaults to a “T” representing Truant. Voicemail, texting, phone call or email can quickly notify the school of the absence and the reason. Perhaps the fastest way is to use the PT Calendar which has a “one touch” Absentee button. The teachers and I look forward to touching base with you all a little more formally over the next two weeks. Stay warm.

MatuaB DOUBLE DOLPHIN AWARDS The Term 2 theme for Kiwi Can is Respect and the following students were recently recognised with a DOUBLE DOLPHIN Award relating especially to Respect for school, class or others.

Congratulations to…

Tyla-Rose Illsley-Slape Emily Lawrence Kaytie Mulholland Jack Mckay


For July, August and September a special weekend rate for Marlborough families to stay at Mistletoe Bay. $250 total cost for two night’s accommodation for 6 very comfortably. There are some weekend vacancies left just call 573 4048 or email to make your booking and state 'Marlborough Family Deal'. Normal cost is $380. SPECIAL OFFER TO MARLBOROUGH FAMILIES…

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25 nights 50 nights 75 nights 100 nights 125 nights


Olivia Hayter Keira Grenfell, Hazley Hrstich Stevie Tompson, Alfie Foote, Abbey Lawrence, William King Cushla Brownlee, Bailey McLean-Waltho, Josh Steele, Alex Garland, Ashelyn Horton-Smith Ellie Gatjens, Courtney Brownlee, Emma McCauley, Jack Mckay, Skye Gatjens, Isla Baillie, Alex Steele, Jessie Gatjens

MORNING CROSSING TRIAL It seems logical that this trial will run through to the end of the term on Fri 5 July. We have three parents who are covering the five days during the week from 08:30 to 08:55. A couple more volunteers would make it easier all round. If you could do just one morning a week it would help. Six or seven adults would make an ideal number, each covering a day and leaving a reserve just in case. If you can help, then please make contact through the office. Please be aware the school cannot guarantee that an adult will be on station everyday so the current precautions and care should remain the norm. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Sean and Kota checking the Motuweka Walkway. The day was cool and crystal clear, perfect for fossicking around the edges of the estuary for all those left-overs that always arrive via wind and tide. Di and Jordy very quickly sorted groups, volunteers and areas. By 9:15 the work was underway.

Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Groups covering the Motuweka Walkway walked down to their areas armed with bags and gloves. Those doing the southern margins were transported by minibus. It wasn’t long before the pathway and road edges were sorted. Then the fun started as the log jam was hiding much in and amongst its tangle of decaying branches.

A little further and the polystyrene started showing up in and amongst the reeds. Our designated bags quickly overflowed with items but mostly plastic bottles. Bits of boats were found and retrieved along with glass and larger plastic mouldings and industrial containers. The pile assembled was impressive and the Port Marlborough waste truck was able to demonstrate how it can make a big pile disappear very quickly. It has now all gone to a managed landfill and is not floating around our estuary thanks to a bunch of people who are taking our environment seriously.

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Thanks to Kiwi Can, Di and Jordy, pupils, all the volunteers and teachers for a great practical lesson. Respect and Integrity are alive and active in our township. Special mention for these students for their efforts on the day… Olivia Hayter, Azza Powell, Alfie Foote, Manawa Ward, Jayden Wilson-Steele, Hannah Roborgh, Tyrani Stewart, Kota Tyson, Anika McPhee, Maryanne Rimene-Solomon. Ka pai!

Estuary Clean-up On a cold crispy morning Havelock School went to clean up the estuary. We were split into some groups. I had Azza, Max and Alfie. We had three bags; one was for paper, cardboard and glass. Another one was for polystyrene and the last bag was for plastic. Half of the school went over to the dump. We went to the marina. Azza spotted a mussel bag but we couldn’t take it with us. Alfie found a sheep’s spine. Then we came back to school and had two sausages. There wasn’t as much rubbish as last year. By Skye Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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On a crisp morning Havelock school went to clean the estuary. Before we went, we all went to the hall and got into groups. Each group had an adult to help. Some of us went on the side closest to the marina and the other half went on the other side and cleaned up that side. Last year we mostly found polystyrene, this year we mostly found plastic. Some people found some weird things. Someone even found a dead cow and lots of other dead animals. We all came back to school and had one or two sausages and some fruit. By Conor

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Friday 30 June We’re looking for a parent team of three to join two student teams next Friday at Waitaria to contest the Pelorus Challenge Trophy. If this sounds like you, please contact the office asap.


In Kenepuru we have been writing “What happens next” stories. This week our story starters were written by Greg Broadmore, Weta Workshop Artist. CAPTAIN TANIWHA MUST AVOID CRASHING INTO EARTH IN HIS SNOT-COVERED SPACE SHIP. With a squelching slimy splat, green blobs of interplanetary space-snot smothered the cockpit of Captain Taniwha’s rocket ship—he was blinded, and even worse, on a high-speed collision course with Earth…” Taniwha Went on an Adventure – by Ellie Captain Taniwha drove his space rocket into the Pacific Ocean to clean it. A Marko shark was outside the space rocket. “What am I going to do?” Captain Taniwha thought. The water was filling up. “I will have to swim up and see where the shore is.” He got out and swam up. “Over there is shore!” he said. He swam and swam he got to shore. The shark was jumping up. He ran back and found some bananas in the tree. He climbed up the tree and got some bananas he took them and found somewhere to rest in the jungle while he hid from the shark. Taniwha Flying to Earth – by Jack In the Pacific Ocean there was Captain Taniwha, he was in a space rocket because he needed to clean it. There was just one problem, there was a massive Marko shark in front of him. Captain Taniwha was a fast swimmer. He swam faster than a cheater. He swam to an island called Marko Shark Island. Captain Taniwha saw a helicopter there; it took him back to his home to see his kids. The Shark Attack- by Ollie Captain Taniwha drove his space rocket into the Pacific Ocean to clean it. There was just one problem, there was a Marko shark. Captain Taniwha screamed and flew his space rocket out of the water and then he shot the shark. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Exercise Southern Katipo is New Zealand’s largest military exercise, held every two years in varying parts of New Zealand. Many of you will remember the last exercise in 2015 which was a great success for Havelock and fun for all those involved.

This year more than 2000 military personnel will be in the Marlborough, Kaikoura, Tasman, Nelson and Buller Regions over the month of October and November 2017, and we are looking for role-players to get involved with the exercise, and have a tonne of fun in the process. In this year’s scenario, which is a continuation from 2015, a fictitious South West Pacific island is separated into two nations called Becara and Alpira. Becara is still suffering from political instability and unrest. New Zealand has been requested to assemble and lead an Intervention Force comprising a coalition of Pacific Island Forum Member States. Westport, Greymouth, Nelson Lakes, Kaikoura, Ward and the Marlborough Sounds will become the troubled Becara region. MORE INFORMATION HERE CAN BE FOUND HERE: If you would like to get involved and play a part in this year’s exercise please contact Barbara or Chris Faulls to register your interest and find out more. or (03)574 2806. Medical forms are available at the HCA Office; 61 Main Road Havelock. Hans Neilson Community Development Adviser Havelock Community Association Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

The Havelock Community Association 61 Main Road, Havelock 7100, New Zealand Phone: 03 574 2555 Email: Website:

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10am - 11am every Friday at St Peter's Church Hall, 30 Lawrence Street. Music and movement for preschoolers. $2 donation per family. Morning tea provided. Check out our Facebook page.

PEA STRAW Spray-free Pea Straw for sale at just $10 per bale. Phone 574 2323

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The Festival has funds available for community grants. Details on how to apply for these funds are available on the Havelock Mussel Festival website site. Click on the ‘Community Grants’ page to for details and to download the application form. Details will also be posted in Facebook. Hard copies of the forms can be obtained from “Eyes on Nature” Office, 61 Main Road, Havelock, Graeme Barsanti or Ian Cameron. The close-off date of applying is 5th July 2017. The Grants will be given out at the AGM on the 27th July 2017. Havelock Mussel Festival Committee 578 5044 P O Box 53, Havelock 7150

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Youth "Expressive Drawing Workshop" with Kylie Fleur School Holiday Workshop: 15 – 16 July 2017, 9am – 12pm, $84 per person including paper (funded by Creative NZ Communities), suitable for ages 10 and over. To be held at Marlborough Art Gallery Studio, High Street, Blenheim. Spaces limited... REGISTER NOW! or 021 035 5776. In this workshop we explore Self-Expression in art and we start to loosen-up. This is a higher energy workshop where students discover their own mark through drawing. It is designed to crack your inner-artist open! Suitable for any level. Kylie Fleur BVA CONTEMPORARY ART & DESIGN HAVELOCK COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MONTHLY MEETING 7:00pm Monday 26 June 2017 Town Hall Supper Room The HCA Committee welcome members of the public to attend monthly meetings. HCA Members may bring issues of importance to the committee by formal written Notice of Motion for inclusion on the agenda. Notice of Motion shall include a proposer and seconder.

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Captain’s Daughter Bar & Bistro

72 Main Rd Havelock Ph 574 2440

Bookings Recommended

“June” A busy month at the Captain’s Daughter Wednesday 21st June Wine Night 6:30 This month we have Lake Challis wines This is a popular night and numbers are limited. RSVP Friday 23rd June 7:30 Denny Jude will once again entertain us with his acoustic guitars and humour Friday 30 June 7:30 “A Bit of Talent” - comprising locals Niwahi, Gemma & Wynn

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