Newsletter 156:10 6 July 2016

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VOLUME 156 NUMBER 10 ~ TERM 2 WEEK 10 WEDNESDAY 06 JULY 2016 Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for #11 published Wed 3 Aug closes Thu 28 July.

QUOTE "if you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others” Dr Haim Ginott

CALENDAR * Further information elsewhere in the newsletter. Mon 4 Jul Tech Y7/8 Reading Together Workshop 3 16:00 Library Thurs 7 Jul Vision & Hearing testing EOTC Workshop Nelson – Mrs Eden Fri 8 Jul End of Term 2 Mon 25 Jul Start Term 3 Wed 27 Jul Assembly 14:30 Hall Thu 28 Jul PMP - Nelson – Mrs Wearing Mon 1 Aug Reading Together Workshop 4 16:00 Library Mon 8 Aug BoT Meeting 19:00 Pelorus Wed 10 Aug KiwiCan Estuary Clean-up* Assembly 14:30 Hall Thu 11 Aug Reading Recovery Workshop – Mrs Eden Fri 12 Aug Pelorus Cluster Cross Country – Canvastown* Wed 17 Aug MGC Introductory Evening Wed 24 Aug Assembly 14:30 Hall Click item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

HAERE MAI NAU MAI Recently the school welcomed Lauree Foote who has joined Kaituna. Wishing you many successes.

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RECOGNISED RECENTLY acknowledging recent achievement, effort and commensurate reward

Reading Nights (to 28 June) 25 nights Azza Powel, Ella Prosser, Lauree Foote 50 nights Hamiora Wilson-Steele, Ruby-May Illsley-Slape, Rico Scott 75 nights Hazley Hrstich, Zoe Luscombe, Taylor Clark 100 nights Georgia Illsley-Slape, Kaya Luscombe, Conor Clark, Ashley Mulholland, Dakota Tyson, Kimberley Pulham, Jack Mulholland 125 nights William King, Abbey Lawrence, Alfie Foote, Mia Higgins, Emma McCauley, Ollie Foote, Drew O’Donnell, Phynix Lagden, Olivia Johnson, Boyd Elvy, Sakura UrakawaMurdoch, Shianne Bailey-Gatchell 150 nights Josh Steele 225 nights Tiabeina Obetaia

A huge thank you to James Jenkins

Marlborough Gold Honey for the very generous donation of $4000 This will be a huge boost for our new playground.

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DOUBLE DOLPHIN AWARDS acknowledging recent achievement, effort and commensurate reward

The following were recently recognised by peers with a DOUBLE DOLPHIN Award relating especially to Respect for Others the current Kiwi Can focus and one of the sides of the school PB4L triangle:

Jesiah Bradley-Pope Drew O’Donnell Olivia Johnson Rico Scott Alex Garland The Term 2 Kiwi Can theme underlines and reinforces one of the school’s three Rs so important in creating and maintaining positive relationships. Too often putting our feelings, wants and needs before those of others, particularly when we feel least like doing it, can cause long-lasting damage. Learning to respect oneself and others, is best learnt young.

Congratulations to those recognised last week at assembly for their leadership in modelling this cornerstone value. PEA STRAW Spray-free Pea Straw for sale at just $10 per bale. Phone 574 2323. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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ASSEMBLIES These have moved from after break every second week on a Kiwi Can day (so KC leaders could make the awards) to 2:30 on the Wednesday of the odd weeks. This slot will now be taken by another Kiwi Can class and also suits the community better as parents can then also collect their children afterwards. The dates of the assemblies are listed at the front of the newsletter and are also on the school calendar on the website.

FROM GUM TREES TO CASH The school is waiting to hear from DoC as to when the timing is right to harvest the left-overs from its major tree-felling operation above the marina reclamation. Keep your eye on the newsletter as the call will go out at some stage not too far in the future. Thanks to those who have already made a commitment to this fundraiser. ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND The time is soon coming when this area will be roped off so that machinery can start dismantling the existing woodwork and begin the landscaping for the new playscape which has been in the pipeline for so long. All good things take time…

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PELORUS CHALLENGE TROPHY Given that numbers were limited on the vessel taking teams out to Waitaria Bay for the cluster’s Pelorus Challenge Trophy, the Havelock teams took the long road and used the minibus. No mishaps but the ubiquitous ice-cream container did come in handy as did the wet-wipes and a bottle of water. Needless to say we arrived on time if a little jaded. A short gasp of fresh air and it was heads down working away on the sets of questions ranging from general knowledge, photo prompts and math. Some real challenges amongst all of them. It did show however, that some of our students are yet to apply reasoning and logic when solving a problem.

The experience and knowledge that the necessary information to solve a problem in this context at least, actually lies within the question itself. Still, you can’t become experienced without having the experience so all was not lost unless lessons are not learned… some follow-up work coming. The photos give some idea of how the day shaped up. It concluded with the testing of the devices designed and built to fire a table-tennis ball using a rubber band to supply the energy. Our teams failed to gain a place despite some serious intentions. Congratulations to Linkwater who took home the trophy again for 2016.

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MAINLY MUSIC Mainly Music is STARTING UP AGAIN. 10am - 11am every Friday at St Peter's Church Hall, 30 Lawrence Street. Music and movement for pre-schoolers. $2 donation per family. Morning tea provided.

KIWICAN ESTUARY CLEAN-UP KiwiCan is organising a clean-up of the estuary involving the whole school on Wednesday 10 August. If you would like to take part in this venture mark the date on your calendar. Di and Tammy will have more information regarding this as the date gets a bit closer.

DRY FIREWOOD Gum, Douglas Fir, Lawson mix $240 (COD) for 3.6m3 load. Phone Rose 574 2954 or Tish 574 1416. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Thanks to Steve Austin, curator of the Marlborough Museum, Pelorus and Wakamarina had the opportunity to get a glimpse into the uncertainties of life during World War 1. Scary and sobering to think that most of our Pelorus students would meet the height and weight criteria that would make them eligible to volunteer, and then later, to be conscripted, as soldiers to fight in WW1.

TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT Marlborough Primary/Intermediate Schools table tennis tournament. Sunday 10th July, 9am start, Simcox Stadium. Open to all children up to and including Year 8. You do NOT have to belong to a club to enter. Separate events for boys and girls, lots of prizes. Entries available at school office or Mitchell Sports Power. Info phone Debbie 5786822 or 0211632140

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PELORUS CLUSTER CROSS-COUNTRY – 12 August - Canvastown It’s getting to that time of year again where you need to dig out your sneakers – you know – the ones that you were going to throw away but then you thought ‘hang on a minute, I’m going to need those for the cross-country next year’ so you threw them in the back of the cupboard (along with those great plans to get fit enough to beat your child in the ‘fun’ event!) Well, you’ve got just over a month to get motivated and train so that even if you don’t run faster than the kids, at least you won’t feel like you’re going to die! A notice regarding transport should arrive in the boomerang book about 1 August so keep an eye out for that one and in the unlikely event the weather’s no good for the 12th, we have a postponement dtae planned for the 17 August so no excuses now – see you there! THE MARLBOROUGH BOOK FESTIVAL 2016 Check out the third annual Marlborough Book Festival - a celebration of writing and reading. Ten of New Zealand's best contemporary writers, and one photographer, will be interviewed by Marlborough personalities at charming venues in and around Blenheim. Enjoy a complimentary glass of beautiful Marlborough wine while you hear from your pick of the exciting line-up of fiction and nonfiction writers. Prepare to be inspired, intrigued and entertained. Last year's event sold out, so get in quick to secure your tickets. COMMUNICATIONS Quite a few years ago someone predicted there would be less paper used as technology increasingly moved towards digital communications. The reality is that nowadays, for myriad reasons, not only do we carry very sophisticated instant digital devices on our person, available in our homes, vehicles and workplaces, but we still rely on the printed word as well. Maybe it is the feel of picking something up, turning a page ie a book as opposed to a digital reader. Perhaps it is the feeling of permanence or authority the printed word evokes. NZ Post and Fairfax are wrestling with these as formats and costs respond to the consumer. The school also looks to make it as easy as possible for its community to remain informed and connected. Depending on the intended audience, desired/possible timeframes and content, a variety of technologies are used to spread the right word at the right time to the right people. The list below give some idea of how that is achieved. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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 School Newsletter  700 printed and distributed via NZ Post throughout Havelock and the Pelorus  Emailed or snail-mailed on request for those further afield  Digital (colour) copy online via Facebook link on website  Facebook  Public school page  Classroom pages – closed group by invitation only (x4) administered by class teachers – send them your email  Website  Currently being upgraded to be more mobile friendly and also update content etc  Click on links for calendar and newsletter  Memo/Flyer  Class or event specific and goes home the communications/boomerang book with students  Text  A great method but only if the school has the right number and it is received – great to get a reply in confirmation  Phone (call/voice mail)  Email  Works well but only if the address is up to date – again a reply acknowledging receipt etc is always appreciated  PT Calendar App (Kindly made possible by local businesses)  The graphic gives you an idea of what is possible when hitting this app on your smart phone – don’t forget every absence needs an explanation  A push facility also can be activated when timing is more urgent  Go to the app store and search for PT Calendar – download/install and select the school – do this before end of July and be in to win a $500 grocery voucher  Communications/Boomerang Book (Cover art work by Wakamarina Warriors 2015 and sponsored by local businesses)  Used instead of the more traditional note - managed by the three key players in the learning triangle – each has a part to play – general expectation of all by all is that it is sighted regularly if not daily – as pupils get older, they are expected to assume a greater responsibility for its use/management  Snail Mail  Not used widely as more formal items are nowadays sent as attachments to an email – this assumes that the recipient has a printer should they want/need to have a hardcopy Please be reminded that arranging a meeting at the right time sooner than later, is always appreciated and more likely and better able to respond positively to the desired outcomes. Arrangements can be made via the office or direct with staff members Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Alzheimers Marlborough assists people with Alzheimers or a related Dementia and their families. Living with dementia can be very stressful but you need not struggle on alone. Alzheimers Marlborough is now available in Havelock to provide practical information, support and education to anyone in the local community whose life is being affected by dementia. Confidentiality is guaranteed. Alzheimers Marlborough will be in Havelock monthly on a Wednesday on the following dates: July 27th, Aug 31st, Sept 28th, Oct 26th and Nov 30th. Venue: St Peters Church Hall, 30 Lawrence Street. 10am-12pm for existing clients. 1pm-3pm for a Drop In Centre for all Havelock/Marlborough Sounds residents. Alzheimers Marlborough – 8 Wither Road, Blenheim Ph 03-577-6172 Facsimile 03-577-6174 Email Web Facebook

A dementia-friendly New Zealand / Aotearoa

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The Marlborough Family Budgeting Service is looking for a Chairperson willing to take over this rewarding and useful role in a service vital to Marlborough at our AGM in September. The primary objectives of the position are to: 1. Provide leadership and guidance to the budgeting service in meeting its aims and objectives and in developing its policies and plans. 2. Provide leadership to and preside over the functions of the governance committee. 3. Cooperate with and support the coordinator and interpret the requirements of the governance committee where necessary. 4. Represent the budgeting service to the community and act as its spokesperson. For more information please contact Wendy at the Marlborough Family Budgeting Service phone (03) 578 2006 or email

With winter arriving there may be an increase in sickness and therefore dental appointments may become difficult to attend. If your child cannot keep their appointment could you please contact your Clinic [below] giving it time to offer your appointment to another child? If you change your address or contact numbers please also advise the Clinic of these so we can keep in touch. Your children’s oral health is important. DRINK HEALTH – TAP INTO WATER! REGULAR UPDATES FROM THE NELSON MARLBOROUGH COMMUNITY ORAL HEALTH SERVICE NELSON: 539 5324- STOKE: 539 5321- RICHMOND 539 5320 MOTUEKA & TASMAN MOBILE CLINIC 528 1160 X7. BLENHEIM & MARLBOROUGH MOBILE CLINIC 5209922

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Matariki, the Māori New Year, is rich with tradition. Discover the importance of Matariki, and explore ways that you can celebrate the Māori New Year with your family. Matariki is officially celebrated on 6 June 2016.

FOR SALE FIREWOOD 3.6m3 Shed-dried Pine $180 or Old-man Pine $200 Phone 574 2782

021 0262 2508

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HEALTHY HOMES Applications for the current Warmer Healthy Homes programme in Marlborough will be closing on 30th June 2016. New applications for ceiling and under floor insulation will be available from the 1st July 2016 for rental properties with low-income tenants (with a valid Community Service Card). Homeowners will no longer be eligible to this programme. Further eligibility details and costs will be available from EECA by 1 July 2016. BLENHEIM INDOOR SPORTS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Sports Based programme running all week days during the holidays. 8.30am-4pm or any hours to suit between these hours. $26 for the whole day OR $3.50 per hour. Ring 5784851 or book online at HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Marlborough District Libraries in association with the Millennium Public Art Gallery will hold Story and Craft sessions at the Gallery (corner Alfred & Seymour Street) at 10.30am on following dates: · Tuesday 12th July · Thursday 14th July · Tuesday 19th July · Wednesday 20th July These sessions are open to children of all ages. The Painted Stories exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the work of some of New Zealand’s very talented children’s book illustrators. Further details are available from our websites: and Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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The Fortitude Sisters With

Helen Moulder and Virginia Ward

Havelock Town Hall, Saturday 16 July 2016, 5.00 pm TICKETS - $25 adults, $20 (seniors and students), $15 (children under 15). Ticket Purchases: Eyes On Nature, 61 Main Road, Havelock, Phone 574 2590, Email Still Books, 18 Scott Street, Blenheim, Phone 578 9701 Foresters Café, Mt Richmond Estate, Rai Valley, Phone 571 6070 Take Note, 28 High Street, Picton, Phone 573 6107 The great travelling diva, Miss Cynthia Fortitude (The Legend Returns) is returning again to Havelock, this time with her sister Verity as accompanist. They will entertain you with astonishing renditions of music by Verdi, Rossini, Beethoven, Elgar and even some by Miss Fortitude herself, but they take no responsibility, whatsoever for anything that could go awry. "The Greatest Living Soprano of all time" - Mongolian Morning Tribune "I'm not sure what to make of this" - Auckland Weekly "I urge you to give them a try anyway, but don't blame me" - Gareth Farr

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The HCA is looking for a cleaner to clean the Town Hall and Pavilion. The successful applicant would work a minimum of 1.5 hours per week with extra time by arrangement with the Hub Manager. They would need to be able to start work on 18th July. Please apply in writing to HCA Administration sub-committee Chair, c/- HCA Office 61 Main Street Havelock Applications close on 11th July. Application forms and details of job description available from the Hub Manager

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COURSES REAP's aim is to give the Rural Community support, the opportunity to partake in activities in their area and to provide a tutor for the activities chosen by those interested. These courses are being organised by Havelock Community Education Service Reap support.


Bonsai workshop: Tutors: Rod Wegener & John Simpson. Date: 30th July. Time: 10am Cost: $50 Each participant will be given a plant & pot and be shown all the processes and techniques from choosing suitable plants, soil, fertilising, repotting, styling, shaping, wiring, nursery & pruning skills and ongoing care. Participants will work on own plant. Worksheets will be handed out and books will be on display along with many bonsai plants. Limited to 10 people. Cheese Making: Tutor: Simon Lamb Date and details: 13th August. Pasta Making: Tutor: Piero Rocco. Date and details: Yet to be arranged. Some positions still available. Growsafe/agrochemicals course: Tutor: Dean Bowden. Date: Mid year - yet to be arranged. Butchery: Tutor: Bruce Anderson Venue: Rocky Creek Havelock Suburban Date: 17th September. If you are interested in any of the above or have an interest in any other courses which could be arranged please contact: Rita Jacobson, 5742176 email: for further information.

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BOATS LOVE 'EM Like minded men, meet the last Thursday of the month to discuss boat projects, ideas, questions and books etc in alternating homes. Bring biscuits, tea & coffee provided. Modelled on the Can stay onsite in mobile home! 'Biscuits Eaters' in Whangarei, who have been successfully meeting for many years of inspiration. Contact... Hudson Garlick 574 2172 or 021 220 7572

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HAVELOCK LIONS – RECYCLE FOR SIGHT. Two years ago the Havelock Lions were blown away by the generous response from community to our request for used eyeglasses and sunglasses. Now we are repeating our request in a “Recycle for Sight” project that began in May. There is a collection box at the Medical Centre in Lawrence Street and the Havelock Healthcare Pharmacy Depot (56A Main Street) have also agreed to be a depot for collection. The inability to see clearly can prevent children from learning in school, adults from finding work or staying employed and older adults from living independently. Often, a simple pair of glasses can bring the world into focus, but a lack of access to basic care prevents many people in developing nations from getting the treatment they need. Cost is also an issue – a pair of glasses may cost as much as a month’s wages. The glasses will be sent to the nearest Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centre, where volunteers sort the glasses, clean them and determine their prescription strength. After carefully packaging the refurbished spectacles, Lions store them until they can be distributed through humanitarian missions to developing nations. (Glasses from New Zealand are sent to the Pacific Islands). Lions and professional eye care specialists sometimes screen thousands of children and adults during sight missions, providing them – free of charge – with prescription lenses, frames and ultimately a better quality of life. Eyeglass recycling, one of the most popular activities for Lions around the world, dates back to the 1930s. Similar to today, Lions gathered glasses in their communities and gave them to those most in need. In 1994, Lions clubs turned their long-time efforts into an official programme under the name Recycle for Sight. With a common identity and common format, the programme has continued to expand. Each year, Lions collect about 30 million pairs of glasses. Your contribution to the collection will be greatly appreciated and will benefit those less fortunate than ourselves, one pair of spectacles at a time.

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ACCESS THROUGH THE HOLIDAY PARK Some residents will be aware of Murray and Yvette’s wish to restrict access through the Holiday Park to people who are staying there. Murray and Yvette now lease the Park from the HCA. They have three reasons for taking this action.  Health and Safety: Notwithstanding the prominent signs advising the speed limit is 5kph through the Park, vehicles often ignore this and Murray and Yvette have told us of two instances since Christmas when there have been “near misses” of pedestrians. In addition the new Health and Safety at work Act 2015 places imposes a duty on them to review health and safety practices and behaviours, and to revise how they manage critical risks that could cause injury or even death.  Reduction of criminal activity: Regrettably there were several incidents occurring earlier this year which resulted in Murray and Yvette having to call the Police. With the Park being so open to the public they have a lesser ability to monitor people who are coming through the Park.  Welfare of Park visitors: The HCA accepts that there are very few Holiday Parks that are open for public access. Murray and Yvette care about their guests and want them to feel at ease in the Park, even to being able to leave their caravans unlocked when they choose. The HCA committee have referred the request to be able to restrict access through the Park to the owners of the land (Marlborough District Council) for a ruling. The Council lawyers have advised that their conclusion is that the “current sub-lessees of the Holiday Park are not required to allow public access through the lands which they hold under the Sub Lease”. If you would like to read the full text of the lawyer’s memorandum, you are welcome to either read it at the HCA Hub office (open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:00am -3pm) or you can read it on the HCA website Hi Everyone, Winter is upon us and what better way to get warm and stay fit during the colder months. You are welcome to come to a class to get an idea of what Zumba is all about. Take the class at your own pace and you will be surprised at how fit you get. Children are welcome to come but parents please stay with them. Please feel free to ring to receive any information or “like” Havelock Zumba Pam Elvy on Facebook for updates. 2016 WEEKLY TIMETABLE - Havelock School Hall (off Lawrence Street) Monday evening class 6pm-7pm Wednesday class 9am-10am (Havelock Town Hall) Thursday evening class 6pm-7pm Friday class 9am-10am $5 per class (under 10yrs free) 10-18yrs $2 per class. Concession cards are available. Please wear comfortable gear and shoes. Remember to bring a drink of water and a small towel. Pam Elvy 5741046 / 021 2632 431 Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Havelock Mosaic Project This project will be contributing to the implementation of the Havelock Community Plan which has identified beautification as a priority initiative for the town’s future development. Creating a mosaic work of art on the kerbing surrounding the park where the Rutherford Pickering and Anzac Memorials are situated at 65 Main Road Havelock. The mosaic work will feature these tiles of the birds we see and hear in the township. A free form style will be the major part of the mosaic linking the ‘bird tiles’.

Working Bee On Saturdays dry weather only from 11:00am to mid-day starting 25 June to completion of mosaic Join us and be a part of this exciting new project Follow us on Facebook Glynnis Paton 027 646 2889

Anne Boddy 574 2394

7pm 1st August 2016 Havelock Bowling Club Neil St, Havelock All interested parties are welcome to attend. For further details, phone 03 578 5044 Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Captain’s Daughter 72 Main Rd Havelock Ph 574 2440

Coming Events FRIDAY NIGHT JAM SESSION 7:30 pm onwards 9 July ~ Quiz Night Kick-off 6:30 pm Bookings essential 20 July ~ GRAPE vs GRAIN Wine Night Bookings essential

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