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Adult Programs
Basketball at the CREC
Saturday Basketball - Play competitive hoops at the best basketball facility in the area. Register online to hold your spot. Time: 7:30-9:45am (Sat) Fee: $55-6 wk session Dates: 2/5-3/12, 3/19-4/23 Over 45 Basketball - Drop in Basketball for the mature player. You don’t stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing. Time: 7-8:30pm (Wed) Fee: $7 Dates: 1/5-5/25
Adult Basketball Leagues
We offer separate A and B leagues for men beginning in mid-March and finishing by Memorial Day. Teams will play 1-2 times per week on Monday and Thursday night. Check out HavertownHoops.com for more information about dates, times, and more. Team fee: $800
Adult Tennis Lessons
Stroke clinic for all skill levels covering the fundamentals of forehand, backhand and footwork. Ages: 18+ Location: Elwell Fee: $95 Time: 7-8:20pm (Tu) Dates: 4/5-5/10
Adult Volleyball League
Indoor/outdoor 6v6 co-ed volleyball league for players of all ages and abilities. Matches will be played on Sunday afternoons/evenings from late March-May. You can register as a team or individual. Ages: 18+ Location: TBD Team Fee: $500 Individual fee: $75
FREE Medicare Planning Seminar
During this virtual seminar, you will learn: How Medicare works and what it covers, how Part D prescription cards work and how to pick the right one for you, the difference between Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage Plans. Register online at www.havtwp.org. Age: 18+ Location: Virtual Time: 6:30-8pm Date: Tues. Feb 8th Instructed by DelVal Senior Advisors
Couples Chocolate Making Class
“TREATS FOR TWO”... Join us for a wonderful night on 2/22/22! Learn the art of Chocolate making with our very own CREC Couple. You will get hands on instruction to make special treats and learn the art of packaging! BYOB! Class taught by “Lizzy’s Chocolates”. Ages: 18+ Location: CREC Fee: $45/ couple Time: 6:30-8pm (Tu) Date: 2/22
Pickleball Clinic
Come learn the fast growing sport from experts in the game! The clinic covers the fundamentals and rules of the sport as well as some game play. Players should be beginner to intermediate. We will provide paddles for those who don’t have one. Ages: 18+ Fee: $75
Session 1 -
Time: 2:15-3:15pm or 3:30-4:30pm (Th) Dates: 2/3-3/10 Location: CREC
Session 2 -
Time: 5:15-6:15pm or 6:30-7:30pm (Mon) Dates: 4/11-5/16 Location: Westgate
Adult Golf Lessons
Learn to hit the ball straighter and further. This clinic covers the fundamentals of swing, stance, chipping, and putting. First three sessions on the range and the last is on the course. Fee: $115 Ages: 18+ Location: Paxon Hollow Golf Club Men – Time: 5:30-6:30pm (Wed) Dates: 4/20-5/11 Women – Time: 5:30-6:30pm (Th) Dates: 4/21-5/12