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Think Green
Earth Day Activities Saturday, April 23 (9am-12pm)
Come celebrate Earth Day with us! Earth Day is celebrated in 193 countries and 2022 marks the 52nd anniversary. We need your help to complete service projects. You can plant trees and native flowers, participate in other restoration projects or learn from experts about environmental initiatives. You should be sure to stick around for food, prizes and other fun activities. Check the events section of our website for more information in February.
Environmental Education School Field Trips
We would like to host your school group during the 2021-2022 school year at the Haverford Reserve; a site with 124 acres of open space, two first-order streams, four water retention basins, and a native-grass meadow. We offer 1.5 hours of educational time tailored towards the STEAM requirements in addition to free time at Freedom Playground. We have curriculums for students in grades K-6 in topics ranging from water to animals to trees. Fee: $7/student Contact jhart@havtwp.org or visit www.havtwp.org
Update on Haverford Twp. Day Waste Diverter Pilot Program
46% of waste was diverted from the trash on Haverford Township Day! (Compost 35%, Recycling 11%, Trash 54%, by weight) Thank you to all the volunteer waste diverters and all the people who diverted their waste to recycling or compost on HTD! To learn about other composting options visit www.HaverfordClimateAction.org.
DCVA Annual Meeting Saturday, February 26 (9am-12:30pm) VIRTUAL
The public is invited to attend this annual meeting. DCVA, a non profit volunteer organization, has worked to improve the quality of Darby Creek and the surrounding watershed. DCVA coordinates the annual Darby Creek Clean-up held at various locations in the 31 municipalities. Go to DCVA.org for more information.

Rain Garden Workshop Saturday, March 12 (9am-12pm) VIRTUAL
Learn to build and maintain a rain garden and help build rain gardens in your community. Gain hands-on experience by helping build our late spring rain gardens or apprenticing by assessing potential locations and designing rain gardens. Presented by DCVA, Eastern Delaware Co Stormwater Collaborative and Hav-A-Rain Garden, who have designed and built more than 60 rain gardens in the region. Free, please register:
https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/ register/6383830900725681420
Haverford Climate Action
Please check out Haverford Climate Action new website at www.haverfordclimateaction.org. Want to know what you can do to reduce consumption? Your day to day choices makes a difference. This website will help you make informed choices as you strive to live a more sustainable life.