Community Ed Fall 2019

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Registration Begins September 23rd

4 — Havre Daily News, September 19, 2019


D3 — Healing Crystals for Beginners Learn the basics of using crystals along with the metaphysical proper�es of some of the most common crystals. Instructor: Paule�e Preeshl-Shipp SS Workroom, Tuesday, November 12, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: $10

Fitness E1 — Aqua Exercise A great physical workout at the Havre City Pool. Water buoyancy has been shown to make exercise less stressful on the body’s joints thus ge�ng the benefit of aerobics without the stress on the body. Non-swimmers are welcome. This is a coed class. Instructor: Julie Groven Havre City Pool Sec�on 1: M/W 7:00-8:00 p.m. Sec�on 2: T/TH 8:30—9:30 a.m. Sept 30- Nov 21 No Classes Oct 17 Cost: $41 E2 — OULA OULA is an easy to follow, high cardio exercise for people of all abili�es to Top 40 hits. It is an experience where you are free to let it all out and dance free of judgment because our focus is on “how you feel,” rather than “how you look.” Join in for a mind-body prac�ce with the playfulness of a living room dance party! Bring a water bo�le. Instructor: Kris� Hickman LMK Gym, T/TH, Oct 1- Nov 21 No Classes Oct 15, Oct 17 & Nov 7 4:10—5:10 p.m. Cost: $34 E3 — Restora�ve Yoga Restora�ve Yoga is a gentle and slow paced prac�ce that brings any level of prac��oner into a state of peace and calm. It is all about conscious relaxa�on, being present, and focusing on well-being. This type of yoga combines supported yoga postures with mindfulness and medita�on. Par�cipants leave class feeling relaxed and upli�ed with a deep sense of inner joy and op�mism. Instructor: Anne Neal –Dugdale Transforma�on Center, Fridays, Oct 4- Nov 22 12:00—1:00 p.m. No Class Oct 18 Cost: $19 E4 — Trim and Tone Let’s start now and get you on your way to ge�ng trimmed and toned for the holidays. This class offers a total body tone up including warm up and stretching and is a great workout for your arms, abs, and legs while using a ke�lebell. A cardio finisher has been added to this class. Please bring a 7-10 pound ke�lebell (or size that works best for you), a mat and water bo�le. Instructor: Lesli Adams HP Cafeteria, M/W, Sept 30- Nov 20, 5:30—6:30 p.m. Cost: $41

E5 — Pilates This class will improve flexibility, build strength, and improve coordina�on and balance by pu�ng an emphasis on core training. Par�cipants are encouraged to bring their own yoga or Pilates mat. Instructor: Ronda Holland LMK Gym, Wednesday, Oct 2- Nov 20, 4:15—5:15 p.m. Cost: $22

E6 — La�n Dance The La�n dance styles included in this class are: Salsa, Cha Cha, Merengue, Kizomba, ,Bachata, Rumba and Samba. La�n dancing does not require you to bring a partner because we will all have a chance to dance with the en�re class or occasionally prac�ce solo to become a stronger, more independent dancer. This Cuban Mo�on La�n style dancing is the best way to get an ab workout while s�ll having fun! Instructor: Rachel Minnick LMK Gym, Mondays, Sept 30-Nov 18, No Class Oct 14 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Cost: $14 E7 — Ballroom Dancing Ballroom dance is an elegant style of dance that offers a sophis�cated, graceful way to move in sync with a partner. Smooth ballroom dance includes the following styles: Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, and Swing. When dancing this style of dance, it can enhance your poise, understanding of musicality, the overall transforma�on of your mind and body and, the best kept secret of dance-the interrelated system. You do not need a partner in order to come, there will always be one provided, but there will also be �mes when solo training is required. Instructor: Rachel Minnick LMK Gym, Tuesdays, Oct 1- Nov 19, No Class Oct 15 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Cost: $14 E8 — Free-Style Dance This class is designed to develop your own personal style that fits best with your personality, or a way to project your mood, cultural background, or how you interpret a song. We will be dancing to many different styles of music from hip hop to West Coast Swing, or any style you could possibly imagine! Some days if the weather permits we may also have an outdoor prac�ce in a nature loca�on to expand our dancing horizons. The goal of the class is to have enough courage to dance the way you want to dance and proudly proclaim, “this is me!” Instructor: Rachel Minnick LMK Gym, Wednesdays, Oct 2- Nov 20 6:00-7:00 p.m. Cost: $22

All payments for classes are due to the Community Education office within one week of registration and before the class

begins. Thank You!

E9 — Social Dance This class is designed to, of course, have some Friday night fun, but to also put into prac�ce what you have been learning in class while in a safe, encouraging environment. This class is mainly designed to give you the confidence to dance at any occasion, the necessary prac�ce it takes to solidify the steps, and the space to move freely outside the typical classroom se�ng. Instructor: Rachel Minnick LMK Gym, Fridays, Oct 4- Nov 22, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. No Class Oct 18 Cost: $14


Havre Public Schools “A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE!” FALL, 2019

F1 — Norwegian Baking Make Norwegian favorites for the holiday season. Come and share family recipes for Rose�es, Sandbakkels, and Krumkake. Bring a plate to take home samples. Instructor: Doug & Lorraine Larson HHS Home Ec Rm 53A Nov 20, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Cost: $10

Please register beginning September 23rd, 2019. All students must register one week prior to star�ng a class. All fees must be paid within one week of registra�on or the student will be dropped from class. In order to prepare, instructors of all classes need to know how many students will be a�ending. Low enrollment may cause a class to be cancelled and several classes have limited enrollment available. If a class is cancelled, you will be no�fied. If you won’t be able to a�end a class in which you have registered for, please call and cancel so there is room for someone else. Liability waivers are required for par�cipa�on in Community Educa�on exercise and outdoor classes. Students MUST be at least 18 years of age to par�cipate in classes.



2 — Havre Daily News, September 19, 2019


Superintendent's Superintendent’s Message… Message...

Registra�on Opens September 23rd 2019

Contact: Community Educa�on office at 425 6th St. On Line: E-Mail: Phone: 406-395-8550 Ext. 6716 Mail: Community Educa�on, PO Box 7791 Havre, MT 59501

It has been an exci�ng start to the 2019-20 school year. We had a wonderful opener as we welcomed new and returning staff at the Annual Trustee Kickoff on August 26. We recognized staff for years of service, two of which, Mardele Toth and Russ Earl, have been working for Havre Public Schools for 40 years. That is a combined 80 years and a very large number of children these two have had the opportunity to work with during that �me. We announced our Teacher of the Year, Terra Vogel and our Classified Employee of the Year, Andy Bradshaw. It was very rewarding to watch these two receive these honors in front of their peers.

Pre-registra�on is required for all classes. Payment is due with registra�on. Refer to page 2 for refund and cancella�on policy.

This 2019 August Ins�tute for our professional staff was fantas�c. The caliber of workshops put together by the professional development commi�ee are as always so impressive. The Google workshops put on by our own staff was definitely a highlight for me personally. There are some very talented individuals working with the children in the Havre School District. Dr. Jay Berk shared many strategies and facilitated great discussion during his two days at Havre High School. Eliza Sorte was as always a tremendous hit among our staff. The August Ins�tute is a shining example for professional development and I believe one of the best across our state. The folks involved in the planning and organiza�on should take a great deal of pride in the product they bring to Havre each year. It was also quite special to have a number of community members join us for one of our sessions on Local History. Mr. Magera gave a presenta�on in the Havre High School Theater that was beyond amazing. I know this was a highlight of this year’s offering for many of our folks. I greatly appreciate the vision of our trustees and community. I con�nue to see daily reminders of just how fortunate I am to live in this community and work for such an excep�onal school district. Thank you and my best wishes to all of our students and staff that 2019 – 2020 will be the most outstanding school year they will experience. Welcome back and Go Blue Ponies!


Havre Public Schools’ Community Educa�on is proud to offer many exci�ng classes for the 2019/2020 Fall Session. Registra�on begins September 23 , 2019. Register on-line, by email or in person. Payment is due at �me of registra�on. Students will be dropped from classes if payment is not received within one week of registering for classes. Payments may be mailed or dropped off, in person, at the Community Educa�on office in the Robins Administra�on Building. Early registra�on and payment will ensure the class is offered. Many of the classes have maximum occupancy numbers so hurry and register for your favorites! Students MUST be at least 18 years of age to par�cipate in classes. Refunds will be made only if you no�fy the Community Educa�on office seven days prior to class star�ng or 10 days prior for classes where the instructor or Community Educa�on purchases supplies. If a class is cancelled due to lack of enrollment, you will be no�fied and refunded any payment you have made. Returned checks will be recovered by Credit Bureau of Havre. A $30.00 fee will be added to all returned checks.

Community Educa�on is always looking for instructors and classes of interest to the adult, lifelong learner. If you are interested in teaching, know someone who would be interested in teaching, or would like to suggest a class please contact Jaden Matosich at the Community Educa�on office at 395-6716. The success of Community Educa�on depends on your involvement as a student or as an instructor. Thanks for your support and here’s to a great fall session!

Havre Daily News, September 19, 2019 — 3

Community Educa�on Classes are held at: HHS—Havre High School—900 18th Street HP— Highland Park School—1207 Washington Ave. HMS—Havre Middle School—1441 11th Street West LMK– Lincoln McKinley– 801 4th Street SS— Sunnyside Intermediate— 601 14th Street Havre City Pool—420 6th Avenue Atrium Mall—220 3rd Ave Bearly Square --109 1st Street West The Transforma�on Center—337 4th Ave.

Special Interest A1—DON’T WORRY, RETIRE HAPPY: Seven Steps to Re�rement Security As seen on public television, this seminar provides par�cipants with prac�cal informa�on that can be used to reduce your worries about re�rement planning and give you confidence to re�re happily ever a�er. During this two hour interac�ve presenta�on, re�rement income expert and best-selling author Tom Hegna shares his insight on re�rement planning with a live studio audience. Instructor: Anthony Cammon, FSS, LTCP HHS Library Wednesday, October 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $2

A4 — Conversa�onal Sign Language Learn basic, beginning signs for the alphabet, numbers and for conversa�onal sign language or con�nue learning the basics from the previous session. Instructors: Lois Gilge and Ka�e (Gilge) Jiron HHS library Thursdays, Oct. 3- Nov. 21, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Cost: $14

A5 — Five Wishes Come join us for an informa�onal presenta�on and give your family a gi�. Let them know what types of treatment you want when you cannot speak for yourself. Instructor: Sue Swan, RN HHS Media Lab, next to library Thursday, October 10, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: $2 A6 — Introduc�on to Amateur (Ham) Radio This class introduces you to the exci�ng world of ham radio, and a li�le study on your part, will prepare you for taking the test for the entry level Technician Class Amateur Radio license. No Morse Code is required. A study guide will be furnished. Instructor: Lloyd Stallkamp HHS Media Lab, next to library Wednesdays, Oct. 16-Nov. 6, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $20

Arts, Cra�s & Music

B1—Beginning Guitar Have you always wanted to learn to play a guitar? This class is designed for beginners and will teach basic cords, easy songs and more! Bring your own guitar. Instructor: Kirt Miller—Local Musician Atrium Mall lower level, next to Grateful Bread Sundays, Sept. 29– Nov. 17, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Cost: $22.00 (62+ $20.00)

A2 — Make your own Kombucha! If you are wondering what the buzz is about with kombucha, this class is for you! We will go over the basics of what kombucha is and you will get SCOBY (symbio�c culture of bacteria and yeast) to start your own batch at home. Space is limited to 10 people. The cost of the class will cover supplies for you to be able to recreate the kombucha at home. Instructor: Jasmine Carbajal HMS Home Ec Rm 162 Thursday, November 7, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Cost: $17

B2– Guitar II & Stringed Instruments Put what you have learned to work. This class is a con�nua�on of beginning guitar. You may also receive instruc�on for a variety of stringed instruments. Must provide your own instrument. Instructor: Kirt Miller– Local Musician Atrium Mall lower level, next to Grateful Bread Sundays, Sept. 29– Nov. 17, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Cost: $22.00 (62+ $20.00)

A3 — 1st Time Home Buyer Learn the steps of the buying and selling process through a realtor’s perspec�ve. From how to get a home ready to sell, to the paperwork of buying to the pre-approval process. Is it �me to get your house in order? Instructor: Kim Cripps HHS library, Tuesday, October 8, 6:30—8:00 p.m. Cost: $2

B3 — Sewing Machine 101 In the dark about your machine? Let us take you through your machine from threading to tension, needles to seam and more. Please bring sewing machine, accessories that came with your machine, and thread. Bearly Square Quil�ng Tuesday, October 8, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cost: $12

B4 — Tensisters Grid Sewing Get inspired by learning to make the perfect 2” square project by using easy piecing fusible grid. Please bring sewing machine in working condi�on, new needle, ¼ in. foot, iron (preferably a small cra� iron), water soluble glue s�ck, neutral thread, and sewing accessories. Don’t have a machine? We have machines available to rent, contact the shop for rental informa�on @ 265-4424. Kit will be provided at Bearly Square Quil�ng, Tuesday, October 22, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cost: $22 B5 — Rayon Scarf Whip out those sergers and let’s make a rayon scarf! We will be teaching how to set tensions and to use a 3 thread rolled hem on finishing edges. Please bring a serger that has the capabili�es of a rolled hem & working condi�on, new needle, 3 burgundy threads (all the same brand), and scissors. Fabric will be supplied at Bearly Square Quil�ng, Tuesday, November 12, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cost: $20

Computers C1-Online QuickBooks We will cover how to navigate the online pla�orm, record sales, bills, purchases and expenses. We will also highlight the various reports inside QuickBooks Online. Ample �me will be given for ques�ons. Instructor: Joe LaPlante HHS-Media room next to library, Tuesday Oct 22 and Thursday, October, 24, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Cost: $10

Life & Health D1 — Posi�ve Affirma�ons Feeling stuck in a rut? Get unstuck with a new way of thinking! Learn the science of posi�ve thinking and how to create your own daily affirma�ons to manifest posi�ve change in your life. Instructor: Paule�e Preeshl-Shipp SS Workroom, Tuesday, October 22, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: $10 D2– Medita�on for Beginners If you are new to medita�on or are looking for ways to calm the cha�er of the distrac�ng monkey mind we all tend to have, this course is for you. This two session workshop will give you basic medita�on tools and �ps to help you relax your body, calm your mind and strengthen your medita�on prac�ce. Instructor: Paule�e Preeshl-Shipp SS Workroom, Tuesday, October 29, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: $10


2 — Havre Daily News, September 19, 2019


Superintendent's Superintendent’s Message… Message...

Registra�on Opens September 23rd 2019

Contact: Community Educa�on office at 425 6th St. On Line: E-Mail: Phone: 406-395-8550 Ext. 6716 Mail: Community Educa�on, PO Box 7791 Havre, MT 59501

It has been an exci�ng start to the 2019-20 school year. We had a wonderful opener as we welcomed new and returning staff at the Annual Trustee Kickoff on August 26. We recognized staff for years of service, two of which, Mardele Toth and Russ Earl, have been working for Havre Public Schools for 40 years. That is a combined 80 years and a very large number of children these two have had the opportunity to work with during that �me. We announced our Teacher of the Year, Terra Vogel and our Classified Employee of the Year, Andy Bradshaw. It was very rewarding to watch these two receive these honors in front of their peers.

Pre-registra�on is required for all classes. Payment is due with registra�on. Refer to page 2 for refund and cancella�on policy.

This 2019 August Ins�tute for our professional staff was fantas�c. The caliber of workshops put together by the professional development commi�ee are as always so impressive. The Google workshops put on by our own staff was definitely a highlight for me personally. There are some very talented individuals working with the children in the Havre School District. Dr. Jay Berk shared many strategies and facilitated great discussion during his two days at Havre High School. Eliza Sorte was as always a tremendous hit among our staff. The August Ins�tute is a shining example for professional development and I believe one of the best across our state. The folks involved in the planning and organiza�on should take a great deal of pride in the product they bring to Havre each year. It was also quite special to have a number of community members join us for one of our sessions on Local History. Mr. Magera gave a presenta�on in the Havre High School Theater that was beyond amazing. I know this was a highlight of this year’s offering for many of our folks. I greatly appreciate the vision of our trustees and community. I con�nue to see daily reminders of just how fortunate I am to live in this community and work for such an excep�onal school district. Thank you and my best wishes to all of our students and staff that 2019 – 2020 will be the most outstanding school year they will experience. Welcome back and Go Blue Ponies!


Havre Public Schools’ Community Educa�on is proud to offer many exci�ng classes for the 2019/2020 Fall Session. Registra�on begins September 23 , 2019. Register on-line, by email or in person. Payment is due at �me of registra�on. Students will be dropped from classes if payment is not received within one week of registering for classes. Payments may be mailed or dropped off, in person, at the Community Educa�on office in the Robins Administra�on Building. Early registra�on and payment will ensure the class is offered. Many of the classes have maximum occupancy numbers so hurry and register for your favorites! Students MUST be at least 18 years of age to par�cipate in classes. Refunds will be made only if you no�fy the Community Educa�on office seven days prior to class star�ng or 10 days prior for classes where the instructor or Community Educa�on purchases supplies. If a class is cancelled due to lack of enrollment, you will be no�fied and refunded any payment you have made. Returned checks will be recovered by Credit Bureau of Havre. A $30.00 fee will be added to all returned checks.

Community Educa�on is always looking for instructors and classes of interest to the adult, lifelong learner. If you are interested in teaching, know someone who would be interested in teaching, or would like to suggest a class please contact Jaden Matosich at the Community Educa�on office at 395-6716. The success of Community Educa�on depends on your involvement as a student or as an instructor. Thanks for your support and here’s to a great fall session!

Havre Daily News, September 19, 2019 — 3

Community Educa�on Classes are held at: HHS—Havre High School—900 18th Street HP— Highland Park School—1207 Washington Ave. HMS—Havre Middle School—1441 11th Street West LMK– Lincoln McKinley– 801 4th Street SS— Sunnyside Intermediate— 601 14th Street Havre City Pool—420 6th Avenue Atrium Mall—220 3rd Ave Bearly Square --109 1st Street West The Transforma�on Center—337 4th Ave.

Special Interest A1—DON’T WORRY, RETIRE HAPPY: Seven Steps to Re�rement Security As seen on public television, this seminar provides par�cipants with prac�cal informa�on that can be used to reduce your worries about re�rement planning and give you confidence to re�re happily ever a�er. During this two hour interac�ve presenta�on, re�rement income expert and best-selling author Tom Hegna shares his insight on re�rement planning with a live studio audience. Instructor: Anthony Cammon, FSS, LTCP HHS Library Wednesday, October 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $2

A4 — Conversa�onal Sign Language Learn basic, beginning signs for the alphabet, numbers and for conversa�onal sign language or con�nue learning the basics from the previous session. Instructors: Lois Gilge and Ka�e (Gilge) Jiron HHS library Thursdays, Oct. 3- Nov. 21, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Cost: $14

A5 — Five Wishes Come join us for an informa�onal presenta�on and give your family a gi�. Let them know what types of treatment you want when you cannot speak for yourself. Instructor: Sue Swan, RN HHS Media Lab, next to library Thursday, October 10, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: $2 A6 — Introduc�on to Amateur (Ham) Radio This class introduces you to the exci�ng world of ham radio, and a li�le study on your part, will prepare you for taking the test for the entry level Technician Class Amateur Radio license. No Morse Code is required. A study guide will be furnished. Instructor: Lloyd Stallkamp HHS Media Lab, next to library Wednesdays, Oct. 16-Nov. 6, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $20

Arts, Cra�s & Music

B1—Beginning Guitar Have you always wanted to learn to play a guitar? This class is designed for beginners and will teach basic cords, easy songs and more! Bring your own guitar. Instructor: Kirt Miller—Local Musician Atrium Mall lower level, next to Grateful Bread Sundays, Sept. 29– Nov. 17, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Cost: $22.00 (62+ $20.00)

A2 — Make your own Kombucha! If you are wondering what the buzz is about with kombucha, this class is for you! We will go over the basics of what kombucha is and you will get SCOBY (symbio�c culture of bacteria and yeast) to start your own batch at home. Space is limited to 10 people. The cost of the class will cover supplies for you to be able to recreate the kombucha at home. Instructor: Jasmine Carbajal HMS Home Ec Rm 162 Thursday, November 7, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Cost: $17

B2– Guitar II & Stringed Instruments Put what you have learned to work. This class is a con�nua�on of beginning guitar. You may also receive instruc�on for a variety of stringed instruments. Must provide your own instrument. Instructor: Kirt Miller– Local Musician Atrium Mall lower level, next to Grateful Bread Sundays, Sept. 29– Nov. 17, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Cost: $22.00 (62+ $20.00)

A3 — 1st Time Home Buyer Learn the steps of the buying and selling process through a realtor’s perspec�ve. From how to get a home ready to sell, to the paperwork of buying to the pre-approval process. Is it �me to get your house in order? Instructor: Kim Cripps HHS library, Tuesday, October 8, 6:30—8:00 p.m. Cost: $2

B3 — Sewing Machine 101 In the dark about your machine? Let us take you through your machine from threading to tension, needles to seam and more. Please bring sewing machine, accessories that came with your machine, and thread. Bearly Square Quil�ng Tuesday, October 8, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cost: $12

B4 — Tensisters Grid Sewing Get inspired by learning to make the perfect 2” square project by using easy piecing fusible grid. Please bring sewing machine in working condi�on, new needle, ¼ in. foot, iron (preferably a small cra� iron), water soluble glue s�ck, neutral thread, and sewing accessories. Don’t have a machine? We have machines available to rent, contact the shop for rental informa�on @ 265-4424. Kit will be provided at Bearly Square Quil�ng, Tuesday, October 22, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cost: $22 B5 — Rayon Scarf Whip out those sergers and let’s make a rayon scarf! We will be teaching how to set tensions and to use a 3 thread rolled hem on finishing edges. Please bring a serger that has the capabili�es of a rolled hem & working condi�on, new needle, 3 burgundy threads (all the same brand), and scissors. Fabric will be supplied at Bearly Square Quil�ng, Tuesday, November 12, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cost: $20

Computers C1-Online QuickBooks We will cover how to navigate the online pla�orm, record sales, bills, purchases and expenses. We will also highlight the various reports inside QuickBooks Online. Ample �me will be given for ques�ons. Instructor: Joe LaPlante HHS-Media room next to library, Tuesday Oct 22 and Thursday, October, 24, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Cost: $10

Life & Health D1 — Posi�ve Affirma�ons Feeling stuck in a rut? Get unstuck with a new way of thinking! Learn the science of posi�ve thinking and how to create your own daily affirma�ons to manifest posi�ve change in your life. Instructor: Paule�e Preeshl-Shipp SS Workroom, Tuesday, October 22, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: $10 D2– Medita�on for Beginners If you are new to medita�on or are looking for ways to calm the cha�er of the distrac�ng monkey mind we all tend to have, this course is for you. This two session workshop will give you basic medita�on tools and �ps to help you relax your body, calm your mind and strengthen your medita�on prac�ce. Instructor: Paule�e Preeshl-Shipp SS Workroom, Tuesday, October 29, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: $10

Registration Begins September 23rd

4 — Havre Daily News, September 19, 2019


D3 — Healing Crystals for Beginners Learn the basics of using crystals along with the metaphysical proper�es of some of the most common crystals. Instructor: Paule�e Preeshl-Shipp SS Workroom, Tuesday, November 12, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: $10

Fitness E1 — Aqua Exercise A great physical workout at the Havre City Pool. Water buoyancy has been shown to make exercise less stressful on the body’s joints thus ge�ng the benefit of aerobics without the stress on the body. Non-swimmers are welcome. This is a coed class. Instructor: Julie Groven Havre City Pool Sec�on 1: M/W 7:00-8:00 p.m. Sec�on 2: T/TH 8:30—9:30 a.m. Sept 30- Nov 21 No Classes Oct 17 Cost: $41 E2 — OULA OULA is an easy to follow, high cardio exercise for people of all abili�es to Top 40 hits. It is an experience where you are free to let it all out and dance free of judgment because our focus is on “how you feel,” rather than “how you look.” Join in for a mind-body prac�ce with the playfulness of a living room dance party! Bring a water bo�le. Instructor: Kris� Hickman LMK Gym, T/TH, Oct 1- Nov 21 No Classes Oct 15, Oct 17 & Nov 7 4:10—5:10 p.m. Cost: $34 E3 — Restora�ve Yoga Restora�ve Yoga is a gentle and slow paced prac�ce that brings any level of prac��oner into a state of peace and calm. It is all about conscious relaxa�on, being present, and focusing on well-being. This type of yoga combines supported yoga postures with mindfulness and medita�on. Par�cipants leave class feeling relaxed and upli�ed with a deep sense of inner joy and op�mism. Instructor: Anne Neal –Dugdale Transforma�on Center, Fridays, Oct 4- Nov 22 12:00—1:00 p.m. No Class Oct 18 Cost: $19 E4 — Trim and Tone Let’s start now and get you on your way to ge�ng trimmed and toned for the holidays. This class offers a total body tone up including warm up and stretching and is a great workout for your arms, abs, and legs while using a ke�lebell. A cardio finisher has been added to this class. Please bring a 7-10 pound ke�lebell (or size that works best for you), a mat and water bo�le. Instructor: Lesli Adams HP Cafeteria, M/W, Sept 30- Nov 20, 5:30—6:30 p.m. Cost: $41

E5 — Pilates This class will improve flexibility, build strength, and improve coordina�on and balance by pu�ng an emphasis on core training. Par�cipants are encouraged to bring their own yoga or Pilates mat. Instructor: Ronda Holland LMK Gym, Wednesday, Oct 2- Nov 20, 4:15—5:15 p.m. Cost: $22

E6 — La�n Dance The La�n dance styles included in this class are: Salsa, Cha Cha, Merengue, Kizomba, ,Bachata, Rumba and Samba. La�n dancing does not require you to bring a partner because we will all have a chance to dance with the en�re class or occasionally prac�ce solo to become a stronger, more independent dancer. This Cuban Mo�on La�n style dancing is the best way to get an ab workout while s�ll having fun! Instructor: Rachel Minnick LMK Gym, Mondays, Sept 30-Nov 18, No Class Oct 14 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Cost: $14 E7 — Ballroom Dancing Ballroom dance is an elegant style of dance that offers a sophis�cated, graceful way to move in sync with a partner. Smooth ballroom dance includes the following styles: Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, and Swing. When dancing this style of dance, it can enhance your poise, understanding of musicality, the overall transforma�on of your mind and body and, the best kept secret of dance-the interrelated system. You do not need a partner in order to come, there will always be one provided, but there will also be �mes when solo training is required. Instructor: Rachel Minnick LMK Gym, Tuesdays, Oct 1- Nov 19, No Class Oct 15 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Cost: $14 E8 — Free-Style Dance This class is designed to develop your own personal style that fits best with your personality, or a way to project your mood, cultural background, or how you interpret a song. We will be dancing to many different styles of music from hip hop to West Coast Swing, or any style you could possibly imagine! Some days if the weather permits we may also have an outdoor prac�ce in a nature loca�on to expand our dancing horizons. The goal of the class is to have enough courage to dance the way you want to dance and proudly proclaim, “this is me!” Instructor: Rachel Minnick LMK Gym, Wednesdays, Oct 2- Nov 20 6:00-7:00 p.m. Cost: $22

All payments for classes are due to the Community Education office within one week of registration and before the class

begins. Thank You!

E9 — Social Dance This class is designed to, of course, have some Friday night fun, but to also put into prac�ce what you have been learning in class while in a safe, encouraging environment. This class is mainly designed to give you the confidence to dance at any occasion, the necessary prac�ce it takes to solidify the steps, and the space to move freely outside the typical classroom se�ng. Instructor: Rachel Minnick LMK Gym, Fridays, Oct 4- Nov 22, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. No Class Oct 18 Cost: $14


Havre Public Schools “A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE!” FALL, 2019

F1 — Norwegian Baking Make Norwegian favorites for the holiday season. Come and share family recipes for Rose�es, Sandbakkels, and Krumkake. Bring a plate to take home samples. Instructor: Doug & Lorraine Larson HHS Home Ec Rm 53A Nov 20, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Cost: $10

Please register beginning September 23rd, 2019. All students must register one week prior to star�ng a class. All fees must be paid within one week of registra�on or the student will be dropped from class. In order to prepare, instructors of all classes need to know how many students will be a�ending. Low enrollment may cause a class to be cancelled and several classes have limited enrollment available. If a class is cancelled, you will be no�fied. If you won’t be able to a�end a class in which you have registered for, please call and cancel so there is room for someone else. Liability waivers are required for par�cipa�on in Community Educa�on exercise and outdoor classes. Students MUST be at least 18 years of age to par�cipate in classes.


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