Ransom Reading Stars Phonics

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Reading Stars Phonics Phase 1

Fully Decodable Phonics Readers supporting Letters and Sounds

Phonics Phase 1 Pack 17 books without words. Also banded as Lilac for book bands for guided reading.

Phonics Phase 2 Build Pack

Phase 2

The first two titles start with the first four letters that children learn. The six titles that follow gradually introduce new letters as the children progress. Uses only s a t p

Uses only s a t p

Uses only s a t p i n m d HF: is

Focuses on s a t p

Focuses on i n m d

Uses only jvwx

Uses only jvwx

Focuses on j

Focuses on v

Focuses on ow w x

Introduces CVCC words HF: so

Introduces CVCC words HF: so

Introduces CVCC words HF: said, so

HF: there

HF: there

HF: out

Uses only s a t p i n m d HF: is, it

Uses only satp inmd gock HF: and

Uses only satp inmd gock HF: and, is

Uses only satp inmd g o c k ck e u r HF: and, I, to, the

Uses only satp inmd g o c k ck e u r HF: is, the

Phonics Phase 2 All-In Pack These seven titles use all the letters, sounds and high frequency words met in Letters and Sounds Phase 2.

Phonics Phase 2 Focus Pack These nine titles use all the letters, sounds and high frequency words met in Letters and Sounds Phase 2, but each book focuses on some specific letters, sounds or high frequency words. Focuses on HF: is, it, in, an

Focuses on g o c k ck

Focuses on ck e u r

Focuses on HF: the, to, and

Focuses on h b f ff

Focuses on l ll ss

Focuses on HF: no, go, I

Phonics Phase 3 Build Pack

Phase 3

These 14 books gradually introduce the remaining eight letters, the four consonant digraphs (ch, sh, th, ng) and 14 vowel digraphs. Uses only j v w x y z zz qu HF: he, she

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng HF: we, me, be

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu HF: he, she

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng HF: we, me, be

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ai ee HF: was

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng igh oa HF: was

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng oo oo HF: my

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ar HF: my

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng or ur HF: you

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ow oi HF: you

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ear air HF: they

Uses only j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ure er HF: they

Phonics Phase 3 All-In Pack These nine titles use all the letters, sounds and high frequency words met in Letters and Sounds Phase 3.

Phonics Phase 3 Focus Pack These 16 titles use all the letters, sounds and high frequency words met in Letters and Sounds Phase 3, but each book focuses on some specific letters, sounds or high frequency words. Focuses on y z zz

Focuses on qu

Focuses on ch th

Focuses on sh ng

Focuses on ai

HF: do, when, out, what

HF: do, when, out, what

Focuses on ee igh

Focuses on oa oo

Focuses on or ar

Focuses on ur ow oi

Focuses on air ear

Focuses on er ure

Focuses on HF: you, they, my, her, all

Focuses on HF: he, she, we, me, be, are

Phonics Phase 4 Blend Pack

Phase 4

Six books that introduce short, simple blends (CVCC and CCVC words) plus six new high frequency words.

Introduces CCVC words HF: have, like

Introduces CCVC words HF: have, like, some

Introduces CCVC words HF: some, come

Phonics Phase 4 Blend-Plus Pack Six books that use CVCC and CCVC words and introduce some CCVCC words, plus four new high frequency words. HF: there, were

HF: little, one

HF: do, what

HF: do, out, what

HF: do, when, what

Introduces new phoneme /zh/ new graphemes for reading ay ou ie ea oy HF: oh, their

Introduces new graphemes for reading ir ue aw wh HF: Mr, Mrs

Introduces new phoneme /zh/ new graphemes for reading ph ew oe au ey HF: people, looked

Introduces new graphemes for reading a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e HF: called, asked

Introduces alternative spellings for the phonemes /ch/ /s/

Introduces alternative spellings for the phoneme /z/

Introduces alternative spellings for the phonemes /m/ /ar/

Introduces alternative spellings for the phonemes /ai/ /i/

HF: there, little, one

HF: there, little, one

Phonics Phase 4 Blend-Max Pack Ten books that use more complex CVCC, CCVC and CCVCC words – plus four new high frequency words.

HF: do, when, out

HF: do, when, out, what

HF: do, when

Phonics Phase 5 Alt-Pack

Phase 5

The first four titles introduce the phoneme /zh/ and new graphemes for reading; the remaining three titles introduce alternative pronunciations of known graphemes. Introduces alternative pronunciations of known graphemes a e i o u HF: many, different, where, through, water, because

Introduces alternative pronunciations of known graphemes ow ie ea er ou HF: water, different, eyes, who, where, many, their

Introduces alternative pronunciations of known graphemes y ch c g ey HF: who, laughed, eyes, work, because

Phonics Phase 5 Spellings Pack These 11 titles introduce alternative spellings for known phonemes.

Introduces alternative spellings for the phonemes /air/ /sh/

Introduces alternative spellings for the phonemes /oa/ /ear/

Introduces alternative spellings for the phonemes /or/ /(y)oo/

Introduces alternative spellings for the phonemes /igh/ /u/ /(y)oo/

Introduces alternative spellings for the phonemes /ur/ /n/ /oo/ (as in bush)

Introduces alternative spellings for the phonemes /oo/ /oo/ /j/

Introduces alternative spellings for the phonemes /r/ /ee/ /oo/ (as in rule/crew)

Phonics Phase 5 All-In Pack These 13 titles use all the letters, sounds and high frequency words met in Letters and Sounds Phase 5.

Alpha Stars

Alpha Stars Pack These titles introduce the letters A to Z, plus the 23 additional letter sounds covered up to the end of Phase 3. Ideal for learning the names of the letters and how to write the letters.

Phonics Flashcards 49 A4-sized, double-sided laminated flashcards introducing the letters A to Z, plus the 23 additional letter sounds covered up to the end of Phase 3.

Phonics Teaching Resource Pack Support and guidance for teachers. Includes a detailed photocopiable lesson plan for each Reading Stars Phonics reading book, to help teachers deliver structured literacy lessons.

Phonics Assessment Pack Includes phonics checklists for assessing reading progress, together with a running reading record for every Reading Stars Phonics reading book. Instructions/guidance notes included.

Ransom Reading

Stars Phonics Assessment

Resource Pack ©2020 Ransom Publishing

Running reading records: How to record reading behaviours Child’s reading behaviour

Correct word Substituted word Omitted word

Word inserted/added Attempted word

Repeated word/phrase

Ransom Reading Stars

PH O N IC S AS SE SS ME NT Resource Pack

Appeal for help Told word




Ransom Reading

Stars Phonics Assessment

©2020 Ransom Publishing

Write a tick above


the word.

If I had a tail like a cat,

Write the spoken (substituted) word above the word.

If I had a tail the like a cat,

Write a line (or dash) above the word left out.

If I had

Write R at the end of the repeated word/phrase ; draw arrow pointing back to the beginning of the repetition. Write A above the appealed word.

Write T above the word told to the child.

Write SC after the corrected word.

a tail like a cat,

Write the word added and mark where it was inserted.

Write each attempt above the word in the text.

Resource Pack

Preparing for a running A running record

Teacher’s notation

pussy If I had a tail like a cat,


li-li-li I had a tail like a cat,

If I had a tail R

like a cat,

If I had a tail A like a cat,

assessment (the

The teacher should explain to the child that they are going to see how well the child can manage to read the text without any prompts. Ensure that the child knows understands that you will be writing this doesn’t mean they’ve made a mistake. whilst they are reading, and The teacher then asks child reads the teacher the child to read a selected portion of the text aloud, observes and records and as the the reading. everything the child says and does during Once the reading is complete and the teacher has recorded behaviours, the session the child’s reading is over. The teacher during the reading can now analyse session. the information gathered

Scoring a running record

If I had a tail AT like a cat,

lick/SC If I had a tail like a cat,


record assessment

reading session itself) and at a time that should be undertaken ensures that the child is in a place not an exam or a test and it is important, feeling comfortable and relaxed. The session is is not feeling pressure if the assessment is to be reliable, that or stress. A quiet, the child well-lit room is ideal. It is important also that the teacher can hear the child classroom is not ideal. The teacher clearly, so the corner should ensure that of a noisy the session will not be interrupted. The text that is chosen for the session should or repeatedly before. not be one that the (For example it should child has read extensively read.) Some teachers not be a book that the child has taken insist that the text home to for a running record one that the child assessment session has not previously seen should at all, but this is not but not studied extensively, essential. A text previouslybe will be suitable (as read, long as it is at the right level). The teacher should sit next to the child, at a table or desk. The child has the reading book open in front of them; the teacher has the running reading record, plus a pen or pencil. No other equipment is required.

Once the running record assessment session is complete, contained on the the teacher can review running record sheet and assess the child’s the data important measures performance. Three should be calculated from a reading session. These are: the percentage accuracy rate the error ratio the self-correc tion



Reading Stars Plus Also Catch-up phonics for interest ages 9-13. Fully decodable ble Availa readers supporting Letters and Sounds.

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